WUlVMlllmiiMWlHliliMHMIlMUlMIIIll'MiltfoMl t i 1 ' i , , 5 THE NEW AGE, POKTL.AND, OREGON. 3w ""Cot 11 ' - - a. 6. i, s TH YJ Hi' w ftv J rff ; " 0?i 4n ? i I BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for the famous General Arthur oigur. Esborg-Gunst Cigar Co., general ngents, Portland, Or. Call nt Kutuon & Wntktns, doalurs in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. (13 Sixth etiect, Portland, Oregon. For fust class dental work and prompt attention, go to the New York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. The Ynklnin Market, H. A. BrnBen, malinger, fresh and cured meat nntl poultry, 149 First stieet. Oregon 'phono Main 989. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and moragages bought. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Ford ,& Laws,- successors to .T. T. Wllson.auctloni'ois, household fuinl turo it ml bankrupt stocks bought nnd sold. Oillco and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono GOG; Oregon 'phono South 2G1. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modreatc prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of lajlics' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. De leau, proprietor, 45C Glisan street. Wo want your trado. Musio half prico; musical instruments of all Kinds) cash or installments. H. IT. Wright, wholesalo and retail dealer in musio and musical merchandise. Tho Musio building, 319 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon. The Plontcr Paint Co, TJio firm of P. E. Beach & Co., corner of First and Alder streets, is ho oldest established concern in , tho paint and oil business in tho Northwest. For over 20 years this house lias maintained its reputation for roliablo business dealings with nil patrons. P. E. Beach & Co. car ry tho highest grades of paints, oils nnd varnishes. Tlioy also handle all builders' materials, and no order is too small to receive prompt atten tion. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with the BEST for no moro than you might pay for tho WORST, therefore, don't throw away good monoy for poor ser vice but If you nro going East, or have friends coming West, let us tell you what wo can offer on Chicago, Washington, Now York, noslon, St. Louis, Momphls, Now Orleans, and nil intermediate points. Our rails nro laid In fourteen dlfforont statCB of tho Union. Communlcata with us regarding freight and passenger business; It's n pleasuio to reply to your letter. R. II. TRUMBULL. J. C. LINDSAY, Commercial Agont. T. F. & P. A. 142 Third St. Portland, Orogon cost $i,ooo,aao. The Portland H. O. BOWEtq. Mmttmgmr. American Plan, $3 Per Day anil Upward. HEADQUARTERS FOH TOURiSTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon, The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading: Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling- Public Special Samole Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining- Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their buti ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlinp Alkys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. A CONFEDERATE MONUMENT. Erected Near Columbus, Through th KfTortn of n Union Veteran To the efforts of a Union veteran of the civil war, Colonel William II. Kumiss, of Columbus, O., a inomimont has been erected nnd was recently nil veiled to the mem ory or the Confod- 1-kMiu u t; il u ll u I sleep 111 Camp Chase j .i .. .i .. i. .. tery near the Ohio capital. The mon ument consists of a solid granite inch, standing twelve foot cuu k.n a i si. high, built over the huge bowlder which marks the resting place of the dead Confederates. On It Is chiseled In bold letters the wonl "Americans." At the top of the arch Is the statue of a Confederate soldier In full uniform. Tho memorial stands In the center of the cemetery. Immedi ately in the rear Is the tall llugpost upon which Old Glory Hoots. The cemetery plot contains nbotit two and one-half acres. The laud was held by tho United States government dm- Tim CONKKDKItATE MONUMENT. ing tho war under n lease. April i.'.'', 1870, It was bought by the United States government nnd described as "The Confederate Cemetery, formerly occupied by tho Camp Chase Rebel Prison." In the IncloMiro mo burled J,2t'0 Confederate soldiers. Colonel Knauss, who Is well known In tho Confederate camps In tho South. In vited them to send (lowers for the un veiling of the monument. The response was general. Nearly every State In the South responded nnd ninny contribu tions were made by Southerners who live In tho North and by Northerners ns well. A HORSE WITH A MU3TACHE. One of tho Unique Bight on ttie Rtrcctn , of Clilcnco, Chicago hns something unique In the animal lino and you don't huw to pay admission fee to n museum to see It. A lior.se with n mustache Is tint an or dinary creature ami stranger still Is the fact that this particular horn' Is a fe male. Wondering citizens stop to gaze as Myra II high-steps down the boule vard. On her upper Up Is a long, black niUHtnche not n i-pare thing made up of a few scattered hairs, but one of luxuriant growth, like the false affalts villains wear on the stage. The horse Is tho property of I A. King and, ns Tim llOIWU WITH a uubtaciii:. she Is a family pet, he bus repeatedly refused offers of museum managers to pay n high price for her. No plausible theory explanatory of the phenomenon has ever been advanced. A Snored Chinese Coin. One of tho coins of tho Chinese Em peror Kanghl Is very much sought af ter by the Chinese, who uso It In mak ing rings for the linger. It Is slightly different from the other cash Usued un der the same emperor In the form of ono of the characters that Indicate the regnal period. The Chinese call It "Lo han cash," the word Lo-han being n transcript in Chinese characters of the Sanskrltjvord Arhan, "venerable," the nume applied to the eighteen attend ants of Buddha, who are frequently seen ranged along the two sides of tho principal halls hi Buddhist temples. The tradition Is that while the Em peror was Intimately associated with European missionaries be becamo Im bued with n feeling of contempf for Buddhism and Illustrated this phase of his faith by having a set of eighteen brass Lo-han Images melted down and cast Into cash. This brass Is said to contain a considerable portion of gold; hence the demand for tho cash. It doesn't matter how pretty a girl looks at the piano; If she doesn't sound well It spoils the effect. When people fly from the Ills they have they should not fail to secure a return ticket. f v2 9 TACOHA DEPARTMENT P. FRITZ KEEBLE, E. S. BRUCE, Correspondents. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 22, 1902. Dickson Bros. Is ono of tho oldest established firms In tho city, go there for complete outfits from head to foot. E. S. Bruec, ono of tho Now Ago'a Tacoma couespondents, left for Sent tie today to attend the celebration and to tako notes for tho paper. Mr. Frank La Fnrge, managor for MeCabo & Hamilton, is a hale fellow well mot nnd ono of tho foremost young business men In our city. Mr. .las. E. Dalty recently from Dawson City, but formerly of Tncomn has returned nnd In assistant chef ut tho Cafe Donnelly. Mr. Baity, though n compaintlvely young man, Is one of tho old pioneers of tho young Stnto of Washington. As far back as May 1, 1S88, when tho writer llrst landed on the Pacific Coant, Mr. Baity owned n beautiful $7,000 rcsldenco and n good paying lestnurant and ho tpl. A very largo peicontngo of tho Afro Amcilcan famlll6s lcsldlng in Tncomn own their homo In which thoy llvn, Among tho number I will mention i few names, as spaco won't permit any further mentioning at this time: Mr, Hiram Moore, cor. 10th nnd Yacklma Ave.; Mr. E. F. Cdson. cor. lGth nnd K streets; Mr. II. T. Law Horn. cor. State nnd Sixth Ave.: Mr. LowIh Chase, 2531 So. 10th street; Mr. Dooge. So. J., near ICth street; Mr. Miller So. M. street, near 11th street: Mr. I.owls Loiiard, cor. 35th and Pacific streets; Mr. Lawrence Sledgo, samo number. A number of othors nro hold ers of nhy nmount of unimproved property. Six up-to-dnto lmibor shops owned by colored men, ono voiy fine saloon, kept nicely and run orderly. Moro colored men employed In Tacoma than any city on tho Pn clflc Coast. The writer will mention at an early dato about the talented ladles of this city, wntch tho next Is sue; nnd tho skilled mechanics nnd tindesmon need mentioning nlso. Tn comn is noted for colored men holding rosltlons of trust, nnd of long dura tion, covering n good mnny years': Mr. Win, Turner, deputy nsscsBor of P.'orco County, twelvo years; Mr. John Smith, mall carrier, assistant lumber salesman for St, Paul and Ta coma Lumber Company, thlrtoon years; Wm. Rudd, collector for Lon don and San Frnnrlsco Hank, Ltd., for ten yours; J. F. Johnson, head wnitor Hotel Tacoma, flvo yoars; Mr. II. T. Law Horn, patrol driver In pollco de partment, six years; Mr. Louis Hill, butler at tho resldonco of Chester Thorne, n mllllonnlro, for ton years, but now head waiter at Union Club. CELEBRATES ENDOW JIENT DAY. Tho eighteenth annual endowment day wns colebratod in tho African M. 13, church yestordny, at throo sorvlces hold there, 'i ills day Is celebrated on tho third Sunday In Septombor each year: tho object being to koop up In terest In educational work in tho Af rlcan church. Interesting nddioises woro dollvcred by several speakers and tho muslcnl Borvlco wnB excep tionally good. Rev. S. J. Collins, pas tor, Is deserving of a great deal of credit for too energetic spirit no ib putting forth of lato In church work together with n cotono of Bubordl- nntoB. Ho Is progressing nicely. "Let tho good work- go on." Tho loth nnnlvorsnry of tho Emnn clpntlon Proclnmntlon Colobrntlon giv en by tho colored citizens of Souttlo waB held In tho auditorium of Lcscht Park. Monday, tno 22d Inst. Exorclsos wero hold both in tho afternoon and evening. Mr. Jno. F. Cragwoll, master ot coromonlcs, conducted tho exorcis es In a very smooth manner. Tho first spoakor on tho programmo was tho Hon. Lawrenco Sledgo, of Tacoma, tho subject of his address was "Force." Ho spoko of tho physical, Intellectual nnd moral forces, bearing very heav ily on tho moral forco and Impressing tho ttiullonco that our futuro success dopended largoly on tho moral forco of our womon nnd how thnt vlrtuo should bo looked upon and protected, MIsb Barbara Davis Bang n solo which was very creditable indeed, Sho filled the auditorium with her aweot soprano volco and ono listening without see ing tho singer would doubtless hnvo tnken her for "Black Pattl." Mrs. Vloln Pleasant Rudd, of Tacoma, re cited 'two of Paul Lawrenco Dunbar's selections, making a "hit" ob usual. Mrs. Rudd Is a great admlror of Dun bar's works and fdr soma tlmo has mado a specialty of reciting his se lections, Sho has a good conception of tho dialect, and every ono enjoys hearing hor reclto. Tho duct "O that Wo Two Woro Maying" by Mrs. L. E. Uiark and MIbb Mabol Walker, of Ta coma, was very highly appreciated and wob heartily oncorod. Tho Hon. I F, Norrls. tho speaker of the day, delivered a very ablo address and gavo fnctB and figures which showed what a wonderful progress tho Negro had mado stneo Emancipation in tho lines of education, also of tho amount of church, achool and library nroporty tho Negro had accumulated within the lest forty years, which Is a credltablo showing for any race. Mr. Norrls Is r very fluent and eloquent Bpenkor. Hon. Wm. E. Humphrey, Republican Congressional candldato, mado a very enthusiastic speech and spoko In glow ing torms of tho Negro's progress since Emancipation, and said "That tho tlmo will come when tho white men will have to treat tho Negro fair ly in order to get Justice themselves, PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice nnd that tho freedom of tho Negro freed tho white man's mind of tho ctueltles nnd wrongs that ho had dono tho defenseless Negro In slavery." Mr. Humphrey was applauded hcaitlly all through his address, which wns well worth Istening to. Miss Hnzel Thompson, tho Emnnclpntlon queen, lend tho Immortal Proclamation, which the Hon. Frederick Douglas tiled so hard to bring nbout. Tho Tacoma Qunrtet tendered same very melodious and popular selections. Tho static of tho auditorium was decorated with tho American flag and on tho wall hung tho plcluies of Abraham T incoln, Frederick Douglas and Pres ident Roosovclt. A very largo audi omco wag In attendance and the celo biatlon wno a grand success. Eory ono I meet lntely me speak ing In glowing tonus of Tho Now Age, nnd If the subscription roll climbs up much higher than at present the two conespondents Btatlonod hero will be kept enrolling names all tho while, we hnvo em oiled 200 ulrendy. Ldltor Qilflln, you must como over nt once to nttend to tho grent doinnnd for dlsplny adds. WALLA WALLA NEWS WALDO BOGLE, Correspondent. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. 25, 1!)02. Thomna Scott Is a visitor to tho city fiom Pondlcton. Wnrron Bnrtges, of WaltBburg, Ib a visitor 'to tho city. Mr, CIiiih. Birch Is severely ill at his homo with La Grippe. John Sleomnn was In tho city yes terday from Em oka Junction, Nesmlth Ankony, of Adanm county, is In tho city to attend the fruit fair. Miss Imogeuo Cohlcntz, of Pendle ton, d visiting friends In Walla Wnlla. Mr. F. B. Lacy loft today for Seattlo to attend tho university of Washing ton. Born. In- tills city. September 20, tto Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ebbcrt, a daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bartmcss, of Bnkor City, woro In Walla Walla yes terday, Mr. William McShorry. Council 601, Butte, Mont., is In tho city attending the Young Men's Institute. Wnlla Walla Is In tho hands of tho newspaper mon of tho Stnto nnd the Garden City la trying Its best to en tertain them. Fred Wnldon nnd Henry Smnlls hnd personnl differences Inst night which woro Bottled amicably after visiting tho pollco station nnd holding consul tation. Wllllnm Fostor. formerly n mombor of Wnlln Wnlln Paid Flro Department, nnd nt ono tlmo a ma., cnrrlcr In this city, nrrlvod yestordny from Butto, Mont., nnd will resumo his old posi tion nt Contra! flro stntlon, ENTERPRISE INVESTMENT PANV. COM- Ofllcern of tho Enterprbio Invest mont Compnny John C. Logan, meal- (lent; Ed. W. Rutherford, vlco presi dent; W. L. B. Plummer, socictnry; Thomas Johnson, treasurer. Board of dliectors John O, Logan, Howard Sprnull, J. W. Pnyno, W. L. B. Plummor, Thomnn Johnson, Sim Roddy, Ed. W. Ruthoiford, W. H. Rutherford, II. C. Jackson. Stockholders John C. Lognn, W. L. B. Plummor, Sim Roddy, Robt. Olnzo, J. W. Pnyno, Thos, Johnson, Howard Sprnull. R. A. Logan, W H. Lawrence, John Tucker, Mnthow liaison, F. T. Morrell, Ed. Cunby It. B. Hlckd, Ous. watorrord. w. u. Hiedgo, Thomas Mil ler, II. C. Jackson, Henry Gibson, L. A. Goodwin, W. II. Emerson, Ed. W. Rutherford, Louis E, Jackson, Mrs, Mary Thomas, Mrs. L. E. LeJumo, Jas. M. Mutholl, MrB. Mnry Russoll, A. D. Griffin, C, A, Lucas, Ben. Chandler. Rocolpts and stock sold for yenr ending Aug. 31, 1902...$UC7.GO Disbursements 1432.00 Amount of stock sold during year ending Aug. 31. 1902... 2C80.00 Vnluo ofirenl estate on hand.. 1300.00 Respectfully submitted, WALTER L. B. I'LL AIMER, Sccrotury Poitlaud, Oregon, Sept. 2D, 1902.' ATTENTION. Is directed to tho G. A. R. Convention to bo hold In Wellington, D. C, Oc tober Gth to 11th lncluslvo, 1902. Wo can sell you tickets at rates which muko going to tho convention cheaper than staying at homo, and we make enough out of It so that wo aro not "On tho County." Tickets sold only on September 29th and 30th. For particulars as to rates, accom modations, stopovers, tlmo limit, etc., etc., call on or address, B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent Illinois Central R, R., 142 Third street, Portland, Ore. Facta About yjlloe Itooserelt, She has blue eyes. Sho Is an excellent horsewoman. Her hair Is light brown and waty. Her features are clear-cut and regu lar. She Is said to be a typical American Klrl. Sho was eighteen years old' on Feb ruary 11, 1002. Sho Is very fond of dogs, and bus a bluck-aud-tan as her special pet. Miss Roosevelt Is gracefully slendor. and a little below the medium height. She was born In New York City In a roomy, old-fashioned houso at 0 West Fifty-seventh street. Her mother, who was Miss Alice Hathaway Lee, of Boston, died three days after the daughter's birth. La dles' Home Journal. new isiectrlo 'urnaoe. Three electric furnaces are to be built In Tennessee, each with an 8,000,000 horse power electric plant. They will be Independent of the steel trust, but will work in harmony with other elec- rlcul plants which are projected In the fcJoulh and West. a A IWm I $Ww4s J7 WW ' vl:Mii M M ImJi l siMS8mu tap fm Wik THE NEW AGE. Kitntillnlicil lbM. A. D.tirimn, Mniiiwr. Omct214Stnrk Struct, I'muurd IJulldliiK, Portland, On Ron. AflKNT!?. ('. A. Illttor , I'nrtlnml, Oropon I. II. lloliiii' ..SH)kniic. nxlilliKton 1". trlu Kcs'blo mull un I'nclllc ,U. , I..H. llrucVi..,....,....,! TnroniA, Wnuli nldii lint'l nllii idln, V. ah. To hmiro imnllrMlon. nil lnml lirwn nuut reach tig not lAtir tlinii 'J linrmlny Morning ol cuch Heck, Siltxcrlptlon price, ono jrcnr, pinnule In nd vnnce, fJUO. CITV NEWS .NOTICE TO CITV SUBSCRIBERS.. Thorc will bo no moro dead-head subscribers to Tho Now Ago, You have been cut off. It tnkes monoy to run a nuWBpnpor, and If you want till paper you must pay all nrrearfl, ns well na for copies received In tho fu ture. A. I). GRIFFIN. Mra. W. T. Diggers Ib stopping with Mr. nnd Mrs, Jno. C. Lognn. It Is rumored that t litre will ho n wedding In this city in tho near fu ture. Mr. Peter Leo Imn no fnr recovered iib to bo ablo to roaumo IiIh usual avo cation, Mrs. A. Duncan nnd family hnvo ro tinned from a shoit sojourn In tho country. Mrs. Peter Leo hns returned homo fiom a six weeks' visit to relatives In California. . Mr. Frank Goldon'n famlllnr faco U seon on our thoroughfares after an absonco of several months. Wo noto tho fact that Mr. Harry Miller and Mr. Moto Freeman nro nt present sojourning In Senttlo. On tho sick list this week wo noto Mrs. T. Bnhlcji, Mis, Zan Edwards and Aithur Harris, of 419 Flanders Btieot. Who Is tho Miss, tho foituuato pos sessor of an "autonioblhi" or "Kltch nor." who hardly recognizes hor filendB as sho passes them by? Tho Negio of fifty yearB ngo nnd tho Negio.of today aro widely dlffor ont. Wrltom on "our brother In blnck" plcoBo tako iintlco. Nashvlllo Clarion. Tho Household of Ruth, No. 814, hna appointed a committee to mnko ar l alignments far an ontortnlnmont early raxt month, Look out for further an nouncements, If In nearch of nontly furnished rooms with bath at reasonable rate, In a deslrablo neighborhood, call on Mrs. L. A. Goodwin, 415 Davis street, coi nor of Tenth. There Id n shirt factory in Rich mond that omploys m colored wo men. This Is tho wny to protect vir tue Give tho women nnd girls work to do. Atlanta ngo. . Mrs. Hattle Redmond returnod Inst week from, n brief visit to fit. Paul and Minneapolis. Sho promises In tho near futuro to glvo iib a brief resumo of tho Incidents of her trip and visit. Tho now pnator for tho Bethol A. M. E. church arrived In tho city on the 19th Inst. Ho Is accompanied by his wlfo. Ho filled tho pulpit of tho afore Bald church morning nnd evening of tho 21st Inst, In ii very creditable man lier. , Wo lenrn from tho Snn Francisco Outlook that Rov. T. Brown, former pastor of tho A. M. E. Zlon church of this city, now pastor of tho Ban Fran cisco church, has boen called upon to mourn tho loss of his mothor, who do parted this life on tho 8th Inst, at Con tervlllo, Md. Invitations have been received for tho wedding of Mr. Jno. H, Rltter. for merly of this city, and Mrfl. G. C. Holmes, of Seattle, which will tako piaco on tho 11th of October. Mr. Rlt ter It at present In tho employ of tho Now York Dental Parlors In Seattle. Tho New Ago extonda congratulations. Tho grab-bag soclul at tho Bethol A. M. E. church on tho 19th Inst, was a decided success and reflected great credit on tho manngor, MrB. M. Moovo, and hor efficient committee of helpers, A goodly sum wan realized, which Is to bo used for tho benefit of tho Sun day school library. Tho entertainment to bo given on tho 30th Inst, at tho G. A. R First nnd Tnylor streetB, undor tho super vision of Miss Annlo Roland for the benefit of Rov, J. Wi Wright, bids fair to bo a grand success, an no pains are being spared to present a pro frrammo worthy tho patronngo of nil Tho contest for tho queen of tho car nival waxea warm nnd It Is Impossi ble at tho present writing to hazard a guesi as to the successful ono. Tho vrnnd opening of The Mono giam, 207 Everett, wan well attended and an ovont long to bo remembered by nil who pnitlclpated. Tho propri etor, Mr. JuIIub Severe, nBslstod by his gonlnl mnnagor, "Dollar Bill," did all In their power to mnko It ploasant for their numerous friends nnd surely succeeded. Wo predict them success In their business venture. How In It that of all tho different nrrests mndo In the city lately of per sons chnrged with violating tho or dlunnco In rcgnrdB to gambling, whilst Negroes, whites nnd Chinese wero ar rested, the only onea found guilty wero tho Negroes? In these enscs it can not Justly bo chnrged to prejudice but to hick of good Judgment. Sunday appolntmontn nt A. M. E. Zlon church, cornor Thirteenth nnd Mnlp BtrootB, nro: Preaching, 11:00 n. m., nnd 8:30 p. in.; clnss meeting, noon; Sabbath school, 1:00 p. m.; Christian endeavor, 7:30 p. tn. Even ing thumo, "Great Beauty of tho Lord." Tho choir has a woll prepared musical piogranuno for tho, evening services. All nro welcome REV. J. W. WRIGHT, Pnstor.' Tho authors of Negro hooka nnd norlodlcnls should bo encouraged by tho Nogroon. Tho whlto peoplo of this country hnvo not yet decided to patronize tho Ncgrocn of ability on n largo scale; If, therefore, their of foits would prove successful, It must bo because of tho full and unqunllllcd support of .their own peoplo. National Baptist Union. Tho Hod Cnrrlors' Union of Now York hnvo bnrred from membership Bit Afro-Amerlcnns on nccount of color, mid tho National Association of Stationary Engineers, In bosbIoii nt Boston, voted to oxeludo Afro-A.meri-ran onglnoorB. It wns n bnivo stand for fnlrplay that Mr. Howard, of Mas nachuBcttn, nnd Mr. Optonborg, of Wlsconnln, mndo, but they woro voted down. In recent years there hns .been a tendency to get together on the part of tho colored peoplo on a. number of propositions with tho hopes of ad vancing their Interests. Tlmo lias Juntlllcd tho conclusion thnt they must Bnvothomsolves. Commercial nnd Industrlnl enterprises thnt em ploy Nogrqos Inrgoly must bo lnrgoly maintained by Negro capital. Dotriot lnformor. On tho 18th Inst. Mrs. Emma Ben uutt, neo Gorman, spent Hovornl hours In our city visiting old tlmo friends nf tor nn nbsenco of 10 yenrn, which had boon spout In Kansas City. Sho finds Portland greatly thaigjd. 8he goes to Seattlo to Join hor husband, who preceded hor by three months nnd has seemed employment an a painter anil papoihnugcr. Sho wan nccompnrilod by hor thwo chlldiou nnd thinks thnt tho Wet Ib ' Muncrlor to tho South ns a plnco of residence. Wo nro phtnscd to noto tho fact mat our enterprising follow towns man, W. L. Brady, has found It ne cessary to enlnrgo his quarters to meet tho demands of his growing bus iness. Ho hns liicionsnd his corps of assistants and will cuiry a Inrgu stock of suitings. Turtles In nenrrh of n Btyljsh suit nt reasonable figures will do well to glvo him a call. Whilst Mr. Biady has only been nngnged In business for nbout eight yearn, ho has proven that thorn aro opportunities for tho Negro to mnko his wny In this community If he will only strlvo so to do. COMING ATTRACTIONS. CORDRAY'S THEATER. Tin oo nights, commencing Sunday ovonlng, Sopteuibor 28. Gorton'B Col ehrnted Concort Band hns the reputa tion of being tho best organization ot Its kind tiavollng. Faultiest rendi tion of popular and classic selections. Including two or moro solos, nt onch concert. Dally concort and pnrado at 11:35 a. m. EvenlngB at 7:15 p. in. "McCarthy's MlahapB" is n red hot Irish comedy of tho rlguc kind. There Ib roil humor in every situation; Bar noy Ferguson, who Btnnds at tho lua8 of tho list of Irish Comedians, iib the luckless McCarthy, Is oxtromoly Tun ny In tho various mishaps to -Which ho falls heir. Ho creates u much laughter as ono could possibly stand In a single oveulng. His meeting: with MIbb Prlmroso, n maiden lady with ovorythlng but youth to fasci nate, creates nmusemont nnd the niur rlaco which eventually taken plnco Is probably the most serious mishap which tho unlucky McCarthy Btum bles Into, Tho supporting company contains tho most prominent vaude vlllo frtlst In tho country. Including Forguson and Mack, tho funniest of all eccentric comedians, Caron and Herbert, tho world s groatost comedy nerobnteB, Jnmos E, Homo and Mar puorlto Forgimon, Charlotte Ray, Dick Fereuson nnd Grace Pnssmoro, the. D'Estello Sisters, tho Misses Fonlo and WheoW Vlrglnln Lognn nnd a coh pany of 20 peoplo. This great produc tion will bo nt Cordrnv's theater four nlphts commencing Wodpesday oven lug, October 1, nnd Saturday matlne. M L