The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, October 25, 1902, Image 8

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Of wliat I onld or what I did I iinvo
no memory, beyond Btnggorltitf back off
tlio body of Wnrron nnd HtnirimurinK:
"Yon! youl Ie it you who luivo tried
to eavo tnoV"
Thon I remomlier lior taking liold of
my arm and uliaking me, and saylnir:
"Never mind me. Never mind who it
is j don't you noo you liavo roleatcil
him? He'll murder you yet if you
don't mind."
Had MIhs Milne risen from tiio ground
or fallen from tlio pkies, liad who do-
Ecended in a chariot of Are, or
ioncil lie-rolf out of the fiitnus of hell,
I could not hae been moro utterly nwo
fitrlckon. With an ntirgy Htninj) of liei
foot and another flhako, hIio repeated,
"Fee, ffol ho is on bin feot!"
Itut move 1 could not, or norhaptt
Mould not, for what littlu umiwi I had
protected against lllo rcHtorod by her.
Warren now, for all I cared, might
work IiIh will with ma.
Hut hIio did not think ho. Her quick
oven had n-eii him stoop to untie, or
ciit, purhaiN, thu ntrlng that hold bin
legs. With a mad rurli, into which nil
lier weight and strength woro thrown,
bIio went at him and drove him, hand!
eapppd aa hu wuh, he,dlong oifor thu
Htcop incline that lay JiiMt to the right
of uh. Jlu rolled down for several
yardH. Sho followed him r.nd stooped
to pick up tKimuthing flho had caught
Hiuht of in the bUBlit'H. It whh War
ren'a ax.
J, moro an a bewitched spectator
than iim one who wuh any longer playing
a part in thu proceeding!), followed.
When Mies Mllno reached Warren, ho
wnH Htill writhing, and, for all I knew,
trying to break or initio the Hiring that
held IiIh feet toguJiur, and that, amid
tliuHO Imwhes, quite provontod any (uick
movement. Hho uvidontly thought
that wuh IiIh object, for stopping quick
)y up to him, hIiu hlefod out: "Vou
move again, you brute, and I'll kill you
with thlh youraxl"
Aa bIki Hpoku hIio clutched it witli
both hands nnd nil sod , it over her
ohouldur. A superstitious dread of tlio
woman held him spellbound. When he
had tultlcd himself quito motionless
nnd iih looking up into her moonlit
fdco with n vacant Htnre, alio Hpoku
again, but now in a voice of great
determination. "Look hero, Warren,
you luuo your effort and failed.
Now I will make you-two offers; you
can accept which you liku. Promise
mo that you will maku no furthur at
tack on Doctor lligby, ami I will let
you go, and taku you to a cavo that I
know of close to thu plnco where your
wife Ih IioiimiiI, ami where sho tan hoo
you and bring you food uvory day. If
you do not promiso 1110 in two seconds,
I will mouse thu pollco, nnd have you
sent buck to thu 'Far Away' again.
Now which Hhall it bu?"
Thu man did not reply for several
seconds. With IiIh eyes still rolling,
lila hair on end, ho stared vacantly,
first at her, then at mu,
"Now, Warren, which shall it be?
Wo hiivu no time to spare, daylight is
coming; you niustdeciilo at once."
"I promlfo," said Wnrron, in n
dogged, subdued way.
Tlion MIhh Milnu stooped down and
cut tlio string and (for thu man hiniMilf
sat powerlosi) tied up the chain to Ills
"Now, Warren, jump up nnd wish
Dr. Itigby good-night, and shako
Thin wuh a hitter pill, but there was
nothing lor it but to obuy, and, rtop
ping up to mu, hu put out IiIh hand. I
took it in mine anil said: "Warren,
I am, and have always boon, iiiont ter
ribly sorry for you, but I hud to do my
Without looking up, ho replied:
"I ain't 'ad no smallpox, but I've
loit my gal."
For a moment thu strong hand
trembled, and tlio mouth of thu giant
' "Come, come, Wnrron, follow mo
now. 1 shall bu missed. Good-night,
Doctor Ulgby."
And they wore gonn. And I, like
Sir Hodovoro, stood "revolving many
memories," till thu sound of their feet
on thu dead underwood died away, and
tholr forms appeared aa two black
pocks "against thu vurgu of dawn."
When even moro than usually sick
of tlio quarantine station and ita ultra
Iprisoii'llku surroundings, it was my
custom to put a book in my pocket, nnd
i clamber along the ocean const from
rock to rock until I reached a point
lht had probably uuvur buforti boon
viiitod by mortal man. At least, so I
udgod from thu excitement my visit
KXiihiuued among thu millions of
bruin, strange birds and uncanny tUli
that abounded there. My favorite seat
tun a jut of pointed rock that had by
uuntlcts tides boon washed into thu
lliupo of an armchair.
At my feot, as I sat in my ocean
kudo chair, was a largo plateau of per
octly clean, level rock, bo smooth,
llenn and level that ono might have
llauM billiards on it. In tho center
If this table-rock was u most remark
Iblu freak of imtuw:, this was a pur
ctly round basin of water about ten
.mis in diameter, so circular that I do
ot think thu moit luvurato mathema
dim could huo discovered a (law in
not only circular at the out lot, but
nicavoly circuUr in nil its measure
cuts, On thu morning auceolln(i tlio
Mlit Just recorded, I was walking
bund and round this bath ol mluu,
lid trying In vain to realise sonio-
king ol last night, but tlio whole
ling was liku a dream. "Miw Milno
horo Misa Milno horol" 1 waB saying
ovor nnd over, as though tho roltorn
tion of tho fact would help mo to ap
preciate it. "And I owo my life to
"My God!"' I thought, "thia wo
man, this novolty on earth, is doomed
to haunt mo, sunt for tho purposo of
Incoming my NemosiB."
So I rnvod on, unseen by mortnl oyo,
unheard by mortnl ear; eo I kicked
ngitlnst tho pricks of fnto, nnd cursed
thu day I wan born, when suddenly
nlnni' tha inn of tlin cliff I snw nomu
thing moving. 'TIb somo one's bend,
that of n woman, stopping down "by
zigzag paths and jutu of polntod rock."
I lfnvo not boon scon as yet, nnd so
hido; thuro is n Ilttlo cavo at tho end
of tlio table-rock, from tho shadow of
which I enn pnfoly watch hor movo
ments. Seemingly on tho edgo of nn
overhanging prominenco, bIio Htops,
nnd produces from under her dross n
basket nnd a ropu. Shu tics the basket
on and lots it cautiously down.; tlion,
whun it had deecunded something liku
thirty feut, n stick nppenrs from n envo
opposite arid gives tho basket a push;
thin is repented again nnd ngnin until,
while tho woman holds pationtly on to
tho end of tho ropu, thu basket cornea
near enough to bo caught by an out
stretched- hand. 'Tie thu hand of
Wnrren, I can soo, nnd tho woman
nbovo is hia wifo.
I certainly mark thu spot whoro tho
man is hidden, nnd I too nlso whore
thu woman hldos tlio rope; then I hur
ry home and nack up somo clothing,
sornu whiskuy, methylated spirit, nnd a
small spirit lamp; to this I add ten,
potted meat, and n few other nocos
sarles, nnd with my pnrcul mnko for
thu top of tho cliff. I tio on tho ropo
nnd lut it down; presently n jork tolls
mo hu has soon it; for a momont it
swings vlolontly, nnd then another jerk
nnd thu weight Is gonu. Then I go
back to homo nnd to work.
"This is a torriblo thing nbout Wnr
ron," paid tho aurgcant of pollco to mo
that night, ns togethor'wo mndo thu
evening round. "Do you think, doc
tor, his death was a painful ono??"
"Painful? No; why should It bo?
No death is so painful na men lniaglno,
nor, for tho mutter of that, so plonsant
oitlior. Tho girl who faints, dies na
far na alio Is concornod; tho man who
Ih stunned has gono through nil thu
agonies of death; opium poisoning,
bleeding to death, nnd death from ex
haustion aro simply sleeping without
awakuning. If Wnrron was drowned,
liis sufferings wuru nothing compared
to what ho had gone through j If oaten
by sharks, tlion indeed no must havu
had a very bad quartur of nn hour."
When tho sergeant had gonn, I start
ed ngnin for tho pluco whero Wnrron
wuh hidden. This tlmu I carried to
bacco, n koroseno lamp nnd a bottle of
water. I hud previously mndo up my
mind that tho only safe road to thu
cavo was somowhoro on tho opposite
side to that from which I had watched
him in tho morning. Hut for an hour
I wandorod about, without finding any
truces of a path leading in tho right di
rection, I stood still and listened, and
thuro directly bolow mu, I caught now
and then thu Found of voices. Not
withstanding thu danger, I resolved
upon descending. For a fow stups nil
went well, but suddenly I caino upon n
littlu precipice, down which I, pnrcul
and ah, slid with n violence that, but
lor a bush that stuck out from between
somo rocks, would have carried mo
straight ovur to my tablu rock bolow.
To this bush I hung on desperately,
nnd soon discovered that thoru was no
pofslhility of my continuing my desiunt
with anything liku safety; nor could I
retrace my (tops. Thoru was, there
fore, only ono thing luft for mu to do,
and that vni to nttrnct Warren's atten
tion and securo his help.
I whistled thu long low whistle of
tho Loudon burglar, and tho conversa
tion stopped, I repeated it, and then I
heard a movement somo eight or ten
yards bolow,
"Is that you, Warren?" I whispered.
"Yea. Who aro you?"
"Thu doctor. I havu brought you
sornu things and lost my way."
"Stick on, sir, and I'll help yor."
In n fuw seconds thu man had climb
ed to thu rock ubovu and lot down tho
"Hang on to that, sit, and I'll let
you down to my ledgo,"
And I obeyed. As I felt his mighty
erui lowering mo 1 could not help
thinking how easily hu could nvongu
himself now If hu liked. At thu mouth
of thu cave I found his wifo. and in tho
cau n solitary cuudlo burning. War
ron soon joined us, and put out his
hand to mu, this timo with no hesita
tion. "You must forglvo pio for wishing
you 'arm, out you uoiri Know nil ivo
gonu through."
"Forglvo youl of courso I do; nnd
there's not a man on thu station moro
Intoiuoly sorry for you than nijsolf,
hut you know I had to send you down."
For a moment hu was silent, then ho
mu tiered: "I never 'nd no tniallpix."
"I thought and still think you hud;
but, Wnrron, It you had not, thon it
was a mistake, and you have made mis
takes yournoH,"
"Hut think o' that gal.ot oursl"
And thu giant folded his face in hia
hands. Then hia wife walked across to
him, nnd Mth a tenderness that culture
ulonu cannot bestow, put hor arm
around hia neck. ''Never mind, Dill,
you must forgive the doctor; ho tnoant
yo no 'arm."
"I ave, I ,avo,M muttered Warren.
"Plda't I say sot"
."Now coma, let ua unpack this par
a a. t 11 r i
col," I said, anxious to chapgo tho con
versation. "If thoro is anything more
you want, Wnrron, you must let mo
"Well, sir, 'ow lorn am I likoly to
bo 'cro?"
"Oh I for somo dnya. Wo shall havo
to think out what to do with you. You
aro nil right nnd coniforlablo horo, any
"Yes, sir. and tho wifo coming at
night, elio makes it nil right."
"How dors alio manago to got nway?"
"Well, sir, that nureo Homily, an
she calls herself, sho's n wonderful wo
man. Sho's taken night duty, and
thon directly eho comes on duty, tho
missus makes for a gap in tlio fonco
and don't go back till morning. Won
derful woman that, sir! But for 'or
you'd been n dead man. Sho reo'd mo
swim ashore, nnd then sho llstcnod to
what I said to tho wifo, nnd wont nnd
told yor, sir. 'Ow glnd I nm now thnt
sho stopped mo from 'urtlng yor. Yor
should henr my mUsus toll 'ow sho
work.H that thoro cranky dector up
thero; sho just winds Mm round 'or
finger. Shu got nil of them things
thoro out of Mm, ns though for 'orsolf.
Grnnd woman thnt, nirt I wish you
know 'or bottor, sir."
Ono night, it was nt tho timo whon
things nt tho quarantine station woro
at their vory worst, nbout half past 7,
thoroughly sick at heart of complaints
I could not remedy and wants I could
not supply, I wnndored in tho diroctlon
of Wnrroif'a envo. Wo had become by
this time groat friends. I had forgot
ten nil hia throats of vongonnco and
learned to respect nnd udmire him for
his readiness to forglvo, his tender lovo
of his wifo, and his patience tinder
great Buffering nnd privation, and thoro
foro I did what I could in tho way of
supplying him with littlu luxuries, nnd
seeing him ah often na wns prudent,
that I might llgbton his burden, Thia
evening I thought I could safely absent
myself for n couplo of hours, and taking
mv fishing lino, ns a blind in tho ovont
of my being seen, I mndo for tlio cave.
Ho was, ns UBual, very glnd to ece me,
nnd togothor wo snt nt thu mouth of
tho cavo nnd smoked our pipes, whilo
his wifo mndo us a cup of tea ovor tho
spirit lamp; no other II ro would havo
boon, on account of tho smoko, at all
Wo woro talking of old tlmoa -to
him good old tlmos: of tho gold rush,
whon men picked up gold by tho double
handful, nnd spent it ns freely. "Ah!
thorn was tho dnya, doctor," ho was
saying, "whon a follow wanted his eye
tooth about Mm But look nt thnt thero
boat I Sho's beating up for tlio Heads,
but sho won't fotch them."
The boat to which ho drow my atten
tion was a good siiod yacht that had
been outside tho Heads, either for a
tall or for a fishing excursion. The
night had come up 'squally, ami eh
was evidently lato in hor return. She
curried littlu canvass, and was coming
in tho teeth of tho wind. Although
knowing nothing of sailing myself, I
grew intensely interested aa Warron
(who, liko most nilddlo aged colonials,
know all tho arts ol navigation) dilated
on tho scloneo of getting through th(
narrow opening that forms such a
dangerous, and yot, at tho same timo,
such nn easily defended entrance to
Sydney harbor.
"Now you'll bco, sir, lie eald, as tho
boat camo vory near to ub, "eho'll tack
ugain, bent along tho const, nnd thon
In. Thuro thoy gol I told yo bo My
God!" ho suddenly oxclnlmod, ns tho
sails flapped nnd tho yacht reolod, "sho
won't answer! Sho'II bo wrecked!"
And stiro enough, tho next boa
brought her noarer tho dangorous coast
below, and tho noxt nearer still. Tlion
Wnrron grow dospernto. Itegardlesa of
dangor, ho rushed out of tho cavo, and,
bidding mo follow, hurried down tho
sldo of tho cliff.
Dy tlio time wo renchod tho edgo of
my table rock sho wuh eloro In to ua,
nnd wo could plainly distinguish a
woman's form holding onto tho mast,
nnd thnt of an old man encouraging the
two sailors in charge
"There's no chuueo for them," I
hoard Warren say, half to hinieolf.
"Sho must go to pieces."
"Wo muit do something. What Ib
tho boi-t thing to do? You ought to
"A rope, sir; if wo only had a ropo."
(To be Continued.)
In Suspense.
"Fo you don't know whether you
want to go to work or not?'.'
"Well, sub," answered Mr. firastus
Pinklov, "I'd liko do refusal ob do job
a littlu whilo,"
"Hut I need somebody right away."
"In dat cute I'll hab to let it go by.
I'zo jes' bought a policy ticket, an'
I'll halter wait till nftuh do drawin'
to sou w bother I'lo'gwine to work at
ull or not." ,
The Time Honored Spanker.
Onco my sister Floy was sent on an
errand for sornu things for my mother.
Thuro waa a traveling man thuro who
was soiling tome carpet spankois, and
he uskod hor:
"Has your mother got ono of those
"No ,slr,,f she replied.
"What does she use?" ho asked.
"Her hand," was the prompt reply.
930,000 Without an Owner. '
The f30,000 in bills which figured in
tho bribery cases attending the election
of Senator Clark by the Montana legis
lature still remains a part of the arch
ivea of that state. The man to whom
It was given as r. bribe never clalmod
It; tho briber or bribers have not asked
that it bo returned, and thero is no
channel by which the state can appro
prlate it aa part of tho public funds.
A Way She Has.
Inquiaitlvo Neighbor I hear that
your sister la engaged. Is that true?
Small Boy I dare my. She genet
ally it,
Coal - Coal - Coal
Western Feed & Fuel Co.
Dealers In all kinds of
Try tho famous
Iloth Phonos.
OHIco: 151 North Fifth St.
Dunning & Campion.
Funeral Directors Embalmers
SCO Ilumslilo St., bot. Third And 1'ourth,
Oregon Phono Main 4,7). Columbia Phono 430
Night cills ring night boll.
Seo Our Prices Before Buying.
Send for freo catalogue
Extract from llct. 1 tar. Makcri P. A. Mar 27, lPWr
"Vanklrk & Mllr.on aro quoting prlco In tholr
cataloguo that no retail dealer carol to moot."
That'i what the Klnj ' of,ui. Oct our
Tradc Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyang landing a akatch and dcicrtptlon
ntilcklr mcoruln otir opinion froo whothe
liirontlnn U probablr ttmtahlo.'Cominui
Handbook on I'atonu
lout tree. Ul
lileit aiwnor for curinspatanu.
ikfln tlimuirh Munn A Co. fttcalva
aoniiAj. imnuDoaK
iionor for curini
1'Atonti takon tlirounh Munn A '
tptelal notice, without charge. In tho
scientific American.
A handiomelf lllaatratad weaklf.
.Hil.tlfm nt .nr rlniitlda InurnaL
TjiriMt dr.
ournaU Tcrmi, 13
rnnri four montln, L Hold bjr all ncftririealcr.
.PnseiBroiuW New York
Uranca Offlco, r F BU Waablngton. V. U
Giro ua a trial and wo will couvltico you that
mir ifiMxla are tho bout aa well as the chrumut.
o carry a (ull and complete lino of Mouopole
KiHidi, which aro known tho world over fo r
Ilrit uranulated niffar, pack (100 lb) ., , II.R5
licit creamrry liutttr, roll Ulo and 4"hj
l'our pound nice dried npplea. "Ao
"Wheat-O," IV) teller, per package .. . .5o
Table iK-achm, peari, aprlcoti, can 12o
Leinoui, periloi, 10c to Wo
l'cat valley flour, lack 7"o
Choice pink beam, Klba ,...2ta
No. 1 whltH iH-aui, 71bl.., '25a
Nn. 1 lentil, 0 lba -Jta
lint prune 4otofo
Mb can Shilling' baking powder.. -10a
A pkga Jumbo mush (lu lb). - -V:
Macaroni, lox. ... Xo
t'ornmeal, lack (10 lb)... 'J-Vj
Kngllah bri'akfaal tra, a good one, lb S.V)
Fancy Mocha and Java coftVe (loo kind) o
"V. S." Mocha and Java collet (.tic kind) lb..2to
"Victor" blend collee (iV) kind) 15. 'JOo
"Hex" colfeu. a good one, lb l'JU'o
Toothpick, 3 pkg ,, loo
Our toaa and coll'ee are unexcelled In flavor
and atrength: alnava uniform, alwaya the belt,
(lood caliup, large bot.. 10c: big mackerel, 10c:
Kconomy cream, '.' can, 15c: nlco lalmou, 'J
ram, lSc: iork and beam, '- cam, lfc: mop
tick. 10c: hrlmpi, can.loc: 7 bar Owloap,
-'.V. All kind canned meat at low price.
Wo want your trade. The huilllng Grocer.
Woolley & Place
207 Third Street.
KilUon Elcctrlo Limps roilucoil to 15
cents each, or fl,75 per dozen.
UeethebO Lamps with proH?r voltage
nml mako your light tho cheapeat ami
Portland Gmnerml
Electric Co.
Seventh anti
Aldmr Sis.
EsUbllliUd Jin. 1.1889.
lncrporat4 Jul; 8, 1891.
Portland Coffee and Spice Go.
For the Trade Only. .
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUR SPECIAL BRANDS: Bplces, Acme, Mult
nomah; Unking Powder. Do (lance, Doublo
Quick ; CoffeeRoyal Blend r Sugar, xxxx liar.
Z4-2B Front trmi,
Oml. Amh mnd Ankmny.
Our Friends aro Alt Cordially Invited
To Attend.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts,
RENA STINSON, Lady Aulilint.
KW.CATIXAHAK. rrcldent.
C. It. (lAKD.VKIt, Vlco 1're.ldont.
W. V. TKHKY, TrenJiuror.
Portland Implement Co.
188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore.
Do You
Know the News ?
You can havo It all for
Per Eft st Per
In Tho Kyenlns Telogram, of Portland,
Oregon. It 1 the largt itovonlng new
paper pnbllihed In Origoii: It contain
all the new ol the itatu and of tho na
tion. Try It for a month. A aamplo
copy will be mailed to you free. Ad
X Portland, Oregon. X
..m DEALERS IN....
Second Hand Machinery
260 Eamt Water Street.
Any Bias
Ituhber Ilnota and Hhuaa, Halting, racking and Boa.
Largeit and Moit Coropleta Auortment of all Kind of Rubber Gooda,
B. B. rKABK, Preildent. r. U, BHKPAUO. JIU. Treaiurer J. A. 8HEPABO, Becratarf
The Em Cm ANS co'
Atkins Saws are
Ahead. a
Loewenberg &
19 m wwm weeemm etreet
Phonei: Orsgon Main 770., Colambla 420,
All goods whole-ale and retail.
204 Yftmjilll St., nr. Third, Portland, Or
W. I- McCadc,
E. 8. IUMtLTO,
Also Honolulu, H. h
Hand Otfioos Tacoma, Wash,
Cnblo Addreis: McCAIlE
14 Wattr Street, Liverpool.
Star Brewery
Ilrewcrs and Jlottlcri of
Hop Gold Beer
Vancouver, Wash,
East Third and Burnside Sts., Port
land, Oregon.
Ann Arbor Home
M. SHIELDS, 1'roprlotor.
Sixteenth nnd Glisan Sts., Portland, Or
Georgo Mlllor. IUrnm Fugltt. , Jj
Wagner Cafe . '?
I'hon Main 876. S
.' t
143 Sixth St., Fortland. .,-J
Coihfortnhlo QaartcrH for Commercial J
nnd UiiHlnesa Men. 'A
Portland Club
and Cafe...
130 Fifth Street
II Monogram and III Cyrus Noble
A Romort for Q'entlomon
'Phono OreijonMain 008; Columbia 407
Any )tyU
Pmolflo Ooamt Mranoh,
No. 60 Flrmt Street,
Portland, Ore.
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware nd
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steef Ranges Are
the Best and (Cheapest
in the Market 7t,
mim mm, afim.2
- m u mwmmw, vrMmmnjiw
. - v