toumm j ii" r i f 4 The New Age. H -V. ' fi..t VOL. VII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Hi, 1902. NO. 24. miiKmrwmixtiKSf&rj&Bmsmstf tt ,- z rf ' f FIRST NATIONAL Daelgnnted D.poiltarjr and Vlnnnolal Agent of tha United Btataa frMtdaat, K. W. Cotbttt; eaihler, H.Q. WlthnKton Militant eaihler, J. W.Kewklrks eeoond aiilitanteaililfr, W. 0. Alvord. Letter! of credit liaued, available In Ktiropo .al.rr.nMn tr.nufcra told an New York, lloitan. b principal polnti lu the Blcltt raxli, Berlin, Frankiori-on-ine-Main, Jiong tvoug. CoHectlom made on iavorable term at all acccnilbl. polntt. LADD TILTOIM, ' Ketabllihed TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued Tillable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. COFFMAN, DOBSON & CO, BANKERS. CHEHALIS, WASHINGTON. Founded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington BANK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. orriORlia: II. F. OMIRN, Froildcnt: St. ALKXAKDKIl, Vlco Prcildcntj II. K. C0F TIN, Cmhlcr; J. SI. HAINKH, AiKHliuit Citxhlcr. DIKKuroitst Hol.t. Noble, Tliot. l)nvl, II. v. OMcn, J. St. Itnlncs, J. K. Yatci, J. II. Morrow, T. Hckkii, St. Alexander, K. It. Collin. iooountaol Onnkm, Flrma, Oormormtlonm and Individual Rmoalvad mn tho iHoit Liberal I or ma Oonalatant With Sound Hanking. LACK & SCHMITZ, Brokers. BAKER CITT, OREGON. TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRST NATIONAL BANK nlla Walla, Washington. (Hint National Hank in the Stato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. SURPLUS 1100,(00. LEVI ANKF.NY, President. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vlco Prctldont. A. It. BURFORD, Cathler THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton. Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00. BESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago, III.; First Natloaal nlr. Portland. Ore eon: Chemical National Bank. New York. N. Y. H OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Lrvl IK 'Tic President: O. B? Wade,' Cashier; H. K McLeod, W. 8. Byera, W. F. Matlock, II. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $60,000. Surplus, S6B.OOO. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT HAS Five Reasons for it 8 Count 'Em. 1. No cliargo for testing. 1 2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific instruments. 3. Courteous treatment, We don't hurry patients. 4. Our Glasses improve the looks. K-2 tint 'Em. 6. Very Reasonable prices. Remember the Place. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. OISICNERS AND BUILDER OF... Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, avy Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. Vim ara constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which 9UP plant enablea ua to build accurately and economically. MW OOltllKSPONDsT'NCK SOLICITED. -m NEW LIFE TO tent Ufe.toK.wOne, LnPunr UoerT Bf Uilnf Our Gnat Combination ot Stienith and Beauty "T Ti That BWM." See Our Anchor Clamp Ton would b aurprlied It you knw sow Utile It would cod jou to fix up that old fence. Better aend (or torn. Anchor Clampi and Uprlfbtf, and a pair o( our plncheri, and make your old wlr. lene. fook Ilk. a new one, ANCHOR FENCE looks to nice and la to ttronjr tint Urrairc aom.tlmea think that ft auil be hlf u priced. It lia't, thonfb. tfflP euar Baroai Usoa. Cattle, Sheep aaa FARM, RAILROAD VtH par Frleas aad Cetleu. AaeaU Wanted la Irery T.wa. BANK orS8RfcK'j and tbs Eaitern atntea C'klcftffO. Omaha. Bt. F Slcht exchanae and Paul, Ban Francltco ami and time bill! drawn In lum to lult on London, BANKERS PORTLAND OREGON.... In 1800. LIMITED. GOLD MINES AND INVESTMENTS Ankeay, President; W. F.Matlock, C. Guerensy, Assistant Cashier; J. 8. F. Johnson. PROVEN TO BE BIG SUCCESS JAEOER BROS., Jewelers and .Opticians. 290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth OLD FENCES! riflmne and I Tnrlcrhts. TBI Ou Faxes. Th Anchob Fixes, not; ugat. it Nitiji Bur. alw clo.l AND LAWN FENCE. V The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74 NJcalal St., PORTLAND, Or. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import nnt Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Mnny Readers. The mother of tho aultnn of Morocco is dead. Tho Utah stnto Ropuhlican ronvon tion nominated Joseph Howell for con Cross. G. P. Burkitt has received tho Re publican nomination for governor of Toxas. Tho moat trust Is now a certainty. Soptomber 27 is tho dato set for Ix'gin nlng operations. Tom L. Johnson, rmayor of Clove-i land, Ohio, says ho is not n candidato for tho presidential nomination. Tho transport Sherman, bound from Manila to Han Franclrco, has boon quarantined at Nagasaki on account of cholera on board. Forest fires, raging around Portland and in almost every part of Western Oregon have destroyed much property and filled tho air with smoko and ashes Captain A. A. Andrews, who twico crossed tho Atalntlc in a 15-foot hIioII, has boon pronounced legally dead by a MassacluiBotts court. IIo started on his third attempt October 0 last and was siithtd only onco after that, and thon only about 11 wcok nftor ho started. Governor Stono's offorts to eettlo tho coal atrlko mot with failure President Roosovolt has completed his tour and returned to Washington. Judgo E. C. Stinson won the Demo cratic nomination for govornor of Colo rado. General Miles has loft Washington for San Francisco, from whero he will sail for Manila. D. 0. Ileyward has been selected as tho Democratic candidato for govornor of South Carolina. A report is being clrculatod that the .Itirminjat leadei, Admiral Kllllck; was killed with tho sinking of his gunboat. Marino engineers on tho Willametto nnd Columbia rivers have cono on j strike, almost completely tying up river transportation. British diplomats deem tho Anglo Chinese treaty n groat triumph. Tho question now arisen as to how the othor powers will look upon it. Tho Colombian troops under Gonor'nl Moralos Borti liavo surrendered to tho insurgents. It will prevo a eovoro blow to tho government causo. Tho situation in Morocco is becoming eorlcus. Elahteen St. Louis legislators must answer to tho charge o( taking boodle. Nebraska officials aro in pursuit of a criminal who Is emulating Harry Tracy. Haytl will not complain to Germany about tho sinking of tho Flrminist gun boat. Tho National Candy company has boon incorporated in New Jersey with a capital of $0,000,000. Now Jersey gamblers whoso housos woro recently raided have been fined from $1,000 to $5,000. The sum of gold now in tho United States treasury oxcoeds that of any previous time in tho history of tho country. President Roosovolt has bcon mado an honorary member of tho Brother hood of Locomotivo Firemen of Chatta nooga, Tonn. . An army eurgoon who has just re turned from Manila ays a good lain is tho only, remedy for the epidemic of cholera now prevalent on tho islands. A cloudburst at El Paso, Tox,, caused considerable damage. King Edward visited Andrew Carne gie at Skibo castle, Scotlund, Tho transport Iluford has arrived at San Frnncibco from Manila with 000 men. " Tho coalminers' trouble n West Virginia is over and most of tho men havo returned to work. One person was killed and two seri ously injured in an automobile acci dent at Vineland, N. J. The falnion pack of tho Frasor river, B. 0., is, in round numbers, 252,000 cases. Tho pack of tho entire province is about 500,000 cased. John Larsen, who attempted to loop tHe loop at the Portland Elks' carnival, fell from the loop, slightly injuring four persons, but escaping unhurt ihim self. Mr. Leishman, United Statet minis ter at Constantinople, has reached a satisfactory understanding with the porto as to tho questions which have been tho subject of negotiations for several years. CONDITIONS QROW WORSG. United States Wnwhlp and a Cruiser arc Ordered to the Isthmus. Washington, Sept. 18. Secretary Moody has telegraphed to tho com mandors of the buttloship Wisconsin, now at Brumorton, nnd tho cruiser Cincinnati, at Port au 1'rlnco, directing them to proceed as soon as possible to tho Isthmus ol Panama, tho Wisconsin reinforcing tho Pangor at Panama and the Cincinnati taking station at Colon. It will take the WitcoiiBin fully 20 days to mako th6 long trip of over 4,050 miles down the Pacific coast to Panama. The navy department had intended to send tho lies ton, which is now getting ready for service at San Francisco, to relievo or'rolnforco tho Rangor, but tho alarming situation which lias to quickly arisen 011 tho iBthomp prompted tho olllaluls to take mora active measures to iucrccaso tho naval representation of tho United States in that section, Tho Cincinnati will only consumo a fow days in her trip across from Capo iluytion, nnd by the beginning of next weok sho should havo roached the othor terminal of the Panama railroad. While the destruction of Admiral Xlllick's flagship swopt away tho entire naval force of llaytl, and naval officials believe that tho Cincinnati can relinquish her post, thoru 1b danger that como of tho ports whero American property interests aro largo may suffer because of tho practice which has grown up in course of tho tobollion of burning towns before evac uating thorn, and it has been docided to send tho gunboat Montgomery to replace tbo Cincinnati on the Uaytlan coast. Tho Montgomery lias just fin ished participation in tho maneuvers, and is boiug overhauled nt tho Now York novy yard. OIL FIELD ON FIRE. Beaumont, Texas, Wells May All be De ' strayed Losses will be Heavy. Beaumont, Tox., Sept. 13. Tho oil field hero is on llro, and, judging from tho great volumo of smoko which is flowing in from Spindle Top, there Is grave fear that great Ions may be huh talned if tho field is not entirely de stroyed. Tho flro started early in the evening in eomo uasto oil along the Texas & Sabino track-B, and burned atxmut) leet ol trostlo. nils was umf&control in a short' tlmo, ' and it was believed thaU all dangor had passed, but Boon the flro hnd bcon com municated to tho Hold, and a number of huge tvttling tankB containing thaimtnds of barrels of petroleum havo already exploded, and others aro re ported us being in tho direct lino of tho llro, which hud spread over a wide area. Tho ground. is saturated with oil, and there is no chance of stopping tho progress of tho ilames tonight. The flro 1b spreading rapidly, and It is believed that tho whole fluid will bo Ignited before daylight. Tho streets are tilled with pcoplo, tliourandB of them now on tho way to tho field in every sort' of vohiclo, nnd on foot. There aro 410 producing wells in tho field. Some of them aro burled under earth to safegimrd against flro. A tank known ns Hfggins has blown off its top, and the burning oil is run ning along tho ground, 'and this may bo communicated to other tanks. At 1:30 this morning tho telegraph operator at Gladys ruys ho fears lie will bo compelled to leave his post, and nil means of communication will bo cut off. Tho entire apparatus of tho fire department is being loaded on care to bo sont to the field, and a largo number of people will go on trains. FAMOUS OUTLAW SURRENDERS. Disabled and Discouraged, Tralnrobbcr Bert Alvord Olvcs Up. Tucson, Ariz,, Sept. 13. Bert Al vord, tho famous traiurobbor and out law, has surrendered to Sheriff Lewis, of Cochise county, and "Hilly" Stites, his old pal, who turned state's evi dence nnd joined tho Arizona rangers. Hounded by rangers in tho United States, and rurales in Moxlco, broken in spirit, his right arm shuttered by bullets so that ho can no longer uuo a gun, Alvord decided to give up the desperate chances of tho life ho had been leading and trust to tho lenioncy of the law. IIo is charged with attempting to rob tho United States mail at Cochleo in 1600, and at Fairbanks in 1000. Tho cliargo of train robbery, which Is a capital offonso in Arizona, nlso hungs over his head. Ho left his companion, Bravo Juan, after u futile attempt to holdup tho International express car at Hermosillo three weeks ago. Juan is still active, and Is the last of the famous gang at large, Treasure for the Orient. Pan Francisco, Sept. 13. The Hong Kong Marti, which sailed today for the Orient, carries in her treasure room more than $500,000 in treasure. Some of tills is in tho form of Mexican dollars, but the majority of tho ship ment consists of bars. Snow In South Dakota. Lead, 8. D Sept. 13. Tho first now storm of the season set in early today. It is melting here as it falls, At Bald mountain and other points north of there the ground Is white. NEWS OF OREGON ITFMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. Commercial nnd Financial Happenings of the Past Week Drlcf Review of the Growth and Development of Various Industries Throughout Our Common wealthLatest Market Report. Tho fall fishing season has opened and indications point to u largo run with prices good. ForcBt fires nro still raging in Clack amas county and much valuable timber is being destroyed. Tho coal prospect which la being dcvolopod near lleppnor is making somo very good Bhowlngs. Marlon county prunee nro rlponing a little curlier than usucl. It is esti mated that tho crop will cquui 76 per cent of tho avorago yield. Tho postofficos at Glentena, Luno county; Ludu, Coos county, and Tumnrack, Umatilla county, will bo discontinued Soptomber 30. Tho Telocamet lanch, consisting of 1,000 acres, situated in Union and Baker counties, has changed hands. Tho purchasing price was $14,700. Tho Monmouth normal school is in n healthy condition financially, and from tho number of entries coming in tho prospects for tho coming year aro very llattering. Tho forest ilro near Oak Point, Clat sop county, continues to spread, and already soveral houses havo been de stroyed, ns well as 11 largo amount of timber burned. Tho 20th annual convention of tho Oregon W. O. T. U., hold at Rosuburg, was woll attended and much .interest manifested. Tho delegates and visitors woio ery cordially received. The experimental station nt the Oro Kon Agricultural college is to luuku a practical test of hop drying to save a largor amount of lupuliu, which is the active principle and marketable asset of the hop. Tho Columbia Southern oxpects to hauUOOOtqn-niorftjtfiMlnbuof, ShormaiT county this year than last. This is duo to increased ncroago and the 10 por Vent reduction in freight rates on tho O. It. &. N, Tho Eastern Oregon stato normal school nt Weston opened with a larger attendance than over before in both the normal and training departments. New students nro constantly coiling in and tho school's prospects 'aio very bright. A move for a now armory for tho Oregon City national guard Is on foot. Tho county is asked for aid in the matter. Four hundred head of sheep woro shot by 25 masked men, who aro sup posed to havo been miners, on tho Grant county rungo. V Five masked men entered a store at Prairie City, Grant county, blow open tho safe, and secured $70 in coin and gold dust. A lot of checks and county warrants woro also taken. Tho Southern Pacific Company has commencod the construction of a 2,600,000 gallon stool oil tank In its yards at Ashland. Tho tankVill bo 0110 of tho largest on tho coast. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat WallaWalla,C0K01c; blue stem, 6304c; valley, 0202Ku. Barley Feed, $10.00; brewing $20, Flour Best grados, $3.05(S3.tl0 per barrel; graham, $2.053.20, Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; middlings, $21.60; shorts, $18; chop, $17. Oats No.l white, $1.00; gray, 05 $1. Hay Timothy, $1011; clover, $7.60; Oregon wild hay, $500 pei ton. Potatoes Beet Burbanka, 0005c per cental ; ordinary, 6055u per cen tal, growers prices; sweets, $2.25 02.00 per cental. Butter Creamery, 2527Kc; dairy 17i!0c; store, 1215c. Eggs 22 xAc for Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 (gl3c;YoungAmerlca, 13K14c; fac tory prices, 1 lc less. Poultry Chickens, mixod, $3.00Q 4.60; hens, $4.505.60 por 'dozen, llll.4c per pound; springs, HO flKc por pound, $2.G03, 00 per doz en; ducks, $3.00(34.50 per dozen; tur keys, live, 1314c, dressed, 15010c per pound; geese, $4.000.00 per dozon. Mutton Gross, 23o per pound: dressed, 0c per pound. Hogs Gross, OKc; drossed, 77Kc per pound. Veal 78c por pound, Beef Gross, cows, 33rj steers, 34c; dressed, 70 80 per pound. Hops 16017c; new crop 2022c. Wool Valley,12K16;Estern Ore gon, 8(314c: Mohair, 3626c poand. OREOON HOP CROP. Yield Lighter Than Expected, but Quality Is Exceptionally Oood. Salem, Or., Sept. 12. "Tho chnncoa are that tho hop crop for Oregon this year will not exceed 80,000 bales, "said a prominent local dealer today. "Picking is well under way in nil of tho yards," ho continued, "and whilo tho crop will bo larger thr.n last year, it will ho much lighter than a ox peoted a fow weeks ago. Lost year tl)o crop was vory short in tho Willametto valley, duo to tho exceptionally hot spoil in July. This year tha crop promised to bo much largor and nearer an avorago crop, causing some dealers to estimate tho probabloyleld ns high us 00,000 bales. "It Is now evident that the crop is an outside or u top 0110, and thiro aro not near as many hops on tho vinos ns appearances, indicated. Tills is evident from tho returns from a groat many yards in which tho picking is under way. Some growers report good crops, but tho majority aro disap pointed and nro making complaint at tho unexpected shoitugu in tho yield. However, what is lost in quantity is boing mado up in quality. This has boen 1111 ideal season for hnrvoatiug tho crop, and not slnco 1800 tho your tho hop louse appeared has the crop been so free of mold. Tho quality in this statu promises to bo lino and much nbovo tho avorago. "Tho Oregon hop growers will find that their hopj will bo in great do iniind Ibis year, and that the English buyuia will bo eager purchasers at full values. Tho latest cable report from England stiltu that tho crop lu that country is coming down vory light, and that tho mold is spreading ranldly. Growers trying to pick hops abend of tho mold there, but cannot keep pace with it, and it ap pears that England will have another crop of j)oor quality and will havo to look to Oregon for choice hops. "It is plain to 11 great many dealers that tho New York stale crop will bo less than 25,000 balos. This 1b a marked dot reuse from that of last year, when tho Empiro stato produced (15,000 bules. Prospects never looked brighter for tho Oregon grower, and it will pay him to give strict attention to clean picking and the making of. a cliolco crop." I 1' WX5illNGTONRITPUDLICANSr Alcllrldc's Railway Commission Policy la .'nuorscil by State Convention. Tacoma, Sept. 11, Nominations mado by the Republican statu conven tion for congrosH are, W. L. Jones, V. E. Humphrey and F. W. Gtishinan. Governor Mcllrido's rallyway com mission policy was endorsed by adopt ing the following, ns part of the stato platform: "Wo are in favor of tho passage of n bill by tho next legislature establish ing a railroad commission, to consist of three members, to bo appointed by tho governor, no more than two to bo taken from the dominant political party, said commission to bo clothed with powor to regulate freight and passen ger rates, to determine the vultio of railroad propoity for purposes of assessment nnd taxation, to prevent unjust discriminations, and to cnqiiiro into nnd remedy such abuses as may Im) found to exist." The main points of tho Btato platform aro: An'nppolntivo rnilway commission. An auti-pusa bill. Au eight-hour day on stato and gov ernment work. Retention of tho Philippines, The convention endorses: Foreign und domustiu policies of Roosevelt, nnd pledges tho support of tho state delegation tlioroto. Work of Foster, Jones and (Jushmun in congress. FLOOD OP REVENUE STAMPS. Government Rents an Outside Building to Store Those Returned. ' Washington, Sept. 12. Commis sioner Yorkcs, of tho internal revenue bureau, has been compelled to runt an outside building in which to recolvd and storo checks and drafts boariny imprinted stumpH now bolmt sout in for redemption. The original act pro viding for tho redemption of these Im printed stumps limited tho time within which they could bo presented for re demption to two years from the time they wore purchased from the govern ment. Subsequently that tlmo was extended to January 1, 1001, Almost immediately after the act was passed bunks und largo busiuoss houses began sending in their surplus stocks, So fur 104 tons huvo been destroyed or returned to the fenders ufter canceling, U. S. Battleship Aground, Now York, Sept. 12. Tho United States battleship Iowa has run aground near eainj Nossa Senhoru do Dostorro on the island of Mllo, cables the Her ald correspondent at Rio Janeiro, Bra zil. Tho Iiruzlllau minister of murine has ordered u war ship to go to tho aid of the Iowa, New University Burned. Ottawa, Kan,, Sept, 12, Tho now !uilding ol tho Otluwa university was binned this morning, entailing a loss of $50,000. Tho university was to have opened today. iri .! .lfrrij