fs THE NETV.AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. The New Age A. D. QRIFFIN, Manager. Onion, Ut24 Mlnrlc Ht., Concord lllil., I'nrtliuitl. Orccon. Kntorcd nt tho jxintoillco nt I'ortlnncI, Oregon, as bccoiiiI clnim matter. Hiriwaitfi'TioN. OnoYour, 1'iiynliln In Ail vim en ('-.. Oil JCntAbllslicd PfM. Printed nt IVf, Ntnrk Ht, Tlilnl l'loor. JilST US HaVH A (IIMSAT TION. BXI'OHl- TJio tiH'tnlJoi'ii of Mho k'filHlatur" from Mtiltnoiiiuli county should mid nntlot'ibtodly will work for nntl Boomo u vory Hbornl appropriation for the l.owlii & Clark Contonnlal Exposition, In IDOn. Fn the Judgment of tho Now Ami tho appropriation Rlimilil ho a HtralKht ?1, 000,000, It will ho worth that much to tho Stnto, ttml tho Stnto (nil Htnnri It. Tho State owoh nothing. Ittfpooplo nro prosporotiH and thlo Kx poHltlon, mailo ti hiIccohh, will rioiiolo' tho Stnto'B nnd Portland' population In five yfars. What Ih n million dollnru In view of Mich n roHtilt? Hero Ih a chnnco In try and ovon up with tho Stnto of WuHhliiKton thniiKh Wmdiliifiton will honollt altnoHt ovenly with Oregon in coiiHoquonco of tho fair. TlioNuw A bo tlilnkH tho dally pa purH, wlillo doliiff a Hplondld work In thlH nn'd In other dlroctlonti, aro tint (pilto nctlvoonottjrh In lUipporlliiK and "hooniliiK" tliU Brent project, and 1 vooatltiK liberally about It. Tin) more money Portland ralHou tho more tin Stnto will appropriate, nnd tho more Portland and tho Stnto ptttH tip lit" more Snnntorn Mitchell nnd Simon nnd HoproHontntlvon Moody and Toimno ran Bet front Cohki-chb next winter. Wo oiiBlit to Hhow up with about $1X0O,00n In Oregon, Incltidlnn Portland put-up: then Idaho, W.wh ItiBton, Montnnn, Wyoming niul even California, though tlilx State wiih not part of the "Oregon Country," will full right In lino; and by Folirunry I wo can go to CongroHS with about i'i fiOO.OOO pledged to thla project, ami link niul then will Bet an equal amount from tho National LcgUlnttm Don't ho Htnnll or "moiiHly" about tho affair, iih long nn wo nro cngugod In It. It Ih n big thliiB, and can bo made ho. Tho Now Abo Iwh entire confidence In tho men In charge, of It: while tho New Abo, nmniiB others pre ferred tho llnwtliorno Blto, It Ih en tirely Hntlflfled with tho one Holcctoi'. It Ih n kooiI Hlto. Wo havo goo7 men nt tho head of thlH affair pnitlciiIiiWy tho Chairman If Htich a dUcrlmlm' t foil which Ih not meant to be In th leant 'dlnpitinglng, to anybody oIho. If allowable. Go ahead. HiiIro morn tnonov In Portlnnd, Bet a million, or at Ienu $750,000. from tho Stnto, mid $2.000,. 000 or $3,000,000 from CoiiBrcso. Title can bo done. Tho only thliiB neco nary Ih to (Jo ahead and do Itl ii A NOnTIIWBST NIOWBl'APEK. Tho Now Aro. wlillo havhiB nn oh pedal IntercHt In Portland nnd Oro Bon. of cotirflo, IntoiidH to beconio more nnd moro a Pacific Northwest nof pnpor for tho colored rnco In purlieu lnr mitl for pcoplo In general and tho paper him n lnrgo cllontngo lit Wash litRton, and oven In Idaho and Mon tana. hecatiHo wlillo It may not y ho much nH bohio other and target nowrtptiperH, It "hltH tho-Hpot" when' tho occnfilon nrlsoa, It ItnH taken nnd will cnntlnitn to tnko a vory lively In terest In tho WiUBhliiKton State cam pnlgn. It linn no doubt whatever of tho oloctlon of tho Republican Stale nnd CoiiRresHlonnl ticket over thero tint to toll tho truth and n paper Unit IIoh Isn't lit to oxlHt the I.oglal.i tttro Ih BllKhtly In doubt. Senafr Tumor Ih n very atrotiB man. Tho Ho ptihllcniiH miiBt combine on Bomobody for Senntor over thero. Who Ih the moat avallnblo man? Tho Now Ago In roIiik to tnveatlguto this Interesting tjuestlon ttiorouglily, mid bIvo Its UtouHiindH of WnBltliiRton renders tho benefit of Ub Investigations. Sovonil "Bood men" nro up for tho Sonnto; It lann honorable ambition; but for tho pake of Republican buccohb It Is Im portant that they do not kill one an other off and let Senator Turner step In for outside of his politics ho If u very ndmlrahlo man In various viys himself. Tho City and Suburban Street Hall way Company la ilolnu very tine work. In Improvlntf their roadbed, lay. Iiik now rails, and altoKettior spending Bovcrnl hundreds of tlioitsaiuU of dot. lara In Improvemonts. They nt ones net n flno oxamplo, and lllustruto tho movement of development lu this city nnd In tho Northwest. o.uip.iirv lln- 1II1I 11 unloiiiliil net' , ,W tho Ktiropeaii nation, to make nouinonla quit pornecut ug tho Jow'a, Tho dnys of persecution, ou account of rnco, rellglou or color, ought to bo over, ' TUB ODIOUS TELEPHONE MONOP OLY. Tho Now Ago la In rccolpt of .hun dreds of compliments on account of its Bomowhnt uevcro, but well-dcBervcd "scoring" last week of tho telephone monopoly'n mlBtrentmcnt of pcoplo In thlH city. The "drop tho nlclclc" graft In not working quite so well as It did. Tho Now Ago Isn't a dally paper, nnd Inn't subsidized by this oppressor nnd over-rider of people, especially house- wives, but It litiH already done u llttl-i something townrd clipping tho claws of this vampire, uml will do moro be foro tho fight Ih ended. For others will take up tho fight coon. Tho peo ple will not vory much longer endure tho Imposition of this Insolent com pany that tnkes, oven women's nnd chlldron'fl nlcklen. without tendering uny Horvlco whatever therefor. Mi. Jonathan Ilourno Ih Bpoken of In ninny qtinrtUiH na a probable United States Senator. Oregon could look further and fare worse. NOVEL UGE FOR A PAWNSHOP. Muilc a Clofilcrooiii liv ii Mini Win, Wonted to Clicck IIIh Cunt. "IIiiiiiiui liiKcntilty Iuih no meetH and bounds," said T. P. .Morris, of Pitts burg, nt the Holland House yesterday, "and to say there Is nothing new under the sun Is to challenge criticism, for there always Is. If only It Is that par ticular day upon which the sun Is shin Ing. I enine Into town with u friend, who. was wearing a inagiilllcent fur coat In the1 country the morning- had been cold, but In town It was warmer, and tho coat became uncomfortable. A short distance from the station he went Into u pawnbroker's and, taking off his coat, asked 'Isaacs' If he would lend him $1 on It. Tho proprietor examined It stispllcously ami then gave an eager iilllrmatlve. He took the coat mid gave my menu ?i niul tbe ticket, and they parted, with seemingly mutual satisfac tion. I did not like to ask questions, and us he made no explanations I remained in the dark until afternoon, when I ran Into my friend on my way to the train, lie wits without his coat, but when he reached tho pawnbroker's he dtew me Into the shop ngaln. Then he produced his ticket nnd laid It down, together with 51.(J.'I. the ,J cents being for one month's Interest 011 the $1 borrowed In the morning. Once on the street. I Insisted on nn explanation of this ex traordinary maneuver. "Oh, It's very simple." he made reply. "If I'd checked It anywhere else I'd have had to pay 1(1 cents or u quarter, mid besides I wouldn't have been sure of It being properly cared for. or that some one In the controom would not take a chance mid 'lift' It because or Its value. Now, the pawnbroker Is a perfectly reputable perspu, ami I there fore knew I would get It back safe and sound. I also know he would take proper euro of It. Just see how beau tifully he has In nulled It, mid dually, It only cost me ,'t cents." "I said nothing, for I wns lost In won der nt his Ingenuity, mid I now under stood the reason why he was more suc cessful than his fellow men In until uesa." New York Tribune. A PRETTY FAIR LIAR HIMSELF. Utory tbnt Won the Doctor 11 Keconl iih 11 Prevaricator. They were seated around the stove In the village store one cold evening, discussing rcmnrkablo Incidents. Tho schoolmaster had propounded this ques tion: "If a man tells 11 lie so ofteu Unit lie Unnlly comes to believe It him iclf, cnn he be mild to lie, If ho con tinues to tell It?" All were silent forn few minutes, but Dually the doctor said: "1 think not. In fact, I can furnish a case where a man told a falsehood so often that It llually developed Into a truth." "How was thntV" asked tho, teacher. "Well," said the doctor, "In the town where I began practice there was a man mimed John lllgglus. who wns known to be tbe greatest liar for miles around. One of his stories was about his war experience. Now he had never been In the army, as every one knew, but he used to tell storlesof privations, hair-breadth escapes, ami hard-roiight buttles. He hnd one particular story which caused much amusement. It wns about being wounded In the shoul der with n mliile bullet, and when ho had an attack of rheumatism he called It tho pain from the old wound, saying always that the bullet had never been extracted. He told the story so often that ho camo to believe It firmly, and went so far as to consult me ns to the advisability of extracting the ball. "To humor him I made nn examina tion of his shoulder. I found the scar, and 011 feeling the flesh discovered tho preseuce of some hard substifuce. To curry on tbe Joke I made nn Incision, used a probe, and brought out a bullet such u he hnd described," "Hid you say," said the storekeeper, "that he waa tho blggent liar In that locality)" "Yes," replied the doctor, "He would lose tils reputation If yon lived there now," remarked the mer chant, aa he. In response to a signal from the school muster, passed nrouud the cigar. Pass It On, "Have you bud a kludnesa sbewuT runs It on. 'Twas not ulven for you alone I'ka It on. Let It travel down the ye.tm. Let It wipe another's tears. Till lu heard) the deed appear. l'as It on." ZflTnVZX JJ Wm htt wM Q j ? Voutii baa IdifaU; old nso hn liteaa TAILOU-MADE SUITS. MUCH LESS ELABORATE THAN LAST SPRING. More Numerous tliuii Kvcr, Mnric or All Maimer of Material unit Wide DlvcrHlty of TrimiuliiK" lctj Llk I ni; for Loiin-IInlrc:! Knliriea. Now York correxpondence: LAHOKATB tai loring IfilC'lU'll Its climax l.mt spring and Hini.:iir, Mid the. tiiiliiri'il pro duct or full 1. nd winter will lie In iimi'licd contrast to It. Yet the In coining styles rre not sevre, noth ing In tlieiii tip pronchi". the man ly IIiiIhIi that at times dominates the tilth,' of Mime tailor giils. Then the most notieca hie feature cf all Is the miinbiT of M CljIliVm 'smsD these dresses. They're even more numer ous than they were bint sprint;, when the fanciful, so-called Kremlt tnllor gowns quite dominated the Buster pa rades. All milliner of materials appear In them, too wools., silks, velvets, vel veteens niul cordiiroysr Hands, stripes, ttteks. pleats, box-pleats, kilt pleats, up- A m : ir u .ICSII KltOM TAILOHS' HANDS. pliiltitng, nnd stitching nre nil used lu the finish, 11 id sliver nnd gilt hrnhls are used 11 deal on the more dressy gowns, In the cloths for these gowns Is much of newness mid beauty. Long-hatred fab rics are admirable lu texture ami color ings, nnd smooth-surfaced goods look ul most like satin, so beautiful Is their lus ter. HoX'iilcats nre n freiment ressort. nnd make up especially well in heavy cloths, l'iiulirolderlug In braids, tinsel nnd silk lloxs Is tilentlftil. Jackets uml jacket Isnllces nre many and lu consid erable variety. All nre made with basque or nostllloii I'ffi'i't of Hoioi kind. Mnnv blouse lu front, others nre ciit-nwny lu front, long skirts reaching from cither NEW IMIASES OF LACE TU1MMINO AND STENCILLING, side. Jackets are trimmed with braid, passementerie, applique work, stitching, or tucking and pleating. Cape aud thnwl collars, revera and berthns are used for ornaiueutatlou. Sleeves are larser, en the bell or elaborated bishop order, with undersleeves or uot, as desired. Helta are of velvet or the material, fastening with fancy buckles or buttons. Dark shades are preferable for atrectl wear, the numerous red being put for ward as especially suitable, with greens, browns and blues pushed not much less. Illack U still fashionable and looks tlch when trimmed with auy.ot the numerous Eastern embroideries or tinted wool laces and Insertions. Velvet suits will be used In all colors, the potted hnd striped effect being especially liked. Cor duroy will be for outing suits. The cordu roy is much heavier than Inst season and has a wider rib, Norfolk jacket will predominate lu pedestriau suits, the tide pleated or kilted skirt reaching the lu step and hanging evenly all around. Vel veteeu I liked for these suits, especially In the spotted wcotm. Black nnd xrSitte spotted and blue nnd white spotted cloths arc very fashionnltle for outing suits. A hnlf-do7.cn tailor suits appear in the accompanying sketches. In the smallc.it picture Is shown u sage green camel's hnlr elothifinlshed with blnck velvet, gilt passementerie nnd stitching. In the first group, nt the left, Is a bright red zlhcllno, with embroidered design In gilt thread outlined with white moire folds, This is about the limit of trimming, as Indicated by show-room gowns, anil is more thnn very many women will in ilotwe, to judge by the selections already made. The stylish form of triple skirt beside this wns green camel's hair chev iot, with stitching of pale yellow. It hnd 11 broad-shouldered effect, whose stylish ness will be n boon to slender women. The seated woman displays a brown vel letei'it, banded with black nnd white striped velvet. Shield nnd sailor collar were white moire. IHaek ttml white strip ed silk trimmed the last gown of this quartette, line sliver soutache 11ppe.1t lug on the skirt. The white silk double col- lnr wits stitched In black. Another triple skirt model tuny be seen In the next pic ture, ami wns .sketched In fawn rehired broadcloth, with white stitching and bright green velvet belt. Thls-stenellled collar of the dress goods was nn espe cially stylish one, the currently fashion able trick with such stencilling being to imike It resemble medallions. Some stencilled cloths nnike up very richly, nnd It Is permitted to hnve either the whole costume or portions of It of the stencilled stuff. Sometimes the skirt Is of delicate tinted broadcloth, with collar and cuffs of stencilled material. Velvet nnd tliis cut-out cloth make n beautiful coin- binatloii. A handsome example ia white stencilled broadcloth over delicate green silk. Skirt mid bodice were ilnbo lately trimmed with applications of rich violet velvet outlined with silver braid. Hod lees nil blouse nnd give the tiroad shoulder or off-shoulder effect. Sleeves bang full and droopy over the wrists. The laces used with especially free hand nre white, black nnd cream. Hand some black silk gowns are beautifully appllqued with ecru lace insertion nnd lace, ami nre considered the height of stylishness, Kent laces are used freely, too, on the gray shades. The left-hand gown In the concluding picture illustrates their employment. Here the goods wns IH-arl gray miu'a veiling. The sleeves were dashed with silver threads. Splen did embroideries ot ecru, white and cream inoustellue aiv appllqued with raised (lower and fruit designs in tinted chltTiins. These are tine when used ou delicate shades of cloth. Black and white laces "bold their stylishness aud aro found In tbe best of company, bucti lace embel- ......... ,v v -- . ...-...,; a iiuiu . picture. The goods was white canvas cloth, and the front panel was white uiolre. Laces of these especially stylish shades will he used lavishly ou fancy silks, which are strikingly numerous, aud as attractive as they are stylish. Mirror and moire velvets of exquisite quality will be reserved for swagger dress-ups with tiulsh of a little fine lace or oriental (as sementerle. If God didn't Intend women for the place they has In de social Hystem. It was mighty lucky for 'em dat tnau did so Intend. Cbttuuiie Faddeu and Hr. PauL CUAItl.Efl A. MJCIAP, Attorney imkI Conn-i'lor-at-lJuv, Room fi29 Chamber of Com merce. I'mrllce In nil Federal ami Stnto Court). Portland, Oregon. J. Itocitcr. N. Maripmrt HKVKNT1 & QlABMf KXCHAXU1. Choice Winer. Manors nnd Cigars. Sulltrooil Peer. Phone clny to. 115 N. Ttli St.. Portland rptlE OAK CAFK. V. W. PICK, Prop. Cholre Mno of Wines, Liquor and Clgnra. Oregon Phone Hood 8'J.r. Cor. Fourth and Oak Bts. Portland, Or. For n good Mjclnl time chII nnd fco JOHN WOIDA. Fine W'lne, Mquprs and, Cigar. Telephone. Clny r,Ur IdO flllsnn Bt Portland. Or JOHN ICKt.T.Y til III, 1,1 .11(1,,,,, - 1KV,1I,1 IIV I. 111. .'IllltllU. Frnttlsh Cnlnn A Nutloniil Inn. Co., Kdlnbtirg nnd Loudon; Weilcrn F. nnd M. Arsurnnci' Co., Toronto, Cnn. fli Third t., Coluinbliiti llldg. rin.in1 l.ll.nliii. t ....... '!.. H.t.f tn.lll. P. F. HALL. Cor. Commcrelnl nnd Htnntou st., Portlnnd Ore. Wines, Mount nnd Fine Clgnr. Oregon Phono l'lnk 413. V. M. PRESTON. flltOCKHIKs. Free delivery to nil parts of the City. VfiO Lnrrnhce St., corner llnmdo. l'ortlnnd, Or. 'Phono Scott 371. NEIL O'HARE. Orennlc K-cclinuge. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clgnr. Free Lunch. Cor. IttiaicUniiil llrendle SI., Portland, Or. mill: WK8TKUN I.UMIII'.Il COMPANY Olllce: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portlnnd, Oregon. ' miiK nxciiANOi:. (Icorgo Poticckl. FINK WINKS, I.IQUOUS AND CKIAH3. WKtNHAItD'S llKKIt. lot Third Street North. riAIJ. AT 331 FII18TST, For Fresh Dread, Cakes nnd Pies Dally. A Freeh Line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. MI18. K. N. liUCHAN'AN, Proprietress. A 1.I1INA FKUKY i:CUANOK John Kverson, Proprietor. Denier in t'holco Wines, Liquor and Clgnr. 18 Alblna avenue, corner Itiver street. Alblnii, Oregon. pAI.I, AT NINTH AND OI.ISAN STfl. J. M. UYAN, 1 Denier lu Groceries, Fruit, Confectionery nnd linking. Comer of Ninth mid Mlhnu Streets t MKItlCAN IIAKKltY. Gu MaiikertzProp. All Kinds of Dread, Cake and Pie. Home. iniulu Dread nhpeclnlty. Satlrfuctlou (luarauleed. Kfl William Ave Portland, Ore. Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUO, Proprietor. Cor. Second nnd Oak Ms, roUTLANP, Or. I OK 1IYNKS 8AI.OON. Northeast corner of (lllsan and Seventh St. A I'holic Collection ot Wines and Liquors. Imported nnd Domestic. Cigar. c. P. JOKED. ClbAHS, TOIIACCOS, CANDIES. - FKU1T8, NUTS, ETC. 133 Sixth Street, between Ollsan and Iloyt. Portland, Oregon H ENItY l'l.KCKKNSTKIN & CO. WHOLKSALF. WINES AND LIQUORS. Importer aud Jobber. a-208 Second 8t Iloth Telephones Main 116. Portland, Or. rpUK 1IAVAHIA SALOON ' " A.M. I1UUOKK, Prop.' ' Imported and Domestic Wine. Liquors aud Cigar. Welnhard' Peer, Phone Oregon Mask 1915 B, K. Corner Second and Oak Street, POKTLANO, ORKdON. APOLF PETTKUSON, Proprietor. OLOF 8WENSON, llatkeeper. TIIK STOCKHOLM. Where can be found finest of Uquor, Wine and Cigar. Oregon Phone Clay iS7, Comer Sixth and Flandar. IVirtland, Or rJUJK rOPULAR, JOHN ECkLUND, Proprietor. Tetephune: Oregon HedMt; Columbia Ms, I2S First Street. Portland, Oregon. The Paper of the People Th OREGON DAILYJOURNAL By Carrier in Portland JOc ptr Vfc. AIX TUB NEWS THAT'S NEWS TODAY. Weekly and Semi-Weekly Eddions Weellv Journal, WcopWs, l year II oo Semt-M eekly Journal, let vople, 1 yr. tiiu A Paper for Oregon Homes IDAHO ADVERTISING.. 1 dolpu sciinimiEtt. 'Funeral Director. DHMCJO Front Street, Oppoflto It. ft. Depot. Park. Hell phone 212F. 1ml. phone 489. ,. 110I8K, IDAHO. OTATK PANIC OF IDAHO. Welter, Idnho. CAPITAL, 850,000. Edward Shalinrnld, PrCHldent Chas. J. Hclwyii, '"i; Cashler.i Also has n branch nt Cambridge, ldnho. The People's llnuk. Solicits your tmnlnem. mm: commkhcial hotki. A. lllnkoy, Proprietor. First elnsi in nit reapoct. Spcclnt attention given to eoinmurclal men. I.on; distance, tele phone In connection. NAM PA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. Flint) O.-MOCK, Cnihler..' , " ' WK ROMCIT YOUIt 1IUSINESS. NAMPA, IDAHO' STAIt MVEUY, FKED AND llOAHDINO STAIILK. First clnx rig furnished to nil Hilnt. .Spe cial rate to Kmmett, Star, I'enrl nnd Hnnko Itiver. Special attention given to commercial men, W. J. DUVAI.L, Proprietor, Nampa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, YVclscr, Idaho. BARTON & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Free Sample Kooms. Kates reason able. Miners', Stockmen's ami Com mercial Men's llcnilfiuartors. Largest and best appointed hotel in Western Idaho. ltooms with bath, steam heat mid electric call bells. Har bor shop in commotion. The Idanha IDANIIA HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors- K. W. SC1IUHF11T, Mnnagor. I50ISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. RATES tfL'.oO AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mlnlne; Alcn and Commercial Travelers.' Prescott, Brandt & Co., Olhce with J. It.OltAYllILL, Immigration Agt. O. S. L. It. It. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Tho great homo land mild ullmato, pure mountain air, flue water. Tho death rate I lower In Idaho than lu any other state In the Union. No cyclones, storms or billiard. First premium on fruit at tho World s Fair, Chicago, 1893; Pari Kxposillnu, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Stock Show, JW0. Gold, silver, copper, coal, tine timber. (Irow wheat, oat, barley, corn, all kind of cultivated Krasse, and vegetable to perfec tion. We will be pleased to show you line irri gated lands at Nampa, Ilolse, Caldwell, Payette aud other points. We Imvo bargain in lauds from 110.00 per aero up. Correspondence o-i itciteu. Address PRESCOfT, BRANDT & CO. lloom (i, Illckey Ilulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Thorn, Call On or Addtvsa J. H. QRAYBILL,. I Traveling Immigration Ipnt Oregon Skort Lint Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. CITY LAUNDRY CO.. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oreggn 429, Caluubla 4(0. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON! UPPINGOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library TN Bst In Curmt Litintnri 12 Complctc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.50 pcrycar; 25cts.a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES KVCNY NUMBER COMV4XTE IN ITSEtf . V T1 V