THE NJBW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3444 - KING 4 $ King, Queen nnd I'rlncons of Wnles In ;' HE WHO KNOWS A BOOK. With NtntT In Imnd nnd dusty "boon, I walked from mornlnir till IiIkIi noon; Then rested for n little while Upon the green Rrnss by n brook, nd with a morsel nnd n book I'oricot mo muny n mile. And Ihen upon my way I strode With bending linck benentb the load, Until the nlitlit boxet my way With cheerful ihouht on sons and tale, Anil so I fare by hill and vale, Contented day by dny. Iir ho who knows a book to rond May travel lightly without steed And llud sweet comfort on the road. lie shall forget the rugged wny, Nor sigh for kindly compnny, Nor fill nt beuenth bin loud. Leslie's Monthly. THE EVOCATION, j L. WK hud boon tnlkliiR of spirit iiiillHin, toleiatliy ami black untitle; the conversation turned to apparition nnd meriluuiH. Anionic tin all, men and women, hhhoih. lil...l In tho druvvlug-rootn after n louir And formal dinner, tliero were Movernl xvbo wore Hkoutlcul, two or tbreo vukuo ly cretluloiw, without certainty one way r tho other, und my friend Francois, who wiih un unlent believer In what wo jiot of tho faith agreed to call Bnlrlt aiallsm. In his mind there wero vust HlTeroiieen In tho mennlngs of tonus, liut for mo sitlrltiiallsm covered them Jill. Ono of tho yoniiK womon, jnukJiitf illusion to tho reeeut ox)erlencea of an liugllHh medium, UHked: "Is It true tlmt M. Crooks has seen 4)iul touched tho spltits. or, rather, tho mnterlnl forms of the dead)" M. OrookM Is a very learned man, they say. If ho has not been tho victim of nn II IunIoii or an Imposture, I must confess that his testimony would have roat lulluoueo on my own faith." It Is certainly a mystery." said Francois, thoughtfully, "nnd n mystery which those who buvo never had any oxperleueo mi willing to deny exist ence to. Hut If this man has not been mistaken or deceived; If ho can, ns ho ays, prove sclcutltlcnlly that souls sur vive bodies, preserve their Identity, their personality, their memory, and liuve the power to become material und visible to living people, what a rev dilution It will make In philosophy!" "Oh. how 1 wish I 'might have somo experience of the klud," sighed a young tflrl. "Well, I don't," respondwl ono of the men. "1 would fear for my reason If 1 should see tho phantom of my mother come at the call of u medium, And, on tho other hand, 1 resent tho Idea that my own houl, when It Is freed from tuy body, must bo obliged to clothe It ne'lf In visibility at the command of u living person." "One of my friends," snld Kianeols, tried tho experiment, and It cost him Ueur." Tell us nltout It." cried tho women, drawn by the Instinctive delight In the wupernatural. Francois responded: "It Is not, a very ),,.imv fctorv. but It may bo Interesting. It Hhows that It Is not always safe to Interfere with those powers which gov tVlt the unseen, Hero Is tho story," nnd he related the following! Pierre Franckel was one of tho best friends of my childhood. 1 saw him nguln when he was '.'0 years old; a pule young wan with blonde hair, eyes ns huo as tho sea, singular eyes, largo and tlxod, lit ns by an Interior light, tho oyes of a girl, somuwhat uuusuul lu tho 444$frM EDWARD AND HIS FAMILY. the first row, Prince of Wales nnd Princess Victoria In the- econd row. children are the little "Waleses." face of n man. With n dollcncy of col oring, a Hllghtness of build nnd a soft HWeetness of volco tho beautiful eyes gave to my poor friend n chnrni nlmost effeminate. Hut ho was a manly fel low und had a great many friends. Ho was iKJ years old when ho met Madeline Motirlco nt a bnll given lu the chateau of Changls. This young girl was poor but brilliant nnd well born, beautiful, vivacious and gracious. Her great black eyes spoko eloquently to tho blue eyes of Pierre, and ho wns llred with nn enthusiastic and sincere love for her. Ho had been a skeptic on tho subject of love, so that It camo to hhji with all the force of n now ex perience, und sho hud nothing to lose by being compared to former objects of adoration. Sho wns tho tlrst to enter his heart, nnd sho took ontlro posses slon. Sho returned his love nnd accept ed his prnposnl of marriage. It took Pierre some time to talk his family Into consenting to tho mntch, but qttor they had seen and talked with Madeline they succumbed to tho chnrni of her personality. Thoy wero married nnd hvo took her away Immediately to a house ho owned lu tho country, where they lived nlono and reveled In tho pure nnd happy love thoy had found In each other. Then, suddenly, death broko tho dream. Mme. Franckel died without any preparation for death, without suf fering, while sho wns seated at tho piano playing a sonata of Mozart's, on a beautiful moonlight evening of sum mer. Her husband stood leaning against tho window listening to tho music nnd brenthlng tho frngnmco of tho night. Tho music stopped at tho precise moment thnt tho soul loft tlvj lady, and Pierre, surprised at tho pause, turned to Und his wife dead, a sntllo on her lips, her head resting ngnlnst tho back or her chair and her lingers still touching tho keys of the plnno. For several years tho poor man shut himself up and would see no one, hid ing his suffering from tho world as ho had hidden his Joy. Ono day I called to see him, nnd on account of our old friendship I was admitted, 1 found but n (shadow of tho young man I had known. His hair was gray, and his movements betrayed him to bo suffe.' tug from a nervous dlsenso. Ho soon spoke of his sorrow nnd gradually opened his whole heart to mo. "The question of Immortality Is con stantly In my thoughts," ho said. "For Hvo years I have searched philosophy, studied hypotheses and.questloued reli gion, nnd 1 am still divided between faith and doubt, which Is killing me, If Mndclltio's soul exists It will mani fest Itself to me. I look for her con stantly, waking nnd sleeping, and I feel that she must come. 1 would give all tho yenrs of life that remain to mo to see her for ono Instant In all tho sweet ness of her youth and beauty." I tried to turn my friend's thoughts from this Idea, for 1 feared his reason would glvo wny. Hut he persisted In his hopo. Ono day ho asked mo If 1 knew a certain Claymore, a Scotch mnii, who had made qulto a stir In Paris ns a uudltim. Ho was a peculiar man, undoubtedly sincere, and 1 had enjoyed meeting him several times. "You must Introduce mo tb hi in, said Pierre. "Ho has ovoued spirits Into material form, and If he can bring Mad elluo's to mo I will owe. him more than my life." 1 used all my power of persunslon against this decision, hut he was tint), and tlnally 1 gave In. 1 Hrst went to Claymore, however, and told hi in my friend's history and begged him not to nbuso credulity brought about by ex. treiuo suffering. "I can glvo him what he wants," re o - I The tt$K-$X$l4$$K piled tho Scotchman. "Tnko mo to him. You may trust mo." "Will you permit tho prcsenco of a witness!" "Certainly." Tho next dny Claymore, accompanied by a medium, entered the house whero Mme. Franckel had died live years bo fore. It was In June. The villa, with Its closed windows, seemed to desire to keep out the soft beauty and warmth of tho night air. Inside the house all was dark mid chilly. As Plcrro met us he shivered. "If her soul lives." he said, "It Is In this room." Ills volco shook with mln glod Joy nnd fear. "For tho last time," snld I, "do not commit nn act at once sacrilegious nnd dangerous." Hut ho did not even hear me. , The medium wns n young woman, pnlu and slender, who tlxed her Idol izing looks on Clnymore's fnce. Tho light lu tho room was very dim, coming from a single candle, which stood above the tlreplnce. Tho window hnd been opened wldo nnd the moonlight came faintly In. The spiritualist put out the cnudlo nnd led tho young wom an Into a dnrk corner of tho room. Then In n low, solemn volco ho abjured the spirit of the dead woman to mani fest Itself. "Oh, my sister," snld he, "my un known sister, depnrted from this earth, coino back for ono Instant In tho mn terlnl form you once took on. Appenr, evoked by faith and love. Comol Mad eline!" Ills voice roso and grow ar dent, while tho medium became con vulHcd with trembling movements. All at once Plcrro cried, "Listen! Listen! Tho sonata of Mozart!" ' A harmony, light and soft ns a sigh. floated from tho motionless keys of tho plnno, which stood Just within tho pnlo stream of moonlight. "She is coming," snld Clnymore, sol emnly, stretching out his hnnd. "Madeline! Madeline!" cried, Pierre, fulling on his knees, I nm teillng you what I snw or thought I saw. Tho room wns dark snvo for the 0110 thread of moonlight which touched the plnno nnd traced a line upon the floor. Suddenly the mys terious music ceased and In the moon light, ucfora tho piano, the whiteness seemed to tlilckon nnd slowly to form Itself Into the contours of the human body. More dtstlnco It grew until I snw sitting there a woman dressed In a long, Mowing gown of white, her head back against ber chair and a smile on ier pale lips, Pierre hnd sprung to his feet "It Is you, my beloved!" he cried, and with outstretched arms ho moved to ward the whlto figure and fell at It feet. At the sound of tho fall I throw off with a great effort the spell which held me ami ran' to him. The figure van ished and I rnUed my friend, to una that be had breathed his last nt the feet of his dead wife. Ho had paid the price for the vision. On his face wns nn expression of purest ecstasy. There was a long pause when Fran cols finished his story, which told tho deep effect ho had produced lipon his hearers. Finally the young woman who had beeu most eager In her request to hear tho tale said, In a low voice; "l'lesiso let's talk of something else.," Translated from tho French of "Gil bert Pore." Short un House. The Urailllan coast cltjr of llahla has about 'JOO.OOO Inhabitants, who live la 17,000 houses. Man t born to rule the world brJ nlous coiuca woman and "declares It la I un to hex. V ,,Kl'p B. A. OAT. Excelsior Planing Mill Mouldings", Brackets, Turning, Stair Building and General House Work. rhono White 501. E. Eovcnth and E. Morrhnti Stfl. rOUTLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE SOUTH 304. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. 8HIELD8, l'roprlator. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. Sixteenth nnd Glimm Sts., Portland, Or George Miller. Hiram Fugltt. Wagner Cafe Phone Main 8TS 148 Sixth St., Portland. Comfortablo Quirtcru for Commercial nnd DjHlness Men. P. JUL. MAYKK, Vrcs't unit Scc'y. Fleckenstein Mayer Co. KitnMUhod 18T0. Incorporated 1831. Importers and Jobbers WINES AND LIQUORS. Our Hpcclnltlci: Maryland Club Rye and Kentucky Taylor Bourbon. 27-29 Msrtln St., CINCINNATI, OHIO. 211.2.15 Oak fit. PORTLAND, OUE. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. ' Phoms: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUGH STS., ' PORTLAND, OREGON HARNESS, SADDLES, STRIP' WORK See Our Prices Before Buying. Bend for tree catalogue. Extract from Ilet. Har. MaUer I. A. Mar.27, 1902: "Vankirk A Wilson are quoting price. In their catalogue that no retail dealer caret to meet." That'a what the Ring aayi of u. Oct our Prkei' VANKIRK 4 WILSON, ISO Front St Real Estate Bargains! Six-Room Modern Houses in Wood mere. Eino ncroaRO on electric car lino suit able for platting. Choico 1 its on easy terns. Home i built to suit and Hold on easy terms. ono. W. BROWN, 203 Falling Building, 3d and Wash ington bis. i. GKATToy o. c. woonoocK b. b. conn I'rcjt, Vice l'ret. Sec'y Standard Box Factory (Incorporaxed.) Crates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack ages, Packing Cases of all kind. Cor. Water aad E. Wubiagtoa St Tckf&oaa Et 4. PORTLAND, OK HWA.ri J!rmiapf4ifrJf.,-Aa-3 fTk l jfamatmBmmmmmmmmS HPCEaSwWtVoaCTaML'aaBBHHiHlBHaliHaHaHHaaaaa'H EtUb'Ishad Jin. 1. I88B. Incorporated Jul) 8, 1891. Portland Coffee and Spice Co. For the Trade Only. Tea, Coffee, Snlccs, Halting Powder, Extracts, Etc. OOU SPECIAL nu"AND3! Sploov Acme. Mult- t. . (i-l.,...- II...h.1hh Iknllaiinn fin.ll.ll. nuilltllli UHK1IIK IWM'ium, 1'ciii.uvri wimih.w Quick s Coflcc, Hoyal Mend j Sugar, xxxx liar. 2420 Front Sntmt, Bmt. Ah nnd Ankeny. PORTLAND, ORCGQM. EDWARD H0LMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 607 RENA STINS0N, Lad, AlllMint. L,W.CAn.NAtlAN 1'rcililent. C. II.OARDNEIl, Vice I'ruttdunt. W. W. TKIlltY, Troaiurcr. Portland ImpiementCo. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC, FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. PARK GROCERY. A.J. JOSKS. 1'roprlotor. Detail Dvnler In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES And All Kinds of Imported Delicacies. 21 N. Park Street, PORTLAND, OKEGON THE H. G. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 260 Eamt Wmter Stremt. PORTLAND, OREGON. Zimmerman - Wells Machinery Co. Incorporated. Marine, Minlnp, Saw Mill, Logging:, Wood Working, Hoisting and Traru miition Machinery. , Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co.,.Celebrated Hercules Wiic Rope, R. N. Nanson & Cc's Lu bricating Oils and Compounds. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON Any Sli Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Rubber llnota nit Hhoea, Halting, Packing and lluaa. Largeit and Motl Complete Auortment of all Klndi or Ilubbor Good. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY B. K. PXA8K, Preildent. F. M. 8IIEPAKD. JU.. Treaiurer J. A. SUEl'ARD, Sretmrf 78-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tho Em Cm ATHiHS co Atkins Saws are Always Ahead. Sample Kooms. Kloctrlc Light. THE ST. HELENS HOTEL-, J. P. BRADLEY. ' Never Closed. American FMan. CHEHALIS, WASHINQTON. lknlBaml Me.;ils First-class. toewenberg & MANUFACTURERS te 3M Tayier St t to IBS SeeemdSt i" ""nSBaSEoTT-l 1 1 UaJpiJI IffMfL . I'liones: Oregon Main "70., Columbia 430.. The LA GRANDE WAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EGGS AND OHEESE. All goods wholesale and retail. 204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or FREDERICKSDDRG MUSIC HALL. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Our Friends are All Cordially Invited To Attend. BROWN & GRANT. W. I. McCadk, Seattle. E. ti. Hamilton, Tacorun. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. I. Head Of Hoes Taoomm, Wmmh, Cnblo Address: McCAlIK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agent H Water Street. Liverpool. Do You Know the News ? You can have It all (or Per CHr Per 1 Month OUc Month t In The EvenlnR Telegram, of Portland, OreKon. It In tho lnrg at evening now paper publliticd In Origin It .contalm all the new ol tho itatu Hint of tho na tion. Try It (or it month. A lamplo ropy uillbe mailed to you free. Ad drex THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. ; Quantity Any Htyla Pmolflo Oommt Drmnok, No. GO Flrmt Street, Portland, Ore. Hatha. All Whlto Help Special Rates ljy Week or Month Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nj Household... i Specialties... h Handled by All Fsirst Class Dealers. , Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OmXhOM A u i ik 4 . - j aV . . wa