The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 16, 1902, Image 1

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The New Age.
; i- any n.vf n in
NO. 20.
DealgnBted Depoeltarjr and Financial Agent of the United States.
rrealdeat, W. Cetbttti- caahier, B. O. Wlthlnttoni assistant cashier, J. W. Ncwktrki eeoond
Militant eaahler, W.C.Alvord.
Letters o( credit Issued. aTatleble In Europe and the Eastern states. 8liht eichanre ana
talegTaphlo transfers told on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, Bt. Paul, Ben Franolico and
the prluclpel point In the Northwest. Slant end time bll drawn In lumi to mil on London,
rarlt, Berlin, Vranklort-on-the-Maln, ItongKonc. .... '
ColUottoni made on favorable termt at All accessible point.
Established In 18S0.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Colloctlona made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued
available in Europo and the Eastern states. ,
Sight exchange and Tolcaraphlo Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Derive, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Colombia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Founded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington
ori'TCKUHi II. F. OLDEN, President)' M. ALEXANDER, Vleo President j It. N. COF
FIN, CaMilcrs J. M. lUlNKtf, Aa'lmnnt Cimhior.
DIUKOMMCH, Iiobt. Nnblc, Thou. Dftvl. II. F. Olden, J. M. Halnci, J. K. Yates, J.B.
. Morrow, T. Rokaii, M. Aluxnniior, F. It. Collin.
J' Account at Banks. Flrntm, Oorpormllonm mntl Individual Rnoolvad on
S thm Moat Lloerml lorm Oonalmtmnt With Sound Banklnn.
Nulla WnlU, Washington. (First National Hank In tha State.)
Transacts a General Banking Business.
CAPITAL 1100,000. BUKl'LUS $100,000. .
IXVI ANKKNY, President, A. It. REYNOLDS. VIco President. A. It. BURFORD, Caihtor
Pendleton. Oregon.
it Wpwi,.! w,wmt'Wi TT"
MKERVE 'AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. 111.: First National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Levi Ankeny, Prosldent W. F. Matlock,
Vice President: 0. B. Wade, Cashier; H. C. Guerensy, Assistant Cashier; J.B.
McLeod, W. 8. Byero, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 855.000..
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold .on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President J. N. Teal, Vice-President T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Five Reasons for It
3 Count 'Em. 1. No clmrgo for testing.
2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific Instruments.
3. Courteous treatment,
4. Our Glasses improve
V Count 'Em. 5. Very Reasonable prices.
Remember the Place.
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engine) and Boilers,
aw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Crlndlng and Corrugating Machinery,
" Power Transmission Machinery.
are constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which
UD'tO'date plant iniOlU u iu umm ni.aiaitir mni nunviniliwiri
iiSfi"" ffl&oS Anchor
Qraat Combination otBtrength and Beauty.
Th T That Bon" .
JlifrT"irt&mlzfK?' - w"'.ris3W,.aApA.'isiJr
See uur Ancnor ciamp
Yon would ba urprled It 70a knew
how Utile It would coat you to fix up
that old fence. Belter load tor tome
Anchor Clampi and Uprlrbu, and n
pair ot our nlncheri, and make jour old
wlra fence look like a new one.
ANCHOR FENCE looki eo nice and
Is to ttronn that farmtra aometlmea
think that It must be hlf h priced. It
ttn't. thoush.
Cattle, Sheep and
Write for rrleea and CatalefM.
AfaaU Wanted la
STery Tawa. .
mm.mwmwm n, fWWv.w,
we uon't nurry, patients.
tho looks.
JAEOER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians.
290 Morrison St., bet;. Fourth and Fifth
Clamps and Uprights.
Taa Old Faxes. Tux Axcuoa Tzucu.
Hoc Titht. it Kstii bum after cloaln
The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
74a NJcwU St., PORTLAND, Orvge.
A Comprthciulve Review of the Important
llippenlnji of the Put Week, Preienled
In t Condensed Form. Which It Most
Likely to Prove of Interett to Our Many
Plaguo has boon officially proclaimed
to oxiut at Odessa, Russia.
Tho cruiser Cincinnati has sailed for
liarci'lonn, Venezuela, to protect Amer
ican intercut.
Edwin S. iMinor lias been nominated
by IlonublicniiH of tlio Ninth Wiscon
sin district for congress.
TJ10 tug Jacob Kuper, whllo coming
down tho bay near St. George, Staten
Iclnnd, blow up and five- of tho crow
wore killed or drowned.
Greon and Guvnor, fighting extra
dition from Canada pincu last May,
have been ruloatod by Judge Caron of
Quubec. Tlioy woro wanted in tills
country for irrogularltios In connection
with government contracts.
Gonurnl Jacob II. Smith, recently
rotired by President ltoosovolt, is
Horlounl ill at Portsmouth, Ohio.
Tho doctors rail it norvous collapso,
and nttributo it to Btraiu of Sninnr
campaign and eubsoiiuont worry and
Tlio transport Mcutle has failed from
Manila for 'Frisco with tlio Fifteenth
Infantry aboard.
Tlio North American Trading and
Transportation Company's warehouse
at Fort Cudahy has been entiroly des
troyed by fire. (
Canadian Pnciflc directors hnvo do
clurod a nemi-annual dividend of 2 per
cent on proferrcd stock and 2K per
cent on common.
An attempt was made to assassinate
Prince Obolinskl, govorvnor of tho
province of Khnrkow, Russia. lie was
slightly wounded.
Tho.Bteamor Miowora, just arrived at
VictorIa,-B.O.,rfrbm Australia, brings
reports of a torrlblo drouth. Millions
of, sheep have died.
Sir Joseph Dlmsdnlo haa prosented
to King Edward $575,000, tho corona
tion gift of tho City of London towards
tho King's hospital fund.
For international Mining Congress to
bo hold at Hutto Sept. 15 a rate from
all points in the Pacific Norlhwest'of
ono faro plus t- has been mado.
At tho final sossion of tlio meoting of
the Colonial premiers hold in tho
office of Colonial Secretary Chamber
lain it was decided to act on the princi
ple of Imporial preferential trade whet
ovor possible. '
Tlio Phlladelphia'Timca and Public
odger havo combined.
Tlio International Typographical
Union Is in session at Cincinnati this
Tho Lead and Zinc News of St. Louis
says a merger of whito lead companies
capitalized at (50,000,000 is bojng
After three days of fighting at Barce
lona, Venezuela, President Castro's men
wero beaten, losing 00 men and Gen
eral Bravo, their commander.
Mrs.( Elizabeth Young, tho oldest
actress on tho American stage, died
Sunday at the Actress Fund Homo, on
Staten Island, agod 02 years.
King EdwVd'B coronation was cele
brated by 41 American gunboatB at
Caveito on Saturday. They dressed
ship and tired a salute of 21 guns.
The seventeenth annual session of
the Oregon Press Association convenes
at Newport, Or., Thureday evening,
Aug. 14, and continues until Aug-. 17.
In tho sedition caeo of , tho Manila
Freedom, Judgo Ambler has denied its
editors a jury trial, saying that in their
case the Constitution of tho United
States does not apply.
Tho Philippine Catholic church has
been organized in defection from tho
Church pf Romo. Governor Taft, Ag
uinaldo and Doparto da Tarvo, a mem
ber of the Philippine commission, are
honorary presidents.
Senator McMillln of Michigan is
dead, lie had been in congress einco
Genornl Corbin is authority for tho
statement that Pacific coast army
headquarters will not be moved from,
Vancouver, Vath,
A tornado in Stearns county, Minn.v,
Saturday evening did much damage to
farm buildings and crops.
Irish Lud won the great eporting
sweepstakes at Saratoga.
Tho Fan Francisco police commission
has decided to enforce its order of July
22, requiring paloonkeepera to remove
their slot machines paying cash prizes.
A syndicate of Americans, lod by T,
ft. Hoard, of Nebraska, wealthy cattle
man, will establish the first bonanza
1 heat farm in Canada, between Cralk
id Davidson. Forty thousand acres
hnvo been purchased,
Riot at Wllktibure During Which Deputies
Flie On Strikers.
Wilkcabarro, Pa., Aug. 10. A riot
occurred at tho Wnrnek washory at
Durye'a during tlio afternoon. Troublo
had boon browing sliico early morning.
Beforo 7 o'clock women and boys
crowded about tho placo and 'started to
intcrforo with tboso who wonted to iro
to work. Sheriff Jacobs and a number
of deputies woro on the ground, and
they hold tho crowd buck. Thn workN
wero started, but remained in opera
tion only a short time Tho crowd on
tho outside threw stones oxer tlio stock
ado at tho df initios who wero on guntd
inside. Severnl times tho deputies
were temptod to llio. Kutlier Jhnn lnno
any troublework was suspended for tho
tlmo being.
The deputy sheriffs returned to
Wllkesbnrro early in tho ovoning, re
porting nl (pilot at tho wasliery w lion
thoy loft. Thoy had hardly reached
Wllkosbnrro, however, wlien tho donu-
ties on guard wero attacked. Several
inon in thu mob aleo attempted to
climb qvor tho barricade.. Tlio depu
ties warned them to go bank, and when
!..... .11.1 Vw.t .. ..,,11.... flrwl 1 1 il I f
a dozen Inen wero wounded, but nono
lot thorn, o fur as is known, seriously.
warrants nuvo ueon nwoni out, oeioro
tho bnrgots charging tho dejuitios with
rioting and felonious wounding. Tho
constable!) went to tho washory nnd
placed 25 inon under arrest. Thoy woro
hold in WOO bull each. They could
not furnish the bonds and wero brought
to tho county jail bore.
Grand Lodge Syi They Must Cease After
January I, 1903. x
Salt Lako City, Aug. 10. Tho grand
lodge of Elks has adopted tho recom
mendation of tho committee on rules
and laws, absolutely prohibiting the
holding oLstrcot fairs or carnivals un
der the auspices of Elks' lodges. As n
number of lodges throughout tlio coun
try have.ulroady mado arrangements
for fairs.or carnivals, to toko placo In
tho next few montliB, tho law will not
go into .effect until January 1. Tlio do
bata over, the question was sp'ritod, but
the foolifia of the mombora of the lodgo
tliatvsucli;falrs and carnivals woro not
in nccbrd with tho fundamental princi
ples of tho order was evidently very
Btrong, nnd tho committee's recommen
dation wqb overwhelmingly adoptod.
Charles Fair and Wife Killed In France The
Machine Ran Into a Tree.
Doveroaux, Franco, Aug. 10. Mi.
nnd Mrs. Charles Fi'fr wero returning
from Trouvillo toParlitwIioiithoir auto
mobilo swerved nnd crashed Into n troo,
15 mllos from horo. Both wero killed.
Tho chaffour lias bocomo insuuo as a
consoqueuco of the shock,
Tho uccldont was evidently duo to
tho bursting of a tiro. At tho time of
the uccldont, tho automobile, which
was capable of running 74 miles an
hour, was going at tho rate of 112 miles
an hour. Mr. Fair was a son of Senator
Fair of California.
Supreme K. P. Officer.
San Francipco, Aug. fl Thosupromo
iodgo of tlio Knights of Pythias will
hold its next triennial session at J-ou-isvillo,
Ky. Beforo adjournment tho
following otlkors woro electod:
Supromo chancellor, Trauy R. Bangs,
Grand Forks, N. D.; supromo vice
chancellor, Charlos E. Shivoloy, of In
diana; supromo prolate, George E,
Church, of Fiesno, Cal.; , Supremo
keeper of records and seals, R. L. U.
Whito (re-elected); supremo master of
tho exchequer, Thomas D. Ncures, of
Wilmington, N. C.
B. P. O. E, Day at Portland,
September 4 will be Elks' day at
tho Portland carnival. Lodges of the
I). P. O. E. will bo present from all
parts of tho state and eoveial adoining
states, also Texas and Colorado. Prizes
amounting to $2,600 will bo distribut
ed among tho drill teams that will com
pete, An ctaboruto turn-out of the bro
therhood, with novel floats and strik
ingly beautiful effects will bo seen.
Wsgonmakirs Italic Prices.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 10. Tho
National Wagon Makerc, who are in
session hero, decided to advance prices
25 per emit. Tho popositlon provid
ing that in com) of u strike or a lockout
any uoinn may bo declared off by a ma
jority vote of tlio union was adopted by
tho convention.
The Oregon Statu Fair tlifn year
promises to bo ono of the greatest in
dustrial expositions and livestock shows
ever held on tho coast. 'Die fair bus
been good tho past two years, but It
will bo better this year. Don't air to
see it.
Hopes to Find Peary,
Now York, Aug. ft. A letter from
Charles Hartlett, of the steamer Wind
ward, says he hoiea to find Peary and
bo In New York by Sept. 20.
Noted Dancer, Dead.
New York, Aug. 10. News comes
from Rio Janeiro to the effect that Cur
mencita, the noted dancer, is dead
there of yellow fever.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of lm.
portance A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
Latest Market Report.
Dallas 1b to havo n stavo mill'.
Portland is in the lead for securing
tho next reunion of tho Army of the
Philippines in 11)03.
Tho postofllco at Ri vordalo, Tillamook
county, lias been discontinued, tho
mail being sont to Tillamook.
State Troasuror Mooro hoi received
from Master Fish Warden Van Duson
$2,005.00, thu amount of 11 sh licenses
collected during July.
W, Fltrgoraldi alias Kramer, wob
before tho justice court nt Oregon City,
charged, with forgery. Ho was bound
over to tho circuit court.
Tlio funeral of John Rolling was hold
at Oregon City Tuesday. Ho was n
vetoran of tlio Spanish war and a
member of tho Third regl Jiont, O. N G.
Tho Columbia Packing Company's
safe at tho Dalles was blown open Mon
day night. Tlio robber secured n $5
gold piece of tlio date of 1834 and about
$0 in change.
Eight thousand cut-throat trout havo
been placed in thu head waters of the
Milk and Clear creeks. Thoso trout
come from Reno, Nov., nnd reach a
lumarkably largo size, ono having boon
caught in tho Truckeo weighing 30
Dr. Claronco Crane, who has boon
appointed to tho impoitant position ol
superintendent of thu Durrago (Iocpital,
on Bunkin Island, in Boston harbor,
was born in Salem, Or., in 1872, and is
a grandson of tlio into Hon. A. A.
McCully, ono of tho sturdy pioneers of
the Pad flu Coast.
Sovonty-flvo tons of hay was burned
near Gaston Sunday. '
Two hundred nnd forty Salem peoplo
went to Nowport Sunday on thu South
ern Pacific's trial excursion. Other
valley towns sent good quotas.
Tlio Baker City council has called
for bids to furnish and maintain 40 arc
fltreot lights for ono year from Novem
ber 1. Tlio contract will bo let Sep
tember 1.
Tlio growors of Dartlott pears in
Southern Oregon will this week begin
packing nnd shipping fruit. Sixty car
loads will bo shipped to Eusturn mar
kets during thu season.
Judgo Iiolfp of tho Biipromo court lias
rendored n decision that building and
loan companies in Oregom cannot col
lect n combined interest and premium
charge to exceod 0 por cent
Firo" completely destroyed thu O. R.
& N. stockyards at Tho Dalles Monday,
Tho origin wur parks from an eoHt
iKuiml possongur train. Sovoral whoop
and 00 head of hogs perished,
Portland May Oct ruxt Ore.
Council Bluffs, lown, Aug. 1 1 Dele
gate1) to tho annual reunion of tho So
ciety of tho Army of tho Philippines
have nearly all airivod. Generals Halo
and Funston uru expected tonight.
Portland, Or., is in the loud for secur
ing tlio noxt reunion.
Whoat Walla Walla, 0001c for new
crop; 03fllc for old; valley, 05c;
bluostem, 03c.
Barley Feed, $18.00 por ton,
Flour Best grades, $3.05(98.00 pat
barrel; graham, $2.053.20.
Millstuffs Bran, $15lfl per ton;
middlings, $21.60; shorts, $18;
chop, $17.
Oats No.l whito, fl.00Ql.05; gray,
Hay Timothy, $12 15; clover,
$7.6010; Oregon wild hay, $60 per
Potatoes Beet Burbanks, 7685c
percental; ordinary, 60c per cental,
growors prices; sweets, $2,00(92.25
per cental; new potatoes, 6060c for
Oregon; .f 1.00 for California
Butter Creamery, 2022o; dairy
1718o; store, 1717c.
Eggs lOO'-Oc for Orogon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12)$
(13o;YoungAmerica, 1.3414Jc; fac
tory prices, 1 lKc less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00(3
4,60; hens, $4.505.50 per dozen,
llUHc per pou'd; springs, 11Q
llj$c per pound, $2.604.00 per doz
en; ducks, $2.503.00 por dozen; tur
keys, live, 1314u, dressed, 16l(!c per
pound; geeso, $4.000.00 por dozon.
Mutton Gross, 2K3o per pound;
drossed, 0c per pound.
Hogs Gross, 0fo; dressed, 77Kc
per pound.
Veal 7ai8o per pound.
Beef Gross, cows, 33Hc; steers.
3Ko; dressed, 78c per pound.
Hops ltl17c; new crop 1718c.
Wool Valley, 12K16;Kastern Ore
gon, 8(314 Kc; mohaii, 26920c pound.
County Court Has Not Now Any Jurisdiction
to Extend Time lor Payment.
Salem, Oi., Aug. 15. Under tho
now law for tho collection of delinquent
taxes, unpaid taxos bocomo delinquent
nfter tho ilret Monday in Octobor. Tlio
county courts havo absolutely no Juris
diction in tho promises and do, not havo
tlio right to extend for n day tlio tirno
for tho collection of any such delin
quent taxes. Under tho old law thoy
bocumo delinquent after April 1, but
tho county court hud tho authority to
make such extension of tho tlmo in
which to make tho collections us was
deemed proper. But under thu now law
the taxes will absolutely become delin
quent ufterjho first Monday in Octo
ber. Section 14 of tho low now in opera
tion proscribes tlio times of p.iymeut,
the amount of penalty and interest vfor
delinquencies, etc.
Section 10 of tho sumo 'net treats
with thu delinquent roll and prescribes
when und In what manner it shall bo
mndu. It is ns follows:
If any of the tuxes mentioned in tho
roll shull remain unpaid, and thu sher
iff shall bo unublo to collect thu same,
he shull Immediately after tho first
.Monday of October extend thu amount
of tho tax on each several parcel of real
property, mid upon tho personal prop
erty UHNOtfsod to ouch individual, in it
column provided for such purpose on
tho tux roll, headed delinquent, and
shall return such roll, together with a
statement complied therefrom, and en
tered thereon showing thu total amount
of double assessments, und other errors,
Subecquout sections of tlio act pro
vide that after tho examination by the
comity clerk of tho roll, and when tho
proper credits Ituvo boon mado for er
rors, etc., then thu roll shull bo te
turno.l to thu sheriff witli a warrant
commanding him to soil thu property
upon which tlio tax was levied.
So it will bo seen that tho county
court lias no voice in tho matter. The
tlmo whou tho unpaid taxes bocomo
delinquent, as well as tlo time pf their
collection now being regulated ontlroly
by statuto, ami there will bo no ex
tension of time.
Oovernor Gecr Issues Proclamation for It
Salem, Or., Aug. 15. Governor Geor
hai issued tlio first Labor day proclam
ation in tho history of Orogon, It
"Whereas, Tho Legislature of Oregon
has set apart ttiu first Monday in Sep
'lumber of each year as a legal holiday
to bo known as Labor day;
"Thuroforo I, T. T. Gtor, govornor of
laid stuto, do hereby recommend that
all places of business' of whatsoever
kind, as fur as possiblo, bo closed on
Monday, September 1, 1102, and that
thn day ho devoted to an observr.ncu of
such exercises as may contibutu to si
better umlustundlug luitweon labor and
capital, tho great moving foires behind
modern industrial development; mid It
is especially urgod that employers co
operate with their employes In it mutual
obsorvancu of tho day in such munner
us will fittingly recognlzu thu relluuco
which each must place upon thu other
iuforu the best results from both iiiuy
be expected or obtained.
"In testimony whereof I havo horo
unto set my hand and caused, tho great
seal of tho state to bo utllxcd thereto.
Done at tho Capitol, in thu City of
Salem, this 13th day of August, 1002.
T. T. GEER, Governor."
'"" II I I III!
Outpost Attacked and Two American Soldiers
Manila, Aug. 15, A small party of
Mortis surprised au outpost of thu
Twenty-seventh Infantry at Camp
Vickers. Sergeant i'oley and Privu'to
Curey woro killed, and Private Van
dorn was severely wounded. The
Morns, who numbered only a dozen,
wore urmed with spoors and swords.
The morning wus foggy. Tlio attack
ing party crawled to within a few feet
of the sentinels and then sprang upon
them suddenly. Tho entire outpost
rushed to the relief of thu sentinels,
hut thoy were too luto, and tho Moros
escaped, although postdbly a few wero
Tlio American sentinels woro terribly
cut with the swords und spears. Thu
attacking Moros wero all from Bacolod,
and the occurrence will probably result
In a move against thu town, which bun
a strong fort and other dofonfos.
Seattle Man Mortally. Wounded.
"TMauilu. Auk. 15. Constabulary In
spector William Scbomerhorn, whoso
home wus in r-eattlo, was mortally
wounded In u recent light with LadronoH
at Iliguu, Mindanao.
Portland Elks' Carnival.
Evorvbodv remembers the irreut car
nival on Sixth street, which tho Port-
loud Klks gave two yours ago. Thu
street fair on a scale twice aa groat, and
many of thu latost midway attractions,
is to bo reproduced September 1 to 13
in Portland, extending from Seventh
and Washington streets to Flandora
street, taking in the jmrk blocks.
is FES
at Unto
I to