The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, October 11, 1902, Image 8

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    4MralklKammvLJMUM.rr,Tfri ,---(TL-..jiMir
CHAl'TKK XI Continued.
At cloven tliat nlglit, having received
no official Intimation of tlio IntontlotiH
of tlio government aa to my disposal, I
went to bed.
At twolvo I wns nwnkoned from a
Bound deep by n tromenilous banging
Pt tlio door. "Anotlior etispiclouaenfo,
eorgeuiitV" I asked, nn I opened the
door'nud recognized the official.
"No; it's you I want UiIh tlmo."
"Mo?" I replied, with an assumption
of Htirprlso.
"Yt'Hi have you not hoard that you
nro to go to quarantine? I thought you
liail been told. The boat ban been
waitliiK. londod with people, for the
last hour for you."
Ituiiiuuiburiiur. tbo advlco of my
friend, the reporter, I made him put
IiIh hand on my shoulder, and o raako
it an arrest in tlio cyoi of tlio law.
Then I collected my clothes, tobacco
and booka, cot Homo whiakoy for tlio
nortfeant, and started for Woolloomoo
loo, whore the steam launcli was awalU
lug me.
'"Good-by," said tbo wergennt ib I
Htoppod on board. "I'm sorry for you,
but 'tisn't my fault."
"Good-by, sergeant. I shall survlvo
it; if I don't, well, wo may meet in
eomo othor world whore jKjlltlciana are
not devils till they die."
"You'll llnd room in tlio bow,"
growled tlio captain, in a voice indicat
ing thai his ienijier had not been lni
jir.ved by the delay.
After a good deal of troublo I suc
ceeded In picking my way through tlio
mass of morbid and motionless human
ity with which the dock was covered.
In the bow I found another medical
man, nno Dr. Mooro, who, bocauto ho
had seen tlio man Cox fourteen days
elnco, was Included In tbo Idiotic order
of the cabinet,
Tho."I'rlnro" was a steam launch of
ubout lllteun tons, become by age slow
and almost uneeuworthy. There wbh
no cabin beyond a kind of a rat hole,
In which the stoking was done, so that
tlio passengers, patients, and "buh
jiects" (I. o., men, women and chll
Iron who had been taken from houses
in which genuine cases woro found)
were mixed up Indiscriminately on the
dock and in the "stern shoots" bohlnd.
Tlio crow consisted of n captain and n
stoker. I don't know what their pow
ers of navigation may have boon, hut If
they at all corresponded with their
capacity for swearing, there was lltt.o
risk of out being wrecked, aithoiigh
tlio night was dark and the weather
The vessel once under wuv, I had nn
opportunity of inspecting tbo cargo.
And now, if for tlio next page or two I
iiad the pen of Dante nnd the addition
al help of Dore's pencil, I might hopo
to give you some idea of a scene that In
my iiands delles all attempts at ado
quiito description. Tlio like of it has
never been been before in any civilized
country, and will never bo foou again.
It was the outcome of official madness,
brought on by the frenzied clamor ol a
I'.ublii) limine with fright.
The lurching ol tlio launch bad
nwAKi-nod Dr. Mooro from a reverie.
Turning roii.ul lu roc"gulzcd me, and
without any preliminary formalities of
thu hand Hhakiug order, forthwith de
luged me with gro.ius and complaints.
The golden calve that was six months'
later laid on very thick by a repentant
government did n great deal toward
restoring it, but at that time his lot
was an exceedingly hard one.
Dragged from a warm bed and the
coniform of a luxurious home, forced
to leave and neglect a practice that
had cott in its building up years of
offort, nnd given no opportunity Jot
finding a substitute, or even oj col
lecting Milliclent linen for n week's
wear, he htuMwuu huirfcd, as he said,
"on hturd this dreadful vostol as
though ho were a criminal of the woist
order, and huddled up with tbe-e hor
rible cases of smallpox, so that he must
catch it." From this moment ho lost
and never tegained, so long us I know
lilin, not only his i-olf-commund, but
ttiat fearlessness of dboaso that Is the
heritage of nil medical men. Later on,1
when given charge of thu hospital In
closure, ho would tlatten his now
against tlio window, and so, peering
through the dirty glass from the out
side, treat his cases. Itut be must bo
dealt with tenderly, for his ravings
weio certainly not those of u sno man.
With tears streaming down his
cheeks, bo would dwell on his wife's
loneliness and her weeping when thev
parted, nnd in tlio same breath, nnd
with even more pathos, doploro tbo
stupid forgotmlneas that hud made him
leave his nail brush nnd hand glass on
the vushbtuud at holnu. Then he
would dry his tears nnd grow deflunt.
"How dared the government touch him.
Doctor Mcoro, u man known nnd re
npectod by thorn-amis? He iud friends
in parliament, and when 'the morning
Vatne the elty would rhtw In Hrunj on
liU behalf." l
So he raved on until I, thoroughly
elok of it, and having troubles of my
own to think abo-it, picked my way
through the people, in search of
quieter spot whurt) Dr,. .looro'a moan
Jugs could not roach mo'.
In the bow, as I have raid, was Dr.
Mooro, paclug up and down hs Jlttlo
reserve liko a caged lion. Every now
nnd thou ho would halt, and Nylth
frantic gesticulations address thu hh
plo near him; hut he,'.letug.Clluei,
taid entirety Ignorant of thu' KngltMi
language, mint have appeared to him
iklltll tak III t IlllUUIllltl ft I tilt 1 1
Next to the hatch ot six Chlimmen
gat Mrs. Cox, tbu wldow oj the man
-wlio Ud' ihHl tho MafMiiV, nnd
nround hor knees her family of eight
small children clustered. They woro
all dressed in mourning, nnd boro upon
tholr faces evldoncps of tbo privations,
confinement nnd misery thoy had un
dergone. Opposite Mrs. Cox was a
man named Warren, his wifo nnd four
children, ono n baby in arms and ono n
child ot four, a bright eyed littlo girl.
Kvldontly, from tbo fond way in which
t-ho was plr.ylng witli her father's hand,
sho was lila pet. This Warren played
n conspicuous part in the great quaran
tine tragedy. Ho hid at this time a
fow pustules on his face (six or eight,
perhaps) but they wero characteristic,
and qulto justified mo in pronouncing
him a patient. Ho had a hard, firm
faco, typical of tlio London artisan ; ho
wore n ragged moustache, nnd his chin
was covered witli tbo growth of many
days, giving hint nn appearance of fo
rocity that was not natural to him, and
that afterward nltcgotohr dispapoared.
Thu Btorn shdits woro crowded with
Europeans and Chineso, patlonta and
suspocts, womon and children nit hud
dled up togothor, with barely room to
It was 2:30 a. m. boforo wo roachod
tbo pier that juts out from tlio quaran
tine station on which wo woro to land.
Those of us who had tbo strength
peered anxiously through tlio dark
ness to catch, if possible, a glimpse of
tbo nature of our prison, lly somo
oversight, no information of our com
ing had boon forwarded to tlio superin
tendent, nnd thoro was therefore no
ono to recolvo us, -no light visiblo, no
Information obtainable as to tho hous
ing of tho pntlonts nnd suspects.
I won tlio first to step on shoro and
the garrulous lunatic who had for
gotten his nail brush followed. Wlion
wo reached tho end of the pior wo stood
aside and passively watched (for tho
ridiculous regulations would not allow
us to Hit n finger in thu matter) the
mournful procession, as It filed past
from tho launch to tho shadow and
sholtor of an overhanging rock.
At that moment a ligjit was scon at
tlio buok of us, and in a fow minutes
tho anciout, Mr. Warbler, was in our
midst. Ho was eighty yoarn of ago,
short In staturo, very thin and hail n
marked stoop. Aa ho loaned on his
stick liia long gray hair, blear eyes nnd
etrnngoly whito1 beard gavo him tho
exact appearance that ono nlwsys asso
ciates with the ancient mariner. Tho
resemblance was so pronounced that a
fow days lator, when I had drawn thu
attention of thu othors to it, wo ro
christened him, nnd from that day ho
was spokon of and I fear often, too
ns tho Ancient Mariner, or (orbrovity's
sake, yio A. M. Whon, "llko it white
haired shadow," ho had wanderod
from group to group vainly endeavor
ing to grasp thu surroundings, ho ap
proached mo.
"Ami who are you, pray?"
"I am Dr. Kigby, lata and, for nil I
know, still government medical officer.
You aro tho superintendent, nro you
"I am."
"Now, Mr. Warbler." I nskod,
"where aio they to go."
"Do you see that hut yonder?"
pointing to a just visible roof pooping
over tho top of n steep preclpiio. ,"
"Yes." .
"Well, that Is tho only', plnco whore
thev ran go, and your quarters nro
cloho by." i
'Hut how aro they to got there?
Whew is the road to 11?"
"Thoro is no road J the only woy is
to clamber up the sldo of tho hill."
"Good God, iiir.ii, they can never do
"Hut they must."
And thoy did. How ovon tho
healthy among thum succeeded incum
bering up the rugged nnd treacherous
faco of that cliff ia to this (lay a mys
toy to mo. As for thu sick, same, of
courto, died, and others, though they
recovered, hail long and painful 111 as a consequence of that terrible
Ily noon of tho second day we wore
woll settled down to thu work propor
tioned out to us. Dr. Mooro was, much
to his dUgust, given chargo ot the
hospital Inclosuru. Ho did not grow
any more cane, hut rather less so; he
uddod to his other delusions the .Idea
that I was the cause of all his trouble,
and nothing would alter his belief.
Tho consequence was that he spent
hours n day walking round and round
thu fence that separated us, in thu hopo
of catching a glimpse of mo, and
whon ho did see uiu ho would howl and
shako his list at mo, then go back to
his hut happy,
I was given chnrgo of the conva
lescents and stiBjHcts; there were
forty-eovon of these, eighteen police
men and throe other medical men,
who wero awaiting thtjjr reloace.
There were no huts for tbo suspects, bo
they were shut up In tents. I say
"shut up," hut as a fact thoy were sur
rounded by u mark in the sand, over
which thoy had given tholr won) not to
pass. Three times a day hiiiio half
cold food was put outside this line, and
when the policemen who put it there
hud retired, the prisoner was allowed
to carry it into his tent, and, if his
stomach would, allow him to, eat it.
1, with my houso to myself, was the
envied of all tho envious, lint what a
house It was I Situated on thu ery top
of thu hill, onu side of which sloped
down to the harbor and quarantine
station, and the other to tho ocean,
the winds howled round It, night and
day us if tbey More in some desperate
straits. The scrub and dense under
growth reached up to the very door,
and from It. wien night came on, there
issued rats, iguanas and andicoots in
search of broken food.
The male patients wero put on board
an old hulk callod tho "Far Away,"
anchored 2.000 yards from shore.
Among thorn was Warren. Tho con
spicuous part tills man played later on
necessitates my setting forth In detail
his position from his own point of
viow. As I havo said, his attack of
smallpox was such nn extremely light
ono that nothing could convince him
that ho had had tho dlseaao at all;
therefore, to bo drugged witli his wife
and children from his homo was bad
enough, but to bo eoparatcd from them
nnd to bo thrust on hoard that wretched
and comfortless hulk, horded witli
Chinamen, deprived of all comforts
and most necessities of life, was be
yond all, -bearing. And then, na though
thin wns not bad enough, on our
journey down, thu bright eyod littlo
girl on whom nil his affections wero
centered, caught tbo dieenso nnd wns
moved by mo, on tho third day, with
her mothor, into tlio hospital inclosuro,
to die nbout the eighth day. Through
out hor illness, tho man, in nh agony
of rflgo, pneed tho docks night and
day, pausing only to poor anxiously
through tho tolcscopo at the blank
walls that inclosod IiIb wifo and dying
child. On ono occasion, whllo so
looking, ho saw, or thought ho saw,
his wifo making signs to a pollcoman
who was.standing near tho fenco that
surrounded tho enclosure. This was
too much for him to boar. Regardless
of Bhnrks that swam tho bay, regard
less of laws, regardloBB of everything,
ho threw down tho toloscopo, dived
from tho ship and swam ntltoro,
only to bo seized nnd roughly hurried
on board again.
'tVhon dusk enmo on ho again swam
ashore. This tlmo ho mado u most
dospornto strugglo for his freedom, but
was at Inst overpoworod, leg-ironed,
and in this degraded state, in full viow
of his children, who wero now, in their
mothor's nhsonco, unwashed nnd tin
ea rod for, his wifo, who stood weeping
on the hill, nnd tho rest of tho commu
nity, dragged down to tho water's edge,
pushed into tlio boat and bo on board
tho "Fnr Away" onco more.
"Don't you think," I nskod fho ser
geant, "that this man ia being most
brutally treated?" "I do; but orders
must bo maintained, nnd moreovor,
you ought to bo tho Inst man to com
plain," wub his ominous reply.
"Ilccnuso ho has sworn thai ho will,
log irons notwithstanding, get froo
onco more nnd 'eottlu your. hash,' as
ho says; then tlio authorities may do
what thoy llko with him. Seriously,
doctor you ought to havo somoono
alooplng in your houso with you. Tlio
man is a dospornto clmractor, and I
know moans lnlsohlof, nnd don't won-,
dor ho has been, ns you nay', most
brutally treated. Have you scon any
thing of thu now nurses?" "I sa.w
them como down, that's all. Havo
"Yes; oh, yos. Charley and I made
for them ; wo wore to have tossed up
fnr choice, but Ghrnley was tlio first in
tho fluid, and then bo's such a deuced
goodlooking fellow."
"And'whnt baa Charley gono for, tho
tall or the short one'?' I nskod Indiffer
ently. "Oh, tho tall ono, ynu hotl He saw
hor on tho'ocoun sldo last night Into,
mill commenced tho attack at once.
Charity said that ho hail all his old
weaponH ready for uso, hut thoy woro
iiuuecescary; sho full n victim to his
charms without n struggle, and before
they bail been ten minutes together
had prevailed upon him to loosen
two palings, to that i-ho can slip out
nud walk down to the sea when he's
,on night duty, Sho c.imo out at onco,
and they sat down nnd talked for An
,hour, all nbout the station nud tho
peopio down hero, Ho declares ho
could havo kissed hor then and there
If lie had liked; hut she's just n. littlo
too tall to tnku such liberties with.
I hopo I pliall bo UB lucky; llothiug
whiles away tho time liko spooning a
pretty girl. Good night, sir."
(To Ik) cmuiueil.)
Judge Job Hedges tho .Victim of a Joke
Woman Came to Kill Him,
Judge Job Hodges was the victim of
a joke last week whoso point ho does
not yet clearly see.
A woman came into his office and
started on a tale of woe. As sho was
in evident mental distress ho had not
tho heart to turn hor away, but eat
patiently listening for n solid half hour
to her rambling story. Unable to
make any cense out of it he said at
"Madam, I should bo glad to help
you In any way 1 can, but 1 can't see
what you're driving at. Kindly tell
me, in ns fow words as possible, the
object of your visit."
"Certainly, sir," she answered, "I
wont first to Lawyer Emanuel Frioud,
and hu sent mu here, and so I"
"Hut 'b,e object of your visit," ' ho
interrupted. "Oh, yes," sho said,
recalling it, at last. "Now you speak
ot it, I remember. I came hero to kill
"Sho is tho thirty-fUth crank that
man Friend has sent mo in three
months," sighed the judge uftenvard.
"Tdont gouerully kick, but when it
comes to killing its time to draw the
line." New York; World,
Hani Luck.
"I hoar that your mother-in law had
a narrow-escape from death yesterday."
"Yes, I ceoni to havo bveti , boru
under an evil ttar; my bes.t dog.waa
run over and killed at the tame time."
An) how, i
"I pee that t has been decided by a'
Missouri court thai tobacco ia a necessi
ty leMlfeiMv ... "
"Wtpo IV la-In MlorK '
Coal - Cool - Coal
"Western Feed & Fuel Co.
Dealora In all klntlt o(
Try thd famous
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Seo Our Prices Before Buying.
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That's what tho Ring says of' us. Oct our
Tradk Marks
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Anrona lending a sketch and de terlptlon ma?
ulcklr ascertain our opinion tm whether, an
Intention Is probablf nalentnblo. communlra.
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sent froo. Olitost asenor.ror socurmvpatenis.
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A handsomelr Illustrated weeklr. lJrest cir
culation i)f any sclentlBa journal. 1 arms, 13
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Olvo us ft trial and wa will convince you that
our good aro thu hoit m well tho clua)rat.
Wo carry a full and complete lino of Muuupalo
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Heat crvninnry luttr, roll aV) and 4.VJ
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"UhcHt-O," 15c seller, por package, fto
Tablo auhe, oMt, apricots, mil l'JUo
U'lnous, por do .. ,,....,10c to'-Vo
Host valley Hour, sao't 7ra
Choice tit tile beans, h lbs (.'., Vo
No. 1 tnttrt Ih-riis, 71tu, ,,.....,,..,,.,,. "a
No. lKMillls.Clbs !'!
llcst prunes ....i... c to fie
Mb can bhllllng's baling powder.. ,.. U;c
4 pkgs JumlM mush (lulls).'. C"-o
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"I', a." Mocha and Java coil'oa (.Vie kind) lb.'iVs
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Toothpicks, a pkgs , b-c
Our toaa and co trees aro unexcelled In flavor
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cans, IN:: pork and beans, 2 cans, lJoj mop
slicks, 10c: shrimps, can, Ue: 7 bars Owl soap,
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W. V. TKHUY, Treasurer.
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188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore.
Do You
I Know the News ? ,
X You cau hare It all (or
111 1 no r.Tumiix lui.Btniii, in ruriiauu,
Urexon. It Is tho InrKi st DYiMiliig now. Z
tiajier published lu Origou: It euntalus T
nil IIIO liutl. ill lilw .lulu nidi if. .iiv iin
T copywlllbo mailed to you Irc4. Ad
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