THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. IDAHO ADVERTISING. DOLt'H SCHREIIiKR. Funeral Director. 18-920 Front Street, aark. Hell phone JUF. Opponlto R. R. Depot In J. phone 1S9. BOISE, IDAHO. s TATB DANK OK IDAHO. Welter', Idaho. CAPITAL, SGO.OOO. Jtdwsrd Bhnlnwald. Chat. J. Solwyn, President. (,'aihlor. Also ha a htanch al Cambridge, Idaho. The feople'. Hank, Solicits )our builnoi. Hotel Weiser, Wolsor, Idaho. BARTON a BRIZEUDINE, Proprietors. Frco ftnmplo Rooms. Ilntes ronflon able. Miners', Stockmen's mid Com morula! Men's Ioadiiinrturs. Largest and best appointed Iiotol In Western Idaho. Hooiiih with hath, fltcatn heat and electric call bolls. Bar ter hIh)i In connection, The Idan-ha IDANIIA IIOTF.L CO., Ltd., Proprietors K. W. SCHUMFRT, Malinger. 1I01SF., IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. RATES 12.50 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travolcrs. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Omca with J. II (IIIAYIIIII,, Immigration A t. 0, fl. I.. II. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great homo land mild climate,, pure mountain air, lino ater, Tin death rnto li lower In Idaho thnu In any other atato In tho Union, No c clones, storms nr billiards. First ireinliiin on fruit at the World's Fair, CIiIciro, Wat Paris Kspnsltlon, 19w. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Hlirjlc Hhow, 1600, (lolil, silver, copper, coal, line timber. Urnw wheat, oat, barley, corn, all kinds of eulllratnil graMca., and vegetables to perfec tion. Wo will bo pleaded to show ymi lino Irri gated land! at Numpn," Holm), Caldwell, 1'uyetto and other points. Wo Imvo bargains in lauds from 110.00 per aero up. Uorrvkpondoiico so licited. Address PRHSCOTT, nRANDT & CO. Room 6, Illckcy llulldlng, NAMI'A, IDAHO mil 15 COMMERCIAL IIOTKL A. Illnkoy, Proprietor. Tint class In all respcola. Special attention Itoii to commercial man. Long distance tele tiuue In connection. NAMI'A, IDAHO. FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Them, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agant Oregon Short Line Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. HUM) U. MOCK, Caililor. WK.aOl.IOIT YOUR 1IUMNES9, NAMI'A, IDAHO STAR I.IVKRV, KEKD AND llOARDINO STA1H.K Hint clan rlR furnished to all point. Spe cial ratci to Kmmett, Star, l'rarl andHuale River, Special attention Riven to commercial men, W. J. PUVAI.L, Proprietor, Nampa, Idaho. L 01118 HU.NZIKKR. I'ltACTICAI. WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND 0l'Vl'IAN. Diamond,, Watchra, Jewelry, Silverware, Op Ileal tloodi, Cut ()U. Ttt Main Street. l'ENDI.ETON, Orefon rpllK OWL A (IKNTI.EMAN'8 RESORT. ritieit Wine, I.lo,uor and Clgari. Give Ui a Call, Opp. lHpt, Lett Hand Walk, tbMITII & ROCKWELL J'ropt I-a Uraude, Oregon Rates f'J.60 Per Dav and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GF.ISKR, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKKR CITY, OREGON THOUGHT THE QUN BEWITCHED. Old Ncuro Threw It Away mid Would Not Touch It Auuln. A story Is told of Undo Washington Harris, one of "Murse Clay's niggers aforo do war," who remained on tho plantation after ho was free. He was considered u power among the negroes, being somewhat of a local preacher, but lie said, "I'se Jlst a exortlouct 'uiongst tie congregation." Once w'hen Uncle "Wash" was "ex- ortlonlng 'inongst do congregation,'' tho Ku Klux came after him, and as tho old man hurriedly beat tin exit through a window one of the Kit Klux Hot the tall of his Prince Albert coat that "Murse Clay" had given him and which tho old darky was very proud of. From that time Uncle "Wash" nl ways carried an old long-barreled shot gun. Tho neighbors wore In the habit of meeting at night at "Hob" Clay's coun try store to tell yarns and talk about tho crops. . Uncle "Wnsh" and several other old colored men wore always present, sitting on noil kegs n respect ful distance behind "do white folks to hear do yarns." On those- occasions Undo Wash" always left his gun In the roar of tho store. One night "Illicit" Allen, who novel was tired of playing Jokes oh the old man, got his gun and, after drawing the shot from It, loaded It "with pow der and phosphorus wood as wadding, then another load of powder and mora phosphorus wood, repeating this till tlinrn leurn snvornl hinds of imwilor I mid wood In the gun, ramming down the last charge of powder with an ex tra long piece of wood. "Itnek" dropped a coal on It nnd went back to his sent. If phosphorous wood Is lighted tho lire will eat very slowly through It and act ns a fuse. Undo "Wash" took up his gun nnd started home, and was several hundred yards from tho storo when the Hpnrk reached tho llrst charge of powder and exploded It, which greatly perplexed the old man, but ho attributed It to an accident. When tho second explosion occurred ho fell on his knees and prayed, but when tho third came he threw the gun from him Into the bushes nnd ran for dear life. As Undo "Wnsh" burst In tho front door, to the consternation of his wife, and fell sprawling on tho lloor, hysterically praying, ho heard tho last charge explode. Undo "Wash" never went lmck for his gun, and could never be convinced "sperrets" were not In that "ole ttirkco gun," and that It was not bewitched. Now York Tribune. Hurled Aiiiorluun HlHtory. Even In a country so recently consc ious of tho past as our own, there are burled cities awaiting tho plcknx of tho historian. Of these none Is perhaps more Interesting, certainly none Is more picturesque, more colonial nnd i'vvn to-dny more English than old Williamsburg In Virginia that "mid dle plantation," which In Hi:)'.' was "laid out and paled," to become a char tered city, the capital of a great colony under king nnd crown, Its three streets of the reign of Wil liam and Mary are Its only thorough fares and two "back" streets, hardly more than grassgrown lanes of to-day. Duke of (iloucester street, broad ami genially hospitable, stretches leisurely from the foundations of tho ancient capital building on the oast (of whoso wall not one brick Is left nor 0110 whlto pillar of Its porticoes), to the Iron turn stile gates of William nnd .Mary college grounds at tho western extremity of the town. On tho right, ns one enters tho collego gate, Is a charming mansion, tho resi lience of the president of William and Mary, and upon the left, across tho campus, f stands the old llraffortou building, the earliest school for the edu cation of Indians erected on American soil, In tho time of Gov. Spotswood, says Country Life In America, It was necessary to resort to strenifous efforts to Insure nttcndniu'c, for the students were mainly hostages, the sons of chiefs of neutral or friendly tribes dur ing Indian warfare. , Gray llulr. That there exists n connection be tween gray hair nnd certain states of the nervous system there can bo no doubt. Abnormal grnyuess Is nit In fallible Index of some defect lu the nervous cystem. This statement Is founded upon an examination of a largo number of eases reported In tho l.aueet, but what, It will ho asked, Is abnormal grnyuess? We shall best an swer this question by enumerating tho characters of normal gruynoss. Ho twecu tho normal and the abnormal there Is of court,c 110 sharp dividing Hue the 0110 runs Imperceptibly Into tho other but, speaking generally, wo may say that the chief features of normal grnyuess nre (1) It does not come on before, say, the ago of 115 years; ('') It Is symmetrical; (III It begins lu certain regions, preferentially tho temples, spreading thence; (II the blanching progroosos gradually; (S) the blanching on the scalp does not proceed decidedly lu advance of that on tho face. Artllloliil Thumtor uiul Lightning. Tho largest Induction ooll, which pro duces tho longest hpark for service In wireless telegraphy, Is said to be tho 0110 which was recently tnado for flash ing messages between the coasts of Japan and Korea. It can produce a miniature streak of lightning foriy-llvo Inches lu length, capable of killing any number of persons who might get lu Its way, and when In operation gives out n noise like that of thunder, The entire apparatus weighs about (wo thousand pounds, Tho great trouble with somo uieti who were heroes yesterday U that they aro Mill 011 earth today. STRANGE. La.. ' M firpfa -$& Old Hen (seeing her brood go In I am sure we never did anything American. WINDMILL IN A TREE. Itniipy Itlcrnl ttiLT f Nature utitl Me chanical Cntintriictloii. A windmill Is nptto be 11 very prosaic nnd ugly construction, but many at tempts have been made with varying success to beautify tV,eso very useful ""u ecuiiumiciii punvi iiiuuui-uin. jm engraving iiiumruiCM now iiuiiiiu 111111 mechanics are sometimes blended. Tho trees servo only ns n support for tho platform at the top, and as side rails of a ladder, It being necessary only to provide rounds. Tho trees Herve also to stay tho Iron supports. The wind mill, which was built by J. Q. lleiiHter, of Mollnc, III., Is of pectillnr construe- WINDMILL IN A IIIKK, Hon, there being uo gear wheels nor crank, tho power being transmitted by an Involute wheel which Is a pnrf of tho steel wheel to which tho fans are at tached. Tho surface of the Involute" Is perfectly smooth, ns Is also that-of the wheel attached to the nltnmn cnrrler. the 0110 rolling upon the other. The mint wt, iMi'M.fii fi 4........ ,.-.-- carried down Inside. Tho wires for mast Is of tuning, tiie pitman neing throwing the mill out of gear nre at taehed to a thimble on the outside of the mast. From this It will be seen that the trees uro not needed for actual support. A number of these mills have been njtached to trees and have been'glvlng excellent results. It Is nlso possible to carry the mil) around on a wagon nnd set them to work at any part of a Held. Sclontlllo American. SOCIAL INSTINCTS OF ANTS. Hhow Hi roil 1; Pcno of Devotion toCom 111011 Went Truu to Duty. In order not to leave my readers un der the Impression of crime niuoug ants, 1 shall give an account of a trait of devotion to the common weal, writes August Forel In the International Monthly. A swarm of Formica prnten P Is was closely pressed lu Its nest by an army of the same species, ami crowds of alarmed defenders issued from the entrances to the nest and' Hew to take part lu the light. I.Ike Satan, the tempUr of old, I placed near them a beautiful drop of honey 011 u piece of paper. , any ot,her tluto tho honey would hnve Iveeil covered In a few Instants with nuts gorging tht'iiiselves, but this time numerous working ants came upon lt. tasted It for scarcely a second, and returned to It restlessly three or four times. Conscientiousness, the feel lug of duty, Invurlably'provalK'd over gormntidlsm, and they left the honey to go nnd be killed while defending the community. I am bound to own, how ever, that there are ants loss codal. lu which gormandlsui does prevail. Coiuuprcd to the manners of other sociable animals, and especially to those of man, the manners of ants ex hibit a profound and fundamental ng gtvgatlon of facts of convergence, due to their social life. Let me mention devotion, the lustltncttve sentiment of duty, slavery, torture war, alliances, the raising of cattle, gardening, har vesting, and even' social degeneres cence through the attraction of certain harmful menus of enjoyment. It would be ridiculous nnd erroneous to see In the fultllineut of this series of nets, In dividual reasoning, the result of calcu lated reflection, analogous to ours. Tin fact that each Is fixed and elreuiui scribed within one species, as well us the fatalistic character It has In that epocles, prove this superabundantly. "SJ!i ferfi rawiLWiwi '. .vll I I,. . JVV J 1,1 J " ,.:.SiM AH water for first time) Well, that's queer. like that when 1 was young. Chicago Hut It would be ns grave a mistake to refuse to recognize the deep natural laws that are concealed under this con vergence, is the case different ns re gards our actions, though they nre In llnltely more plastic and more complex Individually? I do not believe It. . A CANALQOAT VILLAGE. Kvorjr Inch of Hpncc Id Utilized la Their Tiny Cublna. People who object to living In snug quarters and think that love In a cot tage Is altogether too contracted for continual affection, should go and take a ook at the cabins In the cnnalbont village In New York harbor. Those who aro preparing to live In trunks nnd grips during the summer could get tin. lessons there of snug existence. The whole cabin Is not much lnrger than an ordinary bedroom, but how every morsel of spaco is utilized! If there Is a square Inch of interior that gets awny without doing Its duty In the great work of containing things It must have a politician's talent for evasion. tuo tiuy little Kitciicn stove is no close to the wall that you wonder If the latter was not made of asbestos to guard against lire. Tho clock Is about as small ns our Ingenious Connecticut friends hnve yet been able to make contain twenty-four hours. Tho pantry-cuphoard-nnd-storeroom combined pos sess the appearance of having been packed nnd then put tinder hydraulic pressure. The carpet pnttern, snys n writer In Will Cnrloton's magazine, Every Whero (for a cannl-vlllager always Insists on having her lloor neatly clad), Is ap propriately minute. A tiny library whispers Its titles from an unexpected corner. Minute bedrooms for child or adult appear to you now nnd then like prone ghosts. Several pictures, nar rowly but visibly framed, cover the wooden wainscoting. PRIMITIVE INDIANA CHURCH. Still Uacd ns Hoiiho of Wore hip hy I)e ccriilnnta of llulldcr. Tho old Goshen church building, In lioone lownshlp, Harrison 'County,. In. - .. "lann. has recently uudergono repairs. This church was built by tho Hnutlsts In lSi:i. It Is about thirty feet squaro, and Is a log structure, chinked nnd daubed, with a board celling. Thero were formerly heavy hewn beams across one end of tho auditorium, somo six feet above tho lloor, on which tho H choir was located. Tho roof was orig inally of clap-boards, fustened by wood en plus, ami with weight-poles tied down to hold the roof more secure. The door formerly swung on wooden hinges, and was kept closed by a wooil en pin. The building has been recently reroofed with shingles, and It uow has a door with a modern lock. Church services are still held occasionally In tho building, Countermanded. Ilngson Tatters Gee! Wouldn't yer like ter be slttln' lu ono o" dem swell restaurants, eatln somo strawberry shortcake? Hungry Hlgglns I ordered some o' dat dls morulu', but I changed me mind u'terwnrd. Ragson Tatters Come off! Hungry Hlgglns Sure; but the wom an said If I wusnt' satisfied wld cold meat nu' bread she'd sle de dog on me. Philadelphia Press. Some Caimolatlon, Dlggs-I tell you, sir, It's a great thing to bo a poor man. Hlg'gs How do you figure It out? Dlggs Why, my Inability to buy an automobile Is alone a clear saving of at. least $1,000. One has to bo mnrrled and hare chil dren In order to appreciate to the full tho genius of tho man who Invented safety plnju Vanity and impudence aro twin sis ten. m ITil '-ya 1 rifMfci k x . kK ' ' niiii,' 1 fli f5&kWti - Vfcyftaf. mSt mm h4Mamt2UZ?s-- atr je j .LyeLjeweneeEeBiV , I OLD tlOSMKX ClIL'ItCll IIUILDI.NO. ' I MONTANA ADVERTISEMENTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and are fit to wear, bear our label, Barbers' Coats, Walters' Jackets and Aprons Cans & Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & CO. Furniture and Carpets, S01-203 Broadway. Undertakers and Embalmers, t ISO Broadway, Talrpllnno S49. IIULKNA, MONT. Kessier Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of Hlgh-.Orndo Deem, Helena, - - Montana CAM. AT T1IK "5 Fine Photographs Wc Imvo nil the latent tylealn Mounts, llrlui; your Kodak work nnd got price. KFI 1 PP I37JfN.MitlnSlrt, lVI-,l-'1-,-',v Opp. I. O. Helena. Moot. BlaziVs... No, 248 Burnside Street, JJot. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Best of Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars HOTEL OSBORN GLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited ..DOTII I'HONES.. Travelers ehould tnke"S" Street Carnt Union Depot and tramfxr at Yamhill btroet to Kait AiiVuey Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. Multnomah Market THEO. A. GODEL. Dealer In Fins Meats and Sausages, also Fish, Poultry, Oysters and Game. 512 Washington Street. Oregon Phona Main $33. Columbia rhone 633 BRANCH MARKET-2M North lolh St. Colum bia Phoue 160. Oregon I'lmnoClurftTS. Smoke the SCHILLER and STATE SEAL Cigars. Schiller Cigar Factory' Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Telephoue No. 1S31 Dlaek. 281 Washington Street, N. W. cor. Fourth, PORTLAND, OH Ask Ypur Dealer For TRABc r m isai ATT HBr mwar m MARK. mnms WALU WICU, WISH., AOVERTISIMB. TlRYAN BROS. New Urity, Feed md Sale Stable. Rubber Tired Hacks a tpeclaltjr. Carriage calli attended tonight order-. Southwest cor. Becond and Alder Strcota. Telephone 67. WALLA WALLA, WASH. J.W" COOKERLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embnlmlmr n Specialty, Ilabcock'i Jlrlck ' Mock, 7'iFlri tin. Telephone Rlack 831, WALLA WALLA, WASH. ' McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hack a Specialty. Baggagi ' Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 . Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIAION, Proprietor. Formerly SimOtl HoUSC. Ratei: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: )' White Spray" "Dementi Best" For Breakfast Food: WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, Wholeinlo Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufncturcri of Pride of Washington Threshsrs, Self- Feeders, Drapers and Machlno Extras 6f Every Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Catalcgye Free: WALLA WALLA, WASH. ST, CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flut-Clans Accommodations nnd Prompt serr Ice. Largo Hamplcljoams for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Ccr. First and Washington Sts. Albany, Oregon. F. S. GODFREY Wholesale and Retail Dealer In STIFLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Ail All Kinds of Imported Delicacies. 314 Burnside St., cor. Sixth. Oregon Phone Black 7933. Columbia Phone CM. PORTLAND, OH Bavaria Beer Hall. LOCI3 KLUG, Proprietor. Cor. Second and Oak SU. TORTLAND, Or. CO YEARS' .EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DCBIONB CowvniaMTB Ac. Anrone sendtnc a iketcfa and description nay qulcklr aaeerula oar opinion free whether an ItiTentloq it probably rwuenubla. Cooimunlea. lions slrtetlr confldentlaL lland book on Caieou p.v im. uiuch srencj i&r aecurintfpaienia. rairamra (oruugn 41 una to. receii KxcUU notice, wit hoot chart, la the SCKNtmC flNKHCaN. L.J..iitl a a . MM ?Co.'- New York Nl Nk M if I