"f THE NEW A6E, POBTiAKD, OREGON. I IflUB IC nirs p.m. a.r. V 11. oa. i fcv A OILBERT HUNT COMPANY Manufacturers of the Colebratcd Pride of Washington Thresher. it ML '' rf V 3.' M mMWJ&ZrX&s anfiHSBSISS?5SSS3 Catalogue Free on Application. WALLA WALLA, WASH., ADVERTISING. B KYAN IIROS. New Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Rubber Tired Hark n specially.' Carriage ealla attended to nlKht or tiny." Southwest cor. Second and Alder Htrints. Telephone 07. WALLA WALLA, WASH. J. W' COOKKHLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming n KiclnU'. llabcnck'a llrlck lllock, ;i Plrst St. Telepliono lllRck 891. VA"I.LA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. , LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. J24 E. Main St. hotel; dacres S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly SllllOn House. Rates: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BnCKWITH, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop anil Foundry ' Mauufiicturcrs of Pride of Washington Threshers, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras of Every Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Catalogue Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. THE OLYMPIC. Opp. N, P. Depot. Straight Whiskies and 'Key West Cigars a specialty, Olympta Ileeron Draught. Dottle loods a specialty, JESSE LATSIIAW, Proprietor. THE CHEHAUS FLOURING MILL CO. MORTEN HASKELL A- CO,, Proprietors, Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OK Haskell's ll rands of Flour, Haskell's Best Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CHEUALIS.WASH. EVERETT.tyASHINGTON.ADVERTISEMENTS V. C. 1)ICK1'LHA"PT. V. W. RROOKR, Treat. Sec. and Trcas, Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers nnd Exporters of FLOUR, Everett, Washington, U. S. A. w.j. iurcKr.it, Vlco Pros. . W.M. TP.NNANT. (lent. Mgr. K. W. SUMNER, President. T. II. SUMNER, Vlco President, Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marine, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. BOBBINS TBANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check nnd deliver your hnggago for 26c. per piece four blocks north or couth of Hewitt avenue, nnd between nil twins nnd boats. Threo days' freo storage. All work nnd price) guaranteed Hiitlsfnctory. 'Phone 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. DURR, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. PHOSK 31. laia Hewitt Ap. Everett, Wash. QKNY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO GENTRALIA STAR LAUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work in Toyn. Phono 60. . M. A. WAR1NO, Proprietor, Surety Ilondi. Notary Public. Established 1S89. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successor! to Coll'man b Keppner. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCV. Money to loan on Imprtre 1 farms at low rates of Interest. Lint jour farms with us if you want to sell them. Ilondi, warrants and other securities bought and sold. l'hono W. Chehalls, Washington K.J. DYER, President. F. LEWIS CLARK, Vice President. C. K. M'UROOM, Cashier. W.M. 8I1AW, Assistant Cashier, Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150.000. Undivided Profits, f 185,000. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. ' MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. WALLA WALLA, WASH. SFOUKE, W1SHINBT0H, ADVERTISING. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ertf Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. II. BOYD, Pros. Tel. Main 176. . nnd Manager. Spokane, Wash Union Iron Works Iron and and Brass Founders Machinists. MIiIiik. Smelting; and Paw Mill Machinery and Hunnllea. Enidne. Hollers. Hoists. Crush- on. Ho:so Wliiinn. 1'iillevH. Hhaftlnir. Etc.. Ktc. Heavy UlackiiiilthlnK and repair Work aHo clalty. Write ui for estimates. Tel. Main 43, Codec Lleber'i, Morelng A Ncal. Office and Works. Montgomery St. and S P. 4 N..Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal Steam and Laundry Hand A Specialty of .Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED THL.,570. Near cor. Division and North River Av, Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. H. LOUI8 HCIIEKMERHORN C. It, 1IROWN Pres.-and Mgr. Vlco 1'ren. A. DENHAM H. V. YEAOER Treasurer, Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery to. 20 First Avenue. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Retain your checks and e;chnnj,'0 with our I!;iL'ua''o man who is at depot on arrival all trains, Grange color cap. Phone Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers o I KB 1 8 I Hi . a e g Bj I 1 Tr o w h Hill 1M? m tu ul c)s.h SSM o 1 5 Swim linn s c3 r"5 KH-lrnsf 1 QC RECENT .JUDICIAL DECI8I0N8. The o7ncr of land on which surface water has collected In a pond Is held, In Brandcnbcrg vs. Zclglcr (S. 0.), 55 L. It, A. 414, to uavo no right, by cut ting tho natural rltn of the basin, to drain the water upon a neighbor's prop erty to his Injury. , An action for libel against a corpora tion, which abates by tho expiration of the corporate chnrter, Is held, In Blinyno vs. Evening Post Pub. Co. (N. Y.), 05 L. It. A. 777, to bo properly revived against tho trustees of the dissolved cor poration In olllce at the time of disso lution. No liability In favor of n bona fldo purchaser of n negotiable paper is held, In SUlley vs. Terrlll (Mc.), 05 h. H. A. 730, to nttncli to tho maker, where It was drawn and signed but not deliv ered or Intended to be delivered, but was obtained by the payee by theft, without gross carelessness or reckless ness on the part of the mnker. A simple contract creditor, who has no lien on the property, Is held, In Flour noy vs. Clmmploti (N. M.), 05 L' It. A. 745, to have no right to Intervene In a suit In equity for'tho appointment of a receiver of partnership property and secure n Judgment against the partner ship nnd one of Its members, but Is rel egated to an action at law, the defend ants being entitled to a trial by Jury. That an assault committed by a dog In Jumping upon a stranger ami Injur ing him resulted merely' from Its mis chievous or playful propensity Is held, In Crowley vs. Oroonell (Vt), 05 L. it. A. 870, not to absolve the owner from liability, If he knew of Its disposition to commit such Injuries, or knew enough of Its habits to convince n man of ordi nary prudence of Its Inclination to com mit them. A pence olllccr attempting to tuiiko an arrest for unlawfully currying arms Is held, In Montgomery vs.- State (Tex. Clilm. Apii.), 05 L. It. A. 800, to bo bound to make known to accused under what authority the arrest Is made, al though by statute he has power to make the arrest without warrant, where he Is by statute required In ex ecuting warrants to make known his authority. Laud within tho boundaries of a street as shown on a plat Hied In the clerk's olllce under tho provisions of tho law Incorporating 11 town, which declares that the plat shall be conclusive evi dence of the street boundaries In nil futuro suits and contests' that may arise concerning them, Is held, In Mc Clellnn vs. Weston (V. Vn.), 50 L. It. A. 80S, not to be subject to adverse posses sion as against tho town. A Judgment for alimony In favor of a wife, the right to which becomes vest ed by force of stntuto upon a decree of divorce for the fault of the husband, Is held, In Coffman vs. Kinney (Ohio), 55 L. It. A. 7I, to bo u debt ngalnst tho husband, subject only to variation In amount In case of appeal, which, upon tho denth of both parties pending up peal, will survive In favor of the per sonal representative of the wife, and ngalnst the personal representative of the husband, ' Under a statute providing that nil wills shall bo In writing and bo signed by tho testator, which signature shall bo made, by the testator, or tho making thereof acknowledged by him and tho writing declared to be his last will, In tho presence, of two witnesses present nt tho same time, who shall subscribe their names thereto as witnesses In tho presence of tho testator, It Is held, In Lacey vs. Dobbs (N. J,), 05 h. It. A. 580, thnt It Is essential to validity that everything required to bo done by tho testator shall precede In point o'f tlmo tho subscription of the witnesses. Tho Insertion In a statuto tho ob vious Intent of which Is to tax every Interest, present or future, passing by will to persons not exempt, of provi sions tl)it tho tux shall be duo and pay able within two ycurs after tho execu tor's quallllcntlou and that suit shall bo brought In six months after It Is duo, Is held In Howe vs. IIowo (Mass.), 05 L. It. A, 020, not to prevent the taxa tion of future contingent Interests which, do not vest within such time, whero tho statute also provides that tho Probato Court may extend tho tlmo when the tax Is paynblo, whenever tho circumstances of tho ensa uiny Tequlro. Allen and tfm Stranger. "Private" John Allen wuh strolling down Pennsylvania avenue tho other day, when ho passed a lump post to which wns attached a person who had Imbibed not wisely but too well. Tho man was bowed over and holding on with both hands. If he had stepped n little nearer he could have leaned his body against It, but apparently ho did not dare make tho step for fear of los ing his balance. As Mr. Allen ap proached, tho Rtrnnger mistily made him out and hailed hlui. Mr. Allen stopped. "M' fren" said the nllllcted one, with dlfllculty, "c'n you tell hie poor In valid whero II. & O. depot Is?" "It Is right over In that direction," said Mr. Allen, pointing, "about ten minutes' walk." "Temmlnts walk?" repeated tho suf ferer. "Yes." "D'you mean," Inquired tho man, "for hlc for you or for ineV" Wash ington Times. Hot weather Is a bleeder of suicides. More people takes their lives when tho mercury Is hlult In the thermometer than they do when the heat of the sun la tempered by frigid conditions. Heat la a disturber of the human vitality, and causes .despondency ami a form of melancholy which temporarily deprives them of reason. If takes only one vote to pass a ceod resolution. MONTANA ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and arc nt to wear, bear our label, Barkers' Coats, Waiters' Jackets and Aprons Oans& Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & CO. Furniture and Carpets, SOI-aoa Droadwrny. Undertakers and Embalmers, ISO Braadwny, THilionn S4U. 1I1CI.KNA, MONT. Ifesster Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTHERS Of IllKh-drado llcors, Helena, - - Montana UAt.tAT TIIK Kellor Studio Fine Photographs X)ll VOVB Wc have nil thn latent styles In Mounts. IlrliiK your Kodak work nnd net prices, kTFI I PP 'l'!i " '" Htrxxt, iL.L,L.L.I, opp. P. O. Ilolemi, Mont. aiii:ri)i:i:n, wash, BEARDSLEY BROS. Meelixcd Kinhitliucrs for Rate of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wlshkah Street. Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer HOQUIAM, WASH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STHlMiT. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Dcsiqns COPVniQHTB Ac. Anroiro srnrtlng a sketch and description mar utcklr uirertalu our opinion fn Inventlnn Is probably nntentnble. r npininii irve wn r nittontnhlfl. run rue wimtlier an Unni.trlctlyronndimtlal. Ilitudbookon Patent 1 ommunlr. sent frus. Oldest neencr for securlim uatents. Talents taken through Muun A to. recelr reitM notlu, without charge, lu the Scientific THitericam A linndiniielr Illustrated weeklr. Largest cir culation of anr srlentlda journal, Terms, IS rsn four months, L Sold byall newsdealers. MUNN& Co.38 "' New York tlrancb Offloe, OiVSU, Washington. I). 0. Timber Lands and Homesteads Located: Estimates of Timber by Competent Estimators. EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. Dealers in Ileal Kstate. Rents Col lected; Ihislness Chances and Loans Negotiated. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited ,IIOTH PIIO.S'EH., Travelers Should tako"H" Street Car at Union 2a 2rwliHflHHsOHHHLH lected; Ihislness Chances and Loans Negotiated, C. L. Case. A. R. Sprcndborough. Oregon Phone Union 1150. Main onire! m East Morrison Ht. PORTLAND, ORK roorirp. or r:v t. . r5H fi5PlM0KSi3v ' flwsfaaUlBWllIlflHfiXllH lT-?!".'-" ,:"j-TfjBSCaaitfy--fjTtrr c Iepot and transfer at Yamhill Street to East Ankuey Car. j A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. IDAHO ADVERTISING. A DOLl'II SCHREIBER. Funeral Director. 18-920 Front Street, Opposite R. R. Depot f ark. Hell plione 212F, lml. phono 489. noiSE, IDAHO. DTATK DANK OF IDAHO. Wolser, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward Shalnnald, President. Chin. J, Beliryn, CashlfK Also has a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. People's Bank. Solicits your business. The T HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. Hlnkcy, Proprietor. ritsl rlas In all respects. Special attention Klron to commercial men. Long dlatanoo lcl phono In connection. KAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FRED O. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR 11U8INES3. NAMPA, IDAHO $ ,. VmKa mm First class rips furnished to all points. Spe cial ratis to Emtnctt, Star, Pearl and Snaka River. Special attention idvcn to commercial mon. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, Nnnrpa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Weiser, Idaho BARTON & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Freo Sample Rooms. Hates reason able. Miners', Stockmen's and Com uierelal Mud's Headquarters. Largest nud best appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Houms with hath, steam heat and electric call bells. Har bor shop in connection. The Idan-ha IDANIIA HOTKTi CO., Ltd., Propriotora. E. W. KCIIUHKUT, Manager. HOISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. ItATKS 2.C0 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Olllce with J. H.OUAYllILL, IinmlKratlou Ant. O. H. L. R. It. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Thn Rreat home laud mild climate, pur mountain air, Hue watir. The death rata la lower lu Idaho than In any other alato In tho Union. No cjoloues, storms or billiards. First premium on fruit at the World a fair, 1'hlcnKO, 1M.1; Paris Kxposltlon, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Stock Show, 1900. Hold, silver, copper, coal, Hue timber. Grow wheat, oats, barley, corn, all kinds of cultivated itrasses, and vcKetablet to perfec tion. We will be pleated to show you fine Irri tated lauds at Nampa, Ilolse, Caldwell, Payette ml othor iKilnts. Wo time bargains Inlands from'110.00 per acre up. Correspondence so licited. Address PRGSCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Jtoom fi, Hlckey llulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Them, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Line Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. When In Medford 6TOP AT Tue New Nash Hotel IlthT CLAb3 IN EVERY PARTICULAR W. d. HAMILTON, Proprietor. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library The Oost in Current Literatim 12 CoMPLtTC Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2,50 per year ; 25 cm. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBEn COMPLETE IN ITSfLF