"' ',lHiff!, iJP""" 'y"" " l'n''V'W'Wa"ffgg',r''i'WW'liU8l' )vp"r'' wwihwtimwiijinii nrty'in nyy r WSy ft1 - ifwvf -nwH-Blfyfl wpw-iMWlW Muscat .Mp1MtJaMiM' ym-if THE NEW AGE,. PORTLAND, OREGON". IDAHO ADVERTISING. DOM'tt SOHIlEIIIKIt. Funeral Director. 918-WO I'rnnt Street, Opposlto It. It. Depot I'arlc. Dell phone 2J2K. I ml. pliotio Js9. 110I8K, IDAHO. s TATi: HANK OK IDAHO. Wolner, Idaho,' CAPITAL, 850,000. Edward Shalmvnld, President, Chas. J. Bclnyn, Cashier. Also hi" n branch tit Cambridge, Idaho. This People's Hank. Holleltn otir hnslne-is. mllK COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. IMnkoy, I'roprlctor. l'Mnt dam In nil respect. Hpocliil attention Riven to commercial men. 1,0114 distance telo phono In connection, NAMI'A, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FItEl) 0. MOCK', Cashier. WK SOLICIT YOL'lt HUSJNKVS. NAMI'A, IDAHO s TAIt MVKHY, FEED AND JldAIlDl.Mi HIAIII.I. Pint class rigs furnished to nil point. Spo. clal rate to Kmmctl, Hlnr, IVarl iiml Snako Jllvcr. Special attention given to commercial inon. W. J. DUVAI.I., Proprietor, Nampa, Idalio. Hotel Weiser, Welser, Idaho. BART0NI& BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. l'reo Sample Itooms. Itittt'i ruuHoit nlrio. Minimi', Ktockiiicn'H ami Com mercial Mdii'h iliiiiliiinrturH. Lament ittid beHt appointed hotel In Western Idaho. Kooiiih with lintli, Hti'itiii heat ami electric call bolls. Bur ihor shop in connection. The Idan-ha IIMNHA HOTKL CO., I.til., Proprietors K. W. HOIIUBFUT, Manager. BOISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMKKIOAN PLAN, i KATKS fS.BO AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, AllnlriK Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Olllce with J. H.aitAVIlll.l., Immigration Agt. O. H. I,. It. It. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great homo liuid-mlld climate, puro mountain air, lino water. 1 liu iUnth ratu li loner In Idaho than In any other state In tint Union. No c) clone, storms or hllziards. .First premium on Irull at tliu World I'alr, Chicago, lh:i; pari Kxpnstlloii, I'M). First premium on l.amlm at Chicago Htock Hhow, 1IHH). (Julil, llir, copper, coal, llnu tlmhor. Grow uhi'itt, intls, liarley, corn, all kind ol cultivated grasses, and vegetables to portcc 'tlon. Wo will bo plcartid to show oii line Irri gated lands ufNampa, llolso, Caldwell, I'ajelto ami other hIuu, Wuhao bargains In landa (rum 110.00 per acru up. Correspondence so Hilled. Address pruscott, branot & co. Itoom f, lllckey liulldlng, NAMI'A, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Tluiin, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Line Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. When in Medford 6101 AT Tie New Nash Hotel KllthT C1.A83 IN KVK11Y PAHTIOW.AK. W. J. HAMILTON, Hroprlalor. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.80 per vear ; 25 cti. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF rrpIIKRB Is probnhly no nulmal. j7 outside of tho rungo of con von-- tlonal domestic pets, which pro vokes ho much curiosity ntnoiiK, or proves Mich a magnet of itnnisoment to, tho Jiivenllo fraternity, either at tho clreim or Zoological Gardens, as tho ele phant. This ponderous and apparently clumsy, nlhelt, as it rule, perfectly harmless mid doclla crcaturo Is a never ending source of delight to children. Especially Is this tho case with "Big Tom," the nohle creature In the public Central Park of New York. Ho Is an unusually tractable and playful ani mal, nnd consequently Is a great favor ite with the youngsters. Hut ono day "Rig Tom" suddenly changed his manner. He becamo vi cious, and tho keeper, apprehenslvo that'ho might hurt somo of his young visitors, fastened him up out of the way. Contemporaneously, tho elephant displayed a dllllculty In walking. Ac llrst the keeper could not assign any reason for this unexpected development on tho part of his charge, and forth with Hiil),ectcd tho animal to a mluut3 diagnosis. Rut he could not discover any renxou to which either tho animal's bail temper or lameness could bo at tributed, since "Rig Tom" appeared to bo enjoying tho best of health. Tho keeper, however, observed that tho animal was lamo In his legs, and also that his toenails had grown to an unusual extent. It then occurred to tho man that possibly tho animal's crippled condition was duo to the abnormal slr.o of his toenails, If such were tho case, then tho pain "Rig Tom" endured while walking would bo excruciating, and would account for his display of bad temper. Tho keeper thereupon decided to cut and trim tho creature's nails, as, oven If tho operation did not euro the malady, It would at any rate do no harm. Had "Rig Tom" been roaming about In his native Jungle, plowing nnd plodding hi tho heavy, rough soil, tho nails would have been kept down to their proper size, but as hu was de prived of these natural means of chir opody, then tho sauio risult would havo to ho accomplished by nrtlllclal means. Rut tho task was not so easy us It appeared from a cursory glance. Tho keeper realized that tho work would havo to bo carried out with consum mate skill, If tho result were to bo at tended with satisfactory success. To Insure this end, a special set of tools were prepared. This peculiar chiropody outllt comprised a saw, chisel, sharp knife, coarse rasp, sandpaper and smooth polishers, all specially manu factured for tho operation, Tho elephant's legs wero secured to tho ground by means of chains to pre vent movement, but otherwlso "Rig Tom" was. left entirely free, slnco as tho mills are of hard horn no pain would bo experienced In tho actual cut ting, though as tho tlesh around tho nails had become Intlamed aud tender, 8.WV1NO OVY TUB TUSKS. It was feared thut tho creaturo might strongly emphasize Its disapproval of the operation I' dealing Its keeper a powerful blow with Its trunk. Despite this possibility, howover, no Interfer ence was made with regard to tho free dom of the animal's trunk, Subsequent events proved that all qualms on this point wero groundless. Tho saw was llrst utilized to cut away a largo quantity of superfluous mi II, and this tool was followed by tho chlxel, which removed the portions In nivesslblo to the saw. The aulnial at llrst appeared a trltlo mlgety, but dis played no rcbcutmcut to tho manipula tions of tho operator, as If ho compre hended that the labor of tho keeper was to hi own advantage. Sawing and chiseling completed, tho chlropodUt proceeded to rub down tho imlls to their required shape with tho coarso rusp. This tiling proved no light task, as the texture of tho nail was ex ceedingly hard aud great car bad to bo III.I.NO DOWN TUB TEETH. REMARKABLE ANIMAL SURGERY. Dentist to the Hippopotamus and Chi ropodlst to the Elephant. exercised that tho tool did not slip and Injure tho leg of "Rig Tom," In which event ho would doubtless have remind ed the operator of his clumsiness hi u most forclblo manner by means of his trunk. Tho filing process accomplished to tho surgeon's satisfaction, ho pro ceeded to complete his operation by smoothing and polishing tho trimmed nails with tho sandpaper. When tho task was completely achieved, tho elephant was released from Its fetters, and to the unbounded delight of his keeper, "Rig Tom's" lameness had completely disappeared, and his quondam good temper had re turned. Now, whenever "Rig Tom" evinces the slightest trace of bad tem per, his toenails aro Immediately trim med. Tho operation always works like a charm. "Cutting tho toenails Is an Infalllblo euro for an elephant's bad temper" Is now tho precept of "Rig Tom's" keeper. Another Interesting ana" extraordin ary animal surgical operation was re cently undertaken hi tho arena of a well-known traveling circus before a few privileged spectators. The creaturo on this occasion was n hippopotamus, and tho complaint was that some of his teeth had grown to such an abnormal length that It was only with consider able dllllculty and pain that tho brute could masticate his food. Few crea tures aro so valtiablo to tho traveling showman as the hippopotamus. These animals aro neither so plentiful nor so easily caught as tho elephant, and as they seldom thrive In captivity they I arc, therefore, most highly prized by their fortunate proprietors. Tho particular hippopotamus upon whom this unlquo dental operation was performed Is an unusually tlno speci men of Its kind, aud Its wclfaro is ac cordingly zealously attended to by Its owner. It Is affectionately called "Rabe," by no means an appropriate, sobriquet, when It Is remembered that ho turns tho scalo at Just under two tons; but tho crcaturo Is ns docllo as a child, which fnvorablo characteristic suggested tho iiamo to Its owner. HOW A SQUARE YARD OP "Rabe" has an unusually finely devel oped set of teeth, numbering twenty eight In all. Among these nre two very prominent teeth, properly called tusks, growing out of tho lower Jaw. Thoy start In n vertical direction, but bond In a backward, graceful curve. They aro two of tho most useful teeth to the hippopotamus, being requisitioned by tho aulnial for tcurjug up tho trees nnd bushes upon which it thrives, since It Is purclv u herbaceous animal. Under normal conditions theso tusks grow to about six Inches In length Tho rough work to which they are subject ed by tho creaturo when roaming through tho forests In quest of food prevents them from growing to a very great length. Rut In the luxurious res Ideiico of tho menagerie cage, and tho preparation of dainty dishes of loaves, hay aud brnumash, tho tusks havo no hard chowlng to do. Therefore, thoy grow to such a length that If not cut back they would pierce tho upper Jaw, prevent "Rabo" from eatlug, and grad ually starve him to death. Consequent ly, "Rabe" has to submit to periodical overbadings of his teeth tho opera tion takes -place on tho average about once a year. ' lu the front of tho mouth, also In the lower Jaw, ure two other prominent teeth, projecting straight forward. Theso aro not used for biting, but for digging up the earth when tho animal fancies a tasty root for dinner. Theso nlso, lu "Rabo's" caso, have to bo kept cut back, though they do not cause him so much Inconvenience, when too long, us the tusks. To enable tho operatlou to bo satis factorily performed, "Rabo" was led out Into tho arena and placed near a stout Iron past which had been deeply aud rigidly fixed Into tho ground. The hippopotamus locked about him quizzi cally as If endeavoring to divine what move was In contemplation. Chains were passed round his short legs, and fastened firmly to the ground. "Rabe," not quite comprehending the meaning of tins secure hobbling, gave a sonorous grunt, and looked threateningly, at his keeper. But at this lunctmre a Uf was offered to him, and his momentary anger was Instantly appeased. ' "Rabo" was then enticed to open his mouth widely by means of further dainties held temptingly above hla nose. At first ho refused point blank, but he finally succumbed to tho bait, aud opened his capacious Jaws to tho extent of two feeL Immediately two assistants, standing In position, dex terously throw chains over tho distend ed Jaws ono over tho lower and tho second over tho upper and passed tho ends through ringbolts fixed to tho post. "Rabo" attempted to closo his Jaw, but In vain. Ho was a secure prisoner, bound literally foot and mouth. Tho keeper then proceeded to per form tho necessary operation with all posslblo celerity. For this delicate dental work tho mcnagcrlo proprietor has provided a special outfit, consisting of a small, finely tenoned saw, threo flics, one of which Is about as coarso as a wood rasp, and tho other two very flno aud more suited for polishing pur poses. Tho files aro only cut upon ono side, tho other faces being covered with thick and soft leather, so that In tho event of tho file slipping off the tooth, the bruto's mouth would not be wounded In any wny. Tho front digging teeth first claimed attention. Tho keeper set to work with n will, merrily filing at tho teeth as if ho were rasping a piece of wood fixed In a vice. Tho animal gurgled and spluttered, and largo tears, Ilko balls of crystal, rolled from his eyes. He grow restless, nnd In two or threo min utes his struggles becamp so violent that the operator had to desist. When "Rabe" had quieted down once more, the dentist again set to work vigorously, and ceased for n few mo ments every time tho hippopotamus grow restless. Probably tho animal suffered little real pain, but experi enced a disagreeable sensation as tho strong steel lllo rasped over the bone, which proved to ho extremely hard. At tho end of live minutes, ono tooth had been filed down an Inch nnd a quarter, and before a quarter of an hour had elapsed both tho digging teeth had been treated and polished. A curious feature was observed dur ing tho operation. The body of tho ani mal appeared to bo bathed In blood, nnd the ground Immediately beneath It was dyed a deep red. This was duo to "Rabo" violently perspiring, ns tho perspiration of tho hippopotamus, when excited, Is red In color. Tho dental surgeon then directed his skill to tho tusks. This task was consid erably facilitated by sawing off tho tusk to tho desired length, and then finally grinding tho teeth down to tho requisite shapo by tho flics. They wero then polished, and tho unpleasant oper ation was completed. Great excitement now followed. Every man, with tho NEW SKIN WAS GRAFTED ON. exception of tho kecpor, decamped from tho sceno of action. Tho keeper then hurriedly knocked away tho chains holding the animal's mouth, and nlso quickly hied him to a safo dis tance, In caso "Rabo" proved obstreper ous. Tho hippopotamus closed his re leased mouth with a snap, aud splut terer viciously with violent anger. Ho glared at tho keeper as If ho would havo liked to have killed his tormentor. Ho opened nnd closed his mouth sev eral times, found his teeth more com fortable, aud then signified his appre ciation of what had been dono to him by sultllng about for something to munch. Tho keeper warily approached with an appetising pall of branmasb, which "Rabo'' devoured with grcaj zest. Tho shackles wero knocked off his legs, nt which tho brute gnvo a grunt of satisfaction. All signs of vl clousness had vanished nnd ho accom panied tho keeper back to tho cage with tho greatest content, entering Vhlch tho, nnlmal lay down and went to sleep. One of our Illustrations depicts what Is Indubitably an unparalleled operation lu tho annals of pachydermatous der matology. Tho elephant, so securely 'strapped by heavy chains to the ground, Is having a square yard of now skin grafted on to Its shoulder. Hello that Is tho elephant's mime was get ting qut of a railway carriage, when tho vehicle gave a sudden Jolt, and she was thrown heavily to tho ground. As she fell aud struck an Iron cage stand ing near by, and severely lacerated her shoulder, tho abrasion extending-over a spaco of ono square Inch. Specialists were called in, and It was resolved to remove some of tho tender growing skin from tho young elephant, aud to graft It ou to Relic's wound. The mother was chained ou her side to the ground, aud a small sectlou removed from the baby's leg and applied to Hello's wound. The skin adhered to tho lacerated flesh, and gradually tho abra slou was closed up. A small portion only was operated upon at a time, aad tho wound was aoou completely healed. Frederick A. Talbot, In Loudoa Max-aslaa EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO. W. II. HAM,, Manager. Hardware, Granitcware, Tinware, Agricultural Goods. Get Our I'rlccs Ileforo lluylng. Oregon I'hono Kcott .121. 116 Orand Aic. A. E. SIEOEU. Dealer in all,kintis of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Klrit-ClflM Accommodation and Prompt err Ice. Largo Sample Qooms for Commercial TmelcM. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Altany, Oregon. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care ' fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia "SO, Oregon Kcd 18CJ Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third St root PORTLAND - - OREGON Blazier's... No. 248 Burnside Street, Rut. Second nnd Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Rest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 20 and 27, Sherlock Building, Cor. Third nnd Oak Sts. PORTLAND, OR. KItANK feCHMITT, J, L. IIUMIIKKK, l'roaldeut. Secretary. J. 11. CAltlt, Manager. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors and Finishing Material. I'hono East 45. Kat Taylor anil ' . , , Kant Klghth streets. Portland, Oregon 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtADt Marks Dcsions Copyrights Ac. Anrone lending a aketrh and description nay quick), airertuln our opinion frao whether u I wue Com I lloiuMHctirconfldeiitliil. Handbook on I'aleuta inrennon pronator imienuinie, iomnilinirn. ent free. UMeit auencr for.eeurliiiMmtenti, 1'Mcnta taken through Muim A Co. recelre tjxttatnoHtt, without coarao, la tho' Scientific American, A handiomelr lllnitrated weeklr. iJirce.t clr dilation of any clentldo Journal. 1'crim, t3 a yart four months. tL Sola by all newidealen. MUNN&Co.38'0. New York Uranch Offlce, CU K 8U Washington, I). C. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Thiid Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlinp Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS, d. G. REDDICK, Manager. jjMTjra 5 0 5 0 V I o 0 0 S 01 5TL lKkPwwSm -J o o Q 2 8 HOSEBURB, ODEfiON, ADVERTISING. mltE UMt'QUA HAKEKY- FItESII BREAD DAILY. l'le. Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts. Iluns, Rolls, Cream rulT. Cakes far Socials, 1'arttes and llantjuets Made to Order, E. JENNINGS and MUS. FREEMAN, Props. Phone 410. Itoseburg, Oregon. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House furnished Itooms .In Connection, IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South of the I)oot. ROSEBURQ - - OREOON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buylcss & Stormcr. Entertainers: CHAS. 0II.VIN. DIM. PltOTZMAN. The Monogram FRANK KENNEDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Ryo Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. P.OSEBUHG, OKEGON. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshfielri Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddle Horses and Stvlish Sinlo nnd Double ltigs nt All llourn. ROSEBURQ, OREOON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near tho Depot, Itoeoburg, Oregon. Whore you can find the BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. ItAPP, Proprietor. Telephone lied Oil. Private rooms. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Swanion, Prop, Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor, 23d and Washington Sts. Portland Onn A. Goodnough J. 0. Stearns GOODNOUGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington .Ihilldlng, Portland, Or City, Suburban and Country Property, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and Coal Lands. Cholco Water Frontage, suitable for manufacturing purposes. Valuable business property for salo. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken In Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock given the very best of care. Hates always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Mala 51. ' Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Hatters and Furnishers SokAgenUfo, KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 TMrd Street. PORTLAND, ORE. 4 I r r, r