THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. i i c II t Jl c II o M It It ut It en ll th !'! Ml lot v till urt bit ntc r n fen me tun I'rl r He Ltu ify TACQMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros. DRIKKHSTS. rrercrltitliniii arc mir specialty. Orders hy tclephotiii promptly ri llvcred. Car to nil arta' ''in city pas our doors. H. V. cor. K ittiii i;l v iitliht. Tcluplionu Mnln .Vl, THE LOUVRE. WII.MASI HIIIl'IKI, 1'rop, Tlont brand of liMK)rtdlniiil domentle Wines, Minor nml ('Ipicx Hol micnta for I'nrkfr Kyt 1'lnn I'ren I.nncli. Tdephono James 2131. ia) l'ntllle Atomic. IOO'i Commerce Street. Tacoina, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. IIJ - NYMAN, Proprietor. l'lnc Wine. Miiiiiir nml Clirnr l'rcsh I.BRcr llcer aIh'h)hoii draught. Tpl'-phoin' lllnrk Ifl7;l Klml Saloon from N. I' depot. ISID Pnclllu AvciiilUi cor I7lli titreet, Tacoiuu, Washington. A, S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale: and retail dealers III Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper' Vn carry a full line of Itonin Moulding, ixiorn. Window. Etc. Estimate plvrii mi I'aperhiK mid Uliulntf. Tel. John '.Mil. Jfl 1'aclllu Avenue. TACOMA, WAHH. People's Cash Grocery H A. HKAItH, Proprietor. Wholccnle nml retail dealer In Staple and Fancy (SroiurioH, Tciih, Cof fees, Spices, Ktc. Ttflf iihmw Mnln lot. IW1 I. Hirci't, cor. Ninth. Tnciitnn, Wash. When You Wont Anything Good ...TO OAT... Try the grocer nt corner V.U v nth itiul O Wu Pntronlze 1 himo Hint Pntroulze U. .1. LINDUKRO. T 1 Mnln nil. 1101 0 Street. Uip, (.ourt Homo. Tacoma, Wash. J. KAUFMAN. Healer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Term Itiamiiialilo. U.W ( Htreet, Tucoinn, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. 1). McPlimtHON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. Wedding and Birthday Cakes ( A Specialty. TlXKI'IIONi: ItKI) 15011. J 107 Soulh K St. TACOMA, WASH. C. O. MELLINGER. Funarml Dlreotor. Kiulmlming Specialty ly Mel linger llros. Olllcu I'houu Main Ml. Krtldeiico Ptiona John Mil. DID Tacoina Ave. Tacoina, Waih Olell Men Harry II. Kelvin LIEN'S PHARMACY. formerly Central Hrtigritoro. Drugs, Chemicals, TolUt Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1IW Taroma Avotiuu. Tclophnno Jaiiius 111. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. Dill Tacon.n Avenue, Tncoma - - Washington tklkimionk 4:1. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. omen KM 'lentil Hi.. Hotiilnt corner of A. TACOMA, HASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carrlaggs, Bagsago Wagons At All Hours. IVumptT. and llnuKHHe trmmfurri'd from rrtldi m'f ami lioteU to and f 1 iiii all Imau and tralni. I and our cIhcLn fo: l'HKKxe l our mriM'iiticr.i lio will uu'cl muin all tm'oui iuir iralim ami lnl. I'IikI clum I.1iii Open airnltilil. All rK niMiavd 'V. ( .V II. T. Co." Do You Wenr Shoes? If to rithcr.lhe Pho Man uoiiM like to io ou A tioriiii; uiloilio more earn lint nil tint I.H.I.Mlli; mail of (hoe for mvn. woimu and chlldien t 1'OK MI..S- IMwlnflapixhooj The I'acVnril $uwk Tt.o J H, Turner utioo. 11)11 I.MHIth The "Cjuevn Quallt)" hooj Ihv Kultur alloc l:lshcr, The Shoo Man. WH Paclllo Avn, llrauoh toru al Kvsrett, lacoiua, Wah, TACOMA ADVERTISING jpst riwkivkd-a iino lino a novelties In (nil auhiiiKH. C. C.T. CLAUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealers In Stnpls and Fancy Groceries, Etc. l'J.onc, Main 367 Cor 1.1 nml Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WAHH. Gawlcy Foundry 8 Machine Works A few of Our Hpcclaltlea Always on llund Haw Anvil Paw Hummer HwIiir Cut-Off Haw Hammers Hf t Work fif Turners Haw Unlilcn Carriage 1'ei-il Works l.lvo UiiIIh Friction .VlggvrsSMugla Mill Kaur Mill FJIo Room Maohlnory. Ccr. 21st and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Red 1011. Consumers Go-Opsative Bakery JOHN PLUHAR, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Gonfeotioitory Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BilEAD AT COST Two Loaves of Dread for 5 Gonts Telephone, 11 Vk 1815. HOB Txcama Avo. TACOMA. THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. KFAW. FJonrdlne Horses a Specialty. Phono, Main 1T.0. n:n-30-:w c St. TAOOMA, WASH. Parsian Dye Work K.J. CI.OTI1KU, lrop. We Clean, Press, Dye cr Repair Clothing To'ophone, Hod 875. 11DO O Siroot. TAOOMA. BLAKE'S DAVK HLAKK, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 1S1 WnahliiKlon ft., 8KATTI.K. Hit Fourth Ft, Ol.YMPlA. 1015 PjoUIo Ave . TAOOMA. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOA1A. Pacific 903 Ave. John Hlelriilnuiii. M.d.llaVer. Grand Central Hotel. rtlKIIKNIIAl'M .t IIAKIUI, Proprietor. 1211-1213 Pacific Avu. rr.ui Mitts To ami From All Trains am U0.1t H. Roonu 50c, 75c, $J,00. Rates' $1.00 a Day Up. AmctUan and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. KUANK Sl'HMlTT. J, U HK.MIIUKK. 1'rv.ldrut, frevreiary. .11, CAllIt, Manager, Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturer of Fir, Silver Pir.e and CeJrr Doors and Finishing Material. Phono Kast li. Kait Taylor ami ., , , tul Ughth bircot. PwtlaRtl. Oregon BIRTH OF NATIONAL AIRS. Writing of "1'onkce loodlc" ond 'Jolin Jlrown'n Hotly." In one sense national music Is any mimic which Is beloved by n nation. Under tlilrt head would eotuo "Home, Sweet Home," nnd "Suwntiee Itlver;" a more tender lyric of homo and of ItH memories than Stephen C. Foh ter's "Old Folks nt Home." of which about 600,000 eoplts were sold, would be hnrd to tlnd. It wns often under Interdict during the civil war It made soldiers (lown-lii'nrteil. An. other kind Is of n patriotic nature. Often a national song Is at of local fame and Intore&t. and by merit becomes nnttonnl, nnd may even he upread the world over. Thus, as the voice of friendship and loyalty, "Auul Lung Syne" Is known the world over, uud the "MnrHolllnlse," which hegnu iw a inarching iwng for n corps of tho army of the Lower Ithlne, beenmo the universal cry of liberty In patrl otic struggles everywhere. .The whole coiniwfHtlon ennio to ltouget do 1 Isle In one night, 1702. Two Frcncn songs sung during tho reign of terror were In boiuo degree luduend by American events, and theso form a preliminary to our American music. In revolutionary times and pre viously there wan hut little music In America. During tho revolution thoro was no American componer of note. No Amcr tcnu tuno during the revolution took root as tire one which begau und end ed the war, ojhI existed In England In 1775 or 1770 "Ynnkco Doodle." Tho words were written during the French nnd Indian war by Dr. Klchard Shuck burg, a Ilrltlnh surgeon. In a sort of pnrody way on seeing roiiio of the New Hngland trocps marching Into Albany, mid set to an English dancing tuno. In Kurope "Hnll. Columbia," Is con sidered our chief national nnthem, nnd hns certain rights to be so considered, as It wns composed on American boII, only they put the cart before the horse, nnd tho tune wns composed nnd played ulne years before the words were fit ted to It. Tho tune was known and Immensely populnr iih "Washington's March." nnd played till It was thread bare. Nine years after It was written Gil bert Fox. an actor, was to hnvo n ben efit He wan announced to slug n now patriotic song, ami got Joseph Hop kins to writo words for hlni to tho tune of "Washington's March." A now pntrlotlc time meant everything In thoso tlinm. Tho theater wns crowded. Fox snug the ong. nnd had . to sing It over eight times, nnd then I the audience sang tho chorus. This wns In 1TDS. nnu it wns caueu uie "Tho Now Federal Song." The oldest of our national tunes Is tho KnglUh untionnl uuthem, "God Save tho King," and even during the revolution people song the tuno with pntrlotlc words. 'Several songn wero sung to the tune with varying success, nnd In 183'i the melody was given In good earnest by the Kev. S. F. Smith at n children's tempernuce celebration nt the I'nrk Street Church In lloxton, and It has tnken such root thnt "My Country, T1s of Thee" became our national melody. Now n word ntiout what wo call our chief tune. "The Stnr-Spangled Hau lier." The words were formed here, the miiMle nhroad, and t)iere I much false history nbout It It liepn as a drinking mng In 1703. of an Kugllsh club which met nt the Crown and Anchor Inn. on the Strand. letter. In lS0- It wns tried as a Masonic tune, and In 17DS Thomas I'a'ne. at Hoston. put words to It. called It "Adams and Mbrrty." and It was sung everywhere. In the darkest pnrt of the war of 1813 Fnuiols Scott Key, watching the Hrlt Uh boinhard Fort Mcllenry. wrote. In a moment of Inspiration, this national song. "The Stnr-SpangliNl Hatiner" "John Hrnwn's Ihwly" was first sung In n purely local way at Fort Warren, hut It became tho chief march lug song of our army In the rebellion, nnd Julia Ward Howe set to the luxplrlng tune the great hymn. "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord," nnd thus wns it song of war transformed to a song of pence.- Hoston Herald. Hun Through a l-aeit. A well-known civil engineer, II, II. Carpenter, who has recently completed the survey of the southern line of Utah, sayi the boundary between that State and Arizona does not cross a foot of cul tivated laud. It traverses n desert, which Is cut up l great canyons that are almost Impassable. Tho length of the Hue Is -77 miles. Landmarks along the Hue will make It possible for the Iwundary to be located wlthoHt any dltllculty In the future. Just east of tho Colorado Itlver n sandstone hutte rises 1,000 feet above the plain, and the very penk of this butte Is exactly on the boundary. lr- Carpenter tin nut 1 tho penk State Linn butte. Not far from this butte Is another, which stands 1,1100 feel above the plain, and wns named Tower peak. These two gigan tic stones will always be n guide to per sons who have enough curiosity to pen etrnte the desert In search of the State line. It Didn't Matter Anyway. The following explanatory note ne eompajiled n young man's wedding Kft to n friend: "My Dear Girl You will llnd in the box n thingumajig, which has something to do with eating, it's a cross between n harpoon nnd a liny, fork. It may be for spearing pickles or stacklug chopped cabbage. Auy. way, you will be so happy that you wou't care." When we so the kJ" socks the men wear, we are tilled with pity for their womeu folks who have to chase arouud town for darului; cottou to match. TACOMA ADVERTISING s AYIIE DllUO CO. Thfl tnnil vb1IaiIa tlfn .a I.M. .IrMfr. .till patent medicines, rtc. Thli atore is noted for im carefulness In lining prescription! ami for fair prices. 1100 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash, 1IEKDEEN STEAM J,AUNDKY J.M. I.upton.Mgr. Equipped with new tirMo-duto machinery. Nn roUt:n omnw-cdReculfaand collar. Hied Bloss or domestic finish. Work tint-class auli suro to pUuse. Telephone SSI. Corner llumo and It Hts., Opp. Firemen's Hall. mllE PACIFIC MQUOK AND WINE HOUSE. N. ItEUTElt, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trado a Specialty, Tel. Hod 1731. l.V Pacific Ave. 1S0A Commerce St. Tacoma, Washfttgton mllE JUNCTION. M. CHIllSTIAN, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone lllack 1073. Cor. PaclOo Aronuo and Jefferson St., , TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAL S0UVENI11S AND UNMOUNTED PIIOTOS. HOLTS AllT STOKE. Frames Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Stationery and Art Cloods. Tol. DUck 2773: No. 7C3 C Street, near Chamber of Commerce TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRuaaisTs. JcfTerson and Paclllo Avenues., . TACOMA, WASHINGTON. W.W.WIng. 0. II. Wing, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WING imOH.,rop. Wo Launder Anything. 711 Tacino Avo. Tel, Main 200. Tacoma, Wash. D KNABEL, 1V Proprietor of THE GKltMAN llAKKKY AND COFFEE PA It I.O US. Fresh Jlread ami Cakes dally. Ornamental Cake a spcclulty. Only tlio beat ami purest material lined In our llakery. llread delivered Ireu loanr purt of tlm clly. Telepnouo Park 7tll. linPai'lllc ATeliue, Tacoma, Waahlugtoa. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Towmuiid, Washington. BII I P Pi NO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom House Drokors and Stevedores. Established Uii. Jlraneh office Tacoma and Seattle. JENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Bandbcrg, Proprietor. WINES, UQUOItS AND C10AR. Pole axout for GuIumh Stout and nuns' Ate. (Head Ilros. bottlliig). Eatabllslicd 1MI. Tele phone Main CU9. mo l'uclrtit Avenue; 1139 Commerce St. Taeuiua. Wuahlngtou. Frye Bruhn & Co, 1310 Paclfle Aveuue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats (urniehed for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. GUARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks nnd at llalloy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Grand Central Hotel. W. V. UiSWOX Irate end Mgr. J Headquarters for Lumberm.en Miners and Tourists. first class bar In connection. 12U-i:i Psclfle Avenue. TACOMA, Wash' We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Ave. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Go. Cloaks at Wholesale 920 Psmitkt Ave. TAOOMA ' - aMf MEW YOHM TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETH, Pros. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Bee. nnd Treas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOflA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsomo il!nitrntod boiklet on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM W. MILNEIt. DECjB & MIJUINER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, Schaflncr & Mnrx and Alfred llcnjnmin ifc Co.'s Tallor-Mndo Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. Finest Lino of Hnbcr dushory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Morchandlso at Popular Prices. : : : 1103 Pacific Avenue. 6. L. HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Priced "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, f Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, cither for cash or on installments. Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., - Seattle, Wash. Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, - Tacoma, Wash. 'bbKVvIEh wSrVtJr IKMsIsHbA Va JsaaW.wffVlssBBBBPVilBll' Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BAMFOKD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... Agents and Bulldm of the Flynn Shingle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A St., Tacoma, "Wath Merchants Delivery Co. ' Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morthern, WelU- Farco and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co.; Omaha Packing Co.; American Paper Co. Etc Baggaga to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, "7ash mm CEREAL COMPM MINUrACTUUKHS OF Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. the bee HWEM, iionensctiild 10. Lunch Counter and Restaurant D. WISSINdER & M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class and uiMo-date Rcftntfrant now open nnd doin.j busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our ralTeo is nnexetlled. Side dlnhes served such is sen e J in no other Res taurant in tliis city. Open AH Night POPULAR PRICES. McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Proprietors cf tho Laurel brand of hiyli grade groceries. Telephone, Main 517 and Main 500. 1111-13 C Street 012 Commerce Street TACOMA, WASH. JAMES U. DEGE TACOMA, WASHINGTON . , f THE Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists,. Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill A Mining Machin ery. Lodging Engines. Works, corner Twonty-llrt and A StS. Phono Main 87. Tacopia, Wasnington. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1603-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. II III 11114 FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Cloods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. Telephone, Black 1713. AH work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thoroueh repair. Any losses niado good iiimudlutely, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA .WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ot and K-alur In ...LUMBER Fawrctlt and OOlce Twentyfirst and Dock Sts. Telephone Mala 29. acoma, Wash. .Jhd, i.