- . THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGON. 4 TACOMA ADVERTISING TACOMA ADVERTISING 44HW-M-H-l4-M''H' TACOMA ADVERTISING TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. JU,ML Uf IMAIUKL'd WUiULIO Hopkins Bros. dru(khsts. I'rr'crlptlntm nr otir fpoclnlty. Orders by (cloi)iiino promptly dclUorctl. Cars to nil jmrt of ilia city pas mir door H. W cor. K nnil l.Kv nth bis Taleihutia Mnln Ml. THE LOUVRE. NII.MAM HIllUIHl, Prop Hut lirnnd of Imported ami domestic Wines, I.triiiom nnil OIimrH Solo niti-ntB for Parker II) i'. 1 Inn I'roo I.iinch Telephone James 2131. 1300 Paclllc Auiliuc. llM't Commerce Ktroot. Tacomn, Washlnston. THE NORTH POLE. 1IJ. NVMAN. Proprietor. Vino Wines, M'iur. anil (Mirnrs I'rcsh I.ngcr llccr alwajson draught. Ivlpphbiio Illnek 1 072. Klrst Haloon from N. I'. deiKJt. 1510 Paclllc Avenue, cor. 17th Htroct. lacoina, Washington. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale ami retail dealer In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper1 Wo rarrv a full lino of Itoom Moulding, Iioorii, Windows, i:tc Kstlmati irlveinm Papering and (llarlnu 'lei. John aill. 1309 Paclllc Avenue. TACOMA, WAHH. People's Cash Grocery n. A ni'.A up, rru'riun i. Wliolesulu ami retail dealor lit Btnploiind Kniiey Groceries, Teas, Cof fees, 'Spices, Ktc. Tclophone Main I'll. ... , tt)l i; Ktreut, cor. Mnlli. Tacomn, Wash. When You Want Anything Good ...TO EAT... Try tlie grocer nt corner Kit v Mitli and O Wo PatronlzuThoxu that Pnlronlzo Us. J. LINDBi-RQ. Tel. Mnln S.11 HOI O Street. Opp. Court IIouho. Tncoinn, Wash. J. KAUFMAN. Healer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Term ltcimuiinMo. UM Hired, , Tacomn, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. I McPlli:llS()N, Proprietor All kinds of Bread, Pics, Cakes, Etc. Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. Ti:i.i:l'iioNi: ui:i vm. J 107 Soulh K St. TACOMA, WASH. C. C. MELUNGER. Fvnoral Dlraotor. Embalming a Specialty by Mel-lingt-r llros. Onico l'lmiln Main 211 Hcrldonco Phono John 2111. 910 Tacomn Ave, Tncoinn, Wash Ole II, Men Harry II, Holvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. 1'ormorly Central DruirHtoro. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1103 Tacomn Avenue. Telephone James 111. Tncoinn, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale MuuufiU'turorn of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. OKI Tik'oii.iv Avenue, Tacoma Washington TKI.KI'IIOXK 4.1. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Ofllce 1J Ten ih Ht., Kmitlieatt corner of A. TACOMA, ASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. Psci)Kvr n'ml IIrkkkk" transferred from rrilileiiees and hotels to and from all boats and trains. Hand )ourt'heiLs for tuKKK" to our iitesenKer, woo "111 meet )ouon all Ineom iiiK trains and I oats. Klrt class l.ler. Open llultllit. All rigs miuked -IT. O. A. if. T, Co." Do You Wear Shoes? It so l'lher, Th Shoe Man ould like to sea ou A WuinniiiMy up to date sloro earning all the ItKUAfil.l: malts of shoes for men, vomeu nud children toil MKN"- I'dwlnl'lappsluvii Tho Packard ahoetlhoJ t. turner shoe. KOIt 1..MHKS- Tho 'i)ueen Quality" ihot The Kulture shoo, h'ishcr, The Shoe Man. Wl Paclllc Avenge, Draueh stor at Kvrtt, Tacoma, Wash. Jt'ST KKOBIVKD A flno lino of novelties in fall sultiiiKS. O. C. T. Cf.AUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. Phone, Main 3C7 Cor. 1 1 nnd Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WAHH. Gawley Foundry S Machine Works A few of Our Bpcclnltlcs Aiwa) a on Hand Haw Anvils Hnw (lutnmcrs Hwlng Cnt-Offs Haw Hammers Set Works Uk Turners hnw lluidca Carriages Feed Works l.lvo Itolls I'rlctluii NlBBcrsShiuglo Mill Haw Mills 170 Room Maohlnoiy. Cor. 21st and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Rod 1011. Consumers Co-Op&ative Bakery JOHN PLUIIAK, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Confectionery Ornamented Cakes a Speoialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Toluphono, llltuk 1815. 1105 Tacoma Avo. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery S Boarding Stable A. KFAW. Hoarding Horses a Specialty. Phono, Mala 1IJ0. 1131.30-38 C St. TAOOMA, WASH. Parsian Dye Works K. J. CL0TIIKK, Prop. We Clean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Kctl 875. 1100 O Strootm TAOOMA. BLAKE'S DAVE ULAKK, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 101 Washington Ht., HKATT I.B. lid Fourth Ht, OI.YMl'IA. 101S Pjolfo Ave, TAOOMA. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. 903 Pacific Ave; John Mebenbaum. M. O, linker. Grand Central Hotel BIKUKSII.U'M A.11AKK11, Proprietors. 1211-1213 Pacific Avenue. Preo 'Hits To and Front' All Trnlns ni lto.Un. Rooms 50c, 75c, $J.(XX t Rates $J.OO a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA - - WASH. VUANK POHMITT, J. T HEMllKKK, President. fcecrvtary. J, 11. CAHH, Mauaw'or, Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors and Finishing Material. Phone East A iEt Ktjuth 'SuHtM. PortUmd, Oregoa aaaaaaKSsaaaataaaaH When you get bored with life In gt'ii oral and mourn hucuuso there Ih noth ing new under the buii, you might tnko un Nature study nud learn that all nhout you In tho air, under foot. In tho water are marvels gfeutcr than Peleo, ns uucxplalnablo as the magnetic com pass. Por years Adelo M. Plcldc, of New York, has been studying ants. Your nat ural history has told jou that these In sects live, fight, rear their young and die very much ns do human beings, pun ishing offenders, nmuslng tho Httta ones, and at least Imitating a much higher type of life. They are practically blind. Even In the sunlight the ant cftnnot sec moio than oiuwtunrtcr of nn Inch In front of Its eyes. It works In tho dark us well ns In daylight, and has the sense of snicllso highly developed that this sense takes the place of eyes. Put an ant under n microscope nnd you will see two long, flexible horns on tho front of Its head. The horns have twelve Joints, nnd the last live Joints on ench horn hnvc the senso of Hiuull. Ily tho twelfth Joint the nut tells Its own nest from the nests of other ants. Ily tho eleventh nose tho ant recognizes blood relatives. Ily the tenth Joint tho nut can scent Its own trail nnd follow It ns a hound follows the path of some wild animal. Tho eighth and ninth Joints give tho nut power to recognize Its own children. What the remaining seven Joints are for Is an unsolved prob lem. These things wero discovered by a process of amputation. Tho nnturo students cut off tho various Joints, rob bed ants of their senses, nnd miulo tho discoveries relnted above. With llvo noses amputated tho nut Is nn Imbecile, Indifferent to friend nud foe, unnblo to find Its home stupid In tho extreme without tho Instinct to seek food or avoid danger. So a blind ant can work, eat, hunt, light and car ry out tho mnrvelous scheino of Its ex istence without eyes, unaided by the sun, not hindered by darkness. Man, the highest typo of life, cannot do as much. If you would bo nmuscd and Interested, study tho nut. The more you study, tlui smaller you will feel In the face of tho mighty mysteries of nature. Cincinnati Post. RECENT JUDICIAL DECISION8. Tho ndojHlon of a law authorizing the prosecution of crimes nlready com mitted, by Information, Is held In Stato vs. Kyle (Mo.i, fill L. It. A. ,115, not to be forbidden by ho constitutional pro vision against ox post facto lnws. A statuto providing for a bounty on tho niantifacturo of boot sttgur Is held. In Michigan Sugar .Company Wick (Mich.). 0(1 h. 11. A. a), to bo unconsti tutional as n taking of tho property pf tho taxpayers for n use which Is nbt public. An Insolvent corporation Is held. In Nntlotml Woll Pnper Company vs. Co lumbia Natlonnl Ilnnk (Neb.), 50 L. It. A. iai, to hnvo no rljrht to give prefer ence to a debt duo from It on which the nlllcers and directors are bound as sureties. A condition In a policy Insuring a building against loss or damage by lire, which purports to glvo the Insurer tho option to rebuild In case of total loss, Ih held In Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Company vs. Itussell (Ohio), 5(1 L. It. A. 151), to bo repugnant to a statuto providing that" In case of total loss tho whole amount mentioned lu tho policy shall be paid. Municipal authorities arc held lu Peo ple ex rel. lllbb vs. Alton (111.). 50 L. It. A. 05, to have no right to establish dif ferent schools for whlto nnd colored children and oxcludo colored children from schools established for whltq children and send them out of their district to reach a colored school es tablished for tho colored children, though equally as good or superior to those established for whlto children. Tho owner of a life-Insurance policy having agreed to pay u city for sup port furnished him out of Its poor fund, tho city Is held, In McQuillan vs. Mutu al lteservo Fund Llfo Association (Wis.), 50 I It. A. 23!l. to bo.hls credit or for tho vnluo of thu suport furnish ed within tho meaning of n clause In tho policy providing that, In case of Its assignment to a creditor, It shall bo valid only to tho amount of hl.i claim. A provision In nn Insurance policy that If a policy holder, In case of for folium for failure to pay assessments, Blmll afterward pay tho amoutit duo from him, tho policy "shall bo holding from tho dato of tho receipt of Bald amount,'.' Is held In Johnston vs. Phqlps Couuty Furmers Mutual In Hurnnctt Company (Neb.), 50 L. It. A. 127, to prevent receipt of the amount of tho delinquent assessment from operating as n waiver of forfojturo' tf at tho time of such receipt any of tho Insured property remains in existence to which tho' revived Insurance may attach. SuflTerctl from Negleuu "Lady," begau tho dusty wayfarer, "could you help a poor sufferer of Mont Peleer "Mont PeleeH" echoed the house wife; "why, you nre no resident of Martinique" "I Know dnr, mum, but I nm n suffer or Just de same. Half de things kind ladles had saved for me dey bent ilowu dere.' Philadelphia Hecord. R,w.iL-lni. nf tilo.amir.vi. tlu nmn wlin work every day thinks It would bo Joy, to be able to stay at home In bod when sick. Lots of blessings lu dUguUe go away, without dUcoverlug themselves. AYBE MIUQ CO. Tho most rollablo plare to buy drugs and patent medicines, etc. Thlsstorols noted for Its carefulness In filling prescriptions and for fair prices. 1100 1'aclflo Avcnuo Tacoma, Wash. 1 I1EP.DEEN BTEAM LAUNDIlY J. M. Lupton, Mgr. Equipped with new up-to-dato machinery. Ko rough or saw-edge cufls and collars. Ulgd gloss or domtatlo llnlsh. Work first-class anh sure to plcaso. Telophono B8I. Corner Hume and II Bts., Opp. Firemen's Hall. miiE rAcinc Liquor, and wine house. N. HEUTEll, Proprietor. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. l'amlly TraJo a Specialty. Tel. lied 1731. 1600 raclflo Ave. 1W5 Commerco St. Tacoma, Washington miiE JUNCTION. M. CHRISTIAN, Trop. Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Mack 1073. Cor. raclflo Avcnuo and Jefferson St., TACOMA, WA8IIINGTON LOCAL SOUVENIRS AND UNMOUNTED PnOTOS. ' HOLT'S AWT 8TOIIE. Frames Mado to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Stationery and Art Goods. Tel. Black 3773. No. 7C3 0 Street, near Chamber of Commerco. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRuaaisTS. Jefferson and Pacific Avenues., TACOMA, WA8HINOTON. W. W. Wing. O. H. Wing, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WINO HR03.,rrops. Wo Launder Anything. 711 Taclflo Avo. Tel. Main 290. Tacoma, Wash. D KNABEL, 1V Proprietor of THE GERMAN HAKKRY,AND COFFEE PARLORS. Fresh Ilread and Cakes dally. Ornamental akes n specialty. Only tho best and rmrest material used In our llakery. Ilread delivered free to any part of tho city. Telcpliono Park 701. 1117 raclflo Avcnuo, Tacoma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Tonnsond, Washington. BHIPriNO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom Homo Urokers and Stevedores. Established 1&8. Ilranch offices Tacoma and Scuttle. jENTUOKY LIQUOR CO. Poter'Bandbcrg, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAR8. RaIa mflnt in n,ilnf.ka' Rtrmt and nail' Ale. , (Road Ilros. Mottling). Established 18AI. Tele phone Main otw. 1140 IMclllo Avenue: 1139 v-owmercoai. iacoma, nusmngiou. Fry Bruhn & Co. 1318 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and-Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Wo'rkl Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks and at Bniloy St. TA.COM A, .WASHINGTON. Grand Central Hotel. TV. W, lUUilO.N. UaMt and Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection. 12U-121S raclflo Avenue. TACOMA, Wash' v J, We have everything you need in the Drug ,iind Patent 'Medicine8 Line. VIRQES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Ave. DAVE Q ROSS- Dave Gross Go. Cloaks at Wholesale . 99 FmmiHm Avm, TAOOMA MNf MEW YOMt s HENRY LONCiSTRETH, Pres. JOHN B. ARKLEY, Sec. nnd Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Writ for copy of hnndsomo Illustrated booklot on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM W. MILNER. ' JAMES H. DEGE DEGE & MIL.INER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, Schnflnor & Marx and Alfred Bcnjnmin A Co.'s Tnilor-Mado Suits, Raincoats nnd Overcoats. Finest Lino of Habcr dnahory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Morchandiso at Popular Prices. : : 1103 Pacific Avenue. ' G. L. HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is out motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything, to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. . Nos. IIOI to 1105 Sec6nd Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, , vans W HflfiU'JiM faKSHISiflEvsKI Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BA'MFORD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS,.. i . Agenti and Builders of the Flynn Shingle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engine. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Wash Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great. Morthern, Wells Fargo and American Express Compan ies Swift & Co. Omaha Packing Co.; American Paper Co. Etc BarjE&ge to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. )i. - i CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANUiMCTunaua or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. ' Feed. the bee: hive Lunch Counter and Restaurant D. WlSStNOER ft M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tito only first-class nnd up-trAlato Restaurant now opoti and doing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our cofTeo is unexcelled. Side dishes served such is Bene I in no other Res taurant in this city. Open All Nlgrit POPULAR PRICES. McLean, McMillan S Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. i 'im Proprietors of tho Laurel brand bl high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 500. Ml-13 C Street 012 Commerce Street TACOMA, WASH. TACOMA, WASHINGTON .- - Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. THE Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Snw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Lodging Knglnes. Works, corner Tnouty-llrst and A Sts. Phono Main 257. Tacoma, Wasnlngton. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. I60H503-I605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN .and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave? Tacoma. CALIFORNIA HIND UUNDRY Telephono, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough repair. Any lo3$eanmdo good immediately, -1 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ol and Dealer in ...LUMBER Sawmill and Ofllce Twenty-first and Dock Sts. !Tc!ephoa Mala 289. Tacoma, Wash. N.a t. ;.T. iljiii v-yr'1.1 i,7tm faLiA-i', i,mffnm' -rw Lky