wRSV THE NEW AGE, POKTL.AND, OREGON. ri MISS MILNE AND I. ii &:$&$&& ClIAl'TKU V Continued. Mrs. Best wna slttlnR on tho corner of tho table, evidently drunk; ulio wan not dressed as I had Been her before, Trut ratlior ns n weak jmltntlon of Mlsa Milne; her exact position In the estab lishment I discovered later was,' to use her own words, that of "Miss Mllne'rf rhnp-or-on." About tho room Blood ninny empty beer and spirit bot tler, and In tho cold gray dawn of the morning r.'id tho BomI-dnrkncB? ntHtiltlru; from tho much-broken, much rtnfr.'d window, tho scene, takon as n whole, was not Invigorating. Ab I entered tho room, Miss Mllno turned her hend mechanically toward nu, Mitred for a moment, and then resumed her previous attitude Mrs. Best waH tho first to break tho Hence. "Yuu'vo got your wish, you sec," alio said. "What wish?" "Vou said you 'oped It would go, and it's gone." "When did It die?" "After tho first dOBO. Oood modi elno, flint. Ha! ha! I'll koop tho rest lor myBolf; It may como In 'handy." Tho womnn'fl brutnl Insinuations tuug mo to tho quick, but to mako any reply was uboIobb; bo turning to MIbh Mllno -I nskod her whnt hour Iho child died. At first bIio mado no ef fort to nnBwcr mo, nor any movumont: Ihcm f took two stops nenror hor and repeated my niiestlon. Sho Bwung suddenly around, nnd with tho Btlffcsf liOMBlhln bow, said: "I regret I am urinblo to toll you; In fnct, I know nothing whatever about It." "Indeed, this Is rnthor a Borlous matter." "I qulto ngroo with you, Dr. Tllg try. Ily tho way, you saw tho child 7nirrelf Inst night, nnd Bont, I bo Worn, flomo drugs. Mny I ask at whoso request?" "Certainly. Mrs. Carponlor heard of ItK wherenbouts, nml askod mo to sno It. as It needed, bio thought, some attention." "Irm nuro I'm Indobtod to Mra. Cnr rnmtur"; then after a pauRo: "And also lo you. Hownvor, I'm nfrnld you au bo of no further nsslBtanco to us, and It's n groat ahamo to detain you at (his hour." Thin was anld with firm, cold polite nam and n inovnmont ns If to show mn the door. Thoro Beomed nothing fnr It but to go, nnd yet to lonvo her In that predicament wljh n hnlf-driinl-m fompanlon, nnd a dond child thrt needtd somo attending to, wnB 0111 01 tho question. "nut I can't lonvo you In this con dition, Miss Mllno; you must lot me do somothlng for your What nhnnt the child 7 What about tho burylnr; of It? All thnt wants soolng to. Havo you thought of what stops you would Bke takon?" "I rnn't say that I havo; you see, flifB Iiiib romo upon mo rather mid den ly nnd I'm not vorflod Jn the de tails of funornls." Then with n faint itmlfo: "They nro out of my line; however. I daresny somo of my nokh Lore will bo nhlo to direct mo. Wo oertnlnly must not detnln you." TIiIk was snld with much mom au thority, nnd now there woh nothlnir for It but to go; nnd I went homo nnd sat down In tho cold dining-room nnd alt mhiornblo. CHAI'TBR VI. This Ib qulto an unexpected plens tiro, Miss Mllno. I thought you wero never coming to my houao again." This wuh unld to hor ns l entered tho nurgory n fortnight after tho death and Vsrlnl of her child. Hho had come for rtoiuethlng whnt, I knew not and, to tny twtonlHhmont, wnB dressed reBpoct-allly-. as or old. "3d I expected; nnd to tell you tho truth, f don't know myself whnt I'vo Mimo for. It's Btrango to como back Hero, f can hardly realize mysolf In decent society ns I siijiposo you would call It and amid Hb humdrum people. I feel as much aB Mr. Btnnloy would probably feel after returning from tho center of Afrlcn. I feel that I'vo boon traveling, exploring. proBpoctlng, ns thoy say In gold-mining countries. Ilut I am wasting your time." "Not at nil; I nm renlly glad to boo you; I nm fnr moro IntoroBted thnn yon think In your welfare." "Are you? How much nro you? I know tho kl-id of woman you wunt mo to tiw.. Now, how much would you Bar rlflco to see me that kind of womnn?" "I would pnerlflco almost anything you could nBk of mo. You savod, or helped materially to savo my life." "And ib a return you niuum iihhuj Ab MIbb Mllno said thla Hho roao to her feet, nud Btnggerlng to tho .mantel piece, leaned on It. hhfing nil hut a, lit tle or hor faco, and what I saw wna ashen wnlte. "MIbb Mllno. whnt on earth do you mean? I I ruined your life-. I" "Yea. you!" Then drawing herself tip to her full lielsht. nnd n denthllke pallor over hor fnco as tho only symp tom of oxcltomont,, sho continued: "Yes, you! I I, Mnry Mllno, was born n good girl of good parents, nnd given n henrt and capacity to lovo beyond most women. I, of nil my brothers nnd sisters, was tho ono chosen fit to fight my way. and I fought my why and won, without, offort nnd honestly, tho Tovo nnd respect of all I enmo In con tact with, until I'll cut It Bhort I met with n demon, h dovll. a hell-begotten devil In priest's clothing, and howhat doea ho do? Ho ubos tho rights nud privileges of his church to unlock my hnnrt nilit III tllQ COIlfOSBlonal laV8 baro nil Its oecrots, Its strength nnd Its TToaknosa and all for what? That ho may lay thorn and mo on tho altar or his sensuality, nnd far a niomont's ploasure, sacrlflco them." Miss Mllno grow deaporato ns aho thought of her wrongs, and Bpoko out with an entire vigor begotten of tho memory of them. "Ugh!" ho continued, as sho tamped her foot "ugh! Should 1 not fcavo been Justified In declaring oternal war against tho wholo or your sex? But what do I doT 1 take my fato nimbly, I accept tho loss of tho beat half of mo ami uvo ror mo rent, i nna Arthur settle down to a half existence, when you come yes, you need not look up surprised; I do not blame you; your Intentions wero all good, but tho results wero all bad you como, and you know what you did I told you once you awakened nil my old better self. You mado mo lovo you, lovo you with the desperation of ono's Inst hope. I cnught at yonr lovo as a drowning soul nt a Btraw. I saw In It a possi bility of restoration to a better and a fuller life. I found I wns not dead, nor any part of mo. Then camo tho news of your cngngomont, nnd with It tho denth of my Inst chanco; then fol lowed whnt you call my fall, what I call my grand protest ngnlnst tho In fnmniiR order of things, Involving my dnmnntlon hero nnd hereafter; then tho birth of that child, that child whoso withered, wrinkled faco seemed to bo tho record of my dostlny written small, then ItB welcome death; nnd whnt fol lowed? Well, I do not want to bo podnntlo or to tiro you, but with that child's death camo a reawakening of my dreams, n resurrection of what I might havo been, nnd with that hopo tho thought of you." Miss Mllno pnuscd hero to tnko breath, and tho sllonco that followed wns painful In tho extreme All this vas so now to mo, so Btnrtllng, thnt no answer wns posfllblo nnd nny re mark nut of place, and so I Bat and listened. "You nro not tho man I ought to lovo," sho continued. "You nro not tho strong mnn I want you'ro a weak character, but but I lovo you. It must havo been that I needed help nnd sympnthy, and you gavo It to mo. or that with tho bettor hair of mo dlod my solf-control, It doesn't matter. I lovod you. and with that lovo thoro came, In tho stillness or tho night nnd through tho dark gloom or the llfo I wns lending, n plcturo of whnt wns oven now possible ir only you would return my lovo. This grow upon mo c'ny by day, until my gay dronses and gayer llfo wero no longer poBslhlo, nnd an I wont back to my old dresses nnd my qulot llfo; but tho pnsslon rrew stronger and strongor, until It drnvo mo hero to lenrn my rnto. You'ro atar fed you think mo nn iinnnturnl wo manI ennnot help thnt. A woman fleeing from n llfo or misery, with the devil nt hor hack, does not pnuso to r.nk ir tho road sho Is traveling Is tho conventional ono, but only Is It tho rond or cscnpo?" "nutt, Miss Mllno. what on enrth do you oxpoci or mo? Aro you mad? You know I nm ennnged." "I do know It, nnd to whom? To a venk little " "Miss Mllno." I Hhoutod. "not an other word or hor! How dnro you!" "F dure nnythlng. everything, hut I will not speak or her again: I will ir only you will sit down ngnln nnd not look nt mo so" ror I had risen' to my leet, nnd with nrma folded ncrosa my breast, Btood Btnrlng nt this mnd wo mnn "I will only talk of myseir. only tell you aB best I can or all that will rollow ir only you will tnko mo to yolirsoir. It shnll bo no nacrlflco on your part, (lo tho wny you aro gol'ig. nml whom will It lend you. To a llfo of niotllocrlty. Como with mo. tnko my bund In yours, nnd you Bhnll have every wish of your heart satisfied." She paiiBod a moment for breath, nnd thou, In a lower tono, but with tho snmo Arm voice. bIio continued: "I nm no ordlnnry woman." "indeed you nro not." "ir you mean thnt ror satlro I can only say this Is neither tho tlmo nor tho occasion ror satire. I repeat, I am no ordinary womnn. I enn lovo na no other womnn enn lovo, and I can tlirht for you, work for yon nnd sacrlflco mysolf for you ns no othor woman can." I was, by boiiio Btrnngo nltorntlon In MIbb Mllno'a voice, IrreslBtnbly Im pelled to look up nt hor, nnd I saw hor iih I had novor soon hor beroro. Thoro wns about her raco nnd nttltudo nn nlr or firm nobility that tostlllcd to her ca pacity to bo all she said and do nil alio promised. "You Bald Just now," sho continued. "Hint you would grant nnythlng I could nBk, hecnuBo you wero Interested In me, nnd I had nursed you and helped you In your prnetlco. Now, I want no rownrd ror tho llttlo I havo done; I am not pleading on theao grounds, hut ror the good ot both of us, porhnpa tho very Uvea nnd destinies or both of wt." 1 roao from tho chnlr, and, with ns much composuro na I could asaumo, walked to tho door. Holding tho han dle or It In my hand. I said: "MIbs Mllno, we must closo thla Interview it Is most painful to both ot ua. nnd can bo productlvo or no good. What you aBk or mo Ib entirely beyond tho nuiso or posBlblllty." "Why Is It ImpoBslblo?" "In tho first place, I do not reel In the least Incllnod to broak off my' en gagement; In tho second place, I could not eoiiBlstoutly, with whnt Is duo to myself, bo compelled, ns It worn, to marry nny ono. Evory In stinct or man's manhood robols against It. Howover, lot us end this discussion. I nm auro it would bo bettor lor both or us." "No, wo will not owl this discussion. 1 havo shown you but ono bMo or tho plcturo; now I will show you anothor mid ft less pleasing ono, I have offered you myBolf, my energies, my lire, nnd a devotion thnt will follow If you ac cept my offer. Now I will tell you something else. Hut tlrat, will you favor mo so far nu to resumo your scat?" I ohoyod llko n child thla deaporato woman, ami routrnou to tno taui and leaning my head on my hand, looked hor Itj tho fuco. Twas well I did, for tho marvelous chnngea of ex pression that followed each othor dur ing the next ton mlnutea wero terrible t. behold nnd added tremendous cm phasls to all sho snld, "What I havo to toll you now, Dr. Rlgby, la what will follow If you do rot accept my offor, In tho first plnco. Jt you do not marry mo, you shall marry no ono clso." "What?" 'Shnll marry no ono olso." 'Miss Mllno, "what do you mean? You are not omnipotent." "I am sufficiently bo for that I don't waste my breath In Idle threats. I say again, you shall marry no one but me " I sprang to my foet, and was about lo speak, when, with a movoment of her hnnd, sho silenced mo and said: "Now, let thoro bo no mlBundcrstnud ing I offer you mysolf, and with It prosperity and hnpplness, or a llfo of nbsoluto isolation nnd failure. 'TIs for you to choocs. Now wo will close thla Interview." And with a bow sho left me. Bcforo closing the door, she added: "You had better tnko a couple of days to decide. Shall I call again, cr will you write?" "I will wrlto,", was all I could say; and tho door closed nnd sho was gone. Of tho next twothours I have no roc o'lectlon. I sat th'ero bewildered and dumfounded. I don't think I had nny fiilth In this woman's threats; It wns luiposslhlo sho could do mo nny harm or prevent my marriage; nnd yet whin n desperate crenture sho was! Was nnythlng ImnoRnlble ror her? CHAPTHR VII. Tho morning rollowlng this .memor nblo Interview with Miss Mllno round me wearied, haggard nnd downcast. I sat over my untnsted breakfast In n stnto of unconsciousness my mind wnndcred rrom topic to topic, but could nettle Itscir on nothing. In tho evening n double rap an rounced tho itrrlvnl of tho Inst post. 1 wont to tho door mysolf nnd took a loiter directed to mo In a woman's hand a bold, firm hand thnt wnB en tirely ivnknown to me. I wont back to tho dining room, and rend ns follows: "Doctor Itlgbv: Sir I ought not to troublo you nt this tlmo. when you must bo thoroughly busy preparing for your nppronchlng wedding (which I honr Is nrrnngod for the 14th lnnt.1 nut nn my letter Ih upon n purely business mnttor. thnt I think hni mucn nnuor bo settled beroro than nfter that cvont, you will, I nm Biiro. forglvo mo. "A Scries or rnlRfortunoB hns. .during tho InBt row months, combined to in volve mo In a good deal or dbt. I nl luilo to tho ralluro or my buslncBS. tho bonrd nnd lodging of Arthur at I3rlt Ion. tho Illness nud death or my poor bnby, tho purchnao or mourning, nnd the ovtra nourishment necessary to sustain me through those trials. Moro than thnt. I havo through them becomo Involved In nnothor way. You remember nt your suggestion, Mrs Host, my good nurse, wan Inducod to knvo hor homo and undortnko tho care of mo, nnd by bo doing aho sacrificed her connection, nnd with It her nourcc of Inrome. It Is only right, thorofore, thnt I nhould aoo her In somo way pro vided for. "Now, hnd my health nnd strength rormlttcd mo to undortnko somo occu pation, nnd so Btipport myself nnd hor I would not hnvo thought of troubling you. .Put tho fact In, my constitution Iuib bcon moro or less ruined through tiio Rorlea or trials by which It has plensod Provldonco to visit me. "Undor theso circumstances I havo had to look around to aeo rrom whom I had a right to oxpoct help. And aa you woro tho cniiBo or nil my lato misfor tunes, nnd ns thcro.ls none othor to whom I can npply, I think you will ngrco with mo that I nm Justified In troubling you. "Or courso, tho ovldonco or your he Ing porBonnllv Interested In tho remov al or my llttlo ono Is puroly clrcum Htnntlnl; but thon my own thoughtful euro of each particular fact, nnd tho presorvntlon of ovldonco of each fact, havo necured for mo n chain of evl lenco thnt hna not a weak link. Tho moro Incident of your being known ns n ronBtnnt visitor or mine, coming nnd eolntr rrom my houao nt nil hours or tho day and night, your lavish distri bution or monov. clothing, nnd luxuries of tho good order, nm qulto minor do talis, nnd rrom n loirnl point or view ot not much vnluo; hut. added to tho remnrk about tho undealrnblllty or snvlng the child mado to my nnrno nnd othnra. tho rnct or vour Bonding tho medlclno rrom your houso. and (If you will not think mo uncomplimentary a certnln similarity In thn enst or rent ures. they give mo, with tho hmvlor nnd moro Importnnt Horns or ovldonco, documentary,' nnalytlcnl, nnd othor, qulto aufflclont toMnstlfv my claim nn on you to tho mlndB of any Impartial Jury. "Tho cnuso of Jnstlco does not ron der It neces"rv thnt I should mnko onv heavy call neon vour purso; I can lighten your reanonpH)llltins and vour anxieties without mnfrlillv Injuring your Income- Iwt thnt this mny bo dono peneenhlv and without further shock to tho foollnrs nr olthor or us, It la neceRsnry that it bo dono nt ono nnd with row words. I'nm nlr.'indl ontly yours. M. MILNE." (To be continued.) F.UROId SELLS HEATHEN QODS. Their Manufacture and Sale 1.4 Extensive In CMIlicd Countries. Kuropenn entorprUo in furnishing Airkn with Us IiIoIh. It ia ti fnct thnt the hideous iningea which the African savage voiphir nro now being iniule nt frtctorie-a in England, nt N linen in Frnnce, nnd nt Ciriez in Germany. Tho llrm thnt donla in these strange gods linn Ita headquarters at Znnguebnr, where it does n thriving business. The nntivue pay forthoEmoiKUUi-nuulo god a with ivory, palms, maize, nuts, gold nud cattle. They pay et tho exorbi taut rates, too, which tho white man hus nlwnya exacted from the unsophia ticidoA savage. The merchuudito paid for u single god varies in vnluo nil the way from f '.'50 to f5,000. Tho tribes of tho Senogainhian dis trict in Afrifca, particularly, believo that they propitiate thoir goda by hav ing their images mado in rich nietala. A chief will readily pay 600 barrels of palm oil, woi th fll'5 a ton, for a fetich in tho shape of a gold monster with a tlundish head, or tor a terpent with three heads ailixed to a long nola o( ivory. Farmer Jones -I am a-going tew take my son Hiram to a phrenolynist tow find oit what bo's beet salted for. Farmer Honk An' s'poain' he tella vow the boy ain't euitfd fer farutin' at all? Farmer Jones That's Just what I want tew find out, ao's I kin lick it out nv him before he gits tew big. R. A. OAT. Excelsior Planing Mill Mouldings, Brackets, Turning, , Stair Building and General House Work. rhono White 501. E. Seventh and E. Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON ti:m:i'1ioxe south sot. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. HIIIKLDS, Proprietor, HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. Sixteenth nml Gllsun Sts., Portland, Or Gcorgo Miller. Iltram Fagitt. Wagner Cafe Phono Main 878 118 Sixth St., Portland. Comfortablo Quuters for Commercial and U.ihIiicsh Men. P. JUL. MAYKU, I'rca't and Bco'y. Fleckensfein Mayer Co. i:ainbltshod 1870. Incorporated 1831. Importers and Jobbers WINES AND LIQUORS. OurHcclnUlcs: Maryland Club Rye and Kentucky Taylor Bourbon. 27-29 Mnrllli St.. C1XC1N.NA1I, OHIO. KCI.S33 Oak St. PORTLAND, OUE. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUGH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON HARNESS, SADDLES, STRAP WORK See Our Prices Before Buying. Band tot frvo catalogue. Extract from Itet. liar. Maker I. A. Mar.37, 1903: "Vanklrk & WIIkoiv aro quotlntc prices tn their catalogue that no retail dealer cares to meot." That's what the Ring saya of ua. Oct our VANKIRK & WILSON, ISO Front St Real Estate Bargains! Six-Room Modern Houses in Wood mere. Fino acreage on electric car lino suit ablo for platting. Choice lots on easy tunra. Home) built to suit nnd sold on easy tsrms, OEO. W. BROWN, 203 Faillns Building, 3d and Wash ington Sts. I.aRATTON l'ret. C. C. WdODCOCK Vice I'rest. 8. o. conn &)o'y Standard Box Factory (Incorporated.) Gates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack ages, Packing Cases of all kinds. Cor. Wt tad E. WiAtlngtoa Sti TckpfioM Eut 4. , PORTLAND, OR V. IIEl'P. Elliblllhad Jin. 1. 1889. Incorporated Jul; 8, 1891. Portland Coffee and Spice Go. For the Trade Only. Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Etc OUR SPECIAL nKANDS: Spices, Acme. Mult nomah! Ilaklne l'uwdera. Defiance, Double Quick ; Codec, lloynl JJlcncI ; Sugar, xxzx Bar. 24-28 Front Strait, , Bat. Ash and Ankmny. PORTLAND, OREOOM. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 507 RENA STIN30N, Lad; Alllltant. L.V.cAnNAItAK, freildent. C. It. (lAKD.VKH. Vlco President. V. VV. TKKKV, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. john deere plows, Marrows, etc. farm machinery and vehicles. i8B-194.rront Street, Portland, Ore. PARK GROCERY. A. J. JONKS, l'roprlotor. Retail Dealer In STIFLE AND FANCY GROCERIES And All Kinds of Imported Delicacies.. 21 N. rnrk Street, PORTLAND, OREGON THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 260 East Water Si foot. PORTLAND, OREGON, Zimmerman - Wells Machinery Co. Incorporated. Marine, Mining, Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Working, Hoisting and Trans mission Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agent's A. Lcschea & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Nanson cc Co.'s Lu bricating Oils and Compounds. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON Any Mia Any Quantity Any StyU MACKINTOSHES, RUBBKR AND OIL CLOTHING Itublisr UooU mnd Hhoni, Molting, Pocking; and Ijtoie. Largest and Most Complete Assortment ot all Kinds ot Kubber Goods. OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY . H. PKABK, President. F. M. BHEl'AUD. Jlt Treasurer J. A. SUKI'AHD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. The ". C. ATHENS A CO. Atkins Saws are Always Ahead.. temple Itooms. Klcctrlc Lights. THE ST.. HELENS HOTEL. J. P. BRADLEY. t Never Closed. American Plan. CHUHALIS, WASHINQTON. Beds and Meals First-class. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS m tm 3M Tayer St 989 to ! Seemed St Fhonea: Oregon Main 77a, Columbia MS. The U GRANDE CREAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EGOS AND OHEESE. All goods wholesale and retail. 204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Our Friends aro All Cordially Invited To Attend. BROWN & GRANT. W. I-. MCCAM, Seattle. E. H. Hamilton, Tacoraa. H'GABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. . Head Otf loo:' Taooma, Wamh. Cable Address: McCAIlK GRAC1E, BEAZLEY & CO., Agenti 14 Water Street, Liverpool. ? Do You t Know the News r x t : : Vou can havo It all (or Per Month 50c Per X Month t In The EvciiInK Telegram, ot Portland, Oregon, It Is tho lanuit evcntriR news lacr published In Orifon: It contains all thu nowiol tho statu and ot Iho na tion. Try It lor n month. A samp nolo Ad- copy will bo mailed to you tree. uress THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. Paolflo Ooaat Branoh, No. 60 flim Street, Portland, Ore. Datbs. All White Help Special Rates by Weok or Month Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OMEOON if