K.J .junlIHptW l riVMSIWI llte'WMIwiliIMIl'IIWltliyll!MllHWl'lllWiiluiiWIii''WMiiimwnifiii jfr THE NEW AGE, POUTLAND, OREGON. f: ? MISS MILNE AND I. aa$9 CHAPTER IV. Eight montlm hnvo paused slnco the 1oro of tho last elinpter, and tlilne.H aro much ns tlioy wore. Tho love, of occupation and tho occupation of lovo Imvo combined to mako tho tlmo pass rcry happily and very swiftly. About onco n month I havo visited Chisel iurst and stayed over Sunday. Kdltli, my Hdlth (of whom .moro presently), and I havo learned to lovo onch othor Intensely, moro so limn any quantity of tyfio can convoy, nnd life without lier now would ho very dreary nnd not worth tho IIvIiik. Of Miss Mllno I havo seen nothing. ITcr shop wns closed tho week nftor I last saw hor tlmro, and although vari ous reports havo coino to mo of her tnrrllilo goings-on, I havo myself scon nothing of hor. Ono Mondny evening I wns Bitting after dinner, rendng tho evening pa per, when Ann enmo In with n note; a child, wns waiting In tho hall, sbn aid, to tako mo Homowhoro. Tho nolo was from tho wlfo of our clergyman. T opened It nnd rend as follows: "Dear Dr. Hlghy I am Buro that un der tho clreumstnncoB you will forglvo mo for troubling you. I havo this morning been sont for to tho most wretched house Imaginable, nnd found there n girl In tho most utter stnto of poverty, nnd In need of your help. If you will como, nnd I am sure you will, tho bearer of thin lottor will show you tho place. Uollovo mo. very truly yours. E. N. GARPENTBIL" Ab hurrlodly aB I conld, I collected In my bag tho fow things I might need, nnd putting on my coat tho night wiih bitterly cold I Joined my little guldo In tho hall. An wo hurried nlong tho pnvoment J tried to learn something of tho enno I was going to bco, but tho girl know nothing of It. Blio hnd, sho told mo. Keen hailed by tho lady whllo walking down Arlington streot, nnd requested to, bring mo tho letter nnd show mo tho house. Hoforo tho door of tho most minor nliln of nil tho mlsornblo tenements of that wretched qnartor my guide stopped. "Ifn up thom stops, sir." rJie said, nnd up them I went as rapidly as their rickety condition would al low. On landing nt tho vory top I found tho Indy who had sent for mo. "I am afraid," sho nnld, "1 have brought you to n very terrible place, but you munt forglvo mo; I could do nothing oh.o. Hut como; will you follow mo?" Hbo led mo Into a room, tho stench, tbo mlnory nnd tho nbooluto squnllor of which no one but those who hnvn visited tho nluniB of London can poa slbly Imagine. I walked to tho win dow, npd from tho broken panes pullod out tho ploecH of carpet, old linen nnd nowspnperB that did duty for glnsn. With tho llttlo light thus obtained I law In ono rornor a mass of ntrnw. ml over and nbout It Boiled under clothing nnd old dresses. Thin was ovldontly tho bod, for under tho elo riifng I could distinctly discern the angular outlines of a woman's form. On tho back of the door othor drensoq woro hung, but those wero of a very different character; they were gaudv. If not expensive, and carried a world of moaning to me I recognized by thom not only the kind of room I was In, but nlHO tho knd of patient I had to deal with. Mrn Cinrpontor hud stood perfectly still during tho few bcconils I had been taking stock of tho place. "I think," sho Bald, "wo ought to bo doing something." and then added, nlgulunuitly. "thero nro two liven Involved." "Two?" I nskod. "Whoro'B the other?" Bho pointed to another hundlo ,1m Ilm other corner of the room, and vnlktiK over to It. I throw off a plooo at flncklut:. nnd exposed to view an In fant that, though hut a few hours old, tiuir tho wrinkled skin, troubled ex pression anil monkey-llko cast of foi turea pocullnr to somo of tho aged poor. Ha limbs wore nbout tho thick ne,Bs of an ordinary walking stick, its lingers long nnd tnlon-llkn, and as tli cold nlr from tho broken window Awnkoned it, It began to emit the cry characteristic, of ItB order, ft far-away, piping, hnlf-whlstlo kind of cry. that contrnstB so markedly with tho hearty shriek of n nowly horn healthy child. With natural tenderness Mrs. Carpen ter covered up tho poor llttlo creature, nnd 1. walking over to tho mother, knelt down beside hor tied nnd spoko to hor. It wuh tho llrst tlmo I had rnlsed my voice ubovo n whlspor, nnd r.t tho sound of it the Inanimate pic ture of starvation, with an ovldenco of strength which astonished we, throw hor head around and stared nt me. If her body ubowed ovldenco of star ration, her fnco did so In a thousand fold rroater degree; her cheek boneo nnd tho angles of hor lower jaw woro standing out In painful prominence, nnd bor oyos, always larger than hu man, woro now perfectly stnrtllng in their bIo and brilliancy. It was only for n .momont she stared nt me. then turning back to tho wall. Bho burled hor face In tho clothing. , "Who sent for you? who told you to como?" Bho nskod, loudly. "0.," and then'inoro loudly still "go at once, nnd leavo mo!" "Of course, you know I shall not go, Mlsa Mllno," for U was nono othor limn sho. "I shall not leave you until F havo soon you havo somo food and aro mado comfortable." "I'll tako nothing yon offer mo." And thon eho groaned again, "do, go, both of you, nnd lonvo ua to dlo; that's nil wo want, ninl why can't wo have ur Mrfl. Carpenter walked to tho hod f do. and taking in hora tho thin hand of tho patient, In the kindest tones Implored of her not to talk like that, but to lot uh do what wo could for her. , "Hut I don't want you hore; I didn't send for you, Why enn't peoplo mind their own business?" 1 bockoned Mrs. Carpenter to Join mo on tho landing outside. "What Is to bo done?" sho snld, "Do yon know hor,, Dr. Rtgby?" "I know hor very well." I replied; t, fnnt. i may almost say I owo my Ufa to hor, Sho nursed mo through u long Illness." "Unt what has happened to her? Is sho mnd?" "No, I don't think sho iB.mnd, nnd I don't think sho Is sano. lint I will tell you moro about her somo day. Wo ought to ho seeing now what wo can , no ior ncr -uini is, u nnyiuing can uv done; but you will find It exceedingly dfflrult; bringing her food 1b a simple thing, but making hor tako It Is a different ono. I warn you that girl will do everything In tho world to stnrve herself nnd hor Infant. It's vory un fortunate that I should havo been sent for; of course you know I llko to come, hut I nm cortnln you will do nothing with her with mo In tho room; tho girl hns a great horror of my seeing hor In this condition. Didn't you sco how Bho drow nwny from mo?" "Yes, I noticed It nnd wondered whnt It meant." "If you will allow mo to suggest, I think tho wisest courso to follow would ho this: I will lonvo hor sho nocdB no medical care and send you nt onco as good n nnrso as I can got about horc, somo food nnd wlno from my hoiiBO. nnd n few old things In tho way of clothing." To this nuggcstlon Mrfl. Carpenter assented, and on my road homo I called upon tho only womnn I could think of ns available. Sho wan n widow, a Mrs. Dost, who, although hotter than tho mnjorlty of hor class, belonged to a very distinct nnd vory low nnturnl order. I must pnuso hero n momont to nny ono word nbout this order. I had christened thom "f.'io vultures." Thoy woro vory common In ovory street In my district, and, I proBtimo, In nil partB of London: not nocossarlly widows, though wldova predominate; not nocessnrlly drunk ards, nlthough thoy Imvo- n great weakness for "Old Tom." I found Mrs nest at llborty. and vory glnd to undortnkn the duty. I told hor ua much as but no moro thnn vns necessary of my relationship with Minn Mllno. I found afterward that what I had told her was Just enouuh to nwnkeu her woninn'fl curiosity, and on the bnsls of her surmises sho built conjectures nnd theories Mint In nftor dnyn gave me much trouble. "I wnnt von. If you will." I snld. "to tako tho entlro chnrge of her; pay no regard to nny remonstrance or pro test; get food for her, and make her take It. Ab to the child. It'a a wroteh o,l specimen, hut do whnt you can to save It. I will meet you each day nt 11 nt the Ftreet door." The llrst day that I met Mrfl. Boat she told mo Mint Miss Mllno hnd neither onten anything nor spokon to her. , "SInJ'b a rum woman," Rho Bald, "and I thing she's trying to kill her self: hut tho ehlld'B nil right." Tho.aocond day I learned Mint Miss Mllno M-nn In tho samo condition, and on tho third day Mrs. Host did not ap pear at all. I Just caught sight of her nn I entered tho ntreet; sho wns peep ing round tho corner of tho door, watching for my coming; ho moment she saw mo she withdrew her bend and disappeared. I was waiting nt the bottom of tho Btalrs, wondering what I should do, when n woman who llvod opposite came over to mo. "Is It Mrs. Host you wnnieu 10 sec. Blr?" nhe nslted. Yesr-why? Do you know whore Bho Is?" "She's upstulrs. Blr; sho wont but a moment since. Shnll I run and fetch her?" I thanked her, nnd. ulthough I knew Mint her only motlvo wiib her wretched cuiloslty, I was vory glad of her help, for I wan very anxious to hear some thing of MIsb Mllno. In a fow momenta she returned, followed by Mrs. Heat. Tho moment sho appeared I Raw why she had not kept hor appointment, she wiib wearing ono of MIsb MHiio'h cliowy drosses, nnd tho color of her cheeks Bhowcd tho consciousness of her guilt. "I couldn't como down hoforo, sir." sho said, "for tho lady Is not so well; she's raving. I think you ought to sco hor." I thought a moment, nnd dccldod to oomuilt' hor to tho euro of a medical friend of mliio. It wns utterly use less for mo to try and do anything for her. I had llttlo dltUculty In securing lits help, and a promlso to report in tho ovoning ns to hor condition. In tho evonlnc ho came and told mo that although Miss Mllno had no symptoms of Illness that In othor people would bo serious, yot ho was vory doubtful as to what tho result In hor enso would bo. "You seo," ho said, "sho'B not Ilk anybody olso; sho'll neither speak to you nor tako food." "Hns alio taken no food?" I nskod. "Woll, ns n mntter of fact, sho has now. but It was not until I hnd gone homo nnd got tho stomnch pump nnd actually opened hor mouth with the object or forcing hor. Mint sue con Bonted to nwnllow it. Whnt a strange chnrnctor sho Is! Do you know hor woll?" "Yes, I know n good denl nbout hor, nnd nm much interested in hor wel fare, nnd nnything yon can do for hor I shnll tako us a very groat favor to myself." "You may depend upon my doing ovorthtng I cnu, nut what nbout that nurso?" "Oh, who's a brute; but then thoy nil nro." "Hut she's worso than nny of tho.ni. Bho'8 nctunlly wearing tho woman's dresses; sho drinks, all tho brandy, nnd nt 11 o'clock this morning tho baby wns neither washed nor dressed. When 1 romonstrnted with hor sho said, 'Oh, he's nil right; ho' too woll, I oxpect, to pleaso his fath er,' 'Do you know tho fnthorf I nskod. Sho didn't reply, lint gnvo mo a vory significant look. I'd keop my oyo or that woman, If I woro you." "I wish I could, but you bco I rnn't go noar tho houso; but you must for mo, and roport anything you notice." I did not soo my mod leal friend, for about four. days, and thon ho enmo in to tell mo Mint tho whole aspoct of tho case hnd altered; lie found Miss Mllno each morning sitting up In bed. taking (HIT HIOll IIVUI Willi IIHIUWI, riVIIVIII - .. .. ...... ,..vvuvu u.u.. 1 novel; thoro was no dlfflculty In fiot-jHev. Dr. Morgan, yrHubterbuj. Now her food freoly nud reading a Kronen ' ting her Into conversation." "And," ho added, "hor conversation Interests mo immensely." "In what way?" ' "I don't know; sho's such an awful cynic. Sho hollovos In nothing, In neither man nor woman, churches nor ichnpcls, hell nor heaven. I should think sho must bo protty hard-hearted when bIio's well, from what I bco of her sick." "Pcrhnps," I replied; nnd thon, to 111.4 nstonishmortt, I added, "nnd yo.l, do you know that girl nursed mo through my attnek of typhoid with a devotion jnlmost mntornnl?" "nenllyj Well, sho's a puzzle then." CHAPTER V. "I almost regret I ever saw her; 'tli strange, too, that ono can regret do ing good." Tho Bpcnkor was Mrs. Cnrpcntor. Sho hnd called upon mo with refer onco to Miss Mltnc. "I don't spo why you should regret It." "Not when ono Is tho moans of re storing n girl only that sho may go back to hor career of vlco?" "Aro you siiro sho has?" "Yes, qulto suro; and not only that, but sho hns enticed tho nurso to Join her; thoy nro out ovory night, nnd all night, and tho poor, wretched baby Is icfi to tho en re of heartless neighbors at so much tho hour." "Hnvo you scon hor?" "Yes; yestordny nftornoon I snw hor, nnd tried to reason with hor, but Bho Is far too clover for mo." "WnB alio delimit, or simply caro loss aB tc her futuro?" . "Woll, neither; sho Blmply contend ed that Bho was making tho most of hor llfo, getting tho most plcasuro ob talnablo. Hut I called about tho baby; Just now It Is being left each night In tho caro of tho woman opposlto, her self a wroteh, and It appears tho child docs not sloop, nnd tho woman, to mako It Bleep, gives It gin. Now, the probability Is Mint tho child Is III, nnd I wnnt you tonight, when thoy'ro gono, to run In and sco It If you will." "I shall ho vory glad, nnd I'll try nnd ouhstltuto something for tho gin Mint will bo Iosb harmful." Ilnlf-past oloven found mo standing by tho Bldo of this woman, and over the wretched and woo-bogono Bpecl- men of humanity I had como to see. "Hut It'll dlo If you contlnuo to give It gin," I wnn Baying. "And whnt mnttor? Blio doesn't wnnt It to live, nor ho either," bIio added, Blgnlucnntly. It was no use talking to tho woman; thero was no boiibo of mc-rnllty that I could nwnken. nnd bo I left hor with the promlso that I would Bond her something to tako tho plnco of tho gin, and I went homo to put up some thing from my own surgery. It Ib ono of tho unwritten lnwn of the profession Mint no narcotic drug.i shall ho given to children; but in cnseB llko Mint of tho Infnnt of whom I hnvo Just been writing, this law hns constantly to bo broken; but for thom tho cruelty of mothers and foster mothers to sleepless Infants would know no bounds. And, thorofore, I unhesitatingly sought In tho chloro dyno bottlo n subfltltuto for tho wp ninn'B gin, nnd, having wrltton Mio necessary instructions, I sont it to tho houso mid wont to bed. At four In tho morning my boll rang, nnd In reply to my question down tho speaking tube, Micro camo tho hoarso. unsteady, splrlt-ladcn volco of a hnir-drunken womnn, re questing mo to como Instantly to Miss Milno's lodgings. I dicsscd hurriedly nnd mndo for tho houso, a moscngor having gono on before. When I roachod tho room, n Bight novor to uo forgotten presented Itself. On tho 'hundlo of strny Mint ropro sonted Miss Milno's bed lay the dead body of the Infant; It had been "laid out" In tho usiinl way, but was still clothed In tho dirty rngs In which I had hist seen It. At tho bedside nnd leaning over It stood Miss Mllno Rho hnd on nil her war paint, her gaudy dross, ninny ribbons and much Jowol ry, hut from hor fnco there was a marked absence of that levity that ono r.sunlly associates with such a cos tume. She wns looking unutterably sad, and unless I nm vory much mis taken was reviewing hor llfo, cspoclnl ly hor life of Into, and tlndlng It want ing. Tho doath of the child had ovl dontly nwakened hor older nnd bettor holf if pcrmnnontly or only tompo rnrlly, romnlned to bo Been. (To bo C'ontlliUD.1.) Somo Short Scrmona. Supreme, Johiih wiib supremo In re' IIkIoii because lie wn supreme In lovo, lie can tako mo nearer to my heavenly father than any other of whom I havo ever heard. Ho can iniiku me surer of heaven than nny other. Itev. Dr. Har ris, Unlvei'sallwt, Worcester, Mass. The (lUltllnn Hand. NYhoover reads history aright ean not fail to see tbo Kiildlui; baud of Kod In nil tho great events that have occurred In ihlr, coun try. It la well that this directing pow er should ever bo recognized, -Itov. Dr. Woods, Haptlht, 'San Kranclsco, Cal. Science. The' Christian should thank, fully welcome all facts of science. Hut science attempts to tell the method of Hod's creation by eaons of evolution, but cannot rule Uod out of nature. Ho but Indicates the way that God works. Iter. Dr, ltabbltt, Episcopal, Brook, lyn, N. Y. Wisdom. Wisdom In tho Anglo-Sax. on meant wtso Judgment, The mlud must bo tralued to Juijkv wisely. In ono seuso of tho word education and wis. dom are synonymous. The llrst point lu the education of children Is that they acquire knowledge. Iter. O. S, Murphy, Lutheran, Mount Vernon, O. Clod's Love. Some claim that preach ers do not preach enough on God's love, and too much on punishment. The min ister must show the lovo of God In all tho ways he can; he must also show the terrors of helL Some pco pte need It to make them think. Iter. J. W. ltomlcb, Lutherau, Allegheny, Pa, A Prophet's Mission. A prophet' mission Is forthtelllug rather than fore telling. A prophet Is a man sent luto the worid to utter great divine truths, for the correction and guldauco of hu. mnu life, Christ was greater than nil tho immhtttK wlin hnil iwhuwIajI I.I.., R. A. OAT. Excelsior Planing Mill Mouldings, Brackets, Turning, Stair Building and General House Work. Phono Whlto CM. E. Seventh and E. Morrison fits. PORTLAND, ORKGON TKMU'lIONE SOUTH 308. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. SIIIKMlS, I'roptlotor. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. Sixteenth nnd Gllsnn Sts., Portland, Or George Miller. Hiram Fugitt. Wagner Cafe rhono Main 876 J 148 Sixth St., Portland. Comfortable C.uirtera for Commercial and B.ihIiicsb Men, H. JVU. MAYIIlt, Prci't and Scc'y. . Fleckenstein Mayer Co. Established 1670. IncorKMtcd 1871. Importers nnd Jobbers WINES AND LIQUORS. Our b'l'cclnltlcn: Maryland Club Rye and Kentucky Taylor Uourbon. 27-39 Murtlu St., CINCINNATI, OHIO. 2.13-23.1 Onlc 8t. I'OUTI.ANI), OltK. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon. 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUGH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON HARNESS, SADDLES, STRAP WORK See Our Prices Before Buying. Bond for free catalogue. Extract from Htt,llar.Makeriil'.A.Mar.37,lCfei "Vanklrk & Wllnon aro unttiiK prices In their catalogue that no retail dealer eaten to meet." That' what the Ring- ay of ua. Oct our VANKIRK A WILSON, ISO Front St Real Estate Bargains! Six-Room Modern Houses in Wood mere. Fine, acreage, on electric car line suit. ablu for platting. Choice lota on cay tern . Homei built to suit and sold on easy terms. OGO. W. BROWN, 203 Falling Building, 3d and Wash ington Sts. LQiUTTON Treat. a c. woodcock a n. conn Vice I'rest. See'y Standard Box Factory (Incororated.) Crates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack ages,, Packing Cases of all kinds. Cor. W&Wr and E. Washington Su., TcUphon Em 4. PORTLAND, OR V. HEW. Established Jan. MBB. Incorponttd July 8, 1891. Portland Coffee and Spice Go. For the Trade Only. Tea, . Coflcc, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Etc. I OUU BrECIAIi nitANDS: Bplces, Acme. Mult nomah; llAklni; l'midem. Dcflauce, Dotlblo Quick; Coffee, Itoynl Mend; Sugar, xxxx liar. 24-30 Front Street, Oat. Amh and Ankeny, PORTLAND, OREQON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamliill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 507 RENA STINSON, Lad; Assistant. I,.W.CAnNAIIAN. President. (L II. (IAKDNKK, Vlco President. W. W. TKKKY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. ' PARK GROCERY. A.J. JONU8. Proprietor. I Itctall Dealer la STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES And All Kinds of Imported Delicacies. 21 N. Iark Street, POUTI.ANJ), OltKGOX THE Ha Ca ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second! Hand Machinery 260 East Water Street! PORTLAND, OREGON. Zimmerman - Wells Machinery Co. incorporated. Marine, Mining, Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Working, Hoisting and Trans mission Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Lejchen & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Natuon oc Co.'s Lu bridling Oils and Compounds. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREQON Any Hl Any maokintosiBes, eubbkr and oil clothing llulibor Hoot anil Shoe, lleltliK I'licklng- mill Uoan, Largest and Mod Complete Aiiortraent of all Kinds of Iluhber Goods. OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. R. PKABK, President. K. M. BIIEI'AKI). JU.. Treasurer J. A. SlIKl'AHD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. The E-Cm ATKINS co. At kips Saws are Always Aheadmm Cample Rooms. Klectrto Lights. THE ST. HELENS HOTEL. J. P. UKADLEV. Never Closed. American FMaru CllGHALIS, WASHINGTON. Beds and Moals Firbt-claea. Lpewenberg & MANUFACTURERS 2& tm 235 Taylor Street 199 tm 194 SeommdStreet Phones: Oregon Maln'770., Colnmbla 429. TheLAGRANDE CREAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EGGS I AND OHEESE. All goods wholesale, and retail, 204 Yamhill St., ur. Third, Portland, Or FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS i Our Friends aro All Cordially Invited To Attend. BROWN & GRANT. W. I,. McCah, Seattle. K. b. Hamilton, 'I'ncoma. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. U Head Of Hoes Taooma, Wamha Cablo Addreis! McCAIlE grace, beazley & co., Ae. 14 water btreet, Liverpool. Do You Know th& News ? Toucan havo It all for Per Month 50c Per Month In Tho r.vonliiK TVleicrnm, of i'nrtlnnil, Oreisoii. It In the lart-'i itcvonlut,' tiuwa liiipor nljMii'tl In Onf.m; It I'milalm nil the lieu ol thu tlulu ami of tho na tlim. Try It lor a month. A lampla ropy "111 bo iiiHlleil to you free. Ad ilre.n THE TELEGRAM, jj Portland, Oregon. Uimntlty Any Stylo Pacific Ooamt Branch, No. 60 First Street i Portland, Ore. uaths. All White Help Special Rates by Week or Month Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... Handled by All Flr$t Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market ---.. --. . PORTLAND, OREGON 4 v f I t