TILE NEW AGE, POttTLAyP, OREGON. Get tho Most Out of Your Food "You don't and can't if your stomnchiu wnk. A wcnk Btomnch doea not digest nil tlint is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, und wlmt it falls to di gest is wasted. Among tlie signs of a weak Btomach nre uneiisiness after eating, fits of ner vouh henduchc, and disagreeable belch ing. Hood's Sarsaparilla strengthens and tones the Btomnch and tho wholo digestive system. A Variety of Reasons. 'Why is sho going to tho mountains this year?" "Oil, eho lias several reasons. Tho doctor lias ordored hor to go, hor hus band lias ordered her to stay at homo, and eho is sick of tho ehoro and tho country. Jndgo. In Higher Position. "Mo darter Nora is goln' V marry Cabcv, that wurrucks in tho basement of that buildln'. fi't Oi her that sho moight do betillin' hev looked higher." "Indado?" "Via; eho cud hov hod Murphy, that wurrucks on tho top story of tho samo skyscraper." Tho woll-postod druggist advises you to ueo Hamlin's Wizard Oli for pain, for ho knows what it has dono. Got Hli Shire. "I am sorry, doctor, you wore not ablo to attond tho church supper last night; it would havo dono you good to bo tliero." "It has already dono mo good, madam. I have just proscribed for thrco of thopartlcipants. It Cure TVlilloTnti 'nlk. Allen's Fooi.Eaio makes tight and new shoes feel easy. It la rt cortnln euro (or sweating, cnl. luusandswollon.tlred.hot.achlnK feet. lry It oday. AtalldruBKiiU.SSc. 'I rial iacUgp mail ed HIKE. Adrcus Allen 8. Olmttod, Loltoy, N.Y. A Comparison. Grandpa I had n follow out walking yesterday and well I guess I tuckered him out. But then ho 1b old. Bobie Why, grandpa, you are 82 yourtolf. Well, maybo lam; but this follow was at least a year older." CITtt rrmnrntlr Cur-4 ro fit" or ntnonnum FIIO fUrnrn.lT''i-nnpr. hllD'i(lri-HNcrr-Hotonr. BtivirorPIinUSi.OOIrUllioltlsanittrMt. In. DB.kU.KllKK,Lll..)IAKhSU.riiUadelUU.l Out it First. Bcftleigh I aw had n most do lightful dweam lawst night, donchor know. Miss Cutting Indeed! "Yaws. I dweamed that we wore mawwiod donchor know." ."Had I dreamed that should havo classed it as a horrible nightmare." Mothers will find Mrs. Vlnilow.'s Sooth ing 8ynij the beat remedy to uae lor their Children during the teething period. Wanted Montyi Worth. Mr. Grump That confounded doctor charged me 5, for telling m that there was nothing wrong witli mo. Mrs. Grump Outrageous! Mr. Grump Yes; if ho had discov ered dangerous symptoms I shouldn't havo mindo'l it in tho least. tte Had One. "Do you gunrantco a fit," asked the anrioua man na ho entorcd tho tailor ebon. "Oh. yeas you'll have a fit all right," eald tho obliging person with tlie tapo measure And when tho clothoa were delivered and ho found that tho trousers woro cut too short, tho anxious man had one as he gur gled: "How true them words wna spoke." Observing Child. "Whore doea the electricity come from that lights our houses?" asked tho teacher. "It cornea from tho wall," answered the littlo girl who resided in on apart ment houBO. "Tho janitor goes and unbuttons it." Contagious Blood Poison There is no poison so highly contagious, o deceptive and to destructive. Don't be too sure you are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or yeara, and pro aounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up . , .,, driven from the Ukm mmwtm imm, ,, to break 'oot again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath tome disease, for no other poison it so surely transmitted from parent to child as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- KariJ ThmSlnotthm Pmreni. life, for It remains smoldering In the fys-tern-forever, unless properly treated and driven out In the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. w cures Contagious Blood T sm.1 , Poison In any and all stagea; contains no fcj y j mineral to break dow n Fkrlsr your constitution; it is Eurely vegetable and the only blood puri er known that cleanses the blood and ut the same time builds up the general health. " ., , Our little boolt on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc ' five ever Issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home, It is free and should be in the handa of everyone seeking a l-H-H-l-t-l-m-lli-l-l-H-tiitlil-f FAVORITES The Widow Mnlone. Did you ln-ar of the Widow Mnlon, Ohonel Who lived In the town of Athlone, Alou.'V Oh! she melted the hearts Of the swains lu them parts , So lovely the Widow Mnlorie, ' Ohone! 8o lovely the Widow Malone. Of lovers the had a full score . Or uiore;' And fortunes they all had galore, i In store; From the minister down To the clerk of the crown, All were courting the Widow Malone, Ohoue! All were courting the Widow Malone. But so modest was Mistress Malone, Twos known That no one could sec her alone, Ohone! Let them ogle and sigh, They could ne'er catch her eye So bashful the Widow Malone, Ohone! So bashful the Widow Malone. Till one Mlsther O'Brlen'from Clari-" llow quart-; It's little for blu.lilng they caro Down there Put his arm round her waist, Gave ten kisses at lnste "Oh," B'ljs he, "you're my Molly Ma one My own!" Oh," sajs he, "you're my Molly Ma lone!" And the widow they all thought so shy, My eyul Ne'er thought of a simper or sigh For why? Hut, "Lucius," says she, "Since you've now made so free, You may marry your Mary Malone, Ohonel You may marry your Mtry Malone." There's a moral contained In my song, Not wrong, And, one comfort, it's not very long, Hut strong; If for widows you die Lcaru to kiss, not to sigh, For they're all like sweet Mistress lone! Ohoue! Oh! they're all like sweet Mistress lone! Charles Lever. Ma- Ma Little Hoy lllue. The little toy dot; Is covered with, dust Hut sturdy and stanch he trtauds: And the little toy soldier Is red with rust, And his musket molds In his hands. Time was when tho littlo toy dog was now , And the soldier was passing lair, And that was the time when our Littlo Boy Blue Klmed them and put them there. "Now, don't you'go till I come," he said, "And don't you make any nolsel" So toddling off to his trundle-bed He dreamt of tho pretty toys. And as be was dreaming nn angel song Awakened our Little Boy' Blue Oh, tho years are muuy, tho years are long, But the little toy friends aro true. Aye faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand, Each in the same old place, Awaltlug the touch of a little hand, The smile of a little face. And they wonder, as waiting these long years through In the dust of that little chair, What lia become of our Little Boy Blue Since he' kissed them and put them there? -Eugene Held. QIANT PREHISTORIC BIRD. Ksra of tho KpyornU Found Off the Mudauaacar Count. The recent (hiding of an egg of the great epyornls floating about In St. Augustine Hay, on the southwest coast of Madagascar, lias induced a party of Germans headed by Gottlieb Adolf Krause, the German explorer, to un dertake an exploration of the remote Interior at Madagascar In search of possible living specimens of this great bird of tho post-pliocene period of the world's history. The egg may have come down with the floods from tho unexplored Ulterior or tue island, or may have been burled for centuries lu tho sand, preserved by fcome curious freak of nature, and then carried to sea. Which of these theories Is tho proper one Professor Krnuse and his party will try to discover. According- to geologists, nt ono tlmo Madagascar and the Islands east of Afrlcu wcro one, but that later tho land subsided and left tho Islands sep arated by a strait, and since tbut time tho Islands have developed species to themselves. The climatic changes which ensued are believed by bomo to nave exterminated the epyornls. But others deolaro that, as tho country chnnged. the gigantic bird retired deep er und deeper Into the wilderness, where It has remained ror centuries without molestation, unless It has been annihilated by borne unknown savage tribe In the Interior, nnd will 'be found there to-day, somewhere between tho desert and the Aukarah Mountains. The finding of the egg In St. Augus tine Bay has deepened this Impression, nnd Professor Krauso will try to es tablish the truth of the theory that tfio egg Is of recent origin and not curiously preserved through centuries. Several French adventurers have tried to penetrate into the Interior, but they have returned without definite results, telllug only of brief glimpses of queer animals, which were not accepted as valuable' by scientists. Possloly the Germnu explorers may be more for tunate. The egg found Is tho thirty-fourth In existence, nnd the largest Is 0 by 14 Incites In diameter. The bird itself 1.4 believed by scientists to havo been fully fifteen feet high, nnd to hnve weighed more than a ton, far larger thnn the ostrich, which Is Itself n dan gerous bird to handle; n blow from its clnws would be fatal. Stories of some such bird In the Interior have long been extant among natives, not only of Madagascar, but of other coun tries, and Interest In them has been awakened by the finding of tho new cgK. The trials the expedition will hnvo to contend with will bo tho Inhospltnllty of tho Inhabitants, scorching heat, scarcity of wuter, malarial swamps, and extreme perils of Journeying through primeval tropical forests. Two other parties while In search of the epyorula met death In tho burning des erts of Klllnrlvo, but, with tho better appliances carried by Professor Krause nnd his party, It Is believed that they will make discoveries that will prove the- cxlstenco or non-existence of this great bird of prehistoric times. Previous researches hnve not been cnrrlcd on beyond the high tublo lnud, but the Germans will try to pun ctrato tho wilds beyond tho Oullahy river. SHE WORE THE KEY. Sod Kyes, I'ntbetlc Droop Made It a Mystery Until Kxpluliicd. It was tho usual crowd of well gowned femininity that filled the car, wending ItH way matlncuward. Every woman at all young or nt all aiming to be fashionable, wore a chain of some sort from which dangled charms of every kind and descriptions, lockets, heart-shnped nnd round, small gold or silver purses, lorgnettes nnd watches. The girl In the smart black costume, with exquisite sables, appeared to be exempt from the prevailing inauln, and therefore became the mark for tho at tention of the observer of details. As the atmosphere of the car grew warm er she (dipped the long fur scurf from her neck, revealing tho fact that so far from being immune she had eclipsed all the others lu the originality of her "dangle." A small gold chain wns worn around her neck nnd fell half wuy to tho wnlst. On It wns a key set with dia monds. It wns no cnprlco of tho Jew eler, but the real article, nn ordinary every-day affair such as ono wrestles with at the front door. Now, what wns tho romance con nected with that very prosaic key making It worthy to bo net with dia monds nnd displayed so prominently ns a treasured possession? Tho sad eyes of tho owner had that misty, far away look of unshed tears, Tho Par isian lint fulled to hldo tho pathetic droop of tho graceful head. - Hero was n story, surely. Imagina tion conjured up a picture of a betroth al rudely broken by thu death of tho fiance, the key treasured as a memen to of the many happy evenings they had spent together, und tho stolen kisses In tho vestlbulo as ho hesitated before opening the door for her, The somber gown hinted nt a loss. Tho wistful eyes nnd sweet lips accentu ated tho Idea. Or could the key be that of the vault where the young man hnd been en tombed? Could It be? Fancy wnxed moro nnd more grewsomu with each new contemplation of tho unusual charm worn by this fair heroine of modern romance. At Sixty-fourth street another very smart young woman boarded the car, nnd with n friendly greeting, to the girl with tho key nt once opened up n conversation. "I see you aro wearing your key," she began. "Howshocklngly unfeeling," thought the observer. "Yes," replied sho of tho pnthot.lc eyes. "1 can go out now with n peace ful mind, knowing that Mario will not bo wearing nix frocks. I never could hldo It where sho couldn't find It." Somehow the unshed tears and the pathetic droop weren't bo noticeable now. New York Herald. No Chance fur Illm. "Now that we aro engaged," Bald the fair young thing, "I will tell you that I do uot fear mice," "That Is nice," said tho prospective groom. "And," continued the fiancee, "I can drive nails without hitting my thumb; and I know how to use a paper cutter without ruining a book; and I can add a row of figures without making a sep arate sum for each consecutive figure; and I can build a Ure; and I can tell when a picture Is hung straight on thu wall." Here the man drew himself up with much dignity nnd sorrow, nud cried: ""fheu I cannot marry you, nlus!" " "What prospect Is there for my ever being uble to demonstrate the superi ority of man over woman If I marry a woman who possesses such traits of character as you?" Baltimore. Ameri can. Tho Logical YoutlL. "In tho sentence, Tho train wound around tho foot of tho mountain" di rected the teacher, "you may purse tho word 'mountain.' " "Mountnln," began Johnny Wise, "U a noun, common, feminine gender " "Why do you sny It Is feminine?" "Didn't you Just say that tho train was wound around Its foot?" Bultl moro American. An old man of seventy told a whop, per on tho streets today; he feald ho felt as spry as n cat. People shake bauds ou mighty small provocation. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. rOUIS HUNZIKElt. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND .OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watched, Jewelry, Bllvcrware, Op tical tloodr, Cut dints. 72(5 Main Street. PENDLETON, Oregon rpHE OWL. A HENTLKMAN'3 RESORT. Fluent Wines, Liquors nnd Clnar. Glvo Ui n Call, Oi. Depot, Lclt Hand Walk. SMITH & ROCKWELL, Props. La Urande, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. REST 11RAND9 OF W1NE9 AND l.lqUOHS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC UIUAKS Comer Depot Btreot and Jefferson Acnue, LA ORANGE, OK. E. Y. Junn. Preit. F K. Jrnn, Fen'y and Trcas. Tiikhoj) E. KEl L, Manager Incorporated, 1690 Capital Bloik, 110,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturer of FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Casslmercs, Flannels Pondlotan, Orom The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF GASTGRN OREOON IS ,.M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalmer IjuI)' AfcuUtiiiU. 1'KMII.KTON OltKdON Kates 2.50 Per Day nnd Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISEH, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. 1IAKEU CITY, OllKGOX 01 mllE CELEIIRATED COLUMIIIA 1IREWERY AUOUHT IlUCHLElt, Prop. Tills well-known br'uwcry Is now turning out flu Lost llii.r iinil I'nrtpri Hut fif tint ('RfcCmlc. Iholuttst iijipllanu-s (or Ihu manufacture oj Koixi iiuaiinini nevr nmu ihtii iiiiiimiim m, i only Ihu flrt-chiM article will bo plaied on the market. East Hccoml Street THE DALLES, Oil. Dalles Laundry Go. FIRST-OLASS WORK atrJhortNotlco Gentlemen's Work a Specialty Local I'lions 34 1( Long IHalunca OO.'l THE DALLES, OREGON Z. F, MOODY THE DALIES, OR. General Forwarding -AND- Commission Merchant. Otllcea and Wareliouu at RAILROAD AND STHAA1GR DEPOTS Wool liandllUK our niiicialtr. (irain Ixiu.lit unit told. Columbia Brewery Thm Oalohrmtmtt AUOUST HUCIU.1JR, Propr. Of. Die product of l"l well-known brewery, the I'nllul mate Heallli HepurU for Juno 't, IKo. M); "A mora tiipvrlor bnwnciereiilered the labratoryof the riiilul Hlato Health llo porU. It In aUfllutely devoid of Ihu llKhlet iraeuof adulteration, bui on thu other hand la loinitfi.ed of lliu Im-i of malt mid c)ioliet of hopH. lutnulciiuallllfkarenf IhehlKhttt.and ll tan b iiu-d with tho Kreatvtl benefit and atUfactlon by old and oimi. Il hub can eon ujentloualr Oh pretorlhed by the plij.liUn., with the certainty that a better, purer or moro ttholeiorno bererage tould not poulbly bo found." Emmt Smeond St., THE DALLE0, Oft. TACOMA. WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. D KNAUKL, " Proprietor of THE HERMAN IIAKERY AND COFFEE PARLORS. Fresdi Dread and CaUi dally. Ornamental Cakes a specialty. Only tho bel ami tmreit inalertitl ucd lu onr llalcery. Dread delhered Ireo litany tuirt ot tlie city. Tclepiumo Park 701. 1117 Paclllc AU'iiiio, Tacoma; Waililngton. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Tow nctid, Wanhlngton, BIUPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Ciutom House llroker and Stevedores. Established 18.VI. Ilranch olllces Tacoma and Seattle. KENTUCKY LIQUOit CO. Peter Bandltcrg, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAR9. Solo agent for Oiilness' Stout and HW Ale, (Read lima, llottlimt). Established lfl. Tile phone Main tW. 1140 Paclllo Avenue; lift) Commerce St. Tacoma, Vt iislilngtou. Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Hags, Stilt Cases nnd Telescopes. RKPAIItINQ DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. H. A. DURR, lruprletorot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Pitted and One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. 1309-H (' Street tmiM'J I'oiiiniurclal Htrcot lulephono Main :r.M Tacoma, Washington Grand Central Hotel. W.W. HARMON, LenHonnd Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen 'Miners and Tourists. rirnt clan bar lu connection. 12IM2I3 Paclllo Aeniic. TACOMA, Wiuh HUNT & NI0TTET CO. Dealon In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1501-1503-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, 'WASH. llMl!-lttBittffliM?I lijKiXri: Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. 11AMFOU1), Proprietor. ...M ACM INISTS... Agents and Builder of the Flynn Shingle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma. Wash W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer lu Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 21 1 Fiont Btreot. Cor. Salmon, l'OKTLAW), OKKUON. Pendleton Roller Mills V, H. HVKItB, I'roprletor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels. Manufaetururiof Illuo ltlbbon ami l$yerti Heat Flour, Bran ami Miorts. Kolli'd Barloy ahvnyb on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon. TRY Frye Bruhn & Co. 1810 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash, Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Kali roads and Steamboat Lines. THE Puget Sound Iron & Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marine, Saw Mill it lining Machin ery. Losing Engines. Works, corner Twonty-ilrfctnml A Sts. Phono Main 157. Tacoma, Wasnington. Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agouti (or Northern Pacific, Great Morthtrn, Wells Fargo and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co.) Omaha Packing Co.) American Paper Co. Etc. Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wath. CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANurACTUiiKiia or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. John Donahue Manufacturer of and Dealer In ...LUMBER Sawmill and OlMco Twenty-first and Dock Sta. Telephone Main 269. Tacoma, Wahr THLKl'IIONK 4a. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE. TRANSFER COMPANY. Oltlco 1W Tenth Ht Poutlieaat corner o( A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggago Wagonr At All lloura. I'ahH'iiKeri and )Iuiik"K" traiixferred Irnm rr.l(IitiU'fiNil hotiU to and from all boata and IraliK. llHtid lour elu cU (or Iikkkhkii to onr iiiitMiiiKern, lio will meet onon all Incom hiK iralmand toata. 1'lrit cIhh l.hory, Open nliiilBtit. All rlii miir-ed "T. (J. ,tt 11. T. Co." Star Brewery Company llrtnersaud IMtlenof Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, ,,a8t Thrd ond Burn,de Sl8,( Port. lunu, urcon. OltWJO.V I'llONK UlaCK SS35. New York Grocery UVS. II. HI.NSKNKAMI', I'roprlator. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TKAS, COl-TKKS AN I) SPICKS A HM-'CIALTY. Cor. Eleventh nr.d. Morrison Sts., ' ' Portlaml, Oregon