THE NEtV AGE, POUTJL.A2n, OREGON. I TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A fat own linn more trouble than ho lias sympathizer!!. If a mnn finds that marrlngo Is n frill ro he puts it all In his wife's name. Calm Is free, but It should not over look tho fact that we nro Its rich uncle. Tho way of tho transgressor may bo fcard; but a good deal of It seems to be asphalted. "What costs nothing Is worth noth ing," which Is also truo of much which costs much. Some automobiles can travel 100 tnllcs without being repaired If thoy oro hipped by train. Tho man who has soon ovcry Presi dent since Andrew Jackson Is begin Ung to blow around again. When a baby girl Is born she at new begins to yoll for clothes, and ho novcr gets, over tho hnblt The ruins of the campnntlu at Venice have been cleared away. Under them was found the building Inspector. Tho German editor who writes so wlthcrlngly of "American arrogance" is doubtless bothered sotnewhut by our commercial expansion. Hall Galno has been showing King Edward the sights on tho Islo of Man. Of course Hall exhibited himself as tho nost important of them. Mr. Mend's saying Unit "tho English workman lights machines', whilst the American workman Improrcs them," explains a gieat deal of America's prosperity. Tho young gentleman with an attenu ated cash balance will Indorse with en (hsulasm the statement of the fowl commission that Ice cream soda is a nost dangerous and pernicious hover So, unfit for human consumption. Hchwnb's riches coma so quickly that fee was not able to keep pace In tho cul tivation of a millionaire stomach and nerves. These, when not born In one, must be carefully acquired. Inability to manage course dinners has wrecked suiiy u promising career. It U said thut tho Duko of Marl borough has vowed never to set foot on American soil again. Oh, well, he can make that kind of a vow without running any serious risk. Tho Van derbllts will no doubt be willing to aud the money to him regularly If he Mrlously objects to coming after It. How Inequitable sometimes seem tho decrees of fittel A poor woman who merely eared that she might become Insauo killed herself tho other day, while dozens of people who are un doubtedly crazy not only refuse to kill tlicniHolveM but Insist upon publishing historical novels, lecturing on Kugllsh literature or getting up political con ventions. In a recent test of accuracy In firing torpedoes the vessels of the torpedo boat llotllla in the North Atlantic made Home remarkable hits of a lloatlng tar get 1,(KH) yards away. As each hit would have meant utter destruction In time of actual war the Importance of these wasps of the navy Is being her nlded abroad as a valuabh' discovery. It is well to shoot straight, of course, whether with popgun or with automat ic torpedoc, but the main thing In these high explosive days Is to get close enough to an enemy to lodge a shot. Ioug before any torpedo boat could havu" approached within t.COO yards of an enemy It would have been blown out of the water. A Kansas paper notes that, of the dozen carloads of old Iron received ev ery week at the local Junk-yard, "prob ably ulue-tenths couslMs of farming lin ideiueutH ruined by rust. Many of the Implements look as If they could still be suved from the Junk pile by a black smith! the farmers thought differently, and bought new ones." .Such are signs of that carelessness which sometimes accompanies prosperity; but the same thing precedes udverstty and then, bow ugly It looks! If the mortgage also could be left In the Held to gather rust mid ultimately wear nut, the condition of the plow and mower and binder would not so much matter. Since that Is Impervious to moUture, even to tears, It would seem business-like to take care of tho machinery that may help to pay It. Horace Walpolo complained that a caller at Strawbetry Hill broke off the bill of a beautiful marble eagle, and then to cover the accident carried the )ieco away in his pocket. The modern sightseer l perhaps more prone to leave something behind him. Tho gen erous citizen who opens his grounds to the public Is too often repaid "with In gratitude and orange peel." In public grounds empty bottles are broken Into bits which are dangerous to other pic nickers and to animals: pieces of paper are strewn over lawns, Hower beds and ornamental ponds; names are carved on fences and Inscriptions written on sum mer houses. To say "don't" Is over a thankless task: but If every tourist In private or public grounds would make a point of gathering up with glove or tick a few banana skins, papers and broken bottles, and hiding them uuder tho rhrubbcry, a sentlmeiu tt public tidiness might bo created which would force reform upon the careless. Prof. E. DenJ. Andrews declares that parentage among the poor should be discouraged. Tho multiplication of this class of citizens Prof. AndrowB lists among tho social evils that Bhould bo eliminated. Ho Insists that It Is one of tho duties of socloty to discourage tho birth of children "under conditions which render It unlikely that thoy will become self-supporting citizens." This Is a good enough theory to creato a sensation, but beyond that ond If. has no merit whatevor. Had this theory been In force tho world would havo had no Lincoln, no Franklin, no Hpurgoon, no Gladstone, no Homer, no Hhak fipcare. Tho best In literature, philos ophy, science, theology, statesmanship, music, art would bo anborn. Ernso from history tho named and accom plishment of all born In poverty ami multitudinous volumes would shrink to a lean pamphlet Tho brilliant galaxy of tho world's luminaries would bo ob literated, their reflected light would n gone, and remaining would bo only In distinct nebula of small stars. All life teaches that the child born healthy has no limit set upon Its opportunities Xono can foretell what strength and precision of grasp may be dovcloped In those tiny hands, what powor may grow m that eager brain, what stamp may bo slowly, surely pressed upon the character. Poverty Is no obstacle to character building; It Is a positive hotp. Early toll becomes a fixed habit and deprivation teaches soul deep tho d1 vino lessons of wholesalo aspiration, of self-denial. "Conditions which render It unllkoly that they will becomo self supporting citizens," Is rot The elder Rothschild, the elder Vnndervllt, Jay Gould, Cyrus W. Field, John W. Mac kay and a hast of others, most eminent ly capablo of self-support, were bora under Just such conditions, If there bo such. The unrestrained breeding of dis ease and vice Is another question, and ono of vital Importance; But poverty Is not hereditary. A good many of tho boys and girls who havo taken diplomas from high schools and .academies and colleges this year havo been talked to by various persons, from tho President of the United States to tho selectmen of the town, but havo had no chanco to "talk back." There are still somo schools that cling to tho olden fashion of holding commencement day aa tho op portunity for youth and Its dreams not for age and Its wisdom, Tho commencement program of ono New England academy shows an extraordi nary devotion to this Idea. Tho exer cises began at half-past nine In the morning. They consisted first of twenty-seven cssayu by members of the graduating class. Then there wan an Intermission, and In the afternoon there were fifteen more essays. Tho subjects covered a wide range eulogies on ticorgo Washington, Hannibal Hamlin, William McKlnley and Theodore Itoosovelt; studies of 'Tho Ship Sub sidy Hill," of "fiubmarlno Navigation," of 'Tho Marconi System," of "The Uses of a Library," of 'The Illblo In Tennyson," of "Hie Holy GniU" and of "Moses." Of tho forty-two subjects there was not one of a trivial or sensa tional character, not ono that would not Invite to a fuller knowledge and promise rewnrd for study. Now, sure lyi thoso forty-two Iwys and girls, In writing for this notable day with Its rapt audience and friendly applause, must havo gained much good kunwl edge and some power of thinking clearly and of speaking lucidly and forcibly. Meantime, a widening circle was Instructed and Inspired. Mary does not read and write on 'The Holy Grail" without Interesting father, mother ami sister In the mystic story. John does not study the career of Hair nlhul Hamlin without reviving grand father's memories of the stirring '((Oh, and setting the whole family to read lug aloud a life of Lincoln. Altogether, Is It not probable that tho hundreds of parents and friends who sat patient ly through those somewhat long and arduous hours of the old-fashioned uommeucemeut had gained something when the d'iy was over that even the most polished orator In his happiest pe riods might have failed to Impart? A I'roaolier on I'ronctilng. It Is pleasant sometimes to hear a man "talk shop," especially If he Is a distinguished man working In a great shop. Dean Hole In his book, "Then and Now," has some humorous end wise things to say about his own pro fession, preaching. We want more simplicity, he says, to speak In n tongue that Is "understand d of the people." Mollere tried to read his comedies to an ol I, uneducated woman, that he might Jmke by the manner In which she was affected how his wit ond humor would be received by the people. I could name some poor old folks whoc opinion 1 should rather have about a sermon of inliiu than that of men In high entitle. "Tell me the story simply, as to a lit tle child'," cries tho heart that yea.'ns for truth: but some preachers take pleasure In grandiloquence, mysteries, metaphysics. A famous classical scholar, preaching to a small congregation of rustics In the Lake District, said to them, "In this beautiful country, my brethren, you have an apothcoMs of nature and an apodelkueusls of theopratlc omnipo tence!" Atliiyinvr the l'liuU-, Mr, Pogram It's all right, pahsou; go on wld de sermon, My wife Jes' made me carry do alahm clock no's I'd recollect to tuk mah pill at quarter past 'levciil-Chlctigo Dally News. Professional hypocrites confess the sins of others and overlook their owu. SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. .' DURKIN. Telephone Main 731, fllilo and Sprague, - SPOKANQ For tho Latest Styles go to W. W. DREVFOOS THE HATTER AND FURNISHER New Club BuMng Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Riverside Are. and Lincoln tit.. Telephone Main CM. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hlllyard TownsUe Co, 007 Rlrersldo Avenue Empire State llulldlng BPOKANK, TABII. THE HIEBpR Brewing & Malting Co.'s BOTTLED PILSENER Lager Bcr rhono,205. SPOKANE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mlnlnir. Smelting ami Saw Mill Machinery suit Huiiiilte. Engines, Hotter. Unlit", Crush ers, Ho;so Whims, Tullos,Mialllni, Etc., Ktc. Hoary lllacksinltMug inii Repair Work at-po. dolly. Write us for estimates. Tel. Main 43. Code; Lleber's, MorclnK A Noal. Office and Works, Montgomery St. anil S. P. & N, Ky Spokane, Washington Crystal s,endnnu Laundry A Specially of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED THL. 670. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS ManiifetjVr(if Steam Engines, BliiAfctfvaton, Archi tectural Iron Work, QuaHtUl and Crush ers, Concentrators, OrcH, Buckets and Qeneral Mining and Mfl1smch!nery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Mac&tnery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pros, and Manager. Tol, Main 176. Spokane, Wash The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANG, WASH. MRS. M. EATON. Mer. A Strictly First-Gas and Modem Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Mn. SPOKME'ADVJjRTISING European Plan. Room 50c. to 2.0O. ltobms single or en. suite, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL 11. C. UALLIlUVi Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc. Cor. Howard St. and Main Ave. Tol. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. E. J. DYER. President. C. E. M'RROOM, Caahlor. Y. LKW1B CLARK, W.M.SHAW, , Vice Prculdont. Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank BPOKANE, WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Sttrplu (50,000. Undivided Profits, $185,000. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Impmrtmrm f Fine Teas, Coffees and Fancy Groceries. Dmmtmrm to Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. H. 1-OPIH BCHKRMERIIORN C. R. BROWN Prcs. and Mgr. Vlco l'res. A.REN11AM II. F. VKAOER Treasurer. Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE md PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. llotnin your checks and oxchnngo with our Unirgugu than who in ut depot on arrival ull trains. Orange color cap. Phono Main 617, Special rates to Commercial Travelers 'Uj a, SiiiitniM uj tr g fere iu. u- sxlx M firrrTTTFm r ak V- a 1 39 i a! m gBp I 4 White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Sunday. TIME CAltO. Leaves Portland. - , -7t00 A. M Lcatt. Atlprl .'... 7:00 I1. M Through Portland connection n Ith Steamer Kahcotta (mm Ilwaco and Iong Ileaeh olnu. White Collar Una tickets tntervhangeabls with U, It. A N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS , "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Miuday, Sir. "TAHOMA." I earn Portland. Mou Wed., Frt ..... 7:M A, M Leaea The Dalle., Tu.,1hur. 8aL,7;UO A. M Str. "METLAKO." I earce Portland, Tues., Thu.. St TKU A. . Ieaei The Dulles Mon Wnl., KrL...7:u A. M. Laudlne and office: Foot Alder Street. Both phones Malu U. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. JOHN M. NI.I.00X.... A, J. TAYLOR J. J, I.UCKKY . WOLKORU A WYKR9, J. i WYATT - :. 11. UlLltKKTII.. ...... ...,... The Dalles, Or .... Astoria, Or .Hood River. Or White hlmon, Vh ,., Vancouver, Wuti t.Tle. Wash JOHN l. TK1TON., HKNKY OI.MSIKD.. .Stevenson, Wsh ,,.Cron, vh .......lluller, Yash M. 1JUTI.M'..- E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon DY KAIL AND tVATJSn. A II I Ti SI I wiT?t THROUGH PARLOR CARS DSTWJCEX Portland, Astoria Seaside Leftves J 'For frfTRer. Rain- Arrives Union Depot Portland Union Depot ier,uiaisKii jo WVstport, Clifton, Astoria,. Warren ton, Flavcl, dear harl Park and Sea .side, rortiauu 8:00 a. m. Astoria A Beashore Kxpreis Dally. Aslorla Kxpreis Dally. 11:10 a.m. SMp.'m. (2:30 p.m. 0:40 p. m. Dslly except Baturday. Ickclofflcc, !ii Morrison street, and Unton depot, Portland. Trnbuiunv UfllJ. r r. uivn. Gon. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lesvo Portland, foot ol Washington St.. Bundiy, Tuesday and Thursday orutilni? nt A o'clock, (or S anvle island, Hi. Helciu, Canles, Dear Uland, Martins, Kalama, N'eur Olty, Hauler, Ml. Coflln, llnyrer, Stella, Uak Point, Kreemaus, 34ansaiilllo,ClatakanU) and all way lauding. - Ladies Especially Aro Fond of Traveling on tho Famous Trains ol the NORTH-WESTERN LIKE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. The daintily furnished rotirln rooms und copy cnmnnrtmonU a a ford all tho prlvtvsv o( vour own homoa'ui naTo tlavd n n iiloumiro hi d (Might. The North-Western Limited Dally, between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, Is the peer ol all flue trains Hefore startlnr on a tripno matter where-. wrlto (or lnteresttni; Informa tion about comfortable trarellug. C.J. OR AY, Travtllnf Agt. H. L. SISLRR, Ueueral Agt, S4R Alder Street, PnrtUnit. r. TICKETS To and (rom all POINTS BAST BIIOftT LINK TO ST. PAUUDULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND VOINT8 KAST. Through Palace and Tourist Blee.pcrs; Dining and Ilurret HmnKlng Library Cars. .DAILY TRA1NB, KASTT1MK. For rates, (olders and lull Information regard ing tickets, rouin, etc., can on or aauress II. DICKSOX, City, Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W.PIIAI.ON.T, P.A., 1 Third Bt., Portland, Or. A. B. C. DENNISTOX, O. W. P. A., - tli First Ave., Seattle, Wash. "The Umlted4 evening train, and The Espreu, coon train, from Omaha lor Chicago, UNEXCELLED SERVICE Pa train and erenlng train (rom Omaha (or Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tickets oT agents ot connecting lines. W. H. nitlU Dlst. Pais'r Agt., Omaha. A.H.lUN30N,a.p.a CblHCOk j.r.MEitRY.a.ajx Dabaaa. For particulars rpgnrtHnp freight or pa&wngcr ruttjs, call on of adda-aa B.II.TKVMnUt.t, Commercial Agent. J. O. L1NDSEY, T. F. & P. A., 1-12 Tliird St.. Portland, Or. via B'Xya ii? M m Hi !mP-"?Si3 a liUftSV'?TA 1 M HI A BRrnina llii ML lifli BT RAIL AMD WATJCB. 4&E OREGON SOHTilNE Union Pacific AND 'fiiife ifcHeoutti rortlind. Or. Dan at AaatTl Chicago Portland Special liOa. m. Tla Buntlngton. Suit Ike, DenTer, Ft. Worth.Otaaha, Kansas Olty, 81. Louls.Chlcagoand KsiU l30p.l At'sntlo Express t'M p.m. la . Hnatlngton. IT alia W alia Is-trls-ton.Bpoksne.Mln. tipolU,6t.Palll, Dulutli. Mllwau. kse,UblssgoAKait :10 s St. rani Ts.t Mall lis n. m. Tla Epokane Bait Lake. Denrer, Ft. TVorth.Omalia, Kantas City, L Ixuls,Clilcagoaud ast. 7 tOO a. aa., OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE ritOM 1'OIITI.AND. o.m. All sailing dates subject to change For Ran Francisco Eail srsry daya 4:00 p. av Dsllr Ex.Hiitiilay S:0UD.m. Saturday lUifiO p. m. Celumtla RlrSf Itssaisrs. 4:00 p.m. Kx. Huudsy ' 4 To Astoria and Way Laamis. tiina.m. Mon., Wed. and FrL V?lllsrsHs Rlfsr. Water permitting. Oregon City, New berg, Sulem, lnde itndenct. Corral Is and War Und D(S. 4:Mp,m. Kx. bunday 7:00 a.m. Tues.. Thur. and Hat. rslllsiaslts ans Yam hill Rhsrs. Water permitting. Oregon city, Dsr ten, A Way Laud lugs. s:S0p. xn. Mon.. Wed. and FrU" Lt. Rlnarta 4:0ft a. m. Dally except Moaday. Insks RliSh Lt. lewlston 7:W)..jn. Dally exi'spt Mouday. Rlparla to Lewlston A. L. CRAW, ' Ctnttftl PMMiif r Agtat fortUnd, Or, T. A. BCHIU.I.Va. City Ticket Atent. Third and Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS i PORTLAND nJr; vasV Depart. Arrre Puget Bound Limited...... 7:Ii A. M. 0:4i P. 1L, Kansas City & 8t. I.ouli Hjoclal ll:10A.M. 11:10 P. M.. North Coast Limited 3:30 P. M. 7:U) A. M. TaconiK-Seattlo Night Uxpros 11:43 P. M. 3:03 P. M Take Puget Pound Limited or North Comb Limited lor Oray's Ilnrbor jxiliitn. Take Puget Bound Limited lor (ilympla direct. Take I'uicl Bound Limited or Kansas City. St. Louis tlpcclal for point on South lVoud: branch. , Double dally train service on Oray's Harbor bmcli. Four trains dslly between Portland andTa coma and Htiattlo. I !,' A. D. CHARLTOM. Asilstant General Pn'ciii?er Agent, 2iS Morrison St., Portland, Or. EASTv, SOUTH I.EAVK Mft" S'.?V?Sli ANU ARRIVE vr UADa a:30P.M. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Baletn. Roseburg.Ash. land, sacramento, Og den, Ban r"ranclsco, Molve, l0 Angeles, M Paso, New Orleans and the East. At Woodburn dally except Sunday, morn lug train connects with train for Mt. An. Springtleld and Natron, and Albany local for. Mt. Angel and SUrerton. .-Albany Passenger.. ..Corrallls Passenger.. .Sheridan Passenger. 7:43 A, U.. I. 8:S0A.M. 7:00 P.M.. 4:00 P.M. 7iS0A.M. I4:J0P.M. 10:10A. M 5:60P,'C U :MA.1C. Dally. UDaily except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson streM. li:. i;U, 3:0, 4:lo,e:iA. 8:30 P. M. Dallr P.M. Sunday only. A. M. j Arrive at Portland dally it 8:30 A. M. 1-15. 8-'W..:!. V,J- :w. 10 p. M. Di ly oxcept'snS ?: .W.-W A.'M.: excent 59uday, ljrtb A.M, Sunday only, 10:05 A.M. p m Te'i U?.,,M, Ail S0 Sunday, 6:06 Pi?K. A"l,olamt.:aoA.I. Rebate tlcleti on sale between" Portland. Bae ramcuto and fan ErancUco. Net rates, 117:30 prst class and lit second class. Seooud clans Includes sleeper: first class does not. . 1ACA?U .Kastern points and Europe. Also TKAUA. ' "UN0UJL" ni CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third Washington streets. Phone Main 7li O OCDINHSJIASXS. Jj , N m 1 i m 4