The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 23, 1902, Image 8

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CHAaTKK I. Continued.
Miss Mllno hero paused for several
eccoiiiln, and I, unable from conflict
lng emotions to spenk, allowed tho
Bllcnco to assort Itself. Presently sho
looked up, nnd taking one glance at
the sick child, continued: "One after
noon, to mo a vory torrlhlo after
noon, my husbnnd was awny on duty
nnd I had dressed for a walk, when n
ring catno at tho hull and tho servant
told mo a lady wanted to seo mo. 1
nskod that she might bo shown up. In
n fow moments n woman of middle- ago
and enstdron features, followed by
threo young chlldron, wns shwn
Into tho room. When tho door
was closed, sho turned to mo, and,
in a fearful volco that I can nev
er forgot, asked: "Who do you
call yourself?" I stared nt her
blankly for n moment, and then think
ing perhaps sho waB tipsy, I said as
kindly as I could, 'I am Mrs, Cnrlosso;
can I do anything for you?' 'Yes, she
said with an awful sneer, 'you can
clear out as Bhnrp as yo llko. I am
Mrs. Carlosso, that man's wlfo' (point
ing to a photograph), 'and thoso 'ore
nro his chlldron. Ah,' alio continued. 'I
nee you aro n hit ttumorgnstod, bo I'll
lenvo yo to clear out, but I'll bo back
In nn hour nnd opo to find yo gono;
then looking round tho room as though
taking stock; "Twill bo hotter to llvo
'ere thnn nowhere, even with Mm; now
then chlldron, out yo go. Yo noodn't
nloop In tho pnrk tonight, nny'ow.
Ab sho left tho room bIio looked round
tho door and at mo, adding, as n part
ing thriiBt. 'IMous chap, ain't ho?
"Whon I hoard tho hall door bnng I
tobo to my foot and nutomntlrnlly
packed my box; I sny automatically,
bornuflo as I hnvo iond Bomowhoro that
n wlro may bo made bo hot that It will
pass through living tlHBtio without giv
ing pain, so I know that somo ti million
nro too great to bo npprocdoted. too
heavy to ho folt'. Into my box I put
everything of vuluo thnt It would hold.
It wan wrong, very wrong, porhnpa.
but I had no .monoy, nnd wnii lod
by tho liiBtlncts of mdf.proHcrvntlon.
nnd" horo sho glnncod nt tho sloop
lng child "coming responsibility.
From that day to thin I havo lived nB
best I could. My fnthor. whoso angor
can nnvor bo nppenBod Bot mo up in
tills llttlo shop on condition that I,
novor npplled or spoko to him or any
member of tho family nirnln.
"Thero." sho said, with a fllgh of
relief, as Hho finished hor mid Btory.
"I havo told you my history, tho his
tory of a ruined llfo, that would havo
ended long ago but for my child thero.
I ought not to havo troubled you with
It, but I do wnnt boijio ono to know
how I hnvo suffered and struggled, nnd
you hnvo boon so kind to mo."
"My child, you havo Indeed suffer
ed." woh nil I could say. "How glad
I nm that I over know you!" I ndded.
"If I rnn over bo of any sorvlco to you,
I will to tho vory utmost." I took one
moro glanro at tho child nnd started
on my walk homo.
Ab I strolled nlong tho now doBort
od pavomontfl, I felt ns If ono who bad
lind n great bunion lifted from off his
Sad. torrlbly said, nB her story was,
It might havo boon worflo. Thoro was
not, nt all events ns far nfl sho was
conroniPd, nny tincture of sin In It
nnd aftor nil bIio might bo very hnppy
yot, and should bo, If I could compnsn
Tho three months following Miss
Mllno'fl confession wore, as far as our
Intercourse wns concerned, uno;ontful
In tho oxtromo. Hor business pros
liorod, hor child boenmo strong, nnd
jmrtly as n result of thoso clrcum
vlnnt'os, partly from tho comfort of
ltnvlng shnred hor secret with somo
ono sympathetic, sho gathered nnd
Btrongth nnd lost her look of despon
dency. One day I camo homo from my
lounds tired nnd wonry;" I Jiad dono
less work thnn visual, nnd yot I wns
moro tlrod than I had ovor boon be
fore. My bones nclied, my llmba woro
lionvy. nnd ovor nil thoro wns a fool
lug of lassitude and prostration diffi
cult to nccount for and difficult
to describe. Although tho oven
lng wns wnrm. I ordorod a flro, and snl
oor It, shivering and longing for bed
thno. Whon bcdtlmo enmo I longed
for nionrlng; for nlthougli tho old lady
wnrnu'd my bed nnd mado mo "some
thing hot," sleep wns out of tho ques
tion. Hour nfter hour I tossed from
side to side, torrlbly nwnko. and nwako
to the fact that boiiio sorloua Illness
wns upon me, nnd thnt thlu was tho
ntumlnir chantor. Morning camo nt
last and found mo In tho first stngo of
typhoid fevor.
U would ndd nolthor to tho Interest
nor to tho necessities of this story to
go through tho details of my Illness.
On tho third day I wns delirious, nnd
continued so without Intormlsslon for
nearly week. It was at tho end of
tho ninth dny that consciousness ro
turued and of Its return I have a vory
vivid recollection,
I hnd (so I nftorwnrd learned) fall
en Into a sound, peacoful slumber
about midday, and during this slum
!er, which Instod nearly ton hours,
chaos becamo order, discord boenmo
harmony. My troubled brain, with nil
Us lnnumorablo factors, which hnd
been llko a city warring ngnlnst Itsolf,
r.ank Into rest, Tho order wont forHi.
"Pcnco, bo still." and In tho plaro of
i lot there enmo tho passive ecstasy of
dieamlesB nloop,
At length I camo back to llfo nnd
lei'son. I nwoko nnd stared vacantly
nt tho faces of the watchers at my boil
tddo and to tho old familiar furnlturo
about tho room, struggling html the
while to understand It nil. Vory soon
tho effort tlied m. I closed my eyes
and snnk hnck upon the pillow with nn
Indescribable sensation of content
tiipii nnd n half-conscious feollug that
everything was nlrtght and rather
A movement In tho room aroused
Bio again, and this tlmo I looked up to
sec tho good old friend who had not
only dono nil my work for mo but
pulled mo back from tho Jaws of
denth; and on tho other sldo of tho
bed tho toar-bo-flowcd fnco of my dear
old factotum, who each dny and dur
ing tho first threo nights had novor
left mo hut to mako food for mo In
tho kitchen or wrcstlo with tho Lord
for mo at her bodsldo. And Just be
hind her I saw tho luminous, meaning
ful oyes of Miss Mllno. She, I after
ward learned, hnd tnken tho wholo of
the night nursing slnco tho third day
of my Illness.
"Thnnk God, ho Is oujt of tho wood,"
I hoard tho doctor any, nnd ho ndded:
"Don't bother him with food or apeak
to him; If ho wishes to sleep ngnln, as
ho probnbly will let him. I'll bo back
In two hours."
Ho wnB right; I did Bleep again a
long, health-giving sleep thnt lasted
far Into tho night, nnd then I nwoko;
nnd this tlmo I was nwnko nwako to
tho fact that I was allvo and thnt I
had lived boforo In tho nppnrontly
very distant pnst.ahd awoko to tho fact
that tho room was very dimly light
ed with n candlo placed behind tho
curtain of my hod, nnd thnt. tho light
of It foil upon tho fnco of MIsb Mllno,
or rather upon hor oyes, for thoy. by
tholr Intensity, belittled nil tho other
I had not moved, nn"d she wns not
nwnro thnt I wnB nwnko, so I lny there
Bllontlv for somo minutes nnd watched
hor. Tho book sho hnd boon rending
hnd fallen upon hor lap, hor hnniln
woro clnspod over It. nnd sho vns stnr
lng nt, tho cnndlo with tho fnr-nway
look of ono thinking vory nnxlously.
Then sho muttered nudlbly: "It enn
rover bo," nnd then slowly, with n nod
of hor bond nt each word, "novor, nov
or, novor!"
I wnB too 111 then to attnch any
moaning to tho wordfl. hut In dnyB to
como I romembored them nnd learned
fiolr meaning. Thon I moved mv
bund nnd In n momont sho wns nil
eager nt,tcntlon on hor foot nnd lonn
nig ovor mo; whon sho snw my oyes
upon sho loaned ovor tho hod nnd In
a low, soft whisper naked: "Aro you
bettor now?"
"Yes; havo I boon vory 111 long
"Yes, vory, but not long, not vory
"Hnvo you nursed mo?"
"Yes. during the night."
"How good of you!"
Tho movomont of Miss Mlln'o's feet
evidently aroused my old factotum In
tho room bolow, for In n .moment "die
was at my sldo. Wearily I gnvo hor
my hand, nnd hor wnrm. olonuont
ginap of It told a ntory of faithfulness
Imnosslblo to nilfliindorstnnd.
Anothor fortnight In bod snw tho
end of tho ncuto stngo of my lllnois.
nnd thon followed n convnlosconco
thnt wns rapid nnd uninterrupted.
During tho fortnight Miss Mllno con
tinued hor night nursing, nnd ns I
slopt much during the days, f wan of
ten wakeful during tho nlghtn, nnd
thnn sho would alt nnd In low tones
tnlk or rend to mo.
During tho noxt month I continued
to gnthor strength, and as I needed
but little night nursing I saw much
less of Miss Mllno. Sho would run In
Bomotlmos during tho ovonlng. but r.ot
to stnv, nnd ofton brought with her
porno luxury, such as fruit, a now pn
lor. or porno vory .mild clgnrottos, nnd
during hor short stnyn I could but no
tlco n most marked alteration In hor
mnnnor; sho was much qulotor. and I
would constnntly catch her looking nt
nic with nn exnrosslon of nnxloty nnd
deep tlioiightfulnoss,
Ono ovonlng I had boon talking of
whnt I Intended to do whon I was
wiill nnd nlao what I would do for hor
by way of rocomponco for nil hor
kindness in nursing mo. To my ns
tonlshmont tho subject nppenrod to ho
full of pnln to hor.
"not of courso you will allow mo to
reward you?"
"I don't wnnt to bo rownnpd: thoro
Is nothing to reward mo for. I have
dono nothing tluU wns not n plcliBiiro
to mo." ,
"nut think, MIbb Mllno, how uncom
fortablo I shall bo In years to enmo If
I nm to bo forovor In your debt?"
"If It comes to thnt, Doctor RIkIiv,
'tis I who ought to bo mado uncom
fortnhlo bv your kindness to mo. Ilit
do you think- It Is wise to treat these
matters on n purely cnmmorclnl bas
is?" Then, looking down slowly nnd
vory sadly, she ndded: "When I think
of nil you hnvo dono for mo It seems
that great kindness form a kind of
chnln thnt that that ties people to
r.othor, and anything In tho way of ro
turn spoils without cutting t. Hut I
havo said too much moro than I
meant to. Good-night, I must" go."
And sho walked ncross to mo and nut
out hor hand without looking up, Ho
foro taking i I said:
"You mlsunderstnnd me. I had no
thought of either cutting or spoiling
your golden chain, I only wantod
to "
"You can't tnko nny step In tho way
of rocomponco that won't do ono or
tho other. Oood-nlght, Doctor Ulghv,"
And she wns gone out Into tho night,
tnklng hor sndnoss nnd her socrot
with her.
Tho morning following this Inter
view brought n letter from some
friends at Chlselhurst, who had heard
of my Illness, nnd who were most anx
ious that I should spond a fow dnvs or
weeks with thorn by way of entire
change, nnd as this suggestion foil In
with tho wlshoa of my medical frlonds,
I wrote and nccopted, promising to be
with them In n fortnight. I was with
in threo days of starting when I saw
ho last of Miss Mllno ns I had known
her hitherto, Anothor and a vory dif
ferent Miss Mllno I saw a good deal
Sho entered tho dining room vory
quietly. I wna sitting In an armchair
at tho flresldo, nnd sho, walking over
to mo snlds "I hear you aro going
Awny for n change."
"Yes; who told you?"
"Oh, yes, 'I was coming to tell you
...u,.,!, .jjiiiiimnri ii i n imri'-
to-morrow; but how tired and 111 you
look! Aren't you woll?"
'Yes; thank you," sho replied, with
a look of torrlhlo woarlncss, tho sim
ple sadness of which cut mo to the
'nut 'I nm sure you aro not. I ro
mombor your saying during our Inst
Intorvlow thnt you woro to some ex
tent Indebted to mo. I don't admit
this, you know, but If you think so
yon might confer n favor on mo."
"What favor?" .
"Toll mo what Influences havo been
it work to drag you down to your
proBont stato of weariness nnd pros
tration I can't ubo any other word."
"Nono, nono, Dr. Itlgby; most .cor
tnlnly nono thnt you could remedy."
Then, ns If nnxlous to chango tho con
versation, nono that you could rom
ody." "Thnnk you; I 3hall bo much hnp
nlor when I como bock If I find you
looking atrongor and hapnlor."
Suddenly looking up at mo with
much npparont enrnestness, aho nak
ed: "Supposing you did not find mo
horo nt nil. would you bo vory sorrv?"
"Why do you nsk atich a question?
What do you menn, Mfss Mllno; you
nn not thinking of "
"I nm not thinking of nViythlnar. but
only wmdorlng if tho llttlo usefulness
of inv llfo Justified nil tho weariness
of It."
"You, who hnvo ovorcomo so much,
foueht so nobly ngalnst circumstances,
ought to ho tho Inst to tnlk llko that."
"Porhnp8; but you'll ndmlt that
fhoro Is such n thing as losing ono's
pluck In tho fnco of now trlnls com
ing." "Not unless thoso coming trials nro
verv real nnd very grent."
"Supposing thoy nro, tho greatest
woman enn suffor; what thon?"
"Well, thon but whnt Is tho ubo of
miking of audi? You havo nono ot
thnt. depth to dread."
"Porhnpa not." with n doon alch. "I
vns only wondorlng whnt would bo
tho conscquonco If thoy did como."
"You ought novor to forgot your
lovoly boy. Arthur."
"Hah!" alio exclaimed, with hor first
nymntom of angor nnd tho shndow o!
( momontnry flush dvolng hor fare.
"Hnh!" I havo no patlonco with sucn
half notions ns that. A child, Indeed!
As though ono only wants n child to,!
llvo for! Thoro nro many loves
atrongor thnn tho lovo of chlldron tho
lovo of nlcohol, for InBtnnoo. I could
toll you plnlnly moro If I liked."
Hor mnnnor whllo delivering this
sontono wiib qulto dlfforont to nny
thing I hnd previously scon In hor or
though her capable of. It set mo
thinking doeply ns to tho cnuso of It
nil, tho Influences nt work; that thoro
woro Influences nt work wns certain,
nnd thnt thoso Influences woro very
powerful ones wnB oqunlly obvious.
What woro thoy? Had It boon nny
othor girl should hnvo concluded at
onco that nho was In lovo. desperately
In lovo; but from tho cynical words
on this aubjoct that I hoard, I conclud
ed that sho was abovo being Influenced
poworfully by that paBslon.
Sho did not Intorrupt my wondorlng
by nny romnrk, nnd wo woro both of
us silent for nomo seconds. I was
tho first to speak.
"I am cortaln," I said, "you nro not
talking llko this from nny sufficient
cnuso; at tho samo tlmo, I am c'qiinlly
ccrtnln thnt you havo somo troublo on
your mind. Now, onco you gnvo mo
your confidence without asking, nnd
you Bald, I romomher, nftorwnrd, what
n comfort It wns to you to hnvo con
fided your sorrows to somo ono uympn
thetlc. This tlmo I ask you for your,
confidence nnd wlthnl I hnvo a right
to It, after all your kindness to mo."
"Woll. Dr. nigby. I'll glvo you my
confidence." sho said, slowly and low
ly, wjthont .moving hor fnco from tho
hollow of hor hands, "on condition
thnt you nsk no questions,"
(To ho eouued.)
ft Things That May M
$ Interest You. $
Although 125 years old, a watch
owned hy a Kontloinim in Gloucester
shire, ntlll kcojis oxr-oMont tlmo. It
wnH worn at Trafalgar, during tho
Poninmilar war, nt Wntorloo, through
tho China war in 1840, and Anally
in tho Indian mutiny.
Jonathan Littloflold, of lllddeford,
Mo., in ono of tho moat poraiptont
souvoulr huntora in tho United States.
Whon Princo Henry was hero he
pcrured his autograph, which was
written directly under that of Presi
dent McKinloy in his collect on, and
ho husiaUo splinters of tho floor where
tho president stood whon ho was shot.
No ono looking at Lord Charles
Dorosford today would imagine that in
1800. when lie first went to pea. ha
was a dolicato lad and was in fact nut
on board tho warship Marlborough for
his health. Whon ho first rot foot on
board he hoard a sailor ray ''Poor llttlo
chap, he ain't long for this world."
Lord "Charlie" hao seen many lively I
itfviAa etrtr-t 4 linn nml la atlll 1ttm1t an.l
Secretary Shaw was ono of the p5o
noers in tho development of tho rico
growing industry in western Louisiana
and oaatorn Texas. The govrenor and
his associates purchased largo tracts of
land in tho vicinity of Ileauumont,
v hero ho still owns a half interest in
a rico plantation of 3,000 acres, and
when the oil boom camo, a year ago,
the land values increased by leap? and
bounds. It is said that tho boom has
already brought Secretary Shaw a for
tuno of more than 1 800,000.
Howard P. Frothingham, of 2 Wall
street, New Vork, has probably loaned
moro money than any othoi man who
has over lived. He represents loading
banks and trust companies on tho floor
of tho -exchange, and it is no uncommon
thing for him to loan 1,000,000 to
$2,000,000 a day in times of money
stringency at prices ranging from 3 to
180 per cent. On these loans he re
ceives bandsomo commissions and U
today one of the richest brokers on the
street. He has long been known fo
the peifectlon of his dross and the ur
banity of hia maunera.
I "" ""' --j "'" '- '"'-'"" '"
R. A. OAT.
Excelsior Planing Mill
Mouldings, Brackets, Turning,
Stair Building and General
House Work.
Phono White 601.
E. Seventh and . Morrison Sts.
Ann Arbor Home
M. SHIELDS, r-roprlotor.
Sixteenth and Glisnn Sts., Portland, Or
Gcorgo Miller.
Hiram Fugitt.
Wagner Cafe
Phono Main 87S
148 Sixth St., Tortland.
Comfortahlo C.uirtcrs for Commercial
and Business Men.
8. JUL. MAVElt, I'rcs't and Scc'y.
Fleckenstein Mayer Co.
L'staMUhcd 1870. Incorporated 1831.
Importers and Jobbers
Our Ppcclnltlcs:
Maryland Club Rye and
Kentucky Taylor Bourbon.
27.39 Mnrlln St.,
m-233 Oak St.
Gents' Work a Specialty.
Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410.
See Our Prices Before Buying.
Bend (or tree catalogue.
Extract (rom Hot. liar. MaVors 1'. A. Mar.27, 1903:
"Vanktrk .& Wllnon aro quoting prices In their
cataloguo that no retail dealer cares to meet."
That's what the Ring says ol us'. Oct our
VANKIRK ft WILSON. 180 Front St
Real Estate
Six-Room Modern Houses
in Woodmere.
Fino acreago on electric car lfno suit-
p10'0 forVlatting.
Choice lots on easy tern .
Horn i built to suit ard sold on easy
I203 Falun Building, 3d and Wash-
I Ington Sts.
I .
VIco frost.
8. b. conn
Standard Box Factory
Crates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pick
ages, Packing Cases of all kinds.
Cor. Wait aai E. Wasklagtoa Stfc,
TabflMM last 4. PORTLAND, OK
inminJufmniK" mi" "'" 1 TTiiTrinninrii
AMI " Wll'
lJ l J j lllilf
JJ&6r Jl ivil)
Establish Jin. MB89.
Incorporated July 8, 1891.
Portland Coffee and Spice Go.
For the Trade Only.,
Tea, Coffee, 'Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUR 81'ECf AI, nitANDS: Spices. Acme. Mult
nomith; linking Powders. Penance, Doublo
Quick j,Corco, Koral Mend j Bugar, xxxx. liar.
34-28 Front Strmml,
Bui. Amh mnd Ankmrty.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
RENA STINSON, Lady Assistant.
I W.GAUNAHAN. Trcsldont.
t. II. OAUD.VKIt, Vice I'roaldeiit.
W. W. TEKKY, Treasurer.
Portland Implement Co.
188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore,
A.J. JONES, l'roprlolor.
Itctnll Dealer In
And All Kinds of Imported Delicacies.
21 X. Park Street,
....DEALERS IN....
Second Hand Machinery
260 East Water Stroot. PORTLAND, OREGON.
Zimmerman Wells Machinery Co.
Marine, Mining:, Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Working, Hoisting and Trans
mission Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Leschen
& Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Nanson 6c Co.'s Lu
bricating Oils and Compounds.
Any Hli Any Quantity Any StyU
Iluuuor Hoots and Shoes, Helling, Packing mid IIos.
Largest and Most Complete Assortment ot all Kinds ol Rubber Goods.
B. K. FKABK, President. K. M. BHEPAKD, JR., Treasurer J. A. SIIEI'ARD, Secretary
Atkins Saws are
Sample Rooms.
Klectrlo Lights.
J. P.
Never Closed. .
Beds and Menls First-class.
Loewenberg &
Mf tm M3M Tayier Street
? to f Seemed Street
T stl aMMM
I'lioncs: Oregon Main 770., Columbia 420.
Alt goods wholesale and retail.
204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or
Our Friends are All Cordially Invited
To Attend.
V. I.. McOade,
beat tic.
E. 8. IUmltov,
Also Honolulu, Hm L
Hoad Of noes Taooma, Wash.
Cftblo Address I McCAHK
14 Water Strut, Liverpool.
: Do You
I Know the News ?
You can hare It all (or
In Tlio Evening Telegram, ot Tortland, X
OreKun. It U tlio I arm it uvcnliiK newi- X
paper pulillidiod In Oriffoti; It cmitnlni X
nil the now of tlio itntu mid of tlio na X
tlon. Trv It tor n month. A mmplo X
ropy will be. mailed to you tree. Ad. X
drum X
Portland, Oregon. 1
Paolflo Ooaat Branoh,
No. SO Ftrmt Street,
Portland, 'Ore.
All White Help
Special Rntos by Weok or Month
fioing Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware "
Household... ,
Specialties..; y
Handled by All Flrst
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market.
i ifAfc"