l1twaW;vOtiwwtlflcrrtMMlluwSSff r.; l THE NEW AGE, POKTJLiAKD, OREGON. nmmmUMHaitov'miMMiMHMttwmmmniwtimAmmm'imvmii.mimtk TACOMA ADVERTISING J.F.DAVILS Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Mnln 472. 1021) Tnconm Ave. TAOOMA, WASH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, Red 2375. 118 12th St. TACOMA. WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. Q. FISHER, Prcs&Trcns. Phono, Oak 241. 030 Pnciiic Ave. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & CO. Dealers In FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, " Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Telephone, Jntneii 2570. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA. VN. Thomas Bennett Denier in New ann Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. 1HA Vauoiun, 1'rcn. K. I'. Vauiiiun, Troas. U. U. Wvnkooi', Vice l'rcS1 and Hocy. Wynkoop-Vaughan Company DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN John j McMillan, Prop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telophono, Mn'n 210. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. II. KIJLL.Y, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY Steam Heated Rooms (or Storing Furniture. Telophono, Main 401, ' Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MUItPHV, Prop. Dry Goods I Men's Furnishings Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are the great popular drinks of the country. How Important to have It nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1638 Pacific Avonuo, TACOMA, WASHINQTON. H Makms Your Mouth Water As you slice off a succulent piece of the tender roast leef procurable at our es tablishment. Of course much depends on the cook don't blame It all on tho butcher but we'll take chances on that for we know our meats are Al cuts,. Bay Olty Market. Tml. Atmk . W rmmMto Aw. TACOMA ADVERTISING JUST KEC HIVED A line lino of novelties in full suitings. 0. C. T. CLAUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. I'lioue, Mnln IW7 Cor. 13 nml Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. Gavvley Foundry & Machine Works A few of Our Ppcclnltlci Always on Hniul Paw Anvils Haw (liitiimcrs Swing Cut-Off pw Hammers Hot Works ug turners Haw (luldcs Carriages Feed Works Llvu Rolls l'rictlun NlggorsHhlnglu MUIm Haw Mills Filq Room Maohlnory. Cor. 21st and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phone, Red 1041. Consumers Go-Operative Bakery JOHN PLUIIAK, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Confeotionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Telephone, ll'a-k 1815. IIOB Tmoonta Avo. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding H6rscs a Specialty. Phono, Main 139. 1131-30-33 0 St. TAOOMA, WASH. Parsian Dye Works E. J. CLOTIIER, Prop. We Glean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Red 875. 1109 O Stroot. TAOOMA, BLAKE'S DAVE BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 101 Washington fit., HKATlLi:. 110 Fourth Nt, . OLYMPIA. lOtB PMclflo Avo , TAOOMA. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. Pacific 903 Ave. John Slebenbaum. M. Q. Baker. Grand Central Hotel. SIKIIK.S'IIAUM & BAKER, , Proprietors. 121 J -J2J3 Pacific Avenue. Fwo 'Bub To and From All Trains and Boats. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. Amcthan and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. THE CHEHALIS FLOURING MILL GO. MORTEN HASKELL &. CO., Proprietors. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. . MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, HaskctTs Best Faacy Patent, HaskuU'fl Daisy. CHEHALIS, WASH. nOSEBURB, OREGON, ADVERTISING. rpHE UMPQUA UAKKRY- . FRESH BREAD DAILY. 1'Ics, Cakes. Cookie. Doughnuts, Huns, Rolls Cream lMiir. Cakes fsr SocInK Partloi , and l)nnc)iiets Mado to Order. K. JUNNIN08 and MltS. FRKKMAN, Props. Phono 410. Roscburg, Oregon r.ntcrtalnors: CHAS. GILV1N. HILL I'ROTZtfAN The Monogram PRANK KBNNUDV, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Ryo Wilis- kles. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Furntshod Itooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South of the l)cot. ROSEBURG - - OREOON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless & Stormcr. , C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshficld Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddlo Horses and Stylish Single and Double Bigs nt All Hours. ROSEBURQ, OREQON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Rosoburg, Oregon. Whore you can find tho BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. Tclcphono Red Oil. Private rooms. Bambrinus Garden Saloon.' - Andrew Swiinsou, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and Washington 8ts. PohYland Obi A, Ooodnough J. O. Steams 600DN0UGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Building, Portland, Or City, 8ubuiban and Country Property, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and Coal Lauds. Choice Water Frontage, suitable for manufacturing purposos. Valuable, business property for sale. PHILLIPS. TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stabl' C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs , At All Hours. Transient stock given the very best of care. Rates always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak SU. R0SEBURG, OREGON. Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agent, for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO. W. 1). HALL, Manager. Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. Oct Our Prices Bcforo lluylng. Oregon Phono Scott sal. 115 Or nml Ave. A. E. SIEGEL. Denier in nil kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butler, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Piione, Clay 534. 95 N. Seventh St ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrit-CUts Accommodations and Prompt scr? Ice. LarRe Sample Qooms for Commcruial Travelers. Phone 7. Ccr. First and Washington Su. Albany, Oregon. JI BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7S0, Oregon Bed 1801 Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - - OREOON Blazier's... No, 248 Burnslde Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 20 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. PORTLAND, OR. FRANK 8CIIMITT, J. L. HEMBRKE, Provident. Secretary. J. It, UAItlt, Manager. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors and Finishing Material. Phone East 15. East Taylor and East Eighth Streets. Portland, Oregon BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks Dciioni CopvmaHTS Ac. Acrone uncling a sketch and description mar flnlcklr nscartaln our onlnlnn fra wfiather an T -TIT.l -TT ir T-. " -'.:V. . IT . . r opinion free wot Ir patentable. Comi tlonsstrletlreouadeiiUal. Handbook on I'atenU iiiTrniinn is prouauif pateniabie. communira- sent 1 re, Oldest as-encr fur securing patents. Patent taken tSrousli kluim Co. recelre tfttiol notlct, without charse, In tuo Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.trvest elr enlatton of anr sclentlne lournal.i Terms, H rear i four months, It Bold by all newsdealers, MUNN&Co8'6'" New York Brooch Office, i Y BU Washlmiton. 1). C. Portland Club and Cafe... 130 Fifth Stroot OUR SPECIALTIES: Monogram and III Gyrus Noble Whiskies. II A Rmmort for Oamtlemen. 'Phone OregciMain 008; Columbia 407 Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlinp Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J, G. REDDICK, Manager. Ijmrjra Walker's Home Cooking: Parlors Lunches put up for Travelers. We gunrnntco satisfaction and prompt service. J. WALKER, Prop. 89 Sixth Street W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Front Street. Cor. Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pendleton Roller Mills W. 8. BYEHS, Proprietor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels; Manufacturers of Blue Ribbon nml fryers' B,c8t Flour, Bran and Shorts. Rolled Barley always on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon Star Brewery Company Drawers and Ilottlors of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. OUEOON PHONE BLACK M35. New York Grocery (JUS. H. 1IINNENKAMP, Proprietor. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TEAS, COITKKS AND SPIOES A FPEOIALTY. Cor. Eleventh mid Morrlnon St., Portland, Oregon Bane and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Olllce B. W. cor. Fourth and Stark Sts. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, 011EQ0N Exchange Your Checks With Meuenger on Trains and order Carriage or Coupes. Baggage checked at reI dunco to uny dcntinatlon Branch ottlccs: Hotel Portland) United Car rlage Co., Seventh and Taylor. v L. II. ADAMS, Mgr. PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF Saw Mill Machinery Flauring Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OFFICE AND WORKS! Fourteenth and Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 16 cents each, or $1.75 er dozen, Uso these LnmpN with proper voltjigo and make your light tho cheapest and best. Portland General Elmotrlc Co. Seventh and Alitor Sts. 15 Cm 15c. LATE JUDICIAL DECISIONS. The right of n municipality to reas sess the cost of n street Improvement upon nbuttlng property nftcr nn assess ment Is set aside, as in contravention of the charter, Is held, In Green vs, Tld ball (Wash., 55 L. It. A., 870) to be within n covenant aRtilnst Incum brances, In a coiivvyunco of the proper ty mndc subsequent to the Improve ment. A homestead e.xeipptloit Is held, In Lyons vs. Aiulry (Lu., 55 L. It. A., 72 1) mot to be lost by failure to actually re side upon the property, where the homestender left the place because his house was blown down by a storm, nml lived with a son at n short dis tance, but visited his place every day, nml continued to cultivate gnrden truck upon It by which he earned his living. There must be something beyond n mere guess on the part of the miner to authorize lilin to make a location which will excludo others from tho ground, holds the Supreme Court oC Utuli, lu the case uf Copper Globe Min ing Company vs. Allman (01 Pnc. Hep., 1010), such as tho discovery of the prcs-" ence of precious metals at the placft where the notice Is posted, or In suck proximity to It as to Justify a reason able belief In the existence of a lode there. Even nt this day tho courts are, call ed upon to decide questions arising' out of slavery, as appears from a recent decision of tho Supreme Judicial Count of Massachusetts In the caso of Irving vs. Ford (00 N. E. Uep., 402), lu which the legitimacy of n child of n slave marriage was Involved. The parenta of the child, now advanced In years, were at the time of his birth slaves In Virginia. In 1SIU, prior to his blrtli, by consent of their owners, they went through a form of marriage In the pres ence of tho master of one of them, and afterward lived together for eight years. In 1S34 the father escaped t Massachusetts, and there, In 1330, mar ried another woman, by whom he luiA a sou and daugher. He lived with this woman until his death, In 1808. After tho war the son born lu Virginia by tho llrst mnrrlago wns recognized by his father as his sou. On the death ot the father the sou by the second mnr rlago was appointed administrator, whereupon the sou by the llrst mnr rlago asked to have him removed' on the ground that he was not a lawful child, but that he, the son of the llrst marriage, was the lawful son of the deceased. It was contended -by the Massachusetts sou that the sou born of the slave marriage In Virginia was Illegitimate becntise In that State i ir- ' rlages hetweeu slaves had no legal ef fect; but this contention was answered by stating that the statute passed lu Virginia after the war legitimatizing slave marriages was stilllcleut to make the Virginia sou legitimate. The court escaped from the embarraslug posi tion of declaring either of the contest ants Illegitimate by holding that even though the Virginia sou were made legitimate by statute, It did not follow as a consequence that the Massachu setts marriage was void and the chil dren of It Illegitimate; Unit as the pe tition for removal goes on the single ground that the Virginia sou Is the only legitimate child, a stillleleut case for removal has not been made on that ground. The court said they would leave the question as to whether the Virginia sou was entitled to share lu the distribution of tho estate unde cided. Thought llo Smelted Gun. That the dangers of asphyxiation ara not conllued to leaking gas plpt Is shown by the experience of n denizen of this city u few days ago. Going to his homo lit night, when nil tho mem bers of his family were away, ho win sturtled by a strong odor of gas, and promptly went over the housu from garret to cellar In search of an open stopcock, snys the Washington Stur. He was unsuccessful lu Ills search and finally, when worn out, ho opened all tho windows above the first tloor and went to bed, determined to risk thu consequences. The next morning, when the odor of was was still strong, tho lonely man's wife, who wns on a visit o her mother's home, returned and was horrllled upon learning that any one had actually slept In a housr, lu which danger from asphyxiation must' have been Imminent. She pro ceeded to senrch for tho leak In tho gas pipe, hut gave up her attempt la despair, and then tho plumber was sent for to learn whether tho plpca were broken at some place where they wcro out of sight. Tho plumber ar rived ami after working diligently for a while his trained olfactory nerves guided him away from the gas fixtures to closets and storerooms, whero por tieres, rugs, carpets, whiter wrups and a multitude of other household and personal goods hud been freely treated with giisolluo on tho previous day and packed away. Tho plumber will send In his bill within a few days and there v may bo an explosion then lu which gus and giisolluo will have only an Indirect relation. Took IIIh Ituth by Holiedulo. Tho family or n iiowly-iiiado million aire was visiting New York, says the Sun, and took apartments lu one of the largo and luxurious hotels. One of tho younger members of tho family was much Impressed by tho wealth of his surroundings. Writing home, ho gave n glowing ac count of their apartments. "Wo have such a duo porcelain bath-tub," he said, "that I can hardly wait until Sat urday night to got Into It." A fiHllcuttd. First Citizen Is tho pollcorunn in your neighborhood square? Second Citizen I guess ho Is; at least he's never round when wanted, m !l il .i. w