" i " xyir-, - THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGCXN. . Gt itching Skin Distress by day and night Thnt'B tlio complnint of thoeo who nre to unfortunate ns'to bo afflicted with Lczcma or Salt Rheum and outward applications do not cure. They can't. Tho sourco of tho trotiblo is in tho blood mnko that puro nnd this pcnllng, burning, itching skin diseaso will disap pear. Accept no substitute. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla rids tho blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions. Bee Exhibit t World's Fair. 'Mnyoi Swinlt, of Rocky Ford, Colo., who has perhaps tho largest beo plant in America, is going to tako his boes to tho World's Fair at St. Louis, and thoy will work there from tho timo tho exposition opens until it closes. Mr. Swlnk is willing to construct of boo hives a miniature of tho Colorado Stato Houso at Dflnvor. This will roquiro about G40 hives, and in all about 5,500,000 beeB will work. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Children during tho teething perldd. Infelicitous. A correspondent of tho Boston Jour nal declares that ho hoard of a young clergyman tho other day who startled his hearers by beginning his address at a funoral thus: "Whilo thoro has been something discovered to rolieve the pain of having teeth extracted, thoro has been nothing discovered as yet to allay tho pain of, parting with frionds by death. FITS Psrnmntntlr Curca rfo Ml r nervousness after tint lnT'antfnf llr. hllna'.nreit Nnm Seitortr. Semi for Fit R K S'J.00 trial bottle D.I treat. . lS.U.U.KuNS.Lt(l..MlArc:li3t..PljlUd.litil,lS Filth In Public Places. A wl.cr declares that thoro is moro filth, squalor and gonornl slovenliness in public places and works, in ntroots, squnros, river-sides, docks, roads and , bridges in tho United States than in any other country of tho first or even tho second rank. He says thtut in this respect wo rank with Turkoy rather than with England or Germany. Bhnkn Into Your Shorn Alton's root-Kn.o. A powder. Itmakc tight it now shoes (col easy. It Is n rorlnln curu lor meeting, cnlloui nnd hot, tired, aching feet, bold by all Drupxlst. Price Hie. Trial tmekneo mailed FilUE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Koy.N. Y. - Met Their Fate, "Aio you ready?" nskod tho first man. , "I am," camo tho answor in a firm tone. "Then come. Wo may as woll know tho worst.'' Closing tho door behind them, thoy resolutoly descended tho stairs. Whon thoy roso from tho boarding houso table, thoy agreed that tho meal had been no worso than usual. Judge. I nm sure Piso's Cure for Consumption rnvrd my life three years eo, Mrs. Titos. ItoiiMK. Maple street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, 10OO. Uncle Hezeklah on Golf. "I don't seq why thoy call golf a roy al and ancient game," romarked tho Cohoos philosopher. "I nover heard of it till two months ago, nn' my folks has lived right in this horo country for sixty yoars. An' na for its bain' royal it ain't played in a court Hko tonnls I don't seo where thot comes in. An if it is, it's ngin tho constitution and the flag. Judgo. The Reason. Asked the othor day why it is that so few of his rnco committed suicide, Brother Dickoy replied: "Well, Bull, my experionco is, some of 'em don't need to; dey lynches 'em coon enough." ECZEMA'S ITOH IS TORTURE. Bczetna is caused by on acid humor In the blood coming In contact with the skin and producing great redness and in flammation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a. thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off ; sometimes the akin la hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, jsdthe itching; and burning at times are 10041' unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooze out and act the akin on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as lone as the poison remains la the blood it will keep the akin irritated. WAD FORM OF TETTER. "Vol three years I ao iiir on mr bands, which caused Uern to weU to twice their Mturslslsc. Part of the time the disease ilntaeionaoirun- stlas sorts, very pain. fsu, and"cauing; me much dUcomfort.Four doctors said the Tetter had Droarcstcd too far to be wed. and. the r raU iV nothing for V sac' -I took ol three) bottles of 8. 8. 8. and watramnlttrlv cured. .Tsuswai nneen jcara T nwTW9 ' at, and X have nerer" ' sfiicescea any siga of my old trotfbUJ'S fc. : Jackson, 1414 UcCce at, Kansas City, Mis, Mo. e O C i.Mt.1-a .ttila mnlA Wi4stn ulllii.ttlivv4inii wiiaro it to a healthv. BaturaKatatepand the rough, unhealthy akin becomes soft, smooth and clear. akin becomes soft, 1 sss ,'curea xeiccr, arj IsipeJaa, Psoriasis,' Salt Rheum and all akin diseases due to a pois ' nna) condition of the blood. Send for our book and wnte us about your case. Our physician nave Bade these diseases a Ufa Study, and can help you by-their-adyice; re make no chargefortbiaaervlce. AllcorreapondeaA. ( conducted in strictest confidence. TMC MMFT SPCOFirMb, ATLANTA, U. w4 asUwabaiuik-TaitasOood, ? aJLpiinig giiasi f'sjtu L A NOTED EDUCATOR. r. Charles Kendall Aitama, Who Died Recently In California. ' The recent death In California of Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, formerly pres ident of tho University of Wisconsin, removed one of the most gifted and progressive educators In tho United States. Dr. Adams hnd been ill for several mouths nnd death ,camo as n relief. Ills death was due to Drlght's disease. Charles Kendall Adams was born In Vermont In 1835, nnd was reared In n family where Intellectual strength was more cftnsplcuous than worldly wealth, lie entered the public schools at Derby, Vt., but nt tho nge of 20, when his par ents removed to Iowa, he was still un decided whether his life w,ork would bo as a student or n factor In the commer cial world. At 21 he definitely deter mined to fit himself for college, nnd In the summer of 1650 began to study Latin and Greek nt Denmark Academy under tho Instruction of Rev. n. K.,Kd son. In September. 1857. be was ndmlt ted to the. University of Michigan, hnd literally, so far ns finances were con cerned, worked his way through that college. Ho became Interested In historical studies nnd took a postgraduate course In that line. At tho same time ho be came asslstnnt librarian of tho univer sity nnd had chnrgo of one of the lower classes In history. H wns 1804 before ho began to reap a reward for his la bors, lie then received nn appoint ment as Instructor of history nnd Lntln. nnd a yenr later he became nn assistant professor. When Prof. Whlto resigned in 18(17 to tuke the presidency of the Cornell I'rof. Adams been 1110 a full professor of history of tho Univer sity of Michigan, and found his repu tation for scholarship made. Other universities and colleges sought him, but ho remained with tho Univer sity of' Michigan until called to tho presidency of Cornell, a position which lie held for seven years. At Cornell ho devoted himself largely to consolidat ing and reorganizing many depart ments, with such success that tho teaching Htnff rose from 54 to 135 ami the students enrolled from 573 to 1,500. On January 17, 1803, Prof, Adnms wns Inaugurated president of tho Uni versity of Wisconsin nt Madison, and held that position until last year, when falling health compelled his reslgun tlou. In degrees ho received that of LL. D. from tho University of, Chicago in 1878 nnd from Harvard In 1SS0. Prof. Adnms was tho nuthor of De mocracy and Monarchy In France, which attracted much nttentlon and was translated Irko German. Ho was n capital organizer, strong-willed and purposeful. He gave the University of Wisconsin a national education and In creased Its business strength manifold, llcsldes his contributions to American and foreign revlows he. wroto Repre sentative BrltlHh Orations and a num ber of historical contributions to cur rent literature COUNTESS TOL8TOI. Deroted Wife of the Fatnoua Russian Author and Kefurmer. One of the most cultured women In Europo Is Countess Sophia Andrerona Tolstoi, wife of tho great Russian re former and author. At the age of 17 he reoelved u diploma from tho Uni versity of M6scow and a year later be came the bride of the man whoso fame is now world-wide. To Count Tolstoi she has ever since been n most devoted helper and this devotion tho sociologist once descrlbedj "If I vero a clarionet COCKTESS TOLSTOI. my wife would spend all her time pol ishing and burnishing the keys." The countess acts ns her husband's secretary and critic and looks after his copyrights and royalties. She Is deeply Interested In her children and for them until each bud passed tho tenth year she made their clothing with her own hands. s Sojaae people get byerljMUed, rushing around looklug for a cool spot. m 1 ajsjsjkB. f aV IS aaasiBBasiBaiJBaMM awv'TiVA.jaHsissBasVVaBa r4"ri rssVY'EsLssssssssssl&MlH f.vf OssWxSE91issssbHHHh il Iv&fj vH5v s!WHpsWissssssssssssrx!j rV VX?it$i hBl tjiela lk 'ffiji' 1wIsHHs1sIIs19IbWIi V)JaiSPSlflsSlSlflSlBSlV KUvfiKVhri SSassssssssr sVaVsssSvaisHssHstassssssBr nn. CIIAIILKS K. ADAMS. Efm?ISsislslslslslK) -- - RAM'S MORN BLASTS. Warning Notes CuIUiik the Wicked to Itepcutnncc. r- - LIBERAL soul la 1 SK'tyrf AY " kpst sermon. As-' J on nUurnllty. To bury a truth Is to ralso a lie. God's word wins Its 0 w n way. Tho first effect of knowledge Is the consciousness of Ignorance. Tho edltlce of chnrnctcr can not be built without nn architect. Men do not stumble on salvation. Moral exercise makes moral athletes. Regeneration docs more thnu reform. Every moral Inheritance Is entailed. Hard living does not make easy dy ing. All great work consists of sranll deeds. Boys novo eyes like hawks for hypo crites. Blessings come In service ns well as after It. Men nre either moulders or nro moulded. Tho heart makes n good engine, but a poor rudder. Growing nnd giving nro tho best evi dences of living. Sponges gather easily, but they nre quickly wrung dry. Tho world docs not need to mako crosses for cowards. Yesterday's success may bo the se cret of to-day's failure. God can give us patience, but no can not give us practice. It Is better to bo saved In a storm than drowned In n calm. Religious teachers count for moro than religious teachings. Wo can easily benr ntlllctlons when homo up by Ills affection. GREAT LAKE CITIES. Hit lit from tho IudtnttrlcH of tho Lake "The story of the development of tho Industries of the Inko region nnd tho growth of Interlnke commerce Is writ ten In the histories of tho great cities oft commercial and manufacturing Im portance which lino tho American shore of all tho lakes. "Chicago, the mistress of theso In land sens, Is the food market of tho world and the commercial center of the American nation. "Tho Great Lukes have made Buffalo tho second city of Importance In tho Empire State, tho greatest point of ex change between mil nnd water traf fic on the globe, nnd the fourth port of the world In the volume Af Its ton nngc," says a writer In Atnsleo's Mag azine. "They hnvo mndo Cleveland near tho mid-shore of Lnko Erie, an Iron nnd steel center of mauufneture, second only to Pittsburg. "Detroit, the oldest city on tho lnkes, nnd most closely associated wth their history, Is nlso tho most beautiful. With nine miles of water frontage and a mngnlllcent city park on ono of tho Inrgo Islands In tho river, It Is oven moro plcturcsquo In Its approaches than Cluveland-on-thc-Bluffs. It hns grown so steadily In cammorclnl Im portance that Its business chart eris tics now possess n grenter Interest than either Its scenic features or historic localities. 1 "Mlhvaukce, tho second city of lm portnncb on Lnko Michigan. Is the brewing center of the world, but It manufactures moro iron than beer, nnd nearly half as much Hour, and does nn Immcnso business In meats nnd leath er. "Duluth, the commercial ruler of Lnko Sunerlor. hns nchloved a great ness nlinost equal to that predicted In tho hyperbolic ridicule of Proctor Knott. "AH of the cities of established com mercial Imnortanco on tho Great Lakes, except Duluth, have large ship yards, equipped for tho construction of even tho largest types of ocean ves sel, Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Chi cago, Milwaukee and Bay City, at the head of Saglnnw Bay. "Just across the St. Louis river from Duluth, her sister city of West Supe rior also has lnrgo shipyards, and It Is thero that the whalebacks, the curious craft that look llko a huge holler afloat, arp built." Husband Management. Thero la one secret, nnd only one, which It Is allowuble, even advisable, for a wlfo to coucenl from her bus. band-tho secret that she manages him; ho must uover know or suspect it; not ono of .their friends or ac quaintances must havo un Inkling of It, says tho Lady's Realm. A man managed publicly Is n degraded speetn cle; a dictatorial order or a rude ns sumption of authority beforo oven the nearest relative Is In abomlnnhle tnste, aud tho husband, If he huvo nn ouuca of spirit, will resent It. Wrong Definition. "Love," suld tho poet, "Is n mystic Influence; It Is a message and u re sponse, voluble In. a flush of "thought; it conquers tlmo aud distance, aud its exchange requires no medium for trans mission." "That's not love," bald the practical mun; "you're talking about wireless telegraphy now!" The wduld-bo humorist rubn it In on tho mother-in-law occasionally, but realizing which" side of his butter tho bread Is on, ho lets tho futher-lu-luw religiously tilonc. With tho exception of lovemaklng,, there are many pew ways of doing old things. ir I 1 1 I iiv" LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON, 3Z-: L OU1S HUNZIKKlt. I I'ltACTlCAI. WATCHMAKKK, JKWKt.KU AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Matches, Jewelry. Silverware, Op tical (ioodr, Cut (linns. 720 Main Street. l'KNM.KTON, Orctron T HE OWU A GENTLEMAN'S KESOKT. Finest Wines. I.l'iuors nnd Clears, (live Us a Call. 0p. Depot, Lett Hand Walk. SMITH A 110CK.WKM., I'rop. La Orandc, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. BEST 11KANDS OK WINKS AND l.KJL'OHS IMI'OIlTEn AND DOMESTIC CIOAIIS Tomer Derot Street and Jefferson Aemic, LA OftAMDE, OR. E. Y. Jcdd, Pieit. F EJutiD, Heo'y nndTreas. TiirnoN K, Fell, Manager Incorporated, 18M Capital Stuck, $10,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturers ot FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Casslmcrcs, Flannels Pondloton, OiOm The Leading: IDE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREOON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Dlrrctor and Kmlmlmcr I.mly Assistant. l'KSDI.KTO.N OllKUON Kates 2.50 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKltlCAN) A. GKISKU, l'roprlulor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. RA K Kit CITY, QU KG ON 01 MlHK CKI.KIIItATUI) COI.UMIIIA llllKwT.HY Al'UUbT llUCIII.r.It, Prop. Tills well-known lirnwery Is now turning nut tlio livst llecr nnd Porterinst nl tho CaM-mli'. 1 lie Intikt iiiipllanrt's Inr tlio Manufacture nl H(ii)d liualllitul llrvr havo Ikcii lutrndw'oil, and only tho tlrst-clat article will to placed (in Hit market. East Second Street THE DAM.E,Olt. Dalles Laundry Co. nnsT-OLASs work at fehort Notice Gentlemen's Work a Specialty Local 1'liono 341 I.oiif DUtuuo 0(1.1 THE DALLES, OREGON Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Offices and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Woo) handling our specialty. Grain bought aud sold. Columbia Brewery Thm Caaawtfaaf AUGUST DUCNLER, Propr. 01 Ilia product of this wcll-knovtu brewery, tlio 1'nlted Huitt Health Iteports lor June '. lUXl,says. "A looresujierlor lirewiimtrt'iiltred the labratoryof tho ('tilted Htatis Ileal ill Ite ports. It Is abaolutely devoid nl the llghtet trace of adulteration, put on tho oilier hand l coinoted of the best of malt end rhoiiett of hops. Its tonic (UKlltlf are of the highest, aud It can be used with the greatest bent-lit aud satisfaction by old and younv. Its use can ion. sclcutlomly b . merited by the physicians, vlth the certainty that a belter, purer or moru wholesome betersite could not possibly bu aTsM a mi m the oallcm, oh. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. D KNABKL, Proprlolorof THE OEKMAN ll.XKEItY.AND COFFEE l'.ltl.(ilt( Fresh llrcad nnd (!nles aally. Ornainentnt Cakei a specialty. Only tho'oest and tmrest tniiterlal ued In our llnlervr Krend demcred tree In any part of tho cltj. leleplione Park 7al. 1117 Paclllc .Wen lie, Tiicoiiin, WnshlliKton. OTIISOIIII.D & CO. Port Toumcnd, WnshlnKtou. 8I1IPP1N0 AND COMMISSION MEltOHANTtf. Custom House llrokirs and &teedorcs. Establlslicd 18.U). llranch ofllces Tacoma and Scuttle. JKNTUCKY LIQUOIl CO. Peter Baudbcrir, Proprietor. WINES, MQUOItS AND CIOAIIS. Sole aecut for (Itilnes' Stout aud linns' Ale, (Itend llro. UolttlUK). Established 1WI. Trie phone Main fiK 1 1 10 Pnelllo Avenue! 113J, t'onimerec St. THComa, Wiislilnglon. Tacoma Trunk Factory. Truiiktj, Traveling IJ.ttrs, Suit Caaes and Teloecopec. KKPAIKING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. H. A. DURR, Proprietor of Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and Ono of the Best Laundries In tho Northwest. latm-ll (" Street laiU-U Coiinncrclal Htrcot Telepliimo .Main :uo Tacoma; Washington Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HAItMON, I-esKco and Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First clam bar In connection. UIM213 Pacific Acinie! TACOMA, Wash- HUNT & NIOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1501-1503-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. wrtii miSB sCTWii "ifom't - BsssMll'SsssssVsssssssssssssssssssstssWsssssn Tacoma Brass and Machine Works?. J. HAMFOHD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... Agents and Builders of the Flynn Shingle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Waifiv W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 21 4 Fiont Street, Cor. Salmon, l'OKTLAND, OUKGON. Pendleton Roller Mills W, B. IIVIIH, Projirletor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels. Manufacturers of Blue Ribbon and Byera' Beat Flour, " Bran and shorts. Boiled Barley nlwuya on Hand, Pendleton, Oregon. TltY Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 Pacific AAeime, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. THE Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Losing Engines. Works, corner Twunty-Hrfct imd A Sts. Phono Main 167. Tacoma, Wasnington. Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morthcrn, Wells- Fargo and American Express Compan- leti Swift & Co.) Omaha Packing Co. American Paper Co. Etc. Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Waafn CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY M.Nirr.CTUiu:itM or Rolled Oats. , Daily Bread Flour Cereals of All Kinds.. Feed, John Donahue Manufacturer ot and Dealer tit ...LUMBER ('awmlll andOIIIco Twenty-first and Dock Sts. Telephone Main 289. Tacoma, Wash. TKI.KI'HONK 411. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Olllco IW Tenth Hi., Houtlieast comer of A TAOOMA, WA8II. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons. At All Hours. PassniKcra aud llaniiaKii transferred from resldeucrsaud hotel, to and from all lands and trains, lluud youreliiclts for liniwK" to our uietsentters, wlio will meet )ou on all Incom ing trains and loittii. First class l.horj'i Upeii airnlvlit. Ail rigs murked "r. (.'. A II. T. Co." Star Brewery Company Hjswcrs and iiuttlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Oast Third and Burnsldo Sts., Port land, Oregon. OKKOON I'JIOSK hUACK mi. New York Grocery OL'B. II. IIINNENKAMI', Proprietor. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TEAS, COFFEKS AND SlICE8 A PPKOIALTY. Cor, Eleventh nnd Morrinon HtH,, I'ortlnnd, Oregon