THE MW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Perityphlitis nppeart to be the thirty-second degree of appendicitis. rrcsently IHIiioIh will advertise for t)Jdn for a puncture-proof nntl-trust law. The trouble with most of the In ventorH of nlr ships Is thnt they leave needy families behind them. I'eoplc who try to be elegant by call ing them "knee trousers" mlght-fls well nave energy by referring to them us "pants." for her. She would rather read her, RECENT JUDICIAL DECISION8. I rol,N kkli.y brother's books than her own. Stories " of daring, fighting and adventure are1 Tho existence of an uncontrollable, ' fcom.f.u& more interesting to her than tales of Insane Impulse toconirult a crime ml ,An"i Western F.nndM. Avu'traiiceCof, meek and self-sacrjllclng misses who knnwn to be such Is held, In State vs. , Jotomo'Lan- Wi T"T" Columbian uidg. act sedately and die young, Tho Amer- Knight (Me.), fi5 L. It. A. ',17.1, not to! lenn fclrl Iiiir na tnnpli mI tilnnri It) tinr luodlfv the crltnltinl men. .Ml. III?.. r,. rm Fm HALLw ... . . ' Cnr. fTntnmnrfttnt ! Q.n.n. u.. -. 1 .awUI mi. 4J.I...11IH cihi, j'urtinuii II V. HAIL AND WATKIt. . Ore, re. VVine-i, Miuioii mill FiuaUiKnrs. Oregon 'Jmne I'luk 413. veins as the American boy. There Is the act, no such marked difference In the A municipal corporation Is held, In ;.; " h:.y:.v,.'i. ":..r :: """i ",u' ""rr,e'" "cn uiBtn vs. now Vm Mm prfstom. Z"r r. : ' T.r,:, e",8? c:,vC5.l- A-" ?w&.i.-.ii-r .. ...-,-ru.ith. , ""- -" "-- ... uC iniuj.iicu, in nn notion on its bunas and action In their books, Just as their by an Innocent purchaser thereof, to elders do, and there Is no reason why deny the truth of recitals therein the girls should not have It as much asl The )crc f t f , ' the boys. For wholesome and Inter-' nr , .... ,J,?. l.J .?. . -... ,...., v.. .,., u .. luiiiBiuu ui me cur City. LTiO ft., corner llnnnln I'ortlniiil, Or. 'J'lionc Scott 871. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic KxcliBnue. Choice Wines, Uquors and Clears. Free I.unch. lor hiisscii anil HrcnilleSts., Portland, Or. That Massachusetts lady who mur dered thirty-one people Isn't likely to be used as an evidence of woman's re fining Influence upon man. estlng books like Miss Alcott's there ,..m. ..7,',".. ...TV ...". "' ."" "" A 0 ID CO. no ail Passenger Trains da KV KAIL AND WATER. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS MtTWLK.V The scientists are all mixed up over the causes for the I'elee eruption. Itut us long as they can't prevent an erup tion what's the use of worrying over the cIiiks It belongs In? A Chicago Judge thinks $1G a week Isn't enough for a man who has a wife mid two children to support. It Is like ly, however, that Hetty (Jrcen and Hits well Sage would regard that as uulll dent to provide riotous luxury. present of the publishers for Juvenile books written for both boys and girls afford at least one Instance In which com mercial motives are In accord with what Is normal and wholesome. One difference between n homo and nn Institution that Is, most Institu tionswas Indirectly brought out at a recent meeting of tliu ministerial league In n New England city. The league win nddressed by the president of a worn nn'H union which lias founded a home for working girls. That wise woman ' tol'l the assembled ministers that one room In the new house Is set apart for "sessions of coui'tlng," where the girls nre permitted to receive calls from men friends. She reported that tho "court ing room" Is often engaged for weeks nhead. The ministers laughed, but they nlso applauded this triumph of htiumii nature over old-fashioned Institution rule and routine. Dealer In Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery and linking. Corner of Ninth nntl Gllfan Ftrects A recent novel represents a sweet nnd gracious girl ns concealing the ex istence of a will, In order that shu may herself Inherit an estate, and thus pro vide for a sick anil dependent mother. The author expects us to agree that tho girl Is a good girl, and that the gen erous Impulse Justllles Itself In spite of tho crime. It Is a testimony to the healthy change of public sentiment In the last hundred years that reviewers mid readers refuse to accept the au thor's dictum In the matter. When a man does that sort of thing, wo call him a scoundrel. Why not a woman? Thedefifuitlug bank cashier, who gavo tho proceeds of his llrst theft to the mipport of foreign inlssons, went, and deserved to go, to State prison, In spite or Ills religious Impulse. Kducatlon Is tloliig a notable work for women In In ducing them to assume certain burdens which hitherto many of them have not deemed obligatory. That which men call business honor Is one of these bur den's. It Is u responsible possession. U requires eternal vigilance. Hut it Is worth having and keeping, for women us for men. The Itt. Hon. J. Hryce, member of Parliament, delivered a lecture at Ox ford recently upon "The delations of the Advanced and Hackward Itaccs of Mankind," which Is provoking much Interesting discussion In the English press. He described the various re sults of the contact of two njces dif fering In strength. Either the weaker race died out or was absorbed Into the stronger, or the two becamo com mingled Into something different from what either was before, or, finally, the two continued to dwell together un mixed, each preserving Its own char acteristics. Hy the two processes ol absorption and extinction alone more than half tho tribes or peoples that existed when authentic history began have disappeared, and Mr. Bryce Is oX opinion that within two centuries there might bo less than forty lan guages left and less than twenty na tionalities that Is, branches of man kind of the same stock. As to the fu tiiro of mankind, ho doubted whether any further mixture of ndviinced aim backward races Is to be desired. Mr. Hryce dwelt with special emphasis upon the relations of the two races where Institutions are democratic, as In the United States, and as may yet bo the case In South Africa and the Philippines. Evidently referring to this country, he snys: "As regards political rights, race and blood should not be made the ground of discrimin ation. Where the bulk of the color race Is mult or political power a qual-1 passenger, Is held, In 0., It. I. & P. It. Illcatlon bnsed on property and educa-1 Co. vs. Zernecko (ob.), C5 L. It. A. tlon might be established, which would U10, to lie within the police power of permit tho upper section of tho nice the State'. to enjoy the suffrage." As regards iMantlff In nn action to recover money social relations. Mr. Ilryce goes to the iac-lcl. In First National Hank vs. El root of the question when he says: Hott: (Kan.), 55 L. It. A. 338. to havo "Law can do but little save In tho 0 right to summon or charge himself way of expressing the view the stato b garnishee tlrereln. under statutes takes of how Its members should be- providing that In case the garnishee have to one nnother. Good feeling and fn t0 answer the court may render good manners cannot be Imposed by judgment against him and giving plain statute. " 'TIs true, and pity 'tis 'tis tlfT the right to nn executlou In enso true, but the truth of It Is Illustrated tno Brnlshee falls to pay. With this iumui eery imy in mis couniry. .Mr. ,-nse Is a note reviewing authorities liryco Is greatly puzzled when he re- ,. to tile ri,.ilt. of niMintirf to summon A MKKICAN HAKKI'.Y. GiisMiuikcrtr, I'rop. All KliuU nf Ilrcail. Cnki' anil 1'lci.' Home- mmlo llnail a hiivctalty. fentUfactlon Utiiirttntced. MO William Arc. l'ortlan.l, Ore. rler nnd the owner of tho vehicle, Thnt tho Impulse to steal Is Inspired by avarice or greed Is held, In State vs. MCUUIlotigh (Iowa). G5 L. It. A. 878,1 not to preclude the defense of Insan- r Ity, If the will power is weakened to T-HE " T- "S0N Alois co. such nn extent as to leave the al!llct- Whote.alc ami ltctnll Dealer In Gun, Fhh cd ono powerless to control the lln- IB Tackle, llascball, Theatrical anil Oymnav pulse. I liim Gooiln. A. 0, Spalding's Athletic GoimIk., I Hcinl.uarter for Qi.lf nooiU. Hntul Loatled uin-i-iura oi nn insolvent corporation ci"uranoi every uuscripuoii. Fine Gun C), 05 L. It. A. 350, not to be precluded from executing a chattel mortgage up on the corporate assets to secure their own Just demands, If they act In abso lute good faith. The general manager of a mining compnny Is held. In Spelmnn vs. Oold Coin Mining and Milling company (Mont.), 55 L. It. A. 0-10, not to lie pre sumed to have Implied nuthorlty to make, the company liable for medical or surgical aid for Its employes In jured In the course of their employ ment without fault of tho company. An employe of a telephone company who attempts to string wires over thoso of nn electric light company Is hold. In Mitchell vs. Itnlelgh Electric company (X. C), 55 L. It. A. 308, to huve a right to presunio thnt the light company has compiled with nn ordin ance requiring Its wires to be Insu la ted, and to be bound to look for pat ent defects only. A statute mnklng carriers liable for Injuries to passengers except where the Injury Is caused by tho criminal negligence of the person Injured or by the violation of an express rule or regulation of the compnny actually brought to the notice of the Injured Portland, Astoria- Seaside Leaves 'For Mavcer. Until- Union liepoti lex, Clatskan le.Unlon Depot milE TOTEM. Flnt class lii every respect. Headquarters for Ola Kentucky Hume Cllib Whiskey and Sclilltr Mlhvnukeo Ik-cr. Family entrance on West I'ark St. f0 Morrison street. 1'hone, Hood 717. A. CLOSE, Manager. I'ortland 8:00 a. m. fliWp.m. (2:.'up. in. Wcstport, Clifton, I Astoria, vtarrcu nm, Flavcl, Gear hart I'ark and Sen- i side. AMorla ,fc Seashore Kxprcss bally, AMorla Express Dally. Arrives ti Ion Dent I'ortland mm wwFLiM OREGON SHOipHNE and union Pacific DrriBT 11:10 a.m. 0:40 p. m. Dally except Saturday. "aturitav onlv. Tlcki-t olllce, 255 Morrison street, and Union depot, I'ortland. J. C. MAYO, Gen, Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Chicago I'nrtland Special 9:ii0a. m. via Huntington, At'antlo Express 6:60 p.m. via Huntington, Et. Fan! Fat Malt c:i5 p. m. via EpoLano TIME SCHCOULES Portland. Or. Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Wortli.Omalia, Kama uity, at. Ixuls,Utilcagoand East. Walla Walla tawls- ton.Bpiikaue.Mln lieapolls,Ut. Paul, Dublin. Mllnnu-kec.UhlcagoAKast Ealt Lake. Denver, ri. vtorin.uniaua, Kansas City, St. Iouls,Chlcagoatid East. ARRtTl 4:30 p.m. 8:10 a.m. 7:00a.m. Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUO, Proprietor. Cor. S.'cond nnd Oak Sis. FOIlTf.AN'D, Or. V.AND SOAP AND CHf v ir" z mm i r PORTLAND, OREGON. $ There Is a hopeful movement among American Hunches for concerted ac tion regarding divorce and remarriage. The Kplseopal Chinch took the lead, nnd Invited the Presbyterians to act with It. The Presbyterian (Jeneral As Bcmbly, at Its meeting In New York, nppoluted a committee to confer and co-operate with the Kplseopal commit tee, and with such committees as might bo appointed by other churches. The special end In view Is so to affect public opinion as to secure more strict divorce laws, and, If possible, uniform laws In tho various States. Were the churches of this country to act togeth er with real earnestness to accomplish this reform, they would probably suc ceed. The snerednesH of marriage and the preservation of the family are re ligious and moral, as well as social, questions. Success would probably fol low a united demand for1 better laws from the moral and religious forces of the community. U must be remem tiered, too, that the scandal of easv di vorces and swift remarriages Is not wholly a matter of legislation. The rhurches ami the clergy nre not free from blame. Divorce for trivial causes or through collusion ought to carry with It a social and moral stigma. Par ties to such divorces should be unable to ilml a reputable clergyman to re marry them, yet often they have expe rienced little dllllculty. In order to produce the effect which Is desired upon public opinion and upon legisla tion, the churches must themselves maintain a high btaudard. members how successful Mohammed anlsm has been In overcoming nil color dllllcultles nnd creating the sentiment of equality among Its followers, whllo Christianity has been unsuccessful. Perhaps this Is becauso Christianity or charge himself as garnishee. VIHiclinliiA anil Her Husband. The Dutch arc greatly tried with the reports which have been circulating throughout the world for the last two Inculcates charity towards all nnd re-. years coneernlin: the home life of their llglous eiiur.llty, while It does not con- j queen. A prominent grain Importer cem Itself with social and political of Holland who Is at present traveling equality. If It did, all ranks would be in this country said to a group of leveled-a process for which tho world . American friends the other evening: Is not yet ready. The questions grow- "it Is libelous nonsense to say thnt lug out of the coiitnct of the backward Yllliclnilim's marriage has been an tin and advanced races In this couniry , happy one. If thnt were true wo must be left to time to settle, nnd this Hollanders would be the llrst to make Is evidently Mr. Hryce's opinion, ns the accusation, for surely we would he says In the close of his lecture: ' not defend the Prussian stranger ut "When we think of the problems which the expense of our tiiieen. The mar- are now being raised by tho contact rlage Itself has never ceased to be a of nice, clouds seem to hang heavy love match. on the horizon of the future, yet light "I would like to give n little Incident stretms In when we remember that of their domestic life which came to the spirit In which civilized states aro me directly from a chatnbeiialu-lu-lion-preparing to meet those problems Is or to the roynl house, flue day the higher and purer than It was when, King was searching through the chain four centuries ago, the great outward bers of the palace for Queen Wllhel movement of the Kuropenn peoples be- mlna. lie came to tho room where the gun." The process of solution must Premier was patiently waiting for an bo slow, but It will bo hastened when audience. The room was dark, ami the the backward race shows such signs Kin.- mistook him for the oblwr of his of coming forward that It will be for search, and said: 'Klnde leli d'eli hler. Coal - Coal - Coal Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dealers In all kinds of COAL, COKE. CHARCOAL Try the famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Doth Phones. Olllcoj 151 North Fifth St. ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. IJATKSt European Plan, 50c to ,1 0 Ptr Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dai" OSOAH ANDKItSON, Manager. J. C. 1'KNDEGAST. Chief Clerk. . D. DU.WVINO. I' CAM HON Dunning & Campion. Funeral Directors Embalmers l!0 liurnsldo St., bet. Third and Fourth, 1'OltTla.ND, OKKCiON, Oregon 1'hono Main 0, Columbia FhoneWO Night call ring night bell. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. V. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot ol Washlnftlon St.. SiiiidHy,Ttic1ay and 'lliurMlay erenliiK tit 0 o'clock, for Miuvles Island, SI. Ilclt'iif, Canles, Deer tnind, Martlmi, Kiilamni Neer City, Itnuler, Ml. Ooillu, Maruer, Stella, Oak Point, Kri'ciinius, Mauiaiilllo.ClaUkaiile mid all way tatldliiK. "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word (lilt tells of tho as seliKer service via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE i:lglit Tralm Dally Imtueen St. I'aul and Chicago, comprising Tln I.iitrat I'lilliiiiui Sl-irn. I'o-rlHNN Dlnlni; Ciira, lilbriiry mill oimirVHtliiii Curs, ' l-re Itt-ullnliii; Cliulr Curs. TDK TWKNTIKTI! CKSTUIiY TKAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Itnni Every Day of tho Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated M 00 CHICAGO II Y DAYUG1IT. The llmlirer Stato Kxnresi. the finest Dnv Tr.iln nunnliiK St i'aul and Clilcmiovla tho short Line, Connections (torn the Weil made via. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern anil Canadian Pacific Railways This Is aUo the bet lino between Omaha, 8t raiil and .Minneapolis. All Rows sell Tickets via "The Northwest trii I.tue." V. H. MEAD, General Agent. 11. L. SISLER, T. A. S4H Alder Struot, 1'iirtlniiil, Or. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE ritoM roitTtiANu. lAOp.m. M sailing dates subject to chango For Fan Francisco tan every S days. Dally Ex. Sunday 8:0o p.m. Saturday 1V:UI p. in. 6H,,a.m. Mou., Wed, and Krl. 7:00 a. m. Tuts., Tlmr. and Hat. Columbia Rltsr Ilsamsrs. To Astoria and Way i.aiiuings. Wlllsmsll Rltsr. Water nermlttliiir. Uripon City, New berR, Salem. Inilo pemlence, Corval lis and Uny l.aud- nigs. Wlllsmsll and Yam- hill Rlttrs. Water bcrinlttlne. Ori'KOM City, Day. nay i.aua-lugs. Sntke Rlsr. Lv. Itlparla 4:05 a. in. Dally except T.lparla to Lewlston .iiouuay. 4:00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. Kx. Siiudsr 4iMp.m. Kx. Sunday :80 p. m. Mou.. Wed. and FrL Lv, I.cwlston 7:ihi a. m. Dally except iiuuuay. A. L. CRAIQ, Cf ncral raisenger A gout, I'ortland, Ot. V. A. HCHIU.INO. City Ticket Agent. Third and Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS ..QO EAST.. BsssLlsssssssssssssssssPPss'dM L ssssssl PORTLAND 1'nget Sound Limited Kansas City bt. Louis modal.: i a. m. North Coast Limited 3:S)V M. Tacoma.Seattle Night Kxprcs UJI5 l. M. Depart. ' Arrive. .7:23 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 11:101'. M. 7:iw A.M. 3:03 1'. M. tho Inti'irstH of tho advanced race to aid Its upward movement. WALKING ON THE DANUBE. One of the marked tendencies of the times In Juvenile literature U the de crease, lu hooks written distinctively for Klrls. Of hooks Mr the younjr there Is a never-lncrcaslm; mimlter, hut the XMUhlou Is eomlued solely to hoys' liooks or to volumes meant for hoth lioyri and Klrls. Stories of the "Itoliln noil Crusoe" type are multiplying from year to year, while thoso of the "I.lttle Women" type are lnvoiulnjj almost ex tinct. There are at least live hooks for Imys to one for girls In every new neavon's list. Vet girls protmhly do more reading than boys. Why ths tmgnlhuit discrimination? The pub lishers explain It hy saying that they have better micccss with books meant for both noses, that hooks for boys como next In demand, and that vol uhicn labeled iu girls' literature are not good sellers, The truth Is thut, the American girl i-purns the tame 'and namby-pamby stories usually written SSSSSSSSSfVIBSSSCBSSsf liieln llebes ThlerV "It Is a shame to tninnlnte that lyri cal and human little, 'Mclu llebes Thler,' Solomon onco spoko of his heart's lovo as a gazelle, and per haps that Is as near as Anglo-Saxon will come. The Incidentals typical of the relations of our King and Queen to each other." New York Tribune. The Intrepid Austrian "water mar vel." Captain (irossnmn. recently com pleted a walk on tho treacherous Dan ube from Vienna to l.luz, a distance of nearly 1(H) mllvs. He towed hU wife In a small boat and accomplished the feat without a mishap. Ills boots for water pedestrlaulsm are live feet long and lire his own Invention. Ktlllilo 1'otroloiim Oil. Cottonseed oil, com oil and Unseed on, there Is good reason to believe, will .probably have a rival at a not distant day In edible petroleum oil. As a mat ter of fact, petroleum has been success fully desulphurized and dcmlucrullzcd Certain other solids ami Ingredients havo been extracted from It and the production of a fairly good edible oil has already resulted, AVhat tho Story Showed. A man who was called on to address n Sunday school In a 1'cnusylvnuln , town took tho familiar theme of chil dren wno mocucu Kiijah on his Jouruey to Bethel how the youngsters taunted tho poor old prophet, and how they were punished when the two she bears came out of the woods and ate forty two of them. "And now, children." said the opeaker, wishing to learn If his talk had produced any moral ef fect, "what does this story showy "Please, sir," camu from n little girl well down lu front, "It shows how many children two she boars can holdr-New York Tribune. WHEN YOU 1IUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOK HOysEKEEI'INO Cut This Out and Get a Induction at Henry Jennings. 173-174 Klrst Ktr'net. THE NOOSE FURNISHING GO. (Incorjo rated,) Manufacturers of Woven Wire Mattresses. Carpets. 1'ortlers. itugs. Lace Curtains. Bliailes. Hirnltiirc, Wall Taper, l'lelure ryame, Maun. ., Heddlng. Undertaklngand embalming specialty Stores at Albany and 8alem, Ore. Factory at Albany, Ore. Masonic Temple, Aiimky, Okeoon SHORT AND QUICK LINE TO ' ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO A. Nil AM. l'OIT8 KART. Through. l'nlif' mill Tmirlt Hriitrii. DIuliiK hiiiI Library bserHtluu Vnra. DAILY TIlAINSi FASTTIMK; SKHVICK AND HCKNKUY 1'NEOUAI.KH. Tickets to points Fast via tho (Ikkat Nokth khk Kailwa Y on sale at Ot It. .t N. Deiwt Tick ct Olllco, or tliiKAT NoitrilKitN Ticket Olllce. 1U Dilrit St., I'oriliiuil, Or. ForJtRjes. Foldcra and full Information re litirUliiif tasteru ulj, call on or addiess r it. DICKSON. :it)-Tlcklt.gynt, 1'ortlanil, Or, ..Ta.'f0,,1Ket Pund Limited or North Coast .united for dray's Harbor iolnts. "Tako I'uget Kiiuid Limited lor Olymnla direct. u.T.k0 'uf.el So,"" Limited or Kansas City- M. Uuiis t-in-clal for points on South llend branch. Double dally train service on dray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland andTa coiiia and tHWltlo. , A. D. CHAUJ.TON. A.Hlitatit fioneral 1'anseiiKor Agent, 553 Morrison St., i'ortland, Or. EAST SOUTH When a man sits in the shade and watches those at work lu the suu, he prefers being called "critic" to "loafer," Some meu are known by the com pauy they are unable to get Into. Quail (lie Farmer' Friend. Fanners are waking up to the fact tbat iuall are among their best friends and are Inclined to stop the Indiscrimi nate shooting of these beautiful birds by iwt-hunters nnd sportsmen. The more una 11 on a farm, the fewer lu sectB there will be, as they are great destroyers of these (.tests. All birds should be protected, and the quail among them. Only a reasonable num ber should bo allowed to be killed for food. Silent partners allow their money to talk for them. BARRH0TEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. Kt w hose. newly famish, two block f roro Union depot .All thj modern Improvements, ttrr-proof, not and cold.watar, centrally h JUtw, $1 and $1.25 a Day. )(! Mc, Baths Ke. ymYM'1L r1tnW ii tylfr. ifjfTOJJJlwto ItlVCoXS CnScMl; ii .wk jsOSsffrTssBSO $:SU '' M- 3sMtTiTnHsB VrBP 8:30A.M. 7:30 A.M. IM'.Wl'.M. '4.1.11) O 0GrjtN4&iAsiJM ltn WOUTES IQJ DEPOT, SIXTH AND JiuV1 bin. OVEniND EX. I'ltKSS TUAIN8 for f-alem. loseburg,Ash. land, acrainentu, Ok den, tan Francisco, M''Jve. Los Anpeles. hi J'aso, New Orleans and the Fast, Cor. Sixth &Bd Glbaa, Portland. TheUmlteU." evening train, and Tho Express noon train, from Omaha for Chicago ' UNEXCELLED SERVICE Dy train and evening train from Omaha for NlnneapolU and St, Paul Tlcketa of agents of connecting line. W. . UUILL.UUt.lWr Agtfomata. AH. HANSON, O.P, J.f. UERHV.i.Q vji. Dubuque ror particulars regartling freight or pas-enger rates, call on or address , B. II, TltUMUULL, I t 'r nsnouv m r. . .. . -b- US Third St., Portland, Or. At Womlburn dally except Sunday, morn Iiik train connects wl'h'ralnforMt.An. Kel,ijlvertoii,llrowns. ville.SprlnKtleld and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and SllvertoA. ...Albany l'assenger... ..Corvallls l'assnger.. .Sheridan Passenger. AHIUVE 7:15A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 5:50 P. M. 8:25 A.M. M.PuSnU.,n.U",:i-.9:3 A. M:,- 5:05, u;a. iVrrJv-?.,i.,,Vri1"41f'iy.' 8:S0 A. M., l:. .V.V..T' ,:..!, '' y . uatiy except sun- lli'ally except Sundav. YAMHIU. DIVISION, it'hi!?ir Wt ioot of JeUerson street. u.', 1:55. 3:25. 4:Li n.-M k.i i i ii.Ht Uim.l... . .n.. J. : .! .-.- " ..... I s i k',:M M-: !; Monday, K:W A.M. t-unday only, 111:! A.M. Uavefor Dallas dally exwpt Sunday, 5:05 Sri; :Vrt,vei,i'tiismi,s:a)A.ii, r.V..? ,Lci?u !l Mle between I'ortland. Fac nrSciillin.dn.Krncl',- Net rates. 17;W Iiim. Pi i"nd " 'ron1 c,- Second class f l?vf.i .,eJn t ' does not. i tTi. A5U V?iMM,.e?w tt)lntl Kurope. Also TlVv'lh CHA. HONOLULU anU AUS- IwuhilnJ,!KF OriCE. eomer Third and I ashlngton streets. Phon Main Hi. ;i w si w. &'jrtdSL,-fK