The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 01, 1902, Image 7

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Uses Pe-ru-na a
For Golds
4 in His Family
Mil iu.-tm
mm and Grip
A Letter From the Exccutirc Office of Oregon.
Pemna is known from tlio Atlantic
to tho Pacific. Letters of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to
tho merits of Fe-ru-na as a catarrh
remedy aro pouring in from ovory state
in tho union. Dr. Hnrtmon is receiv
ing hundreds of such letters dally. All
classes write thoso letters, from tho
highest to tho lowest.
Tho outdoor laborer, tho indoor arti
san, tho clerk, tho editor, tho states
man, tho preacher all agroo that I'o-ru-na
is tno catarrh remedy of tho ago.
Tho stage and rostrum, recognizing ca
tarrh as thoir greatest enumy, aro es
pecially enthusiastic in their praieo and
Any man who wlshos porfect health
must bo entirely froo from catarrh.
Catarrh is well nigh univorsnl; almost
omnipresent. Poru-na is tho only ab
solute safeguard known. A cold is tho
beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to cure colds, is to cheat cntrnrli
out of its victims. Po-ru-na not only
cures catarrh, but provonts. Every
household should bo supplied with this
great remedy for coughs, colds and so
admirer of Po-ru-na. Ho koopa it con
tinually in tho Iioufo. In a recent lot
tor to Dr. Hartman ho says:
Stato of Oregon,
Executive Department,
Balom, May 0, 1808.
Tho Poruna Modlclno Co.,Golumbns,0.:
.Dear Sirs I havo had occasion to
uio your Po-runa modlclno In my fam
ily for colds, and it proved to bo an ex
cnllont remedy. I havo not hud occa
sion to u bo it for othor ailments.
Yours very truly, V. Al. Loid.
It will bo noticod that tho governor
says ho has not had occasion to ugo Pe-ru-na
for other ailmonts. Tho reason
for this is, most other ailmonts bogln
with a cold. Using Po-ru-na to
promptly euro colds, ho protects his
family against other ailmonts. This is
oxnctly what ovory other family in tho
Unitod States should do. Keep K
ru-na in tho houso. Uso it for coughs,
colds, la crlppo, and othor climatic
affections cf winter, and thoro will bo no
othor ailments in tho houso. Buch
families should piovido themselves with
a copy of Dr. Ilartman'n froo book, en
titled "Winter Catarrh." Address
Tho govornor of Oregon is an ardont Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.
Removing Temptation.
Mother Gracious! Stop that nolso
up there. Willi, tfidn't 1 toll you not
to pull that cat's tail again?
Willie I ain't pullin' it, ma.
Mother You must lw, or tho cat
wouldn't scieain so.
Willie No, I ain't. I'm Just cuttin'
its tail off short, so I can't pull it any
The Remark was Ambiguous.
"That young man has a brilliant
future before him," said tho phrenolo
gist. And tho llttlo floston boy 'who was
having his bumps examined polished
bis spectacles and exclaimed:
"Pardon mo, but you open up a very
interesting Held of inquiry. Whero
oleo could my future bo if it wore not
boforo me?"
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bear Signature of
There la no' satisfaction keener
than being dry and comfortable
when out in the horde&t atorm,
If rva nill not tuly vou
I for air fre. cnUlaqiM of g.rnimtt and hats.
Til cufts ivHtftt MtiLbt ua& rar
J Dm! Cough Syrup. Taites Good. Dm 11
Ej Intlroa. Sold br drunsUts. (u
5m FacSlsalla Wrappar Batow.
fPfM w
not twtwwtmiiATviit. . 7
His Suit.
Hodge I'vo got a suit of clothes for
every day in tho week.
Podge (suspiciously) I nevor soo
you wear any but tho ono you havo on
ilodgo (choorfully) That's tho suit.
Somewhat Thick.
"Aro tho morqultoos thick whoro
you've boon this summor?"
"Woll, rather. Why, half an hour's
snoozo in a hammock is noughtomako
you think you're been rolling in poison
"I shall never permit mysalf to be
come a hourehold drudge," laid tha
bride with tho honors of a university
career still fresh upon her. "I shall
endeavor to Improve my mind."
"That is a good idea," answered hor
mother; "but don't let your literary
pursuits monopolize you. Remembor
there are times when currant Jolly ap
peals to a man a great deal moro than
current science."
May Not De.
Wipg njones has patented
pocket book.
Wagg There ought to bo money in
Foot ol Morrison Street.
Can jrire you the best bargains In Boilers
and Engines, W indmills. Pumps and Gene
ral Machinery. Wood Hawing Machines a
specialty, Bee ui before buying.
We will pay a dividend of 2 per cent
month on money (10 up), payable montt
good security. Call or write
L. M. DAVIS, President.
212 Washington 6t., City,
Will tell yon, 1( he has tried them, that
the best bplces, Baking Powder, Cofiee 2
and Canned Goods packed are the
The label Is a beautiful blue. Beware
of Imitations.
VrYMf, Or.
N, P. N. U.
No. 44-1903.
Had (roughs
Changing Cllmnte Affects the Marvel
of the Ancient World.
It Is declared upon the highest au
thority that rapid decay lins set In In
that mnrvol of tho East, known ns the
Egyptlnn Sphinx. Tho prohnblo cause
Is the nlterlug cllmnte of Egypt, duo to
the Irrigation of recent yenrs. It Is be
lieved that the Sphinx will continue to
decay rapidly and n few years will
And It In depletion. A dozen yenrs or
more ago nn hour's rainfall once n year
was n novelty In Egypt. The untlves
regarded It a dlro tucssngc- of reproach
from heavon. The Irrigation and the
many trees nbotit the Deltn of the N'lle
have changed this, so that fifteen to
His Conscience at Work.
Grandma Willlo, I don't want you
to piny with Sammy Hill any moro.
Willie Why not?
Grandma Becnuso'ho is a bad llttlo
Willlo Woll, look-a-hero, I ain't so
doggono good myself that you ought to
bo n-klckln'. Detroit Froo Pross.
eighteen days' heavy rnln falls now
every year on the bond of the Sphinx.
A severe sandstorm follows and cuts
Into the limestone of the ancient mon
ument, literally whittling It away over
the surface.
Tho Sphinx whoso destruction Is Im
minent Is nt Glznh, lying about 2100 feet
east of the second pyramid. It Is of
colossal form, measuring 172 feet long
and r0 foot high, and Is hewn and
sculptured out of a spur of solid rock,
o which masonry was added In places
to complete tho form. 4It represents
tho crouching body of n lion, with a
human head. Much wIho conjecture
and nreheologlcal research have failed
to establish the origin of the Sphinx,
so ItH name continues ns a synonym
for tho mysterious mid unknown. It
Is supposed to have been begun by
Cheops. Tho face partakes strongly of
tho negro type.
For roughs and cold there is no better
medicine tluiti 1'lso's Cure for Consump
tion. Price '..'3 cents.
A Stny-nt-llomc Traveler.
Ptrnngor -What wonderful tnlos old
151 Inks rolatosl Ho miiBt havo been n
great traveler In his day.
Native Ho was novor outsido tho
Oreat for the Climate.
"This," said tho peddlor, "is n ltitlo
dovico especially designed 'for uso In
our summer weather."
"What is it?" inquired tho curious
"It may bo used ono mlnuto ns a fan
and tho next mlnuto to ehovol off the
county in his life, but, you
mind has wandored fot years.
eco, his
Amerlcnit to Bhnw llrltoim How We
I'lcht Fire lit Our Cltlen.
Londoners nro to learn tho Amorlcnn
and modern method of lighting fire.
An Invitation tins been extended to
George C. Hale,
former flro chief of
Kansas City, Mo.,
to demonstrate the
Amerlcnn method
of tiro lighting and
next May Mr. Hale
will begin his les
sons In London.
Mr. Hale Is well
lit ted for the task.
For thirty ono
years he hns serv
ed In tho flro de
partment of Kansas City, and twenty
one of those years ho acted In tho en
paclty of chief. At the Paris expos!
Hon ho had a picked squad of Ameri
can flro lighters under him nnd their
exhibitions of daring and skill were
tho wonder of Europeans. Mr. Hale
Is the Inventor of the water tower and
of tho spring harness, both of which
are la general use In America and
which nro beginning to be adopted In
European cities. Under his direction
the lire department of Kansas City was
rocogulzed ns tho best In tho world.
auonui: a iial...
For frost-bite, chllbnins, sore and lnmo
joints, stiffness of muscles try Hamlin's
Wizard Oil. It won't disappoint you I
Johnnie's Logical Request.
Johnny Mamma, should wo pray for
other pooplo?
Mother Cortninly, Johnnv.
Johnny Woll, thou, can't you say
my prayers for mo after this? Phila
delphia Ledger.
Mothers will find Mrs. JVlnsiow's Sooth,
(tip Syrup tho but remedy to uso tor their
Children during tho teething period.
Where the Line Must be Drawn.
"If thoso monopolies keep on," raid
tho alarmist, "they will own every
thing." "No, they won't," answered Mr. Di
ogenes Diggs, with tho complaconcy
which nlways comes over him whon ho
has something dlsagreoablo to commu
nicate; "they'll always allow us llttlo
ambitious follows to own enough to
provido tho assessor a basis for n tax
Neglected Accomplishments.
"No," said tho young physician, do
spoudontly, "I don't boliovo I shall bo
a success In my profession."
"Hut there is no doubt about your
knowledgo nnd skill."
"Nono whatovor. I havo tho on
dorcomont of eminent authority. But
I can't piny golf nor ping pong. And
how is n young man who can't piny golf
or ping pong to go out into eocituy and
hunt up people to cure?"
Youth's Unrestraint.
"Don't you soxotlmee long for your
childhood's happy days?" said tho
sentimental person. ,
"Yes," nnsnorcd MIbs Cayenne,
"thoro nro times whon I would enjoy
hanging on tho fonco and making faces
at peopio I don't liko, instead ol hav
ntg to say, 'How do you do, dear7 So
glad to see you!' " I
(j) w
Bargains in
Dcttcr Than Home Canned.
Somo pcoplo thipk that tho only
really good canned poaches, apricots,
cherries and tho rest nro tho ones which
nro canned nt homo. Tho reawn those
people think this is that they have
novor tried Monopolo canned peach-
nnd apricots and cherries. If you will
buy a can from your grocer nnd don't
think they nro oven hotter than your
mother ovor put up, we'll not have an
other word to sny to you about Mono
polo. If your grocer doosn't hnndlo
Monopolo groceries send us his nnme.
Wadhams & Korr Bros., Portland.
Simple Rule In Harmony.
A mingling of tho two colors a
green veil disposed over n bluo hat, or
knots of volvot ribbon of tho combined
shndos, gives tono to tho simplest toilette.
Atlnd Over Matter.
Mrs. Jonks How did you mnnago to
kcop cool joetorday? It was so hot.
Mrs. Urown Why, I went out shop
ping for Christmus things. Dotrolt
Frco Pross.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Geographical Horror.
Rivers (looking nt his watch) Aro
you Hungry?
Brooks Yes, Slam.
Kivors Woll, como along. I'll Fiji.
Certainly Seemed Strange.
"Yes," bIio explained to Johnny,
"wo havo nskod God for a llttlo baby."
Not long niter twins arrived.
"Woll," commented Johnny to his
fnthor, "It's mighty funny thnt you
didn't know how big nn order you
CAT r-ermanfMlr Curru (To ntf M ikmtouuios
I I IO ullertlmt liT'nrof Dr. Mine's (lrrt Notts
IlMtorer. Bond for PR Kit Si. 00 trial Ix.ttloaml UU.
Is. l)B.n.ll.KLiNE-Ltl..v3l Arclidt-.riilUilelpMa.rft
He Had Pound Out.
Mrs. Billus John, you ought not to
bo so hnrd on tho young man who
comos to roo Bessie. You wo'ron young
man onco youreclf, nnd my recollec
tion is thnt you wore somotimes n vory
silly ono.
Mr. Billus Silly? I was nn idiot,
Maria; I was an idiotl I lmvo found
it out since.
It Is the right of every child
to be well born, nnd to the
parents it must look for
health nnd
How incon
ceivably great
is the parents'
v A 4-ia responsibility, and how important thnt
m-UWMmW no taint of disease is left in the blood
VII 111 to be transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most
pitiable suffering, and marking its little body with offen
sive sorca nnd eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes, glandular
swellings, brittle bones, white swelling nnd deformity.
How can parents look upon such little sufferers nnd not reproach
themselves for bringing so much misery into the world ? , If you have
any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed,
healthy children ? Cleanse your own blood nnd build up your health, and
you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the plensurea
of life, but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity, nnd made
mankind hcnltliicr and happier.
There is no remedy that so surely teaches dccp-scatcd, stubborn blood
troubles as a. a. a. it scarencs out even neretuiary
poisons, and removes every taint from the blood,
and builds up the general health. If weaklings
are growing up around you, right the wrong by
mtttintr them on n course of S. S. S. at once. It is
a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can be takea
by both old and young without fear of any bad results.
Write us about your case, and let our physicians advise and help you.
This will cost you nothing, nnd we will also send our book on blood and
akin diseases. THE JTWirX SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
" I hid a bad cough for aix
weeks and could find no relief
until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured mo,"
L. Hawn, Newington, Ont.
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
TfefMsttssi Uc.Mcll. AlliranMa.
Casals doewr. If b. says tak. It,
than da as b. says. If b. talis you sat
t. tak. It. Uso d.a't tak. it. II. knows.
iMT. it with Bin. W. ar. wttllnf .
J, & ATKlt CO Low.U, Mass.
Miido Two DlNcovtii-ien.
"Here, Mntin, Is your last month's
bill from Smith's. What's all this ditto
you've been gettin' every other day?"
"Ditto? I never heard o' such a
thing haven't even bought tho thing
once, much less half n dozen times!"
said Maria, Indignantly.
"Well, well; all right, then. I'll Jus'
go down nnd ask the fellow what ho
means by charging you up with a lot
o' things you never got."
On hlB return Maria greeted her bus
baud at tho front door with nn anx
ious face.
"Well," sho began, "what did you
find out about It?"
Her bigger half looked nt her a mo
ment and n smile of supreme disgust
settled on his face.
"I found out," said he, slowly, "that
I am a fool and you nro a ditto."
New York Times.
The Sherman Epigram In China.
According to the new list of qualifi
cations for Chlneso army recruits each
applicant must bo nt least 4 feet 8
Inches In height and nhle to run seveu
miles In an hour. This would suggest
that tho Chinese are familiar with the
I couplet that declares "Ho who fights
and runs away may llvo to fight an
other day."
"How muchee fast you lun, John?"
Inquires tho military examiner.
"Me velly fast lunner." replies tho
applicant. "Me steppee quick all day."
"Velly good," says the examiner as
ho adjusts his huge steel-bowed spec
tacles. "Don't fogletteo what Genuel
Sherman say nbout fighting."
"Whnt ho say?"
"Ho say flighting nlleo sameo velly
hot plnceo when no can lun fnstee!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Thirty Years or Greek.
Prof. Alexander Kerr of tho Greek
department of the University of Wis.
cousin has taught tho Greek languago
In that Institution for thirty-one years'.
Paper Stocking.
A Londoner has perfected a method
of manufacturing paper stockings.
Sickness Is the Interest we pay on
life's mortgage.
FOIt BAI.K-Supply of Military l"nlt
Dress Cents, Whltu Helmets, (Hptk'cd),
Wliltu Kelt, suitable (or Ilatids, IahIucs,
Quartermaster Third Regiment,
Wo extract, crown ninl lirlclgo tcith
without InlllctltiK pain, Our methods
nra modern nnd meet with tho approval
ot tho most oxnctltiR. Cnll and sou us.
Kxnmlnntlon (no. Fees reasonable.
lloth 'phones; Oregon Boutli '."."Jli Co
lumbia 3G8. Open uvvnltiKi till 0. Hun
dnjri from 0 to 12.
L-t-' tVl.II l iU. Cor. Third and WashliiRtonHts.
ailk r .. .'.
DRV :(
v . . .. i k wrr.-si.v t;.- wm : -
4.V Sfi? , Sa Arl
Xfjfh'vKiJrMi&m. I well-
& K'Ajftfi jSM
A IS'-- vm m $M7 x va
v .r r. m wJ,.&M',J
Vcts Jertiy,
cts piea,sartlyf
Acts Berve-ficiallyj
s4rjly as a-Laocativer.
nip of Figs appeals to the cultured and tho
informed nnd to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be
cause it acts without disturbing the natural func
tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
quality or substance. In the process of
manuiacuiring ugs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effectsbuy the
genuine manufactured by the
vilrW Louisville, Ky. new York, N.Y.
Mik' For ! by oil drujfciata. Price, fifty ccnta per bottle.
-t,-ftitri Ma i
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