" jyWvTHWT Tf Mf f 7 ," v- c i "rfteymn'W 'ff, 'jp. T WUWIWpw1 THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. TACOMA ADVERTISING -H"l"M"l"l"H"l"H"t"l"H"H"H"fr-l"t' I PERSIAN DOCTOR'S QUACKERY. I TACOMA ADVERTISING TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. 1, $ TACOMA ADVERTISING f " -' "! ' .! ! ! III I Hopkins Bros. druggists. Inscriptions nro our specialty. Order by telephone) prnrii ltly delivered. Car to nil jiartmif tlio city jihhi our iloors. H, W, cor. K ami 1:1 r nth Ms. Telephone Main 3.1I. THE LOUVRE. WII.I.1AM HIIIUWJ, l'rop. Ilcst lirnnd of Imported and domestic Wines, Motion ami Clynri Uohl nitents (or l'arknr llye I Inc l"rco i.unch Telephone Jnmcs 2131. 1300 l'atlllc Acnuo. 130 Commerce htrcet. Tacunitt, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. IIJ: NYMAN, 1'roprletor. X'lne Wines, l.liiunm anil Cigars, I'rcsh I.agcr llcrr always on ilranght. Telephone Illaclt Ifi7i l-'lrst Paloon from N. 1'. depot. 1610 lucillo Avenue, cor. 17tti Htrect. 'Jacuma, Washington. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale ami retail dealers In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper1 Wo carry a lull line of Itoom Moulding, Iioors, Window, i:tc Kitliiintv Klvt n mi l'apcrliiK nnd Ulnilng. 'lol. John -roil. 1309 1'aclllo Avenue. TACOMA, WA8II. People's Cash Grocery H. A. HIIAIIH, 1'roprletor. Wholcxalu and retail denier In Staple nnd Fancy Groceries, Tens, Cof- fl'UH, Spices, Etc. Tolrphnno Main 101 Wl Htrvut, cor. Ninth, Tacomn, Wash, When You Want Anything Good ...TO HAT... Try tlio grocer at corner EUvjiith and Q Wo l'atroulreThonu that Patronize Us. J. LINDRURG. Tel. Main 3.11. 1IUI O Street. Opp. Court House. 'Iiicuuut, Wash, J. KAUFMAN. Dealer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Term Keisoiiablc, WH (' Htrect, Tacomn, Wash, SUNRISE BAKERY. I). McrlllMtMW, 1'roprletor. All kinds of Bread, Pics, Cakes, Etc. Weddinjj and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. Tr.i.Ki'iioNi: ui:i) iww. IJ07 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. O. C. MELLINGER. Funoral Olfootor. Embalming n Spi't'ltilty by Mel lliiL;tr MroM. Ollloo I'liimo Main Ml. Itrsldvnro I'houu John Wll. 910 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, Wash Ole II. Moil, Harry II. Selvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. rorinurly tVulrnl DmjrHtoro. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. lift! Tacomn Avenue Telophono James ill Tacoma, Wash ' Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Mumifnctiiivrrt of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 013 Tiu'oiiiu Avenue, Tacomn - - Washington TKI.KIMIO.NK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Oftlce liu Tenth St., KuitlioHKt corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hecks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. Do You Wear Shoes? If so l1shtr,Th8hoe Man would like to see you. A thoroughly un-todate store caroluK all the ltt'.l.lAlil.K maV.es of shoes for wen, women and children. KOIt MUX-KdwInCUpn shoo; The Vackard shoei The J. 8. Turner shoe, roil l-AWKrfwriw "Queeu Quality" shoe-l ThKulturesho. Fisher, Tho Shoe Alan. Vil l'aclflo Arena, Branch store at tYcrett, Tacoma, Wash, l'RMtMiKfri d ItftUKHKo transferred Irom mldrnct'snnd lintels to and from all tioats ami train, Hand luurrtirvk for 1ki:k t our liirtieliRcru, woo lll meet ou on all Incom ing trains and Imala, r"lrt cln.s l.hory. Upon alliilglil. All rm marked "T. U. & li. T. Co." i ' I i i ii i JUST RECEIVED A lino lino of novelties in fall Hultltiu's. C. C. T. CLAUS. UNION OROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. I'hotie, Main 307 Cor. 13 anil Tncotnn Ave. TACOMA, WA81I. GavIey FoundryS Machine Works A few of Our Hpcclnltlc Always on Hand Haw Anvils Haw (iummera Hwlnjr Cut-Offs Haw Hammers Het Works Uik Turners Haw (Jtildes Carriages I'ei-cl Works Live Holts Friction NIcgcrsHhluglo Mills Haw Mills Filo Room Maohlnory. Cor. 21st and & St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Red 1011. Consumers Co-Optative Bakery JOHN PLUHAR, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Confeotionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 6 Cents Telephone, Mack 1815. tWS Taooma Avo. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Hoarding Horses n Specialty. Phono, Main 130. 1131-3(1-38 O SU TAOOMA, WASH. Parsian Dye Works K.J. CLOT11ER, Prop. We Clean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing To'.ophono, Red 875. tWO O Stroot. TAOOMA. BLAKE'S DAVE 1JLAKK, Prop. ' Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 101 WaahttiKtnu Ht 110 I'ourth HI, 8KAT1I.K. OI.YMl'lA. 1D1H Piolflo Avm, TAOOMA. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOA1A. 903 Pacific Ave. John rUeuettliaum. M. O. linker. Grand Central Hotel. HlKlimiAUM J. HAKKlt, l'rorletors. 1211-13 PacHIc Avenut. Froo Una To ami From All Trains ntl lloutn. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. FKANK 80IIMITT. J. U HEM11UKK. rrv.UU'itt. tcretary, J. II. CAKU, MauaKvr. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cellar Doors and Finishing Material. Vhoue East 4 Hast Taylor an J .. , tut tighth bimti. Portland, Orcgoa sslkK vHHVKIHssI Wtmmwmyfa99mmmS!iSR'AKmwmmmi!a Wlillo practicing his profession In Tcrsla Dr. C. .1. Wills had at least one amusing experience of -the creduli ty of the peoplo, ami nucceedod In ex posing the quackery of a native doc tor. S Khan, a cavalry general, was Buffering from an uttnek of lum bago. Acupuncture gave Home relief and Ills valet hwerted an ordinary Bow ing needle for more than an Inch Into the seat of the pain each morning. One day the needle, after having been Inserted, was lost It was declared that It was In the sufferer's hack, and a natlvo surgeon wua summoned to extract It. I saw tho general's hack, says Dr. Wills, and promptly told him that the needlo was not there, but had probably been lost. Tho surgeon en mo to removo tho needlo by tho mouao method. A llvo mouse was to he lound on tho bare back of tho general, and by some oc cult means tho ncsllo would leave his body, and bo found Lu that of tho mouse. The surgeon enmo, and with much parade examined tho bnck and listened carofully for tho ncodlo with an old stethoscope, tho wrong end of which ho applied to the Khan's august per son. He then declared that tho needlo was deeply seated. I soon saw that I, with my skepticism, was regarded as tho Impostor, and that It was my con frero who had tho confldonco of tlio spectators. "llrlng a mouse," said the Khan, and the servants wero hurrying away when the surgeon said: "ilay It pleaso your excellency, I havo a mouse ready," and ho took n Binall flat tin box from his pocket Ho opened ttio box carofully. In It se curely tied, was a mouse When taken out tho llttlo creature gave a squeak of pain. That squeak decided me I saw tho thhfg at a glanco. "Do you mean to toll mo that you are able to extract tho noedlo from tho Khan's back, and miiko It enter the tKMly of the mouse?" I aukod, with folgncd astonishment "Assuredly," en I inly replied the stj" goon. "With hcnven'H ntd tho blessed prophot's holp, I Hhall certainly do so." "Tills Is Indeed a wonderful thing," I sold. "Hut your trick is old. (Hero ho turned pale) Observe my friends. Hey, presto, pansl Khan, tho needle has loft you nml is now In tho poor mouse's body." "What Is tills tho sahib says?" cried tho surgeon, cloning the box and get ting to his feet "I nm Insulted. Let mo go," It was nil to no pnrposw. Tho box was snatched from. him. An I sup posed, tho needle that Is to Bay, n needle wan already thoro, slipped slyly lu under tho looso nkln of thc'llttlo anl mnl'n Imck. Ono klml of needlo had always l)eon nsetl In th acupuncture uud thin neetllo wns found to bo half an Inch too short! Tho Khan wns furious. "Tnke him away!" ho shouted. 'Take him away! I shall a'Jend to his case lu tho morn ing." Youth's C upnnlon. Homo A'lvAiitMgesj. In "Juno Austen, Her Homes and Her Friends," Constnnco Hill describes Miss Austen's fortunate girlhood. Slu enjoyed unusual privileges. Her father was so good a scholar that he could himself prepare his sous for the univer sity. Her mother was a well-educated woman and a thorough lady, although she sat darnl""; tbo family stockings lu a parlor Into which the front door open ed. Hho loved all country things, and had a vigorous nature and a contented mind that kept her young nnd cheerful lu spirit until extreme old age. Hho was an excellent letter-writer. In her was to be found the genu of that ability which flowered In Jane. Tho home conversation was rich In shrewd remarks, bright with playful ness and humor and occasional Hashes of wit. It was never troubled by dis agreements, even lu llttlo matters, for It was not tho habit of tho Austen family to dispute or argue with each other. Had grammar Jano never heard, nor slang, for there was no slang In her home In thoso days. Thus circumstanced. It Is no wonder that even her earliest compositions, however trivial their subject may be, are chnracttorlzcd by their puro and simple English. To henr no slang and no bad grammar was Indeed an advan tage such as no young writer of tho present day can command. Taking No Chskiiues. That nnclent "worthy who claimed that the ballads of a country would. In tho cud, mako Its history, might also hnvo Included tho hymns. Our feet march to tho measures wo set them. A correspondent of tho London Telegraph tells how Lord Kitchener Interpreted tho power of music. It was on a day when the poneo set tlement with tho nocra was momentar ily expected that a. worthy dean plan ned to nntlclpato matters, and perhaps give the powers a little nudge He tele graphed Kitchener from tho Orange Htver Colony; "As I am acting as chaplnln, and con ducting divine sorvlco In many camps to-morrow, may I ask if tho hymn, 'Pence Perfect Peace would not bo appropriate to be given out?" Lord Kitchener wired this reply; "Please yourself. I think 'Onward, Christian 8oldlera' quite as good." Good Bteawu Coal lu Alaska. Two coal mini's are now In successful operation in Alaska. They produce goxl steam coal. Many a bachelor has made a number of women happy by uot marrying them. QAYIIK DIIUO CO. The most Tollable plaro to buy drURS and patent medicines, etc. This store Is noted for Its carefulness In filling prescriptions and for fair prices. HOC l'aclflo Avenue Tacoma, Wash. iinnDEKN steam laundry J.M, I.upton, Mgr. Equipped with new un-to-dato machinery. No rough or saw-edge cuffs and collars, Hlgd gloi or ilmni'Stlo finish. Work first-class ana suro to please. Tclephono SSI. Corner Hume and II Sts., Opp. Firemen's Hall. nillE PACIFIC MQUOR AND WINE HOUSE. N. IlEUTKK, 1'roprletor. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. lied 1731. IfWJ r-aclflo Avo. ISoi Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington mllE JUNCTION. M. CliniSTIAN, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors And Cigars. Telephone lllack 1C73. Cor. Pacific Avenue and JclTorson St., TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAL SOUVENIRS AND UNMOUNTED FIIOT03. HOLT'S ART 8TORE. Frames Mado to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Stationery and Art Ooods. Tol. lllack Z773. No. 7G5 C Stroet, near Chamber of Commerce TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRuaaisTS. JofTerson and Pacific Avenues,, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. W. W. Wing. O. II. Wlug, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WINO HR03.,Props. Wo Launder Anything. 71iracIfloAvo. Tol. Main 200. Tacoma, Wash. D KNABEL, 1V Proprietor of THE OERMAN 1IAKKRY AND COFFEE PARLORS. Frosh Dread and Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specially. Only tho lest and purest material used In our Itakery. Ilrcad delivered free to any part of tlio elly. Telephone Park 791. 1117 1'aclllo ayoiiuo, tacoma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD CO. Port Townsend, Washington. BHIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom Houso Ilrokvrs and Stevedores. Established 1&S8, Uranch offices Tacoma and Seattle KENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Bandberg, Proprietor. WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Hole agent for Oulnoss' Stout and Hats' Ale, (Read Uros. IJottllng). Established 1MI. Tola phono Main bV), 1U0 l'aclflo Avenue; 1139 Commurco HU Tacoma, Washington. Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 l'aclflo Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Moats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. 9LLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks and at Railoy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Grand Central Hotel. W. W, XJLUUON. Ust sod Mgr. J Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar in connection. UlM:iS raciflo Avenue. TACOMA, Wash- We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Avo. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Go. Cloaks at Wholesale B20 Pmmill Avm. TAOOMA ami MEW YXMM HENRY LONGSTRETH, Pros. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Treas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsomo illaitrntod booklet on Tacomn, Just Issued. WILLIAM W. MILNER. DEQE & MILNER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, Schaflncr & Mnrx nnd Alfred Ronjamln & Co.'s Tailor-Mndo Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. Finest Lino of Haber dnshory and Hats In Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Morcliandiso at Popular Prices. 1103 Pacific Avenue. G. L HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has hot One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, mmmmmmmmmamammaamaaammmmalM 'mHRtmmH?Bsi3H Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BAMFORD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... AgenU and Builders of the Flynn Shineli Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engine. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. ' Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Wash Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morthern, Welb Fargo and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co.; Omaha Packing Co.; American Paper Co. Etc. Barege to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANurACTunEM or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant D. W1SSINUER & M. C. RUSSELL. Props. Tho only first-class and up-to-dato Restaurant now open and doing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our cofTeo is unexcelled. Side dishes served such is eerveJ in no other Res taurant in this city. Open AH lNIght POPULAR PRICES. McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Proprietors of tho Laurel brand of high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 506. I) 11-13 C Street 012 Commerce Street I TACOMA, WASH. JAMES U. DEGE TACOMA, WASHINGTON Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. TIIK Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Looping Kngincs. Works, corner Twonty-ilrht and A Sts. Phono Main 267. Tacoma, Wasnlngton. HUNT & IYI0TTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. I50I-I603-I605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Ooods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, CALIFORNIA HUD UUNDRY Telephone, Black 1713, All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough repair. Any losses mado good immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ot and Dealer in ...LUMBER Eawmlll and Offlc Tweatyflrst and Dock Sts. JTelephoae Mala 2S9. Tacoma, Wash Y w . 4