flaaHamiiaaraBaiga9aaa inni.1n,,f& n THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. As ifc m i i . 4. . 1 V ?l T BUSINESS LOCALS. ' Always ask for the famous General Arthur cigar. Eaberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Call at Eunoon & Wntkins. dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth sheet, Portland, Oregon. Por first class dental work and prompt attention,, go to tho Now York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. j Tho Yakima Market, II. A. Brasen, tnanagor, fresh nnd cured meat and poultry, 149 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 989. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and moragnges bought. S. V. King, room afi Washington building. J. E. Rogers. Ico cream parlor and confectionery. All kinds of cigars, tobacco and fruits. , Agoncy Union Laundry Co. Columbia phono, 409. 307 First street, Portland Oregon. Van Kirk & Wilson, 150 Front stroet, Portland, Oergon; general commission, harness, farm machinery, groceries, flour, feed. Columbia 'phono 194; Or egon 'phono Grant GOG. In connection with D. E. Mclklo. Ford ft Laws, successors to J. T. Wllson.nuctlonccrs, household furni ture and bankrupt stocks bought and Bold. Offlco and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia phono 505; Oregon 'phone South 261. Smalt Wonder Ho Tottered. A couple of men bought tickets of on of the city ticket agents the other day for Dawson Clly. After the gratified rnuronu man und gathered ud tho moil ey, $240 In all, one of thotueu said that another fellow would be in later for a ticket to the snmd point. The two aien una scarcely left the room when another man walked up to" the counter and asked for "a ticket to Dawson." With the assurance of the lato nur. chasers, of tickets to Dawson City In his nilud, the agent Issued another tick et to the same far-off place, folded it up and put It In an envelope. As ho luld the ticket down the stranger de manded: "How niuchV" "One hundred nnd twenty dollars, phiae." "What's that?" fairly shrieked the stranger as he tottered backward and came near falling through the plate glnss window. Then It developed thai the man wanted a ticket to Dawson.. Minn. six dollars nnd some cents. uuiutii News Tribune. Pauperism in London. On Dec. 31, 1001, there were In Lon don, England, 107,708 paupers who were In receipt of relief. This totnl. which Includes 03.297 Indoor and 30.471 outdoor paupers, compares with re turns of 104,305 and 104.744 and 103,t 001 for the corresponding weeks of the three preceding years. There were also 1,003 vagrants, consisting of 825 men, 107 women, and 11 children, who on that same day received temporary relief. Mr. A. D. Grlmn, editor of tho New Age, Is a hustler, ho has only made two business trips to Tacoma and ho has secured flvo columns of display advertisements and established an agency with a paid circulation of one hundred. This is certainly a credit ' nblo showing considering the fact that Tho tS Znt nfThl.'.nlin n H T A TaCOnm ,S CallC(1 ,,Cfttl a Tho BUblect or thls'photo. H. J. As- ,,,u , , .. n.im... .i.. &' ZalV? nn01!;IfnM,8,nIr,a;, snrloB. Ho just goes uf tor them and lie schools of that city, receiving n ,.n..inn i m,, .ii... l& ?ti?JZ&JJ3Vr tho editors who would like to mako TACOMA DEPAkirMENr F. FRITZ KBEBLE, , E. S. BRUCE, Correspondents. Tacoma, Wash, Sept. 7, 1902. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modrcate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gont's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Dc leau, proprietor, 4C5 Gllsan street. Tho proprietors of the Oregon Bakery, corner Fourteenth and Fland ers Sts., Portland, are both old and ex perienced bakors, mon who wero foro men In tho best shops on tho coast, and who mako a superior loaf of bread of any kind. Pullman loaves a special We want your trade Miiaio half Erico; 'musical instruments of all inds, cash or installments. . II. H. Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in musio and musical merchandise The Music building, 349 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon, Pacific RxH Company. Manufacturers of badges, buttons, banners, lodge regalia and supplies. Portland, Oregon. THE OLYMPIC 0p. N. I'. Depot, Contralla, Wah. Straight Whiskies and Key West Clfiars a specialty. Olympla Beer on "Draught, llotllo Goods a specialty. JE8SE LAT8HAW, Proprietor. tlcc in the famous old St. Charles Ho tel barber shop, afterwards becoming an expert in the torfaorlal art. Ho emigrated to Hot launched In business for himself for a number of years. Becoming dissat isfied with tho prevailing conditions threatening tho welfare of an Indus trious nnd independent citlzon ho Anal ly decided to sell and go north, which hn did. After visiting n number of states ho settled in St. Paul, Minn., accepting a position at tho Merchants Hotel barber shop as foreman under tho late Henry Smith, then proprietor or tho lending shop In that cltv, Mr Asbcrry sorved In that capacity dur ing his stny In St. Paul. Shortly af ter tho Northern Paclflc hnd complet ed Its lino to Tacoma ho began think- the snmc kind of a showing In tho "City of Destiny" only como to our a.in. A.t- 'cu' nml maKcs a iew cans, r.Pi.iii!Li ,-"! whine and complain all the while they nro hero, tnko tho noxt trnln back home, write a scorching article about that "Old dead town, Tncomn," a very poor business method it Is, "mttmm Is tho word" If ono ennnot say sotnothlng good of a certain local ity In which thoy expect support they should at IciiBt givo the placo a pleas ant F.mllo and pass on like Editor Grif fin. An opportunity to show self control, ladyshln and good breeding was of fered Sunday afternoon on n crowd ed surburban street enr by Miss Ma bel Walker when sho nnd several TIIK GHEHALIS FLOURING MILL CO. IIOUTKN HA8KELL A CO., 1'roprletora. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Best Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CHKHAI.IS, WASH. THE NEW AGE. Established 19(1. A. ILGrlftln, Manager. OI!tce,24fltnrlc Street, Concord llutldlug, , Portland, Oregon. AQENT8. C. A. Hitter Portland, Oregon h. 11. Holmes .Hpolcanc, Washington 1. Krlti Kecblo and KM Paclllc Avn., r..n. iiruce ....) inroinn, wash, aldo Ilogel Walla Walla, Wash. To lnsur publication, all local news must reach tii not later than Thursday morning of each week. II J. AHIIL'UUY. SEATTLE. ADVERTISING NORTHWESTERN IRON WORK8. Manufacturers o( Steamboat, Mill and Mining Machinery. Water Front, Foot of University 8t. TRY DIG BEND FLOUR. Unquestionably tho host grado of family flour on tho market today Is tho product of tho Big Bend Milling Co., of Davenport, Wash. Bread made .from this flour is pronounced by epi cures, chefs nnd cooks generally to bo unsurpassed. This woll-known brand of goods has an Increasing salo In Portland and Oregon. Tho wholesale agents nro C. W. Nottingham & Co., foot of Wash ington atreot, Portland, Oregon. Ask your dealor for Big Bend nnd bo con vinced of Its superiority. Both 'phones The Pioneer Paint Ca, , The firm of F. . Beach A Co., corner of First and Alder streets, is he oldest established concern in the paint and oil business in the Northwest. For over 20 years this house has maintained its reputation for rolinblo business dealings with all patrons. F. E. Beach fc Co. car ry the highest grades of paints, oils and varnishes. They also handlo all builders' materials, and no order is too small to receive prompt atten DON'T OUESS AT IT. But If you are going EastAvrlto us for our rates and' let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via tho Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip, as we are In a po sltlon to give you some valuable In formation and assistance. 5319 "miles of track, over which Is operated some of the finest trains In tho world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates, call on or address: B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent J. O. LINDSEY, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third street, Portland, Or. Tflophono l'IKK 73. Seattle, Wash, Sohwabaoher Bros. I Co., Inc. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Hcrnan Cortez, White Knight and Fontella Cigars. , Proprietors of Happy Home and Silver Shield Brand Canned Ooods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Wittler-Corbin Machinery Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Juckt-on St. and Second Ave. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. B9ST ,007,70. The Portland IT. - IWEJM; Mmm, White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." pally round trips except Sunday, TIMK OAHO. Lea Yes Portland- - 7:00A. M Leaves Astoria 7:00 I. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Long Beach points. White Collar Line tickets Interchangeable with U. It. it N. Co. and V. T, Co, tickets. Ing of coming oven farther west. Ho resigned hU position ut ho Mcr chant's and camo out to tho "City of Destiny" In tho yonr of 1889, .made a short Btay hero going to Seattle soon after tho big flro, acting In tho capac ity of foreman for Mr. Butts for a short tlmo. Afterwards returning to Tacoma again In January, 1890, ho ac cepted a position as managor of Rochester Hotel Turkish Bath House and Barbor shop under F. Fritz Kecblo, who at that tlmo was running his old placo under tho Oandolfo Ho tel, corner 13th and Paclflc Avenue. Aftor serving for thrco years faithful ly Mr. Kecblo and Asborry formed tho Borlln Turkish nnd Russian Bath and Barbor shop, a corporation., opening tho largest and finest bath houso and barber shop that hns ovor been erect ed In tho wholo northwest. Tho pan ic of '93 camo on and Interfered to n great oxtent with nil largo and small concerns, Hkowlso so Mr, Asborry Bold hla Interest to his pnrtner Mr. Kecblo. Ho then bought an Interest In tho Hotel Tacoma barbor shop and soon afterward bought tho wholo of It in 1895. Ono of tho many achievements of Mr. Asborry which makes tho wrltor fool most proud of, Is that every drug Btoro you visit you sco tho uncqualed "Asborry Tar-shampoo," of which ho was tho discoverer, and ho Is reaping qulto a harvest from Its sales. Mr. Asborry Is a halo follow woll met, high up in tho council of Odd Fellowship and a thirty-second de gree Mason. Mr. Asborry has a charming and accomplished wlfo nnd la one nf Tncoma's moat successful music tenchcrs. Ho is also a substantial tax payor of Plcrco county and has a nlco bank ac count. Mrs. H. J. Auberry has returned. Mrs. Fred Mitchell left hero Sunday for Portland. Mrs. Foxhall departed this lifo yes terday forenoon. Mrs. Geo. Robinson was over from Seattle Sunday on a flying trip visit-. ing menus. Tho ladles always And tho best sat isfaction by buying their furs, cloakB and skirts from Davo Gross. Miss Mabel Walker and Miss Ethel Butler returnod from Seattle Sun day evening where thoy have ' been visiting tho Carnival, friends wero on tho car standing and waiting for tho scats to bo turned on tho open car. A woman pushod in, snt down, and occupied tho Bpaco wnlch Miss WTnllcor should havo had for a scat, so Miss Walker sat down nn sho was on tho car first partially In tho woman's lap, a few minutes passed until tho woman began to grow woary and tried to compel Miss Wnl gor to glvo up tho seat and used somo very abusive langungo In ordor to car ry her point, but Miss Walkor rofusod to do bo tolling tho woman that she was entitled to tho seat as she was on tho enr first. For a whllo It seemed that serious troublo would tako placo, but Miss Walkor refused to bo moved by tho abusive woman's toiiguo. If others would learn the sumo lesson "That it's a great man who can control othor men, but It's a greater man who can control him self." F. FRITZ KEEBLE, E. S. BRUCE. Subscription price, one year, payable In ad. ince, K.lO, CITYNEWS Mrs. K. Orny returned homo from a visit to Placer, Ore., last Sunday. Mrs. C. A. LucaB has returned homo from her recent trip to California. Tho nows has been rocolvcd that Rev. J. L. Allen's wlfo Ib lmprovng, Mr. Iko Bryant nnd son John Dry ant, of Chicago, spent scvcrnl days in tho city this week. Mr. Jerry Brown nnd Jas. Romans. Several of thoso may tnnko up thehr minds to romaln In our city for a whllo at least. ATTENTION. Is directed to tho O. A, R. Convention to bo hold In Wellington, D. C, Oe tobor Cth to 11th Inclusive, 1902. Wo enn aoll you tlckctB nt rate which mako going to tho conventlom chenpor than staying nt homo, nnd we mako enough out. of it bo that wo are not "On tho County." Tlokets sold only on September 29th and 30th. For particulars an to ratcn, accom modations, stopovers, tlmo limit, clt, etc., cnll on or nddrcss, . B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent Illinois Contrnl K. R., 142 Third street, Portlnnd, Oro. COMING ATTRACTIONS WALLA WALLA NEWS WALDO BOGLE, Correspondent. Mr. Jas. Romans, formerly of this city, but lately of Spokano, arrived in tho city on Thursday. Mr. Moto Froeman, who has boon spending tho Bummer at tho seaside, returned homo InBt week. Walla Walla, Wash, Sept. 1, '02. Tho Now Ago: Mr. J. C. Boyor of Everett Ib In tho city on business. Mr. Ed Brown it Is reported will soon bq a benedict. Mr. Arthur L. Boglo left yesterday for his Mashtucna homestead. Mr. Eugene Harris has returned from a week's visit to Portland. Mra. Chns Birch entertained a few frl ond it Tuesday evening at whist. Ernest Morton, ono of Evorott's pop ular barbers, Is visiting in tho city. Mlso Orpha Williams of Salem, passed through tho city on hor way to Dayton. Miss Oertrudo Chrlsman of Moscow, Idaho, Is visiting at the resldonco of Mrs. John Blueford. Walla Walla celebrated Labor Day In a fitting manner by a frco barbecue and ball in tho evening by trado unions. Mr. N. Hays, formorly of Pueblo, Col., baa accoptod n position In Mr. Jno. Deerlng's tonsorlnl parlors. Quito a fow of our peoplo havo com bined business with pleasure and gono to tho hop fields for a two weeks out ing. Mrs. J. W. Wright and daughters wore tho guests of Mr. and Mm. Rice, of Tlgardvlllo, for several days last week. On tho Cth Inot. tho Misses H. nnd E. Wright entertained Mr. Lawrcnco Sledgo, of Tacoma, and Dr. G. II. George, of Chicago. . A number havo boon reported on tho sick list this week. Amongst thorn nro Mrs. Day, Mrs. A. Nowsomo, Mrs. M, Edwards, Mrs. C. Housor, and Mr. Peter Leo. Tho attendance at tho social at tho Zlon church last Monday ovonlng wnB not as largo ns It should havo been on nccount of tho numbor of other attrac tions on tho snmo evening. Mrs. L. Mitchell, of Eighteenth nnd East Morrison streets gnvo a dlunor on tho 7th In honor of Mr. Lnwronco Sledgo nml mother of Tacoma. TIioho present woro: Mrs. Slodgo, Mrs. M. Thomas. Miss B. Thomas, Mr. Law rcnco Slodgo nnd Mrs, L. Mitchell. Atmmriomn Pimm, $3 Pmr Bmf mm UmwmriL HABOUAMTBt8 nm TOUMST AM QOMMCMHAl TKAVELOU. The Dalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except bunday. Str. "rAHOMA." Leavt s Portland, Mon., Wed., Frl 7:00 A. U Leaves The Dalles, Tues., Thurs. Bat., 7:00 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tues., Thu., Bat 7:00 A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed., Frl 7:bO A.M. Landing and office: Foot Alder Htreet. Iloth phones Main 351. Portland, Oregon, Mr. J. H. Fullllove made a flying visit to Tacoma Sunday. Mr. Full! Icvo Ib a very busy mnn. Ho Is Inter ested In many enterprises in the city of Portland. Tacoma will be well represented in Portland during the Elk's Carnival as a large numbor contemplate taking f Walla Walla, Wash., Sep. 10, '02. ,Tho Now Ago: Mrs. Ida Jcams who has been quite ill, id much improved. Mrs. C. M. Duffy of St. Paul Is vis iting her mother, Mrs. R. A. Boglo, Mrs. J. D. Laldland of Grand Forks, N. D., Is visiting friends in tho city. Miss Vernon Walker la visiting her advantage of the extremely low rates sister Mrs. Whlto of 212 Washington offered September 3. street. Richard's and Prlngle's Famous A mlddlo aged lady can secure a Georgia Minstrels aro the centor of good position as second matron at tho attraction at tho Lyceum theater St. Paul Boarding School for Girls by whero they are drawing largo crowds, writing Miss Imogcno Boyor, prlucl The entertainment taken all in all Is pal. very creditable, I m . . , , ... I Tho largest canteloupo of tho season Messrs. Jno. Hall, Jno. Bridges, D. was brought to tho city yesterday by W. Fry, Lawrence Sledgo, Mrs. Sledgo, Mrs. Hazclwood and placed on oxhl and several othors who wont to Port- bltlon In ono of tho stores. Wolght land last week on tho excursion havo nineteen pounds. returned, all report having a pleasant time and very much pleased with Portland and Its people. AGENTS. JOHN M. F1LLOO.V.. ...The Dalles, Or A. J. TAYLOK......... Astoria, Or J. J. LUCKKY . .Hood Itlver. Or WOLFOKD & WYER9 White Salmon, Wash J. C. WYATT . .Vancouver, Wash B. B. OILIIUETII- Lyle. Wash JOHN M. TOTTON.-.........8tevenon, Wash HENRY OLM8TKD .....-., .Carton, Waab WM. BUTLER. ... --Butler, Wash E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon WALDO BOGLE. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU, And wo can furnish you with tho Doge & Melnor aro certainly tho most fashionable haberdashers in thoj nlfv nt Wnnnmn Thov pnrrv n inm. pleto line of gent's furnishings which nR8T fr n "19, tn J m'h,J they soil at reasonable prices. Eyery- nay for tho WORST, thorofore, don't ono Is uhown tho same amount of cour- throw away good money for poor sor tesy, no matter who thoy aro. vlce. J"t If you aro going East, or havo friends coming West, let us toll Mr. Edw. F. Meyer, of Bremerton, you what wo can offer on Chlcaro, Wash., was visiting friends in Taco-, Washington, New York, Boston, fit. jna Sunday and Monday, Mr, Meyer Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, and Itr employed In the Naval Servlco at .all intermediate points. Our rails aro the Puget Sound Navy Yard. Ho is'lnld In fourteen different states of tho a civilian clerk In the Pay-master's Union. offlco which position ho has held for J Communicate with us regarding J tha Stovonson, Miss Poarl Johnson, tne last seven years, lie was recent-irreignt ana passenerer Diisineii; its a jnibs is. wuson and jmish m, jnomnn; ly transferred from Port Royal Navy i pleasure fo reply to your Wtr. Mr. and Mrs, Jean Oallowny. Mossrs. Yard. S. C, to Bremerton. Tacoma B, II. TRUMBULL. Lewis Tumor." W, W, Wheolnr. T. people always extend a hearty wel-j. C. LINDSAY. Oommorolal Aient. Pnyno and Bela Oroy; of Tacoma. como to all such young men aa Mr. t- F. & P. A. Mrs. M. Koehlo, Mrs, flledsro and Meyer. ' 142 Third St. Portland, Oroeon Mr. Lawrenco Sledgo; of Spokano, Under tho ausptces of tho chlhlron on Friday, September 19, a "Grab-bag Social" will bo given nt tho Bethel A. M. E. church. Tenth and Davis stroeta, for tho bonoflt of tho Sabbath school library. Admission 10c. Do not miss this opportunity to help a worthy cause, A "Carnival" will bo given for tho bonoflt qf Rov. Wright by Miss Hnl ling about tho 30th of Septomber. Thoso who wish to voto for tho queen can find the boxes nt Mr. Coffoys, Mr, Brady's, Mr, Deorlng'd stores and nt SCion church. Five conts a voto. Full purtculars lator. Thoso who nro In tho contest for queen nro tho Mlssos Wrghtt Suslo nnd Mny Crawford, ,A. Myers, Marlon Leo, Luclllo Porry and L. Gray, Services at Bethel A. M. E. church as follows: Preaching, 11 a, m., by tho Rov, W. T. Diggers; class mooting nt noon; Sunday school, 1 p, m., con ducted by Mrs, Blrthn Woods, Supt., at 8 p. m. Tho services will bo pre faced by a song servlco from tho con gregation and choir, with Miss Mary Moore presiding at tho organ, fol lowed with a sormon by tho Pastor, eubjoct, "Dependenco Makes Socloty." All aro cordially Invited to attend. Tho pastor and membors of Bethel A. M, E, are laying pinna to placo he fnro tho public an entortalnmont known as tho "Portland Pacific Exhi bition." When thoroughly nrranged and produced It will bo ono of tho most unlquo affairs that havo over ap peared -In Portland. Rov. Bggors says ho la more determined this year than ovor to work for tho savng of boiiIs nnd for tho uplifting of humanity, thoreforn, ho has rolled up his sleoves and dived Into tho work. Success to you Brother Blggors. "A BROKEN HEART," AT COB DRAY'S THEATER. On Sunday evening, Soptemhcr 14, tho peoplo of this city nro to havo an opportunity of witnessing Esther ttu Jaero'n beautlfuj story of Ufo In the Rocky mountains. All who havo sat under the spoil of this deonly Inter esting atory of plain and mostly hon est peoplo will surely avail incniBelvea of seeing It again. Tho play Is weal equipped, mngnlllcontly staged, and la produced by n splendid company of ar tists. No effort has boon spared bjr tho management to mako thu produo tlon ns nearly porfoct as possible. "A Broken Heart" Is now playinx ItR second season of unqualified suc cess. Tho reason of It Ib great popu larity Is not difficult to understand. "I write from tho heart out." nav James Whltcomb Riley, nnd there la no Buror wny or writing to tho hoart than tho .mothod of tho famous Hooa loi poet. Miss Rujaero has evidently caught tho idea, and tho result Is. piay mat win livo long aftor many of tho plnys of tho day nro forgotten. "Peoplo don't wan't good plays." growl unRiiccesBful' managers and ac tors, but "A Brokon Honrt" Is a most convincing nrgumont to tho contrary. To thoso who havo not hnd tho ploan uro of Booing this charming story of tho heart: Go and boo It, itlss Esther Rujnero, tho nuilur, will horsolf ennct tho leading role. Personally, Miss Rujaoro Is mont charming. Gifted With nn unusual nmount of fnmlntnn charm. bIio has a magnotlo stage prcsont, that carries hor nudlonco with hor ovory movo. ut ternnro, gesturo nnd poso, Aa Mar col "Tho hnd woman," sno Is said ta reach tho acmo of porfectlon In her vivid portrayal of a hoartlnsii. crueL sinful woman, followed by tho pathet ic Hcono, "Tlio Hock or AgoB," which l. ono of tho dalntlost u.ts of atatfo roallpm Imaglnnino nnd showa thtt'iii- ovltablo ond of a II fo of shame. "A Thoroughbred Tramp' "which appears at Cordray's Theater la claimed to bo ono of thu best come dies on tho road. Tho atory or the piny deals principally with tho trou bles and acrnpoa of tho trump, T. Rush Thompson, though through the comedy there la n strain or sadnena. tho history of a wreckod II fo, n fall from flno rnlmont to tho rags and tat ters that proclaim him to bo nothlnr but u tramp, a turn from tho associa tion or roflnod peoplo to that of the i claBd who beat tholr way from nlace M to placo, drifting with tho season. Tho play Is a now ono and said to be thoroughly entertnlnlng from start te finish. Four nights, commenclng; Soptomber 17, nnd mntinco. Amongst tho many that have been seen on our thoroughfares tho pnst week vlowtng tho Carnival and tho slghtB of tho city woro many who for morly resided In this city. Among thoso wo noto of Seattlo: MastGrs Brlco I Taylor, W. M, Henderson, and Mar A Now Way to Raise Money, Five years ago a "Picture Club" i organized In a Now England toa Twelve members, six of each sex. enrolled. Each member owned a casa era, or borrowed one. It was agreasl that during tho summer each troalA tako as many photographs of varioaa spots In tho town or Its vicinity as pos sible, and would try to Induce othecs outsldo of the club to take picture. Tho best one hundred were selected, made Into slides, nnd nn evening select ed when, In the Town Hall, the ftt showed tho pictures on a screea. tffee admission was fixed nt twearfyfive tents. The "Picture Club ExkiMUon" Iiiih now becomo "tho event of fuesa hon" In the town. The capacity (of the hall Is taxed, mid tho sum of pionfy rnlHcd each year Is always n handsome one. The money Is given to somo special town object. Ladles' Home Journal. Jowolors' Dummy Clock. A paragraph has been going the rounds of the press that the dummy clocks used by jewelers and other deal ers In timepieces ns advertisements al ways Indicate the hour or 8:18 to com memorate the precise moment at walcm President Lincoln was assassinated. Lincoln did not nrrivo at Ford's Thea ter until 0 o'clock, and Booth did not shoot him until after 10. His death oc curred at 7:30 thu next morning. Now York Press. ml ill ll m I Pilots on the lakes complain that ri vals use the searchlight to blind then. ;i i PmrtSmmtl, Ormmmm