THE 3sTEW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGOX. WALU WALLS, WASH., ADVERTISING. ! NOTHING IS WASTED. B II YAK llllOH. "TREE OF THE DISMAL NIGHT." New LWe;y, Feed and Sale Stable. Ittilitxr Tlicd flacks n special t. Carriage calls altuhdcd to Illicit (ir tiny. Hoiitliueit tor, Hecolid anil Aldur HippI. 'lelcphonofi". WAI.llA WAI.I.A, WASH. VALUE OF CAST-OFF THINGS IN INDUSTRIAL WORLD. J. W. COOKKIU.Y. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. The Mentis of Utilizing Art I clot that Formerly Went to Wuste, 1'rovldcd hy feclcucc, KcNtltt In Orcut Profit bome Thl n Worked Over. limlmlniliiK n Bpeclalty.. llabcock's Ilrlck Mock, Hi Firm Ht. Telephone Itlnck 891. WAtJ.A WAM.A, WAHH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. , Rubber Tired Hacks a Specially. Baggage Wagon. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC. Raleit $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A. Patent Flour: 4 'White Spray" "Demerit's Best" For Breakfast Food: WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITM, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry m i iii i p'ijnr .RSjMaP Mauufurturvrs nl lrlde of Washington Thrcflurs, Self- Fcedcrs, Drapers and Machine Extras of livery Description. Beptir Work a Specialty. Catalcgja Free. WALLA WAI.I.A, WASH. ST. CHARLES HOTEL 10HN GIBLIN, Prop. l"lrt-lMiM Acfoiiiiiituliittiiiiit hikI Prompt sorv Ice. Ijirm Sample (noma (or Commercial Tra vlvr. Phone 7. Cor. Flrt and Wathlngton Sis. Albany, Oregon. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE fl iZSHkEa Thadc Marks DesioNS CopvmaHTS Ac. Anrond nomllnu ix klrli mid ttocrlntlon mat quickly aicvrtnlu our opinion fruu nlii'llior u liiriMillou l ITolmMr iiiiicnliililn. Cuiiiiminli'ii. tlnntatrlcllrroiitldtmthtl. lluiitlUookiml'iiH'iita out Iri-ii. Olli'.t eci'iirf fur irurinir J'utrnu. I'ftioun tMkun tliniutili Mmm x lo, rccvlte vprriui iiwict, wiiuuui eiiHrwo. m luo Scientific jfttierican. mclr Illustrated weljr. I mot clr. of migr arlt'iitiun liuirnal, Turin, 13 ft irinimltu, ft. bold brail ncioltr. i Onli-o, (BJ V HI., Wndilnulim, 1). l Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS, J G. REDDICK, Manager, Little Is wnstcd In the Industrial world. Men of science are ever nt work tearing by-products unil waste material to pieces, to regroup the ele ments Into new material which has a commercial or Industrial value. Old Iron Is worked over Into new Iron. Linen rags are relnclnerated and llvu as paper. Woolen rugs are shred ded and made Into shoddy. Hones are made Into bono black, to clarify sugar syrup. Old rubbers, bits of garden hose, exploded bicycle tires and nuy castorfs In which rubber Is a part are made over Into now rubber. Worn Btcol mils are rorolled Into lighter sec tions. Old rusty pipe Is drawn down Into bright new pipe. The tin cans which are gathered up In alleys nnd from garbage boxes are melted down and cast Into window sash weights and counter weights for bridges. Kims ami old camels are cut Into Dtrlps mid woven Into handsome rugs. The list of old castoff things that are rescued from ash piles nnd garbage dumps to be born again can lc ex pended for columns, and the list would never cease growing, for every day some now use fur some wasted product Is discovered. There was a time when tons of blood, fresh from slaughtered cattle, Mowed unheeded through the sewers under the stockyards In Chicago. To-day this blood Is saved, put through several processes and comes out us a fertilizer or In the form of cakes, which are sent to sugar rellnerles to assist In clarify ing the sweet Ihiuor. Somo of the handsome buttons worn on new dresses once ran as warm blood through tho veins of fat steers. Heat and hydraulic pressure are tho agents which separate the water from the albumen In the rod llulil, and pre pare the dried blood for the pulverizing process which Ills It for use as a fertil izer. After being boiled down, pressed, crushed ami ground to a powder, tho dried blood Is .mixed with potash and phosphoric nchl and sent out as a com plete fertilizer. Shoddy Is a useful product of wnsto material. It Is never used alone, but In combination with new wools. The wool en rags from which shoddy Is made are llrst thoroughly dusted by machin ery before they are sorted. Any cot ton which may be In the rags In got rid of by dipping the rags In a boiling mixture of sulphuric nchl. Long experience has demonstrated the exact proportion of the nchl re (julred to eat out the cotton libers with out destroying the wool. The effect of dipping the tags Info the water and nchl Is to rot tho cotton so that the woolen part of the fabric falls to pieces easily. After being dried the rags are I tut through it machine that removes every bit of dust, leaving the pure, clean wool. Tho woolen rags and cloth nro dyed, mid then run through a ma chine whose thousands of steel plus not only shred the rags, but split the threads so that the rags which outer the machine leave It In tho form of wool libers. The woof Is put through a carding machine, which ...orotighly- combs out the woolen particles, mixes them and turns them out In the form of long Huffy rolls, which are packed In bales ready to bo shipped to tho woolen mills, where the shoddy Is mixed with new wool. While woolen rags are sent to tho shoddy mills, linen rags naturally start from the ragman's storeroom to the paper mill, whence they Issue us tine linen paper. Tho "old Iron" which forms half tho burden of the ragman's song Is the basis of a business whose output Is valued annually In millions of dollars. Every piece of old Iron, wrought or east, rusty or clean, can be utilized. The old east Iron Is sent to foundries mid puddling furnaces, the old wrought Iron, bars, sheets and plates, Is sent to the rolling mills. Cast Iron sent to foundries Is remelted with pig Iron, and begins a new life of usefulness under new forms mid shapes. The wrought Iron goes to tho hcrap plies In rolling mill yards. A profitable business has been found In the redrawing of old Iron plpo and boiler tubes. Most of this waste ma terial Is thickly covered with rust when It arrives at tho factory, nnd the rust Is removed by tho simple process of heating the old pipe to it cherry red and plunging It Into water. The sudden contraction loosens the rust scales, ami tho pipe Is (.cut to tho hentlng furnace clean and bright. A good welding heat prepares the plpo for tho redrawing process This consists In pulling tho white hot pipe through a die, which not only reduces Its diameter but tpakes It solid. It Is heated again ami drawn through a smaller die, and the process Is continued until tho plpo Is down' to the required diameter. Then tho new pipe Is straightened and Is ready for the market. v It was not so many years ago that the coal tar which Is. produced In thu manufacture of gas was regarded us n was(e product, and something of iv, nu Milieu at that. Hut the chemists and experimentalists got hold of tho stuff, and their manipulation has uuido of It an exceedingly valuable by-product. This ami tar Is a marvelous material. From It come beautiful dyes, sleep producing powders, headache suhducra, lulu killers, fever coolers, germ Ue- I ' ' '' J '"" ' 1 : ' Jim WffWmrWt wflBT Twmm T CSSIEE-ZZiiiiiSMHHIIBSHSB ' ROSEBURG, OREGON, ADVERTISING. mm: oipqca iiakkiiy- FRESH IJUEAD DAILY. IMcc Cakes. Cookie, Doughnut. Hum, Rolli, Cream Pulls. Cakes fur Hoclals, Parties and llfliKjUetB Made to Order. E. JENNINOS and MK9. ntKKMANVl'ropi. 1'hoiie 4M. Itovjuurg, Oregon. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Kurnlthed Rooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just Fouth of the Derot. ROSEBURO. - - OREQON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. EVERETT, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISEMENTS w. c. IIICKKLIIAIMT, Trust. .W.imOOKS t!cc. and Treas. Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers and Kxiortorso( FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. w. J, Ut'CKEIt, Vlco Trcs. WM. TENNANT. Ocnl. Mgr. Buylcss & Stormer. CHA8. UIIA'IK. Entertainer: MM, I'HOTZMAN. On June 30, 1520, Hernandei Cortes, tiering with hli troopi from the City of Mexico along the old Aztec cauicwny uf Tlacopan, passing the ipot known to this day as "The Loop of Alrarado, (Pedro Alrnrado, one of Cortes' captains having there snved his life by his agility), crossing numerous waterways, losing In bin mad flight the priceless jewels ami treasures of gold and sliver confiscated from the natives, arrived about inldmslit at tho village of I'opotlo, situated seven miles northwest of Mexico, where he hid at the foot of the giant cypress, the "Arbol dp la Noche Trlirtc" (tree of the dismal night), passing tho hours In weeping. This tree Is umiuestlonahly the eldest living historical landmark on the American continent. Notwithstanding the march of civilization has changed materially all ancient conditions about the "Noche Trlste," nearly 400 years liar lug elapsed since that memorable night, wo hcur to-day the same tongue spoken, see the descendants of the same people pasting to and fro In their picturesque garb or resting beenath the shade ef It spreading branches, as did thn great conqueror In those early days of conquest. Standing, grand, sublime, In Its gnarled strength, the "Noche Trlste" Is on Imposing historical object. Who can foretell the future races destined to avail themselves of Its protecting arms; who write the history of tkelr achievements on life's Immortal scroll? The Monogram FRANK KENNEDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. P.08EBUKG, OREGON. K. St'MNEIt, President. T. II. SUMNER.. Vlco President. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marine, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. strnycrs, and saccharin, tho sweetest substance known. Tho t scores of chemicals obtnlned from coal tar aro produced through a process of distillation which Is almost perfection. For Instnnce, when the tar, after tho tar water strong In ammonia has been drained off, Is heated In n tank that serves as a still to a moder ate temperature, say 105 degrees, ben zine Is produced. When 100 more de grees of temperature have been added, other light oils appear, ami then comes tho carbolic oil from which carbolic add Is made. Creosoto Is gjven off at a little higher temperature, and then comes anthracite oil, the "raw mate rial" of many products. Some of tho well known drugs which nro secured from tho several distilla tions of coal tar aro autlpyrlue, phena cetlne, sulphonal, nntlfobrln and nee taullald. Saccharin, which Is almost JIM times sweeter than enno sugar, Is a tar product. Colors and dyes of every tint and lino aro made from this ouo-tluie waste product. Aniline, one of the best known of tho tar products, was discovered as far back as 1858, and when It was learned that from aniline beautiful col ors could bo made a new world of In vestigation was opened to chemists, and slnco then every color that can bo produced by vegetable or animal matter has been made from coal tar. TOURING BY LABELS. llntcrprlnliiir l'lillutlctplilnii Covers "l.uummu" with Proper Tn. In Philadelphia an enterprising indi vidual llmla a brisk tradu In furnishing labels for travelers' trunks and valises, so that when it piece of baggage Is finally turned out of his shop Its owner has apparently Indisputable document ary evidence that ho has toured tho world or sucji part of It as, may hnvo seemed lit. Tho convenience of this method of travel, It will be seen at u glance, tits In very well with the Amer ican Idea of saving time, while as for money It of course saves largo lumps. Thus you can go out and hldo In tho country somowhero' at ?5 a week until tho proper time and then reach town In travel-stained clothes, coincident with the arrival of' somo steamship, with a trunk pasted all over with la bels showing where you have been. Tho trunks will bo marked "Hotel" nnd the smallor pieces of baggage by this time you will be calling It "lug gage" will be marked "Cabin," And us you gaze on these labels you will of course become reminiscent of the little Swiss hotel (see that label down In the corner!) where you met the I'rlnce Se and-So; the l, and O. steamer, where you encountered tho British nobleman who turned out to bo n dUtnut connec tion; the hotel In Egypt see any guide book where you met tho swell Ameri can girl troni Oshkosh, Wis., and so forth and so forth ud libitum, accord ing to your Imagination. Whllo cheap enough, however, this method of travel Is not without somo slight espouse. The labels must bo well paid for, because tho labeler will tell you that all his wares aro genuine and It U no easy thing to get such little pieces of printing from fai-tiwny ho tels, railroad stations and steamboat otttces, aud you see at ouce that he is right. Indeed, if you have any of tho so phistication that travel ought to grvo you, you will suspect that many of tho labels offered you aro made on tho spot and you have on uncomfortable feel ing In being pasted for nn entlro route that somo of tho hotels named on tho labels do not exist or that their loca tions may hnvo got mixed In n way to confound you somo (lino when you mny bo at tho very best point In your rem Inlhceuces. This suspicion Is rather In creased, says tho Philadelphia Times, by the curious fact that a tour of Cuba coat more than n less popular tour of tho samo extent In Europe, nnd you wonder If It Is not because tho Cuban labels nro too well-known to bo bogus. Saddlo Horses and Stylish Single and Double Rigs at All Hojrs. ' ROSEBURO, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near tho Depot, Itosobur, Oregon. ROBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check and deliver your baggngij for 2fc per piece four blocks north or south of Hewitt avenue, and between all trains and boats. Threo days' free storage. All work and prices guaranteed satisfactory. 'Phone 371. EVERETT, WASH Where you can Hud the BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. I'. RAPP, Proprietor. MEAT AND VEGETABLES. Telephone lUd 931. Private rooms. Gamhrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Swan ton, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and WnshlnKtoii Hts. Poktlano Urk Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. DURK, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. PHONE 31. I3ia Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 750, Oregon Ked 18(11 Prescription Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLAND - - OREGON A. Ooodnough J. 0, Stearns Men Should Hat Oreator Variety of Food. Let It not be assumed that the short ness of tho meat supply nnd tho high price of steak Is an unmitigated evil. On the contrary, It Is n probable bless ing. If meat could be raised to a prlco thnt would make It prohibitory It might still be of good result, because It would teach those who depend entirely upon It to widen their dietary and learn to enjoy many good things of which they aro now Ignorant. To many, especially In tho cities, there are only three foods meat, pota toes mid bread. Tho weary monotony of this program, tho unsntlslled long ings for a widening of It, nffect tho appetite and surely affect spirits and' temper. 'The laborer goes to Ills work tilled with meat, potatoes and bread. At noon ho tluds cold meat aud bread In his dinner pall aud nt night ho Is confronted by meat pud potatoes, some times separate, sometimes combined Into a greasy stew, sometimes chopped Into hash. This kind of thing tills him, but In a tluer sense It can hardly be said tQ,,fccd him. Physicians hnvo discovered that a limited and unchaug lug diet lowers vitality and health. At such n time ns this, there Is a chance to tlud what things tho world contains which nro at least as digest! bio ns beef. There Is a wide range of sen food, farinaceous products can bo served In u hundred forms, as well ns bread, and ns to vegetables, how sel dom does the housekeeper give a trial tO 1110111. 'A'hearty nnd sustaining inenl can bo 'niildo from a vegetnble sotip", followed b'y potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, egg plant, with two or threo kinds of bread; then by asparagus, spinach or dandelion, nfterward by a fresh nnd cooling salad, as of lettuce, cucumbers or tomatoes; then by cheese, pudding, fruit and coffee. Meat eating Is largely a habit, says the Brooklyn Kagle, nnd to some per sons It Is n habit acquired with diffi culty. 'If to vegetables, fruit nnd con structlous made of flour and sugar nro added eggs, butter, cheese and milk, a range of diet becomes possible that makes ouo ludepeudeut of aulmal food. It cau do no harm to those who con blder themselves the gnhiers In health, as well us In pocket. Let a girl rave about romantic poet ry, If she likes; In a few years she will caro for none but that, with a nursery jingle, sultablo to. say "tor a. '"specfc" lu schooL G00DN0UGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington building, Portland, Or City, Suburban and Country Proorty, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and 'Coal Lands. Choice Water frontage, sultablo for manufacturing inirpontSs. Valuable bunlnens proporty for sale. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 20 nnd 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third nnd Oak Sta. PORTLAND, OR. Portland Club and Gafommm Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P, BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single ami Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient Mock given the very let of care. lUU'Kahkaji rcusoimbluaud satisfaction guar anteed. Fbone Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEHURG, OREGON. 130 Fifth Street II OUR SPECIALTIES : Monogram and III Cyrus Noble Whiskies. A Roaort for Gentlemen. 'Phone Oretro'nMain 1)08; Columbia 497 15c. 15c. vHkLKmlSlssHsiw) Hatters and ', Furnishers SoleVnUfor KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15 cents each, or f 1.75 per dozen. Use thesv-Lamps with proper voltage and make your light tho ehenieat and beat. - i Portland Qmnmrml Elmoirim Cm. Seventh mneJ AMerSts. i, v. 15o. ISo. V