, .J- ii. JjTV.'iHiWtf, .ssKt.JtegSKi!K:,VJVmK!hmw"Jl ,.gSi5fiffn?TBRri'', is $ THIS NEW AGKE, PdBTLANP, OREGON. vias y BUSINESS- LOCALS. Always ask for tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agonts, Portland, Or. Cnll,nt Eunson iVWatklns, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, Boda water, etc. 03 Sixth Btieet, Portland, Oregon. For first , class dental work and Erompt attontlon, go to tho Now York cntal Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Tho Yakima. Market, H. A. Drasen, manager, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 149 First sticct. Oregon 'phono Main 089. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notea and moragages bought. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wilson. auctioneers, household furni ture nnd .bankrupt stocks bought ami sold. Office and salesrooms 182 First Btrect, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono EOS; Oregon 'phone South 2C1. French Dyeing and Cleaning Worki. All work dono at tery modreate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do lcau, proprietor, 456 Gliean street. - Wo want your trade Musio'halt price; musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments. H. H. Wright, wholcsalo and retail dealer in musio and musical merchandise Tho Musio building, 340 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon. F. E. BEACH & CO., Tho Pioneer Paint Company, mnko a specialty of wiling tho bent tilings mado in paints. Hojiho Paint, Floor Paint, Barn Paint, Fonro Paint nnd Roof 1'uin.t; EnamelH, Vurniolies, Colors, Stains, Cementlco Kahomlnonnd general build- nig mntorlal. 135 1'lrst St., w. W. cor- nig mntori Alder, Po rtlund, Oregon. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with tho BEST for no moro than you might pay for tho WORST, therefore, don't throw away good money for poor aer vlco, but If you nro going East, or havo friends coming West, let us tell you what wo can offer on Chicago, Washington, Now York, Boston, 'St. Louis, Memphis, Now Orleans, and all Intermediate points. Our rails are laid In fourteen dlfforent states of the Union. Communlcato with us regarding freight and passenger business; It's a plcasuro to reply to your letter. B. H. TRUMBULL, J. C. LINDSAY, Commercial Agent. T. F. & P. A. 142 Third St. Portland, Oregon TirODEL IIAKEUY. CHA8. KKTZEH, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Candies, Etc. Goods delivered to any part of tho'City. No. 3 First Street. Walla Walla, Wash. mllE SENATE. OEO. nETZEH & CO. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. , WALLA WALLA, WASH TkKPOT LUNCH COUNTER. ( FRANK M. CUMMINQP, Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T HE 8ARANAC CAFE EILL8 A OHLS, IVopi. Cyru Noble WhUkey. LaJIng- llrandi of WInet and Choice Cigars. Special!-, Olyropta Beer. Oregon 'Phone South mi. 41 N. Sixth St., Cor. Couch. PORTLAND, OR A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Informathn furnished regarding Wal la Walla and Jmatilla Counties. No. 6K Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlinp Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J G. REDDICK, Manager. HOTEL aosr 9i,aoo,ooa. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmnmfr. Amarloan Plan, $3 Par Day and Up war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Or agon THE HELENA E. C GREENE, Manager. American plan. An Up-to-Date Hotel. Is Be ing Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kum-C-iYle. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. Fint-CUst Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Free Bui. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS Walla Walla, "Wash. The White House FOR .YOUIl Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVISR WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. OUICHARD, Prop. Telephone Ited Ofil 102 Main Street. WALLA WALLA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, M?r. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finleri R. E. TAYLOK, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Alen. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $5.oo Per Day, BUTTE, MONT. uwmm t - -ZZ?Tf rV.Ur, -- PORTLAND. Dewey Palace CHAS. WEISIDE, Prop. Everything new and up to the times. Table and rooms the best the market affords. Assembly hall. Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable In connection. Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing mining. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men J J J J J 0 NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading; Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling: Public Special Samel Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining: Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. j j j EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and'$1.00 Per Pay. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bub and Free Sample Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac EDQAR E. K. SCHMITT, Prop. Strictly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite. j J Reservation by Wire. Commercial, News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Prop. A New. Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. The Dalles Advertising For First-Class Livery BKK - The New Livery Stable O. h. SMITH, Proprietor, Second Street near 1 m igblln Street. The only Up-to-Date Livery In Tho Dalles. Telephone No. 27; Long (Ih aniin 1R71 TJin D.iIIph. Orwoil tanco 1871 Tho Dalles, Oregon COMING ATTRACTIONS. "BARBARA FRIETCHIE.V "Who touchos a hair on yon gray head dies like a dog," woro tho Im mortal words in Whlttler's poem that havo caused tho blood of thousands of Americans to tingle with patriot Ism. Theso nro tho words, too, of Stone will Jackson In tho war drama, "Barbara Frletchlo," Tula Is to bo I resented In this city at Cordray's Theater for one week, commencing next Sunday matinee, with Mnry Eliz abeth Forbes In tho tltlo role. It was first produced In tho West In San Francisco during tho visit there of President McKinloy, and was not only witnessed by nearly nil tho members of his cabinet, but by tho governors of four states and their staffs. The play Is in four acts, with tho scenes laid In and around Frederick, Aid. AN ALL ABIDING FAITH. Tho Illinois Central Railroad Com pany has an all abiding faith in tho future of tho Great Northwest. A short tlmo ago, this wns manifested by tho establishment, in Scnttlo, of rn agency to take enro of their Inter ests there. Tho latest effort Is to put on a splendidly equipped now train pcrvlco between St. rnul and Chicago. Tho now trains "will bo running Sun. day, November 2. They will use their own rails botwocn Chicago and Albert Lea. Allnn.. and tho Minneapolis & St. Louis- By. track from Albert Lea to Minneapolis and St. Paul, running into tho union depot nt. St. Paul, which Is tho snmo that is used by nil lines In that city. Tho train Is to bo known as "Tho Chicago. St. Paul and Minneapolis Limited" nnd will consist of sleeping car, buffet library enr and reclining chair cor through without chongo be tween Chicago nnd Minneapolis and St. Paul. Dining car service will also he mnlntalncd, supper bolng served nut of Chicago and brcnkfnst into Chi cago. Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p. m. and nrrivo in Chicago 0:30 a. m.: leavo Chicago nt 0:10 p. m. and nrrivo ht St. Paul 8:40 n. m., making closo connection nt St Paul with nil western lines. Tickets can bo pur chnsed via this lino, In connection with nil western lines, nt all stations. For further Information regarding rates, routes, time, ota, cnll on or nddresB, B. H. TRUMBULL. Comm. Agt. HI. Cent. R. R. 142 Third St.. Portland, Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON. F. P. A. III. Cent. R. R., Seattle, Wash. Legislative Ticket. John B. Wilson Twelfth district A. F. Koob Thirteenth district E. AI. Denton Thirteenth district County Ticket. J. Z. Smith Auditor Chnrlcs S. Painter Sheriff O. O. Brcczo Clerk Lester S. Wilson Attorney Lew Lochr Surveyor R. J. Bcrrymnn Assessor J. Elmer Alyers Stipt. Schools W. B. Tlowloy Treasurer W. D. Smith Coroner J. J. Huff man... Justlco of tho Peace Levi Alalono Constable Frank E. Smith,.. Comm. 1st district John N. AIcCaw....Comm. 3d district You will not fall to attend the Au tumn Danco given by tho Household of Ruth nt G. A. R. hall. 1st and Tay lor streets, Tuesday, October 28th. Brown's orchestra Iioh boon engaged nnd will furnish music from 8 to 12 o'clock. v PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange.- TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice Butte Goal Company. mm Coal and Wood Hay and Orain Ommlmrm Mm Mmmamt . Mmmm Oantant. Plamtar Parlm. Granite Wall Plamtar. Eta. City olllce, 19 Eait Ilromluay: Telephone -17 Yanli, Upiier Main H trout Itailroud Truck ; Telephone w i. murre, momtama: Walla Walla Advs. NETTLETON'S SHOES AltE GENTLEMEN'S SHOES And oii ill always (lnd u nice lino of tho latent styles here. We aleo carry tho bent lino of (3.60 Shoo in tho city. THE CASH SHOE CO. 0, X. HATCH, Mannger. lt'."."'?J''" r. IM mmj aWIP1! t jlw Lw. ',' Jkammmmmm S!mmmayiftmmmmm THE NEW AQE. Establlihcd 1890. A. P. Griffin, Manage. Olllce, 22 Stiuk Street, Concord Hulldlntt, Portlnud, Oregon. AGENTS. C. A. Kilter rortlund, Oregon K. II. Holme SH)k(vne, WmihlnKtou K. Krltz Keoblo anil) 915 Paclllc Ava., !.. H. liniCO -...I TUCOIIIfl, WAMt. Waldo llogel Walla Walla, Wah. To Iniur publication, all local ticwa ratut reach ui not later than Thursday morning of each week. Subscription price, one year, payable In ad vance, fi 00. CITY NEWS Mrs. T. Doldon's condition Is still very critical. Mr. W. L. D. Plunior has gono to housekeeping nt 2C$ 20th N. Mr. Wm. Allen has hecn slightly un der tho wtnthor for tho past week. Mrs. A. Nowsomo, who hns heen 111 for some tlmo pnst, doos not Improve. Mr. II. II. Hunter hnsncccptcd a po sition with tho Columbia Telophono company. Neatly furnlBhcd rooniB nt reason nolo rntes apply to Mrs. Annlo Yates, 307 Couch street. Mrs. L. Dalmor returned homo last wcok from an extended visit to friends In tho East. Mr. T. Davis, who Is In tho employ of tho U. S. surveying department, spent sovoral days In tho city this woc't Mrs. J. GlvcnB, who has boon stop ring with Mrs. J. C. Logan, left for her homo In Oakland, Col., on tho lGth Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Harris, nil lately of St. Paul, aro stopping with Mrs. M. A, Goodwin of 415 Davis street. Mr. Chas. Connors, lately of Knox vllle, Tonn., has accepted a position with J. P. Flnloy & Son, ono of tho leading undertaking flnnd In tho city. Mrs. W, S. Robinson, of Unlvorslty Park, entertained at dinner on tho 10th Inst., nov. J. W. Wright, wlfo nnd baby, Mrs, M. Cnrr and Mrs. D. Knox. Mr. Frank Mitchell has accepted a position as traveling companion with Col. John S. Crawford, tho votoran In dian scout. Thoy loft for California Wednesdny. Thoro will Jo no services at tho A. M. R. Zlon church on Sunday evening, October 2Cth. On Novombor 2d tho choir will glvo a sacred concort. Full particulars noxt week NOTICK.Thoro will bo a showor pnrty and hat trimming contest nt Bcthol A. M. 13, church Frldny oven lng, Octobor 31, given by tho ladles of tho church, Admission, adults, 10c; children, Do. Sorvlcos nt Dothol A. M. E. church. G8 N. 10th streot, preaching at 11:00 n. in. nnd nt 8:30 p. m.; class mooting at 12:00 m.; Sunday school, 1:00 p. m. You and your frlonds aro cor dially Invited. Rov. J. W. Wright loft W'odnosdny evening to attend tho genoral confer ence which meets on tho 29th Inst. In Los AiiRoled. Cnl. It Is thn wish of many of the friends of tho church that he bo returned for nnothor year. On Wednesday of this woek Mr. .1. Olasco entertnlned a few frlonds Jn honor or his 30th birthday. Nows hns boon received of tho mur der by her husband of Mrs, Llzzlo Mooro, hotter known to our eltlzons as Mrs. Llzzlo Clipper, In n fit of Jealous rngo ho shot her. Thoy wore living In Hanford, Cnl, He had for merly served a term In tho ppnlton tlary for cutting a man It Is said In this caso also about his wlfo, On Wednesday of this woek a ver dict of murder In tho first dogreo was returned In tho caso of Gfo. Smith, who shot his wlfo on tho 22d of Au gust, In this city. No other vonllct wns expoctcd, as tho facts In tho enso showed promedltntlon, Ills lawyor asked for nnd wns granted a week to mako a move for a now trial. D. C. Allen, of Chicago, a Pullman porter, after lingering in tho hospital flvo or six weeks, died Soptombnr 20, Ho wns born In Yazoo, SIIss,, March ft, 1870. Mrs. Allen, his wlfo, nrrlvod In Portlnnd Sunday, Tho funeral wns held Monday at 2:30 at tho undertak ing parlors. Tho train porters had chargo of tho body, Itov. Tolson of flclatlng, Tho Applo Dumpling soolnl given at tho Mt. Olivet church was a credit to tho committee. Tho dumplings woro delicious and few wero content ed to stop without sending tholr plates hack for a second supply. Tho com mittee had a liberal number on hand i and wero able to fill all tho demands. A neat dtim was realized for tho bene fit of tho church. Wo learn that In tho near futtiro wo will havo on orchestra composed of colored gentlemen and Indies who will be ablo to furnish music for any nnd all entertainments. They Intend to glvo a concert nnd entertainment in tho near futuro to assist to defray tho expenses of procuring tho neces sary Instruments. It Is a worthy cause and should bo encouraged. Rev. ToUon and wife wero agree ably surprised Tuesday evening by tho ladles and friends of Dothol A. M. E. church gathering In tho pnrsonngo with bnBkots ladpn with plenty of everything to Bntlsfy tho inner man, A Jolly crowd, n delightful evening; u number of songs nnd musical selec tions; a short speech by tho pastor, then nil departed for tholr sovoral homes. John W. E. Wright, tho oldoBt sou of Itcv. J. W. Wright, of tho A. M. 13. Zlon church, surprised tho family by paying them an unexpected visit last week. They had not had tho plcasuro of bolng together for over two yenrs. Ho Is nt present in tho employ of tho P. Dining Cnr Co. On tho 20th Inst. nkfow frlonds woro Invited to nueot at a reception In his honor nt tho parson ago. A very pleasant ovculng was. spent. Tho fact that Mrs. O. L. LInthocum hns taken chnrgo of tho lunch coun ter nt Messrs. Allen nnd Walkor's es tablishment Is sudlclent gunrantuo that any ono desirous of partaking of Htich a meal as your mother UBed to cook will mako no mistake in giving hor n call at No. 102 N. flth street, whoro sho has cozy quartors nnd Is ready to servo meals that tho most fastidious will bo satisfied with. While sho has only beou established far n few days tho famo of hor meals has gono far and wldo. Tho mock trial at tho Paul, Lawronco Dunbar Literary society drow a largo audlonco who wero amused, Instruct ed and entertained from tho begin ning to tho end of tho performance and whilst tho Jury wero not gallant, enough to grant tho lndy in tho caso tho damages that sho claimed as tho result of tho breach of promise, tho sympathies of tho audience woro with hor nnd that to a great moasuiu con soled her for tho loss of her case. Tho mcotlngs of tho society with tho ap proach of winter are Increasing In tho number to uttondants and also In interest. All nro Invited. Thn meet ings nro held each Thursday evening nt tho A, M. E. Zlon church, 13th and Main street. Monday, October 31, will long bo remembered by tho throng of merry llttlo folks that gathered at No. 840 tth streot In response to Invitations iBsucd by Mrs. M. E. West, requesting tuolr presence in nonor of the birth day of two of her grandchildren, MIbi Edith nnd Master Bovcrn Gray. Tf afternoon was spent In gnmes, mus song and dancing. Light refros monts woro served, tho kind thnt a pealed to tho eye and pnlato of tl young folks nnd nt dusk thoy wni dismissed. MIsb Edith nnd Musto Sevorn woro each tho recipient oi many tokens of friendship, Lack of spaco and tho largo number that par ticipated prevents us from giving Hho list of names' or presents. Having learned that tho 17th Inst was Mr. W. H. Cartor'a birthday, u largo number of friends took posses blon of his place of abode nnd upon his arrival proceeded to meet out to him tho dosu prescribed by nnclont uungo of a "blow for each year und ono to grow on," but as tho rod was yielded by femlnino hands tt did no serious haim. Tho evening pnssod nwlftly .twuy onllvenod with music, song, dancing and games, At mid night a sumptuous ropnst was spread nfter which tho festivities wero re sumed und kept up till a latu hour in tho morning when tho merry company took their doparturo, wishing him many huppy returns of tho day. Three years ago, unknown, n per fect strangor to Portland, Mrs. Em ma Mooro arrived In Portland and opened n hoarding house on n small Bcalo. Sho wob hor own cook, wnltor and dlshwnshor, Strict attention tc business and oxcollenco of service oon brought increase of business tc her nnd today sho stands In tho foro most rank, having found it necessary to sociiro inrgor and moro commodlus quarters, from tlmo to tlmo, ns hor business Increased, Sho has now taken tho premises a. 105 and 107 N, Park streot, whoro, with a corps of cfllrlont nsslBtuntt! sho is prepared to furnish meals nt all hours. In addi tion sho has neatly furnlsbo' rooms for rent nnd Is prepared at all times to furnish hot baths. Sho has 'iHibed hor now quarters "Tho Cnstlo" nnd iho name Is no misnomer ns tho ap pointments aro elegant and comniod Ions, Mis, Moore's success U but mi other proof that there nro nnnnrtunl tics for success In our midst for nny nnd nil who will start a business and glvo It tholr attention. 4l-U u . fct jAf,M .M i m L-WH