f! THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF "EASTERN OREGON. J OUIB HUNZIKEK. FKACTICAL WATCHMAKKIl, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Vlamoiids, Watches, Jewelry, Bllvcrware, Op tical Qoods, Cat ainss. TX Main Street. PKNDLKTON, Oregon T HE OWL. A OKNTLBMAN'8 11K80HT. Jluest Wines Liquors and Cigars, aire Ui ft Vail. Ojip. Depot, Left Hand Walk. SMITH A IIOCKWKLL, Vtofn. La Urandc, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. JtHKT IIHAMH OK WINES AM) LKlUOltB IMPORTED AND UOMKSTIO 01(lAlta... Tornrr lieol ftrcct and JcftitKin Awlita, LA GRANDE, OR, S. Y. Juiili, Pait. K K. Jlinn, Pec'r and Treat. 'Ilinios E. 1'KU., Manager incorporated, IBM Capital Htork, $10,6X9 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufiiuturers of FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Cnsslmcrcs, Pltinncls PonUloton, Oro. Tlie Leading AND OP I2ASTUKN OKIKION IS ..ML A. RADER.. I'micriil Dlrrctiir mill Emtjiilincr Ijuly AHnlntitut. ruMii.inoN OltKOON Rates fU.50 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKIIICAN) A. GKISKIt, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. iiakkii city, onrcaoN mill: fi:i,i;nitATi:i) columiiia iijikweuy AI'tlUBT ill'CIILi'.lt, Prop. Tlila well-known brewery now turning out tlm best llcer mill I'mlrrinitt of tlio ('nuclides. Tlivlniid Hii)iUni'i'H (or tint iimniifiii'ture of jroml lirnliliiiil Hevrhnti' In on Introduced, mid only tlio Hrtt-i'liiMi nrllelo will bo placed on the tsarkul. Lk.I Hvcoiid Street THE DALLiy, Oil. Dalles Laundry Go. FiRST-OlASS WORK at Short Notlra Gentlemen's Work a Specialty Loral I'liiinn 341 Long llUtnno. till II Till; DAI.I.I2S, ORUOON " ' I! ! Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Olt1cr and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND S'lHAMHR DUPOTS Wool handling our specially, drain bought and .old. Columbia Brewery AUGUST HUCIILUR, Propr. 01 tho product of Ihla uvll-known brewery, the United HI men Health Iteporti for Juno iM, 1MJ0, says: "A mow superior brwwnerer entered tho labiatory of the OiiltrU Stales Health IU- fori. It it absolutely devoid of the slightest raeaol adulteration, out on the oilier haud U composed of tho tt of luall and choicest of hop. Itttonlotiuallllcsaroof Ihohlghrst.and It cau bo uied with the greatest buiiaflt and satisfaction by old and young, luiuocau con oUullouily w yrworlbed by the physicians with the lurtaluty that a better, purer or .mora Wholesome- beverage could not possibly V tund." Kami m THE DAUX9, OMT. U9 Business Finns ol lie Dalles TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. . S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks arid Suits. 946 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. THOMAH H. lliniLI'.Y, Manager. Ken. Tel. John Ml. IIOHEKT McCULLOUOH. Secretary. Ilea. Tel. John 851. TAGOMA TUG AND BARGE GO. TJJOS PnARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. flenoral Towing. Coal, Ilallast and Water furiiHii'il. Henna and Marges for Kent. Tho "Ktarles" Is lilted with powerful llro and wrecking puinpii. All Imslmva comtnuulca tluli In he nddreMi'il Taroimi Tug and llargo Co, Olllni!' I'ni'lllc Cold Htorngo building, Northern Paclllc Hock. Tclephonu Main 69. Tnconia, Washington. C1- II. A. DURRV Pfoprktor of Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted ami One of tho Best Laundries In the Northwest. ir.TO It (' Hlreet i:illMJ Ci nerelal .Street Tvlupliono Main :u Tacomi, Washlnelon EHTAIILIHIIED 1MI. To Tho Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for ImhIiiohs with tlio larKi'ht mid Uncut stock in tlio city. Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars lit 10 Pnclllu Ave, Phono Main ol)i). Tho only oxcluslvo wholcsalo house In Tacoma. Hoarding Horst's n Hpoclalty. Tel. Main 409 CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CI.AHIC A SON, Proprietors. Hacks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notice No. Ulu A Street, Tacoma, Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and Gents' Furnish' Ing Goods. Falter than the ordinary and extra cost Hct lighted ami most convenient storoln tho city. DICKSON BROS. CO. Cmitmpal Outftttmrm 1120-22 PmoJfte Avm. Tmim YdOuvK .rJJ 5tl"&r'll a a a iiuhh ii3 n aggJ3.17tiulllicldi!.' iiiBsBi AflPwl I Wy xMuvVmiv V JBtOP "VLlIrS' VJjrljClliiJ' 1 ' C ITALIAN OF THE ASH DUMP. Where ThU Forelsner Oeta Fuel for Ilia Fire. There Is a value to everything, 'and tho Italian Is cognizant of the fact, al though tho valuo Is small. Ho gathers cinders, wood, rags, bottles, paper, rub ber and leather shoes, and old tin cans, all of which have been thrown away by others. Sometimes two or more fam ilies unite In making their collections nnd disposing of them, forming In n small way a trust or co-operative indus try. The coal and wood -they utilize for fuel In their homes, and turn the other products of their labor Into money In tho following way: The old shoes and rubbers aro sold to n shoemaker, usually another Italian, and bring from fi to -." cents a pair, tho prices varying according to their con dition. The shoemnker repairs them mid disposes of them again as second hand. The rags nnd paper are sold to the wholesale Junk dealer, and usually bring about 0 cents a hundred weight for old paper and anywhere from 10 to 80 cents a hundred weight for rags. Tho bottles are washed and disposed of through tlio siimo agency. Tlio price of bottles fluctuates, an average being $1 n hundred; but tho Italian seldom sells on a "bear" market. The bones are sold to tho fertilizer factories, $2 a ton being paid. The tin cans are sold to foundries, where tho solder and tin are melted oft and tlio Iron sheets aro melted up and sash weights miiile from them. Old tomato cans and fruit cans bring $3 n ton, and It takes more than -1,000 of these cans to make a ton. There must bo some money mado In this business, for mi Italian residing In New York city pays to that corporation tho sum of ?:i(),0(Mi n year for tlio privi lege of picking the above-mentioned commodities (trimming, they call It) from the scows that bear tho city's ashes and garbage -to tlio sea. Chris tian Hiidcnvor World. IT'S UNNECESSARY TO SAY. IMmiy KciitnrUti Unit Aro Entirely Hu lierlluoiiH ut All TIiiich. A now society Is proposed to'havo for Its title "Tho Society for the Suppres sion of Obvious Iteniarks." A list of speeches Is to be prepared which the so ciety binds Itself not to use. thus ele vating the chimietor of general conver sation. Hero arc some of tho speci mens of obvious remarks: "It Is nut the actual degree of heat registered by the thermometer which makes It so un comfortable; It Is the humidity In the atmosphere." "I don't mind the money; It's tho prluclplo of tho thing." "Olio never understands tho name when olio Is Introduced to a per son." "If the water were Uttered It would be Just as good as the water of any city." "Tho trouble about going to huiniiier gardens Is It takes you so long to get home." "You can put on two fresh collars a day and then never have a clean one on." These aro statements over which no one disputes and they may be Increased to an almost unlimited degree. The ob ject to be Kitlued In refraining from them Is rather, ludellnlto except that they waste time, but as everyone has Immeasurable quantities of time to waste, and no gain can be shown In saving It, the work of the S. S. O. It. society seems an Idlo expenditure of ef fort. If everybody carried on a thought ful conversation a state of mental ex haustion would soon be brought about where all conversations would cease, and silence In company, as everyone knows, Is more rasping on the nerves than an ocean of commonplace re marks. The babllug of tongues Is nn excellent dcadcucr of thought and no ono should permit his thoughts to work overtime If ho desires to bo happy. Chicago Chronicle. Not a Clilneso Word. "II'h a mlstako to suppose- that 'Joss' Is a Chinese word," niyn a retired ship's carpenter. "I've traveled a good bit In the orient In my time, and among the odds mid ends of interesting Infor mation I picked up was a knock-out of tho genuineness of ''Joss' ns a Chi nese word. Chinamen only know 'Joss' when they come In contact with Kuropeaus. A Chinese priest that I became chummy with In Hankow told me that thero was no such word In Chinese. lie explained that the word was a corruption of the Spanish word 'Dies' and had eomo into use through tlio missionaries. Many early mission aries, ho said, were Spanish priests, and their pronunciation of 'DIos' was speedily corrupted Into 'Joss by na tive tongues and applied to tho Chi nese dletles, It's only on the Clilneso seaboard that the word Is understood by Chinamen. In the Interior, tho priest told me, tho cclc&tluls had' no knowledge of It." Tlm MotirnlitK Kvll. The use of crepo for mourning veils Is becoming less every day, and In summer tlio crinkly fabric Is scarcely seen. Many physicians protect against women wearing crepo veils at any sea son of the year, and the nun's veiling, grenadine, and similar materials havo to a largo extent, replaced tho crepo drapery that formerly was a distinctive badgo of bereavement. For widows or other women wearing crepo mourning it Is the fancy at pres ent to wear a short veil ot tluo grena dlno or gauze, falling hi graceful folds at tho back and draped on a bonnet frame of light weight, edged with a narrow baud of crepo. A bow of crep adorus tlio front of tho bonnet It is as Important that a man should acquire new ways of complimenting as that a woman should learn uew way of cooking potatoes. TACOMA ADVERTISING s AYHE DItUO CO. Tho moat reliable plaee to buy drug and patent medicines, etc. This store Is noted for its carefulness In fllllpg prescriptions and for fair prices. 1106 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, ' Wash. , . i HEUDEEN STEAM LAUNDRY . M, I.upton, Mgr. Equipped with new un-to-dato machinery. No rough or snw-edge culls and collars. Hlgd glos or domestic finish. Work llrst-class anh suro to please. Tclcphouo 381. Corner Hume and It Hts., Opp. rircmcn's Hall. mllE PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINE HOUSE. N. KEUTEIl, Proprietor. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Red 1731. 1MX5 Pacific Ave. 1C0S Commcrco St. Tacoma, Washington mHE JUNCTION. M. CHRISTIAN, Prop. Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Telephone lllaclc 107.1. Cor. Pacific Avenue and Jcderton St., TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAL SOUVENIR8 AND UNMOUNTED PHOTOS. HOLT'S ART STORE. Frames Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds, stationery and Art Ootids. Tel. lllaclc 2773. No. "(55 O Street, near Chamber of Commerce. TACOMA, WASHINOTON. . MICHAEL BROS. drugoists. Jefferson and Paclllc Avenue., TACOMA, WASHINOTON. W. w. Wing. O. II. Wing, Jr. KASTHHX LAUNDRY. WING IlROH.J'ropi. 'o Launder Anything. 711 Pacific Avo. Tel. Mala 290. Tncoma.Wash. D KNAI1KL, Proprietor of THE GERMAN IIAKERY AND COFFEE PARLOUS. Fresh Dread nnd On'knilnllv. Ornamental Cakoi n uperlulty. Only thy lieat anU purest material ifccd In our llakir. Dread delivered freo many part of the city, luluplmuo Parle 7U1, 1117 Puelllo Avenue, Tucuma, Wimlilugtou. flOTIISCIIILI) & CO. Port Tovwuend, Washington. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom Houso lirokers and Stevedores. Established lO. llranch ollloes Tacoma and Scuttle. jKNTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Sandbcrg, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. . Sole agent for OuIiicmi' Stout and fines' Ale, (Read Ilros. llottllug). Established 1MI. Tele phono Main 699. 1110 Pnclllo Avcnuo; 1139 Comuiurco St. Tucoma, Wuihlngtou. Prye Bruhn Ss Co. ,1310 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines, OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. .. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks and at Uailoy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HARMON, Lcsseo and Mgr. s Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection, 1S1MS1S Paclflo Avenue. TACOMA, Wash- We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 1143 Pacific Ave. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks' at Wholesale JO Pmelfto Avm. TAOOMA ami MEW YOH TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. WILLIAM W. MILNER. JAMES II. DKOK DEQE & MILJVER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, Schaflncr & Marx and Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s Tailor-Mado Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. Finest Line of Ilaber dnshory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Merchandise at Popular Prices.' : : : ::::::::: 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, cither for cash or on installments Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. IJAMFORD, Proprietor. ...M ACH IJNISTS... Agents and Builders of the'Flynn Shlnfjle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, "Wash Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morlhern, Wells Fa rgo and American Express Compan ies; Swift & Co.) Omaha Packing ' Co.; American Paper Co. Etc. Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main J 68. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, "Wash. CUE CEREAL COMPANY MANurAcruitRna or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. John Donahue Manufacturer o( and Dealer in ...LUMBER (FawmlU and. Onice Twenty-first and Dock Sts. Telephone Main 289. Tacoma, Wash. TKLKIMIONK .43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY, Offlco 102 Tenth St., Southeast corner ot A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Ceupes, Carriages, Itggigt Wagons At All Hours. Passengers and Itaggage transferred from residences and hotels to and from all boats and trains. Hand Tour rhecks for bagBaKo to our messengers, who will meet you on all Incom ing trains and boats, first class I.h cry. Open allnlght. All rigs niarked "T. C. A U. T. Co." McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Retail QROCERS. Proprietors of tho Laurel brand of high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 506. , ' 01M3 G Street . 012 Commerce Street TACOMA, WASH. TACOMA, WASHINOTON Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. TUB Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marine, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Lodging Kngines. Works, corner Twcnty-llt and A Sts. Phono Main 57. Tacoma, Wasnington. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealers in General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1503-1605 Pacific Avenue . TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. Telephono, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough ropair. Any losses mado good immediately, ' 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant D. W1SSINOER & M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class and np-to-date iwoiuurmu now open anu uoing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our coffee is unexcelled. Side dishes served such is servo 1 in no other Res taurant in this city. Open All INIght POPULAR PRICES. V UliiMs '' ft rtii