THE NEW AGE, POBTJDAND, OREGON". E -, . L tfW ., IK m 'W ' 4 V V to ' ik BJj r ;s v. ) B.i SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Telutihonu Main 731. Atilo and Sprnguc, SPOKANE For tho Latest StylcH go to W. W. DREYFOOS THE HATTER AND FURNISHER New Club Building Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Iucorixiralctl.) Cor. Itlvcrslde Ave. and Lincoln Ht. Telephone Main CM, Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townslte Co. 907 Rhcrslde Avenuo Empire State llulUtlng SPOKANE, WASH. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s BOTTLED PILSENER Lngcr Beer 1'liono, 2(15. SPOKANE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Mntllson Street, SPOKANE, WASH. i f ii. --.. Union Iron Works - ' Iron and Brass Pounders and Machinists. Mining. Smelting and Paw Mill Machinery lid Supplies. Engines, Hollers, Moists, Crush. its, Ho: Whims. rullo). hlmf ting, Etc., Ktc, Heavy lllai-Umltliltig mid ItepAlr VViirk n Hmi dally. Write us fur estimates. Tel. Main i. Codes: Moler', Morotug A .Seal. Office and Works, Montgomery bt. and S. I A N. Ky., Spokane, Washington Crystal stYiS.rd Laundry A Specialty ut ' Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED ti:l. ft7t. Neur cor. Division unit North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers o( Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specially. J. II. UOYD, Pres, and Manager. Tel. Main 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings CWtlce and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash COLFAX ADVERTISING jlffODKL HTKAM LAUNDRY. ,, Laundry caltcit for niul delivered frco of charge. Traveling men' laundry delivered tho snmo 1ny without extra chnrgo. Wo make n dicclnlty of line silks and woolen, 'Phone itcd 01. North Main Ht. Colfax, Washington. IltA JIOOKK, Mgr. J. N. HCOTT, Prop. E TLIC DRUO STORK. Colfax, Wash. Prices as low as High Quality will permit. Compliments of the Kile Drugstore FRANK J. 8TONK, Proprietor Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Managers. General Warehouse System Both 0, R, & N. and N. P. roads. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. A. J. Davis & Co. (Successors to Knnpp, Burrell & Co-) DEALERS IN Farm Implements and Vehicles. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Railroad Land Agency lit connection. REIL ESTATE. FARM LOANS. Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. Colfax, Washington. IF YOU FEED STOCK of any kind, it will pay you to buy one of Car ley '9 Roller Feed Mill THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oats. Wheat or Barley so they will thoroughly digest when eaten by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured in Five Sixes, by Carley Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you are ex tremely liberal. IDAHO ADVERTISING $ MARSH, Outfitters --for" Mankind Pocatello Idaho J. ROSEN lUIUO ARUHURA.COHN Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Fort Hall Whtsrcy Smoke Senator Slump Cigars Boise Sash and Door Factory A. GORECZKY, Proprietor ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER OF AW. KINDS Sasli, Doors, Screens, Brackets, Turn ings. MouldtHxs, Etc. Estimates Fur nlsheJ. Factory Corner Eighth and Front Streets Boise, - Idaho ('has Norwood J,1, HrecV.enrldge Buckmym Qroomry CIIAS. NORWOOD A CO., Drops, Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits, Nuts, Flour, drain and ((revisions, Stockmen and Miners Supplies, Etc;,, Etc; Cor, Seventh and Main Sts. BOISE IDAHO NEW RELIQI0U8 CRUSADE. Herbert If. Booth Orsrnnlzlnar Another Evangelical Movement. Herbert II. Booth, who recently crime to this country from England, having left the ranks of the Salvation Army, Is about starting a new religious cru sndo In the United States. During hlu association w 1 1 h his r n I h c r In tho conduct of the Sal ration Army ho has been to every country In the civ lllzed world and held responsible posts In many of IICIIUBItT II. IIOOTII the,,. At ouc tlmo head of Uio army training school In England, ho was later commander of tho army in Canada and thon In Aus trnlla. It wax onco Intended that ho would succeed Hnlllngton Booth In tho command of tho forces In America. Now both he nnd tho latter are necc dent from tho army, whllo Herbert has In vlow tho founding of a movement which may poealbly supplant the army altogether. Ho proposes to comb! no In a new form religion and art and to contlntio tho old army practice of carrying re ligion to the homcfl of tho people. For, tills ond ho and hts wlfo will shortly commenco a tour of tho entire 'coun try, when, armed with a lantern and slides Illustrating tho struggles and trials of o n r 1 y. Christians, t h o y bono to a c h I o v c Bucccss lii localities, M,w' " U001"' whero older method havo perpetually failed. Tlio flrut Kcrles will consist of Illus trations to a lecture entitled "Soldiers of tho Cross," and will deal with tho vory oarly days when services wuro held underground In tho catacombs, whllo kings and omporora united In a futllo effort to stay tho spread of tho now doctrine Later other subjects will bo taken, but always tho Idea will bo tho snmo, history, religion and nrt united under ouo roof nnd with ono exponent DOOR8TEP OF NEW ENGLAND. 1'opham Ileach, Me,, the Vlmt Kngllaii Battlement After Juuicatown. Tho first English nottlcmeut In tho United States north of tho Junius Itlver, nt Jamestown, was not at Plym outh, but nt Pophnm Iloach, nt tho mouth of tho Kennebec Itlver, In Mntno. Thus Pophnm Beach nnd nor Plymouth, the lauding place'of the Pil grim Fathurs, enjoys tho distinction nnd dignity of being tho doorstep of Now England. Excluding tho settle ment nt Jamestown, It was at Pophnm llonch where tho first religious service of the Chrlstlnn faith In New England was held. Hero tho first town meeting was held; hero tho first ship wub built In America nnd hero tho first English gnivo was dug, says n writer In the Now England Mngazlne. Tho settlement nt Popham neach was inado In August, 1007, a few mouths ufter tho foundations of James town were laid. Tho men who mntlo this first New England settlement were i.. I . . . i c, roiiT I'oi'iuu. Georgo Pophnm nnd ltnlotgh Gilbert, who nrrlved ut tho mouth of tho Ken nobec with 100 men nnd two vessels. Tho day nfter the landlug work was begun digging entrenchments for what was afterward called Fort George. Work was also Immediately begun building n vessel, and tho Virginia, which these pioneers constructed, waa tho first ship built by whlto men In tho new world. Fourteen months later the colony was abandoned. To-day Popham Ileach for nine months of the year Is a little sleepy hnmlet of n score or more of families, but from Juno to September the placo Is a flourishing summer colony. Near the site of ancient Fort George there Is an old brick fort which was erected by the United States government iu 1812. In IStU the government began tho construction of n granite fortifica tion, to which tho name Fort Popham was given. Tho work was never com pleted, however. A View or tho World. It is true that the gentle old soul who stands out in soft relief below lived In the seventeenth century, but tho charm of simplicity and enthusiasm cannot be outworn by time. Sho lived In the Penk country of Dev onshire, England, nnd had never been out of her native village till somebody took her to the summit uf ouc of tho mils which rise above Edale. There she could view a stretch of -country reaching away for many miles. Her heart nnd mind sprang up with rapture. "I tell theo what," she cried, "I nlv ver, ttlvver thought tho world were big as thUIV Speed of tho Hwallow, It has often been stated tliat sixty miles an hour was tho utmost rata, at which a swnllow could fly. Hecent ex periments between CoiirpelRtw ' uud Antwerp prove that a swallow In a kurry can cover 12S& tulles In an hour. SXUkWlkissssssHr Zi :XVsmHLk t ,.n EK ss Hfcjfcsn.n,.! LLLLLLSHLrMeMiisssiB Iiliissssssssssss-VHMI ; lsssssssamfTrff k iTvPPI? lvlksssssssHL'42-'2-i3l;! LriBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSSSaBBESJpJSJiiPPPPjEV rwlsssssssssssssciVsvKCfEValK V r I SPOKANE-ADVERTISING European Finn. Rooms 50c. to $2.00. Hooms single or en suite, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL R. C. HALLIdXy. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric tights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc. Cor. Howard St. nnd Main Ave. Tel. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. K. J. DYER. President. F.LEWIS CLARK, Vice l'retldont. C. D. M'DllOOM, Cashier. W. M. SHAW, Assistant Cashlor. Exchange National Bank BPOKANE.WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, $185,000. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. tmnmrtmrn of Fine 'Teas, Collect and Fancy Groceries. Dmmlmem In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. H. I.OU1B 8CHERMERIIORN l'rci. and Mgr. C. It. DROWN Vice l'rcs. A. IIKNII AM Treasurer. It. 1'. YEAOER Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenuo. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Retain your checks nnd exchange with our Itaggugo man who is nt depot on arrival all trains. Orange color cap. Phono Main 617, Special rates to Commercial Travelers White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Daily round trips except Sunday. TIM CARD, Lttics Portland ... -7;00 A. M Leases Astoria ... .7:00 I'. U Through Portland connection with 6tearoer Kahcotta from llwaco and Long Ileach polnti. Whita Collar Una tlckats lnterchanteabla with O. K. A N. Co, and V, T. Co. Usketa. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" nd METLAKOw Dally irlpa except buuday, Str. "TAHOMA." Learts TortUnd. Hon., WeJ., Frl - 7:00 A. H Ltucs Tb Dalles, Tuts., Thurs. Bat,7.w A. M Str. METLAKO.w Leare l'ortlsnil, Tues., Thu.. Pt.....7:00 A, H. leaves The Dalits Mun V,h.. Frl..7:0Q A. M. LandlnEandothre: Foot Alder Street. Both phones Main SSI. l'ortland, Oregon. AGENTS. J.W.CRICHTON .The Dalles, Ore, A. K. Hood Hirer, Ore. WOLFOKD A WYEKS.... White falmon, Wash. HESKY OUMSTKD. Carson, Wash. JOHN C.TorrONi ....SUTenson. Wash, JOwVATT ,... .,,.,. .Vancouver. Wash. A.J,TAVtOH..... tk. Astoria, Ore. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon 4sk ssssssssW 1 1 1 1 1 ' J "S fi 4 ff?iwlssnTTTnu " T BY H AIL AND ITATKB, ' BIS Two stiolghl Possenger Trains Daily WITIt , THROUGH PARLOR CARS HETWESM Portland, Astoria Seaside Lcn cs For Mnygers. Kaln Icr, Gluts knti io Wtport, Clifton, Astoria, Wnrron ton, Flavcl, Oenr hart 1'ark and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Express Dally. Astoria Express Dally. Arrives Union Depot Portland Union Depot ruruauu IrtXJa. m. 11:10 a.m. flsMp. m. 12:30 p.m. 9:40 p.m. Dally except Saturday. (Haturdar only. . , Ticket otllce, 255 Morrison street, and1 Union depot, Portland. J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. STEAMERGEO. W. SHAVER, Will leavo Portland, font of Washington St., Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evening at S o'clock, for fauvfes island, St. Helens, Oanles, Deer Island, Martins, Kalama, Neer City, Itanler, Mt. COltln, Mitygcr, Stella, Oak Point, Freemaus, Mousaulllo.Clatskaulo and all way landing. "Ladies Especially Aro Fond of Traveling on tho Famous Trains of tho WESTERN LINE C. St. P..JV1. & O. Ry. Tho daintily furnished retiring rooms and cosy compartments nllbrd (ill tho prlvacv of your own homo anil n a'to ttavil nj? a plcuHuro nr.d dillglit.r The North-Western Limited Dally, lietween Mlntleapoltt, St. Paul and Chicago, la tha peor of all tine trains Dcfore starting on a trip no matter where write for Interesting informa tion about comfortable traveling. C.J.flRAY. Traveling Agt. II. L. SISLER, Ucnoral Agt. . 94H Alder Street, I'ortUml, Or. TICKETS To and from all POINTS EAST " via HOItT LINK TO ST. PAUL.DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND l'OI.NTS KA8T. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers; Dining and llutlet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS. FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full information regard, lng tickets, routes, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON, v City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. PHALON, T. P. A., iii Third St., Portland, Or. A.-IJ. O. DKNNISTON, O. W. P. A., C12 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. wfwim Trie Limited," evening train, and The Express ,' noon train, from Omaha (or Chicago. UNEXCELLED SERVICE Day train and evening train from Omaha for Minneapolis ami Bt, faul. Tickets of agents ot connecting line. W. H. BUILL, Dlst, Pass'r Agt,, Omaha. A. B. HANSON, a.KA, CsUmc, J.F.MERRY.A.CLPJI, Dubuqaa, For particulars regartling freight or passenger rates, call on.or address ' B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent. J. O. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., U2 TlUrU St.. Portland, Or. SI0RIL& COLUM Mr Z&A&S5Sh9 1 ' 7w 1 iTMBBTsWv II .flBSssssSl2iSSBHBJBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSXl X i ..sasmaisiisiiiaisiiiiiiBii BY BAIL AMD WAT; 4&it OREGON. Union Pacific AND DiraBT TIME SCHEDULE! Portland, Or. Arkivi Chlcaco Portland Special I:u0a. m. via HuntlnKton. Bait Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Ix)Uls,Chlcsgoand KasU 4:30 p.m. Atlantlo ' Xxpress :60 p.m. via Walla Walla f-ewls-ton,Hpokne,Mln. napolls,8t. Paul, Dulutli. Mllwau. kee.L'hlcagoJiKast 8: 10 a. to. Huntington. St. Panl rait Mall etu p. m. via pokantj Bait Lake. Denver, 7:00 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louls.Chlcagoaud ast OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE IIlOH rOUTLAND. All sailing dates subject to ehauge For San Francisco Eall every a days, 4:00 p. sa, Dally Xs. Sunday (:00 p.m. Baturday 10.00 p. in. Catumbla Rlrtr lleamsrs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 00 p. m. Kz. Sunday a:4Sa.m. Von., Wed, and Frl. Wlllamstt Rlvar. Water permitting. 4:80 p.m. Kx. Sunday Oregon City, New. berg. Salem, Indo penuence, Corral. Us and Wsr Laud. mgs. r, 7:00 a. m. Tues.. Thur. and Bat. Wlllsmstle and Yam. hill Hlntrsi Water permitting, Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Land ings. 11:90 p. m. Mon..'Wad. and Frl. I.V. Rlparla 4:oAa. m. Dally except Monday. Innka Rlvsr. Rlparia to Lowlston Lv.Lewlston 7:ou a. m. Daily except Monday. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agont, Portland, 9r. V. A. 6CHH.MNO. City Ticket Agent. Third and Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrle. Puget Sound Limited 7:25 a. M. 6: P. M. Katuaa City & St. Louis Special.... 11:10 A. M. 11:10 P. M. North Coast Limited 3;S0 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Tacom. Seattle Night Express UM5 P. M. 3:03 P. M. Tako Puget Sound Limited or North Coasi i.iniuea tor urays Harbor points, tano ruges oounu t.iiiuied ior uiympia uirect. . Tako l'ucot Sound Llmltud or Kansas Cli St. Louis Sicial for paints on South llena branch. Double dally train servlco on Cray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta soma and beattle. ' A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oencral Passenger Agent. Hi Morrison St., Portland, Or. EAST SOUTH LEAVE DEPOT, SfXTII AND 1IOYT STS. ARRIVE l:S0P.M. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Salem, Rosoburg.Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, San Francisco, Moiave, Los Angles, LI Paso, New Orleans and the East. At Wood burn .dally except Sunday, inoru. lng train connects with train for Mt. An-gel.Silrerton.llrowns-ille,Sprlngneld and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and Slherton, .-Albany Passenger.., -Corrallls Passenger.. Sheridan Passenger. 7:13 A.M. 1:30 A.M. 7iCOP.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. B4:S0r,M. 10:10A.M. 5:50 P.M. tj 1:25 A.M. Dally. UDally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Iave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A.M., 12:30. 1:55. 3:25. 4:40 G-.-1A. K:30 P. M except Sunday, 5:30, 9:40, A. M., 5;05, i-, n. ounaay only. 9 A. 41. ., . Arrive at Ponlani dallv .1 X. M.. 1:: 3:10. 4:S0. 6:15. 7:40. 10 P. it. n.llr exccDt Bun- day 4:33 ,10MO A. M.t except Monday, Ul40 A.M. Sunday only, 10:05 A.M. . . M Leavfor Dallas daily except Sunday, ;06 P.M. Arrive Portland, 9:80 A. JJ. . Rebate tickets an sala betMeen Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. .'et .rates. 1 17: Qrstclasa and lit second class. Secou IU luciuaes sleeper; nr iicxets to Eastern ro JAPAN, CUINA, IK fnts and "Europe. Also ONOLULU and AU8- TUAL.IA. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aad Washington street. Phone Mala 714 w "L ill "M I m i n J I sxmsfeMr J