THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. X BURYING THE DEAD AT MANILA. M0ST1NI IDVESTISEMEKT. OILBERT HUNT COMPANY Manufacturers of the Celebrated CLOTHES THAT WEAR and are fit to wear, bear our label, BmHtmrs' Coats, Walters' Jaokmta " and Aprons Oans& Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. Pride of Washington Thresher. i ; i v to u if 'IV. y HERRMANN & CO. Furniture and Carpet, 301-203 Bromdwmy. i I o V (. K f '. " Catalogue Free on Application. WALLA WALL!, WASH., ADVERTISING. nnvAN nnoB. New Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Rubber Tltcil Hacks n spiolalty. CnrrlRRO culls nttumled tonlxlit ordAjr. Southwest cor. Second and Alder 8tn.Ats. Ttlcpliono 07. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKKKLY. Undertaker and Oeneral Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Itabcock's Tlrlck Illock, ",i First St. Telophono lllnck 891. WALLA WALLA, WAHH. ride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagon. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. J 24 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES ' S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Rate: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA. WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, , Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufacturers ot Pride of Washington Threshers, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras of Every Description. flefilr-Wirk i Specialty. Iitikf.1 Free. AVALLA WALLA, WASJI. THE OLYMPIC. Opp. N. I'. Pepot. Straight Whiskies and Key West Cigars a specialty. Olympla Deer on Draught, liottle Goods a specialty, JEB3E LAT8IIAW, Proprietor. THE ' CHEHAUS FLOURING MILL CO. HOllTEK HASKELL A. CO., Proprietors. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS QF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Best Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. , CUKHAL1S, WA81I. eMPMepjejMQJpjjBPgVjy EVERETT, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISEMENTS W. C. IIlCKKI.tlAUI'T. F. W. HKOOKS. I'rcst. Sec. and Trcas. Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers and Kxiortorof FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J., WM. TENNANT. . Vice 1'rcs. llcnl. Mgr. F. W. SUMNER, l'rcsldent. T., Vice- I'rcsluont. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marine, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. ROBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check and deliver your bajMMga for 2fc. per piece four block north or Houth of Hewitt uvemio, and between nil trains and bouts. Tlireo days' freo HtornRO. All work nnd prices guaranteed satisfactory. 'Phone 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. W. DURR, Proprietor. A spcclnltyof Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. 1'IIONK 3L 1213 Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. OENY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO CENTRALIA STAR LAUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work in Town. Phono 50. M. A. WARINO, Proprietor. Buroty llomli. Notary 'I'ullic. Established 1839. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successors to Co dm an & Keppner. Real Estate, Insurance; AJSD RENTAL AdENCY. Money to loan on Improved (arms at low rates of Interest. List jour (arms with us If you want to sell them. Bonds, warrant and other securities bought and sold. I'hone 20. Commercial Illock, Chehalls E.'J. DYER, - C. E. M'BROOM, President. Casbler, F, LEWIS CLARK, Vice President. W.M.8IIAW, Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, $185,000. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-dan and Modem Hotel for Toorkti and Com mercial Meov WALLA WALLA, WASH. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers. Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Prcs. and Manager. Tel. Main 176. Spokane, Wash z Q. ca m & o 2 2! 'HI'S CA8.S O t.J o 1 c o o. 7) Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mlnlntr. SmcltltiK and Haw Mill Machinery and Htippllea. Eimlne, Itullers, llnlstn, Crunh era, l!o:o Whliim, I'ulluys. hliafllucr. Etc., Etc Hoary lllacksiiilthliiK and Repair Work aHo clalty. Write us for uMlmates. Tel. Mhu 13. Codes: Motor's, Morelng A Neal, Office and Works, Montiromery St. and S. F.4 N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Orystal StoiS!id'"- Laundry A Socially ol Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED ti:l. 570. Near cor. Division and North River Av. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. II. LOUIB HCIIEKMERUORN C. R. IU10WN 1'res. and Mgr. vice 1'res. A. RK.NHAM II, F, YE.VOER Treasurer. K'cretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE ud PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Retain your checks and ezcliungo with our llHjrgu;.'o man Mho in at depot on arrival all trains, Orungu color cap, Fhone Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers gig t VWAmm us 5 Eg j 2 lift II 1 1 I HBHl 1 . . cm 1 111 bbB " v Sniitlflsl o BtiSB 10 z ill 1 1 1 unlaw? en ' ffi iillliM 8 ci SiBS 18 MS & ffliiHH tisjS z CgaatfipJijBBk HOW THE DEAD AltB HUKIED AT MANILA. The Manila ccuu'tt consist of two circular walls, nliottt seven feet thick pierced with holes. In which the colllns nre placed. After a collln has been de posited the hole Is bricked tip nnd fnced with n memorial tablet. These graves are leased for live year, at the end of which time, unless' the lease Is renewed, the rolllns nre talten out and the bones thrown Into a pile Just outside the wall. The walls of the cemetery are constructed of earth and rubblo faced with stone, and the tropical rains soak through and rot the colllns'. This method of burlnl dates back to the !ii)s of the domination ot the Spanish frlnri. All sorts of designs are placed on the memorial tablet which seals the tomb and sometimes after a lease exphes aud atlothdr body has been, placed In the grave the same tablet Is replaced. The women of .Manila are ever faithful In their mourning for their dead and fresh wreath adorn the tombs of the departed ones constantly. CHICAGO TO IUVE A HOME FOR DESIITUTE D0QS. Dcstltuto dogs that lmvo not tlio comforts of homo will no longer ho irlvoii tlio nhort shrift of the city pound In Chicago, owing to tlio minis trations of tho exclusive set of society woa'cn, who lmvo interested them solves In the cause of tho lotto lorn can ine. Led In tho movement hy Mrs. C. A. White, of Michigan nvonue, 100 wom en will found a retreat for cnnlnes, called tho Homo for Destitute Dogs. Mrs. White Is n lover of nnlmnls, and the sufferings of vagabond enultuM appeal especially to her. Sho hns her elf n largo nsortincnt of dogs of high degree, and has entertained many n "blue rlhboner" In her kennels. Hho possesses tho llnCst Jupnucso spnnlcls In tho country, and Is Vice President of tho Chicago Kennel Club. When Mrs. Whlto Invited 11 number of her friends to her homo to seu If something could not bo done for tho four-fo'.'ted friendless, Bho found euthti elastic support In her philanthropic iluus front the women ussembled. Hhe argued that while thero wns a cat hos pltul In tho city, homeless dogs were unprovided for, nnd she proposed that a retreat for them bo built. Hue offered to glvo up her Intended visit to tho sen hlioro to perfect tho scheme The site for tho homo hus been selected and tho work of putting up tho homo will soon bo started. Blck as well as homeless dogs will bo cured for,' nnd tho destitute dogs will bo offered for adoption to any who will promlso to enro for them nnd tront them ns n canlno pet should he treated. Funds for maintaining tho homo will bo secured hy subscriptions. Dogs which cannot bo cured will ho made away with painlessly. ' 8AY8 LONDON IS SQUALID. Eminent Knallah Architect Compare It with Cities in America. A candid friend of London appeared recently, says the London Mall, hi tho person of Mr. Trevall, tho new presi dent of the Boclety f Architects. In his presidential address ut St. James hall Mr. Trevall said: "The Impression that always palls upon ono when returning from either tho European or Aniertcun continents to London is tho wretchedly narrow and insignificant looking streets, with the low, menu, small shops aud dwell ings by contrast with what wo have just left behind us. It Is of little In terest to bo told Just how many hun dreds of miles of tlio same sort of thing London contains more than docs any other metropolis In Christendom or elsewhere. "The fact still remains In your mind In 3 general sense that London looks squalid and miserable by comparison and that feeling affects one for days, until ho on co moro gets seasoned Into tho old haunts and relapses Into that comfortable framo of mind that, after all, even the Htrand and Chancer lane, or Fleet street and Ludgate cir cus, with all their advertising abomi nations, look at least familiar and bootelj. II .kaa9aaa)aBs))))B fl9 MItS. O. A. WHITE. "Take tho city of London. It may have some of tho flnest- commercial palaces In tho world, rlvnllug those of old Venice herself, but look how tltoy nro huddled together. Thero is positively not the space to npprcclato their design, their proportions, not their detail. Cotuparo the Champs Elysees, Place do hi Concorde, or the boulevards of Paris with our best streets aud squares and where are woY "Or, say tho Hlngstrasses of Vienna, or tho Houlcvnrd Andrnssy at Buda pest, or, currying our thoughts ncross tho Atlantic, to Ilroadway, Fifth av enue, Illvcrsldo and Central Park, New York; the Commonwealth av en up, Hoston; Victoria square, Mont real; East nvenuet lluffalo; Drczcl boulevard, Washington avenue, or Stato street, Chicago; Pennsylvania nveuuo, Washington, or dozens of oth ers thnt might bo untucd. Alongside of theso our Strand, our Whitehall, our Victoria street, Hcgont street, Pic cadilly, Park lane, Oxford street, etc., are but wretched apologies for what leading streets and thoroughfares should be. "If wo except tho Thames embank ment, Shaftesbury avenuo and the ltow thoroughfare that Is about to bo made between tho Strand nnd Holhoru, nothing of an adequate scale to the slzo and lmiortauco of- this metropo lis has yet been nttemptcd.. With tho dilapidated, rickety, old ramshackle properties that wo see In some of tho best and most central parts of London, what Is wanted Is n general rebuild ing and Improving schemo tlxcd after mature deliberation by n competent central authority specially constituted by parliament, after consultation with tho chief local authorities and perhaps tho representative societies of archi tecture, sculpture nnd engineering, with n special regard to Its qmillllcu tlons nnd illness for the purpose. "This would bo merely following tho example thnt has been set in such capitals aa larls, Vienna nnd Washington." DAMAGED BY VIOLIN-PLAYING. Itcuular Vibration df the Instrument Make Trouble with WulU, "Wlirtt forco least expected does thu greatest dumago to buildings'" Is a question which a representative of tho Indianapolis News asked u well-known architect. Tho architect's answer may bo a siuprlso to those who do not un derstand that It Is tho regularity of vi bration tlmt makes it powerful. It Is illlllcult to tell, replied tho archi tect, but I .will venture to say that you would nover. expect vlolln-plnylng to Injure tho wnlls of 'a building. Yet It certainly does. There lmvo been In stances when tho walls of stoun ami brick structures lmvo been seriously damaged by tho vibrations from 11 vio lin. Of course theso cases nre unusual, bill the facts nro established, Tho vibrations of a violin nro really serious lu' their unseen, unlwunde-J force, nnd when they como with regu larity they exercise an lutltienco upon structures of brick, stone or Iron. Of courso It takes continuous playing for tunny years to looson masonry or to make Iron brittle, but it will do It lu time. I have often thought of what tho re sult might 1m? If a man would stand at thobottomofitnlucteen-story light well, on tho first floor of tho great Masonic Temple In Chicago, and play there con tinuously, Tho result could be more easily seen there than almost anywhere else, because tho vibration gathers force its It sweeps upward. A man can feel tho vibrations of 11 violin on an Iron-clad ocean vessel, and at tho same time bo unable to hear tho music. It Is tho regularity which rnenu.t so much. Like tho constant dripping of water which wears away a stone, tho Incessant vibration of tho violin makes Its wny to tho walls, and attacks their solidity. The husband of a Jealous wife nearly always thinks to himself, "Well, thero Is soino reason for It; I am a sweet old thing." Who Is the most worthless mau you over knew Undertakers and Embalmers, ISO Brontlwmy, Ti.h-plioiln 4tl. 1IKI.KNA, MONT. Kessler Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of IllKli-Urailo llccrs, Helena f - - Montana CAM. AT TIIK Keller Studio l Fine Photographs ron vow Wc have nil the latest styles lu Mounts. Ilrluioour KimIrIc nrk ami set prlcos. kTFI I PD Km," N. Mln HtrM. IVBLLElMOpp.r.O. Heilenis, Sinn. aiii:rdi:i:n, wahh. BEARDSLEY BROS. Licenced Kmlmlmers for Stato of Washington, FlNE PARLORS and MORGUE 10U Wlslikalt Street. Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer IIOQUIAM, WAHH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STRKKT. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Mark DcatQNi Copyright Ac. Anrnnn sending asketrh and description mar nuloklf nicorinin nur opinion rreo wiioui.r an liiTontlrm la probably tmtentabln, Ciiiniiiuiilra. tlonsatrlctlrcoiiildeiitUl. Handbook on I'ntttnU sent Iran. Oldest apeiicrfursecurtria ut Iran. Oldest apencr fur securtna patents, ntmits tuken tlirouah ilium ft Co, recalra rlnlnotfcf. without chargo. Inttia rate tpttM Scientific American, A handsomely IlloitrnUd weeklr. f.nrveit rlr dilation of aur cl.ntldo Journal. 'I'onns, IS m Tri (our months, It. Bold by all newsdealer. NlUNN tC0 3j--r. New York raoo Offloo, hb Y BU Washtoiitoii, Ik C. Timber Lands and Homesteads Kocaleilt K.atlmntis of Timber by Competent KMlinators. EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. DealerM in Real Kxtute. RentH Col lectel; JIiihIiichh Clinucea und Loaiia Negotiated, ijjjrra C. L. Case. A. K. Spreadboroush. s OrrKon I'lione Union ltM. MalnOlllvut m Kat Morrison Ht. l'OUTf.AND, OUX HOTEL OSBORN! CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS ' REASONABLE RATE1 iranaimnw aoHonmm ...HOTII l'HONKaM. Travelers should take "8" Street Carat I 'ciHiv imu.ici si lainuiu Direct AtiVue) Car. ,(5re or iTkTVTV ,fSH o-QRAttDAlaJ-s flfisHat I A. W. HEWETTT, Pt m: