MSSSSSSSSSSBHiVi 7MUMUaMMaaM THE XEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. J TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 9-46 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. T110MAB S. nillttEY, Manager, ltd. Tel. John Ml. KODKUT McCUIXOUait, Secretary. Koi. Tel. John Sit. TACOMA TUG HUD BARGE GO. TUdS FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. General Towlnir. Coal, Hallast and Water lurnisnru. scows anu uarges (or Kent, 'ine "Fiarli-ss" li fitted with powerful fire and wrccklni uir Mltnirj. All luminous communlca- All business tlom to i lie addressed Tacoma Tuir and Marge Co. Offlce: l'aclllc Cold Stnraco building, Northern l'aclllc Dock. T lephon Main 69. Tacoma; Waahlngton. H. A. DURR, Proprietor ot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries in the Northwest. 1J0M1 C fitreot . 1.110-13 Commercial Street. Telephone Main wo v Tacoma, Vaihlngtoa ESTABLISHED ISM. To The Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with the largest and llncst stock in the city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Avo, Phono Main 500. Tito only exclusive wholesale house In Tacoma. Boarding Iloriv a Specialty. Tel. Main 4M CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLARK & BON, Proprietors. Hacks 'and Rigs Furnished on Short Hollci No. 1310 A Street, Tacoma, Waahlngton. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Ceiter than 1 the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and mo?t convenient store in the city. DICKSON BROS. CO. General Outfitter U20-22 Paoitlo'Avm, Tacmmm c J-OQQilPUMEaoma AM) a'MmSmomiaMi'., 4BKnrTvVll!Q3 UmfTjuXlluIlL. mmmmmmmml B fwTwi j "" jUBs?snyMtJ X WW MnilSiWwIjkfKsi"' f .Sl Mr --- mdi ".an filMJSt 1 ' C w TACOMA ADVERTISING J.F.OAViES Fancy and1 Staple Groceries Telephone Main 472. 1020 Tacoma Avo. TACOMA, WACH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, Red 2375. 118 12th St. TACOMA. WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. Q. FISHER, Pros & Trcas. Phono, Oak 2 M, OCO Pacific Ao. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & CO. Dealers In FURNITURE. STOVES, RANGES, Hardware, Glassware) Mixed Paints Telephone, Jams 1570. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN. Thomas Bennett TJoalor )n New ann Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. , IUA VxcnilAM, Prri. I!. I'. VxuniUN, Treat. U. U, M YHKOOr, VIOd ITC-T IHI1 OOCJ, Wynkoop-Vaughan Company druggists' and chemists Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN JOHN J McMIIJ.AN, Prop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone., Main 2-10. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. II. KEIXY, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY Steam Heated Rooms for Storing furniture. Tclophono, Main -101, Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J.F.MUIU'UY.Trop. Ory Goods & Men's Furnishing; Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Avo. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are t''" Treat popular drinks mI the country. How Important to have It nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Goifee Roastsr 1538 Pacific Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Makes Your Mouth Water t you slice orTa succulent plce of tbo tender roast lt procurable at our es tablishment. () course much depends on the cook don't tlamo It all on the butcher biit we'll take chance on that (or we know our meats are Al cuts, Bay City Market. Tml. malm 8, 1HM rmmftoAv. vH' J " " uaitjct; END -OF A MOUNTAIN-CLIrVIBER. Aljihte Adventure t tint Caused the Dentil of Four Men. Owen Glynne Jones, who wns killed with three guides while climbing tho "White Tooth" In tho Alps three years ago, wns ono of the greatest of moun-tnln-cllmbers. The details of the ac cident which ended his life at 32 are recounted by Harold Spender In Mc Clure's Magazine. Jonet; was it safe nud scientific climber, nud his death was due to no fault of his own. The live men in the party, tied together with a rope thirty feet between man and man, proceeded III this order: Tho guides, Furrer and Zurhrlggcu, tlrst, then Olyntie Jones, Vulgnler, another guide, and I W. Mil who was a schoolmas ter like Jones, and who, like him, pur sued mountain-climbing ns a sport. Coming to a dllllctilt buttress ten feet high, Furrer, who was In advance, could not And a hold. It was necessary for him to mount tlrst, and then pull tho others up when he had secured foot hold; so Zurbriggon and Jones put an Ice-ax under him to stand on, and crouched down to hold It. Ab they could not sec what Furrer wns doing above them, they were unprepared for ix midden shock. It Is evident that these men were de pending on Kurrer's success In getting the hand-hold for which ho was reach lux. Mr. Hill, Mho was some feet be low the group about tho Ice-ax, saw Furrer slip. He fell upou the two ob livious hteu beneath htm. All three went, striking Vulgnlor, who stood be- 'twecu Hill nud the three falling men. Hill had Instinctively turned to the rock to get a llrtu hold, expecting to be carried away with tho other men; but after a few seconds ho realised that he was safe and alone. Looking round, he aw his companions eliding nt fatal speed down tho rock Into the abyss. Uetween him and the unfortunate men, vho were being hurled to sure death, he saw thirty feet of rope dauglng from Ids wulst. The faithful Vulgnlor had listened It to some point In the rock to protect his master. Tho weight of the four bodies had broken tho rope, aud this saved Mr? Hill's life. After two days of hardship, climbing ulotie, Mr. Hill arrived at the hotel. Tho lesson here for all climbers, those who uiako a sport of it and Jest with death, and those who, In, unsought predicament, need to know how to climb, la this: Those men blundered by allowing the fata of thrco tuen to depend ou one man's hand-bold. Again, m far ns Is possible, every man In u climbing party should know what the (titers are doing, in order, not to'b'e tak en unawares, as. were the unfortunate, men who held tho nx under Furrer's .'ect. QUEER CASE OF HY8TERIA. Victim Wan Distinctly Marked by th uevll bhe Thought l'osaessod Her. A series of extraordinary events re cently took pluco at Itodez, Franco, which havo excited widespread inter out among all classes. The clrcum stances wcro thoroughly Investigated ty n representative of a Paris Journal, i'lio scene of tho occurrences was tho jrphan asylum of Grcr.cs, near Ijtlsaac, 1 md they concerned a member of this isylum, by namu Sister Snlnt-Fleurct. 1 ho following is tho result of the In vestigation, obtained from absolutely creditable sources and of which ho guarantee) tho correctness. There has been at tho orphan asy lum for tho past twelvo yeats a sister, originally from 'tho Canton of Itozouis, who Is aflllcted with a species of mad ness which makes her believe that slio s tmssessed by n devil: her sister su- perlor, tho other sisters of the asylum did nearly all the ecclesiastics of the country have a similar belief lu her .Utllction. Tho disease, according to the physl Inns, Is merely a species of hysteria; .mtural prcdl8osItlon which became .icute under the Influenco of the sur rounding atmosphere. Hut the super 'laturul features are tho result of true 'lUto-AUggcstlnu. lu her paroxysms the uffertr utters piercing cries of such In "eiuity that the peasants hear them at 1 great distance from the convent. Dur- ng thobc attacks the patient believes icrself to bo 'bitten or burnt by the ievll In this or that portion of her body. The nuto-suggesilon Is ho strong it these times that Immediately upon Che disappearance of tho paroxysms there Is found on that portion of tho body where the suffering Is most In flue, either n bum of tho skin or the linprlnt of teeth. sister hnini-Meuret has a norror of 1 nny agricultural colleges in tne couu every religious object and tho nearby "try calling for comletent teachers, aud presence of a figure of Cltrlst. of a book of devotions, or of any sacred Imago Immediately throws her Into an almost rabid fit The most curious clrcum stance Is that sho need not see theso objects, she feels them, sho divines them when they nro brought near her even though carefully hidden, and sho Immediately rushes nt them to destroy. Further, sho frequently divines tho thought of persons who speak to her and she responds to them In their own languago whatever this language may be. Although she is a simple peasant who has never received the least edu cation, Sister Salnt-Fleuret In her par oxysms speaks Greek, Italian, Husslan, KuglUh and German. Sho always re sponds fluently in the languago what ever it may be in which she Is ad dressed. KNEW ALL THE 8YMPTOM8. Doctor Was Able to Muko a Most Won derful I'roKnoalsu One of the nnvedotes related by Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell In his story. "Doctor North and Ills Friends," might well be n personal experience of tbo author. The hero, Doctor North, was traveling from Harrlsburg by the night train, which was crowded. Iu one of tho cars he found until stretched across two seats, asleep. He wakened him. bogged pardon for disturbing him, and asked for a seat. After a little time tho two entered Into conversation. At length the man asked, "Do you know Dr. Owen North'" Itathcr nstonlshed, I said, "Yes." "What kind or n man Is ho?" "Oh, n very good fellow." "He Is like all them, high-up doctors. Gets big fees, doesn't hoY 1 want to know." "No," said I. "That Is always exag gerated. Why do you ask?" "Well. I've had a lot of doctors, and I nlu't no better, and now I haven't much money left" Upon this, my friend confided to mo all his physical woes lu detail. Wt parted before daybreak. It was toe dark In tho car for either of us to see plainly the face of the other. About ten the next day the man en tered my consulting room. As I should not have known htm except for a rather peculiar voice. I, too, remained unldrn titled. I could not resist so excellent jiu opportunity. looking at him, I said: "Sit down. You have a pain In your back." "That's queer! I have." "And you arc bllud In tho left eye, and your digestion Is bad," aud so I went on. At last he said. "I never saw a doctor like you! It scares a man, 'most. Can you cure me?" I said, "Yes," and wrote out direc tions. It Was really a slmplo case. When he produced a well-worn wallet I declined to take a fee, and said: "I owe you for tho seat and the good sleep I disturbed last night." "Well. I declarol I see. now! You were the man. But law! why did you give It away? I'd uavo Bent you tho whole township." PRALINE8 OF NEW ORLEANS. Delicious Cnnrty Which la Hold ou the Street of Old Town. "Among me toothsome memories of bygone years nothing In tho form of sweets or candy appeals ho keenly to tho IxHitslantan as tho praline," says Robert Mitchell Floyd, according to the Now York Mall and Express. "A stran ger visiting tho city and desiring to And somo of this dainty 'would proba bly go to tho I! rat confectioner's shop to be waved out of the door by the hand of tho French mnldcn lu attend ance. 'Non monsieur; ou vends ca sur la rue!' (No, sir; they sell that lu tho streets!) "The manufacturing of the real pra lines Booms to be 'the accepted tight of tho descendants of the old Ipdlans whoso blood has been Intermingled with French negroes. The candy Is always carried about lu tho morning, freshly made, on small neatly covered trays by men only. "In the making of tho praline the In dian obtains from the hogshead of mo lasses tho sugar that has granulated from tho liquid aud been prcclptatcd to tho bottom. This Is flavored tnoro highly than tho ordinary sugar-house product, and when rcbolled and cooled lias a most attract! v and delicious taste of Its own, I'etnu nuts arc care fully cracked and taken from their shells so that the two halves of the nut aro unbroken. Tho boiling thick sugar is then poured out ou it Hat stone lu little puddles of alinut three Inches lu diameter, Into the surface of which the peenn nut meats nro carefully bunched In conical heaps, with Just enough of the hot liquid sugar added to hold them lu place." Kcientlllo Agriculture. Secretary Wilson believes that not enough attention Is paid to scientific agriculture by the colleges of to-day, aud he has taken up the agitation of J this matter ue a hobby. Wherever he makes a speech he tells his hearers that his department utilizes the services of every joung man It can find who has had a thorough training hi some branch of hclenltllc agriculture. There Is a great demand for this kind of service, aud the department has the utmost dif ficulty In holding on to Its experts be- caiibf of the growing outside calls that' are being, made on them. There are about two thousand people lu the De partment of Agriculture who are en gaged ou bolcutlllc agricultural work, yet hardly one of them came Into the government service fully equipped, Sec retary Wilson calls attention to this fact to emphasize his statement that the colleges should give more thought nud attention to the development of agricultural sciences. There aro some some sixty or sevwity agricultural ex perlment stations, where there Is al ways an opening for a trained scientist. There Is money In becoming an agricul tural expert, and Secretary Wilson thinks that our young men would do well to choose such a profession rather than the overcrowded fields of law und medicine. Iirooklyn Kagle. Coloring Preparations. Tho number of artificial coloring matters prepared since Perkins dis covery nearly fifty years ago of tho preparation of aniline dyes from coal tar has been enormous. It Is estimated that at the present day over 3.000.000 different Individual dyestuffs are easily nccesslblo to cyr Industries, while at least 25.000 form the subject of patent specifications. The number of color ing matters furnished by natural agon clej Is comparatively small, and those who do not exist threaten soon to he ignored In favor of coal-tar derivatives A woman has to ask her friends' permission to wear a uew style of hat, and her husband's permission to buy It. What a struggle a sick man makes for life, considering that there Is lit tle In it but whippings. ATCHISON GLOBE 8IQHT8. Comments on Kverjdny Mutters by an OrlKlnnl Genius. When you lie, bo moderate. Whop pers don't go. What has become of the old-fashioned boy who ran off 7 What "trying" things occur In life! And how numerous they are) There ought to be a law against tho bogus Panama lints; they look like the veiy Old Scratch. There Is nothing more expensive than experience, and nothing of which there Is more sold. Women think men have such good times. Men would like to know where the good times come lu. A certain woman lu this neck of the woods has caused three tuen to be shot . In six yours. That's too many. The women are becotulug such ad vanced cooks that they are putting ev erything Into Ice cream but cream. Men use dictionaries at their lovc-letter-perlod8, but otherwise women are the only ones who look Into them. There Is an unwritten Inw among trays that If one boy kicks lu a fight, the other has a right to throw a rock. In most western towns, tho arrival of a good ball player causes more excite ment than the arrival of a summer girl. "If ever I hnve n disappointment In love," said a girl to-day, "I "am going te be real old-fashioned about It, and pine." , Every time you pass a woman on the streets, lending her little boy, you will hear tho boy sny, "O, mamma, buy me some!" Make nn old girl feel as If she wcro ten, nud It s a snub, but make her feel as if sho wcro sixteen and It is flattery. Wo often regret that there Is no mo nastic order devoted to teaching the use of brass baud nud orchestral Instru ments. "Walt," every man Is saying to tho man tcu years ills Junior, "till you reach my age, and you will know what trouble really Is." If you linvo a wrouged feeling thnt your friends hnve never showered you with presents, give out n hint thut you would like a good cat. If you arc very poor, whon you cry, It Is "bawling." "Wept" nnd "sob bing," like nil other words, nro gov erned by the slxe of Income. Kvcry one has tho sneaking belief thnt there Is this much in Christian Science: Others could overcome their physical nllmeuts If they wanted to. They mako such costly drinks at Atchison soda fountains that It Is pos slnlo for a girl to niako a young man too poor to marry her uftor thrco treats. When a woman nsks you to stay to supper, her'mlud goes off ou a light ning visit to her cupboard, aud If her manner grows more cordial, It means that tin' mental trip was satisfactory. Wo have traced It back, nnd Und thnt a Topeku woman some sixteen j ears ago named her baby girl Ilertha. Later she was called Iilrtle, then illrdle, then HI id. and when sho was graduated last week It was "liyrd eyene." Mothers never know how slm plo n thing mny result tragically. WESTERNER AND A RATTLER. Tlckllah Situation In the Hliunk of John l'rcutlcr. Kenncwlck, Wash., semis word of this state of affairs: Hvcry time John Prentlco rolls over lu bed at night a big rattlesnake lifts Its ugly head and burr-r-rs, aud some night, there pium Iscs to he a battle between Ihe two, Ten days ago Prentlco first heard tho warning burr-r-r of tho rattle lu his shack. Hu Is an old Westerner and dwells 011 the bank of the Columbia, half a mile from Kenuewlck and Just across tho tlver from Pnsco, Ills cabin Is a one-room affair lu the midst of a wild, sparsely settled, sage brush country, aud Is piled high on one sldo with plunder gathered from the river. Here are dozens of heavy boxes nud other articles which would take half a day to drag out. Prentice heard tho rattler, looked twice at the boxes aud then decided not to 'nterfere with the Intruder en sennsed behind tho mass of rubbish, lie shifted his bed 11 little and gave up half his house to the snake. The rat tlesnake burr-r-is at every move Pren tlco makes, hut the nervy Westerner pays little attention to It. Ou one side of tho shack dwellcjr ns he sleeps Is a big shotgun and ou thy other a bottle of approved snake bite, "if I see that snake first, heaven help him," remarked Prentlco yesterday. "If ho gets on me llrst, hero's tho snuko bite. I'm safe either way." Why Not? "Jack" Nevlus told a group In thd Continental Hotel lobby one evening during his last visit to Philadelphia of a fellow passenger on a Lehigh Valley train who was imahlo to Hud his ticket when the conductor made tbo rounds. Tho conductor bade tho man go on hunting, and said ho would return when be had collected all tho other tickets. When ho returned tho pas senger wns still searching. "Aro jou sure you had It when you sat down?" usked tho conductor. "Sure!" "And you havo not left your seat?" "No." "Well, then," said tho conductor, "you could not K.Blbly hnve lost tho ticket.'' "Why couldn't 17'' wns tho unox pected retort. "I lost n buss drum once." Philadelphia Times. Pnpor Stouklni'H Coming. A Londoner has perfected a method for manufacturing paper stockings. If a nmu enjoys his wealth before he has it he never gets rich. fffllTtlU MiEMISEMEHTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR nml arc lit toucnr, bear our label, Dnrlscrc' Coats, Waiters' Jackets and Aprons Oans&Klem, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & GO. Furniture and Carpets, 201S03 Broadway, Undertaker and Embalmers, 120 Brondwtty, Tilrpliinir 840. UKt.KNA, MONT. Eiessler BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of HlKliUnulo Ucvrs, Helena, - - Montana CAM, AT TIIK Keller Studio ron your Fine Photographs We linvo all the latest t) Ich In Mmitit. nrniK (iur Htxiiik worn una gvi price. KELLER, o'W Ml Htrsnt, HitltiiiH, limit. EAST SIDE HARDWARE 00, V. II. HAM., Manager. Hardware. Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. Oct Our l'rkea lletora liuylnc. Oregon l'hmio Hcott Ittl. lift (Irand Ave. A. E. SIECIE.U. Dealer in nil kinds ol STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Bulltr, ChetM, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Pfcoiu, Clay 84. 95 N. Seventh St Telephone Ked 0)1. M'rlralo rooms. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Bwmison, Crop, Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor 23d aud Washington 81s. I'outlimdOri W1IKN YOU 11 UV Furniture, Carpets and Stoves KOIl IIOUBEKKIJI'lNd Cut This Out nnd (let a induction nt Henry Jennings. Ua-174 first Htrtt. A. (loodnough J. O. Stearns 600DN0UGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington llulldliix, Portland, Or Clly, Huburhitu and Cnuiitrv Property, lin- prowd and tiulmprocd. 'limber and Coal j.anils. Cholcu Water ('roiilnge, sullalile fur mauuracturliiK purposes. Vulimblu business prurty forsalo. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms SO and 27, Kherlock ilullding. Cor. Third and Oak HtH. POKTl,A.N, OU. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Olllre K. W cor Fourth and Klark Hts. Telephone UV. I'OltTI.A.S'D, OltKQO.N Exchange Your Checks With Me&seneer on Trains and order Carriages or Coupes. Jl.igage chi eked at resi demo to any destination llranrh nitlrei Until I'orllaud: United Car- rlugu Co., Hviutu and I aylor. L. II. ADAMS, Algr. BARR HOTEL European and American Plan, Furnished in First-Class Style. New home, newlr tarnished, two blocks from Union depot .All the moduru tupruTvmeuts. flrr-proof, hot aud cold water, ceatully lo rated. '''" 'Rates, $1 and $1,25 a Day. Heals 24o, Baths 3Se. Cor, Sixth and Qllsan, Portland. m vi 11