THE . NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 4 y BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for the famous Goncral Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Call at Euneon it Watkins, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth stieot, Portland, Oregon. For firBt class dental work and prompt attention, go to the New York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison street. The Yakimn. Market, H. A. Brasen. manager, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 149 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 989. Money to loan, on furniture, piahos, or any good securities. Notes and moragnges bought. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington building. J. E. .Rogers. Ico cream parlor and confectionery. All kinds of cigars, tobacco and fruits. Agency Union Laundry Co. Columbia phono, 409. 307 First street, Portland Oregon. Van Kirk & Wilson. 160 Front street, Portland, Ocrgon; generat'commlssion. harness, farm machinery, groceries, flour, feed. Columbia 'phono 194; Or egon 'phone Grant COC. In connection wlthD.E. Meikle. Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wllson.auctlonccrs, household furni ture nnd bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Office and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia phono 505; Oregon 'phono South 261. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work dono at very inodrcate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Indies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do leuu, proprietor, -105 Gllsun street. 1 . Tho (proprletors of tho Oregon Bakery, corner Fourteenth and Fland ers 8is.,t Portland, are both old and ex perienced bakers, men who wero fore men In tho best shops onthocoast.and who mako 'a superior loaf of bread of any kind. Pullman loaves a, special ty. Wo .want your trade. Musio half price, musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments. H. II. Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in inusio and musical merchandise The Music building, 310 Wasighnton 6trect, Portland, Oregon, (. Pacific R(tll Company. Manufacturers of badges, buttons, banners, lodgo regalia and supplies. Portland, Oregon. TRY BIO BEND FLOUR. Unquestionably tho best grado of family flour on tho market today la tho product of tho Big Bend Milling Co., of Davenport, Wash. Bread mado from this flour Is pronounced by epi cures, chefs nnd cooks generally to bo unsurpassed. r This well-known brand of goods has an Increasing sale' in Portland nnd Oregon. Tho wholesalo agents nro C. W. Nottingham & Co,, foot of Wash ington street, Portland, Oregon. Ask your dealer for Big Bend and bo con vinced of Its superiority. Both 'phones 381. The Plonetr Plnt CC Tho firm of F. E. Beach A Co., corner of First and Alder , streets, is ho oldest established concern in the paint and oil business in tho Northwest. For over 20 years this houeo has maintained its reputation for reliublo busincps dealings with all patrons, F. E. Beach it Co. car ry tho highest grades of paints, oils nnd varnishes. They also hnndlo all builders' materials, and no order is too small to reccivo prompt atten tion. DON'T GUESS AT IT. But If you are going East write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accomodations offered by the Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fall to write us about your trip, as we are In, a po sition to give you some valuable In formation and assistance. 5319 miles of track, over which Is operated some of the finest trains In the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates, call on or address: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent J. C. LINDSEY, T. F, & P. A., , 148 v Third street. Portland, , Or. oosr 01,000,000. Tho Portland m. e. mowems. Mm. Ammrlomm Pimm, J$3 Pmr Dm mint Umwmrtt. t.. ni . HEADQUARTERS ram TOURISTS Amm COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, Y' SPOKANE DEPARTMENT E. H. HOLMES, Correspondent. Spokane, Wash., Aug. C, 1902. As It shall be my chief endeavor from time to time to keep the outside world advised of the social and polit ical situation In Spokane, through the medium of the New Age, It Is needless to add that every business Interest, every faction, every project worthy of consideration, will be treated Impar tially by the undersigned. Wo shall not mince words, however, In dealing with abuses and pointing tho way ns we conceive It to bo best, for the cit izens of this community. Spokane people havo always felt kindly toward Portland and her good citizens, and the community of Inter est existing, and the fraternal feelings hevo rather been strengthened In lato years than otherwise Wo have sent Portland many a good man and wo man, not to mention tho young folks. Those two, aye those three, princely fellows, Dave Thornton, Morton Free mnn and Geo. Brown, onco claimed tills city as their home, as well as Billy Cox, and as reports nrrlvo hero periodically that tho boyslaro making It all "right It gladdens tho hearts of their friends. Many Portland people, too, havo como here and have mado excellent and useful ctlzens, henco iiilinn lt n nlnltM In o t Ihnt n nlitin community of Interests nnd lasting frinn.i.hin .hmiM n,i Hnoa xnt ho. , i. ... ,- i, ..,nir.r. i ,n fn,.n,i,i ,i i ohoii hothanni.iTho sheriffs finally arrived on tho Icy of tho correspondent of tho Now Ago In Spokane to cement that friend ship and ondcavor to keep thogood people In the two towns advised of matters of mutual Interest that they bbould both know. Mention wns made In the last Issue of tho New Age relative to the attitude of tho colored voters In Spo"kano. Generally speaking from a political stand point, and their courageous aril bold stand for their political rights and freedom. It was pointed out In that article how llttlo, the bo'8 roally owed to tho republican party of Spo kane, and how llttlo thoy had to ex pect from tho same source In future. It might bo pertinent to suggest to those who havo lately como In nur midst, as welt as to some of our re publican friends of tho "ynllcr dog" variety, that tho younger olomont havo a pretty firm grip on "tho local, situa tion and In fact control tho sanio, and that unless they want to bo known as "handkerchief heads" they will havo to Join In, nnd go down tho lino togeth er with their moro progressive neigh bors. Because there aro bright days ahead for all concerned. If wo ad Minco thoro Is promised political free don), representation, fair treatment advocates In tho councils of tho pow ers thnt be, nnd n general breaking down of tho hideous nightmare of po litical ostroclsm nnd degradation thnt has so long been practiced upon us In the house of our supposed friends. Years of experience have taught many n woll wisher of hlB raco hero to movo discreetly but determinedly In mattors political, and that to retreat In tho faco of adversity and tho Ignominious tieatment wo have contended with for 18 years would bo cowardice Wo must grapple with tho situation ns wo And It and support those men for placo and honor who intend to lend us a helping hand. Senator'Georgo Turner, backed" by a valiant hosts of loynl domocrnts nnd thousands of republican friends nnd Independent voters, has commenced to plan a lino of action and bnttlo In the Interests of his own candidacy Tor re election to tho United States senate and also to secure tho triumph of his party In tho fall election In this coun ty nnd state Sonntor Turnor Is reck oned by friend nnd foo ns ono of the great big brainy men of tho nation His llfo has been dedicated, It would seem, In lino, or along lines, of useful ness, and whero ho could accomplish much for our race Years ago when tho Negro was groveling In tho mlro of despond and degradation, hav ing Just emerged from slavery, friend less, way back In .Alabama, Geo. Tur ner was United Sttes Marshal, nnd many a frlendy turn ho did thoo poor, unfortunates, risking llfo and oven happiness, that he might extend n helping hand to those In tho blackest hour of their adversity and misfor tune Ho nlwaye offered a word of encouragement, tho strong protection of the law. and a fair trial In every Instance whore thoy wero accused of crime As a friend nnd admirer of Rbscoe Conkllng, he stood like old Stonewall Jackson for Grant's rononl nation In the stormy period of tho na tion's great post, when men wero need ed. No student familiar with tho his tory of this country nnd Its grenf mon can deny that Conkllng should bo classed along with Sumner and Phil lips and John Brown In his regard nnd love for the Negro race, and tho cause of liberty and freedom. Senator Tur ner was Conkllng b friend and Grant s friend', and It would Indeed be passing strange If ho was not tho colored man's friend today. Long years of Judicial training has made tho senator already a ripe Jurist and scholar, the peer of any man surely the equal In the senate, and for his Illustrious service to our people and for his state all give thanks. A movement is on foot among all classes to give this great man a solid delegation to tho next legislature which elects his suc cessor. The Democratic County Convention convenes next month nnd as every thing from surface Indications promis es to be entirely harmonious and love ly no serious outcomes or friction Is anticipated. Senator Turner will name the legislative candidates nnd dictate tho platform and also name the delegation to the State Convention. There seems but little dbubt that the ticket that shall be named at that con vention will be successful at tho polls. All the names that have been advanc ed for the various places on the ticket are of mon highly respected In the community and who would naturally Inspire confidence on any ticket, One nomination that Id conceded and Is giving evident satisfaction Is the Hon. George Mudgett for County Treasurer. Mr. Mudgett Is such a staunch friend of the race and has proved his friendship 30 substantially that I do not know of one colored vot er in the county who will vote against him. Not only will they vote for him, but each one will support his candi dacy with an enthusiast that 1b nt once gdnulrio nnd valuable. Mr. Mud gett Is an unpretentious, rcllnblo and honest mnn. His word once given con be Implicitly relied upon. LIRo Son ntor Turner he Is "an honest politic ian," and It Is worth something to be honest nnd admired for those sterling qunlltlos and attributes that Mr. Mud cett possesses. His nomination Is equivalent to an election. 1 Horry Tracy's advent Into Eastern Washington has been tho absorbing topic for tho past week. His tragic end, queor ns It may seem, Is gener ally deplored. There are thousands of 1'PopIe that would havo liked to see Hint ftnrlng criminal escape, whllo no well thinking man could lend any on rmirngemont to such a sentiment. There Is something, however, bo at tractive or rather tho glnmour that purrounds these Criminals Is bo filled with action, escapades and daring deeds that onn feels Instinctively a port of sympathy for them, and rrioro especially when they arc pursued by a lot of city dudes commonly dcsle tinted ns a posse, but who pro more of tnn bent upon potting the foo of a deputy and keeping out of harm's way. Over horq wo hod three qr four eherlrfB on Tracy's trail and n largo number of deputies' but It wns a farm er's boy that gave Information that 1 1("V? l',B Mn(,'nK' and U was farmers . nd laborers that wounded him, and I caused him to end Ills wicked career, sceno In time to claim tne reward. A llttlo money changed hands on tho Joffrjes-FltzslmmonB fight. It woi i-cncrally regarded as n rank fnko hern. Tho Iroquois Club, under tho man agomont of Messrs. Williams ft Hughes, ononcd Informally this week. "It In a thing of benuty." It may well be said In tl)o language of Scott "that It is woll," mid "'t behave..' Sorgeont "HoifPton of thO 'famous C troon 10th ca-vnlry, Unclo Ram's Col ored heroes. Ib homo visiting. M-b. Houston entertains for him on thd 14th liiBt. Miss Minnie Brown. on? of our charming girls nnd a vocalist of rcr promiso, hns gone to Kaslo, B. C, to spend her vncntton. Johnnie Swores hns boon offered n contract with tho ".loboura" street Carnival aggregation and Iioh tho mat ter under ndvlsomont. RlchardB & Prlnglo's Minstrels "made good" hero last week. Clarouco Banks, who linn been In Lowlston, Idaho, on a business trip, hns returned. Reports roach us that our old friend SlmniH hns boon mado head waiter at n SeaBldo resort In Oregon nnd thnt he Is "making good," Information that Is pleasing to his many friends. Next week I shall offer a synopsis of Spokano'8 busy people what they are doing and Just how, when and whero thoy "got by." E. II. HOLMES. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson, of 10th nnd Hoyt streets, mourn the loss of a 20 piece. Tho monoy was In n purso together with a diamond ring and a f gold plcco under tho pillow, and during tho absenco of tho occu pants tho $20 was abstracted. Tho loss was roportcd to tho detectives but In tho absenco of direct proof It Is con sidered doubtful If tho thief will bo apprehended and punished. K. J. DYKIt. I'rexlilcut. K.I.KWIH('UIIK, Vice rrcaldont. cm: M'llllOOM, (stnior. W. !. BHAW, Attlilntit Cimhlor. Exchange National Bank tfl'OKANK.W.VHH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus friO.OOO. Undivided Profits, flfW.OOO. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. Hello Central! Give me a ticket to the Midsummer Pic nic to be given at the JEFFERSON GAR ' DEN Thursday, August 11, 1902 Beginning at 8:30 p. m. Under the Management of MACK OLIVER 0. E, LINTHECUM R. B. HICKS ED RUTHERFORD L. A. GOODWIN SIM REEDY Dancing Will be UHder charge of A. H. Logan. A grand prize will be given to the best 'lady and gentleman waltzcrs Refreshments of all kinds will be Served. ADMISSION 50c. A PROMINENT YOUNG MAN. Cornelius Anderson Hughes, born nt Choriottesvlllo, Va September 14 18C1. left home at an early ago nnd spent three years on the continent of Europe. Returned in 1881 ns a protege of tho late Jno. W. Mnckny and made California his home. Married to Miss Ada Smlthea. a British subject, and tho only daughter of Rev. Fleldcn Smlthea, of San FrnnclBco. Took to politics soon after reaching California and held many positions of trust whllo In that city. In politics he Is n demo crat of no mean ability and stands high in the councils of his party. His first public appearance In Oregon was ns the principal speaker of tho demo crats In the opening of their campaign of 1900. The meeting wns In the Cham ber of Commerce His Interest was centered In Hon. Geo. E. Chamber lnln's candidacy for district aUorr-y. Chamberlain wns successful In win ning out In n stronglv republican dis trict and Hughes no doubt contributed largely to that result. Thd friends made for Chomborlnln In thnt flcht rcmnlned loyal to him In his Inst flcht for Governor of Oregon, nnd ho was again successful. Mr. Hughes Is now n rcsldont of Spoknnc, Wash., and will tako nn ac tive pnrt In tho Interest of Senator Turner this fall In his re-election to tho U. S. Senate Ho has Incorporated a club known as tho "Iroauols," n re sort for gentlemen, pnd will no doubt make himself felt In tho new commun ity. ' -- SUNDAY APPOINTMENTS. A. M. E. ZIon Church, corner 13th am; Main streets, Rov. J. W. Wright) Pnstor; Preaching 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Class meeting; noon. Sabbath school, '1:00 n. m.- Christian Endeavor, 7.30 p. m. Theme ovonlrt permon: "Throo Important Questions." :Tbn choir under tho direction of Mr. W. H. Cartor will furnish excellent music for tho evening sorvlce Tho members of the church as nleo Uho friends nro rnueBted to bo present. MRS. W. S. ROBINSON. ' Organist. BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH SER VICES. Preaching nt 11 n. m. hv Rov. W, T. Riggers. Thomo: "Tho Mission of the Gospel." ClnBS meeting nt noon. Sun day srhool at 1 p. m., pong per vires nt 8 p. m. following with nn educational sermon by tho Pnstor. sub ject "My People Perish for tho Lack of Knowledge." Each parishioner Is requested to bring a slip of paper with the Inscription thereon telling tho dif ferent things that Christians should not do. All aro Invited. HERE IT IS. There will be an entertainment nt tho A. M. E. ZIon church Tuesdny evening. August 12th, given by tho White Rosoato Club of tho church. Permanently organized, This enter tainment Is tho Initiative Admission 10 cents. Remember tho dnto and place, Tuesday evening August 12th, A. M. E. ZIon church, corner of 13th nnd Main streets. REV. J. v, WRIGHT. Pnstor, MRS. JENNIE CLARK, Ch'rm. Club, MISS ETTA WRIGHT. Sec. AFRO-AMERICAN NOTES. A co-oporntivo morcnntlle establish ment Ib now being formed In Wash ington City by Afro-Amorlrnns. Tho capital stock Is $20,000, divided Into ehares of ten dollars each. Tho pro moters report that tho work Is pro crossing nlcoly nnd that they hopo to begin operation In early October. The piomotois nro well-known business mon of Washington. Mr. C. II. Wat son, a grocerymnn, Is president nnd Mr. Frank O. Mnnlv, General Manager of the Record Publishing Company, Is Socrotnrv. . On August 1st Mrs. Mlnnlo Ross do parted this llfo at her resldenco, 104 North 7th street, after an Illness of one week. She wns burled from the A. M. E. ZIon church under tho aus pices of tho Household of Ruth, No. M4, G. U. O. of O. F.. of which order rho was a worthy member. Sho lenv.'B a brothor and sister besides a devoted son and daughter to mourn her loss. During her sojourn In this city Hho was always active In social 0 flairs, was a member of tho choir of the A. M. E. ZIon church and nn earnest worker In all the activities of I he church. Sho leaves a vacancy which It will bo hard to fill. To tho Editor of tho New Ago: Allow us space In your valuable pa per to return thankB to our many friends who showed their sympathy lor us by their many ucta of klndnosB in the hour of our Borrow and bereave ment and whilst wo may never bo nhle to repay them wo feel assured that tho divine ruler will Bee that they reap their reward. EUGENE R08S, GRACE ROSS. GILBERT HUNT COMPANY Pride of Washington """""'pSBEErn ClmLAJ!Z-mmmijmm4ttii3Z3l B rnij3M f!iira WLEmwmtl catalogue Free on Application. 0 E-vl ?W simm THE NEW AOE. KitKbllrhcil 1W0. A, IMlrlflln, Mnimw. Olllce, iUK fetnrk Ftruot, Conninl llulldliii?, Portland, Oregon. A1IKNTB. r. A. Kilter I'ortlnml, Oregon W. J. WlivAton Ili'lemi, Montnnn To Itmitv publication, nil lonl npuaniurt reach in not Inter limn 'llmrsdiiy morning of each week. Subscription price, one year, pnjnble In nd VHIICC, ti W. CITY NEWS Miss Ednn Duncan left Monday for nn outing at Hood River. , Mrs. C. A. Lucas left Sunday to visit her mother In California. Miss Pearl Johnson, of Seattle, tho guest of Miss Bertie Day. la Mastor Allen Duncan haa been qulto 111 this wecl. Is now Improving. MIsb Hnttlo Wright left this week for a summer outing at tho suu shore. Mrs. C. II. Graves hns been suffer ing this week from a slight attuck of meusols, Plenso excuse us If wo drop your nnmo from our subscription list for non-payment of subscription. Mrs. D. L. Long, who has neon tho guest of Mrs, F. D. ThomitH for tho p.iBt mouth, Ib quite III and Improves but fllowly. Mr. Frankljn, In tho employ of tho Superintendent of tho S. P. Co., hits Just returned homo from 11 ilvu weeks' ulp to California. Mrs. R. B. Perry entortnlned a few friends at her residence In Montn villa Monday evening In honor of MIhh L. Fogg, of St. Paul. Mr. Roscoo Conkllng Draco, tho re cent cIubb orator at Harvard College, who goes to TtiBkegco next your, Is twenty-two years of age Thero will bo a Sunday School con cert given nt Bethol A. M. E. churcn Friday night, August ICth. Tho pro ceeds will be used In purchasing u li brary "for tho Sunday school. Admis sion 10 cunts. Jno, H. Rltter, formerly of this city, but now residing In Seattle, Is recov ering from a serious attack uuccubI tntlng 11 surgical operation without un expected complications. Ho will soon bo O, IC. again. Mr. A. Wnterford, who Is employod at tho postoftlco, met with tho misfor tune to suverely cut his hand uud has been Incapacitated from work for tho past week. Although at one tlmo threatened with blood poisoning ho Ib now Improving, Mrs, Hattlo Redmond gavo a lunch eon in honor of Miss 1., Fogg and MIhh Jennie fllvena of California, on Augus lHt. Among tuoso piesent wero .mihh L. Fogg, Miss Jennie OIvoiih, Mrs. Et ta Hitter, Miss Blanch Crawford, Miss Susie Crawfoul and Mrs. II. Redmond, Mrs, E. N, La Roy, of Pendleton, uho will bo romembered ns having visited our city about a year ago, has returned to her homo In Pendleton af ter a visit of some mouths to friends In Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark. She Is accompnnled with u baby boy two months old uud weighing 17 lbs. All uro doing well. Tho City of Richmond, Virginia, has three Afro-American banking Institu tions, one-half of the whole number of Afro-Amorlcun banks In the country. Manufacturers of the Celebrated Tho banks located thoro aro tho Me chanics, whoso president Is John Mlt choll, Jr.. tho well known editor; tho Truo Reformers' nnd tho Nlcklo Sav ings Bank. These Institutions nro In good condition and stand well with clearing house and tho various bank lug associations. Tho musical and literary festival given nt G. A. R. hall August 2d undor tho supervision of Mrs. R. B, Porry was a decided success, tho program was all that could bo desired; in addi tion to tho local talent tho nudionco wns favored by nn address by ProE Meyers, of Tuskcgee, also by n mtiB tcnl selection by Miss L. Fogg, of St. Paul, both of which wero treats. Af ter tho programmo refreshments wero served nnd n neat sum was realized. Mt. Olivet Baptist Chucrh celebrat ed Its Cth anniversary all thin wcok.. Services wero held each nnd ovory day and evening from August Cth to 11th Inclusive Great Interest was shown; a largo number being In nt tendanco at all tho services which wero lntercstlnry nnd productive t oC much good. Tho paBtor was assisted by tho paatoru of tho various city churches ob woll as by Rov, Wm. Beck hnm and Rev. J. McPhcrson of Scnttlo, Wash. Tho newest thing In frntornnl circles Is Orlentnl Lodgo, No. 1, K. of P., Port land, Oregon, organized undor n char ter grnnted June, 27, 1002. 'Thoy start out with bright prospects wlUi tho fol lowing 'charter offlcorBi Wm, A, Mln oi, C. C: ThoB. Clark. V. C; Clnronco Clssol, V. M.; Cnsslno Glenn, M. of W.; Joseph Cark, M. of Ex.; Frank H. Atkinson, IC. of It. 8.; Alvln C. Doug las, M. of A.; CIiuh. Palmer, I. G.; Sam Btown. O. G. Their hull Ib on 2d nnd Yamhill. Tho last meeting of tho Paul Lnw renco Dunbar Literary Socloty wan htrgoly attended nnd exceedingly In teresting; the subject for debate, "Re solved that womon Bhould havo tho right of suffrage," was ably handled. Rov. J. W. Wright nnd MIbs Simla Crnwford In tho nulrmatlvo and Mr. R. Causler and Mrs. M. Alton In tho neg ative. Aftor tho literary program ro- fieshmonts wero aorved nnd It wns near .midnight when tho festivities: como to an end. All nro cordnllly In vited to attend thosd meetings every Thursday evening. From September 27th to October, Ctli of this year will bo an Interesting epoch in tho history of tho grand Unit ed Ordor of Odd FoIIowb In America for the first tlmo In their history thoro will be n duly accredited fraternal del ngato In nttondnno on tho moetingn of the B. M. C, In tho person of Bra. Geo. Wlldo, Grand Secretary of tho Committee of Management, England. Ho will bo tho guest of Grand Secre tary Chas, II. Brooks, nnd will, during Ms stay In tho country, visit many of the cities of tho Atlantic seaboard. Lack of tlmo will prevent his visiting; tho WeBtorn pnrt of tho continent. Tho Brothers of tho Ordor enn bo de pended upon to do their duty In en tertaining him., Tho picnic to bo given nt Jofferpou Garden Thursday, August 14th, bldR fair to bo largely attended. Tho fact that Messrs. Mack Oliver, O, L. Lyn thecom, R. B. Hicks, Sim Roddy, Ed. Rutherford, L. A. Goodwin and A. H. Logan cnmprlso tho committee of ar rangements Ib Btidlclcnt guarantee or tho success of the venture. No ox j'onso or pains will bo spared to maka this the event of tho seanon. A band of eight pieces has been engaged. Re freshments of all kinds In abundance will bo served. Whilst tho primary dcslro of tho commlttco Is to furnish all of tholr patrons with a good tlmo thoy would bo pleased to bo ablo after tho expenses aro pnld to hnvo fundn on hand to donate to one or moro of tho benevolent organizations In the city. Thresher. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Tl 11 L rl r 1 iM fVl FmrOmm, Ormmmmm "- " toJA. .L 4 111