K, A THE NJ3W AGE, POUTliASD, OREGON. OPENS HOME FOR FRIENDLESS DOGS. MONTANA ADVERTISEMENTS. GILBERT HUNT COMPANY Manufacturers of tho Celebrated CLOTHES THAT WEAR nnd arc fit to wear, benr our labol, Barbers' Coats, Waiters' Jackets and Aprons Gans & Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. Pride of Washington Thresher. jj i IT JRflhii a I IF .- C xl s Jl if rDaa sstsflsQHaHBNBnKeHaRfiak JE2jKav . 1 x. vA dHV3iisBRteB4tfHeB 11 r 1 flr JHB9HSeV BSfaBelH)HF9 HIPBiowV itaHHawskBlkHillVs lsiiasPIKyaW" MFTWaW V y iV 'Catalogue Free on Application. WALU WALLI, WASH., ADVERTISING. TnYAN I1K08. New Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. Rubber Tired Hacks a specialty. Carrlsgs calls attended to nliiht or day. Pouthwot cor. Bccond and Alder Strints. Telephone 07. WALLA WALLA, WA8H. J. W. COOKKIILY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. KmbAlmliiR h Pjieclnlty. Unicode's Ilrlck Block, 7H Viral St. Telcphaiio lllnck 891. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBritle Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hack a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon House. Hates: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA. WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND . "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWfTH, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry 'TW& Maimfiictureri of Pride of Washington Threthsrs, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine 'Extras of Every Description. Xeealr Work a Specialty. Catalogue Free. WALLA WLVLLA, WASH. THE OLYMPIC. Opp. N. P, Depot, Straight Whiskies and Key West Cigars a specialty-. OlyrapU Beeron Draught. Bottle Coods a specialty. JESSE LATSHAW, Proprietor. THE CHEHAUS FLOURING MILL CO. HOIITEN HASKELL it CO., Prnnrlatnri f Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OP Haskell's Brands of Flour, HaskeH's Best Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CHEHALIS, WASH. EVERETT.WASHINQTOMDVERTISEMENTS . C. DICKKLHAUPT. Preat. F.W. BUOOKS, Sec. and Treat. Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers and Kxportorsof FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. UUCKKIt, Vice Pres. VM. TKNNANT, llcnl. Mgr. , W.8UMNKH, President. T. II. BUMNKIt, Vice l'rcildent. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers ol Marino, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. ROBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storago and Free Sample Rooms Check nnil tlolivcr your bngsugo for 2fc. pur picco four block north or south of Hewitt nvtnuo. ami between nil trains and bonts. Threo days' freo storage All work anil prices guaranteed satisfactory. 'Phono 371. EVERETT. WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. DUKK, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. PHONE 31. laia Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. QENV YOUn LAUNDKY WOBK TO ' GEfURALU STAR UUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work In Town. Phono 60. M. A. WAUINO, Proprietor. Surety Bonds. Notary Public. Established 189. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successors to CofTman L Keppner. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money to loan on Impure! farms at low rates of interest. Mat your farms with us if you ant to sell them. Bonds, uarrautsaud other securities bought and sold. Phone 'X. Chehalls, Washington E.J. DYER, President. P. LEWIS CLAltK, Vice President. C. E. M'BKOOM, Cashier. W, M. 8H AW, Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, $185,000. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Clau and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Mca. WALLA WALLA, WASH. 8F0MHE, WKHIH8T0H, IDVEITISIMB. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Prcs. and Manager. Tel. Main 176. Spokane, Wash z o c o. E a 2 o N 00 .mm c O c o o. V) cS o o 1 Union Iron.Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining. SmeltliiR and Saw Mill Machinery nd Supplies. Engines, Hollers, Hoists, Crush, ers, Home Whims. Pulleys. Shafting. Etc., Etc. Heavy Blacksmlthlng and Repair Work a Sie clalty. Write us for estimates. Tel, Main 43. Codes; Lleber's, Morelng it Neal. Offka and Works. Montgomery St, and S. P. A N. Uy Spokane, Washington Orystal r Laundry A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 570. Near cor. Division and North River Av. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. II. LOUIS bCHERMERItORN C. It. BROWN Pres. and Mgr. Vice Pres. A. BENIIAM II. K. YEAOEIt Treasurer. Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Retain your checks and exchange with our Ilagguge man who is at depot on arrival all trains. Orango color cap. Phone Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers Hill HI w SIB SIM SBrrM I Q I SH o HiSn 3 a. BBWHIII fj"2? M Ua 111 Sffirni &o mniiiii 1111?, Hnillffl 32 SSI ;" lii U- gfggiBa z Sk2sI1 "IIOMR for friendless Jogs has been opened Id CIiIcbbo under the general tutelary protcctlun of Mrs. Charles A. White, a noted canine lorcr of the WlndT Cltv. It Is Mrs. White's belief that lnnce numbers of persons would give a good, faithful canine a home, If such n do could he supplied to thum nt small cost. Those luvlnjr dous to dl-i)Ose of, It Is hollered, will now bring them to the home Insteud of turnini; them adrift, or Lllllng them, and the persons who want a dog can hare their wants fcupplied. lu this wny the home will be a sort of exchange. But In addition the home will be a boarding pluce for rnlimblo and pedigreed canines, whose owners when trayellng cannot take them along. Fancy stalls will be at' the disposal of these dogs and medical treatment will al ways be available. The money paid for the board and care of these doRglsh aristocrats will ro far toward maintaining their poorer and erstwhile "friend less" brethren, and the balance will be made up by private contributions by Indi viduals and dog clugs. And now that "friendless" canines are to be taken care of It Is hoped that someone may have the additional charity to provide for friendless and homeless children. After all, If these dog lovers of Chicago come to think of It, children are not so very Inferior to dogs. The Mnster said. "Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such Is the kingdom of heaven." It Is not believed that there will be much Inquiry about dogs on the lost day 80UTH-SEA ENQLI8H RAJAH. Disaster to Sarawak Army Recalls) Ro mance af the KInirdoin. Tho orcrwlioluiliig disaster that an uncheckablo spread of cholera has wrought In the nrmy of tho Unjnh of Sarawak during rrr his recent expe dition against the suvoko head-hunt its, within mid lu tho vicinity of his domains In North Horn oo, again draws attcntlou to this wild kingdom of tho South Seas, the ruler of which Is a highly culti vated English gen- iiajaji unooKE. tie,imn. The events thut led to the establish lug of an HngllHh monarch In Ilornco were novel. In tho early part of the nineteenth cpntury, Sir James Brooke, an Englishman wltli a spirit or au- venture, who hnd figured lu many en gagements of tho Burmese war, set off on n roving tour umong the Islands of tho Indian Archipelago. lie visited Iidrneo mid upon arrival there found the population, a mixture of pirates, Chinese and semi-savages, actively en gaged In rebellion against the Bultnu, Mudu Hasslm, who wus making In effectual attempts to subdue them. Mr. Ilroolu lent bis assistance, mid after a series of terrible conflicts succeeded In crushing the Insurrection. For this service bo woh created a Itnjnli 11 ml picseiited with a largo portion of the kingdom, with Sarawak ns tho center. Uujali BiooUe set vlgoiously to work reforming the people, and although obliged to contend w 1 1 Is much opposi tion ou'tbi' part of his subjects, Hnally accomplished IiIh -object to a fulr de gree. Tho present Rajah, Sir Charles Itiooke, a nephew- of Sir .lames. Joined his undo about 1KU7 uiid. upon tho death of the latter, assumed the sover eignty of Sarawak. Sir Charles re celved a college education lu England and Is now lu his 7-Uii year. Ills king dom euals In extent the whole of Scot land and Wales. lie baa his own flags, bis own army, numbering 500 highly-trained men, and recruited from the various tribes of nutlves under bis rule. He also possesses a small but wholly adequate navy. Resides theso ho bas many thousands of Irregulars who may be called upon In emergen cies, as In the case of the recent un lucky expedition. A 8ECRET OF YOUTH. Careful Attention to Personal Appcur ace Wilt Work Wonder. A scientific contemporary has been discussing wby women, as they ad vance In years, grow plainer than men. Jund why marriage so, frequently de stroys tbelr good looks, says tbo Lady's Pictorial. With this very ques tion Max O'ltell also deals In bis latest book, and It encourages tbo hope that a woman may retali her youthful ap pearance longer, and thus gain anoth er point giving her further equality with man, to find that both the sclen- TW, TlS mm title and philosophic writers agree on tho point that careful attention to the personal nppcuruuco and tho temper may do much to prcservo youth and beauty. Max O'ltcll bluntly says that discreet and Judicious coquetry will keep a' woman nbholutcly beautiful and young till 50. After that wo must mer cifully draw the veil. Our Hclentlllc mentor soberly advises plenty of open air exercise, careful attention to tho tolletto nnd diet and tho cultivation of amiability. A sense of humor large ly helps the retention of youth, and might have saved Faust a lot of tiotihlo had he possessed It. Rut, unhappily, amiability and a sense of humor aro allko dllllcult to cultivate; Indeed, they are wholly beyond tho reach of a large majority: on the whole, therefore, It Is safer to rely 011 attention to personal appearance. Nowadays It Is mado so easy for women to mako themselves at tractive that there Is no excuse for look lug older, If, Indeed, as old as one's nge, The astute French philosopher counsels ! woman to bo careful nbout her hair; our gravo scientific contemporary sug gests that n lady's tolletto should never lie hurried. And to this sago advice may bo added n third counsel, which Is to cultivate n distinct style of dress. A $100,000 PALACE FOR STEEL KING'S HORSES. W. R. Leeds, Identified with the United States Steel Corporation, has Just had completed a stablo for bis horses, on Cast Eighty-eighth Street, T1IK LKKOS BTAIU.K. New York, that Is not surpassed by any In tbo metropolis. It Is or brick and stone, and Is steam heated, with electric light aud hot water plants and elevators. It Is elegantly finished throughout and elegantly furnished for horses and grooms alike. IleKard Tor Appearances. "Haven't you read that lovely new novel?" asked the (Irst summer Klrl. "No," replied the other, "the only edi tion of It I've neon bas a horrid yellow cover tbat doesn't accord with any of my gowns." Philadelphia Press. One woman may envy tbo beauty of another, hut her lutelllccncen-never. Any man can make bis wife do any tmng sne wants to. iiBPB5 . ,IIilBBBMtMSSt'SJilBaBaSSSSSSiai HERRMANN A CO. Furniture and Carpets SOI-SOS Broadway. Undertakers and Embalmers, 12B Broadway, Telephone 340. IIKMCNA, MONT Kemsier Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of IllKli-Orado Beers, Helena, - - Montana CAM, AT TIIK Keller Studio roit ocn Fine Photographs We liave all the latest styles In Mount". jimiKjoiir koiirk wotk ana gel prices. rCLLCr, opp. P. O. Helen, Monl. aui:im)ei:n, wahh. BEARDSLEY BROS. Licenced Kmbalinurs for Statu of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wlshkuh Street. Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer HOQUIAM, WAHH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J 8TKEKT. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'TrtAot MArtK DC8I0N8 Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a ikotrh and description may quickly mrorulu our opinion freo whether an llion iiroimDir imiimiuoie. cilrroniiilenimi. iinndb 1. OMo.t alienor (or seru uuh Munn A I fprcldlnolltt, without oliariio, Intna Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly, I-arsest d culalloii of any arlentlDo Journal, 1 arms, M Tarsest etr .. terms. Hat yenri four months, U Bold Dy all newsdealer. RUNIi ft Co,;'""- New York Branch Offloa. & V BL, Washington. I), C. Timber Lands and Homesteads Localedi Ktllmstps of Timber bjr Comnetent Kttlmators. EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. Dealers in Iteul KHtate, Konts Col lected; llusluess Chances aud Loans Negotiated. C. L. Case. A. R. Spreadborough. Orison Phono Union USA. Moliioniio: tn Kast Murrlton 8t. POItTI.ANI), OKI HOTEL OSBORN GLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited ...IIOTII PHO.NK3.M I TrlVAtpru llionlll tulA'a fltraut n.. .ft TT.il... SnCycir!"""" " V'"""" tm ' KU rjfrar' jwroe ' wit 5iot' BERmLi fifani'iRBisisBwisBO t BJaBBBBBBaBBlnliwBajHBaBaBaBaBaV aj;agS?:qg5SiF5Bsr5saBSr "' t I A. W. HEWETTT, Prop.