THE NEW . AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. v- ' I r HOTEL POHTLAND. cost $i,aao,oao. The Portland H. O. BOWCRi, MmnmBor. American Plan, $3 Por Day and Up war d HEADQUARTERS FOH TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portlandt Orogon. THE HELENA E. C. GREENE, Manager. . AMERICAN PLAN. An Up-to-Date Hotel. Is Be ing: Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. SoutKern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kum-C-Me. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. Flrd-Chm Dining Room. American Plan. BarP Connection. Free Sample Room. Free Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS "Walla Walla, Wash. The White House TOR YOUK Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVER WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. OUICHARD, Prop. Teleptoa Red Ml 103 Main Street. WALLA WALLA, WASH, The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. B. TAYLOR, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $5.00 Per Day. BUTTE, MONT. Dewey Palace CHAS. WEISIDE, Prop. Everything new and up to the times. Table and rooms the best the market affords. Assembly hall. Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable in connection. Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing missing. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men J 4 J J J NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of "Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling: Public Special Sample Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Eleg-ant Public and Private Dining: Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Roam. J J J EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bus and Freo Sample Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac EDGAR E. K. SCHMITT, Prop. Sir :ctly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite. J J J Reservation by Wire. Commercial News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Prop. A New Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. The Dalles Advertising For First-Class Livery BEE The New Livery Stable C. L. SJVVril, Proprietor. Becond Street near lngblin Street. The only Up-to-Date Livery in Tho Dalles. Telephone No. 27; Longdis tance 1871. The Dalles, Oregon. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cigiu. Esbcrg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Call at Eunson & Wntkins, dealers In cigar, tobacco and confectipns, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth stieot, Portland, Oregon. For first class dental work and prompt attention, go to the New York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Tho Yakima Market, H. A. Brnscn, manager, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 149 First street. Oregon phono Main 0S9. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or nny good securities. Notes and morngnges bought. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Ford & Laws, "successors to J. T. Wilson.nuctlonaerB, household furni ture and bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Office and snlesrooma 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia yuuuu uvu, vriuftiril fiiuuB uw" w. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modrcuto prices." Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Dc leau, proprietor, 455 Qlisan street. Wo want your trade. Music half Erico; musical instruments of nil inds, cash or installments. H. II. Wright, wholcsalo and retail dealer in music and musical merchandise Tho Music building, 3(9 Wasighnton strcot, Portland, Oregon. l- K. BEACH CO.. Tho rionoir Paint Compnnv, mnko n Bpeclnlty oi coning mo oust tilings miuiu in paint's. IIouho Paint, Floor Paint, Ham Taint, Fonro Taint and Hoof Paint j KnnmelH, Vnrnifdivs, Colors, Stains, Conicntico KnUoinlnu nnd general build ing material. 185 First St., N. W. cor Auler, Portland, Oregon. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with the DUST for no nioro than you might pay for tho WORST, therefore, don't throw away good money for poor Bcr vice, but if you nro going East, or have friends coming West, let us tell you what wo can offer on Chicago, Washington, Now York. Doston, St. Louis, Memphis, Now Orleans, and all Intermediate points. Our rails nro laid In fourteen dlfforcnt states of the Union. Communicate with us regarding freight and passenger business; It's a pleasuro to reply to your letter. B. H. TRUMBULL, J. C. LINDSAY, Commercial Agent. T. F. & P. A. 142 Third St. Portland, Oregon -irODEL rtAKKRY. CHAS. RETZER, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, Fics, Candles, Etc Goods delivered to any part of tho City. No. 3 Flrot Street. Walla Walla, Wash. mllE SENATE. GEO. RETZER & CO. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. WALLA WALLA, WASH TVEPOT LUNCH COUNTER. FRANK M. CUMMINOP, Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Tut Up for tho Traveling Public. ' WALLA WALLA, WABH. THE 8ARANAC CAFE. EILL8 fc OHLS, Propi. Cjrrui Noble Whiikey. Ivradlng Ilrandt of Wlnei and Choice Clgari. bcUlty, Olympla Deer. Oregon 'Phone South 1971. 41 N. Sixth St., Cor. Couch. PORTLAND, H A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Inforniati'n furnished regarding Wal la Wulla and Jmatilla Counties. No. ay Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand, EASY PAYMENTS. J G. REDDICK, Manager. TACOMA DEPARTMENT F. FRITZ KEEBLE, . E. S. BRUCE, Correspondents. Mr. II. J. Asbcrry loft Monday for Ynkinin to bo gono n vreck or tea days on n vacation trip. Mr. V. 0. Black roturnod last week from nn oxtended trip in California and Arizona much improved in health. Tho Booker T. Washington litorary eocioty gave a chicken fry Inst Friday night, which was vol I attended. Mrs. Edw. Mooro died InBt Wednes day and was buried Friday. Tho Beattlo Tacotna interurbnn trains aro doing a great business be tween tho two cities. Mount Tacoma No. 3, Knight of Fythlas, aro preparing to glvo a grand entertainment in tho near future. JJ Mr. Frank Dish moro was married last TueEdoy, tho brldo bolng a resident of Cincinnati, 0. Mrs. Wileon, Mrs. Ben Williams and Mr. Whito woro over from Seattle vis iting in Tacoma last Friday. A number of tho ladles connected with tho A. M. E. Zlon church met last Monday evening and took tho In itial steps towards starting a Bowing clicle. It was decided to hold meet ings each Monday evening and to hold a (air and concert Dccembor 24th and 25th. It Is reported that at tho conclus ion of n recent trial whcrnln tho ck- fondant was a Negro charged with murder In which tho Jury lulled to ngreo on n verdict, that ono of our public omclnls mado tho remark that It wns Impossible- to convict a Negro In Multnomah county, casting by such remark, reflections not only on the Jury but on tho courts of this county. Tho truth of tho matter is that ho had In mind tho stato of affalrd that exists In certain portions' of tho United States, where It Is only necessary to nccuse a Negro of nny crime from making insulting romnrks to a whito man to murder or rnpo to cnuso tho blood of tho do-called superior raco to ball, so that thoy are unnblo to allow htm to nwnlt tho ac tion of tho courts nnd Juries selected from amongst themselves, but must tnlto tho law In their own hantlB nnd burn him to tho stako na the proper treatment of his crlmo, whatever It may bo. When such mon sters come Into a part of tho country whero a mnn 1b looked upon as a man regardless ot ...10 color ot his Bktn, they ennnot comprehend that a such r thing Is possible that a Judge or Jury could ask that a Negro bo proven guilty ero thoy find n verdict to such ni effect. Tho soonor that ofllccrB elected to nrosecuto criminals learn that such is ttio coso In this pnrt of the country tho sooner will tho coun try bo apnrcd tho exponBo of trying men and women arrested on such film By pretexts that It Ib almoat a crlmo to. burden tho taxpayers with tho coats of these prosecuuonB nnd It behooves tho colored votors to romembor such romnrks when called upon to support odlco seekers for office COMING ATTRACTIONS. "ON THE STROKE OF TWELVE." "On tho Stroko of 12," n realistic drnmn, will bo tho offering nt Cor dray's Theater four nights, beginning with a Sunday mntlnco, Novombor 2. Tho story has for Its central flguro tho son of n rich widower. Tho boy Ib Induced to bet on n horso. Trou ble comes when tho horso lose, and the plot dovolopa a forgery which Is not tho son's, but of which his fnther believes him guilty. Prison scenes fol low, but after all tho end Is happy. "FINNIQAN'S BALL" COMfoa. For threo nights only, starting Thursday, Novombor 6, with a Satur day Matinee. "Flnnlgnn's Ball' wltf be given at Cordrny'a Theater. A truo son of tho "ould aod" will toll you that there Ib only ono real Irish com ndv nnd thnt Ib "Flnnlcftn'd Ball." Tho reason for this Is Its absolute fidelity to Irish traditions. Its quaint humor, which is at times spiced with rollicking Bong, Is always attuned to a great heart interest. On the Ark. "This Is tough luck," said Hnm, mournfully, as bo lcuued over the side of the ark. "Whnt's wrong now?" queried 8bem. "Why, nil this wuter to tUh In." re plied Hani, "uud only two tUUIn' worimt on board." Chimney or Paper. A paper chimney 50 feet high and fire-proof Is ono of the curiosities of Breslau, Germany. n PHILLIPSJRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice Butte Coat Company.. Coal and Wood Hay and Grain Ommlmrm to Ookm, OHarooal, Lima. Oement, Plantar Parlm, Qrmnltm Wall Plantar, Eto. City oHIce, 19 Rut tlroailHyi Telephone 477 Yrdi. L'irr Main Htrcet lutlroail Track! Teleibone C-l. mUTie, MOHTAMA. THE NEW AGE. Entitbllihcil 1890. A. P. Orimn, Mnnagor. Odlco, 2J Stnrlc Street, Concord IlulldhiR, Portland, Oregon. AOKNTB. C. A. Hitter Portland, Oregon K. II. Holme Spokane, WmhliiKtim V. l'rlu Kecblo Midi Ulfl I'aclllc Avo., K. H. llruco ... Tacoma, Wnnh. Waldo llogel W'nlln Walla, Wmh. To InmiM publication, all local now imut reach in not later than Thursday morning ot each week. Siibacrlpttun price, one year, payable In ad vance, 2.W. CITY NEWS Mrs. A. NowBomo Ib still qulto fco bio. Mrs. Lucllo Braxton loft Thurddny for Scnttlo. MrB. L. Boldon's condition continues unchnnged. B. It. Orcy of Seattlo, spent sovornl days In Portland this wcok. Sacred concert nt Ilothol A. M. K. church Sunday, November Oth. Neatly furnished rooms nt reason nblo rates apply to Mrs. Annlo YnteB, 307 Couch street. If tho onrth woro equally divided among Its Inhabitants, ench person's sharo would bo about 23"j acroB. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson nro now loented at No. 412 Flanders strcot, at tho rcsldenco of Mr. Ceo. Gardiner. Messrs. William Washington nnd Frank DouglnBB havo ifeturncd from an EaBtorn trip of ovor a month's du ration. You nro Invited to attend tho Paul Lhwrenco Dunbnr Literary Society on Thursday evenings at tho A. M. K Zlon churqll. Ask Nlghtwntchman Illckoy of tho poBtofllco. tho Bocrot of Mr. Augustus Watorford'o popularity and ability to hold his own. Services nt tho Bethel A. M. E church Sundny at 11 A. M. and 8 I. ni. Sunday school at 1 o'clock, rrny or meeting Wodneadny at 8 P. M. If In Ronrch of ncntlv funlBhcd roc in h with bnth nt reasonable rates, In n dcslrnblo nolghuorhood, cnu on Mrs. h. A. CooiUviii, 415 Uavla street, cornor of Tenth. Mtb. Ida Stnnton of North Yakima, h. mnkliiK nrrangomenta for tho return of hor mother, Mra. M. Morldeth, who expects to open n llrst-chiBS restaur- nut In thnt plnco next spring. Mrs. Mary A. Powell nrrlved Sundny morning from nn oxtonded visit to hor husband's relatives In Louisiana and Is stopping with her mother, Mrd, Anna Yntes, of 307 Couch street. Tho Misses Norma nnd Lllllnn Du val, who will bo romomberod as former residents of this city, nro at present in Seattle, after nn oxtonded visit of sevornl months to friends In tho East ern states. j Tho Southern DomocrntJ Boom de termined to 'keop tho Afro-Amorlcnn dewn. In Now Orleans tho school board decided that no school for the raco Ib to glvo Instruction In any grado higher than tho fifth. Mra. nobecca Williams, who left for Montana, has returned and Ib stopping with Mrs. M. E. West at C27 Front Btreot. She finds tho "Wcbfoot weath er' moro congonlnl than tho Icy blaatB from tho Ilocky Mountains. In tho absence of tho pastor, tho choir or tho A. M. E. Zlon church, 1.1th and Main streets, havo arranged for a sacred concert on November 2nd. An excellent programme has been pro pared conalstlug of duotta, solos and choniBCB. Several short papora will bo presented, Sorvlcos nt 8:30 o'clock, L I. Jones, who removed with his family to Ponnsylvanla after tho losa of lila wife, has returned and oponed up a neat establishment at 351 Second street, whero ho will nt all times keop on hand a cholco stock of fish, poultry and game. Mr, Jones' success in tho past makes any Introduction on our part unnecessary. Ceo. W. French cut nnd seriously wouncd another colored man, O. W. Johnson, who wns trying to forco nn entrnnco Into a room on North Flrat street which French and a woman wcro occupying, French, who la n returned soldier from the Philippines, wna nrredted and his examination set foi November 4th, to nwnlt tho result o' tho Injuries to Johnson. Actlvo preparations nro being mado under tho leadership of Mra. M, Moore for an entertainment for the benefit of Ml. Olivet Baptist church in tho near futuro. Tho memberd of this church deserve credit for tho fact that In tho absence of a regularly Installed pastor thoy aro holding regular services oery Sundny morning and evening, na well nB weekday meetings. Wo havo been Informed that a call hns been, or will soon bo, issued by Mr. A. Wnterford to nil tho bntcholora for tho purposo of forming n society o' all who havo no Intention of becom ing boneutctB In tho nenr futuro. Ab wc learn It Ib not tho intention to bar roproBcntntivea of tho prcsa wo will try nnd glvo tho public an account of the proccdlnpfl nnd put tho young la dles on their mettle. Tho receipts of subscriptions duo from formor residents of this city now lecnted In other parts of tho country la gratifying ovldcnco that thoy appre ciate our paper as n meanH oi kcciuuk In touch with tlio doings ot mo ncoiiiu In this pnrt of tho country. Wo nc knowledgo tho romlttnncofl aont by Mrs. K. N. Lo Hoy, of Pondloton, nlso from Mrs. 0. C. MIIIb, now locntod In Billing, Mont., whoro alio hns n largo flrat-chiBB roBtnurnnt. Our city Bub Bcribers may oxpect n visit from our collector In tho futuro moro regularly than before Tho musically inclined public havo boon favored on aovernl occasions of Into by tho nppenranco beforo thorn ot tho elmlnent immono soloist. Mr. Frank T. Morell. Until rocontly Mr. Morlll hns declined to nppoar In pub lic, being constantly engagod In study ing with tho object of further Improv ing his nntural talents. Thoto who woro so fortunnto as to hear bin ren dition of tho'"Holy City" nt tho Beth el A. M. E. church wero plonHod with tho announcement thnt ho had ogrocd to assist with tho musical part of tho services In tho futuro. Wo ncknowlcdgo our thanks for a ropy of tho 23rd report of tho princi ple of tho Tuskcgoo Normal nnd Indus trial Institute. Wo find thnt the number of puplla onrollod this yonr li 1381. Thero aro 112 ofllcors nnd tench orB. Thero Is an IndobtedncsB of JB, 887.G2 on tho school. Tho now dor mitory now bolng built for girls, whon completed, will ho ono of tho most commodious buildings on tho ground. It Is tho object of thld school to fit ench of Its graduates so thut thoy mny be nblo not only to mnko their own living, but nlso nblo to Instruct othern In tho branches that thoy havo por focted themaolvcB in. It la tho Inten tion of tho auporlntendont, Booker T. Washington, to vlHlt this conat this winter nnd wo hopo to boo him in Portland, Tho autumn bnll given 'by tho HouBoVohl of Ruth, 0. U. O. of O. F., on Tuoadny availing wni woll nttond ml. Tho hall was tastily docorntod with clunters and brnncliCB of hand somely colored nutumn loaves. Ex cellent mualc hnd been docourod nnd fiom 8 to 12 o'clock thoao proaent hrnrtlly enjoyed ovory mlnuto of tho tlmo and tunny wero tho rcgrotB ox pressed when tho orchestra struck up the notes of "Homo, Sweet Homo." Whllat tho entertainment wnH undo, the supervision of tho ladles of th Household, tho members of tho Odt FellowB lodgo felt It their boundo! duty to nsBlat them nnd Mr. Howan Sproull and Wm. Robinson did oxcoV lent duty os doorkoepora, whilst such excellent floor dlrectord nB MIbs D, Crawford nnd Miaa Bonlo Thomas wero ublv nBBlsted by Mr. Anthony I.ognn. Tho rofreahmont commlttoo consisting of Mra. H. Ilcdmond, Mrs. Etta Hitter nnd MIbb Stidlo Crawford, nsKlsted by Mr. 81m neddy. All the members of tho order mndo thorn selvea a commlttoo to look nftor tho wellfaro of their gucata. Tho morn bora of tho Household nro arranging to atart n series of entertainments to bo given onco a month during tho win ter months. On tho 7th of Octobor tho olovonth biennial movablo convention of tho 0 rand United Order of Odd Follows met In New Hnvon, Conn. Four hund red dolcgntcs woro preaont. Tho grand mnator, W. II, Morris, of Chlca- no, called tlio convention to order ami Mnyor Studloy gave an uddreas of wel come. Ono especial feature ot tho meeting wna tho proaonro of (irand flecrotnry Geo. Wlldo, of England, as n fratornnl delegate. Tho aoerotary's report showed nn Incronao of CIO now lodges and 335 now HoiueholdB, Forty thousand dollars wbb appropriat ed to purchnso ,-;round and orectlnp n building for tho hoadqitnrterfl ot tin ordor In Phllndolphln, Tho report ol tho flnnnco committee showed n bal nnco In the treasury August 31, 1902 of $48,030.50. On Friday thero wild nt all day and night session, which ad journed nt 0:30 Saturday morning, The following grand olllcora woro elected: J, McIIo'nry Jonea, of Weat Virginia, grand master; Ueo, J5. Tom pic, of Missouri, deputy grand mnator; H. W. Smith, of Vlrglnln grand trona urer; James F. Needhnm, of Philadel phia, grand aecrotnry; J. C, Asbury, of Philadelphia, was ro-oloctod editor of tho Odd Fellows' Journal. Tho grand dlrectord elected wero as fol lows: Wm. U. Houston, of tho Dis trict of Columbia; h. N, Portor, of. Arkansas; E. P. Jones, of Mississippi; and N. 0, Mitchell, of Boston, Colum bus, Ohio, was selected as tho uoxt meeting place, rwiwjM