wiwiWMWMa -4 THE NEW AGE, POliT-LAND, OREGON. Different, Cholly Mny Gabbio tolls mo you said OtiBsio Gnyboy nnd I would nover And nny girls to marry us bocaueo.wo ro too fnetldlouR. MIb3 1'cpperoy Thoro was a slight misunderstanding tiioro. I said you woro "two fast idiots." Philadelphia PrcBB. ' Full Weight Coffee. So mo coffco roasters think it neces sary to put water on ihoir coffees when they roast th'orn. Wo don't think so. The result is tiiat when you buy our MonopolaIocha and Java coffoo you don't pay for any water weight. It's nil coffeo and better than, any other you have used. You'll think to if you know good coffeo when you drink it. Sold in one and one-half pound car tons. If your dealer doesn't lmndlo Monopolo groceries, send us his name. Wadhams & Kerr Uros., Portland, Oro. Discounted. First, American Hoy 'My papa lives liko a prince. Second American Boy That's noth ing. My papa lives liko tho president of a trust. Detroit Froo Press. Mothers will Una airs, YVlnslow'a Sooth. Inc Syrup tho best remedy to uso tor their Children during tho teething period. What Might Have Been. ' Thero is a tale of a man who spent his lifo in wishing ho had lived differ ently, and when ho died ho was sur rounded by a throng of spectral shapes, each one exactly like tho. other, who, on his asking what they wero, replied: "We are all the different llvos you might have led." Edith ' Wharton, "Tho Valley of Decision." FITS Ftrmanntlr Gurai ro (Its or ncrrotunost rtr 11 ril iU' iiinnMlr. Klln.'i (Ireat Mem JlMtonr. Sml Tor tfKK IC ttt.00 trial botUt and treat. It, va. it. 11. iilik s. i.ia..vii Arcusi.. ruiiaaeipuia.ra Often the Case. "Thoy say his wlfo drovo him to drink." "Porhaps sho did, but from what I know of him I think ho would have boen awfullv disappointed if sho hadn't." Chicago Post. uma& it M Tho Kind You llnvo Always Bought hits borno tho Nigiiu turo of Cluis. II. Fletcher, nnd lias been made under his personal Hupcrvlslon for over JJO years. Allow no ono to deccivo you in this. .Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-jrootl " nro but Experiments, and cmlnnpcr tho licalth of Children Exncrlciico against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Cnstorin. is a lmrnilcss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Sootliiiitr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic substance. Its ojro is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Pevcrlslincss. It cures Diarrhoea and "NVInd Colic. It relieves Teethlnpr Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The KM You Me. Always Bought Boars tho (Z&mz In Use For Over 30 Years. rue omuun coumnt, tt MunnaviTncrr, ncwyokkcitv. BEST FOR I THE STOMACH PURELY VEGETABLE vrmrrn MMAMUWWi LIVER TONIC 4t1f nruf. nn wiU ai4 9IUU KlVT Altai port to m GmetaUg fft .ML BL JULw Bnk Jtm m JM-m sllLH fcAfJDYj IffiicflflijBto I SWEETEN 5 .f3truntootTv j Smfj9 ( MOTHERS ?VWWfc Jjuuvcure 'uxnri focaHto I CONSTIPATION J W - J IN BULK J Vi y MT, aM Safluaa anasnew awei waita wi,iteweim. mu Mother "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years'. At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three iliei t 25c, 50c, SI. Alt drottlitf. I Coniult your doctor. If ho tars take It, then do a he lari, It he telle you not to take It. then don't take It. lie knows. Lear It with him. We are willing. J. U. ATEIt CO., Lowell, Han. Alcohol, Ar William PORTLAND' OREGON I Opium 'Tobacco TWt car on Third , I 61TCQI lOTUppvrAI- blna. I'nonv, Pink IMS Orcjcon. , Using ( M. P. If. V. Ho. 37-ltOS, m -nTIIEN wrlt'ns; toMvartUeraplastaa) Maontloa ttl Ppr. Signaturo of THE BOWELS IO aa so ALL DRUGGISTS. taato (004. Eat them like candy. Thty remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav ing the breath iweet and perfumed. It la a pleasure to take them, and they a re like d eipeclally by children, weeten the itomach by cleanalnr tha mouth, throat and food channel. That meant, they flop undigested food from souring In the atomach, prevent gaa form ing In the bowels, and kill disease gerroa of any Vlnd that breed and feed In the en tire sytteca, re purely vegetable and contain no mer curial or other mineral poison. They con sist of the latest discoveries In medicine, and form a combination of remedlea un equaled to make the blood pure and rich and man clean skin and beautiful com plexion. ton tnt atomach and bowels and stir up the lasy liver. They do not merely soften the stool and cauee their discharge, but strengtbeB-the bowels and put them Into lively, healthy condition, making their ac tion natural. never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos itively and never cause any kind of uncom fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make the liver act regularly and naturally as It ahould. They keep the sewer ige of the body properly moving and keep the system clean. increase the flow of milk In nursing moth era. If the mother cats a tablet. It makes her milk mildly purgative and has a mild but certain effect on the baby. In this way they are the only safe laxative for tho nursing Infant. taken patiently, persistently, will cur any form of constipation, no matter how old or how often other remedies have faded. They ara absolutely guaranteed tocure any case, or purchase money will be cheerfully re funded. cost 10c, Xc, We a box. Samples sent ttf for the asking. We publish no-testlmonlala but sell Caacareta on their merit under ab aetata guarantee to cure. Buy and try a box to-day. or writ ua far free samples ant booklet. aaam a., raictaa saw tcw. 1 ay raadar of tkU paper who will n. aay attempt a wtetuuUaa. MftilitJ twt u food" wfcaa Caacanu art callai sssjYeeley "THESTAR-SPANGLED BANNER." ISccotnniciulnttou tlint tho Bone Ho Memorised by livery One. How' many people know tho words of the National utitlieiii, "Thu Star-Spun-gled ltnnncr?" This question was put at n convention of tho ticnernl Society of the War df 181'J lieltl recently In Hqs ton, anil resolutions wero drafted which, If they bear fruit, will result in more Americans becoming familiar with the stirring words. These resolu tions wero propoHcd by Thomas 11111, ono of the Haltlluore delegates to tho convention, says a writer In tho Haiti more American, and are as follows: "Whereas, Tho people of tho United Stntes have for years mndo uso of nn anthem known as 'Tho Stnr-Spnuglcd Iianucr,' and "Whereas, It Is right and proper that tho hymn should bo declared by the Congress of these United States; "Uesolved, Hy the CSeneial Society of tho War of 1812, That tho society will urge upon Congress to declare 'Tho Star-Spangled Banner tho national hymn. "Itesolvcd, That tho society urge upon tho authorities of the public schools of the country tho Importance of teaching tho words of this national hymn to tho pupils of said schools. "Resolved, That the several Stato so cieties attending this meeting will rec ommend such measures In their respect ive States as will best bring about this result." "My motive for suggesting these res olutions," said Mr. II 111, "arose from a spectacle witnessed at a recent unveil ing of a monument erected at Arlington to the memory of tho soldiers of tho Spanish-American war. On this occa sion were assembled high dignitaries of church and state, n lino vested choir nnd a number of patriotic societies. "As tho velj was removed from tho monument tho United Stntes Marine band struck up 'Tho, Star-Spangled Banner' and tho-vast throng took It up. Tho Hrst stanza went well, nil of us singing. When tho second stanza bo gan I did not know tho wordH, so I had a chanoo to observe those around me. To my surprise I observed that ,the president who had been singing .lustily tho first stanza, had his mouth (Irmly closed, nnd most of the olllclals of state wero also Bllent. When tho 'third stanza struck up tho band nnd the vested choir did the work, and ut lliu lourui uu i i'uiiuj uifuuiKuiBu auuvu tho sound of tho band Instruments wero tho sounds, 'To, to, turn, turn, turn, turn,' hummed vigorously by tho ladles In tho patriotic societies. "It seemed to mo that such a condi tion of affairs should bo remedied, so I offered tho resolutions at our recent con vention.'' t WHY KITCHENER DOES NOT MARRY. A romunco In Lord Kitchener's ltfo has been published In London to tho effect that when ho was returning from Egypt ten years ago ho mot In Paris that fair Fenian, Maudo Gonne, and that n fortnight's acquaintance wus fol lowed by a proposal. The beautiful Irish MISS MAUD OOKNE. rebel refused, according to the story, to wed nor soldier lover except on her own terms. These wero Indexible, nnd as they Involved the laying aside of his uniform and Joining her In tho Irish crusade, he remains n bachelor. Muude Gonue has been called the Irish Joan of Arc, and Is one of tho most earnest nnd untiring opponents of British rulo In Ireland. PlnK-I'oriK la Threatened. A new gamo hasben Invented and Is now bolng extensively Introduced, which la destined, according to Its de votees, to cast ping-pong Into an eclipse. This pastime Is described by a Now Zealand newspaper as n "table game," played with a mlnnturo pair of bellows and i(n air ball, which Is very light. At each end of tho table nro ujwtand-gonls and tho play lies In directing tho ball through the oppo nent's goal. This, by a stroke of luck, may be dono In a few minutes, or It may not bo accomplished In a night Tho authority on "plft-pulT" comments on the hazards of the game as follows: "The ball In no way confines Itself to the table, as a too rigorous puff may send It circling upward to tho celling and the player, nursing his impatience, stands waiting his opportunity to gent ly blow It back Into place," You elderly people: Do you ever cry? There are Incidents In every one's life that bring tears to tho eyes, In spite of stubbornness, and they in crease as you become older. Borne men seem lo move to a larger town for no other reason than that they have to make bigger fools of tbtmselves there to attract attention. ROSEDURG, OREGON, ADVERTISING. milK UMPClUA HAKE11Y- l'KKSII BREAD DAILY. Vies. Cake. Cookies. Doughnuts, Duns, Hulls urcnm runs. (,akcs ir sotinis, rnrties mid UauquotsMado to Order. K. JKNKIXOS and. MltS..FllKi:.MAK, Props. l'hono llfl. Itorcburg, Oregon Entertainers: C1IA8. 011.VIN. HIM. l'HOTZXTAV The Monogram PIANK KENNKDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Ryo Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. R0SE11UKG, - OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House furnished Ilooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South ot tho Depot. ROSEBURO - - OREOON. Chicken Slipper with Hot Blsciits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless & Stormcr. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Rosshurg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddlo Horses and Stvllah Single and Double Rigs at All Hours. ROSEBURQ, OREOON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near tho Depot, Rosoburg, Oregon. whcre you can find tho BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAIT, Vroprletor. Telcpnono Heil 9jl. Private rooms. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Bwanson, I'rJp. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and Washington Hit. Portland One A. Goodnough J. 0. Stearns GOODNOUGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Ilulldlng, Portland, Or City, Suburban and Country Properly, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and Coal Lands. Cholco Water Prontago, suitable for manufacturing purposes. Valuable business property for snlo. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postofifice EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stabl' C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock given the very best or care. Itates always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Pbone Main 01. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. flPff3jSfflrmHL Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agents or KNOX HATS BUFFUM .& PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO. W. II. HAM., Manager. Hardware, Grantteware, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. Get Our Prices Ilcforo lluyliig. Oregon Phono Scott IHl. 110 Urnhd Ave. A. E- SIEOEL. Denlor in nil kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrit-ClnM Accnmmnrintlnn ntul Prompt scrr Ice. l.nrnc Hiumilc tjonms lor Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Ccr. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 750, Oregon Rod 1801 Prescription Druggists 67 North ThtrdStroet PORTLAND - - OREGON Blazier's... No. 248 Burnsido Street, Hot. Second and Third, rOKTLAND, 0UEG0N Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 20 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third nnd Oak Sts. 1'OKTLAND, OIL FIIAKK B01IM1TT, Y I HKMIUtKn. President. .Secretary. J. U. CAUU, Manager. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors and Finishing Material. Phono Y.m ii. Rait Taylor and .. , ... i:at Kighth uircets. Portland, Oregon 60 YEARS' f EXPERIENCE' Tnaot Marks DcaiQNs CopvmoHTs Ac. Anrona smiling a sketch and description mar qutcklr nicerulii our opinion free whether an luretitlnii la prolisblf imlmiuhlo. rumimiiilr. tloin mrlctlrtniiOrtontl.l. I lunclbook on Patents sent free. Uldeat aceticr furscrurlntr patent., r.lmiti taken throuuli luim A to. recelra tpttfulnottef, without chawe, lu tho scientific Jamaican A handiomelr llttintratftd weeklr, Ijiriteit rlr. mutton of any denilUn lnurnal. 'J'crnn, IJ a Tear I four months, ft. Hold trail nefnaler. mui,N&uo3'DfMdNewTQr ranch Office, kt V HU WttihlPMton, I). Portland Club and Cafe... , 130 Fifth Straat OUR SPECIALTIES : II Monogram and III Cyrus Noblo Whiakles. A Reaort for Oontleman 'Phone Oregc iMaln 008; Columbia 407 Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowline Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. Ijrjnjra Walker's Home. Cooking Parlors. Lunches put up for Travolors. Wo gunmnteo satisfaction nnd prompt service. J. WALKER, Prop. 89 Sixth Street W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 211 Front Street, Cor. Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. Pendleton Roller Mills W. 8. IIYUliy, Proprietor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels; Manufacturers ol Bluo Ribbon and livers' Best Flour, , Bran nnd Shorts. . Rolled Barloy always on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon Star Brewery Company Drawers and llottlcrs of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Past Third and Durnslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. OHKOON' PltQNi: DLACK 2&U. New York Grocery (1UB. II. IIINNKSKAMP, Proprietor. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TKA8,vCOFl''KK8 AND SPICKS A SPECIALTY. Cor. Kluventh and MorrlHon fits., Portland, Orcgoa Bane and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY.,. Olllco H. V. cor. I'ourth anil Hlark Bts. Telophono &. POHTMND, OUP.0OH Exchange Your Checks With Mt&senecr oa Trains and order Carriages or Coupes. RtiKKiiKO clucked nt rotd deuco to any deHtiuiition llranch nlllces: Hotel Portland; United-Car-rlntto Co., Huveiith and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Mgr. PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUKACTUIU'.ltH OF Saw Mill Machinery Flying Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OKKIC'K AND WOHKSt Fourteenth and Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. 15c. 15c, ELECTRIC LAMPS EdlHon Elcctriu LainPH reduce! no U centa eacli, or f 1.75 pur dozen. Uhu tlictio l.iiiiim with iirojior voltii'o and maku your light tho cheapest and best. Portland Gmnmrml Elmctric Co. Seventh mntl Aider St. 15c. 15o. .. X'U