m iwpirimmtWKn THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. rv' 'A .- T-tSsWi ' -91 m?. n-. r: ', y 4- A I 'a1 ,n 'Wfr V TIMES LOCALS. Always nsk for tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esberg-Qunst Cigar Co.', general agents, Portland, Or. " Call at Eunson k Wntkins, lcalera In cigars, tobneco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 feixth stieot, Portland, Oregon. For first class dental work and Erompt attention, go to the New York cntul Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. - Tho Yakima Market, H. A. Brasen, manngcr, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 140 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 089. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good Eccuritics. Notes and moragiigcs bought. 'S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. r Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wilson.auctloricers, household furni ture and bankrupt stocks bought and sold.' OHce and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono COS; Oregon 'phone South 2C1. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done At very.modrcatc prices. Dyeing and cleaning of al kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. r Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours J. Do lcau, proprietor, 455 Glisun street. Wo want your trade. Musio half Cricc; musical instruments of all inds, cash or installments. H. II. Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in musio and musical merchandise. Tho Music building, 310 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon. The Pioneer Paint Co, Tho firm of F. E. Ilcach A Co., corner of First and Alder streets, is ho oldest established concern in the paint and oil business in tho ' Northwest. For over 20 years, this houto has maintained its reputation for reliable business dealings with all patrons. F. E. Peach t Co. car ry the highest grades of paints, oils and varnishes. They also hnndlo all builders' materials, and no order is too small to rcceivo prompt atten tion. THE' BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And we can furnish you with tho .BEST, for no more than you might pay for tho WORST, theroforo, don't throw away good money for poor ser vice, but If you nro going East, or havo friends coming West, let us toll you what wo can offer on Chicago, Washington, Now York. Boston, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, nnd nil Intermediate points. Our rails aro Inld In fourteen dlfforont states of tho Union. r"' Communicate with us regarding freight and passenger business; It's a pleaBuro to reply to your letter. B, H. TRUMBULL. J: C. LINDSAY, .Commercial Agent. T. F. & P. A. 142 Third St. Portland, Oregon cost $i,aao,aao. The Portland H. O. BO WOtS, Manmgmr. Anmrlcan Plan, $3 Par Day anil Upward, MEADQUAPJERS rort TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon flf He , Spokane (European Plan.) t v. i The Leading- Hostelry in the State of Washington, Headquarters for the Traveling Public . Special Sample Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW-BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and ' Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlin? Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. PffcETT NEW WAISTS THEY ARE SEPARATE, AND OF CLOTH, SILK OR VELVcT. Chnnircablo nnd Qlinmclcoii KlTect lit Bilks Are Knnlitona1lc Sitka Come lit Llicckn, Flowered l,ntteriin,Atpllu.ued and Dotted, Figured nml Striped. New York correspondence: IIEREVER the tthoppor goes, he's confronted with very nttractIvo,nep nrnte waists of cloth, silk or vel vet. These waists tuny be found In nil the foft cloths, very freely trim med with tucklnc, box-pleat, Hide pleats, pnmnirj. terles, embroider ies, laces, braid and bnttoiiH. Red Is a stylish shade, and blues nnd green are greatly fnvorcd. Then Sev ern! brown tint an- used for such bod Icon nnd nre pretty when trimmed with gilt or orientnl passementeries.. These trimmings shou4 tip nicely on white, too, add' this combination , Is made In many dresey waist. Qne of them wns fetch ed for this luUlnlplcturc. n whit hvnr cttn cloth bnuded with Persian embrold- NEW STANDARDS IN ery and having a tluy. vhield'of tucked' white sntln, , The silk employml for separate bollcos nre rich and expensive They come 'In checks, tloweretl patterns, nppllnurd silks, nnd dottttl, figured unil striped weiivos. Solid colored' silks nro used, but not often. Mnny white waists nre Included In Uio showing, nud are noticeable for the brightness of their trimmings. An exam ple In the nest illustration was white crepe de chlnu, with yoke of pale blue el vet. Changeable and chameleon ef fects In silk nro very fnshlnunblc for waists. Some of them nre finished with embroidered dots or woven Hecks of white and blnck. These are very fine. Vel- SMOOTH COAT AND &&&'& l vettf, velveteens mid kindred w eaves are ct-n iu many hiuidome wnl.u, rind are In olld color, two-toned, itripel, check ed and figured weave. While a great many bodice aro made with joke nnd shield effect, others do not show joke tin iih. Bodice blounliw all around are een and look well on very slender figures. Light weight wool uhlrt waUt contume are being made ready for winter. They will be worn Indoor inontly. Tailor are making uhlrt waUt suit for bonne wear out of cheviot and linen hop oacklng. They are heavier than those woro during cummer and can be wanned, which is In their favor. Shirt walt suits of wash flannel nre nlno stylish. Among the new colorings for dres good and triminlug are several itrik Ing shades of blue. Dark blue Is .spe cially favored, appearing, with red, grevn, orange or black and white as trim tnla; intpparently a majority of a)l street gowus. Variety la the method of trim- V mlng prevents monotony. ' TencocK m coming In again, but it Is not unite m glnriug ns thnt shewn several season ago. Ah It U, It Is very trying to the av erage complexion nnd not ver safe for use with color combinations. JPhcre are other new nnd brllllnnt blues, but. the nverage woman will be wise If she sticks to tho deeper nnd more becoming shinies thnt harmonize better with other colors. Blnck nnd white woolens nnd browns fol low the blues. Hniidsome shndes of nprl cot nnd pencil appear In woolens nud vel vets. Banana yellow Is fine In velvets nnd light weight cloths. Other tolorf noticeable In the winter dress goods eith er for newness or nbundnncv nre rich browns, dull greens nud bright ruls. Black In silks nnd woolens Is to be trim med very Invlshly. This Is true In more mnrked degree of black silks, which nre embellished out of all scmblnuce to so briety. An Illustration the artist put lit the left In the first group wns black pcau do sole, mednlllons of blnck nllk cord nud gold thread, blnck silk fnggot stitch' lug over burnt orange velvet, the latter supplying the belt. Nearly ns lavish trimming Is. put on fine gown of trans parent dotted and figured cloths. These nre In light colors chlctly, penrl gray and dellcnte green being often selected, much enriched with lners. Insertions nnd pus' sementerles. These dotted nnd figured )nn,i.a loading attorneys;' were visit stuffs are employed nlsj In the more or8 to tho Garden City Monday. dressy siurt wnist costumes, wne re mains In the second picture, n penrl grny chiffon iiun's veiling, thnt is of this grade; Crenm lnee Insertion, knots of sllvrr gniue ribbon, snllor collar of lace and white silk nnd belt of blnck nnd white strlned velvet were Its trimmings. Slud- lnr suits show mednlllons of lace and cm- EMBELLISHMENT. broidery nnd much fancy stitching. New rough-faced woolens nre handsome nud costly. Old-time covert cloths mid hair line worsted materials hnve returned. Ruin-proof coverts nre splendid for rough wear. Porcupine cloth, u new material. Is very rough, hairy nnd'oMieavy weight, but makes up splendidly with passemen terie or brnld trimming. Crepe clu'vlot Is another pretty new fabric for waists nnd skirts. Camel's lmirr weave are standard, the hair n bit longer and the texture n bit heavier than In recent years. These goods nre innde up simply, or with rich trimming, ns suits the wenrcr. A street dress of this stuff Is shown nt the right In the next Illustration. It was sage A ROUGH COAT. green, with cream lace, cut steel buttons and j;reen ye!?et for euibeJIIiinrtti Dot ted came)' hair, because oMfifhewnes. I v6te1i'specially swuuj'ir. Long, short and threv-quarter coat nre iimue iii Eiikn nun venem auu iu cioun of all shade and weights. They are beautifully trimmed with embroideries, pnsseiucuterie or Jaces, or else are torn paratlvely plain, a few row of stitching or braid serving as finish. Many show shawl or cape collurs, while others hate tluy turn-over collars and long stole ends of handsome embroidery or silk. They or silk. They are loose all around nnd hang very full at the bottom. 8om are pleated from a deep yoke of lnce or em broidered material. Triple and double coats are shown, a well as many made with capes coming below the waist line. A sample of the simpler coats appears in to-day's pictures. It was oyster colored meltoa and fine brown silk braid, k WALLA WALLA 1WS WALDO BOGLE, Correspondent. Walla Wnlln, Wash., Oct. 2, '02. Mr. Chns. Birch, who hn8 been quite 111, Is much Improved. Airs. Ella Davis had moved to her homo nt 420 Ninth street. Wo hear rumors of several wed dings to take place In tho near fu ture. Miss Lulu MoKec, of Dayton. Is vis iting nt the residence of Mrs. Richard Bogle. Well, the Fruit Fair Is over and onco more the people can resume tho every day Ufa nnd evenings nt home. Tho Misses Anna and Maud Arnold, of Wnltsburg, aro In tho city visiting their brother In Boycr Avenue. Mr. Henry Blnckmnn, stage, enrpon ter at tho Sedond Avenue theatre, hnd just retunfed from n month's business trip to Chicago. ' Mr. A. D. Qrimn, editor of The "New Aei nni! Mr- IT A l.hnna nnn nt Pni-f. John Stclnbergcr has returned from n week's visit to Spokane. Ho re ports great preparations being mndo for tho Masonic fair to bo held nt Spo , kane. Fort Wnlln Wnlln Is preparing to rc ceivo four companies of tho Ninth Cnvalry which Is en route to the United St.itcs. They aro expected nbout tho flrat of November. It wnB rmnrked by moro thnn one visitor In Walla Wnlln tho past week that this Is n city of homes. What could mnko n plnro moro substantial? When n mnn dccldea, to mnko a plnro his homo Is means ho Intends to stay, to cducnto hta children nnd to bring them up to bo n part of tho community In which thoy woro rnlseil. And for a city of houses thero could bo no moro Idenl npot. Wnlln Wnlln Is sit tinted In ono of tho best vnlleys of tho West, It Jb n city of good educa tional Institutions, good churches nnd good people Certainly It is n city of homes. Mr. Levi Ankeny, of Walla Wnlln. la n cnndldnto for tho United Slates Senate No man can say anything ngnlnst bio honesty, Integrity or his chnrncter. Ho has mndo n success of bis biislnesd enreer nnd ho comes be fore tho pconlo of tills Stnto ns n cnn dldnto for this high offlep. Being n candidate nnd having a ccrtnlh amount of opposition It Is anticipated Mr. Ankeny will como In for his share of nlniBo nnd misrepresentation, Every thing posslblo will bo done, by IiIr opponents of n cortnln clnss to plnco his name In an unfavorable light bo fnro tho State. This Is ono of tho pen alties of being n cnndldnto for offlco. Mr. Ankeny hntf been subjected to n grent denl of thlR In tho pnst. Ho In mndo n tnrgot nt prcsnt and It will rontlnuo Into tho future. Mr. An kenje. la pot In tho lenst nfrnld of his record. Ho, linn no fnr of It for tbo future. Tho best cvldenco of a mnn'H rharnctcr can b. Riven by hid neigh bors, lila follow townsmen nnd 'with whom ho hns business trnnsnclonB. Tho membra of Mr. Ankony's pnrty In Wnlln Wnlln county In tho Inst county convention unnnlmouslv en dorsed Ms cnndldney for tho United Stntefl Snnto ond plo'deed film the support of their l"ghnt'vo cindl'ntos. Jt rcstB with thq people of Wnlln "'clln county now to dd thnlr en dorsement nnd their rntlftcntlon of Mio potB of thnt convention lv elorthg iYv three Ropnbllcnn cniildntes for tho Houso of Representatives. Bv cn8tlng a ballot for A. F. Koes. E. M. Denton nnd J. B. Wilson, tho Rnimb Hran cnndldntes. tho voters of Wnlln Wnlln county express tholr npprovnl of Mr. Ankony's candidacy nnd tho Jiopo of tho mnjor portion of tho peo ple of wyIln Wnlla county thnt ho will bo elected. It mans much to Mr. An keny nnd nlso to Wnlln Wnlln. Bo loy nl to your own cnndldnto and to your home. WALDO BOOLE. SrvlfCB Will b JipM Pt Bethel A. M. r Chi"-ei. C8 N. Tenth Btrent. nev.lan intorent In the laundry formerly ( v. TolHon,, pastor, ns follows: . 0perntpd by Mrs. Hnsklns. They nro i-rrnruiiir jl n, in, uuu n i, uu. nun- day school. 1 p. m.: prnyer nnd clnsa meeting. Wednedday, 8 p m. Strnn- gers nre wolcomo at nil services. Tho cnrnlvnl of done- nnd music elven under tho leadorahln of Mrs. n"ft Pnlnnd, for, tbo benefit of Rov. J. W. Wright and the A. M. E. Zlon church, nt tho O, A..R. hnll. on Son- t"mber 30th. was n decided bumjcps. i The spalniiB nnll wnB cnmfortniiiv For nw,tjy furnished rooms with filled nnd tho programme wns carried ,nth. rnteB reasonable, deskside In out In n manner to show much pains .ntlon, npply to Mrs. M. A. Goodwin, taking effort. At 10 o'clock, accom-i-nti Dnvls street, corner of Tenth, pnnlcd by mnrtlal BtrnlnB of music. Neatly furnished rponiH nt reason Miss Lottie Boldd, as Btnndnrd boar- nblo rates npply to Mrs. Annlo Yntes, or preceded tho queen, Miss Marlon 307 Couch street, Lee, who entered royally robed, ac-i eompanled by her maids of honor, c. E. L. Hendorson formorly n rosl MIbr C. Grny nnd Miss Hnttlo Wright, ,ent of thla cltv. wnB found rnlt or and followed by her court. Mr. Ed. murder In tho first degree on tho 20th Rutherford, pb her consort, was "every 0f September In tho Criminal Court Inch n klntr." After the queen, who 0f Diiluth, In which city on Juno 21st whb radlent In hor rovnl robes, hnd ho murdered a womnn whom ho hecn duly crowned anil conducted to her throno, It waa n Bight to maKo us almost regret that wo nro not used to Iclnga nnd queens In this country, n fV hn aM, ,,, nt th nnffnrmnm proved by turning tholr backs on tho' queen whilst entertaining tlio nurtl. ,""'',""" "' " enco. Tho prograramo wbb ob follows: fehool, was 14, which amount baa Chorus and concert nccompnnled by, en expended In bringing tho Sun- Mr. G. N. White: address. Rov. J. W. Wright; vocal solo, R. B. Hicks; cor not solo. A. Logan; baritone splo, Mr. P. Morelll; duet, tho MIbsoh E. nnd II, Wright; vocal solo, J. Wl Payne; cornet solo, O. N, White; quart trtto, Mrs. Rolnnd, MIbb E. Wright, Mlsa H. Wright nnd J. W. Pnyne; nnthem, by tho entire com pany, The cornet solo by Mr. O. N. Whlto. tho duet by the Misses Wright nnd tho vocal bolo of Mr. J. W. Payne desrerve edpeclal mention. After the programme refreshments were borvod nnd tho floor cleared and those who desired wero given an opportunity to trip tbo light fantastic toe. THE NEW AGE. Kitsbllihcd 18C.fi. A. ILOrlflln, Mnnsgor. Omce,2tJJiStsrk Streot, Concord llullrtlng, 1'nrtlnnil, Urcgon, AOKNT8. C. A. Illttcr , rnrtliimt, Oregon I.. It. Holme .Spolsni', WnKhlngtou K. l'rlts Keeble nnd 1A I'nclllc Avo.. 1.. H. Ilruco i....j l TArcuniw Wnsh.i i , A,vi(vi..t.t..M....t mum ttuiin, itnnii. TiS ItiMiM -puMlrnllon, nil loisl news nmst resell us not Ister tlmn Thursdiiy niornlUK of cm(Ii week, Sultscrliitlnn price, one Tenr, tHj-blc in d- vsneo C1TV NEVVS NOTICK TO CITY SUKSCUIllKItS. Thero will bo no more doad-heml nib Hcribern to Thei New -Ajte. You hnve been cut oil. It takes money to run u now simper,, nml if you want this puper you must jiny nil arrears, as well us for copies received in the future. A. I). (5RI1TIN. Mrs. T. Bolden Is still quite fccblo. Mr. Arthur Hnrris Id around ngnln. Mrs. Znn Edwnrds Ib Blowly Improv ing. Mrs. Lucllo Braxton who has boon on ho sick list, Is out again. Mr. 'Robt. Hill expects to undergo nn operation on his eye In tho near future. Earncdt Morton, lately of Tacomn, spent a week In tho city on his wny to California. , Mr. Geo. Studjailro loft on tho 27Hi ultimo. for'8cnttlovwhoro ho has ac cepted employment. Mrs. Annlo Nowsono, who wns prostrated by n partial Btroko of pa ralysis, Is quite feoblo. In this enlightened ngo Ignorance Ih n vory poor excuse to plead in ex tcnuntlon of oui' errors. Mrs. T. Wf. Blggors received tho Bnd nows of tho death of her fnthor In ICnnsna this last week. M8. M. ICooblo, who Jma boon visit ing Mrs. E. Moore, of bin city, left on tho 27th ultimo, or hor homo In Ta comn. Rev. T. W. Diggers hns beon np pointed ob postor to tho A. M. IC. church at Omnhu. Mra Blggern left TlnirBdny morning to Join hor htm band. Sovornl of our Biibscrlbnra Jmvo settled their Indebtedneoa this yeek. Wo will bo plenHod to havo tho good work continue Seo our collector nnd learn how far wo nro willing to holp in tno matter. Tho Women's Locnl Homa Mission ary Mlto Socloty mceta ench Monday ovonlng nt tho Jlothel A. M. E. church. All nro cordially Invited to nttend. Mrs. O. W. Tolson president; Jcsalo Thompson, Bccrotnry. Mr. J. M. Mltrlinll linn nil rnlin noil dcdlrous "of securing the Borvlces of a first class Ironor, Apply nt laundry comer of Tenth and Flanders streets V,'rs. Bessln Seals. vbn hns boon n resident of 8nt Luke City for somo tlmo prist, arrived in tho city on tho 2fth ultimo, Sho expects to reside hero permnnently. Sho Ib nt present stopping with Mr. add Mrs. A. F. Es till. claims was his wife. Wo nro Informed, thnt tho net nmount realized from tho gmb-bng soclnl. glV' ' - 7 unilrr tho Bupervlslon of Mrs. ' ,,l'"uo, "ry uim uniu. F. D. Thomas has opened nn em ployment ofllco nt 3.1li Couch Btreet where ho In prepared to furnish work to men, wanton or children. No charge Ib made for obtaining posi tions. Any In search of employment will do well to conimunlcnto with him, If reports aro truo, It seems that Chicago may claim ns n resident the only Afro-Amorlcan millionairess In this country, Miss Lulu R, Dnvls, who owns property In Colorado, upon which a gold find baa beon nmdo, thnt puts her in tho .millionaire class. Wo hope the roportu will bo fully vor lfled. Tho Appcnl. Mr. Chas. Allen, fornierly In tho employ of tho P. P. C. Co., who linn been confined In St. Vincents hosplt nl since the Iflth of last August, died September 29th nfter undergoing nn operation. ; He hns suffered from nn nbaccBB for tho pnst ton yearn. His brother loft for Chicago with his ro mnliiH on Tuesday evening. Tho following services will bo held nt A. M. E. Zlon church, Thirteenth nnd Mnln streets. Rev. J. W. Wright pastor: Preaching, Sundnyft, 11 n. m. nnd 8:30 p. m.; clnsB meeting. 12 iu.; Sundny school. 1 p. ni.: Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p. m.; Wodnosduy evening prnyer meeting, 8 p. in.; Thmsday ovonliig, Pail Lnwrenco Dtinbnr literary society, 8 p. m. Strnn gcra wolcomo nt nil .meetings. Next Sundny evening tho services will bo, under tho nusplccB of tho Paul Lnw renco Dunbnr lltornry society, with n short sermon by tho pnBtor, A pleasant surprlso pnrty wns ten dered to MnBtor Mitchell Allen nt his residence, 104 N. Tenth Btreet, on Inst Monday from 4 to 7 o'clock, It being tho occn Blon of his 14th birthday. Tho hours sped Bwlftly by, enlivened with games, music nnd dnlnty re freshments. Those prepir. were: MIbfcb Klltlo Wfitnon, El'in Dty, Ocorglo EdwardB, Poafl Miller, Ruby Lnncnster, Etta Cnrr. Albortlnn Rny; MaBferd 8evorn and Archlo Ony, lv' dlo Mitchell nnd Mitchell Alln; Mra. Jcsslo Thompson nnd Mrs. M. Allen ncted nn chaperonos. Ono of tho dearest bought exper iences of n bunlnedH mnn Is to lonrn tlm folly of ondorlng n note for a friend. On n par with this In allowing your name to bo lined tp further or promote nny bushesB venturo, unless you nro to hnve the power to control ,snld buslnuBs. Mnny n mnn, nnd wo mnn ton, linn sufford loan, financial or iofherwlso, through rnmi mlsculdcd cnsy-golng perron allowing tholr nnmo to be connect"'! with schemes thnt thoy, did not tnku tho trouhlo to Invoatlente. Ono of Ibo churches In this city hnd aiich n1 "xperlenco thin weoi- when thoy permitted tho nnmo of tho chijrch to bo used by "rutlos entirely out of the control of tho nu tliorltlcs of tho church nnd nd n con H(inunrp n" oM'irtiilnmoit wna given consisting' In pnrt of fentures thnt w"ro, o pnv t'" lennt not In nccord vl b tho dlBclplIno of tin church nnd rlvl,' tho wnrldlv peonlo n chnnco to tnlk of n church deriving honollt from practices thnt had beon de nounced from tho pulpit tlmo nfter tlmo, COMING ATTRACTIONS. "Down Mobil 1" at Cort'rny'a Theater la nn IJvccptl;mally Coed Melodrama. Tlio beautiful romantic melodrama of the South, "Down Mobilo." will begin n weok'u ongngemept horo nt Cordrny'n thvntor, Sundny ovonlng, Octoher r, I nrro rtrUoncen nttondod IhmuHioi't t.1 0 rJ-cplt. nr"' from tho oithupl'flm n"mfsP(i, ''Down Mo bil"'' was highly oJsvod. Through out tbo play ""orel "nclnculnr fca turoi' p- "t'o',",n,'1 tbo mot thrill Inn of whlrh Is the burning of tho old cotton mill In tho Inst act. Tho most enjoynbto feature of tbo whole ontor-tnlumf-'t. however Ib tho nlnglng of fbo "Mobile ounrft" Al. B. Holmnn, PhnrlfB J, Bora Gonriro Houiy end Chnrlefl T. Smpll. Those four, Vth tho ndslRtnnco of Nellie V. Smnl' n "Airt Sue" furi?h ramo oxcoliont comedy. Tho plnv oponH nt Bunny side mn"slpn. tho homo of "Col. Hnr per." Tho wholo family nro nwnltlng tho nrrlvnl pf "Harrv Edgorly." the adopted son of tho colonol, Unknown to thorn, tho ship In which "Harry" snlled has sunk, none- escaping but "Jim Blnckfofd." tbo inn with whom "Harry" laft homo. "Blackford" la (inspected bf having boon n pnrtv to n plot to sink tho vessel nnd Is therefore, wnntoil by thq nuthoiltles, "Blackofrd" returns to his former homo dlsgulned ns "IJnrry" nnd Imme diately takes his plnco in tho fnmlly of "Col. Harper." Ho fallB In love with "Josephine Edgorly," thq slstor of "Hnrry." who Is already qnengod to "ChnrleH Harper." "Illnckford" calls to bin aid "Mother Cubnrro," vho In reality Is IiIp own mothor, nnd tho two plot tho niln of "Josenhlne." In tho second net, which Ih Inld In tbo Nnjro nunrtr-iH, "Joonhlno" In nccused, before tho reBt of tho fnmlly, ni being tho daughter of a calmed imrso formeily In tho employ of "Col Hnrper," Uiiablo to ijtntid tho ills graco of such an accusation, sho fleea to tho Dismal Swamp to tnko refugo with "Mother Ciiburro," Thero sho Ih captured by "Blackford" nnd fnkon to an old cotton mill. Iu tho last act, in tho fnco of numerous; danger, oho Iu rescued bv her lovor and hor truo Identity established, Mr. Robeit Loo land, nH "Jim Blackford" nud "Harry Edgorly." doea good work. Ho Ih nbly Bustntnod, for tho wholo cast la woll tnken. Thero will bo tho usual Saturday matinee. i ! !