THE NEW AGE, roit'l'-LAND, OREGON. MISS MILNE AND I. CIIA1TEK VII Continued. It wqb not untlr I had read and re read tlild lcttor many times tliat I grasped anything of the deviltry of Its moaning. At first It struck mo as not Being more than a hugo and horriblo Joke. Thon I read it again, and saw tho caro I hat had boon bestowed upon Its composition. A third reading brought out ItH logic and careful argu ment, and then I began to roallzo some thing of tho hold bIic had over mo, and between tho lines of her lcttor I found tho natives that woro inspiring her. When after an hour'n ntudy I had thoroughly compassed Its full import, my first Impulso was to throw It Into tho flro and let her do hor worst; but I soon saw that such a stop would cer tainly bo followed by a good deal of anxiety, and, after revolving many proJoctH, I decldod to seek tho advicu of a legal friend and patient of mtno who lived near mo, and In whoso opin ion 1 placed tho greatest confidence. After hearing my fltory nnd reading tho letter ho bluntly told mo that I was in a bad box, and that tho best thing I could do was to squuro tho matter with the woman nt onco nnd get oft au cheaply as I could. I went homo that night tho saddest man In London. A torrlbly thick fog enveloped ovorythlng, and my heart was in my boots. Tho following dny I consulted two othor leading lawyers, and rocelved from thorn oxnetly simi lar ndvUo. And bo In tho ovcnlng I Kent by tho pngo boy tho following note: "Doctor Rlgby would bo glad to see MM Mllno thin evening on business, if hint could sparo him n few minutes." I walled his return with a good deal o( nnvloty. To my nstonlHhmont lie Brought back a mesHiigo that Miss Mllno would bo with mo In nn hour I say, nHlonlHhment, because I did not licllovo It possible that sho could do other than avoid a porsonnl Inter view. I busied myself In tho Intervnl foolnr nntlcntfl, and wondering what I Pliould nay to hor when sho came, Presently, punctually to tho moment, Miss MMno was announced. Fho walked Into tho room with a friendly, fnmlllnr nod nnd a "flood ovcnlng, Dr. Klgby." Her mannor was jaunty, but her exjiroMlon linn and do torinlued, and I miw that I had a her culean tank boforo mo in appeasing hor or getting off, as tho lawyer said, "cheaply." Shu spared mo tho difficul ty of beginning tho conversation by leading off herself. "I fear my letter must havo caused you a good deal of astonishment, Dr. Rlgby. hut now that you havo had tlmo to think It ovor, I am suro you will agree with mo thnt It In hotter to hnvo (ho nmttor settled." "Certainly," I replied meekly nnd nl- most modestly, for I felt nlready na a child In tho hands of this woman, with ner damnahlo offrnntory"cortnljily. if Ihoro In any mntter to settlo." "Thoro can bo no doubt of that, fluroly you havo been told bo much by tho ninny legal friends you havo con ultcd." "Legal frlondn." "Yen; I know how you Rpont Inst evening anil tho greater part of today. don't you think wo had bettor get to liuslnesn? I hnto worrying people, nnd I am suro this Intorviuw Is wor rying rou." Tho calm, cool, Rntanle confidence of the woman disarmed nud unnerved mo completely. In dcnporntlon I groaned out: "Havo you no conscience, Miss .Millie?" "No," sho replied, with perfect com poRiiro, no. thank you, nono, Hut fouio. won't you get your check book, And let us closo this intorvlow? It f only pnlnlng you unnocoHrtnrlly." I was, as far as closing tho Intorvlow was concerned, only too glnd to fall m with her suggestion, but, lmlf dazed as I was, I had still too much sonso left to put myself (au sho evidently wished) ontlrely Into her. power by writing a check. I had provided my self with change, nnd unlocking my rlrnwor, I nBked: "How much do you vlsli ma to give you?" "I havo been thinking," sho said, "thnt If you gave mo ton pounds to night. It would help mo out of a few pressing dlfllcultles, and wo might set tlo as to tho future In n fow dayB." Without a word l counted out tho amount nnd handed It to her. Sho took it and carefully counted It to seo If It were correct, and then turning to me, aid: "Yon ennnot think how It wor ries mo to bother you this way." When tho door had closrd behind her, I sat down to write tho daily' lovo letter, which waH no longer a pleasure hut a terrible tank; for now, liiBtend of tho ihapsodlos of a full heait, I had to assume a gladness and hopefulness that I could no longer feel. Over the hluo sky of the brightest prospect that over dawned upon cro capable of appreciating hluo skies nnd blight prospects, thoro had nrlsen a cloud charged with black destruction. I Btnutgled hard to wrlto as I hnd done, ami dlsgulso as best I could my trouble, hut the effort waa useless; my letters were stilted and forced, and had been becoming moro anil moro so its this terrible trouble grew. Tho result was, as I know It must bo, a request a few days later on tho part of my In tended wife that I should run down nnd Tender soinn explnnntlon of thin fltrnnge alteration that sho had noticed, not only in my lottcrs, hut also In my manner, Hdlth Pelhnm, the girl whoso heart r had won, end who was soon to bcromu my wife, was tho daughter of nn ort'.rer who had retired on half pay to a small villa nt Chlaelhuvst. When I Eirn'lcul along tho road from tho siatkn to Lewis Villa, on tho fiuturdny succeeding tho nceno last ro iorU"l, it wii with a fooling overhang ing mo nltogethor unllko anything I hnd hoforo experienced. 1 know some thing dreadful waa going to happen; It mkht be a misunderstanding with Ki: It mlabt be a demand from hor ffcfier tho dlanWed colonel, for nn ox Plnnallon tfor Kdlth might havo told htm of '.l.o change In my lettorsl; It might possibly bo u postponement of tho wedding, but it could not bo, no It wns altogether utterly out of tho quoJ Una mat my ongagomout could bo ::fta broken off. However my worst fears woro not realized. Nothing was said to mo about tho mattor uppermost in my mind until Kdlth nnd I woro nlonc In tho parlor after dinner, nnd then sho qucsl'loncd mo In such a gcntlo man ner thnt I took henrt of graco nnd told her tho wholo story of my troubles. I rnn rapidly through tho Btory I had to loll, without ovoklng nny sign or movement from her until I reached tho fi'.tnl lcttor. Then a slight Bpnsm that ran through hor and tho Increased rapidity of her breathing told mo thnt her native Instinct hnd already divined tho cud. Hut she did not movo until I hnd finished. Then sho aroso slowly from hi i scat and, looking up from tho flro witli n Blight change of color, as the only external sign of tho terrible shock .she hnd received, said: "I Biipposo if thcro hnd been nny doubt nhout this woman's hold ovor you, giving her tho money settled tho qucptlon." "Yes yes, It does," I replied. "Now, Allan, toll mo what Is tho worrit thing thnt could hnppon If sho did hor worst?" "Tl.o loss of you, my quoon!" I gronncd. And in tho terror of tho thought I rushed toward hor. Sho gently pushed mo back. "Thoro Is no tlmo for lovo-maklng, Allnn. Wo must think how to dofeat this this I supposo I must call hor a woman, nut now, Allan, answer my question definitely. What Is tho worst thing that could hnppon?" "If a Jury convicted mo ob thoy most cortalnly would, I should get soven or fourteen years' ponal servitude" "Thoro la Just ono other question I should lllto to ask you, and that U. do you think thnt tho goodnenn of henrt, tho kindness to her neighbors thnt you spoko of, wnn rcnl or part of hor diabolical Bchemo?" "And thnt, Kdlth, Is about tho only question that I could not havo mado some attempt townrd answoring. Tho Minractor of this woman Is, I bollovo, beyond ull fntho;nlng. it nppcara to me that both powers of good and tho powers of ovll thought hor worth tight lug for, and tho hattlo resulted In n compromlBO. Thoro Is no height of goodness that I do not bollovo her ca pable of reaching, nnd, ns wo know, thcro Ib no depth of dovlltry to which she could not (.Ink." "Then tho enso Is not a hopeless ono, Allan. I think I enn sot this matter right myself." "You you, child?" "Yes, oven I, Allnn. You tell mo thoro In no height of goodness to which this young womnn ennnot attain. You ovldontly bollovo thnt hor good deeds were genuine. You say tho npMrit of good ban part possession of hor. It tills Ib so, I'm suro I could mnko hor ro lax tills terrible hold sho has over you." "Kdlth, I don't understand you. Ib It poBslblo that you could dream of seo lug this woman yourself, nftor all I havo told you? I would not allow you to go into tho same street with hor If I could holn It. And If I wcro black guard enough to lot you undortnko miclt a mission, do you Jmaglno for n moment your father anil mothor would r'vo you permission?" For a fow seconus sho was flllont. nnd thon npparontly recognizing tho Impossibility of tho scliemo, sho lookod quietly up and with a sigh said: "Ah, woll, Allan, I Biippodo thoro's nothing for It but to wait for n fow cliiys and let ovonts develop thorn- BClVOB." And thon coming ovor to mo, sho put a band on ench shoulder and, looking straight Into my oyen, anld: "You must not talk again of losing mo, nud you must not think this so very dreadful. Togethor wo will do vino nomo mothod of beating hor. but don't lot us talk any moro about It to night." Nor did wo, but hold together by that firmest of all bonds a mutual sorrow, helped by tho consciousness, on hor tide, thnt I ,had suffered greatly, nnd on mlno, thnt Bbo of nil women wns tho most horoie and noble, wo spent nn hour In tho silent, or almost silent, oc stusy of lovo. When, nt Inst, a vory Rlgnillcant "Ahem!" from upstairs told us that wo must pnrt onco moro, wo, returned for u moment to tho consideration of tho great question, nnd decided that wo should await tho dovolopment of events thnt In tho njonntlmo nolthor Colonel nor Mrs. I'elham wns to ho told, and that, with such lovo as ours, neither heights nor depths, things pres out nor things to come, need causo us nny anxiety. I returned to work enrly on Monday morning with a llghtor henrt than. I hnd been blessed with for many n long day. CHAPTEU VIII. On Monday ovenliiK tho postman brought mu a lottor from Kdlth, writ ton nt hor anut'a Iioubo: "DcaroBt, darllns Allan," It began, "what wll you nny when you hoar tint, contrary' to your advlco, I lmvo today gron Mtaa Mllno? I doturmtiiod to boo hor on Saturday, aftor hearing your atory, but did not tell you for foar of being mado to nromUo not to. Oh, my poor darling, how I pity you, now that I hnvo doon this woman. Sho wns not rudo to mo I almost wish alio had boon; It would havo boon castor to boar than hor cynical cruolty. I won der It Satan, among hla othor dis guises, can assumo a woman's form and talk philosophy? Hut oh, Allan, I foar I havo dono no good, and yet 1 did everything, down ovon to going on my kncoa to her. (you must not bo niiKry. my darling, 1 bollovcd whon I sot out It was my mission to savo you.) 1 tried another line that 1 thought inust Biiccoed I tried to get to tho mother's side of hor, by taking hor llttlo boy on my knees, whon sho quietly took him off. snylng, 'Ho is too heavy to nurso. Allan I I am nfrnld this Is a sad bitBl I10B4, but wo must cheor up; something suroly will happen to Improvo matters that seem at their worst, 1 am writ ing this noto to ask you to bo auro to como down again on Saturday, I will meet you nt tho station, and wo will have a long, long walk, and talk It over. Oh, that dreadful, dreadful, wo man! I shall dream of her. And yet 1 felt nil tho tlmo that sho waa not half so bad as sho painted herself. My poor Allan, don't bo angry with mo, love, I tried to help you, nnd I am, on tho whole, so glad to havo seen her; 'tis a new oxporienco altogether a sort of education. Good-bye, and God bless you, darling. Yours moro than over, "EDITH." Hero thcro followed a "P. S. Don't on nny account lot pa pa or mamma know of this." This letter of Edith's camo on Mon day evening. For tho rest of that week my work wnij dono automatically, mo chnnlcnlly, and without a shadow of Intorcst. WJien work waa over I Hat down .mlserablo to think It was dono. and when morning enmo I groaned at having work to do. Twenty times a day I took from my pocket tho photo graph of Edith that I carried then, and still carry. I aaw nothing moro or miss Miino; but on tho Wednesday a noto waa brought to mo from her to tins enect: "I'leaso send ten pounds (10) by bearer. M, M." With this request, or command, na I ought, If strictly truthful, to call it, I gladly complied. I Bay "gladly" bo causo anything wbb hotter than seeing hor; and knowing hor first ton pounds must bo spont, I felt confident that sho must como or sond for moro within a few days; and the relief of escaping another Interview wad indescribable At last Saturday camo and I Btarted off for Chesolhurst. When. I audited from tho train I looked anxiously round for Edith. Sho wub nowhero to bo Boen, out, sianuiug near tho station uoor nnu wuicuing closely with his hloar oyes each man who passed, wub my om inonu uio gardener. Ho no longer woro His round frock, but had on tho coach mnn's coat nnd tall hat; ho waa gloved and shaved, and I gathered nt onco that tho carrlngo waB waning ior mo. In a moment I waa at his side. ' "Tho Colonel told mo to glvo you this noto," ho Bald. And then in a whlspor, "Thoro'H Bummnt up." I toro It open and read: "Dr. Illgby: Dear Sir Slnco your last visit, an ovont of somo lmportanco hnB occurrod that rendorB It deslrablo that I dhould see you beforo you pro ceed to Lewis Villa. "I will therefore await your arrival at tho Commorclnl Hotel, whoro I havo tnkon a prlvnto room, which kindly ask for. Faithfully youra, "W. FBLHAM." Dcsporatoly anxious for a fow .min utes to myBolf, I sent tho gardonor with ti messago that I had u telegram to dispatch to town, nnd would thon Join tho colonel. With this I loft for, not tho telegraph oillco, but, tho waiting room. Through tho llttlo holo that communicated with tho rcfroshmont rnnm In tlinnn ilnvn. I Called for BOmQ brandy. It waa nocoasary that I should havo something to kcop mo from rink lug In tho whirl of wild emotions that woro absolutely stupefying mo. What can hnvo happened whnt can havo litippenod? I asked myBOit again anu again. That it waB part of Miss Mllno's diabolical schamo I had no doubt. "Tho girl you think you aro going to marry ' roturnod with ter rible import now, nnd if I loved Edith beforo, my God, how I loved hor now! 1 tried to collect my thoughts and for mulnto somo plan, but It wns usolcsa; nil tho futuro was desolate, vaguo and horror Btrlcken. But I must not linger hero, I thought, nnd, Jumping to my foot, I hastened down tho street to moot my doom with tho desporntlon of tho poor unfortunate who,, from tho summit of Waterloo Bridge, Jumps from tho holl that Is into tho holl to como. (To bo Continued.) ssoGjasjesacjasaaassEKsaasc Things That May Interest You. JeEG2E-2E!E Cuba lias akeed to bo lulmitted to tho international postal union. Tho work ol demolishing Nowgate prlbon in London 1ms commenced. ltishon Thomas O'Gorman brought a gift to l'rosidont Roosevelt from Pope I.eo. A Piusslnn army edict against American lard and Imported hams lias been issued, A 150,000 obforvatory is to bo built this year by Wosleyan university nt Middlotown, Conn. Tho Cleveland, 0., boarjd of health lias started a war on tho uso of dirty inoiioy in that city. , Thomas A. Kdli-on tolls a Copenhag en paper th ut, electricity will icplaco in less than threo decodes. President J. J. Hill paid, ho expected that next year earnings of tho North ern SecurltfeM Company would 'bo $15, O00.0QO. The big anthracite foal strlko will compel householders to uso the bitum inous product in furnaces nnd grates before tho winter is over. The Mar department linn 'decided to withdraw army olllcers detailed as in structors unlets u higher standard is maintained by schools so favored. King Kdward hns promised tho chiol secretary for Ireland, Georgo Wyndham, to visit Dublin, Cork and Belfast In February at tho latest, possibly in November. Tho Fronch premier declares reports hIioa that roynlists are responsible for the agitation over the closing o( schools in Finisteire and that prosecutions will follow. Tho navy department announces that contractors will be held responsible for non-porformancu ol work hereafter, and that no penalties will bo remittod. Tho Bethlehem Steel company, Ifor whiqh Charles M. Schwab paid 17,600, 000, has been sold to the United States Shipbuilding lompativ at a figure stated to be 126,000,000. Serious clashes have occurred betwea the people and troops in French towns and provinces over the efforts to cIom unauthorized schools of religious associations. R. A. OAT. Excelsior Planing Mill Mouldings, Brackets,. Turning, Stair Building and General House Work. Phono White 601. E. Seventh nnd E. Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE SOUTH JIM. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. SHIELDS, Proprietor. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. Sixteenth nnd Gitalin Sts., Portland, Or George Miller. Hiram Fugltt. Wagner Cafe Phono Main 878 M8 Sixth St., Portland. Comfortublo Qu.irtcra for Commercial and DimlncfB Men. B. JUL. MAYER, lrcVt and Bec'y. Fieckenstein Mayer Co. EsUMIiihcd 1870. Incorporated 1831. Importers and Jobbers WINES AND LIQUORS. OurBpcclMtlca: Maryland 'Club Rye and Kentucky Taylor Oourbon. 27.I!MnrtltiFt., CINCINNATI, OHIO. sn.l-2.lj Oak fit. PORTLAND, ORE. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON HARNESS, SADDLES, STRAP WORK See Our Prices Before Buying. Bend for (reo catalogue. Kxtract from Itet. liar. MaVora P. A. Mar.27, 1WJ: "Vanktrlt A Wilton are itiottiiKIrIceitln their cataloKiio that no retail dealer tare to meet." That' what the Ring ' of ui. Oct our Prkei. VANKIKK & WILSON, ISO Front St Real Estate Bargains! Six-Room M,odern Houses in Woodmere. Flno nerenpj on olcctric car lino suit able for ilutUnr. i I Choice lata on easy tcrna. Home i built to suit and sold on easy terms. II (1EO. W. BROWN, 203 Palllnc Building, 3d and Wash ington Sts. I.GIUTTOK 1'rett. C. C. WOODCOCK Ylco I'rvtt. 8. d. conn Beo'y . Standard Box Factory (Incorporated.) Gates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack ages, Packing Cases of all kinds. Cor. Water and E. Washington Su TUpko;EU 4. PORTLAND, OR V. HKl'P. W YTir m IMF )WaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSsSSm Established Jan. I. 1889. Incorporate July 8, 1891. Portland Coffee and Spice Go. For the Trade Only. Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Etc. OUR SPECIAL mtANE-3: Spices, Acme. Mult nomah; linking Powders, Defiance, Double Quick; Coffee, Koyal Illcnil; Sugar, iixi Bar. 24-ZB Front Strati, Bet. Amh and Ankony. PORTLAND, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH "PHONES NO. 607 RENA STINSON, Ladr Anlilant. L.W.CAnNAHAN, President. C. II. GARDNER, Vice President. W. W. TERRY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore, PARK GROCERY. A.J. JONES, Proprietor. Retail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES dnd All Kinds of Imported Delicacies. 21 N. Park Street, PORTLAND, OREGON THE Ha Oa ALBEE COMPANY .. DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 260 East Water Street. PORTLAND, OREGON. Zimmerman Wells Machinery Co. Incorporated. Marine; Mining Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Working, Hoisting and Traru miuion Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Lcschen & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Nanion tc Co.' Lu bricating Oils and Compounds. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON Any Nil Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Uulitiar tlnota and Ntiona, Halting-, racking and Ilotn. Larteat and Moit Complete Attortment ot all Kindt of Itubber Ooodt. l OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY B. H. PJCABK, Prctldent. K. U..BIIKPAIIU, JK.. Treaturer J. A. SUEI'AItD, Secretary 73-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tho E- ' ATKNS co Atkins Saws are Always Ahead a a Sample Uoomt. l'.1cctrlc Mb'litt. THE ST. HELENS HOTEL. J. P. URADLEV. i Never Closed. CHl-HALIS, Beds nnd Meals Firtt-clufa. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS Tmyler Street f te 194 SeeendStreet Phones: Oregon Main 770., Columbia 430. The LA GRANDE CREAMERY GOMPANT BUTTER, EGOS AND OHEESE. All goods wholesale and retail. ' 204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Our FrlendB are All Cordially Invited To Attend. BROWN & GRANT. W. I MCCADB, Bcattle. E. fyiAMILTOlf, Tacoma. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Head Of Poos Taooma, Wash, , Cable Addroisi McCADE GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents. 14 Water Street, Liverpool. 1 i Do You I Know the News ? Vou can havo It all (or Per Month 50c i cr Month X InTlio Evcnlnc Telegram, ot Portland, Z Oregon. It Is tlio Urjuit evening newa- X paper publltheil In On (on; It contain X all tho nuivn of the itatu uiitl ol tho n. X tlon. Try it lor. a month. A lamnlo X copy will be mailed to you (rco. Ad- THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. ynmitltr Anjr Style Paolflo Ooast Branch, No. BO First Street, Portland, Ore. Patlu. All White nolp American Plan WASHINGTON. Special Rates by Week or Month Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... s Handled by AU First Class Dealers... ., .. i - Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market ,. m .... PORTLAND, ORMRON X. im y i A i ii7Miiiiu.-7'fT'""'"Tr-'''"T"i-in',r'-",'- " ' itnu-i urii-an iiiti aj.irr"irrnirT ' l i iniimiWMM,'ir.V iiiw,iWiiwV1 .hi. ii . i iMHif.inl im. .in. Mi ift. m 1 1 ' L'J' ' n 1 1 111 i iia.i.n. jiji. .'-."maiiiiMaiiii ni