4-M ? t-T-? 'lP Jf The New Age. tV fl m Tl yv .,. v.ol. yn. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1902. NO. 19. ' I ' ?J A . ' --z c-JL :L.UvlC--7 ul,,-4' A rv J L TYp i v ! W" wk k V FIRST NATIONAL BANK ?F5gEa?D' Dealcnatetl Depositary anil sTlnanolal Agent of the United States. rtwldwat, H. W.Corbctti cashier, E.O. Wlthlngtonj assistant cashier, J. W. Newktrkt sacond assistant cashier, W. C. Alvord. Letters o( credit Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange- and ealearaphlo transfers sold on Now York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul, ban Francisco and the principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and time bill! drawn In sums to suit on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. LADD TILTOIM, BANKERS BEKK Established In 1800. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time depoilts. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued reliable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. COFFMAN, DOBSON & CO., BANKERS. CHEHAL1S, WASHINGTON. Founded 884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington BAINK OP OFKICKHB: n. F. OLDEN, President! M. ALEXANDER, Vice President; IL N. COF- KIN, Cashier: J. M. IIAINKS, Asulstant Cashier. DIUKUTOltHt Kobt. Noble, Tlio. Davis, It. K. Olden, J. M. Haines, J. E. Yates, J. II. Morrow, T. Hegan, M. Alexander, F. it. Collin. Aaaounto of Bmnko, Firm, Oormormtlono mnd IndMdualm Itooolvod on tho Moot Liboral Torino Oonalmtmnt With Mount Banking. tACK scnS.. GOLD MINES AND INVESTMENTS BAKER OITr, OHEBOM. TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE' SOLICITED: " FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wnllfi Walla, Washington. (First Natlmibl Hank In tho State.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. SUllPLUS IlUO.tOO. LEVI ANKKNV. President. A. II. REYNOLDS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . Pendleton. Oregon. ' 1 (. Capital, $70,000.00, Bnrplus and Undivided Profits, $60,000.00. ' RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; First. National Saak, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, JewjYor, N..-Y. ..i, 'VU vuMutKfl.'H..Wul. Cashier : ,Jr rlUaVfcB An u.mnauivno--i.ru IfcLeod; v fW O WfSHWM WO .r'tt'' - -- - od; W. 8. Brent, w. . Matlock, xi. f V THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, S65.000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought1 and sold on all pria ipal points. Special .attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT HAS PROVEN TO BE I BIB SUCCESS . Five Reasons for It 5 Count 'Em. 1. No clmrgo for testing. ' , 5 2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific Instruments. 3. Courteous treatment, We don't hurry patlonts. ' 4. Our Glauses improve the looks. 5 Count 'Em. 6. Very Reasonable prices. Remember the Place. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. ISIGNKRB AND aUMLOBRS OF... Marin and Stationary Englnaa and Boilers, Saw Mllr Logging and Mining Machinery. Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. W are constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which or up to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically. goT- GORRBtPONDENCB SOLIOITSD. - NEW LIFE TO m2n?<0mi Anchor Great Combination of Strength and Bcautr .Thi T Tht Bmt.M 7f4lfU-ff : Tfrr Tffffm : 1 ZyT- s ' - ".Ml See Our Anchor Clamp Yon wonld be surprised U you knew how Utile It would cost )ou to fix up that old fence. Fetter send for roroe Anchor Clamps ami VprU'lits. and pair of our pinchers, and ranke four o'd Hire fence look lUu a new one. ANCHOR FENCK looks so nice and li so strou that formers sometimes think that It must Le high priced. It Isn't, though. 1 Cumt Bxroar Ueu.0. Cattle, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD JTrlte for Prices and Cata'.ojue, Agauts Wanted In a.Trr Town. COMMERCE, L,IMITEP. BOISE, IDAHO. Vlco President. A. It. nUUFORD, Cashier H. C. litierensV. Assistant Cashier: J. B. jauaouj, -jrrtxiueuvj n. r. jubuuck, - - " " w . Jonnson. JAEGER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians. 290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth OLD FENCES! Clamps and Uprights. Th Old Fsnt. Thx Axciiob Fkxce. Hojr Tight, u Ketzr sura after closing. AND LAWN FENCE. Mr The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74a NlcoUl St., PORTLAND, Oregon. EYENTSOFTHEDAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprthtrulve Review of the Important . Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In a Condensed Form. Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Ruder Floods linvo devastated the low eoun try on tho coast of the Blnck pea. Thirteen men wero killed by an ex plosion in a mint) at Bo won, Colo. A Vlklnj? ship, 49 feet long, lias beon unenrthed on tho Island of Karnioe, Norway. Tho expedition which started from Vancouver, l) C, to Fear oh for Cocoh Island buried treasure, have returned without success. , Lucy Iloving, clilof organizer of the Socialist party in Utnh, ias run over by a horse and buggy at Ogdon and Instantly killod. Tho Colorado Republican convention will bo hold at Denver Sept. 4. Tho Democratic convention will bo hold in tho eamo city Sept. 3. Profo8or John Jay Watson, a woll known musical director and author of many popular works, died at Boston Thursday. lie wus born in 1830. Tho various oystor canning and pack ing companies in MissiBeippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, 10 in number, will, it is said, combino under ono head, with a capital uf $2,000,000. Wu Ting Fang, tho retiring Chinese ministor at Washington, has accented an invitation tc address the local labor union at uingtiampton, jn. 1., on Lnbor day. Tliis is tho first invitation which lias over beon extondod to a Chinaman by it labor union in this country. ' An advanco of f 5 a ton lias been mado on all grades of salt. Crop ropoiti havo caused a consider able decline in tho price of corn., It is consideied likely that tho Earl of Dudley will succeed Eurl Cadogan as lord lieutenant of Ireland. fvPu&liffafnth-etoupTof commons tho policy of Great Britain on Europe and China wus sharply criticised. Cloudbursts in Colorado havo de stroyed largo amounts of proporty. A passonger train was swept from tho track, but no ono wus injured! The botiothal of Arcluluchoss Marie Annonclndo of Austria and Duko Sieg fried of Bavaria, which was announced in Juno, lias been broken off by mutual con son t. At a session of tho tariff committee of tho Itolchstag Ilorr Arendt moved a duty on raw copper in order to protect tho German minors against tho American. , Rumor has It that tho king of Slam has been assassinated. A cyclone destroyed 42 hnusos at Pompri, proviuco of Kursk, killing 22 people. s Robl, of Munich, Bnvnila, beat the world'H nix-hour bicycle tecord at Fried rau Sunday. He averaged 38 miles an hour. Commodore Joseph Montgomery, tho Confederate naval ofllcer who nearly captured Grant during tho Civil war, died at Chicago Sumfay. Dr. William M. Bradshear, president of the Iowa State college at Ames, and former president of tho National Edu cational association, died Tuesday of norvous prostration. The circuit court of Cuyahoga county has dissolved an injunction against the Cleelanuclty council, which prevent ed that body from transacting business bemipo of alleged illegality and the in auguration of a 3-cent street car fare. Striking anthracite coal miners say incompetent men are being sont into tho mines. The Santa Fe railroad has itmod a circular granting an increase of wages to tho carmen. There is good reason to believe that the United States will secure a coaling station on tho west coast of Africa. Press censorship in Rusaia hat) been vigilant and exacting since tho assass ination of the minister of the intertr. "In a collision iwtween a .passenger train and street car .at Torn), Haute, Ind., three porsons were fatally, six eeriously and two slightly injured. $400 Gift for Children at Portland Carnival Children's Day at the Portland Elks' Carnival will bo Sept. 12, the last day but one of tho great street fair. On that occasion a pretty Shetland pony with an up-to-date cart and harness will be glyen, to some lucky boy or girl who is present, The pony lias been given by Dr. W. A. Wise and tho cart js from Studobaker's; Besides this equipment, it is probable that a saddle, together with a handsomely embroid ered saddle cloth will be given with the pony. Prize baby day will be Sept, 5, SHIPPED TO SALEM. Rtmalns of Tracy Returned to the Oregon 1 Penitentiary for Burl!. 1 Davenport, Wash., Aug. P. Tracy's body is on its way to Salem, Oregon. It was taken to Moscow, a station on tho Grout Northern, 10 miles from here, this atternoon, to bo conveyed over that road to Seattle. Tho inquost wus com pleted this afternoon, and tho jury ren dered tho following vordict: We, the undersigned, duly sworn "by R.P. Mooro, coronor of Lincoln county, as a coroner's jury to Inquire into the cause of tho death of the body of a per son beforo us, after inspecting the body and hearing tho testimony of tho wit nesses, find a follows: That tho body is Jthat of Harry Tracy, tho escaped convict from tho Oregon penitentiary; that said Harry Traoy came to his death at the ranch of Lou Eddy, in LijTcoiti county, Washington, on Au gust 6, 11)02, by means of a gunshot wqund from a pistol in his possession and held in his own hands, alter tlrst having beon wounded by a party or parties to this jury unknown: that Ha'rry Tracy was an escaped convict from the Oregon penitentiary, and at tho time of his death was Hoeing from officers and poaH in pursuit, and that na4ono is blameablo for his death, but that all efforts to effect his capture were praiseworthy and fully in accord ance) with the laws of Washington. IMPORTANT RAILROAD MOVE. .: Company Korporsted to Build New Portage Road on Oregon Side of Columbia. Tho Dalles, Or., Aug. 0. Artlclos of incorporation have been tiled in the county clerk's oillco for a company to build a railroad botween Tho Dalles and Biggs, Sherman county, tho terml nusrof the Columbia Southern. Tho right of way sought is by way of the Soufert ranch up Fivu Milo to tho intersection of Ten Milo creek, thence up Ten Milo creek to tho Cooper ranch and across tc tho bench land above Celilo, on to and across tho Deschutes above the old Millet Bridgo property. Portland, Aug. 0. An independent railroad, on tho line indicated in tho Dallcjfl dispatch will servo two pur pose.;, it will admit the traffic of tho Columbia Southern railroad to freo wawjLiii, the ,'Co)timbla riyer at Tho iMirwtr'and.lt.wlirwne.as a purt'ago railroad past tho unnavlgablo stretch of tho Columbia below Celilo Falls. It will be ablo to do just what tho Paul F. Mohr road was designed to do. Tho now road Is believed to ho in the interest of tho Columbia Southern. URQE MANY CHANGE8. Wyoming Democrats Adopt a Platform and Make Nominations. Rawlins, Wyo., Aug. 0. Tho Demo cratic state convention nominated tho following ticket: Governor, George T. Beck, Big Horn county; state troaeurer, Colin Hunter, Laramio county; socrotary of stato, I). N. Sticknoy, Albany county; ftate auditor, W. D. Hays, Big Horn county; suporintondent of public instruction, Mrc Delario, Albany county; con gross, Charles P. Clemens, Carbon county. Tho platform adopted declares al legiance to tho national platforms of tho past. It demands the olection of tho United States ronatorH by the direct voto of tho peoplo, the compul sory arbitration of labor disputes; the divorcement of stuto institutions from partisan control, municipal ownership of public utilities, and a return to tho original Australian ballot. Tito estab lishment of tho Jnitif.tivo and referen dum is advocated and tho opening of the Shoshono Indian reserve is urged. CHILDREN BURNED. C'jt Oil and Matches Cause frightful Accl dent at Klamath. Ashlaml, Or., Aug. 9. A most shocking accident occurred at Klamath on last evening, resulting in tho death of two chlldien, Lester and Emery Davis, aged 0 and 3 years. They wore the children of Mrs. Laura Moon Davis, who conducts a millinery store there. It is reported that tho two children wero pluylng in the yard in the rear 01 the iiouf-o with somo parlor matches, and that cloto by was a five gallon can of kerosene. In Fomo way tho coal oil i becaino ignited, exploded pihI covored tho little ones with a bhue of fire. An attempt wuh made to smother the flames, and the burning clothing waii taken from tho little ones, but the) llamei had already done their work, and, after lingering In great agony, botli died at 7:30 o'clock. Natal Wants Immigration. Pletermnritzburg, Natal, Aug. 8. An important report made by the Mir- veyor general and director of agriculture ustrnatea that 10,000 whites are netttc- .. .tin. Vatal mau l-A nlit.. i1 Llllinlvl her own agricultural needs and declares that preference should bugivCn to farm ers willing to work with their own hands. Tho rettort recommends the leasing of government lands at rentals fwiual tn threw nor (tint of the unim proved voltto, and also advocates ast-lnted immigration and grants of 1 money to encourage agricultural de velopment along various lines. ' s MBWB OP THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PART8 OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portanceA Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industrlu Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report. A now largo gold drodgor on John Day river Iiob startod up. C. A. Francis of Mount Tabor was drowned at Whito Salmon. Machinery has been prdorcd for a con densed milk factory at Hillsboro. Forest tires are causing -considerable damage in tho vicinity of Giants Pabs. Tho Portland Civic Improvement association is making war-on billboards. A largo amount of cement, sidewalks are to be ordered by tho Portland city council. Gltizona of Independence havo do- cided to give a bonus of 3,0D0 to tho first railroad building to that placo. F. A. Schracht, who was in the omploy of tho O., It. tc N. Co. for 20 years as a ship and steauiDoat builder, ttiod Monday at his homo near Damas cus. Tho marrlago of ,L. Bush Llvermoro, editor of tho Baker City Herald, and Mbs Ethel Cox, occurred at Stephon's Episcopal church at Bakor City Sunday evening. Tho Sugar Pino Mills, constructed at Grants Pass, on the site of tho old factory tiro about completed and will be ready for oporation by the middlo of tho month. Mrs. C. O. Van Orsdell and Mary F. Hurley, both of Oregon, weroclectod respectively grant' guardian and banker at tho national convention of Women of Woodcraft at Cripplo Creok. A lettor of Instruclon sont by Com missioner Hermann to" tho register und rcceivor of the land ofllco at La Grande, Or., authorizes them to mako tempora ry withdrawal of tho lands that are subsequently to be embodied in the Blue Mountain -forest reserve Circuit court is iu session at Oregon City. An additional frco delivery route will be established Sept. 1 at Salem. Oregon produced, about 10,600,000 pounds of wool this year, and nearly all of it has been disposed of at prices between 12 and 14 cents. The first wheat of tho soason wus stored at the Albany Farmers Compa ny's warehouwo at Albany Monday af ternoon. It wrif of Al quality. A contract has been awarded H. C. Per kins of Grants Puns to survey six town ships on tho line of tho Oregon Control Military Wagon road land grant. About 20 tons of hay recently cured and bulod by J. E. Murphy was burned near Salem. The tiro caught from a spark from the engine which furnished power for the baler. Govornor Geer has appointed Z. Z. Itlggs, of Salem, a memuer of the stato hoard of pharmacy to succeed G. O. Blukley, of tho Dallos, torm expired; ulso A. I). Charlton and A. I.. Craig, both of Portland, delegates to tho min ors' congress ut Butte, Mont., Sept. 1 to 5. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, OOQOlc for new crop; (J30tc for old; valley, 06c; bluestem, U50tic, Barley-117.75 for old, f 10.50 for nowcrop. Flour Best grades, f2.053.60 per barrel; graham, f 2.053.20. MillstuQs Bran, 1610 per ton; middlings, 21.60; shorts, 18; chop, $16. Oats No.l white, $1.0031.05; gray, 05c.$1.00. Hay Timothy, 1215; clover, $7.5010; Oregon wild hay, 56 per ton, Potatoes Best Burbanka, 75&Cc por cental; ordinary, 50c per cental, growers priees; sweets, 2. 6008, 00 por cental; now potatoes, lc, Butter Creamery,. 2021c; dairy 17018c; storo, I717$c. Eggs 2021c for Oregon. Cheese Full cream, twiua, 12H (jl3c;YoungAmerIca, 13v(3HKcj fac tory prices, 1(2 lc less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13.50(3 4,60; hens, !.0Q5.60 per dozen, IKSllHc per pound; springe, '11(3 11 Ho per pound, I2.50Q4.0D per doz en; ducks, 2.503.00 per doeen; tur keys, live, 1314c, drowned, 1610c per pound; geese, (4.00(30.00 per dozen, Mutton Gross, 23c per pound; dressed, 0c per pound. Hogs Grosa, 6c; dressed, 7Q7Kc per pound. Veal 78c por pound. Beef Gross, cows, 33c; steers, 34Ho; dressed, 78o per pound, Hops 10Q17c; new crop 1718c. Wool Valley, 1216;Eastera Ore gon, 8J4Kc; luohali, 26Q20c pound. FRIAR8 8OLD EARLY. Disposed of Their Philippine Holdings Before. American Occupation. Romo, Aug. 8. According to in ortuntiun received by tho Vatican, al most all tho real estuto belonging to Spanish friars in tho Philippines, was sold beforo American occupation to syndicates and corporations, registered and duly recognized, bonded by Amer icans living In Now York. It Is al leged by tho sumo authority that, all though tho friars hold some shares lit these corporations, they do not own controlling interests. Tho Vatican is surprised at tho information, In view of Governor's proposition 10 buy the friar's lands, which nro apparently no longer in tholr control. It la con sidered remarkable that Governor Taft, fro'h from the Philippines, was not aware of the situation. Washington Knew About It, Wut-hlnton, Aug. 8. Tho war de partment has known for some timo that portions of tho friar lands in the Phil ippines havo. been disposed of to com panies and r.11 of tho recent negotia tions, conducted by Secretary Root havo carofally taken Into account any con tlng'eficiea which might nrlso through these transfers. Tho transfers nro not considered to have boon entirely in good faith and It is generally believed tiiat the trials do In fact hold a major ity of atock in tho companies which took over tho lands. UP IN THE AIR. Several Balloon Weddings to Occur During Portland Elks Carnival, . Portland, Aug. 0. Thoro aro to bo several weddings "In high life" in Portland during tho September carni val of tho Portland Elks. Tho ceremony of tying the connubial knot will bo performed in n balloon in mid-nir, a thousand feet altovo ttio ground, in plain view of thousands. This Is ono of the novoltlos that will bo seen dur ing tho early days of the Elko' carni val, which will oikjii witli a grand prize parade on September 1. Several applications have already been re ceived by thu management from willing, candidates. For their willingness to experience this unique if not sensa tional, ceremony in a balloon, tho man agement. Is propared to sot tho happy couple ti with about f 500 worth of housekeeping equipment, including everything from a piano to a rack of flour. If any swains from outside Port land are anxious to rocolvo a handsome dower, all they havo to do Is to ad dross a letter to tho cccrotary of tho Portland Elks' Carnival, to mako tho final arrangements in advance. MORE RURAL MAIL ROUTES. Postofflce Department Authorlzei Several Ad ditional In Oregon. Washington, Aug. J. Rural delivery of'mail has been authorized in Oregcn as follows: Aumsville, Marlon county Ono carrier; length of route, 23 miles; area covored, 20 square miles; popula tion served, 0:10. Cleono, Multnomah county One carrier; longth of route, 24 miles; area covered, 23 squaro miles; popula tion served, tltlU. Free water, Umatilla county Addi tional service, route 2, ono carrier; length of route 23 mUos; area cov ered, 21 squaro miles; population served, 500. Monmouth, Polk county Ono car rior; length of route, 21 mUos; area covored, 30 squaru miles; population served, 405. Woodbttrn, Marlon county Two routes, two carriers; length of route, 43 miles; area covered, 47 square miles: populutl&n served, 1,175. M'BRIDE HOLD8 OVER. Supreme Court of Waihlnnton Dccldei th Governorship Caic, Olympla, Wash., Aug. 0 The statu supremo tntirt has huudod down an Important decision in thu test euro brought at the lust term of thu court as to thu permanent increase of tho membership of tho supremo court, and as to whether there exists a vacancy in the ofllces of governor and lieutenant governor as a result of thu death of Governor Rogers. The opinion of tho court is unanimous that there Is no governor to lxi elected this fall, hut that Moltrldu fills thu vucaucy to tho end of his term. Thu judges tiro di vided on the question of on ImroaMi from five to seven in tho membership of thu court. Kaiser and Czar Meet Itavul, Russia, Aug. 0. The German emperor arrived today on his yacht llohenzollern. Tho czar met thu kitlfor iu the roadstead with his yacht Stundttrt. The Hut-slan i-quadron tired a salute. Elaborate wjlcome will be tendered thu two emperors when they reach shore. Meteor the Winner. Cowes, Aug. fi. Tho principal races at the regatta today wits won by tho tuiser'e yacht Meteor, of American build. Sybarite was second, A gale web blowing.