mivrwK.i7twmm&M&m&xiwvmen!&ti f-l TELE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. g t-fcl BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esbcrg-aunst' Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Call'nt Kihimmi fc Wntk'hiB, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth stieet, Portland, Oregon. For first class dental work and prompt attention, go to tho New York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Tho Yakima Market, H. A. Brasen, manngor, freBh and cured meat and poultry, 149 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 989. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and xnorngnges bought. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. T. E. Rogers. Ico cream parlor and confectionery. All kinds of cigars, tobacco and fruits. Agency Union Laundry Co. Columbia phono, 409. 307 First street, Portland Oregon. Van Kirk & Wilson, ICO Front street, Portland, Oorgon; general commission, harness, farm machinery, groceries, flour, feed. Columbia 'phono 194; Or cgon 'phono Orant COC. In connection with D. E. Molklo. Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wllson.auntloncors, household furni turo and bankrupt stocks bough't and sold. Office and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono COC; Oregon 'phono South 261. French Dyeing and Cleaning Woria. All workdono at very modrcato prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do Icau, proprietor, 4G5 Qlisan street. , Tho proprietors of the Oregon Bakery, corner Fourteenth and Fland ers 8tH., Portland, aro both old and ox periencod bakers, men who woro fore men In tho best; shops on tho coast, and who mako a superior loaf of bread of any kind. Pullman loaves a special ty. Wo want your trade. Music half Erice; musical instruments of all inds, cash or installments. II. JI, Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in music and musical merchandise. Tho Music building, 340 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon. Pacific Rtlli Company. Manufacturers of badges, buttons, banners, lodgo regalia and supplies. Portland, Oregon. TRY DIG DEND FLOUR. Unquestionably tho best grado of family flour on tho market today Is tho product of tho Dig Dond Milling Co., of Davenport, Wash. Dread made from this flour Is pronounced by epi cures, chefs and cooks generally to bo unsurpassed. This woll-known brand of goods has an Increasing salo In Portland and Oregon. Tho wholesalo agonts aro C. W. Nottingham & Co., foot of Wash ington Btroot, Portland, Oregon. Ask your dealor for Dig Dend nnd bo con vinced of Its superiority. Both 'phonos 3fl. The Pioneer Paint C. Tho firm of F. E. Beach A Co., corner of First nnd Aldor streets, is ho oldest established concern in the paint and oil business in tho Northwest. For over 20 years this houso has maintained its reputation for reliablo business dealings with all patrons. F. E. Beach & Co. car ry tho highest grades of paints, oils and vurnishes. They also handle all builders' materials, and no order is too small to receivo prompt atten tion. DON'T GUESS AT IT. Dut If you are going East write us for our rates and let us tell you about tho sorvlco and accomodations offered by tho Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via tho Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write ub about your trip, as wo are In a po sition to glvo you some valuablo in formation and assistance. G319 miles of track, over which Is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates, call on or address: B. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent J. C. LINDSEY, T, F. & P. A., 142 Third street, Portland, Or.' OOMT 91,000,009. The Portland H. O. BO WEItS, Mm; Ammrlmmm Plan, $3 Pmr Dm mud Umwmr, HEADQUARTERS FVIt TOURISTS AM COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. BOLKltOS AlifS GOING. SUCCEEDED BY LOOSE JACKETS REACHING. BECOW WAIST. Moro Variety In the Newcomers thnii Unit nl In So New n Fashion Some of Thcin Are Very Pretty Not Uccoin lntr for Homo J'luurcs. New York correspondence: O few are tin? rad ical chances of styles disclosed In autumn standards, that the new ruling as to boleros stands out with strong emphasis. It Is thut that form of Jacket Is taboo ed unlet of novel shape, and thnt in. the latter case it In not of impressive stylishness. Re cent purchasers of mich jackets have not good reason to complain of this right-about, for bo leros have hnd a long Inning and have I1"'11 ery numerous, Lnst miring they were a dominating feature, and when such a fashion reaches that point, a shift to something quite different Is the next de ipk FROM THE NEW CROP OF JACKETS. velopmeut. So the occasional bolero sulU shown are either workadny rig, or are unusual of cut and finish. The degree of oddity thnt is acceptable in these gar ments is shown In the Jacket put beside the initial. It ha light brown ribellne, self-trimmed with stitched bands nnd fastening with gilt buttons. Among the few new boleros offered Is now nnd then a silk one, but most of them are In rough surfaced innterlultr, trimmed with strap pings, passementerie or braid. What has replaced the bolero Is the jacket that comes below the waist, and the loose sorts promise to be nearly as numerous as were boleros a few months ago. There is much variety In these new comers, not greater thnn wns seen In bo leros, but greater than Is usual In so early a stnge of a fashion. The general char- actcristics they have iu common are shown in the first of to-day's larger pic tures. In details of finish and trimming, fashion imposes few restrictions, so there's no reason why, after the design ers havo been busy for a spell', these jackets should not be as varied as their predecessors were. The three the nrtlst Eut here were, beginning with the left and one, dark red camel's hair cheviot, In stitched layers, self-trimmed with folds, the upper collar white silk em broidered in Russian colors. Next see a delicate gray hop sacking embroidered In black and delicate green silk. Last comes a black taffeta coat with collar and stole ends of white moire embroidered In gold and outlined with black velvet pipings. The ornamental buttons were gilt. Shawl and cape collar often appear on these coats. Braids, cord ornaments, heavy passementeries, guipure laces and medal lions are other trimming. While some f these new jackets are pretty, others jrJnMilf fl jWiM I I Wt' . K. B-MCTTi?-1. ,i.il. ' SHOWY HOUSE ATTIRE. ?1ook awkward on wearer, and for snort women fconts of three-quarter or full length look better thai) the sort pictured here. Sleeves on these loose jackets run to novelty. Many have the fullness held In by stitched straps Just below the el - bow. buttons being used In the finishing. Tucks are of many varieties, wide, imi row, horizontal and vertical, all borne times combined in one sleeve. Wide tucks usually are decorated with fancy Pitch ing. Tea and house gowns of tho show rooms are on the most elaborate order, in all manner of handsome material from the heavy to the transparent. Most of them rellect empire styles, though there are a few models tight fitting at the tllt onlv Afro-Amcrlcnn, nnd tho fact waist, these usually In cashmere or hen- tlmt ho 0)tnln0(l tho appointment U riettn cloths. Moire in black, white and im,mclont testimony of the excellence delicate shades s n new material for of ,,H percentage. Mr. HarrlB ns these gowns, and whatever Its shade Is'-,,,.,,,. nii ,im mnv ilnui n nnmnntA beautifully trimmed. Lace, all kinds of embroidery, cording, braid, rose rnch- lugs, chiffon, moussellnu de sole nnu in sertions appear among the trlmmliM. Ribbon also enters largely Into their make-up, and some ore alternate bands nllon8 from nny 8cnntor or othor ,,,.. of satin ribbon nnd insertion, while in Etm HUp,,oscd t0 havo n pull. la this other gowns the ribbon Is velvet. I anne ono 8tnnco of Itself not sufllclent nr velvet in delicate shades or Persian ef KUment n fnVor of not Bhutting tho fects is used for tea gowns and makes up , (loqr ngnnst the higher educntlon of beautifully. As a rule such gowns "re I all of the Afrn-Amorlcun youth? Whilst not very freely trimmed, being so hand- industrial educntlon Is good na far an some hi themselves thnt embellishment Is )t g008 whon ovcr we flm- one of om, not needed. China and Japanese M.ks rnco wlth tho jncinnton to something make up daintily. White and black than- ,oro tno wny should be loft open to tllly laces are freely used. Sometimes the .Mm or nor t0 nttan t0 thclr ,ic8ro, entire costume Is lnce. again It Is lace j Mr. Harris whllo on' IiIb vacation has combined with some other material. Two !,, victim- tho vnrlou land ofneoM materlnls, such a chiffon or transparent cloth, are not unusual, nnd dresses thus made are elaborated with rullles, pleit lugs, fichu scarfs, shnwl and cape collars. Flowered organdies for these dresses usually have a foundation of lawn or lery thin silk. Thrvo different shades of chif fon are used for some lea gowns. Thus a foundation Is white, a middle chiffon U delicate green and the outside ono( Is rose pink. Fluffy rullles trim the bottom of such a dress very prettily. Tho artist made three selection! for her pictures from this grade of gowns. The first was white crepe de chine, with front of white chiffon In graduated ruf fles, the material edged with a deep band of white moussellne embroidered In Ml ver. The Mcond wau pale blue liberty satin and cream lace, the satin underskirt finished with medallions mndo of very Hue white silk cord. Its girdle and ro settes were white velvet. The third gown was flowered white organdie over while hllk. On tho skirt were graduated Uouuces edged with white chiffon quill ing and headed with nainsook embrolJer ed medallions. White chiffon rullles for sleeve were topped by a collar of the same trimmed with white lace. That the simple sleeve Is a thine of the past is true with especial force of these gowns, whose new sleeves may be puffed, rnueu anu rurneioweu'io suit individual taste, but almost always in ways friendly to slender arms. Many sleeves are mix turea of different styles. The cuff of the bishop model may be used with the LelL sleeve, In spite or tno fact that toe bell sleeve should show a puffed undersleeve. Some of these mating are not commend able. On the heavier materials, such fcs wnsillpn roods, bell ideeres aro In tha l-m!. A modified brfl worn over an undersleeve of lace has fullness Just at the elbow, held In by straps Just below, the latter fastened with fancy bottom. PROMINENT AFJIO-AMER1CAN IN WALLA WALLA, WASH., U. S. LAND. OFFICE. It was our plensuro to meet Mr. E. , H-yri. ?f Wa,ltt Wftl,JV w,, he Bpent in,fow days in our city. Mr. Harris, V.11U in 11 HilUVU Ul 1 I'llllUSBUU, CIIII1U IU Seattle about four years ago, seemed n position ns stonogrnphor In n law of- flco In that city, with n view of better lng his condition ho took n civil ser vice examination In April nnd in July ho received tho appointment to tho po sition which ho ndw holds as atoiv OKrn,)hor n tho goncrni i(i Omco In Wna Wnn 0t of 3 Umt took tho n.nn,inniini. n , !. .- t-inia for nny ,.,, on,c ,,n(,or .,.. RorviP thnt there Is no need to Book polltlcnl Influcnco ns In his case ho know none of tho politicians, spoke to nono of tho olllco holders nor hnd any recommend throughout this stnto and Washington. It la a plensuro to boo thnt there Is n chnnco for somo of our raco to secure government positions n llttlo moro dig nified than r.ny thnt our local politi cal leaders think tho blnck man In en titled to hold. Lot tho good work go on. SUNnY APPOINTMENTS. ' A. M. E. Zlon Church, Corner 13th nnd Mfaln Streets. Preaching 11 n. ,m. nnd 8:30 p. m. by tho pnBtor, Row J. W. Wright: ClnsB Meeting, noon: Sunday School, 1 p. in. Christian Endeavor, 7:30 n. m. Tho choir !1! furnish songs. As their Vncatlon,ls ovcr. All tho members nro requested to bo present. Strangers wolcome. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with tho BEST for no moro thnn you might pay for tho WORST, therefore, don't throw nwny good monoy for poor sor vlco, but If you nro going East, or havo friends coming West, lot uh toll you whnt wo can offer on Chlcnito, WnahliiKton, Now York. Boston, St. Louis, Memphis, Now Orleans, and nil Intermediate points. Our rails nro lnlil In fourteen different states of tho Union, Communlcato with us regarding freight nnd passenger business; It's n plensuro to'roply to your letter. B. II. TRUMBULL, J. C. LINDSAY. Commercial Agent. T. F. & P. A. ' 142 Third St. Portland, Oregon A Disciple of Jcsui Christ. The President's homo life wns Ideal, and his loyalty as a dlsclplo of Jesus Christ was notnblo. Rov. D. McLcod, Presbyteri an, Washington, D. C. A Christian. Above nil, McKlnley wns a Christian, exemplifying In his dally life tho sublime power and excel lency of tho principles of Christianity. Rev. Dr. Chapman, Methodist, WuhIi Ington, D. O. McKlnley's Deathbed. The heroic spectaclo of that Chrlstlun denthbed Is an example for all time of how u Chris tian man may meet the Issues of llfo and death. Rov. C. J. Youug, Purltuu, Now York City. Truo to All. He is dead, but he lives in the lives uud In the heart h of nil de cent people ns n man who ytn true to his God, his country and to IiIh man hood. Rov. O. L. Twlng, Episcopa lian, Brooklyn, N, Y. Anarchy la Atheism. Tho simple truth Is this, anarchy Is athclBin. It It the denial of any overruling Providence and the refusal to recogulzo uny God whose will Is law. Rev. Dr. Hunting ton, Episcopalian, New York City. Order and Civilization. The doctrluo that humanity could exist, that order and civilization could bo maintained without luw nnd order, an the disci ples of anarchy assert, Is one of the wildest notions. Rev. Dr. Druchmun, Rabbi, Now York City. UnsolUsh Service. To kuow Christ and Christianity Is to havo the vision 'extended nnd the Insight deepened and to have selfishness extracted from the work of life. Unselfish service Is the Master's example. Rev. Dr. Moore, Methodist, Sun Antonio, Tex, A Gospel Force. Whatever makes character, whatever works brotherll uess, whatever develops strength, Is a gospel force, conscious or uucousclouu. The forces that work consciously for good are too mnny to name.---Rev. Dr. McAfee, Presbyterian, Chicago, III. Loyalty. 'he Christian should show bis loyalty for what tho church stands. Let him show thut his religion Is not for one day, but for the seveu duyB In tho week. Tho world Is reudy to listen to religion of the heart. Rev. Fnnnlo Austin, Unlversallst, North Dunu, Muss. Christianity. Christianity Is a life, and the consequent Chrlstlau life Is Ita unanswerable argumeut. The church to-day Is weak because there la so lit tle difference between the Uvea of ita members and the Uvea of those who are not members. Rev. J, W. Allen, Mrst Christian Church, Chicago, 111. "--"" -- -nn..iim,i i m iihhn.-nt.W-miiiii . -. THE NEW AGE. KstaMIMicil Ifc&fl. A, n.drlffln, MnnnKfT. OlIlce, 24.)$ Stark Street, Concord IIulldliiR, rortlntul, OreKoti. AQKN18. A. Hitler Portlmnl. Oreuou 11. Holme .HiHtknue, Wb-IiIiicIoii iHtknue, Wb-IiIiirIii uinrncliicAvn.. 1 Krlti Keoliloauil) i:. H. llruce .....I TAcnina. Wa1i. Waldo llogcl Walla Walla, Wa-h. To limiro publication, all local new must reach us not later tlinn Thursday tnomliiK of each week, Hiili-crlpllon price, one rear, payable In ltd aiice.fioo, CITV NEWS Mr. Joseph Scmmo from Flnvel. hna returned MrB M. Allen ban boon on tho Blck list for tho past week. Mrs. Jns.C. Dickson has gono to house keeping nt 7th nnd GIlRnn Btrcutfl. Our (orrcHpon lenro fiom nt.t i lo tho c'ty did not arrive in time f r t is Issue. Tlio A. M. E. Zlon Connection Is building u $10,000 church in Chicago. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Thompson havo ro moved to MrB. M. Alton's nt 104 10th North. Mrs Ltnthicum hns boon suffering from.n sovoro attack of musculnr rliou nintlsm. Mrs, Znn Edwnrd hnH been qulto ill this week with n aovoro nttnclc of neuralgia, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Cogcr nro now domiciled nt Mrs. Colomnn'B, 134 V& 10th North. Mrs. Goo. Singleton Ik tho guest of Mr. nnd Mra. Wm. Washington of 28C Qutncy Btrcet. Ncntly furnl shod rooniB nt 307 Couch street. Apply between 10 n. m. nnd 2 p m. RntCB rcasonnblo. Colored mon own in tho United StntPB 230 rated drug stores with an Investment of Bomothlng over n hnlf million dollnrB. Bo It Bnld to tho credit of tho Negro thnt not ono of thnt rnco who aat In tho Houbo of CongrcsB wns ovor guilty of disorderly conduct. In our papnr Improving, In It on tor tnlnlng, does It romtmro favorably with tho pnporfl, published In othor cit ies, thnt you hnvo rend? Wo learn thnt MrB. BcbsIo 8onlB of Snlt Lnko City, hnB dlaponed of hor lodging hmiBo In that city nnd Intondn to return to this city In tho nenr future Mr. nnd Mra. Morrison hnvo returned to Portlnnd nftor n ntny of Bnvornl mpntliB In Sonttlo. It In tholr Inten tion to locato horo permanently If ho secures employment. Ah n roBiilt of tho protost mndo by tho colorod pooplo of Culm against po litical discrimination, thoy hnvo lioen offered 80 plnceB on tho pollco force nnd 12 lottor enrrtor positions, Tho carnival in apt to bring qulto n number of HtrnngnrB to tho city. Tho Now Ago would bo undor .mnny obli gations If Informed n to tholr names and places of nbodu whllHt In our city. Whilst attending tho cnrnlvnl do not foil to pay n visit to Geo. Harden nt 249 Evorett Btroot. Tho gonial propri etor will ho found Uhto ready and wil ling to nttond tn nil tho demands of tho Inner mnn. Do not forget Chili Bill'B old stand. Visit tho Paul Lnwronco Dunhnr lit orary Bocloty on nny Thursday oven Ing nnd see tho good work being ac complished undor tho guidance) of tho newly Installed ofllcors. Tho meetings nro held nt tho A. M. E. .Ion church, 13th nnd Man streets. On Monday evening, Sopto.mhor 8th, thcrn will bo ft Lngnnppn social nt tho A. M. E, Kfon church, 13th and Main streets, tho ndmlRsIon will bo only 10 rentB. Do not fnll to nttond, na wo guarantee you n bushel of fun. Re freshments will bo Borvod. Amongst our town cltlzons that took ndvantngo of tho excursion rntoa last wook to vIbR tho "city of destiny" nnd fi lends on tho Sound woro Mcsdnmes L Height, Fry, C. A. Rlttor, Eva Cogor, nnd Messrs, A. Sykoa nnd Wm, Moro (llth besides n number of others whoso nam oh wo did not learn. A training school for colorod nurBos hns boon established In Charleston, S. C. by a colorod womnn physician. Dr. Lucv Hughes Brown, n crrndunto of tho Womnn's Medical College, of Ponnsylvnnln. Tho Sotilhorn pooplo seem to tako kindly to this Innova tion, nnd tho enterprise Is highly com mended by tho Charleston prcBB, Tho colored peoplo of Montgomery, Ala., havo won out in tholr fight nenlnst tho Jim Crow car law, as It pffocted tho trolley cars. Thoy stopped riding and walked, thus causing- the company's bunlnesa to bo unprofitable. Tho result Is thnt tho company, to save Itself from ruin, lit now allowing tho colored people to rldo In nny pait of. tho enra they mny chooso to rldo. Hon. MndlAon Dnvls, n prominent colored citizen of Athens, Gn and for n number of yeara postmaster of that city, died an tho result of. n atroko of pnrnlyBla Wednesday of last wook. Ho was woll known in Georgia nnd was ono of Its most honored lenders. On tho 22d Instnut tho young men of tho Hotel Portlnnd nnd somo of their mnny friends tendered n recaption to Mlsfl Pcnrl Johnson of Seattle, who hi tho gucBt of Mlsa B. Wooda, It waa In tho form of n 8urpiiso party nnd tho morry company did not let n alnglo dull moment nppcnr during their stay, which lasted until tho woo Mim' hours of tho morning. MIbb Jojwson left far homo on tho following Saturday. Tho tniBtocB of tho A. M. E. Zion church havo tnken tho first atop to wnrda tho payment of tho mortgage whcli hna bo long hung' ovcr the church. Thoy hnvo opened nn nccount wltji Lndd'fl Bank nnd doposltod n sum Bomowhnt ovor n f 100,00 to ho nppllet to tho pnymont of tho bonded Indebted ucari. It la tho determination of 'the pastor nnd mnmborB to ndd to the nnnt fiom tlmo tn tlmo na tho opportunity presents ttaolf. Mrs. Mnrccllln Bnnka who dopnrtod tills llfo on tho morning of tho 31st ultimo, wad burled on tho 2d Inst, front Hnlmnn'ii undertaking pnrlora, Rov. J. W. Wright ofllctatlng. A number of her frlendfl attended tho Inat and rites tho interment waB nt Lono Fir. Mrn. RnnkB wna a ploncor, having first rnme to tho ntnto In 1802. She wna a relict of Jan. BaultB who died In this city about 2 yearn ngo. An far ns known sho left no relatives. William Still, author of "Tho Un derground Railroad," died nt hla home In Philadelphia recently, about 80 yenrn old. IIo wan estimated to bo worth a .million dollnrB. IIo wna for many yenrs Bocrotnry of tho Ponnayl vnnla Anti-Slavery Rorloty, nnd nctlvo In tho Frcodmon'B Aid Union. Ho wns u trustee of Storor collogo nt Harper's Forry, and wna nctlvo In tho PonnBj vimln Soeloty for Promoting tho Abo lition of Slavery nnd tho Soclqty for Improving tho condition of tho Afri can Rnco. Tho following fiom tho Se.Utlo Re publican .mny bo nppropilato with a chango of location to othor cities. Is It truo of our city? Rumor hna It that tho two lotn on either aldo of tho A. M. E. church of this city on Four teenth nvcnuo nro for snlo nt hnlf tho prlco that othor lota along thut street nro bringing, and nil becauno tho war Bhlpora ut tho A. M. E, church hold tholr Borvlcea too Into, nppoal to the Lord na though ho woro deaf and fin ally barniiBO Rodlam himself brt-nhG looso whon tho Borvlcea nro dismissed. Thoro Ib no nood of nny of thoao com pluluta being registered In this day nnd generation, and tho colorod folk nttond Ing thoao aorvlcos should aeo to It that neither of thorn occur In tho future, not ro much on nccount of tho klckoru ns for their own Qilltlcntlon. , Sunday Services nt Bethel A. M. H. church, C8 North 10th: Prouchlng nt 11 n, m. by tho Pastor; gonornl class nt noon, Sunday School nt 1 p, m. con ducted by Mrs. Hoi tha Woodn. An ox rollont song sorvlco nt 8 p.m. followed Willi n sormon by Rov. W, T. Blggoru. Miss Mnry Mooio will preside at tho organ. N..U. Thoro will nlso bo n dol lar rally ut tho church Siindny, Baptom bor 1 1 tit. for tho purpose of raising tho liiBiiranco money, Thoro will bo an extra program arranged for tho ovon Ing sorvlcoB. By order of PASTOR, Quarterly Confornnco A, M. E. ZIoh church tho 12th. Dr. M. W. Bynuni, 'Presiding Elder of tho California-Oregon conforonco, will preach on tho 14th nnd ndmlnlstor ,tho Lord's Supper. Dr. Bynum Ib one of tho nblost preach ers of tho conference Keep the dnto boforo you, Soptombor 14th. J. W. WRIGHT, PnBtor, COMING ATTRACTIONS. CORDRAY'S NEXT WEEK. The Richards nnd Prlnglo's Georgia Mlnstiols will prosont n mnmmoVh "tilll of morry mlribtrolsy nt Cordrnys thivw nights next wook, Sunday, Monday and Tuesdny. Soptombor 7, 8 and J). The organization numbers 10 people and presents n cholca collection of mirth provoking nnd novel nets novor seen hero before. A special fenturo of the porformnnco Is tho troupo of Morocco acrobats with Simon Bonomor nt thulr bend. Wednesday, Thursday, Frldny, Sat urday .mntliioo and Saturday evening tho bountiful drama "Thelma" will be proBontod. CARD OF THANKS. Tho pastor and ofllcors of tho A. isL E. Zlon church doslro to thank the mombors nnd frlonds who contributed to tho rally, and nil thoso who had cards and books, for tholr collections. Others who havo carda and books wlH report nt another time. Amount col lected, ?1 00.85. Thauks. J, W. WRIGHT, Pastor. PmrOamtl, Ormpmm