-n7 THE NEW AGE, POUTJL.AND, OREGON. The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Office, 343M Bturk Ht., Concord II!k., Portland. Oregon. Entered Ht tho jiostolllco at i'ortland, Oregon, as second class inattor. SUBSCRIPTION. One Tir, l'uyuble In Advnnco S3, 00 Established 18W. Printed at 245J4 Btarlc Ht. Third Floor. NOT A LYNCHING CASE. In W.llkcs county, Ga Inst week, n party of Nogro men nnd women wcro having a social dance. They wero committing no crime, were only en gaging In a common form of amuse ment and recreation, but In tho "midst of tho entertainment tho placo was In adod by a mob of drunken white row dies, who with weaponB assaulted the men, who Insulted tho women, and at tempted to tako chargo of the affair to suit themselves. Naturally tho Ne groes resented thld, and tho consc quenco was that two of them wcro killed. Now will thero bo any lynch ing, any burning at tho stako, of these murderers? No, and thero should not he, although tho provocation Is great. Hut how would It have been If tho caso had been rovcrsed, If a gang of drunken Negro toughs had thus broken In upon, assaulted and insult ed a company of whlto dancers, and killed two of their number? How many Negroes would then havo been lynched? Tho Atlantic Nowh, a whlto man's government paper, but ono with n conscience), Is moved to say that this affair was "shameful," and con tinues: "And for their own sakes tho good people of Wilkes couuty, tho whlto people, should ecu to It that tho of fenders nro requited with such itwlft iicbh and such forco as to forever de ter ti repetition of anything of the Hort. Wo who proclaim the lawless ness of tho Negro and who suffer dire fully because of It, can expect nothing oIho from tho black man when such nn oxamplo is dot him and such pro vocation offered oh was offered by the VllkoB county revelers. And because the effects of such behavior Is suro to redound upon tho helpless and tho In nocent ns well as blacken the nuino of tho southern whlto man generally, such actd an tho ono In question should bo punlBhcd by white hands with tho utmost rigor. Wilkes county, tho heart of tho most aristocratic section of Georgia, owes It to herself and to the Btato to punish those offenders." This Is pretty fair, for a uouthorn paper, but tho languago might havo been n, good deal stronger If tho shoo had been an tho other foot. TUESDAY'S ELECTION'S. Election In most of tho statofl will tnko placo noxt Tuesday. Tho com plexion of tho noxt Hoiiho of Ilcpro HnntatlvcH Ih tho most Interesting and Important general feature. Wlillo the rcmilt seoma Boimnvhnt lu doubt, tho hotter nnd nioro Impartial opinions nro that tho Republicans will retain control of tho next House, though by a decreased majority perhaps, not mora than 10 or 20, instead of nearly 40, as now. Tho Democrats, It Is con ceded, will nvako some gains In Now York and a few other states, but not enough, Jirobably, to overcome- tho present Republican majority. Most Republicans will bo hold straight In order to glvo support to President Roosevelt, who certainly deserves all tho endorsement and aid that Repub licans can glvo him. In Now York O'Dell will almoBt surely bo re-elected Governor, though not by n largo majority, and tho leg islature may bo closer than It has been for many yours. Tho Democrats will not carry any Btatos that went for McKlnley In 1000, though, It be ing iiu off year, tho Republican ma Jorltlcs will not bo so large. Washington will elect three Repub lican congressmen, and probably a Republican Legislature, though Sen ator Turner Is n very able general, and will win victories In a few Republican spots, In California tho result as to governor Is doubtful, ns Lnne, Doino fiat, Is very popular with tho Union labor element, but the Republicans will elect tho eight congressmen, with possibly ono or two exceptions. In Idaho tho Republicans have n strong ticket, and have u lighting chance and they aro not entirely hopoless of vic tory In Montana, Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA Capital $100,000.00 Under Jtate supervision. Five pr ctnt interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposits Monoy to Loan on Roal Estate F. AUG. HEMIC. Hramldmn A. ?. CLEMENTS, Ommhtmr GEO. D. FLUS. From J. O. HtmE, Vic. ft mi. CAPITAL STATE BANK OF IDAHO Limited Banking In all It branches. Your bmlnro solicited. BOISE, - - - - - That Tho New Ago Is becoming a inoro extendedly and thoroughly Northwest Pacific newspaper Is prov en by Its advertising columns. When you travel through this region and want to buy anything, go to tho men who advertise In Tho Now Ago, and you will ho treated right. Our friend, Col. James Hamilton Lmvls, came near being nominated for congresd In Chicago last week. He'll "get there" yet. Though a Democrat, the colonel hns a heart and brain that know no raco or color. It Is always safo to follow tho mayor's advice. With Judge Wil liams In that ofllco It Is dcarccly ne cessary to havo a city attorney though we havo a very good one, who does excellent work too. Senator Mitchell Is on his way back to Washington whero ho will be "on deck," this winter to do valient ser vico for Oregon, which Is fortunato In having in that position so able and Influential a man. Tho grand Jury says grafting Is go ing on. Hut It Is unlikely that a trial Jury would convict anybody. The slot machlno comes out victor ious nftor all. Wfcll, It doesn't com pel anybody to play It. XI i o wrong rum. South Africa would not seem to stia gest anything like a comedy of errors, yet It does. It was lu thnt haples.i land, nnd on a sleeping car, that a genial bachelor was travelling lately. Just across from his berth was ft handsome little woman and her 3-y oar old boy. Early In tho morning tho two wcro laughlug and playing together, and the good-natured bachelor smiled to himself ns he roso to (Irons. Sud denly a little foot peeped out from tho covering on the ppposlto berth nnd, with a twinkle In bin eyo, tho bachelor grabbed tho plump toe, and began "This llttlo pig went to market, this little " "That Is my foot, slrl" said tho In dignant voice of a woman. The silence which followed could bo heard above the rour of tho train. Noodoa No ivutor Aaaroas. A letter mulled In Franco, addressed to "Tho Great Apple Grower, KuiiBn.s, North America." was dollvcred to Judge Fred Wellhouso of Topoka, the "npplo king," of course. Another let ter directed simply "In Ills StepB," was delivered to Ilev. Charles M. Sheldon of Topeko. Different Kind oTTrora. Amerlcun foresters lire trying to give as wldo publicity ns possible to the fact that long-lived trees may be grown under protection of short-lived trees, to eventually tako their places and form tho permanent stund. A IiMi-Ko Trttfllu. Tho Eastern Trunk Itallwny out of London carries 1,000,000 pnsHcugcrs In and out dally. "Well," said his wife's mother, "there was one home without a mother-iu-law, and disaster came to .U It tu tU Garden of Eden." Dou't get up a picnic. Walt to lie Invited, and then make nil the trouble you can for the man who gets It up nnd pays all tho expenses. A girl Is iib certain to sow her affec tions us a young man to sow his wild outs. AN ALL AniDINO FAITH. Tho Illinois Central Railroad Com puny has an all abiding faith In tho future of tho Great NorthweBt. A short tliuo ago, thla was manifested by tho establishment, In Seattlo, of en agency to tako caro of their Inter ests thero. Tho latest effort U to put on a splendidly equipped now train rorvlco botween St. raul and Chicago. Tho now trains will bo running Sun day, Novombor 2. Thoywlll uso their own rails between Chicago and Albort Lea, Minn., and tho Minneapolis & St. Louis Ry, track from Albort Loa to Minneapolis and St. Paul, running Into tho union depot at 8t. Paul, which Is tho same that Is used by all lines In that city. Tho train Is to bo known aa "Tho Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Limited" and will consist of sleeping car, buffet library car and reclining chair car through without chango be tween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, Dining car servlco will also be maintained, supper bolng sqrved out of Chicago and breakfast Into Chi cago, Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p. in. and arrive- In Chicago 9:30 a. m.j leave Chicago at C:10 p. m. and arrive nt St. Paul 8:40 a. in., making close connection nt St Paul with all western lines. Tickets can bo pur charted via this lino, In connection with all western lines, at all stations. For further Information regarding rotes, routes, time, etc., call on or address, II. H. TRUMRULL. Comm. Agt. III. Cent. R, R. 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. PAUL 11. THOMPSON, F. P. A. 111. Cent, R. R Seattle, Wash. H. E. HEAL. OmuMfmr FAY O. YOUH8, Amkt Omml MIT - - - - HAHO CHARLES A. LUCAS, Attorney ana Conn selor-aM.w. Room 2? Chamber ol Com mtrce. Practice In all Fcdoral and State Courts. Portland, Oregon. J. Rocder. N. Marquart 8KVKNTII & GLI8AN EXCHANOK. Choice Wines, Manors and Cigars. Be 11 wood llcer. Phone Clay ta. IIS N. Till St.. Portland mllK OAK CAFE. P. W. PICK, Prop. Choice Line of Wine, Liquors and Cigars. Oregon Phone Hood 82. Cor. Fourth and Oak Mi. Portland, Or, For a good social time call and seo JOHN WOIDA. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay C3. 4C0 Ollnan Bt., Portland. Or TOIIN KKM.Y General Isurance A (rent, Fire and Marine. Fcottlsh Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnbtirg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82) Third St., Columbian llldg. P. F. HALL, Cor. Commercial and Blanton Bts., Portland Ore. Wines, Liquors and Klue Cigars. Oregon Phone Pink 413. V. M. PRESTON. OROCKRIEB. Free delivery to all parts or the City. V60 Lnrrabce Bl corner Hatsalo, Portland, Or. 'Phono Scott 37L NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wtnca, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch. Cor. Russell and llrcndle Bts., Portland, Or. T 11 K WESTERN LUMllKIt COMPANY Office! Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. T HK EXCHANGE. Ocorgo BcbeckL FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAR& WKINHARD'S 11EER. 101 Third Street North. pALL AT S31 FIRST BT, For Fresh Dread, Calces and Pits Dally, A Fresh Lino of Groceries, Teas, Codecs, Etc. MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. 4 LRINA FERRY EXCHANQE John Evcrson, Proprietor. Dealer in Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 18 Alblna avenue, corner River ttroet., Alblna, Oregon. riALL AT NINTH AND OLI8AM STS. J. M. RYAN, Dealer In Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery and llakliig. Corner of Ninth and Gllian Street A MEHICAN IIAKERY. Gas Maukerts, Prop. All Kinds ot Dread. Cakes and Pies. Home made llrtad a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. too Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUQ, Proprietor. Cor. lecond and Oak Bts. TORTLAND, Or. TOE DYNES SALOON. Northeast corner of Gllsaa and Seventh Bts. A Choice Collection of Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars. c. P. JONES. CIOAKB, TOUACCOS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUT8, ETC. 1M Slith fltrtst, Bstween GlUait and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon H ENRY FLECKIN6TEIN A CO. WHOLESALE WINE8 AND LIQUORS, Importer and Jobber. 306-308 Second St., Both Telephones Malu 115. Portland, Or. mllK BAVARIA SALOON A. B. BURGER, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquet aad Cigars. Weinhard's Beer. rhon Oregon Blask IMi IV X. Corner Becond and Oak Streets, FORTLaNO, OREGON. ADOLK TETTERSON, Proprietor, OLOF SWENSON. Barkeeper. THE STOCKHOLM. Where can ba found finest of Liquor, Wine and Cigars. Oregon Phone Clay 67. Corner Sixth and Flanders. Portland, Ot mllK POPULAR. JOHN KCKLUND, Proprietor. Telephones! Oregon Red 931; Columbia MS. 123 First Street, Portland, Oregon. The Paper of the People Th OREGON DAILYJOURNAL By Carrier b Portland JOc per Week. ALL THB NEWS THAT'S NEWS TODAY. Weekly and Semi-Weekly Editions Weekly Journal, (Sroples, I year 11.00 6nil.Uy Journal, lOi conks, 1 yr... 1.J0 A Paper for Oregon Homes IDAHO ADYERTISINO. DOLPU SCHREIRER. Funeral Director. 818-020 Front Street, Opposite R. R. Depot Park. Dell phone 212F. Ind. phono 489. BOISE, IDAHO. VTATK HANK OF IDAHO. Wclser, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward Shalmrald, President. Chas. J. Bolwyn, Cashier. Also has a branch at Cambridge, Idaho, People's Bank. Solicits your business. Tho rpHE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, A. Hinkcy, Proprietor. First class In nil respects. Special attention given to commercial men. Long distance, telo phono In connection. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FRED 0. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR HUBINK8S. NAMPA, IDAHO STAR LIVKRY, FEED AND HOARDING STADLB First class rigs furnished to all points. Spe cial rates to Emmctt, Star, Pearl and Bnako River. Spoclal attention given to commercial men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, Nampa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Wclser, Idaho. BArrfON S BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Frco Samplo Rooms. Rates reason, able. Miners', Stockmen's nnd Com mercial Men's Headquarters. Largest and best appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Rooms with bath, steam heat and electric call bells. Bar ber shop in connection. The Idan-ha IDANIIA HOTEL CO., Ltd., Tropriotora K. W. SCI1UI1FKT, Managor. BOISE-, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. RATES 2.60 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Office with J. II. OltAYIIILL, Immigration Agt. O. 6. L. II. It. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great home land mild climate, pure mountain air, fine water. The death rate Is lower in Idaho than In any other state In the Union. No cyclones, storms or bllitards. Klrst premium on (rutt at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; Paris Kxposltlon, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Stock Show, 1900. Gold, silver, copper, coal, line timber. Grow wheat, oats, barley, corn, all kinds ot cultivated grasses, and vegetables to perfec tion. We will be pleased to show you line lrrt gated lands at Nampa, noise, Caldwell, Payette and other points. Wa have bargains in lauds from 110.00 per acre up. Correspondence so licited. Address PRESCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Room A, Hlckey Building, ' NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Thorn, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Triiillng Immigration Agiit Origan Short Uai Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Pious: Origii 419, Cilanblt 4(1. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY TIm Bast ki Currant Litiraturi 12 Complctk Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 rcri year ; 26 ct. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF KOMMU UIEhIISEMENTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and aro lit to wear, bear our label, Barbers' Boats, Walters' Jackets and Aprons. Oans & Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & CO. Furniture and Carpets, SOt-203 Broadway. Undertakers and Embalmers, ISO Broattwmy, Telephone 240. HELENA, MONT. Kessier Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Ot Illgh-Grado Beers, Holona, - - Montana. CALL. AT TUB Fine Photographs We hare all the latest styles in Mounts. Bring your Kodak Miorlc and get prices. K"PI I PD 137U N. MhIii Htrnet, I.CiL.L,C,l, Ori'. I. O. Helen), Mont. EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO, W. II. HALL, Manager. Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. Got Our Prices lloforo Uuylng. Oregon Phono Scott 821. 116 Grand Ave. A. E. SIEOEU. Denier in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 554. 95 N. Seventh St Telephone Ked 931. Private room. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Bwanson, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d aad Washington Sts. Portijlmd Ok WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOU HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 173-174 First Street. A. Ooodnough J. O. Stearns G00DN0UGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Building, Portland, Or City, Buburban and Country Property, im proved and uutraproved. Timber and Coal Lands. Choice Water Frontage, suitable (or manufacturing purpose. Valuable business property for sale. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 26 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. TORTLAND, OR. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...OOMPAMY... Office 8. W, cor. Fourth and Stark Sts. Telephone S39. PORTLAND, OREQON Exdung c Your Crudes Wtn'Mcsururcr oa Trains and order Carriages or Coupes. Baggago checked at resi dence to any destination Branch ottlces: Hotel Portland; United Car. riage Co., Seventh and Taylor, L. M. ADAMS, Mgr. BARR HOTEL European and American Plant Furnished in First-Gass Style, New hosse, newly rarnttsf, two block (row Onion depot .Alt the modtra Improvement, reproof, hot and cold water, centrally I. latts, f 1 and $1.25 a Day. Ha! 34c, Bat X. Cor. Slxta mi Gllsaa, Ftrtlaai. TACOMA ADVERTISING J. F. DA VIES Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Main 472. 1020 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Tclephouc, lied 2375. 118 12th St. TACOMA, WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. Q. FISHER, Prcs & Trcas. Hionc, Oak 214. 0C0 Pacific Avo. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & CO. Dealer in FURNITURE, STOVES, RINSES, Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Tclcphono, James 2570. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN. Thomas Bennett Dealer in New ann Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma Wash. IltA VacaitAN, Pre. H. P. Vaooiian, Trea. U, O. tt'YKicoor, Vice Pre8- and Becy. Wynkoop-Vaughan Company DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN JOHN J MCMILLAN, Prop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone, Slain 240. 100 Tenth. St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. H. KELLY. Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING k SPECIALTY Steam heated Room for Storing; Puralture. Tclophoiie, Main 401, Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MURPHY, Prop. Dry Goods I Men's Furnishings Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are th- ?reat popular drinks 0 the country. How Important to have it nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1538 TactHc Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINQTON. It Makes Your Mouth Water A you slice off a succulent piece of tho tender roast tef procurable at our es tablishment. Of course much depend on the cook don't blame it all on the butcher but we'll take chance on that or we know our met are Al cut. Bay Olty Market. Tmt. malm ft. 11tm Arm. ' " """'wU0lS Si jj&