ntw7P"T7TTT ?v "WraHKv f ' ff "V f THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON. rF The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Ofllco, 24MJ4 Hlark Ht Concord Hid., Portlwnil. Oregon. Entered at tho iostonico nt Portland, Oregon, M second class matter. sinisoieii'TioM. One Yanr, I'Hyubln In Ailvnnon , ,93.00 Established l&M. Printed nt WX Stark 8t. Third Floor. WRETCHED TELEPHONE SERVICE Tho Oregon Tclophono Hyfltcm In this town 1h a proper subject for it radical reform. For nonio reason the dally papers refuse to say n word In behalf of an aburfed and Indignant people, and It Is tlmo some public voice mndo a "roar." Tho New Ago Is not accustomed to making com plaints; It prefers to be soclablo and agreeable with peoplo generally, and especially with Htich as perform quasi public services. Tho "hollo girls," though somo of them nro thought by vexed tclophono itdorfl to bo Incompo tent or saucy, are not to blame, in tho first plnro they nro not more than . They ought to strllto, nnd half paid Insist on decont nny for tholr exnctlng and Important work. Tho troublo Is thnt thoro nro so ninny girls who want a Job of HiIb kind thnt a Btrlko might:""8 Pwcr to malto tho appoint not bo effective; nnd unless there Is nn assurance that they would win tholr point, It would bo bad"" policy to Mtrlko. Hut tho present tclophono monopoly In this city Is n disgrace to civiliza tion, nnd an outrage upon n long suf forlng public. Tho complaints nbnut tho Borvlco nro not only numeroiiB; they nro n'lmost universal. House keepers linvo to wait for hours to "got" tholr grocor, or druggist, or laundrymnn, or nny body. If thoy keep trying, tho chnnrcB nro that they nro Blmply Ignored. Thoy have to put on their lints and go nnd do tho orrnndrf that tho tolephono Is supposed to help them to do without expending this tlmo nnd going to this trouble. Farthormoro, tho sorvlco, ns con ducted, la a rank swindle. On to a phono In n drugstore or other IiuhI- nofiB placo nnd cnll up tho number you want nnd tho rospoiiBo Is "drop a nlcklo, ploitBe." Well, you drop your nlcklo, nnd often got soupno body. Thoro frequently Is no offort mndo apparently to do tho scrvlco for which you paid your nlcklo. You ditp posed when you put your nlcklo In Uin slot that It would pay for connec tion with tho' porson you desired to Hpenlc to, but not so; tho hollo girl doea not know whether Bho hna "got" or can "got" tho desired party or not ; Hho domnnda your nlcklo, and then perhaps mnkcti n focblo effort to find out whether you can bo served or not, nnd hIio doesn't earn at all whether you are or not. Tliii. n man may drop thrno, Ave, or n dozen nlrkles in tho slots of this Institution without getting n cent's worth of vnluo ro colvml on tho contrary, ho aggravat ed, nuiioyod nnd Incoiuod. This sort of swindle la going on dully, hourly, all ovor town. Our good mnyor nnd other good olllclnls nro desirous of putting tho gambling nlot machines nut of buslnotis, but horo Is a gam bling dovlco that thoy scorn to ap prove of. It Is purely a "gamblo," when ono drops a nlcklo In tho tele phone slot, whether ho will win or Iobo, with tho chani'o heavily against blm, Tho chunco Is rnthor bettor In a cigar atoro machines of winning a 10a cigar with a nlcklo. Let Is bo roponted nnd emphasized that tho "hollo girls" aro not to blamo. It la tho aydtom, that la nt fault. It la tho greedy grasping Intolorablo mo nopoly that controls this btiBlnosa that la to bo attacked. They not only do not moro than half pny tho girls , who work for them, but thoy do not properly Borvo tho public; thoy fur nish Inefficient, unsatisfactory and ovn, In roapoct of tho "dropn-nlckle, . plonso" graft, a radcally sorvlco. Tho publlo ought to demand good, prompt ofnclont sorvlco front this mo nopoly, or elao npprnlao their plant and property and tnko charge of the luiBlnoBB. Tho fncta being fully shown up, It la at least probable that tho rnurta would sustain a law for this purpose. When a monopoly mat u making millions censes to aorvo tho public properly, litBtilta and outrages tho public that It falsely professes to 'ihtvo, It ought to bo destroyed. EXPORTS QV FLOUR. Ono of tho most Important and In teresting Biibjecta now under consid eration by tho business men and pol iticians of tho country, and eapeclnlly of tho Pacific Const, Is that of trade with tho Orlont. Wo oxpoct to build up a groat trado with thoso multltudl noua peoples, nnd to have an oppor tunity of doing so, ns wo could not otherwise, on account of our posses slon of tho Philippine lalanda. Ono of our chief exports, and V ono for rsomo yours to coino nt least of most Importance and value, la Hour, and thanks to tho energy nnd enterprise of one of our leading business men, wo already have a largo and secure foothold In tho Orient for this trade. Mr. T. B. Wilcox, tho master spirit of tho largo and successful concern known ns tho Portland Flouring Mills Company, hns made repeated trips to the leading Oriental ports; has stud ied conditions on tho ground, nnd knowB Just what Is required there, and how to supply It, not only with profit to his company, but to tho wheat pro ducers of tho Pacific Northwest. Ho hns done, and Is doing .more for tho farmers of Oregon than any other slnglo man In this city or State. Dy making it market, or finding nnd de veloping an oriental market for our surplus flour, he helps to make every farmer prosperous, and when tho farmem prosper nil tho peoplo pros per. Mr. Wilcox hns done a grand, prnc tlral work In this lino, and ills oxanv plo Is worthy of Imltntlon and omnia' Hon by other lending business men, es pecially shlppors nnd exporters. THE DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP. Tho appointment of a district at torney to succeed Governor-elect Chamborlnln Is a Btibject of much re I mark recently, although the appoint: i mot doesn't need to bo made till i "oxt January. Tho public hits con- ,i,,onco t0 "cllovo that Mr. Chamber , '"" wl" a "' "gut thing, and what . ,8 0(Mt. ,r " s,m11 decided that ho ment as It seems to bo gonerally agreed thnt ho will. Whllo Tho Now Ago does not wish to offer tho govornor-cloct nny utlvlcn, ot which ho mny linvo already too much, It seems propor to remark that tho deputy district attornoy, original ly solccted by Mr. Chamborlnln, no doubt on account of his fitness for tho office, lit properly "In tho lino of pro motion," nnd Judging by his record during tho pnst year ho Id entlroly waithy of tho promotion that ho Is likely to receive Mr. Mnn.nlng do Borves tho appointment, not only on recount of his morlt In this roBpecc, but becaiiBO of his flno energetic work for Mr, Chnmborlaln nnd tho Demo cratic ticket last Juno. Tho prnctlcnl working of tho offico has been largely In Mr. Mnnnlng'a hnuds, nnd ho hns performed bin du ties energetically nnd faithfully. Ho deserves promotion nnd tho public ox poets that ho will receive it. PORTLAND ROSTMASTERSHIP. An soon ns Sonator Mitchell return nnd tho Oregon delegation gets to gether to conBldor appointments, a change in tho poBtmnatorshlp of this city would bo vory accoptnblo to the majority of tho people. Postmaster Croasmnu has already aorvod ovor four years, and nppnrontly neoda and dodlrcn a rest, or a change. Tho peo ple also wish n change. Tho Nov Ago docs not deny It has n grlovauco of Its own. Its city subscribers sny thnt paporn mulled Satunlny nro not In many cases received till Monday or oven Tuesday. It nlso hears of othor complaints, from patrons of tho ofllco. In fact, thoro la qulto n gen eral sentiment In favor of a change In tho postmnsterahlp hero. Some times four or 11 vo years la enough for n man to hold an ofllco; after tho Inpso of this period ho bocomea n lit tlo too lnrgo for tho ofllco, or indif ferent to tho wolfaro of tho publlo thnt ho la paid liberally to servo. Soveral changes of federal oftlclnla may bo desirable but tho postmastor ship should not bo deferred longor than necessary. Wo shall havo to wait, howovor, till "tho delegaton" getd together, and Sonator Mitchell decides what la best for the public In terests. THE SOUTHERN OREGON LYNCH INO. The people who lynchod the Negro at Murahflold yestorduy committed n crlmo that ought to bo punUhod. An example should bo maao of these lynchors, or aomo of tho leadora of thorn, ao that such a disgraceful crlmo will not bo repeated In this State. Tho district attornoy and ahorlff should search out theso offendors and deal out Justice to them. While tho Negro's crlmo wad Inexcusable, and whllo tho law does not provide a suf ficient penalty for such a crime, yet thoro la no excuse for this species of lawlessness revenge. Oregon Is thereby disgraced and humiliated, and tho governor ought to exorcise nil tho authority and power ho has to sou that tho lynchers aro punished, as u warning to others who aro tempted to like nets' of lawlessness. ATTENTION, la. directed to tho Q, A. R. Convention to bo hold In WViBhlnuton, D. C, Oc tober Oth to 11th Inclusive, 1902, Wo can soil you tickets at ratoa which muko going to tho convention cheaper thnn staying at homo, and wo ninko enough out ot It ao that wo aro not "On tho County." Tickets sold only on September 29th and 30th. For particulars as to ratoa, nccont tnodntlotid, stopovers, tlmo limit, otc, etc., call on or address, 11. II. TRUMllUMi, Commercial Asont Illinois Central R. R., H2 Third street, Portland, Ore, MISSISSIPPI DRIFTWOOD. A Uoou to Miiiijr Poor People Who Live Along the Bank. A slight rise In tho Mississippi up In Kentucky, said an old river man, Is a blessing to many of tho poorer classes of this city. A three-Inch rise up nbove brings down n vast quantity of drift "wood, nnd nt the floating docks of the ferry landings great rafts are formed. You can sue the boys every evening nrmed with long poles, with it splku In one end mid n coll of rope nt the other end, spearing the good pieces of timber Just as a whaler harpoons n whale. They grow particularly expert, and I noticed one boy a dny dr two ago who could hit a log In the center the llrst throw nnd bring It to bunk. This meant :t supply of fuel. Many of the parents of these little ones cannot buy the fuel necessary to keep them warm, nnd tho river furnishes It sometimes and some times It does not. Much of the timber has been freshly cut nnd left by the cutters over night, when tho river comes along nnd lands It here. I saw two fine nsh logs yes terday, enough to keep a family going for a week, and the water had scarcely soaked through tho bark. Of planks there la a great plenty, and also some bnrrels and all kinds of things. Tho river Is no respecter of timber or per sons for that matter, and brings down tho farmer's barrel half filled with pork Just as readily as a water-logged and useless trunk' of a cypress tree. It has often been a sourco of wonderment to mo' how ninny people do uctually live from the products of tho river. I have never Been tho figures ns to what proportion of the population of the val ley subsist on fish and get their wood from the overflows. I have been from St. Paul to Now Orleans several times, nnd nt nil of the river towns you will llnd tho boys, ready for tho overflow Benson. This, however, applies moro particularly to the section of tho river below St. Louis. Hut nil along there Is the fishing Industry, less .of it here thnn elsewhere, because of tho prox imity of salt water, but above here It Is a flourishing business. Seeing tho boys spearing logs ro minds mo of tho case of n man who agreed to pay the negro CO cents n day If ho would collect driftwood for him. The negro worked faithfully, and tho man was Belling tho timber at ii big profit, of course, Finally, nt tho cud of two years, after tho white mini had grown too proud and too well off to work, the negro found ho had Just tho sauo right to the timber the white man lind, and ho was tho maddest crea ture In the boundaries of tho JJnlted States. Ho Is not over It yot. In fact. ho was bo disgusted ho will not catch wood even for himself. New Orleans Tlmes-Deuiocrat. l'oor Autrcssea" Costumoa. In Germany there Is n society for tho relief of needy actresses. Aa ordinary actresses have to supply their own cos tumes It la often moBt dltllcult for those who are poor to obtain good en gagements, says Home Notes. Accord ingly certain practical philanthropists started a society for their beuetlt. The society is uow In Its second year, and In the first report It Is stilted that "branches have been established In llerlln, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Carlsruhe nnd Mnunhclni, and It Is In tended to have a branch In every Ger man city of Importance before the end of nnother year. In overy city the i business of the society Is conducted by n Joint committee of wealthy society women and the most conspicuous net rcsB in tho place. So far the demand for costumes has been much larger than the supply, but this condition hns only Impelled the women workers to greater activity." , UlHUOuraglni. District visitor, to mother of newly converted Hooligan So sorry to henr your boy Is laid up, Mrs. Pimple! Noth ing serious, I hope? Mrs. Pimple, lu the gloomiest tones Imaginable Pew nionlit, miss, pewmonln! Comes o' Hit ting lu that draughty church 0' Sun day. sloaaley Shnilo Too Attentive. "Mr. Hensley, did Mary's lamb hnve much sense V "I don't know. Why do you nskV" "'Cause sister said you'd ninUu n good understudy for lt."-ChV'lnui Plain Denier W. P. FULLER & CO.'S 4 Rubber Cement Dries Hard Over Night Don't Accept If Your Local Dealer Write (or Color Card to W. P. FULLER & CO. PORTLAND, cience aN-1 vention As the Ice grows colder It gets hard er nnd more brittle. There cnu be no hickory bend on a skating pond on it zero dny, for the Ice then Is too brittle. Slivers of Ice dipped Into liquid nlr be come so hard thnt they will cut glass. Water thrown on Ice In the Arctic re gions will shiver It like pouring boiling wnter upon cold glass. This Is because the Ice Is so much colder than the wnter. According to the Lancet, the cssentlnl oil which forms the basta of all per fumes Is n powerful antiseptic, and possesses disinfecting properties equal to those of carbolic acid. For this rea Bon n scented handkerchief may not only please the sense of smell, but prove a guard ngnlust Infection, and It Is suggested that this fact may tend to reconcile those who do not like per fumes to their free use by those who do like them. The new light-ship for Diamond Shoal off Hntteras Is furnished with electric apparatus designed to send a "perpendicular pillar of light high Into the sky directly over the vessel. It Is hoped that tills light mny be risible from tho decks of ships thirty or forty miles nwny at sen, wherens the mast head lights can be Been only thirteen miles away. If this' form of beacon proves successful, It will be adopted for other signal-stations. Pictures Framed. Furniture Itopnlrod H. C. Schroeder THK ALDINA House Furnisher Ikmt'fl furnlsho 1 complete. Cash or installments. Under t iking and embalming, 344-346 Russell St., Upper Alblna, PORTLAND, ORIidON. Phono, Pink 595. Res. Phone, Pink 917 CUT RATES Groceries AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Cllvo us n trial and wo will convince you that our goods are tho best as well as the cheapest. We tarry a full and complete line of Momipolo goods, which are known the world over for quality. Best granulated sugar, sack (KM) lbs) 11.33 Uekt creamery buttur, roll ,,,,,aVs audita Four iKiuuds nice dried apples .... ,.,,... ,UJo " Vt hekt-O," Ita sailor, per package, 60 Table peaches, iears, apricots, can 12Wc Lemons, erdoz ,.....,,.,,., ....10c to Sue Best valley Hour, sack 71 Choice pink beans, 81bs, , 2to No. 1 white twain, 7 lbs 'Oc No. 1 lentils, 0 lbs Z'o llt-t prunes 4c to Ao Mb can Shilling's baking powder.. 40a 4 pigs Jumbo mush (lu lbs). 2Ac Macaroni, box. ... ,..,., 3.1c fornmcal, sack (It) lbs).. , '2te English breakfast tea, a good ono, lb 35c Fancy Mocha and Java coftVe (Kic kind) 30o "II. H." Mocha and Java coll'eo (Uo kind) lb..Mc "Victor" blend cotl'ea('JV) kind) 1U. 'JOa "iiex- rcuice, a khmi one, iu , mva Toothpicks, 3 pkgr ...10c Our toaa and rolFeea are unexcelled In ilavor and strength: always uniform, always the best, tiood catsup, largo bot.. 10c: big mackerel, 10c: Economy cream, 2 cans, 15c: nice salmon, 2 cans, lftc: xrk and beans, '1 cans, lc: mop sticks. 10c: shrimps, can, Hc: 7 bar Owl soap, 2.V3. All kinds canned meats at low prices. We want your trade. The hustling Grocers. Woolley & Place 207 Third Street. Floor Paint and Wears Like Iron a Substitute. )- . Does Not Carry lt. .. ;- ; OREGON. IMMTBrMWMrM-tMl-Hta CHARLES A. LUCAS, Attorney na Conn-selor-aM-aw. Room 629 Chamber of Com mercc. Practice In all Federal and Blate Courts, fortland, Oregon. J. Rocder. N. Marquart SEVENTH & GLI8AN EXCHANGE. Choice Wine. Liquors and Clean. Pollwood Eeer. l'hono Clay te'j. 115 N. 7th 6t.. 1'ortlaud T. HE OAK CAFE. P. W. TICK, Prop. Choice Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. vreiron inone noou jra. Cor. fourth and Oak tits. Portland, Or. For a good social tlmo call and see JOHN WOIDA. 'Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigar. Tclephune Clay 03. 4C0 Ollsan St., Portland. Or T he Western lumber company OClce: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Orcjon. mllE EXCHANGE. George BcbeckL FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. WEINHARU'8 DEER. 101 Third Street North. pALL AT 331 FIRST ST, For Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pits Dally. A Fresh Line ot Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Eto. MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. LBINA FERRY EXCHANGE John Krcrson, Proprietor. Dealer In Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. It AUltm avenue, corner Hirer street. Alblna, Oregon. M RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 6T0VE8 AND TINWARE. Wlllsmctto Street. EUGENE, OREGON TOK DYNES SALOON, ' Northeast corner o( Gllsan and Seventh 6ts. A I'holco Collection of Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars. 1 RLINGTON CREAMERY. H, C. KINO, Prop. Commission Merchant. ' Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Etc M7 Burnslde St. rOKTLAND, Or. c. P. JONES. CIOAK8, TOnACCOH, CANDIES, FKUIT8, NUTS, KTC. its Blxtb Ptrcet, Between Ollsan and Iloyt. Portland, Oregoa JJENRY FLECKEN8TEIN & CO. WHOLESALE WINES AND LIQUORS. Importers and Jobbers. 100-208 Second St., Both Telephones Main 115. Portland, Or. TOSEl'II HORDE. Fine Wines and Liquors. TEFFERSON GARDENS. Finest Picnic Grounds In the City. mllE BAVARIA SALOON A. B. BUROER, Prop. Imported and Domeitla Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. Phone Oregon Black IMS S. E. Corner Second and Oak Strests, PORTLAND, OREGON. I-VAY & HENDERSON All Kinds ol rURNITURt-...w Practical Kmbalmers and Undertakers. Order by telegraph filled promptly. ' Phoue Black 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th BU EUGENE CITY, ORKQON. pROKF-fSOR RICH. MAX MAYER. Pcrlrtit Hi iMiuw Artkl Teacher In Drawing and Painting. Studio and Art Gallery, M Alder M. Thursday. Telephone Red 1837. Fortland, OrefM ADOLF PETTERSON, Proprietor. OLOF 8WENSON. Barkeeper, THE STOCKHOLM. Where can be found finest of Liquors, Wines iuu utgarv, Oregon Phono Ctay SS7, Corner Sixth and Flanders, Portland, Og mllE FOITLAB. JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor. Telephones; Oregon Red 981; Columbia SM. IxS First Street. Portland, Oregea. -niCUMOND LAUNDRY CO. COR, UNION AVENUE AND WEIDLER BT. PORTLAND, OREGON. Columbia 5258, Oregon, Scott 1111 pHICAGO PACKING HOUSE MARKET. JOE NASH, Proprietor. Wholesale dealer in Prvih Heats, Cared Meats, puultry, Fish and Game tVli-e. Ortpn Honey. Eppi, Butter, C i vim, uoaees. vw.v.j, ciwiu, r.fcv, 4ciopc;i one Oak 81. UV; S. Sixth St.BearCeuek IDAHO ADVERTISING. k DOLPU SCIIREIBER. Funeral Director." 918-920 Front Street, Opposite R. R. Depot Park. Bell phone 212F. Ind. phouo 489. BOISE, IDAHO. s TATE BANK OF IDAHO. Wclser, Idaho. CAPITAL, 850,000. Edward Blialnwftld. Chas. J. Sclwjrn, President. Ca uunier. Also has n branch at Cambridge, Idaho. Tho People's Bank. Solicits your business. T HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. Hlnkcy, Proprietor. First els In all respects. Special attention given to commercial men, Long distance tele phone In connection. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of, Nampa. FRED 0. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. NAMPA, IDAHO STAR LIVERY, FEED AND . BOARDING STADLK- Flrst class rigs furnished to all points. Spe cial rati to Emmett, Star, Pearl ruidflnako Rlvor. Special attention given to commercial men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor. Nampa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Welsor, Idaho. BARTON & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Frco Snmnlo Rooms. Rates reason able. Miners', Stockmcn'B nnd Com mercial Men's Headquarters. Largest and Vest appointed hotel l. Western Idaho. Rooms with bntli,. steam heat and electric cnll bells. Bar bcr shop in connection. The Idan-ha iDANHA HOTEL CO., Ltd., rroprlotora. E. W. SCHUM'-KT, Mnnngcr. BOISE, IDAHO.' OPENED JANUARY, 1901: AMERICAN PLAN. RATES 12.50 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mlatnc; Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., OOlco with J. II. ORAYIIII.L, Immigration Agt. O. 8. L. R. R, REAL ESTATE AGENTS: The great home land mild climate, pnre mountain air, fine water. The 'death rate la. lower In Idaho than In any other state In the Union. No cyclones, storms or billiards. First premium on fruit at the World i Fair, Chicago, 1893: Paris Exposition, 1900. First, premium on Lambs at Chicago Block Show, 1900. Gold, silver, copper, coal, tine timber.. Grow wheat, oats, barter, corn, all kinds ol cultivated grasses, and vegetables to perfec tion, We will be pleased to show you flue Irri gated lands at Nampa, Boise, Caldwell, PajretU and other points. We have bargains in landa. from (10.00 per acre up. Correspondence so licited. Address PRESCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Room 5, Hioksy Building, NAMPA, IDAHO' FOR CHEAP HOMES And Uow to Reach Thorn, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL,. Trtvillif hwlrrMi lMt Incii Start Un ly. NAMPA, IDAHO;. When in Medford STOP AT New Nash Hotel FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor.. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Th Ui Ii Currant Utmkiri 12 Completc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.S0 pen year ; 25 errs, a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY HUMRCR COMMUTE IN JTSKLF 4 ''-J? ? I !?T3WM1 auBiasslMII tifm.,-l.-bttmtrr?- "gsBl'- kvj(m