TELE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. & ea MISS MILNE AND I. SS;33a8S3 CllAl'TEH XV Continued. In n tnomont I lmd rushed back for tlio bidden roo. How I wont ui), nnd down Hint cliff, Ib ovon now a myntory. remember nothing but, on my return, Feeing Warren with n ropo between his teeth, .swimming back from tlio yncht liko a ijliuuitic Newfoundland do(?, bio hair matted over his brrw nnd IiIh strong arm breaking tlio waves boforo liim up to the edge of tlio rock. Ho rented to take breath for ono moment, nnd then, telling mo to hold on to the ond, ho directed them how to fix tlio lady. Soon, inoro dead than nllvo, wo lind her nnlioro and rolled in tlio dry clothing that Mr. Warren had taken from hurfolf nnd brought down. Then cnino the old guutlomau, bruised nnd cut, but otherwise uninjured, and final ly the two sailors. Thoy wero just in time, for within ten minutes the yacht wont to plocos, to bo washed up tlio fol lowing morning onto Manly bonch. "Whoio aro wo? Whoro aro wo?" anxiously inquired the old gontlomnn. "Whoro nro wo?" ngnln inquired tlio colonel, looking from mo to Wnrren,and from Warrou to mo. 'Tell him, Wnrron," I whispered, nsl turned my back on them ami strolled n few yards uwny, that I might drag my lint over my oyos nnd turn up my coat collnr. And ho told him. "Tlio quarantine station!" almost yelled ilio old gentleman. "And nro you smallpox patients? This will kill my child if the water has not!" "No, no sir; wo nro all as clean as now pins. Yo needn't fear, sir." "Jlut If wo nro to bo quarantined?" "Don't you think It sir. That there gontloman there, lio's tlio doctor; he'll fix it up for you." This, of nocot-slt7, brought mo to tlio sceno. Disguising my voice ns best I could, I instructed Wnrron, by tlio help of the two rnllors, to carry the young Indy into his cavo, and to go themselves Into one close by; nnd tbon, telling Mrs. Warren to ceo to tholr comfort, I requested tlio old gontlomnn to walk to tlio ond of the rock with mo. " ceo, Colonel i'ellmm, you do not recognize mo." "Good lumveiud Is this can this bo Dr. lllttfy?" "I am Dr. Highy, nmf down hero in chargu of tlio station." "All, ah I I romomhor seeing your name in the paper. I don't know, Dr. ltlgby, whether to look upon this re markable coincidence as fortunate or unfortunate." "I do not think, sir," I replied, rather tartly, "that you will have any occasion to regret meeting me here. Your drifting ashore at the quarantine station Is certainly juet now a groat misfortune for you, nnd more especial ly for K Miss I'e'llinm, but I will make it ns light for you as possible. Hut there is so much to decide upon. I think, ns you nro yet wet, and the night is cold, you had bettor, if you will ex cuse my suggesting it, come llral to the cavo and son If Miss I'ellmm is nil right, and then to my house to warm yourrolf and change your clothing." "Is there any danger of my being fcenV" "Very little; I can insure that for you." "I will follow your advice Dr. Klgby, uud you must allow mo to thank you a Hinruriily," Wo strolled up to tho cave, tin old gentleman and I, and found Mrs. Wat run at the entrance. "Yo can tome in, gentlemen. She's in bed, and had some whiskey to keep tlio cold out." "You had better go hi, Colonel l'ol ham," I whispered, throwing the em phasis on tho tlrat word, to indicate that I had no intention of entering. And in bo went, while I walled and talked to Mrs. Warren uud secured her sympathy and help. In a few mom ents the old colonel returned, and, still preserving his mil austere, military tone, and with a slight, stiff bow, that reawakened many memories, said: "Now I am nt your mtvIco, Dr. Rlgy." Wo slowly cliinbbod the face of tho cliff, and then made, in the dnrkneis, straight for my two roomed hut, Wo spoke in low tones for fear of tho police, "You will not tlud tho quarantine station so bad ns It is pictured, Colonel relliaiu,. but 1 fear I can offer you very little in the way of comfort." "An old soldier does not think much of an absence of luxuries; it will re mind mo of old campaigning days sim ply. I should almost enjoy tho ad venture wero it not for my daughter. Do you not think, Dr. ltlgby, it would bo whor to give ourselves up to the authorities and chuueo being brought a way?" Wo wero Just onterlng tho door of iuv hut. "If you will allow me, I will post pone answering your question until I linve given you something in tho way of refreshment." I prepared, in a rough way, a kind of repakt (or the old colonel, and ho made a good, a tremendously good, hiipjwr. When he had thoroughly settled him folf, I sat down at the othor end of tlio table. "You asked mo just now oh wo wero coming in, Colonel I'ellmm, if I did not think it would bo bettor for you to give yourselves up to the authorities. In reply I do not think It would, If you wort) to do so It would insuro your be ing quarantined, and In Mltw lVlbnin's etate of health that would bo extreme ly dangerous to her," "Hut," said the colonel, as ho put down his knife and fork, "surely they would not detain us here?" "Ihey would, sir they would, in deed. Tho frantic fear of thoso strango people would drivo them to do any thing, no matter how many lives woro involved." "Dear, dear mol This is moro seri ous than I imagined! Hut what do you propose? What Jh your advice, Dr. Kighy? You cannot keep the wholo of us hero unecon." "No, you nro qulto right. I cannot for moro thni) a night or two. There foro, my suggestion U that tho two sail ors shall remain in tholr cavo tomor row, Miss I'olham in hors, nnd you, if you will so far honor mo, retain my Innor room. There you aro not likely to bo disturbed. Then whon night comes on wo will got tho boatman's large boat and take her outsldo the Honda, nnd you can nit sail round to Mnnley and report yourselves ns wreck ed on tho eoatt, without being definite ns to tho spot. Jlut IiubIiI I hear stops! Would you kindly- stop into ml or, rather, your room?" Tho old Colonol did so hurriedly, and I left tho door open that ho might hear. A llttlo tap followed, nnd I, opening tho door, saw Wnrron, who stopped quickly In. "I cnino for uoino food for tho Bail ors, Blr." "Oh, thnnk you, Wnrron I I had qulto forgotten them. How about clothing, fired, otc?" "Well, Blr, I don't know. Thoy nro n llttlo illHnntlBflcd, nnd I ain't Hiiro wo can kcop thorn quiet." I thought a moment, then consult ed my wntch. It wns 11 o'clock. I asked Warren If ho would go nnd bring tho mon up to my houso, whllo I mndo n flro nnd proparod sotno food nnd whisky for thorn. Thin ho did, nnd promised to como bnck hlmnclf. Whon they npponrcd I found them nnythlng but enny men to mnnngo. Ono vn8 cspoclnlly 111 temporod. How over, n good Huppcr, nomo hot grog nnd tho drying of their clothea noon brought thorn nronnd. Whon thoy lmd llnlnhed, I told them of my Bchomo for gottlnp tham nwny, pro filing It with u plcturo of what would hnppon If they stnyod, nnd ending by mnktng them promlso nev er to dlvulgo nnythlng, or tho punish ment for nil of ub would bo some thing to romomhor. In two hours thoy Btnrtcd for tholr envo with nil tho clothing I could find, n bottle of Hplrltri nnd Borne tobacco. Thon tho old colonel roso to jenvo mo. Ab ho took my hand ho held It for n moment In Pllcnco, nnd then snld: "My dnuijhtor Is nho flnfo, Dr. Rkliy, In thnt womnn'H onro?" "Porfcctly, Colonol Pclham. Tho womnn Is most trustworthy." "Titanic you thnnk you I" ho enld, Btlll holding my hnnd, nnd thon: "Dr. ltlgby, thin Ih n most Htrango ro-un-Ion. nnd If thin In fnct. nny of tho Incldonts nf our nrqunlntnncoshti) wero mndo tho mibjoct of a novel, It would ho npokn of ns a collection of oxtremo Imnrolmhllltles. It 1b not bo cnuflo you linvo boon Instruments In nnvlng our Hvpb. nnd nlso most kind to uh, that I nm chlofly gratoful to you, I think you hnvo, In roslgnlng my dnuchtor'H hnnd nnd lenvlng Eng land, bolmvpil most nobly undor most trying clrcumstnncos, nnd you hnvo my most hcnrtfolt sympathy nnd thnnkH." "I dn not think I nm entitled to nnythlng In tho Bhnpo of return, hut I would llko to nsk you ono quostlon." "And thnt Is, Dr. ltlgby?" "Ab to MIbs l'elhnm'B henlth?" Tho fnco of tho old colonel hnrdoned perceptibly, nnd liU volco went bnck to Its old linn tones. "My dnughter Ir better. Dr. TUgby. Sim wnn vory much better, but tho Iobb of her mother, which occurred nt Ben, Bout her pnrtlv bnck Into her old stnto of inolnnr-hnlln." TIiIh uowb shocked mo torrlblv, but boforo I could nttompt nny reply tho colonol had returned to hla room. When ho had gone. I, too unsettled to Rloon. put on my cont nnd boots and, tolling him thnt I lintl n patient to s" nnd thnt ho must pot fonr be ing dUturbod, stnrted to walk. CHAPTER XVI. When I steppod out of tho front door on to tho path, I stood Btlll n moment nnd thought of nil thnt had happened alnco my momornblo en counter with Wnrron. I had, Judging by ovonts, which, after nil, constitute n much more sat isfactory division of time than stupid, arbitrary hours, lived ngt8 alnco then. My Intention, whon I Btarted, wnn to walk In tho direction of tho caves nnd hang nbout thoro, partly thnt I might ueo thnt all, wns well, and partly thnt I might bo near Edith, I strolled quietly toward tho enves. Aa I nonrcd tho const I ranciod I saw something moving in tho bushes nbout Wnrron'n envo, 1. o., his now envo, whoro ho nnd tho mon woro hidden. I hurried up nnd found It was ono of tho sailors. Ho looked rnthor confused as I enmo up, and told mo he had como out to got a mouthful of fresh nlr. Wo atrollod toward tho cavo, and I Intentionally nwoko Warren. Tho othor sailor had evidently tnkeu too much whisky bo foro and wns sleeping heavily. Thoy woro an evil-looking pair, nnd I felt heartily thankful tho night wns over. Wnrron uindo us some ton, and wo lighted our pipes nnd talked over our plaim for tho coming night. Wo woro tluiB occupied, whon Warren, taking a step forward exclaimed: Ah! thoro'a my missus. No, It ain't; It's tho young lady." Wo all moved forward to get a glimpse of her, they from simple cur iosity, but I spoil bound and with my heart hammering llko a steam engine beneath .my ribs. As wo stood well within tho Bhadowa of tho cavo wo could gaio at hor without risk of be ing soon; and It was a sight I shall novor forgot. Her urmB woro folded across hor breast, hor hoad thrown allKhtly back, hor faco hold posses sion of by an expression of tho most Intenso sadness Sho was looking J fixedly out to sea. "Fine craft that, Jim," whispered tho sleepy sailor, who had JtiBt Joined us, 'Yes," replied Jim, "she's a fine craft, but a bit gone In tho upper deck, I fancy; she never spoko half n dozen words all tho time we were out. Think sho's afraid of tho old duffer?" "Afraid? No; ho bo llko a d d great dog running nftcr her." "Now look nnd you'll seo If sho nln't lost a plank." Mrs. Warren had npponrod, nnd touching her on tho arm. evidently told her of somo reason for coming Into tho cavo probably- an early cup of tea. But no; sho shake her head and docs not Bpcnk. "Thoro!" whispers tho enllor ngnln. "Ain't sho mad? That's 'off sho Bhook 'er 'cad about all dny yester dny." Thon Mrs. Warren appealed to her ngnln nnd pointed Into tho cavo; thin tlmo sho moved slowly round nnd walked In nnd wns lost to us. It wns now getting late and tlmo that I hurried homo. I gavo strict In junctions to tho .men to keep thorn Bclvcs out of sight, promising them such food ns I could secure nnd con voy , to them, nnd then started off. I found tho colonel pacing his room, still dressed; ho had evidently not boon to bed, for tho bedclothes woro undisturbed. "Good morning, Doctor RIgby. Your care for your patient has com pleted a bnd night that wo had nl rondy mndo sufficiently trying for you." Ho looked at me vory suspiciously as ho snld this. "After Boeing my pntlont I went to tho placo whoro tho men woro hidden to seo that thoy wore safe," I ropllod. "I hope you found them so?" ho snld. stiffly. "Yes; thnnk you yes! but thoy nro a rough lot. Tho dlsclpllno and privation of tho qtinrnntlnc station would do them good, I think." "Thoy aro rough and uncouth, but good sailors. I hnvo employed thorn frequently." ho replied. Whllo wo hnd boon tnlklng I hnd lighted a flro, nnd wna propnrlng for a rough breakfast As wo nto our eggs nnd drnnk our govornmont tea, I told him tho dotnlls of my scheme for tho coming night. "It would bo much cnslor If wo could go by tho harbor to Manly, would It not. Doctor RIgby?" Thin I ndmlttcd, but pointed out tho Impossibility of getting our party pnnt tho notice, nnd nlso of giving nnythlng llko n plnimlblo account of tholr being wroeked nnd lost for a wholo dny without finding n houso on tho coast. "No. sir." I concluded, "thoro Is no othor plnn that Is snfo, nnd this ovon will rcquiro somo Ingenuity." "What a tcrrlblo pity It Is thnt tho ncoplo of Sydney nro so utterly mnd on tho question of smallpox," ob served tho colonol. Tho dny thnt followed was to m an nnxlous nnd busy ono. I hnd flvo dxtrn peoplo to food by Btenlth, and decont food was vory senrco. For tunately, I secured a lc of .mutton nnd boiled It; I Bnw tho bontmnn nnd begged a fish of him a pplondld floundor nnd woll I remember with whnt earn I cooked It, and how no-Uly pneked It up, nnd how I ransacked ovory cornor for llttlo luxuries: thon I hurried, nbout midday, with my basket, nnd trembled ns I let Is down to tho enro whoro Edith wns hidden. "Ah. mol nh, mo!" I thought. "If sho only know who wns at tho other cud of tho ropo!" "And who nro they?" "Somo peonlo who woro wrecked off tho roast, nnd hidden horo all yester. dny." "Hut who nro they?" "Renlly, MIsa Milno," for It wns alio Hho. nnd wo woro stnndlng In tho shadow of n grent rock, wntchlng by tho moonlight for tho silent em bnrkntlon; I hnd tnkon up my posi tion thoro nftor lenvlng tho colonel, nnd whllo so stnndlng, Bho had stenlthlly crept up to me "realty, Miss Mllno, I enn't toll you who they nro." "You enn't toll mo who thoy nro or you won't toll mo, which do you rr.cnn, Doctor RIgby?" "I menu thnt I " "You mean thnt you wont, bocnusc you nro Btlll afraid of mo; you think thnt I nm still tho dangerous woman you onco found mo. Hut you need not tell mo who thoy nro, for I know. I know whon thoy enmo; I know who swnm to anvo thorn; I know thoy will novor got to Mnnly." (To bo I'onllitueil.) A New Type of Steamer. A working modol of a now nnd novel typo o( Btoamr-lilp, tlio Invontion of Uorr J. llrolinn, an engineer of Hnni burg, Itna boon on view In the Hull of Olvil Knglnoora, Uno Ulnnclio, Paris. Tlio principal fen t nro of thin craft la that it la equipped with four nronol- lora, ono forward, another juat boforo the rmldor and two at tho atom. The vofsoI 1b Hut bottomed, but thoro is a ahoit keol in tho center Hnd two fuUo keola forward, to keep the hull off tho bottom in case of ground lug, and bo twoen which tho forward ecrew ro volvos. rho Inventor etlmatea that with a atoamer S00 foot long, built no cording to hla doslgn, ho could make tbo pneeago from llavro to New York in four daya. Sciontiflo American. Record Coll of Wire Rope. Tho largest coil of wlro ropo ever made in lirooklyn was turned out by a ropo company of that city recently. It measured 17,700 feet in length, or over throo miles, without a break, and weighed 23,030 pounds. It Is for use in a bituminous coal mine, was made of forty-two strands of crucible cast stool, took sixteen daya to manufacture and was valued at $2,300. Ultra Swll. "She'a ono of theso society women who keep a pot dog to go with them when they promenade, isn't she?" "Oh! Sho's more fathionable than that. Why, sho keeps a doxen dogs of different sorts ami shades to match her various costumes," Philadelphia Press VANP SOAP AND CU"X XJg PORTLAND, OREGON, gy Coal - Coal - Coal Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dealers la all kinds of COAL, COKE. CHARCOAL Try tho famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Both Phones. Otllcc; 151 North fifth St. 0. D. DUNN1N0. P. OAMIUON Dunning & Campion. Funeral Directors Embalmers 2Go Hurnsltlo St., hot. Third and Fourth, I'ORTLAKD, OREGON. Oregon Phono Main 430. Columbia Phono 430 Night cslls ring night boll. HARNESS, SADDLES, STRAP WORK Seo Our Prices Dcforo Buying. Bond for freo catalogue Kx tract from Hot. liar. Makors I1. A. M ar.27, 190: "Vanklrlc A tfilson aro quoting prices In their cataloguo that no rotall dealer carci to meet." That't what the King fay ol ui. Oct our Prices. VANKIKK & WILSON, ISOProntSt BO YEARS' . EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DC8I0NB Copyrights Ac. Anrona ndlnc a aketch and description mar qutcklr ' utcortnln our opinion froo whotber an nn It nrohablr nauntabla. Ciimmunlciw Invention it prohablf patntabl tlonintrlcttrcnnfltleiillal. Handbook on I'atenu ironablr pMnuublo. I out froo. uldtit i (tenor fur accurlnir patents, tfirouuh Munn 4 Co. receln hout ofaarao. In tbo Scientific American. A fianrfanmAl llttlltrftt A1 WAAklr. Ijlftrftlt etr euUtlon of anr olentlfln journal, Tornia. 1J rirt four monlhi.IL Bold by all nawidnaler. euiauoti or anr neniiua journal, -inrm. j rirt four montbi,L Bold by all newidnalera. MUNN Co.30'Bro-New York lirancb Office, CU V Bt, Waablmiton, V.C. CUT RATES Groceries AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Olvo ui a trial anil wa will convince you that our K'xxl aro the lwt a well a the chcapi-iit. We catty a full ami complete lino of Muiiopulo KooiIk, w lilch are known tho world over for quality. Dent granulated utigar, nack (100 lbs) II.M llt'tt crcninery lititter, roll aio ami I.Vj Ktiur poumU nice dried npplen '.'Ao "Wheat-O," ISo ellor, per packnw So Table peache-, I'eara, Hprlcoii, ciui 12Uo Lvimmii, penloi lOcto'JOo 1'ot valli'y lluur, enck 7i'o Cholco pink U'Kin. hlba He No, 1 whit" Ihhih, 71la Wo No, 1 leiitlU, 0 Ibi 'JAc licit pruiien Ictofio Mh can rihlllliiK'i baking powder.. inc. 4 pL-giJuinlM) iiuuh (lullix). V.V) Macaroni. Ux '' (.'ormnonl, inck (101ba). , 'Jta Kngllih briakfait tra, a good one, lit U.'c Fancy Mocl.a ami Java coire (Ho kind) :s "l". rt." Mocha and Java coll'eo (V) kind) Ib-iVs "Victor" Wf nit coll'ea (i5o kind) IU -'Jo "Hex" colt'ee, u good one, II) 12!, o Toothplcki,:! pkg li;o Our toai ami enliven aro unexcMled in flavor ami atrength: alwara uniform, alwayi the belt, (iood cattup, large bot luo: big inackerol, Ho: Kconomy cream, '1 cam, 15c: nice minion, 'J cam, lies pork ami beam, '.' cam, lto: mop ticks. 10c: ilirlmpa, can, luo: 7 barii Owl soap, '.'Jc. All kinds canued meats at low prices. Wo want your trade. The hustling Urocers, WooIIey & Place 207 Third Street. 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15 cents each, or f 1.75 per dozen, Ueo these Lamps with proper voltage and make your light tho cheapest uud bet. Portland Gmnmrml Elmctrlc Co. Smvmmth ami AMr Sim. 15c. 15c. Mi 1' Ijmjra CltibilMcd Jin. 1.1889. Incorporated July 0, 1891, Portland Coffee and Spice Go. For tlio Trade Only. Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Etc. DUR BPECIAI. lUlANDS: Bplces. Acme. Mult nomah! linking 1'owricrs. Defiance, Doublo Quick ; Coffee, Royal Blend ; Sugar, zxxx Oar. 24-20 Front Strmmt, lint. Amh mnd Ankany. PORTLAND, OREGON. FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Our Friends nro All Cordially Invitod To Attend. BROWN & GRANT. EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINS0N, ladr AllllUnt, IW. CAKN'AHAK, President. U. 11. f!AHI)NKIt. Vice I'rc.ldent, W. W. TKKKY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS', HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. fin Ynn Know the News ? You can havo It all for a wr M I sy rCri. 50c Month Month t InTha KrentpirTelsEram, of Portland, T ureiion. u is too larKiiiovcmriK news. paper published In On g-on; It contains X all the news ol tho statu and of the na X .If... Tw I. f. m .M...1.I. A a.mnl. tlon. Trr It for a month. A sample copy will be mauea to you tree. Ad X drois T THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. f-i- THE H. G. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 260 East Water Street. ' PORTLAND, OREGON. Anr His. Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBKR AND OIL CLOTHING llubber Itiiots and Shots, Helling, Facklns; and Hose. Lartest and Most Complot. Assortment of all Kinds of Rubber Goods. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. B. fXABK, President. I K. M.8HKrAUD, JR.. Treasurer J. A. SHKI'ARD, Socrstary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. The E-Cm ATMNS co' Atkins Saws are Always Ahead.. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS fttw tm 3M Taylor St i99 tm ftM MmoomaJSt Fbenes: Oisgon Main 770., Colombia 420, The LA GRANDE CREAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EOQS AMD OHEESE. All goods wholesale and retail. 2(14 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or W. Jj. McCabk, Bcattlo. E. 8. IUMILTOX, Tacoma. H'GABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES.. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Head Of Ueo: Taoomm, Wash. Cablo Address: McCADB GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., AgenU 14 Water Street, Liverpool. Star Brewery Company Brewers suit Bottlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnsldo Sts., Port land, Oregon. TELEPHONE SOUTH 80S. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. SHIELDS, I'roprlotor. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND. PIES. Sixteenth nnd Glisnn Btn., Portland, Or Gcorgo Miller. Hiram Fugitt. Wagner Cafe l'hono Main 870. 148 Sixth St., Portlnnd. Comfortable Quirtern for Commercial and BiiflinesH Men. Portland Club and Cafe... 130 Fltth Street OUR SPECIALTIES', II Monogram and III Cyrus Nobis Whisklea. A Ronort for Gentlemen. 1 'Phono Oret-onMain 003; Columbia 407 Quantity Any Myl. Paolflo Ooamt Branch,. No. 60 First Street, Portland, Oru, Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... Handled by All First- Class Dealers. Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON M Bl M ' I1 vfo. wiwaiw