- "W TV t t o e$i TJXE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. c: HE IS LEGALLY DEAD. LcKlHtntlvo Act Needed to Kimble Out law Yniumcr to Mnrry. James Younger, tho former outlaw, Is having n dllllctilt time In trying to got married. lf a legal sense Younger Is dead and hence uri.Hcs the tlllllculty in Ills enso. Homo montliH ago tlio Legislature, of dlmiesotii passed mi net giving the Hoard f Pardons power to wrolo the In others, oleman ami .lames Younger, who h a d 'icon In the Stlllwn- ter penitentiary JA.Mi N t(. .Nlil.lt. more than L'.'i years of a llfo sentence for committing mur der In an attempt to rob the First Na tional Hank of Northlleld, In .Septem ber, 187(1. Tho act, however, stated explicitly that the outlaws were to remain within tho borders of Minnesota and to have none of the powers of citizens other than freedom during good behuvlous. James Younger was badly shot about tho mouth and shoulders during tho flerco battle In which ho was captured near .Madella, two weeks after the Northlleld raid, aud while ho was In prison was frequently 111. Miss Alice Miller, a pretty girl then residing In Stillwater, In the family of a deputy warden, had constant access to the penitentiary and became Interested In Younger because of his feebleness, ami often look delicacies to him. They soon became llrm friends ami Younger told the young woman the troubles of his career as guerrilla aud bandit. In splto of the fact that ho was more than twenty years her senior nnd In the disgrace of a prison garb the girl fell In loyo with Younger. Until regarded their prospects of matrimony ns well night hopeless as Younger was Kchedtilcd to remain at .Stillwater pen itentiary the remainder of his life. Then came the parole, Inspiring them with hope; aud Younger applied to tho clerk of the county for a license. Tho clerk, doubting his powers In tho case, placed tho matter before tho attorney general. Tho latter would not direct tin Issuing of a license Ho told Younger tin only way In which he could become n legal benedict would ',?; lilt tfl l-nf tliwilfirlt i '.V7. ..-. ... r- - ' : Hiipplementary legls lathe act giving the Hoard of Coutro' (formerly tho Moan! of l'ardons) the pow ir to grant u full pur- J"H mii.i.i:ii. don, which would, of course, carry with It complete restoration to citizenship Tho matter Is to bo brought before thu next Legislature at Its January ses hIoii. Coleman, Jnmes and ltobert Younger Jesse and Frank .lames and four othet bandits rode Into Northlleld, Minn., on tho afternoon of September 7, 187(lv with tho purpose of robbing tho First National Hank' and hurrying away wlth their booly. Ah they charged Into tho (pilot village they discharged their revolvers to frighten tho populace and part of the gang rushed Into the .bank, Mr. lleywood, tho cashier, made a stubborn resistance and win rdiot dead. Immediately afterward a llerco llghl took place In the street, citizens llrliiR on the. outlaws from walls, doorwayj nnd windows. One of tho number, Clel Miller, was killed and two cltlxens fell fatally wounded. Mounting theli horses the desperadoes divided and gal loped away. The James hoys, whe made up one party, escaped over the Io wa border aud thence to Missouri. The other section was not ho fortunate. II moved Houthwcstwnrd and was, after homo days, traced to n wooded swamp near Mndelln. Hero a llerco light fob lowed, In which all tho outlaws were killed except the Younger brothers James, ltobert aud Coleman, The three men wcro sentenced to State prison for llfo. Seven jears ago ltobert Youn ger died of consumption. Merely u Detail, Tho now society reporter lintl Jimt ro turuiHl from tho llrnt weilillug core mony hIio luul attetulcU In a profession al capacity. "DM you get nil the facts?" nuked tho editor. "All that aro of any Importance-," re piled thu yuuntc woman. "1 havo a do Hcrlptlon of tho bridal gown, and the trousHcau, and tho lloweru, and tho wedding presents, and tho oujcctlvo point of tho wedding tour, and tho names of tho bridesmaids and the otll cutting clergyman, and tho receptlou days " "Who Is tho bridegroom?" Interrupted tho editor. "His namo baa been print od four different ways In tho prelimi nary announcements." "Tho groom!" faltered tho young woman. "Whywhy, I forgot to ask him, and nobody else appeared to think of him. ltut they had nil tho Important details ready for me." An Odd Method or lleatltiK Cant. Tho Northwestern Hallway Company of Kuglnnd has equipped some of Its trains with u system of lieatlug to which tho muoh-nbused term "unlo.uo" may well bo applied. Two concentric cylinders are employed, tho annular tipaco between which communicates with a steam plpo extending from the locomotive boiler, Tho Inner cylinder contain acetate of soda a compound remarkable for Its property of llijuo tying when heated, aud of cooling very slowly. Tho radiators thus constituted aro Incased In nsbeotos-llued bovu luv lug hinged doors. Hy opening or clot lug tho door of a box tho heat Is turn 'd on or off. .firta.s9 Cv.1 ,5? 3ssw A on kki.lv " J . . . . -L I (irnrrai ivirancn aki-ihi rire riiu .iinriuu. ' Fcntllalt Union Ion .fc National Inn. Co.. Kdlnburg ! ii London; Western r. ntiu at. Assuranco uo., Toronto, Can. tfiii Third St., Columbian Uldg. i P. f. HALL. Cor. Commercial nml Stanton fits., Portland Ore. itie,LI'iots nnd Fine Cigars. Oregon Phono I'lnk 413. V. M. PRESTON. GHOCi:itIt:, I'ri-tMlullwry to nil parts of the City. aJ I.nrrnU'u fit., corner lln-salo. Portland, Or. 'l'holio Scott 371. NEIL O'llARE. Oceanic Kxi hniiKi". Chulcu Wines, Liquors and Cigar. I'iip Lunch. Cor Russell nnd llretidlo 8t., Portland, Or. 0 1AI.L AT NINTH AND GLIHAN 8TS. J. M. RYAN, Dealer In Groceries, Fruit, Confectionery and Jinking. Corner of Ninth nnd Ollsan Streets nun: it. t. iiud.son arms co. Wholrsnli! nnd Itctnll Dealers In Cltin, Fish ing Tackle, Ilnnelisll, llivntrlral nml Gymnas ium (loods. A. (I. Spalding's Athletic, (lools. Ileiul(tliirters for (lull Goods. Hand leaded fchells 10 order of every description. Fine Gun repairing k spti'liilty, 110 'Jlilrtl St., PORTLAND, OREGON AMERICAN 1IAKERY. OusMuukcrtz, Prop. All Kinds of llrvnd, Cakes and I'lrs. Home mndu llreml it Specialty. Satisfaction , Guiirnnlecd.t (00 Wllllnms Ave. Portland, Ore. mllK TOTKM. First class In every respect. Headquarters fur Ota Kentucky Home Club Whiskey nml SchllU Mltwaukae Deer. Fnmlly entrance on West I'ark St. MO Morrison street. l'hone, Hood 717. A. CLOSK, MatiBKcr. Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUG, Proprietor. Cor. Second nnd Oak fits. POUTI.ANI), Or. V.AND SOAP AND CH? r- i m' Cool - Coal - Coal Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dealers In nit kinds of COAL, COKE, CHARCOAL Try tho famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. llolh Phonos. Oitlco; lit North Filth St, ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon, Front and Morrison Streets. KATtCS; Europe n Plan, 50c to $ ,0 Per Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dai OSCAK ANPKU80N, Manager. J. C. PKNDKQABT.Chlel Clerk. Q. U. DUNNING. P. CAMPION Dunning & Campion. Funeral Directors Embalmers !Cd Ilurnsldo Ht., hut. Third aud Fourth, FOItTLAND, OUKGON. Oregon Phone Main 4. Columbia Phone 3C Night calls ring night boll, WHF.N YOU 1IUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves 1011 HOUSKKKfcM'INO Cut This Out aud Get a Iteductlon at Henry Jennings. 17J-174 Klrst Street. THE HOUSE FURNISHING GO. (Incorporated,) Manufacturers of Woven Wire Mattresses. CrK't, Portlers, Huks. I.aoo Curtains, Bliadvs, Furulluro, Wall Paper, Picture Frame, Matlri.ns, lleddlug. UndortakinKand entbalmlnga specialty atori'n at Albany ami Salem, Ore. Factory al Alban), ore, MttBonioTeinjile, Aluanv, Oukoon BARR HOTEL European and American Plan, Furnished in First-Class Style. Nit house, nswly furnlih4, two blocks front Union dspot .All the uodsru Improvements, flrvproof, hot and cold natar, esutiully l caleJ. , BatM, 91 and $1.25 a Day. MaaUUo, BtlhsXo. Cor. Sixth and Qllsan, Portlaad. Li W " -hsbuli .1 r IS 1 1 g PORTLAND, OREGON. d LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T 0018 1IUNZIKEK. PItACTICAIi WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Hllvcrwarc, Op tical Goods, Cut Glass. 720 Main Ptrcct. PENDIXTON, Oregon mllE OWU A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT. Finest Wine, I.louors nnd Cigars. Giro Us a Call. Opp. Depot, Lett Ilnud Walk. BM1T1I A ROCKWELL, Props. La Grande, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L, KELLQUIST, Prop. Hr.8T IIRAKD3 OF WINES AND LK1UOUH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... Corner Depot Street nnd Jefferson ANeniie, LA ORAMDE, OK. E. Y. Jupd, Prest. V E. Junn, Rco'y and Treat. TnntoN K. FKLL, Manager Imorpornted, 16 Capital Stock, 1 10,000 PENOLETOH Woolen Mills Mnuiifacturcrsof FleeceWoolBlankets.lndian Robes Cnsslmeres, Flannels Pondtaton, Oro. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREOON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director nnd Embnlmcr I july Assistant. i'kmi.i:to.v OIIKUON ItiiteH f2.50 I'or Pay nnd Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GIXSKK, I'roiirlotor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. UAKKIt CITY, OREGON i rilllE CEI.EIIRATED COLUMIIIA DREWERY AUGUST DUCIILER, Prop. This well-known brewery now turning out tho best Peer and Portert-ast of the Cascades. Thelnttst anpllances for tho manufacture ol good healthful Peer hau been Introduced, and only tho flrst-cluss arllcla will b placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. Dalles Laundry Co. FIRST-CLASS WORK at Short Notice Gentlemen's Work a Specialty Local I'lioim 841 Lung Distance 903 THE DALLES, OREQON Z. F. MOODY THE DALIES, OR, General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Offlcts aud Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handllui; our specially, Graiu boiiKht aud sold. Columbia Brewery Thm OmMrmUd AUGUST UUCMLER, Propr. Of the product ol this well-known brewery, the United Stales Health Reports for June -J, 10, ssj'i; "A more superior brvw never entered the Jabratory of thu Culled Mutes Health Re ports. It U absolutely deold ol the slightest trarvot adulteration, but on the other hand U couiKised of the best of mtlt aud choicest of hops. Itshmtoqiulltlesareof the highest, and It ran bo tued with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use cau con clentlously bi proortWd by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or mora wholesome Unerase could uot possibly Ve touud." Emmt MMif at., TH BALLS, WMT. The Dalles Advertising SaP ssTal Hil I ccrrmtHT- HHiflsKl UESHssssBHI TRYING TO MAKE Hlfl STOP in nnd order n bit',; of' DnlluH 1'ntunt or Wlilto Ulvcr Flour for lier bnkinjr tho lioitHowifo in contintiully rs'dni; of liur lvusband, but If be forgo tw hIio will order it berceff, for llio lover of good, white nnd dellcioiiH hrend will never nee nny other nftqr rhe experiencea tho ratlufnc tory rcsultH of the Dalles Patent Flour. It Ih mndu from choice wheat nnd milled by the best process. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. SEATTLE ADVERTISING MORTIIWE8TKIIN IRON WOltKS. Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill and Mining Mncb'n'ry. Water Front, Foot of University St. Telephone PIKE 73. Seattle, Wash. Sohwabaoher Bros. I Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Aireuts for llcrnan Cortcz, White Knight and Fontclla Cigars. Proprietors of Happy Homo and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SKATTLH, WASH I XGTOX. Wittier-Mi. Machinery Go. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Alill nnd Pinning Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jnckron St. and Second Ave. South 8UATTLK, WASHINGTON. mill: HARANAt! CAI'E 1 HILLS A MILS, Props. Oregon Phone, Houth 1971. CYRUS NOllI.i: WIUHKKY. Leading Ilraudsof Wtnmm mud Choice Olgmrm. II N. Sixth Street, Cor. Couch. PORTLAND, OREGON. The Paper of the People The OREGON D AILYJOURNAL By Carrier in Portland 10c per Week. ALL TUB NI1WS THAT'S NEWS TODAY. Weekly and Semi-Weekly Editions Weekly Journal, 82 copies, 1 year 11.00 Semi-Weekly Journal, 101 copies, 1 yr... 1.&) A Paper for Oregon Homes White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Suuday, TIME OA1IO, Leaves Portland . ..7:00 A. M Leaves Astoria 7:00 P. M Through Portland connection lth Steamer Nahcotta from llnaco and Long Reach points. White Collar Lino tickets Interchangeable h lth O. It. A N. Co. and V. T. Co, tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS 4TAHOMAM and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Suuday, Str. "TAHOMA." Leavn Portlsnd, Hon., Wed., Fri . 7:0 A. M Lcaws Ihe Dalles, Tues,, Thurs. SaL,7:VU A. M Str. "METLAKO." I eaves Portland, Tue Thu.. Sat, ...7:00 A. M. Leaes The Dalles Mon., Wed., FxU.7:vO A. M. Lauding and ollico Foot Alder Street, lloth phones Main Wl. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. JOHN.M. FILLOON....... A. J. TAYLOR- J. J. LLTKKY . WOLKOKD A WYKRS... J. f. WYATT . - R. 11. UILIIRKTII ...The Dalles, Or ...... Astoria, Or -Hood ltler.Or White t-slmou, Wash ... Vancouver, Wash ..t.Tle. ash JOHN M. TiTTON.., ,.....Bieveuson, Wash IIKNRY OLMSTKD. Carson. Wash WM. RUTLKR llutler, Wash E. W. CRICHTON, Portland Oregon 11Y . ANIlWATKIt. A! P mwdco. I THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWEEN Portland, Astoria Seaside Lcnvo Tor Maygcrs. Itnln. Arrives Union Depot It-r, Clntsknn le Union Depot Portland Wi'xtpnrt, Clifton, Astoria, Warren tun, Flavel, (!enr hartl'arkandbea. side. Astoria it Seashore Lxprcss Daily. Astoria Kxprcss Dally. Portland 8:00 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 0:.Up,ffli 1 2 :30 p.m. 9:40 p.m. Dally except Saturday. i Saturday onlv. "Ickctonice, au Morrison street, and Union depot, Portlaud. 4 J. C. MAYO, Ocn. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lcavo Portland, foot of Washington St.. Bnndny, Tuesday and 'Ihursday uvenlng at 0 o'clock, for t-auvlcs Island, Ht. Helens, Copies, Deer island, Martins, Kalamn, Necr City, Hauler, Mt. Collin. Maygcr, Stella, Oak. Point, Frecmaus, Mauzauillo,Clatskaulo and all way lauding. Ladies Especially Aro Pond of Traveling on the Famous Trains ol tho NORTH-WESTERN LINE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. Tho daintily ftirnifilicil retiring rooniH unil coxy cninimitiiiciitM a'l'onl all tho ir'vii'Vt of vour own homo a id n a ;e t.nv, 1 njr. n pleiiMiircnid (Miiit. The North-Western Limited Dally, hetweeu MltineaH)1ls, Ht. Paul and Chicago, Is tho peer of all iluo trains Ilcforo starting on a trip no matter where wrlto for Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling. C.J.flttAY. Traveling Agt. II. L. SISLCR, (jeueral Agt. S4H Aldnr Strt, l'ortluiid. Or. TICKETS To aud from all POINTS EAST SHOUT LINK TO ST. PAUUDULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS KAST. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers; Dining aud Ilull'et Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS. FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full Information regard ing tickets, routes, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J. P1IALON, T. P. A., , 122 Third St., Portland, Or. A. n. C. DENNIBTON, G. W. P. A., G12 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. mwMP The limited," evening train, and The Express, coon train, from Omaha (or Chicago. UNEXCELLED SERVICE Pay train and evening train from Omaha (or Minneapolis and Bt, PauL Tickets of agents of connecting lines. Y. n. MULL, DUL Pasr Agt., Omaha. A. H. HANSON, O.Pj TV, UER1IV, JLOJX CtdMo. Dubacju. For particulnra regarding freight or pasivnger rates, call on or uddresa B, II. TKUMliDLL, Commercial Agent. J. C. LIXDSEY, T. P. A P. A., 142 Tltird St., Portland. Or. iTORIA & C0LUNIBI& via ssssssssJssUsffiSna! k! ssssB ocliiis eg DT It A IX AND WATKB. flpE OREGON Unecn Pacific AND TIME SCHEDULES Portlsnd, Or. DiriKT Aantvi Chicago Tortlaud Bpeclal f :Wa. m. rla Huntington, Eatt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louls,Chlcsgoaud East. 4 too p.m. Attantto Express 8:M) p.m. via Huntington, Walla Walla Iwls ton.Spokane.MIn neapolls.St. Paul, Diliutli, Mllvrati' kee.Uhlcago&Eait 8: 10 a. m. St. Paul Fast Mall CIS p.m. via Epokan Ealt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louls,Chlcsgoaud ast. 7;00a. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE PIIOU 1'OltTI.AND. I KM p.m. All satllng dates subject to chatigt For Fan Francisco ball every A days. 4:00 p. i Dally Kx.Uuuday BiOUD.m. Saturday lu:uu p. . Columbia Rlrsr Itssmsrs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 on p. m. Ex. Sunday CMS a.m. Mod., Wed. and Frl. Mlllsmslts (tlsr. Water permitting 4:80 p. m.v Kx.tiunday Oregon City, New. berg, Sslein. liulo neudence. Corval. lis and War Laud ings. 7:00 a.m. Tufs.. Thur. and Uat. Wlllsmslto and Yam. hill Kltsrs. Water pormlttlng. Oregon City, Day. ton, A Way Land ings. lt:30 p.m. Mon., Wod. and FrL Lv. Rlparla 4:0$ a. m. Dally except ilouday. Sniko River. I.T.I.flwIiton, 7:Oil a. in. Dally except. Monday. Rlparla to Lowlston A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agout, Portland, Or. V. A. ECIMLMNO. City Ticket Agent. Third aud Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS. PORTLAND Depart. Arrive ,7:25 A.M. 6:45 P. Ji Pugct Pound Limited Kansas City & St. Louis Special.... 11:10 A. M. North Coast Limited 3:30 P. M. Tacoma-Pcattle Night Express .., 11:43 P. M. ll :10P.M.. 7:00 A. M. 3:05 P. M. Take Puget Pound Limited or North Coast Limited for Cray's Harbor points. Tako Puget Bound Limited lor Olvmnla direct. Take 1'ui.et Pound Limited or Kansas City- Ht. iouis Hiciai tor points on couia iiena branch. JL Double dally train service on Gray's HarbcT branch. ' Four trains daily betMecn Portland andTa toma and Beattlu. A. P. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St., Portland, Or. EASTm SOUTH LEAVE DEPOT, SIXTH AND HOYT ST8. ARRIVB 1:30 P.M. OVERLAND EX. PRES3 TRAINS for Salem, Roeburg,Ash land, Sacramento. Og. den, San Francisco, Motave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East, At Woodburn dally except Sunday, morn, lng train connects with train for Mt. An gelfUverton.il rowns vllle, Springfield and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and SIHertou. ...Albany Tassenger... CorvallU Passenger., Bberldan Patsenger- 7:45 A.M. 1:30 A.M. 7:00 P. JC 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 4:50 P.M. 10:10 A. M 5:50 P. M, U S:Z5A.M, Dally. UDally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally forOswego at 7.-20 A. M.. 12:30, 1:55, 3:15, 4:40 6:25, 8:3Q V. M. Dolly except Sunday, 5:30, 9:-10, A, M., 5:05, U;30- r. -u. ouuubjt only, v a. 31. Arrive at Ponland dallv at l:S0 A. M.. 1:: tt.lii .y a.i t.j.i in u tr n.llMni nn day e:35 ,io-6b a. m.: except Monday, 12:40 A.V. Knnilv ,inlv lcVfW A Al Leave for Dallas dally except Sunday, 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portland. a:3U A.M. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and J-an Francisco. Net rates, 17:50 first class and 14 second clars. Second class Includes sleeper: first class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUS TRAL1A. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streeu. Phone Main 712. I sfcj lSK - 1 lO 0KH43HAS)-if A "4 r f ' fc.H jr, IJ jH' 'fnni'fi'siiim miwwii'Kiws ni ii mi ijiiii.n'iifi,'m'i;in" j'i mu.iv"