Wafc8mWWMSBMtfttogMMMtttortj!!Tf IAk THE INEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. II &- T V GILBERT HUNT COMPANY Rride of Catalogue Free on Application. WALU WALLI, WASH., ADVERTISING TRYAN-1IK0S. New Livery, Feed and Sals Stable. Hubher Tired Itncka n specialty. Carrlauo calls Attended tonight or day. Southwest cor. Bccond nu'd Alder Strvota. Telcphone,07. WALLA WALU, VA8. J. W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and Qcncral Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty, llnbcock'a Ilrlck Dlock, "J,' I'lrit St. Tclcpliono Illaek S91. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Rates: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: 'WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry $!W Manufiictiirers ol Pride of Washington Threshers, Self- Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras 9! Every Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Catalcgui Free. j 1 . .1. WALIAvWALLATvWASII.. ..i . i-fT vrc THE ROYAL CAFE a. E. METTER, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class And up-to-Dato in every appointment. Seasonable delicacies always on band, banquets and Ball Suppers Served. Private part'es promptly served, JWalH Street, bet. Second aadTWrd WALLA WALLA, WASH. 5IEBWJ$U ' '- Manufacturers of the Celebrated Washington EVERETT, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISEMENTS W. C. 11ICKKL1IAUIT. Treat. P.W. I1R00K8, Bee. and Treat. Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers mid Exporters of FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. IIUCKKR. Vlco Prci. WM. TKNNANT. Henl. Mgr. , W. SUMNER, I'rcsldcnt. T. It. HUMNER, Vlco President. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturer! of Marine, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. BOBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check nnd deliver your bnpgngo for 2c. per piece four blocks north or Houth of lluwitt avenue, and between all trains nnd boats. Tbreo days' frco storage. All work and prices guaranteed satisfactory. 'Phone 371 EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. pUKR, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. 1'HO.Vi: 3t. lata Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. OENY YOUll LAUNDRY WORK" TO CENTRAUA STAR LAUNDRY. . Hand Laundry. TJest Work in Town. Phono 50. M. A. WAItINO, Proprietor. I- Surety llondii. Notary Public. Established 1889. A. L. COFMAN & CO. Successors to Cofrrn an ti Keppner. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money to loan pn Improred farms at low rates of Interest. Lls( your (arms vlth us if you ant to sell them. Ilouds, warrants and other securities bought and sold. I'hone 2C. Chehalls, Washington K. J. DYER. 1'resldent. F. LEWIS CLARK, Vlco President. C. K. M'DROOM, Cashier. W. M. SHAW, Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank SI'OKANE.WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, IIM.OOO. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly Fint-CUu and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com . mcrcial Men. Thresher. WALLA WALLA, WASH. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steam Engine, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pres. and Manager. Tel. Main I76. Spokane, Wash Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining. gmeltliiK and Haw Mill Machinery and Huppllcs. KtiKlnes, Hollers, Hoists, Crush ers, Ho: He Whims. Pulleys. HhaftlriK, Etc., Etc. Heavy HlacksmlthliiK anil Hepalr Work a Hjc- clalty. Write us for estimates. r worn a ni. Tel. Maiu 43. Codes; Lleber's, Morelng & Neal, Office and Works, Montgomery St. and S. P. & N, Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal r Laundry A Hclalty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH If DESIRED TEL. 57(1. Near cor. Division and North River Av. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND coAir 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. II. L0UI8 SCHERMKRHORX C. II. HltOWN I'res. and Mgr. ' Vlco l'res. A.BENHAM II. P. YKAORR Treasurer. Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE yi PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Itetain your checks and exchange with our Baggage man who is at deot on arrival all trains. Orange color cap, Phone Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers Hi w PCs a r ? HUM m tt & Pins 1 z ae Hns igi ? 8 1 SHUB J B- bJ J3 Mini m s O . SXrnflf s " SPOKANE ADVERTISING WhoJcsale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Tolopliono Main 731. Mile and'Sprngtio, SPOKANE For'tlie Latest Styles go to W. W. DREYFOOS THE HATTER AND FURNISHER NewXlub Building: Cor. Riverside and Waihlngton SPOKANE, WASH. Kstublished 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Riverside Ave and Lincoln St. Telephone Main CM. Real Estate. . Lands. Renting. Property Agent. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townslle Co. W7 Riverside Awnno Kinplru Stato llulldhig SPOKANE, WASH. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s BOTTLED PILSENER Lager Beer Plioi.0, 203. SPOKANE, WASH, SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. ' Inwortmrm of Fine Teas', Coffees and Fancy Groceries. Ommlmrm In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Walla Walla Advertisements. KW1H W. IIKATOK Ji Manager Plomi-d Untltrlmklng Parlors. Oraclnato Embalmer and Dlslnfector. Llccnstilliy Illinois State Hoard of Health. Member National Association of EmbalmerH. I'. 0. Ilox ihi- I'hone; Main m WALLA WALLA, WAHH THE WALLA WALLA . Steam Laundry Can Suit Yoo. Special Orders Returned the Sime Day. Phono, Itluck 151. Cenlralia Advertising. THE OLYMPIC. Oiiji. N. J'. IK)K)t, Ceritralla, Wash. Straight YhIsks and Key West Cigars a specialty, Olymjda Ileer on Uruuglil. Hottlu uoous a sjctalty. JEHHI5 LATrillAW, I'miirletor, THE BE8T IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with tho UE8T tor no raoro than you might pay for tho WORST, therefore, don't throw away good monoy for poor sor vlco, but If you aro going East, or havo friends coming West, let us tell you what we can offer on Chicago, Washington, Now York. Boston, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and all Intermediate points. Our rails aro laid In fourteen different states of tho Union, Communicate with us regarding freight and passenger business; It's a pleasure to reply to your loiter. B. II. TRUMBULL, J. C. LINDSAY, Commercial Agent. T. F & P. A. H2 Third St. ' Portland, Oregon MONTANA ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and are (It to wear, bear our labol, Barbers' Coats, Waiters' Jackets and Aprons Garish Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. '" ' " , II t MM HERRMANN & CO. Furniture and Carpets, 20t-203 Brotdway. Undertakers and Embalmers, 129 Bromdwmy, T.lrpliono 240. HKl.KNA, MONT. Kesmler Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of HlRh-Orado DcorS, Ho f ana, - - Mont.nm. UAI.I. AT TIIK Keller Studio Fine Photographs nm your Wo havo all the latent styles In Mounts. urintr jour houait woric ami Kei prices. IL.L.L.L,K,, Op,J'.0, llnleim, Mont. AllEltllEEN, WASH. BEARDSLEY BROS. Licensed Etulmlmorfl for Ktuto of WitHliltiyton. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 WlHliknh Streot. Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer HOQUIAM, WASH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STREET. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks UCSIQNB COPVRIQHTS AC. Anrona sending a sketch and description mar qulcklr ascertain our opinion freo whether an Intention li probably putimtubla. Communlca tlons strictly ronfldentlai. llanduookonl'ateuu nl free. Olilfit acitncy fur securing patents. l'alonls taken throuirh Jluim Co. recelr tjyfui noiut, wiuioui cnurue, in tue Scientific JItitericati. A handsomelf lllnstrated wenklr. Largest rlr dilation or anr cUmtldn tnurnal. Terms, 13 a rcHrt (our months, ft Sold brail newsilnalcra. MUNyCo.38j'". New York Branch Offloa. V HU Washington, I). C Timber Lands and Homesteads IxKalcdi Estimates of Timber by . Competent Estimators, EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. DoaliTH in Ileal Kntiite. ItentH Col lected; HiihIiichh CliiiueeH mid Iaiis Negotiated. C. L. Case. A. R. Spreadborough. Oregon I'lione Union 1150. Main Oiilce: 181 East Morrison M. I'ORTLAND, ORB HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient SolfoltmmJ ,.IIOTH l'H0NKH I t ,1,,SSS""S. S w-BWHa SS-SHMIMmmim- jJlM I Bur Sioc' Trarete rs should take "8" fitrest Carat Union Depot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Anknty Car, A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. RAM'8 HORN BLASTS. Warning Notes Cnlllng the Wicked to Kcpcntuuce. GOOD man will nhvnys find sonio good In men. lie to whom sin Is not hateful will llud It hurtful. God sends tho seed, but wo must furnish the soil. Christian unity will not be found In nil IrrellKloua region. To lose sympathy with men Is to miss success with them. Tho lesser things of llfo lire tho ones wo can least afford to lose. The happiness of God Is not m ens ured by the misery of man. When religion censes to go to scrv leo It will run to superstition. If you will start nlong tho right road God will tell you when to stop. Tho stignr on Satan's pills may bo very Bweet, but It Is very thin. If n man can bo bribed Into tho church ho can bo bribed out again. Small vices mny bo fordnblo 0110 nt a time, but they soon unite Into nn Im passable river. It Is a wasto of energy to try to look like n dollar when you tiro putting n dime Into tho plate. When tho church Is nn nrbor of rest for tho rich It cannot be It hnrbor for the rcfugo of tho wrecked. VOLCANOE8 IN A LAKE. A Itotunrkitblc llody of Wutcr Near the Mexican llotimlnry. Squlro Itcdwlue, who Iiiih been In Phoenix for sovernl days, ycHterdny denerllied n Hinoklng lnko not far from tho country where ho lives. Tho lnko In nhout forty iiiIIom from tho town of? Imperial, nnd tweuty-ouo miles south of Mexico. It lies within tho Cocopnh country nt tho Ihiho of tho mountains, oven below tho oot hills, hut It hits not been thero very long. It Is on tho Mexican sldo of the line. It used to ho In California nnd wuh mippllcd with water by tho Uhluo River, hut tho Mexicans dammed that stream and the witter wiih turned Into tho Cocopnh River, which feeds tho new lake and does little cIhc. Within tho boundaries of the now lnko there has been for several yearn what tho Indians believed to bo a vol. cniio. Hnioke was almost constantly rising from tho ground, but thero hntl been no other sign of an eruption. Tho water of tho lako now covers tho vol. cniio to n depth of from II vo to ten feet. Ever slnco tho water has beeti thero there has been trouhlo and It la totting- worse every day. Tho Iiullnim havo moved from that neighborhood and tho whites In the settlement twoii ty miles north tiro thinking of moving. Tho lako Is about fourteen tulles long, but not of great width. At llrst tho disturbance wiih coiillucd to that part of tho water In tho vicin ity of tho volcano, but now the water Is boiling over a considerable part nt? Its urea and explosions nni growing more mid moro frequent. I'eoplo liv ing In tho neighborhood of Toxlco aro often awakened by them In tho night time. Eruptions are going on all tho tliuo but they nro generally of suit! clout force only to throw up tho witter to a height of a few feet. That mnkoH lid nolHti that cuu bo heard at any great distance. Hut occasionally tho eruption breaks through tho water nnd shootH mud Into the air at a height of forty feet. Whenever this liappoim tho iioIko can bo heard and a flame can ho seen for miles. It wiih such demon htratloiiH as tlifso that frightened tho Indians away. Thero are boats on tho lako and parties have started out to tlio volcano, but they havo always turned back without completing I lie Investiga tion. One party which caiiio back re ported seeing an urea of mud forty feet square thrown fifty feet Into tho air. The level of this lako Is sovernl feet below sea level. The whole Cocopah country has been a volcanic region. The sldo of tho mountains and the country for a cou slderablu dlhtauco around aro covered with sulphur. Within tho memory of koiiio of tho older residents of Arizona olio of the oleaiioes In thy mountain range was active. Arizona Republi can, NO MEANING IN 8MILE8. KimlUliwoincii Try to Imitate Aiucrl cunniiilil Kill I. . CrltlcH allege that the modern Ku-gllHli-womau's hiiiIIo Is fast becoming a meaningless thing from an over In. dlsciimluato uxe. There Ik some truth In the statement, for, when one comes to think of It, almost any remark one makes to tho merest acquaintance, even on n first Introduction, Is met by a smile, writes a reporter for the Lou don Graphic. There Is no mirth hi It it Is only it tiiiihculnr movement, made, seemingly, to hhow polite Interest. It reminds one of the Japanese woman, who must always smile, oven hi deep est sorrow or distress of mind, and who must never on any account show a depressed countenance In public, or even In the family circle, should sho ho uddrcsxed by a relative to whom she owes respect. Tho effort to Imitate the vivacity of our American sisters Is supposed to bo at the root of the continual smile to bo seen on the countenances of modern women, but a smllo alone will never make a countenance pleasing, unless It expresses some lively Interest or feel. Ing. Too many sweets cloy the appe tite, and smiles always In evidence he. coino valueless and unmeaning. j(0, pose Is needed nowadays hi nearly ov. jry direction, uud nowhere mord thuu q the faces of women, ill 9 i m& ijfcft)