inasraauMiffifawKaraMwasma THE NEW AGKE PORTLAND, OREGON. I MILES OP VARYINd LENQTH. Measures of Distance Differ drcntly In Several Localities. Among tho Englinh-speaking pooplos of tho earth thoro nro four different milea tho ordjnnry milo of 5,280 feot and tho geographical mlloof 0,035 feot, making a dlffercnco between tho two of about ono-toventh; thon there nro tho Scotch milo of 5,028 feot and tho Irish milo of 0,720 feot four'vnrloiiB miles, every ono of which Is still in use. Then almost every country Iiob ite standard milo. Tho German milo today 1b 24,318 feet, more than four and a half times as long ns ours. Tho Dutch, Danish and Prussian milo is 18,400 feot, thieu and a half times ns long as ours, and tho Swiss got moro exorciBO in walking ono of their miles than wo get in walk-' ing flvo (f ours, for their milo is 0,153 yards long. Pico's Cure l the best medicine we ever need fur nil nllectlons of tho throat nmt lungs. Wm. O. Kndsi.kt, Vnnbureii, ItuL, Feb. 10. WOO. New Zealand Dairy Business. Tho dairy business is increasing rap idly in few Zealand, and tho govern mont is-doing all in its power to boost tho trade. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars ths Slgnaturo of & Uobrlkoff Octs Sensitive. Governor General Bobriakoff has commanded tho Finnish local govern mont to mako extensivo preparations for tho Not thorn Scientific congress, as it would bo most regretlablo if any thing should occur to lvo tho forolgn visitors an unfavorable impression of tho conditions in Finland. Tho local government is quite willing, howover, thnt tho visitors should roallzo fully what Uobrlkoff lias dono for Finland. CITC I'eritianciiUjr Curra So nil or ncrioune ll I W nrtcrllri'lir'iu-nf lir. Mln'tUrrat Nerve Scitorer. Stiul lor I'll KK 82.00 trial lxlllnnl treat. 1st. Di.It.lI.lUlNi.l,IiI..V31ArcliSt..I'LIIJclrUli,r RoukIi on Pn. "What is a vacuum, inn?" "That part of your father that is di roctly under his hair." Raising Eagles. Nils Dvag, a fanner living somo miles from Korvlk, earns somo oxtra moony by capturing eagles. Ho knows whoio tho nestB aro and ucnlop tho high cliffs and takes the young, which ho sells for good prices in Ohristiania. He has had many fights witli the parents, but never harms or kills thorn, as by their death his source of revenue would bo gone. His Occupation. "Haven't you any occupation?" asked tho woman at tho kitchen door, after listening to his tale of woo. "Yea, ma'am," said Tuffold Knutt, "I am a hunter." "A hunter? Of what?" "Grub, ma'am." Mothers will find Mrs. Vlnslow's 8oot)i. Ing Syrup the best remedy to use tor their Children during tho teething period. What Find Me Done. Husband (roiding tho paper) What fools somo men will mako of tiiom boIvos. Wlfo Now,H onry, dear, what havo you dono this timo? Millions of aufTerersuse Hamlin'a Wiz ard Oil for pain every year and call it blessed. Wsk ypur druggist; ho knows. Heard In a Dook Store. "I suppoeo that work in sixty vol umes is an encyclopedia?" "No; it is called 'The Love Letters of a Mormon Elder.' " Unforscen Results. Dolly I believe Julia Gibbs Is a mesmerist. Polly Why? Dolly I went to sell her a tickot to our piacnica nd she sold mo one. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature of t Fic-Stall Wrapper Bate. ImrtmmUmmA takM CARTER'S FMIEA1ACIL rai uaiNEss fid IIUIUSNEtt. FNTORPilLIVEI. FOR COMTIPATIM. FIIIAUIWSKII. niWECIMPLUIMU una wmwiMMTim. i CURE SICK HEADACHE. ClKS WHIK AIL ELS IJUXS. I I Best Coach Bjrrup. Tie OooO. Vm I in lime, oota Dr oruranu. JP Ig-j I emu QUARRYMAN'S BAnLE WITH VICIOUS SNAKES. Kvau Brannon, while working In a stono quarty near Moundsvllle, V. Vn., uncovered a den of vicious copperhead Biinkes. As soou ns the reptiles were iucnrthed they showed ' light, but Evans killed thirty-six, while at least that number esenped to other dens. They averaged two feet In length. DON'T KNOW WHAT AILED MARY. When John Dalton carao back from the asylum where he had gone to place his wife, his neighbor, Perry, met him at tho station and went home'with him, thnt he might not enter tho empty house alone. The old man was stunned and dazed. "I don't know what ailed Mary," ho said, dully. "You see how clean and snug this hoiiHo Is? She nhvuys kept things bo. Up before dnwu, milking and baking and wnshlng.. Same thing dono tit tho snme hour, year lu nnd year out. She hadn't complained of sickness for forty years. Then, nil at once, she began talking of an Iron band nrouuil her Jaws nnd queer pains In her head." "She seldom went to town, did she?" asked Perry. "Never, hardly. "I'm not much of n hand for gnddlng about to no purpose. Sho used to want to go to church Sun days, but I didn't Just like to hitch up when there was no work to do. But I wIbIi now I'd dono that for Mary." "She didn't visit much with the neigh bors, either, did she?" asked Perry. "No. That was my doing, too. When tho day's work Is dono, I want to put on my slippers and rest, and then to bed, and not go skirmishing about or having a lot of company In." Ho was silent a while. "I don't know what ailed Mary," lie said again. "She would Bit looking at nothing, straight ahead of her, by the hour, and then cry nnd cry, yet always saying sho had no trouble. And sho got weaker every day, and then her mind went altogether. B i didn't know me, nor even her own name." "Sho will bo cured In that sanitari um?" said Perry, cheerfully, "and como homo well In tho spring." Ho watched Ids old neighbor furtively a while, and then said: "Do you know, Dalton, somo years ago my wife and daughter got peevish and Irritable. I thought tho steady work nnd loneliness wero telling on them. So I got that parlor orguu, and paid for a year's lessons for Susy, Wo had music nnd singing every evening, nnd tho young folks would gather In with their reading clubs. Then I took two or three papers; my wife Is a. main hand for guessing tho riddles. And onco a year I took her an' Susy up to town for a week." "Yes," said Dalton, dryly. "You spent a lot of- money,- I've heard." "It's bringing me hi good Interest." They sat In sllenco a. while. Then Perry put his hand on the old roan's knee. "Whcu sho comes back, If sho over docs 'come, I'd open up life for her a bit, Dalton. You know how It Is with potatoes. You plunt tho best kind In good ground,, and they yield splendid crops for a year or two. Then they be gin to dwlndlo and rot." "Of course tho ground runs out. Thoy need new soil." "Yes. You plant them In a different lot, and they yield big, healthy crops. Human beings are like them, Dalton. You'vo got to renew tho soil, give them fresh food for their minds, or they'll dwlndlo and rot." Dalton did not speak for a long time. 'There's something In It," ho said, final ly. "I'll do different If I ever havo the chance." Youth's Companion. Painful Means of Suicide. "Ilavo you ever 'noticed bow many suicides uso carbolic acid?" asked a druggist the other day. "Without hav ing any actual data on tho subject, I should say that fully one-third, perhaps a half, uso that means of exit. It Is something I could nover understand, be cause there are so many more comfort able ways of doing It There could not possibly be a more agonising death than carbolic acid poisoning produces. Tho corrosive fluid burns tho mouth, tonguo and throat, then passes Into the stom ach, and must feel like so much hot lead." A Slight Misunderstanding. A young man, whoso gallantry was largely In excess of his pecuniary means, sought to remedy h this defect and to save the money required for the purchase of expensive (lowers by ar ranging with a gardener to let him have a bouquet from time to time in return for bis cast-off clothes. So it happened that one day he re ceived a hunch of the most beautiful roses, which be at once dispatched to his lady lore. In sure anticipation of a friendly welcome, ho called at the house of the young' woman tho same evening, nnd was not a little surprised rat tho frosty reception. After a pause tho young woman re marked, lu tho most frigid tones: "You scut me a noto to-day." "A note-ir "Certainly, along with tho flowers." "To be sure, I scut you flowers, but-" "And this noto was with tho bou quet. Do you mean to deny It?" And tho young man read: "Don't forget tho old coat you promised mo tho other day." WAITERS AND EYEGLASSES. Ilotela nnd Restaurants Object to Uelt Wearlnit Optical Aids. "Ever boo a waiter wearing glnsscs?" demanded tho Inquisitor. No oue could remember, nlthough Just why a waiter should not bo Been with glasses as well as any other mau was not apparent. "It's Just like tho wearing of beards," went on tho Inquisitor. "Tho proprie tors of our Important hotels, restau rants and cafes will not permit cither benrds or glasses to bo worn by their waiters. It Is possible that In somo old fashioned family or commercial hotel tho servitors may be found with their noses straddled by optical helps, but you won't And 'em along Broadway. "Now, this Is n fact worthy of note, because In every other calling In life tho number of persons wearing glasses Is on tho Increase, nnd even lu our schools n considerable percentage of very small children will be found wear ing glasses. And while, as I say, hotel, restaurant and cafe proprietors aro op t08cd to tlie glnsscs, still I have seldom found a waiter whose eyes Indicated that ho was lu tho slightest need of them. ''You may argue that restaurant wait ers arc generally young men. Grant you thnt Instantly, but, nil tho same, thousands of men of similar ago havo to wear them lu almost every other oc cupation. "Tho majority of those servitors com menco in boyhood, and tho demand of their vocation causes no strain on tho eyesight. Consequently thnt may ac count In n measure for tho absence of any necessity for the uso of specs. Moreover, tho stenm from hot viands would render them useless probnbly." Now York Evening Telegram. CANDLE MADE OP WOOD. ' For yours and years before our boys In blue invaded Cuba there wero two candlesticks on tho altar In tho chnpcl of old Cabauas, one of the outer forts protecting tho city of Havana. This fort was used as n prison (principally for Cuban patriots), ns well as for de fense. ' , When a patriot was ordered to be shot he was allowed time to go to the little chapel lu the fort and say his prayers beforo tho altar, after which he was taken out and executed. It would be Idle to speculate as to tho number of poor fellows who had thus offered up their prayers before these caudlestlcks and then gono out to their death. . The body of the candlestick Is wood, covered with a plaster of parls deco ration and' then gilded. Tho 'candle" Is of wood, with an Imitation dripping of wax down tho side. The "wick" Is in reality a small nail driven In at the top. The ono from which this Illustration was made Is lu Brooklyn, while the other Is In Detroit, Mich. Carried Menagerie. The thin man looked Just as If every body In the world Imposed on him. Even his mustache grow crooked. Ho came Into the car of the suburban train sldewlse, deposited his basket ginger ly, and slid Into the scat beside It., As soon as tho train cleared the tuuuel the basket meowed. The thin man smiled back at the man across tho aisle, and gave tho basket a shake. Another meow. A little girl In the seat lu front stood up on the cushion and peered at the basket. "Like cats?" tho thin man asked. "Yep," tho child answered. "Leramo see It" "No; It might get away," the thin man said with another smile. The basket preserved silence for sev eral minutes, then It began to cluck. The child's eyes opened wide. "Like chickens?" the thin man asked. Before the child could reply the bas ket emitted a shrill whistle, and tho man across the aisle, whose face was as puzzled as the child's, asked: "What have you there, anyhow?" "Mockingbird," the thin man answer ed,, New York Evening Post. "Is he In good shape financially In dependent?" "Well, he's In good shapo financially, but as far as being Inde pendent I guess he's like most of us married men." Detroit Free Press. AsMLaltjaBflaiaiitMAA4ikdMMiajMiSkaSUSHSMfcJU TACOMA ADVERTISING s win: wtuu co. Tho most reliable plnco to buy drugA nnd f latent iiU'illclncn, elc. Thin More In noted for Is cnrefiilness hi idling treicrlitlotiH ami for fair prices. HOC I'BClflC Avcnuo Tacoms, Waih. i iii:iu)i:kn sti:am laundry J. M. I.uptou, Mgr. i:Uilletl with new uii-to-dnto machinery. No roll nil or taw-eilKoctilta and collars. Itlgd gloM or (InmeMIc llnlnh. Work llrat-clnss null sure to plt'iue. Telephone- RSI. Corner Hume and II Htx., Opp. 1'lremen'e Unit mm: l'.U'ino i.iquou and wini: noi'yi:. X. ItKl'TKH, Proprietor. The bent of Wines. Liquors anil Cigars. Fnndly Triulo a Specialty. Tel. lted 1731. 1W l'nclllc Ave. 1605 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington mm: junction. M. CltltlBTIAN, Prop. Fine Wines, I.luuors and Cigars. Telephone Mack 1073. Cor. Pacific Avenue ami Jefferson 81,, TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAI, HOUVKNIHH AND UNMOUNTED PHOTOS. HOI.T'8 AHT 8TOKK. Frames Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Stationery and Art (loods. Tel. lllack Wiil. No. 7C3 (,' Street, near L'hninlier of Commerce. TACOMA. WABHIN11TON. MICHAEL BROS. DRuaaisTS. Jetlersou and l'ncltlu Avenues,, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. V. W. Wing. (I. II. Wing, Jr. KASTKIIN LAUNDRY. WING lllt()S.,Props. Wo Launder Anything. 711 l'nclllc Avo. Tul. MrIii SW. Tacoma, Wash. D KXA11KL, lX' Proprietor of THK OKIIMAN IIAKKIlY AND COFFKK 1WIII.OHH. Fresh Dread and Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specially. Only thu nest and purest material used In our llakcry. llread delivered frcu to any part of the city, Telephone Park 791. 11171 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Towntend, Washington. BH1PPING AND COMMISSION MKKG1IANTB. Custom House llrokers and Stevedores. Kstabllshed l&'A. llranch offices Tacoma and Seattle. JENTUGKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Baudbcrg, Proprietor. WINKS, t.iqUOItS AND CIOAIW. Polo uncut for Gullies' Hlmit and llms' Ale, (Head llros. Dottllng). Kstabllshed 1MI. Tele, phono .Main GW. 1H0 Paclllu Avenues ll Commerce St. Tacoma, Wushlligtnu. THY Fpye Bruhn & .Co. 1310 l'nclllc Avenue, Tacoina, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks and at liulloy St. f ACOMA, WASHINGTON. Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HAItMON, J-eskee and Mgr. J, Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar lu connection. 121M213 Pacific Avenue. TACOMA, Wash1 We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 1142 Pacific Ave. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks at Wholesale 020 Paaltlo Ave. TAOOMA and MEW irO?lf,TACOMA TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. WILLIAM W. MILNKIt. DEOE & MILNER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Matters Solo Agents for Hurt, Schnlinor & Marx and Alfred Ilenjainlii it Co.'s Tallor-Mudo Suits, KnineimtH nnd Ovoreoutn. Finest Lino of llnber dtyshory and Huts in Taeotna. Up-to-Date Murchandiso at Popular Prices. : : : ::::::::: 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, cither for cash or on installments Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. HAMFOUD, Proprietor. ...MACH INISTS... Agents and Bulldtn of the Flynn Shingle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Merchants Delivery Co. forwarding AkchIh for Northern Pacific, Great Mort'fecrn, Wells Fargo and American Express Compan ies) Swift & Co.) Omaha Packing Co.) American Paper Co. Etc. Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANUrACTUIIKKH OK Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. John Donahue Manufacturer of ami Healer lu ...LUMBER Hawmlll am! Olllio Twenty-first nnd Dock Sts. Telephone Main 289. Tacoma, Wash. TKI.Kl'IIONK 4.. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Onitu IK.' Tenth Ht ftutlii'Ht curuvr of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All llouri. rn('MKcm ami IIhkicK" trnimfurrtM from rclili'iiceM(l IiiiIvU to ami from all Ixrnl. ami tralim. Hand your clii'cLa for Iirkkhko to our mtncnKer, ulio will meet you on ail lucoiii Inir Iralni ami )oat. Flr.t cliu l.httry. Open aliiilKlit. All rlK markiU '!'. C, .t II. T. Co." McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholofitlo and Kotall GROCERS. ProjirlotorH of tho J.aurul brand of high grudo (,'rocoricri. TflcphonoH, Main 517 and Main 5M. OlMIl 0 fitreot 012 Cominorcti Struct WASH. JAMK3 It. DEOB TACOA1A, WASHINGTON Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma. Waik THK Puget Sound Iron X Steel Works t Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery, l.onniiu,' KiinincH. -WorkH, corner Twonty-llrttt nnd A SIh. Phono Main '-'7. Tacomn, Wasninglon. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dcalurt lu General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES! I50I-I503-IG05 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Cents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. CALIFORNIA HAND UUNDRT Tolophono, Hliti-k 1713. All work (,'iinruntcod. Gentlemen' dotliinK kept lu thorough repair. Any Iohnch made good Imiiiidiatuly, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA . VVASH. THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant I). WISSINOIJK A A1. C KUSSUI.U, Propa. Tho only flnd-clasH and up-to-tlnto KoHtaiirant now open and doing IjuhI iiciiH at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our eofll'o 1h unexci lied. Sido dlHhca nerved hucIi Ih servo I in no other Res taurant in tliindty. Op6n A" JNight POPULAR PRICES. .