The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 23, 1902, Image 5

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Always ask for the famous General
Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar
.Co., general ngents, Portland, Or.
Call at Etinpon & Wntkins, dealers in
cigars, tobacco and confections, soda
water, etc. 03 Sixth stieet, Portland,
Oregou. -
For first class dental work and
Erompt attention, go to the New York
'ental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison
The Yaklnrn Market, H. A. Brasen.
manager, fresh and cured meat and
poultry, 149 First street. Oregon
'phono Main 989.
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or any good securities. Notes and
inorngngcs bouglrt. S. V. King, room
45 Washington building.
J. E. Rogers. Ico cream parlor and
confectionery. "All kinds of cigarB,
tobacco and fruits. Agency Union
Laundry Co. Columbia phono, 400.
307 First street, Portland Oregon.
Van Kirk & Wilson, 150 Front street,
Portland, Ocrgon; general commission,
harnoBS, farm machinery, groceries,
flour, feed. Columbia 'phone 194; "Or
egon 'phono Grant COG. In connection
with D. E. Mclklo.
Ford & Laws, successors to J. T.
Wllsomauctlonccrs, household furni
ture and bankrupt stocks bought and
sold. Offlco and salesrooms 182 First
street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia
'phono C05; Oregon 'phono South 2G1.
French Dyeing and Cleaning Works.
All work done at very modreutc prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Dc
leau, proprietor, 455 Glisun street.
Tho proprietors of tho Oregon
Bakery, corner Fourteenth and Fland
ers 8is., Portland, aro both old and ex
perienced bakors, men who woro foro
men In tho bOBt shops on tho coast, and
who mako a superior loaf of bread of
any kind. Pullman loaves a special
ty. Wo want your trade. Music half
price; musical instruments of all
kinds, cash or installments. II. II.
Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in
music and musical merchandise.
Tho Music building, 319 Wasighnton
street, Portland, Oregon. "
Pacific Refill Company.
Manufacturers of badges, buttons,
banners, lodgo regalia and supplies.
Portland, Oregon.
Unquestionably the best grade of
family flour on tho market today Is
tho product of tho Big Bond Milling
Co., of Davonport, Wash. Bread made
from this flour is pronounco'd by epi
cures, chefs and cooks gonerally to
bo unsurpassed.
This well-known brand of goods has
an Increasing salo in Portland and
Oregon. Tho wholesalo agonts aro C.
W. Nottingham & Co.," foot of Wash
ington streot, Portland, Oregon. Ask
your dealer for Big Bend nnd bo con
vinced of Its superiority. Both 'phones
The Pioneer Paint Co,
The firm of F. E. Beach & Co.,
corner of First nnd Alder strcots, is
be oldest established concern in
the paint and oil business in the
Northwest. For over 20 years this
houeo has maintained its reputation
for reliable business dealings with
all patrons. F. E. Beach & Co. car
ry tho highest grades of paints, oils
and varnishes. They also handlo all
builders' materials, and no order is
too small to receive prompt atten
But If you are going East write us
for our rates and let us tell you about
the service and accomodations offered
by the Illinois Central Railroad.
v' Through tourist cars via the Illinois
Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago
and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write
us about your trip, as we are In a po
sition to give you some valuable In
formation and assistance. 5319 miles
of track, over which Is operated some
of the finest trains In the world.
For particulars regarding freight or
nassenger rates, call on or address:
Commercial Agent
J. C. LINDSEY. T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third street, Portland, Or.
I0ST 01,e,OOO.
The Portland
h. e. mowam, mm.
Ammrlomm Han, $3 Per Dm
an Up war a.
E. ti. HOLA1ES, Correspondent.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 18, 1902.
Mr. A. D. Grimth, editor of tho "Now
Age", was In Spokane for two or throe'
days on a business trip last week.
When asked regarding tho spoclal sig
nificance of his visit ho replied "that
he had been traveling thro' tho district
covered by the "New Age" In Eastern
Oregon and Washington In tho Inter
est of his paper. The territory covered
embraces many miles.- Ills patrons
nnd numerous friends welcomed him
heartily, and from the genial smile and
cheerful aspect that "Grift" woro we
suspect that his trusty old receipt book
would have spoken volumes had It
been produced. Mr. Grlfllh Is always n
welcome visitor In this city, and tho
next time ho comes we promlso to give
him a fine reception.
Many of tho Portland people resid
ing here havo given tho local corres
pondent of the "New Ago" their best
congratulations and promlso loyal sup
port In tho establishment of n big,
growing circulation of their favorlto
paper In this community. ''When I re
ceive my paper each week," said ono
of tho old-timers from Portland. "It
seems Just like getting a letter from
homo" nnd the appearanco of a weekly
luttor from Spokano giving all tho live
news Is also a notoworthy circum
stance." Such unsolicited testimony
an this lends great encouragement nnd
renews tho determination of tho writ
er to bring his department up to a
high standnrd of efficiency from n
newspaper standpoint, to tho end that
the best interests of this community
may be subserved and advanced.
A large number of tho friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Huston drove out to their
delightful country homo Thursday,
August 14, to partake of tho cordial
hospitality of the charmlngg hostess.
The occasion being n recoplon In hon
or of Sergeant Huston of tho famous
United States Cavalry (tho 10th) the
urlvo of 4 miles was productive of
much enjoyment nnd caused great
merriment. Several nmuslng and
laughnblo Incidents occurred. "Cap
tain", B. R. Carlo was unfortunnto
enough to loso his way and different
parties arriving reported him many
Titles away from tho scono of pleasure.
It seems thnt Mr. Carlo took tho wrong
forks of tho road and Instead of going
b1 might to tho Huston Ranch ho trav
olod farther away nt each Btop of IiIb
fn Ih fill toam. After traversing a cir
cuit of some dozens of .miles Mr. Carle
"righted" himself and nrrlyed on tho
ground two hours nnd twenty minutes
Into. Joe Hogans. covered with s'.v
Inches of dust, arrived nt 9:30 p. m.
looking llko tho now famous charac
ter of "Old Black Joo" In tho song.
Tho Pnrker'a had a bnlky horso and
had to got out of their rig and walk up
a hill as steep as tho old Great North
ern Railway "Switch-back" with tho
dust knee deop. Howovor ovorybody
got on tho ground safo and sound, and
for three hours all enjoyed themselves
Immensely nB tho poet says "There
wub a sound of revelry by night." Mrs.
Saw Mill Machinery
Flouring Mill Machinery
Marine Engines and Boilers
Fourteenth and Northrop Streets
Portland! Club
and CafOmmm
130 Fifth Street
II Monogram and III Cyrus Noble
A Reaort for Gentlemen.
'Phone OregonMain 008; Columbia 407
. .-
Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 16
cents each, or fl.75 per dozen.
Use thef-e Lamps with projcr voltage
and make your light tho cheajK-'tit and
Portland Gmnmrml
Elmctrks Co
Seventh aneJ
AUer Sts.
Huston has so often been voted n
charming hostess that It would bo
superhitlvo to add ono moro word ot
prhlsc, because that Is bo generally un
derstood nnd appreciated that It goea
without saying to bo bidden to MrG.
Huston's place, Is a compliment and
command In Itself that ovory one
avails themselves of with keen delight
and pleasure. Miss Porter presided
at the plnno and rendered many tune
ful arid charming choice selections.
Refreshments woro served In abund
ance by a benvy of young Indies head
ed by Miss Mnlcom, tho. hostess' sister.
The night was done ere the Jolly crowd
turned their thoughts and retraced
their steps homeward, and tho deep
baying and welcome of tho trusty old
watch dog reminded many of tho early
approach of Man's working hours
"from sun to sun." Long llvo the
host nnd hostess! and may Mr. Hus
ton's life bo spared to his loving fami
ly for many years Is tho prayer of all.
Mr. E. Searcy, of Pondlcton, Oregon,
n pioneer In tho Northwest and a gen
tleman of flno and Imposing appear
ance was In Spokano Inst week looking
tip somo Investments In the roal es
tato line. Mr.-Soarcy can boast of the
fact that Grccly's advice that "young
men go west" did not fall upon unwil
ling ears ns far as ho was concerned,
nnd In advance of civilization almost
he found hlniBolf In this, then howl
Ing wilderness. After looking tho
country over and trying this nnd that
placo for many years ho at last set
tled In Pendleton, Oregon, his present
homo. Believing In the future great
ness of Spoknno ho returns now to put
somo capital Into tho place and no
doubt ho will reap a rich harvest ore
many years havo passed.
"It was a hummor" wns the cry ev
erybody pronounced the succcsb thnt
attended tho formal opening of tho
"Iroquois Club" last Thursday night.
Mnnngers Hughes and Williams affa
bly and gracefully did tho honors of
hosts, nnd Geo. Bnkor and Julius Mali
loy quenched the thirst of those
who assisted. "Thut we have
another" and ''tako ono with me."
Somo of tho best "mixers" from a
standpoint of cordiality and conven
tionality, that over gathored In this
town under ono roof was thero. Tho
business man and tho V'Bporty boys"
and tho "musical genius" and tho
lady friends of nil tho nbovo contin
gent's graced tho occasion. Oft' upon
tho night nlr wafted thnt stirring old
fiong Bimg In n spirit of zest nnd Jovial
ity. "I Am Going to Llvo Anyhow Un
til I Die." Everything passed off en
tirely lovoly and hnrmonlouflly.
Whon In Spokano stop at tho
Holmes Hostelry, 0708 Washington
street, nenr tho O. R. & N. passenger
stntlon. Good accommodations as
sured. I promised a short time ngo to give
from among tho ninny business enter
prises hero conducted by colored citi
zens a few examples of tho thrift and
ontorprlso thnt characterizes the peo
plo In this Inland metropolis, n synop
sis of which Is presented herewith:
Jessie Rico shoes your horses In Ills
blncksmlth shop, Charles Ryan nnd
Charles Jones nnd Sam Thomas aro
teamsters with well fed flno looking
teams; tho Smith Brothers will plnator
your house; Frank L. Wilson will feed
Iho Innor mnn In his neat "Grill" on
Washington street; get your face
shaved and tho curly locks amputat
ed at Bob Moss' barber shop or D. A.
Johnson's tonsorlnl shop; tho "Irl
quols Club" will supply tho liquid re
freshments so cssentlnl to tho happi
ness of tho avorago "ho-molo" nnd In
cldentlnlly tho "sho-malo" friends of
that pbpular resort; J. P. Ball, Joo
Burnett nnd others will build anything
fiom n chicken coop to a flno modorn
cottage; John Stafford fights a tvno
writer fiercely In tho local offlco of tho
S F. & N. Ry. Co.; Charles Parker
"Mil Bell you a pair of shoes or gum
boots In Hill Brothers shoo storo: Geo.
Baker, Frnnk Crawford, Professor
Payno and others, do tho Pnderowskl
act on an upright piano in an ontlroly
satisfactory manner; hair dressing,
which used to bo ono of the "lost
arts" has moro oxpononts among tho
women of Spoknno than any other city
of Its slzo In tho world; Miss Mlnno
Brown furnishes tho vocal numbers
upon occasions when the best and
most cultured voices aro In demand;
Revs. Beckham and Payno give solace
to tho erring and comfort tho wretch
ed, ndmlnlstor to wants of tho uneodly
men nnd women hero; Chus. Camp
bell, Green, Couch, and a host of oth
ers will black your boots until llko
tho purity of truth "It shines for nil".
Tho yoemanry of tho country. Its foun
dation In fact, tho patriotic oloment of
tho land, who, llko Old Isaac Putnam,
In not only willing to fight for tholr
country, but help feed the multitudes
an well, nro ably represented In Scott
Hill, Mrs. Lucy Huston and
John Weod with several others In sec
tions adjacent to Spokano. Theso peo
ple farm, and tho Inquiring Individual
who may visit their places will be con
vinced thnt they aro past grand mas
ters in tho business. B. R. Carlo us
slated by a jcoodly crow of co-laborers
feed tho "O' boys" In this thrifty
"Burg" an-1 many of tho "Brothers in
whlto say It Is well done too." Snm
uel Porter, Matt. Stafford and King
Jones also Incidentally Tom Johnson.
Dick White and Jerry Flowers keep
tro city hall, tho G. N. Ry. station, tin)
N. P., tho postofllco and O. R. & N.
station In "apple plo order." As Jani
tors and porters In public places they
very much Imitate tho "rotation the
ory" In politics as practiced by old
Andy Jackson, viz: They believe In
nuking "a clean sweep." "Doc" Wll
Hams is "Tho Old Medicine Man."
tackling any thing from cholera infan
tum to tho last stages of consumption,
Dr. Will Williams goes after warts
coma and bunions In nn eminently
creditable manner; William Ryan car
ries' the valuable packages and Is er.
truFted with mnny an Important er
rand by the Trader's National Bank,
also assists In managing the Spokano
Theatro in a useful capacity; Messrs.
George, Anderson, Colvln, Surrcn and
others are delving deop Into tho bow
'tis of mother earth trying to extract
tho virgln'B precious metals, that they
may hand out to their friends who
mako up tho personnel of tho "Clar
enco Roy Gold Mining Company" somo
coldon eagles, the boys that comfort
and gladden tho misers and the way
faring man's heart, and compart ao
r.iuch with tho dlenlty of a race fast
rising to fame and eminence.
When It comeB to tho secret orders
there Is something alwavs doing In
tills good old town when tho reception
committee dona their white gloves and
meets the candidate at tho door to the
tlmo that tho ."Bouncing committee"
headed by Sir. William Gont takes you
down tho lino you realize that when
you Join tho K. of P. the Odd Fellows
or the Masons that the other fellows
havo had the fun nt your expense you
the oxporlencc, nnd with flcndlsh gleo
you wait for the flrsCvlctlm to fall In
you clutch for "sweet revenge."
Messrs, B. R. Cnrlo, T. L. Wilson, Hor
ron and othors know tho mysteries of
the craft llko a school boy docs his
primer. When you want beef steak,
"porklcts" and fowls give Hopkins'
'Georgia Market" a call. A good
night's rest In n clean bed, a boon that
mnny a weary trnvolor Is denied, can
bo secured nt Mrs. E. II. Holmes' place
on Washington street or nt Mrs. Chns.
Hogan's on Post street, Mrs. A. M.
Harris on 2d Ave, etc., etc.
But why multiply evidence of tho
prosperity of this people. Abundant
testimony has been Introduced to con
vince tho most skoptlcnl that, though
conditions woro vastly different and to
many presented a now nnd varied ex
perience, yet dcsplto all thin tho col
ored people, somo from tho South and
East and, In fact, throughout the
wholo oi the North American Conti
nent, gathored within tho confines nnd
limits of Spokane, havo succeeded mid
thoroughly In hnrmony with tho sago
who wrote: "Thero Is no such word
as 'fall.' " Hnvo steadily progressed
with tho goal of tho mountain tops nnd
heights ns tholr highest typo of ambi
tion and effort. As the cnglo soars
In Its flight, with Its nlm fixed upon
tho highest crags and the loftiest ele
vation, so must wo toll and labor and.
wait until the highest roward and sat
isfaction to bo gained in this life nro
attained, viz.: tho respect of our fel
lows n competenco. thnt old ngo may
bo .made enBy, and tho dignity nnd
case nnd Importnnco attached to n
man or raco with resources nnd capi
tal at their command naturallv Im
poses E. II. HOLMES.
Rov. J. 3. Collins will loavo Boon to
attend conference nt Portland, Or.
Mr. Ryan, traveling agent for tho
Scattlo Republican, was In this city
To Editor Now Ago: MIbh Mnhol
Doego will lenvo Boon to visit St.
Paul, Minn.
Tho young Indies' Japnneso Bnznnr,
which was postponed until tho 11th
Inst., was n grand success,
Mrs. W. 11. Reynolds of Lob Ange
les, Cnl., Is vlBltlng with Mvs. W. Ii.
Rudd for tho next six wcckb.
Rov. J. S. Collins leaves Tacomn
with the best report for "seven, yearn
for tho conference to bo held in Port
land. Quito nn onjoynhlo affair took plnco
last Thursday evening at Mrs. Law
Horn's new home. It was a spring
chicken for tho beuoflt of thu
A. M. E. Church.
Mrs. H. J. Asborry, who hnn been
absent for tho past eight weckB vis
iting relatives in Omaha, Nob.; Den
ver and Pueblo, Colo., will return
Sunday, August 24.
TIr. D. W. Fryo was olected proai
dont of tho Bobs Barbers' Association
Monday night; F. F. Keoble, secre
tary. All tno membors nro whlto ex
cept tho two abovo nnme'd.
To nil citizens of Tacomn giving
cntcrtnliimeiitB, and who would llko
tr havo them mentioned In Tho Now
Ago, plenso notify Mr. Keeblo or send
tho .matter to him at his shop.
Mr. A. D. arlflln will send Tho Now
Age to any lady or gentleman who
will boBO kind as lo hoiuI their ad
ideas to Mr. Keeble, at 915 Puclt'c
avenue, Tacomn, WiibIi., fieo of
chargo for six months. F. Frits
Keoble, society editor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Stafford left
Inst Mondny, Augubt 10, for Now York
to Join tho WIllinmB & Wnlkor Com
pany. Mr. Stafford will bo Btugo
manager, and Mrs, Stafford will bu
leading lady In all chonm woik. Mrs.
Stafford Ib ono" of tho famous Hyor
sisters. Tacoma feels tho loss of such
distinguished citizens as Mr. and Mrs.
Tncoma wns wideawake In frater
nal circles laBt woek. Tho Odd Fol
lows Initiated two momberB Mr.
Lawronco Sledgo and Mr. Davis. A
Knights of Pythias lodgo was set up
Tuesday, August 12, by L. Lennrd.
Olllcers: L. Lennrd, chancellor com
mnnder; LouIb Chaco, vlco chancel
lor; G. C. Johnsons, keeper of rec
ords; Frank Dlshmoro, mnster of
works; James Andorson, prelate; E.
8. Bruce, .master of finance; Hiram
Mooro, exchequer; H. D. Fuller, sor-geantat-armB;
H. E. Hill, innor
guard; Charles Pratt, outer guard.
Tho lodgo will bo known ns "Mount
Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 13, 1902.
Harry McAllster has accopted n po
sition at the Blalock fruit garden,
Mr, Henry Jeans has opened a swell
lunch counter at 120-122 Main street.
Mrs. R. A. Bogle entertained Mr.
A. D. Grlflln at dinner Tueadny after
Mr. Arthur L. Boglo hna returned
from a vacation In tho Bluo Moun
tains. Miss Lola Manns, who has been
r,ulto III for tho last weok, is much
Mr. John Blueford has beon elected
treasurer of the Barbers' Union. Good
boy, Jack!
Mr. Thomas 8cott of Pendleton
mado a short visit to the Oardon City
thla week.
Miss Cora Hnzelwood, who has been
spending a few weeks at Long Beach,
has returned home.
Mr. Georgo Campbell of St, Paul
made Walla Walla a visit this weok.
He Is very much pleased with the
Mr, Will Smith, ono of the employes
of tho Hotel DacreB, left quite sudden
ly last week, taking with him a fow
of the gucHts' belongings.
Mf. Richard Boglo and Mr. E. Hnr
rlc of tho United States Land Otlleu
are visiting friends in Spokano and
til mako a short visit to tho CoaHt
beforo returning home.
0 -"v3-. L-jJ8f J7WZ&
KttnblUhcri 16. A. U. Orlnili, Maimer,
Olllco,24.'Htnrk Street, Concord llultdlnjr,
Portland, Oregon,
C. A. Hitter Portland, (lrcpon
i:, II. Holme SH)kniie, Wnshlngton
To Itmirt) iulllf ntlott. nil lncnl new mint
reach ns not Inter limn Thuradny morning ot
encli week.
Subarrliitloii price, olio yenr, pnynblc In nd
We havo promise of a correspond
ent from Helena, Mont.', In tho near
Owing to lnck of space wo havo beon
obliged to prune down somo of our
J. C, Reaves of Seattlo spent last
Tuesday In our city. Ho Is on his way
homo from California.
llov. Payno of Spokano prenched tin
nblo sermon on Thursday evening. IIu
Is an enrncst nnd fluent speaker.
Rov. J. L. Allon of Mount Ollvot
Hnptlst Church left Monday for Froa
no, Cal where his wife Is qulto 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Rynn of Spoknno,
who havo been tho guests of Mrs. J.
II. Haines, loft for homo on tho lGth
A. D. Grlflln left for Seattlo. Wish.,
and Vancouver, Vf. C, on a buslnrtSH
trip, ni'd will return about Septem
ber C.
Mrs. "Znck" Taylor of Oakland,
Cnl., Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Wladom of Twentieth nnd Gllsan
Tho clrciifl hna enmo nnd gone, nnd
tho email boy, while happy, 1b anx
iously looking forward to tho noxt at
tiaitlon. ,
'Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Lang of Oak
land left on Thursday evening for
homo. Mrs. Lang's condition Ib prac
tically unchanged.
Mis. R. C. WllllnniB loft last Sun
d.ij, August 17. for Montana, to Join
her h'.iHhand. Shu will reside for tl.o
present In Holomi.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Dolnney of
Roslyn, I). C., aro thu guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Thompson, 132i
Noith Tenth street.
Noxt weok wo will bo nblo to glvo
n detailed account of thu proceedings
of tffo coiiferenco now being held at
tho Bethel A. M, E. Church In this
Muslcnl and lltornry cntertnlnmont
at Bethel A. Mw E. Church, Saturday
night,. August 23. Proceeds will go
to pny tho orgunlBt'H Knlary. Admls
felon, 10 cents.
Mrs. II . G. Pettlcord of St. Pnul is
expected to visit this city In tho nenr
future. She will bu tho guest ot Mr.
and Mrs. J. II. Haines of 133 North
Seventh street,
Among tho fumlllar faces that wo
see attending tho Bethel Coiiferenco
are Presiding Elder Oeorgo E. Bailey,
Rov. J. 8. Collins and wife, Rov. S.
S. Freeman and wlfo,
All who attended tho Bethel Con
ferenco this weok will remember Mr.
Georgo Delnnoy of Roslyn, who
i.howcd himself to bo a wholo-souled
man und tho right man In tho right
MIbb Blanche Crawford entertained
a fow friends at luncheon on Thurti
day In honor or Miss Peurl Johnson
of Seattle, Wash., who expects to
loavo for homo on Saturday of thitt
Rov. S.J. Colllnu nnd wlfo of Ta
coma aru tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Honry Thompson, of 135 North Sev
enth Btreot. Mrs. Collins la a duly
uppoluted missionary und ovnngollBt
of tho Puget Sound Conference.
Parties desiring rooms can secure
them at rensonahlo rates by applying
at 307 Couch Btreot, betweoh 10 a. m.
und 2 p. m. Rooms neatly furnished,
suitable for light housekeeping; alHo
ulco iooiiib for ono or two gentlemen.
Sunday appointments, A. ai. E. Zlon
Church, corner Thirteenth and Main
uirw.tTi-iMf Mnir 11 a. m.. by iluv.
J. 8. Payno of Spokano, Wash.; cIukb
meeting, la in.; buijuuih bcjiuui, x v
m. Tho members and friends nru ne
quested to attend morning sorvUeo.
as tho pastor and members will nt-
tf.n.1 tlwi uni-vlinu nt tlui A. M. I.
Church afternoon and evening. The
choir Is requested to ue present ut u
o'clock service. Rov. J. W. Wright,
Sunday services at Bethel A. M, E
Church, C8 4orth Tenth street, na fol
lows: Preaching at 11 a. ni by
UlBhop C. T, Shaffer, D. D., M. I).,
after which tho conference will par
llclpato In the Sacramental services,
administered by tho Bishop and tl
Presiding Elder, Y. A. Bally. Thero
will also bo preaching services at 3
p. m. At 8 p. m. BIbIiop C. T. Shaf
fer will break tho "bread of lifts" to
tho congregation. Thero will bo ox
cellcnt music by tho choir. Mta-i
Mnry Mooro will preside at tho organ.
All , aro especlolly Invited to attend
tho Sunday ovcnlng services Prob
ably tho Bishop will read tho appoint
monts to tho ministers nt tho conclu
sion of the Sunday evening services.
Thero Is somo complnlnt thnt Tho
New Ago Is not radical enough In
treating matters pertaining to tho
good of tho rnco In general. Wo want
to again remind our many rendors
that tho columns of this pnper aro '
always open to nny nnd nil of our
subscribers who feel so disposed ns
to send us communications, only re
minding them that thoy must bo brief
and of public Interest, written on outi
side of tho sheet of paper, with tho
name 'of tho nuthor attached, as wo
can pny no attention to anonymous
coinmunlcntlonB, and do not propoao
to publish nny BcnndnloiiB artlclon.
Uemombcr, brother, thnt a communf
cation with your iinmo attached will
carry ob much weight If not moru
thnn nn edltorlnl In tho pnper.
Of tho Ministers and Delegates of tho
Rt. Rev. C. T. 8hnffer. D. D., Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. EBtlll, 435 DnvlB Btreot.
Rov. G. A. Bailey, P. IS.; Mr. anil
Mrs. J. H. Wfudmn, North ailsnn
Rov. J. S. Payno nnd wife, C8 N.
Tenth Btreot (pnrfionnge).
Rov. 8. 8. Freeman mid wlfo, Mr.
nnd Mrs. HnskliiB, N. Tenth street.
Rev. S. J. Collins nnd wlfo, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Thompson, 3C North Sovontli
Mrs. Jackson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hns
kliiB, North Tonth streot.
Rov. N. D. HnrtBllold, Mrs. Pahnor,
Couch street.
Mr. D. A. Dolanoy, Mrs. Mamlu
Allen, 301 North Tenth strooL
Mr. nnd MrB. Stokes, MIbb LIzzIq
Wntorford. EaBt Side.
Do not forgot tho rnlly at tho A. M.
E. Zlon Church, comor Thirteenth nnd
Main streets, Sunday, August 31. for
tho beuoflt of tho mortgage debt an
eald church.
J. W. WRIGHT, Paator.
A grand lesson Ib tnught In tho. real
istic drama. "Tho Tldo of Life," which
will 17b produced ot Cordray's Theutor
nojft. Sunday ovonlug, Augunt 24. It .
Is that a young girl may prosorvo her
Innate goodness nnd purity no mutter
In what advorso surroundings qh
mny bo placed. Tho charming little
madcap, Jill, who has beon stolon from
the homo of her mlHIonalro father
when n child, Is always tho Biimo true
hearted, fenrleflB, lovablo mnldoii. In
Bplto of hor being compelled to asso
ciate with thloves and rnscals gener
ally by hor piratical protended father.
You will want to follow Jill through
her adventures to tho end of tho Inst
act, and when you seo hor restored nt
hiHt to her truo homo, you will say
"Bravo, llttlo one! You deservo thu
happiness and tho lovo you havo won,"
"The Tldo of Llfo" Is to bo put otr
here with tho BiimptuousnoBB of bcoii
eiy nnd appointments nnd tho stnrt
IIiir mochanlcnl nnd olectrlcnl offsets
t hlch mado It tho melodramatic bit
of this BeoBon In Now York City.
Donkej-Hl'llng In Egypt..
The EugllHh govorucHH of tho Khe
dive's daughter. In her book, "Flvo
Years In Egypt," tells her experience of
dankey-rldlug In that country. "My
donkey was ruther uu iiiiHoclable ani
mal, and wuh not tmtlHllcil with win
ning, but carried me on far buyoud even
the hearing of my companions. Tlicu
at hiHt he thought lit to blacken hit
pace. Ah he was tliUH walking lelHiiro
ly uloug, I began to examine thu con
teutH of my pocket, and took out my
note-book to make xouio cutrk'H. Whllu
I was thus occupied, the doiikoy-boy,
who had rim nolxulexHly aftur tno ou
l he baud, Biuldeiily riudied up, and with
blows, urged my donkey on again ut
full speed. 1 had only time to granp
the relus, and nwuy 1 went, my treau
tircx all Hcuttered behind me and I
shouting to thu boy to dcHist. Theuo
hoys run as fast iih thu donkeys, and.
In answer to all my scolding, ho re
plied: 'Yes, iiiImuh, you very good don
key; lie called "Flylug Dutchman"!' and;
then, to keep the honor of tho name,
another blow to urge him forward! lu
a few minutes I wuk on the hunk of
the river, long before my companions,
und then the boy had the effrontery to
link for bukshUh for having pit, mo
here Hrstl"
industry in nouoiuis.
Honolulu U keeping up' with tn
trado procenslon of tho day. It Ih to ,
havo a (2,000,000 packing house estab.
A glr can't go away for n visit, and
havo a good time, without writing about
It, but a boy can.
Portland, Oregon