JrrnW,!! '.t!1:11),"''1';'' ''TVMyrAreniwn'T'WTT"' t" '"" '""W'l't'ywroniwmi'irwiw aunm,nu.friiiiimj i m iwgnf ipo.w THE MW AGE, PORTJLAND, OREGON. EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO. V. II. HALL, Manager. Hardware, Granitewarc, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. (let Our Prices Iloforo lltiylng. Oregon Phono Hcott !W1. 115 Oraiid Ave. A. E. SIEOEU. Dealer in nil kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St ST. CHARLES HOTEL 10HN GIBLIN, Prop. flrst-Clas Accommodation unit Prompt iicrv lie. Large hamplu tlooms lor Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. ..IKE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7M, Oregon Red 1W,I Proscription - Druggists 67 North Third Siroot PORTLAND - - OREGON Blazier's... No, 248 Burnsicle Street, liut. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OKIXiON Tlio Ilcst of Wint'H, Liquors itud (Mgnrs HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Itooms 1M itnil '.7, Sherlock Itiiilillng. Cor. Third mid Oak Sts. PORTLAND, OIL ritANK fciimitt, President j. i.. 1 1 i:m it it i: i :. Secretary, J II. CAIMI, Manager. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of fir, Silver Pine and Cellar Doors and Finishing Material. Plume KhhI l,V Kant Tiijlnr ami t'at Eighth Mil-els. Portland, Oregon DO YEARO' EXPERIENCE Thadc MAnno DC0IQN3 CopvniQHTs Ac. XrtTOiio HHiilIng a nkctrh and rtMcrlpllmi mar fukUr au-erlnlii nur oimilnn Irco whether nn IIITAIIIH iTonlloii It lmihulilr rnliMitHliln. Comiiiutildi. IUUII11MI. lllllllllMKlKpil I'ftll'llia irtMirr fur Muriiiir ivattmta. I MlfHIia IA.VII tlll.lUKII 0IUIII1 A iwl.ll nolkv. without chnruo. lutlio 1'nlviit tnktm ihrouiiti Munii ,t to. rvcelTO Scientific American. A handsomely llliitratst writy, I-awst rlr. tuUtluii of mir rieiilian Imiriiiil, terms, $3 a rri four months, ft Hold byall iiewsitoalern. MUNN & Co 3oiDro..r, fjew York llraiich twice, (Si V HU Wmtilnulon, 1, C. Portland Club and Cafe... . . 130 Fifth Stroot OUR SPECIALTIES: Monogram nnd III Cyrtm Noble Whiskies. ii A Roaort for Oontlomon. Phone OreijonMtun DOS; Coluinbiu -117 Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowllnp Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. jwBm,. ROSEBURG, OREGON, ADVERTISING. mllK UMPQUA KAKKKY- kkesh bread daily. Pica. Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, Ilium, Holla Cream Pull's. Cakes fur Socials, Parties mid IlanrjiiotB .Made to Order. i:. JENNINGS and SI KB. FREEMAN, Props. Phone 110. JUoBolmrg, Oregon WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Furnlshod Rooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK JtiHt Fotitli of tho Dctat. roseuuro; - - oreoon. Ohleken Supper with Hot ltlRctiltH. All TrnliiH Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless & Stormcr. Kiitortnlnorn: CIIAH. OII.VIN. KIM. I'UOTZSIAN, The Monogram PRANK KliNNEDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSKMMUi, OKEOON. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Snddln Horses mid Stvllsli Single and Double Hlx at All IIourH. ROSEUURO, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near hu Depot, Kosohurir, Oregon. Whore you can II ml tho BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAl'P, Proprietor. Telephone Itud Ml. al'rlvatu rooms. Bambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Swiiiistm, Prop. Choice Wines, l.liiuors and Cigars. Cor. Sid mid WhiOiIiikUmi Him, 1'iiiiTl.tNli Oiik A. (looduough J. O. HleaniN G00DN0UGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Wellington lliillillug, Portland, Or City, Huliurlmu and Country Property, Im proved and unimproved. Tlmhor and Coal l.iunln. cholcu Water rrouliige, miltatilo for manufacturing purpnmn. Valualilc liuntncai property (ornate. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks, Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoftlce EMPIRE Liyery Feed and Sale Stable - C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle IloiM's, Single a ml Double Rigs At All Hours. Traiiklout stivl given tho very Ut of euro. ltiiU'MilH) roiikouiihtu and HitwiliU'tlou guar- Hllk'tll. Phone Main 51. Cor, Rose and Oak Sts, KOSIillUKG, OREGON. , Hatters and Furnishers Sole Ascot, for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. FATHER OF IRRIGATION. CottKreaanmn Newlonda of Nevada Has Karned the Title. Probably no nicnBure so far-reaching In Importance as regards tho development of this country has been ,)i'.m m. enucieu in recent ! venrs as tho New- ?A1' !.! I.l...l ,., ,;:il iiiiiua uiifcuuuu uiu, tlfr ttri.ii- i.i i T UI1U IUIIU UUl li dollar directly from the public treasury, It nevertheless pro vides for nn expen diture which It Is estimated will ag gregate In the next HO years fully ?150. 000.000. Most bills tnke the form of nn gate KKWLA.tl)S, npproprlntlon for a single year, but this measure appropriates the proceeds from the sale of the public lands In 13 States nnd 3 Territories for nil tlino to bo devoted to works of Irrigation. Further It nets automatically and will require no further legislation. The en actment of the bill menus that the vast area which was onco known ds the Great American Desert Is to be trans formed Into fcrtllo soil to provide homes for additional millions of Amer ican citizens, nnd will yield products of untold wealth. ' , In short, the bill provides that tho receipts from tho sale of public lnnds shall he set apart In the treasury In n fund to bo known ns the arid lnnd rc clnmntlon fund. This Income com prises the proceeds from tho sales of mining and mineral lands, timber lnnds, stone lands, ns well as nrld lnnds, nnd aggregate now about $3, 000.000 'a year. The money Is to bo placed In the treasury every year and expended by the Secretary of tho In terior In the construction of Irrigation works necessary to mako tho waters nvallnble for settlers, authority being given the .Secretary to make contracts only when money necessary for each particular section of n contemplated project Is In the fund. Congressman Francis G. Newlnnils, of Nevada. Introduced this bill, nnd fought for Its passage to the end. Ho thus gained for himself the title of of Father of Irrigation. Mr. Newlnnils Is n man of brilliant parts and Is ac counted the Intellectual superior of Senators Stewnrt nnd Jones, the lnt tor of whom he will succeed In tho Sennto when his term expires. Now lauds Is 51 years old. Ho graduated from Ynle nnd was admitted to tho bnr In Wnshlngton. Ho went to Snn Francisco to practice law and remained there until 1880. when he became trus tee of the ,1'stnto of William Sharon, formerly United States Senntor from Nevada, llo removed to thnt State and In 1888 became n citizen. Four years later ho was elected to Congress, whero he has since remained. ELECTRIC DANCERS. With the help of electricity In Its sim plest form it Brent many tricks nnd en tertaining feats can he performed, such as tho following: Oct a plalr sheet of glass nhout. twelve Inches long hy eight wide and Insert It hetween two vol umes, ns shown In Illustration. The distance of the glass from the tabic should he nhout threo Inches. With the help of scissors cut a number of small figures, such as men, women, clowns, uulmals, etc., not higher than li Inches, out of different colored paper. Lny tho llttlo tlgures tint lu n lino ou the tnhle underneath the glass. Make a sort of hull of woolen, or, better yet, silk clNh. warm It n llttlo and rub the surface of the glass with It. You will notice Immediately how tho electricity obtained by this process enlivens the little naiier llirures. llow they stand up and Jump to theglass celllngof thelt llttlo ballroom, to bo repulsed and fall back, only to renew their dance. U you stop rubbing the funny actions of the tlgures are continued for awhile, When the- dance Is ended the touch ol tho hand on the glass Is snillclent to en liven the tlgures again. An KveryDiiy .Matter. There are some circumstances under which It Is easy to write a letter for another person, and .others under which It U well-nigh Impossible; but not nil people agree on what tho cir cumstances are. "I'd Jess like you to write a letter to Pomp for me, please, Missy June," said the colored o.ueen of a Boston kitchen to her young mistress, ".less a llttlo short, every-day letter, It won't take yon but 'bout a minute." "What shall 1 say?" asked tho lady, when pen and paper were at hand. "Tell me. Just what to say, Hester." "Oh." said Hester, with a toss of het head, "I'd Jess like a few words. Missy' June, Jess to tell him howdy, ami say I made up my nllud I alu't going to marry him, an' he'd better hurry his self and make sure o Susy Bull, 01 most likely he'll lib nn' die a mls'nblt olo Ditehelder. Dnfs all," Klondike Ik American. About TO per cent of the population of tho Klondike Is from the UulteO. State X:aZFlRi mm RAwL,'. wmm v. a . i. . m TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. 1 Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING LONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. Walker's Home Cooking Parlors Lunches put up for Travelers. We guarantee Mitisfnction and prompt service. J. WALKER, Prop. 89 Sixth Street. THOMAH B. KI'KIXY, .Manager. iu'k. id. joiin tun. KOIIKKT .McCtJM.OUnit. Secretary. Ke. Tel. John 8M. TACOMA TUG AND BADGE GO. Tl'riH FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. (Icneral Towing. Coal, llnllmt and Water furnlMuMl. Hcown and llnrgua lor Kent. The "Kearlens" In tltted with powerful lira and wrecking pump, All builmM communion tloim to bo nililrff Kcit Tacoma Tug and (large Co. Olllre Paclllo Cold.Htorago Milldlng, Northern Pacific Dock Telephone .Main W. Tacoma, Wnshlngton. H. A. OURR, Proprietor ol Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. UMKMl c Htrect ISHM2 Commercial Htrcot Telephone Slain :f.M . Tacoma, Washlneton V KSTAIIMSKKIl 1MI. To The Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Are now open for business with the largest and llnest stock in the city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 13 10 1'acitle Ave, Hiono Alain 51)9. The only exclusive wholesale house In Tacoma, Hoarding Horses a Bpeelalty. Tel. Mala 499 CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN ( I.AKK A SOX, Proprietors. Hacks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notlca Jfo. 1210 A street, Tacouia, Washington, CLOTHING, SHOES, HITS and Cents' Furnish ing Goods. Belter . than the ordinary and . without extra cost He$t lighted and most convenient store in'the city. DICKSON BROS. CO. General Outftttara U2Q-22 RaeltksAva. Tacoma if wt?fs!!SEi 3- C TACOMA ADVERTISING S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Front Street. Cor. Salmon, PORTLAND, OREOON. Pendleton Roller Mills W. H. KVEKH, Proprietor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels. Slanufnctiircraof Bluo Ilibhon nnd livers Best Flour, Bran mid Shorts, Rolled Barley always on Hand. Pendleton," -Oregon. Star Brewery Company Hi ewers and Iluttlcn of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnsldo Sts., Port land, Oregon. OKEOON PHONE III.ACK Slfl.1. New York Grocery om. II. 1IINNENICAMP, Prorrlolor. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TEAS, COFFKKS AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. Cor. Eleventh and Morrison Sts'., Portland, Oregon Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Olllco H. W. cor. l'ourth and Ktark 81s. ..Telephone &I9. POItTLANP, OKKtION Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and order Carriages or Coupes. Huggago checked at resi dence to any destination Kranch otltccs: Hotel Portland; United Car rlaKe Co,, Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, AlRr. PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTUKER8 OK Saw Mill Machinery. Flouring Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OFKICK AND WORKS: Fourteenth and Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lainpa reduced to 15 cents each, or $1.75 per dozen. Use these Lamps with proper voltage and mako your light the cheajet and best. Portland General Elmctric Co. Smvmnth and AUor Sts. 15o. 15o. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T OUIH IIUNZIKEK. PKACTICAI. WATCIIMAKEK,'JEWEI.KR AND OPTICIAN. Diamond!, Watched, Jewelry, Silverware, Op tical Ooodf, Cut Ulima. 726 Main Ftrcct. PENDLETON, Oregon rpiiE OWI A OENTI.EMAN'S KE80KT. Finest WInct, Liquors and Cigars. (live Us Call. Opp. Depot, Left Hand Walk. SMITH & KOCKWEI.I., Prop. I.a Grande, Oregon THE MINT SAlIOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. I1KST IIKA'NDS OK WINES AND LIQL'OltS impokti:d and domestic C10AKH Corner Depot Street and Jefferson Avenue, LA ORAMDE, Off. E. Y. Jt'on, Piest. K E, Judii, Scn'y nnd Treas. Tiikiion E. Eki.L, Manager Incorporated, 1890 Capital Htoik, (10,0(0 PENDLETON Woolen Mills .Manufacturers of FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Casslmcrcs, Flannels Ronttloton, Orom The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREOON IS ..ML A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Kinhalmcr ljily AssUtant. I'KMII.KTON OIIKOO.V Kates tL.50 Per Day and L'p. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKKIOAN) A. GEISEH, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. IIAKKIt CITY, OltEGON 01 rnllE CEI.KIIKATKD COLU.MIIIA KKKWEKY AUOUHT II UC II I.Kit, Prop. This well-known hreery now turning out tholH'st Ilecriind Porteriast ol tho Caucudes. Tho latest iiiipllaiue lor tho manufacture ol Kood heallhuil Heer have U-cn lntrmliioi.il, and only the flrst-chis article will to placed ou the market. East Second Street THE DALLES, Oil. Dalles Laundry Go. FIRST-OLASS WORN at Short Notice Gentlemen's Work a Specialty LochI I'lioue 341 t,uiiK ItUtuncs 003 THE DALLES, OREQON Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. Olllce and Warehouses'at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handlliiK oiirsiecialtr. Grain bousht and sold. Columbia Thm Cal.bi-mt.d Brewery AUQUST BUCHLER, Propr. T'l' , "wolutely deod of the illghte.t enn-?,iaUJ,r,r,i0U' hx on.tn other hand I iomoed of the best of malt aud choicest of io. Its tr.ncqnalltles are of the highest and it can be w.! Uh the greatest beneOI 'iu 1 Mtlsfaciion bv old and young" lis use can con Kleutlously U prerlid by the phy.ltlans, th the certainty that a better, purer or more ?ounim Ve"Se C0Ula PS"" 5 steMtf ., THEBALLES, OR. He- Of the product of this well-known brewerr. 5? .' A w.or? "l"rlor hrew uei er entered us inurniurroi ine I'uttvd Stat,- lixlth tF ,' 44;-J h.