Jfffmv It kjtf m -. SEATTLE ADVERTISING "MORTUWESTKRN IHON WORKS. Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill and Mining Machinery. Water Front, Foot of University Bt Telephono P1KK 73. Bcattle, Wash. Sohwabacher Bros. 1 Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents (or Hcrnan Cortez, Whlto Knight and Fontclla Cigars. Proprietors ot Happy Homo and Silver Shield Brand Canned Ooods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Wittler-Corbin Machinery Go. Manufacturer! and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jackpon St. and Second Avo. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. THE 8ARANAC CAFE K1LL9 ft DHLS, Props. Oregon Phono, Bouth 1971. CYRUS NOIILK WHIBkEY. Loading Ilrands ot Wlnmm ana Ohelem Otgrnrm. 41 N. Sixth Street, Cor. Couch. PORTLAND, OREOON CAPLAN BROS. Hucccssors to KRIEQ & LEVY. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. BOTH 'PHONGS 838. 394 Washington St., cor. Tenth, PORTLAND, OREGON. Hatters and Furnishers. 4J . &,i.ae..(o, KNOX HATS BUFFUIYI & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. Pictures Framed. Furniture Repaired H. C. Schroeder THE ALBINA House F'urnteher m Homes furnishod complete. Cash or installments. Undertaking and embalming, 344-346 Russell St., Upper Alblna, PORTLAND, OREOON. Phone, Pink Mi. Res. Phone, Pink 17 CO YEANS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Maims DESIGNS COPYRWHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description nay ion may ether an innnlM. quickly ascertain oar opinion fri Inrentlon Is probably Patentable. Connnunlea. wm wbi ttons trlctlreonndeatl, Handbook on I'atcnu 00k rln. nt free. Oldest utner for NamuMUnu. ireonaaeaiuu. Patents taken tbroukb Mann A Co. treoetre toroufo Mann uo. rs spwtoi funics, wunont cnarge, in is Scientific flmcrkan. A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. T-arctst dr. eolation of any edenufla Journal. Terms. 14 a ari roar mcnuia, fb &wa oyau newsaeusra. fl StltrtaaW. llMaf Ynrif OOea, tmVBU Waablscton. D. C. ijjfflrra The Dalles Advertising ESBjlSHhHI TRYING TO MAKE Hin STOP In and order a bag of Dalles Fatont or Whlto River Flour for her baking tho housowifo is continually asking of her htiBband, but if ho forgots alio will order It herself, for tho lover of good, whlto and delicious bread will never uso any other aftor tho experiences tho satisfac tory remits of tho Dalles Patent Flour. It is mado from choico wheat and milled by tho best process. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T OUIS IIUNZ1KKR. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watchoi, Jewelry, SUrorwaro, Op tical Goods, Cut Q Ian. 730 Main Street. PENDLETON, Oregon mHE OWL. A GBNTLKUAN'S REBORT. Finest Wlnos, Liquors and Cigars. Giro Us Call. Opp. Depot, Lett Hand Walk. SMITH A ROCKWELL Props. La Qrandc, Orogon THE MINT SALOON 47. L. MOJ.QUIMT, Pre. WCBT RRAKD9 OF WINES AND LIQUORS...... IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIUARS..M. Corner Depot Btreot and JtRtrson Avenue, LA BRAMDE, Off. X. Y. Judd, Prist. P E. Jcdd, Bec'y and Treat. TiiKaoi K. Fxll, Manager Incorporated, IBM Capital Btock, 110,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturers ot FleeceWool Blankets.lndian Robes Casslmeres, Flannels Pondloton, Orom The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREOON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalmer Lady Assistant. PKNDLKTON OKEQON Rates f2.50 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGON ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. BATKSt European Plan, 50c to $ .50 Per Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J.C. PENDEQAST. Chief Clerk. Walker's Home Cooking Parlors Lunches put up for Travelers. - Wo guarantee satisfaction and prompt service. J. WALKER, Prop. 89 Sixth Street. THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. SOOTHERS OREGON G IIIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholctale and Rotatl Hardware. BTOVE8 AND TINWARE. Wlllamctto Street, EUOENE, OREOON rpiiE UMrquA bakery- FRESH BREAD DAILY. Pies, Cakes. Cookies. Doughnuts, Huns, Rolls Cream l'ufl's. Cakes (sr Socials, Parties and llauqucts Mado to Order. E. JENNINGS and MRS. FREEMAN, Props. Phono 410. Roscburg, Oregon TAY & HENDERSON All Kinds Ot FURNITURE.-...-... Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phone Ulack 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th 8U. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop, First-Class Accommodations and Prompt serr Ico. Largo Sample Qooms for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Wuhington Sts. Albany, Oregon. Entertainers: CHAS. GILVIN. DILL PROTZMAN The Monogram PRANK KENNEDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whli kles. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, -- OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Furnished Rooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South of tho Depot. ROSEBURO - - OREOON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless & Stormer. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Rosehurg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddle Horses nnd Stylish Singlo and Doublo Rigs nt All Hours. ROSEBURO, OREGON. THE HOUSE FURNISHING GO. (Incorporated.) Manufacturers of Woven Wire Mattresses. Carpets, Portlers, Rugs. Laco Curtains, Bludcs, Furniture, Wall Paper, Picture Frame, Maitrvties, Iti-ddlng, Undertaklngand embalmings specialty Stores at Albany and Balem, Ore. Factory at Albauy, Ore. Masonic Temple, Aluany, Oituao.v EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At .All Hours. Transient stock siren the Terr best of care. Rates always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Pbone Main 01. Cor. Rose and Oik Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can And the BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. When in Medford BTOP AT The New Nash Hotel riKST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor. RECENT JUDICIAL DECISIONS. Whoro n bank in Texas held two notes of a depositor, secured by per sonal Indorsement, and such depositor became Insolvent prior to scrvlco on tho bank of n garnishment In n suit ngalnst him, which scrvlco was beforo maturity of tho notes, tho bank was entitled to set off such notes against tho deposit 01 S. W. Hop. 550. Whero nn fiction wiw brought to test the validity of a new by-law of nn nsscssmont insurance company impos ing n lien on its policies to pay denth losses and to crento n reservo fund, and such amendment will not affect tho amount of plaintiffs assessments immediately, nor until after his poli cies lmvo become paynblo by his death, tho company will not bo enjoined, on his falluro to pay his assessments, from declaring his policies void for nonpayment. CO N. Y. Supp. 018. Plaintiff had been employed for four years In defendant's boiler-room, and had seen the construction of tho boil ers ntul of n brldgo suspended In front of them. Ho used tho brldgo somo tlmes oneo a day, and from tho lloor could bco tho cntlro platform to tho brldgo and tho spaco whero tho pint form ended. Held, that plaintiff as sumed tho risk and. could not recover for Injuries cnuscd by his falling through tho spaco whllo mnklng his way from tho boilers, whero ho had gone to shut off escaping steam caused by an explosion. 00 N. Y. Supp. 670. A will bequeathed property to nn In corporated Masonic lodge, nnd Its suc cessors forovor, hi trust, tho Incomo to 1ms applied annually "for tho relief of needy mombors of such lodge, or pre ferably for tho general purposes of tho lodgo, including now nnd then. If do sired, nn appropriation for proper forms of entertainment for tho mom ben." Held, that though tho first ob ject was a charitable one, for which n chnrltnblo trust would Iks valid, tho second object, for which tho testator expresses his preference, was not char itable, and honco tho bequest was void. 48 At Rep. (It. I.) 071. An attorney employed to prosecuto a suit against a street railway for n street nectdent employed ono P. to find witnesses. Two girls, 15 to 17 years old, testified that tho nttorney enmo to them In company with P., nnd In duced thum to sweur for plaintiff, though they stated to hltn that they knew nothing of tho case. Their tes timony was corroborated by P. nnd tho mothor of one girl; and another wit ness testified that tho attorney at tempted to got him to swear to hnvlng seen tho accident ulthough ho hnd told him that ho had not Been It Held, sutllclent cvldenco of subordination of perjury to authorize tho dlshurment of tho attornoy. 00 N. Y. Supp. 524, Aspired to Higher Honor. Rear Admiral J. A. Howell of tho United States nary, popularly known ns tho "father of tho modern torpedo," because, of his Invention of that englno of war, Is credited by tho'Toronto Sat urday Night with knowing why ho mar ried, a pleco of knowledge which Home unmarried persons seem to regard as uncommon. It was Kcnornlly belloved thnt ho was wedded to the science of warfare, nnd It was a surprlso to tho entire navy when n married a charming womnn. A number of years after his marriage n fellow otllcer visited Admiral Howell, nnd saw the children of tho distinguish ed sailor playing about tho honso. "It's like a dream, old nmnl" said tho visitor. "Wo never thought of your getting married. How did you happen to think about It?" "Oh," replied Admiral Howell, glanc ing affectionately at his children nt play, "I got tired of being referred to merely ns tho 'father of tho modern torpedo. " How Ilochelbrt Hurled lllilluulo. ltochcfort, even more than Hugo, wns tho natural butt of thosu cari caturists devoted to tho destinies of Louis Napoleon. Hut none of the car toons directed ngalust him could lilt deeper or leave a moro lasting sting than Ills own sallies In the columns of tho Lanteruc. Ills favorite method of attack was ono which either made prosecution Impossible or elso mado the prosecutor ridiculous. In tho Inu terno ono found apparently Innocent squibs which run something like this: "Tho Emperor Bat yesterday for his portrait, which Is being painted by M. . M. has won wldo dis tinction ns a painter of animals, and It Is expected thnt the Emperor's portrait will prove a great success." Tho Hook man. An Irresistible Holt. A Chicago merchant who knows Ills business and human nature established1 a miniature park and playground on the third floor, where children may bo left by their mothers to play on tho gross, dig bolen In the sand, and sail boats on tho pond. Toys are lent free of charge, and Uiat Is whero the profit comes In, for when tho mother comes for her offspring there Is always a dif ficulty In effecting a parting with tho toy, and as tho toy department Is quite handy tho American child and tho American shopkeeper are together too much for the American mother. No flow About Itow. "Let me row," snld tho pretty girl. "Hut I would rather row," said he. "Well, don't let's have n row." "To avoid a row suppose wo row together. Then we can ifoth row nnd havo no row," New York Times. Ilrllliaut IteetloM in Iho Indies. Hectics In the East and West Indies are so brilliant In coloring that they uro beautiful as gems. Every dog has his day and wise Is the dog that knows when he's having it. Walla Walla Advertisements. LEWIS W. HEATON Manager Plemrd UntlaHmltlnt Pmrlmrm. Graduate Embalmer and Dlslnfector. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard ot Health. Member National Association of Embalmers. P. O. Dox 782- Phono, Main H9. WALLA WALLA, WASH. J. W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Dabcock'a Rrlea llloek, 7jf First 8t. Tclephono Ulack 691. WALLA WALLA, WASH. TRYAN DROS. New Livery, Feed and Sate Stable. Rubber Tired Hacks a specialty. Carriage, calls attended to night or day. Southwest cor. Second and Alder Streets. Telophono C7. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBtide Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. THE WALLA WALLA Steam Laundry Can Suit You. Special Orders Returned the Same Day. Phono, Black 151. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HOUSC. Ratal $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA. WASH. THE ROYAL CAFE 0. E. METTF.R, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class And up-to-Dato In every nppolntmont. Scasonablo dcllcacioi always on hand. Danqucts nnd Rail Suppers Served. Private partloa promptly sorvod. Main Street, bet. Second and Third WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Mine Shop anil Foundry Manufacturers of Pride of Washington Threshers, Self- Feeders, Drapers and Machlno Extras of Every Description. Repair Work i Specialty. Catalogue Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Blazier's... No, 248 Burnsldo Street, Dot. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON The Rest of Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OK Saw Mill Machinery Flouring Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OKKICE AND WORK8: Fourteenth and Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERETT, WASHIN3T0N, ADVERTISEMErVs W. C. BfcKELHAUPT, J.'W. BROOKS, Prost. Sco. and Trots Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers and Exporters of , FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. RITCKKU, Vlco l'ros. WM. TENNANT. Oenl. Mgr. F. W. BUMNKR, President. T. n. SUMNER, Vlco President. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marino, Mining and Mill Maohiniry Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. ROBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check nnd deliver your baggngo for 25c. per pleco four blocks north or south of Hewitt avenue, and between all train and boats. Threo days' frco storago. All work nnd prices guaranteed satisfactory. Phone 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. W. OURR, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. PHONE 31. iaia Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash Cenlralia Advertising. OENY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO OENTMLIA STAR UUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Rest Work In Town Phono CO. M. A. WARING, Proprietor. THE OLYMPIO. Opp. N. 1'. Depot, Ccntralla.Wash. fltralght Whiskies and Key West Cigars a, specialty. Olympla Ilcerou Draught. Uottl floods a specialty, JKH3K I.ATHI1AW, Proprietor, TIIK GHEHAUS FLOURING MILL CO. IIORTKN If AHKK'.L A CO., Proprietors. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. ' MANUKACTURKRH OIT Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's liest Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CIir.lIAUfl.WASH. Surety llonds. Notary Public Kstabllihcd 1889. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Ruccessors to t'oinnaii A Koppuer. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money tn loan mi Improved farms at low rates of Interest, l.tst your farms with us If you want to sell thum, llonds, warrants and other securities bought and sold. Phone W. Chehalls, Washington Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer IIOQUIAM, WAHH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STREET. AIIKRDKKN, WAHII, BEARDSLEY BROS. Licensed Kmbalmors for Statu of Washington, FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wislikaii Street. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prcurlptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded, Telephones Columbia 7W, Oregon Ked 1M4 Prescription Drugmtmim' 07 Nos'th JkltilStrmmt ." I PORTlANO - . 0ttKm