TttU 2sJW AGE. PORLAXD, OREGON. A. Spokane Correspondence. Ily K. II. Holmes. Vil WanhlngtOn St. Spokane, Wash., July 27, 1902. Editor Now Age: It Is a gratifying circumstance to be ablo to present un disputable evidence of the progress of n race taust by the brother in whlto to possess no particular virtues or to be of no consequence and by many of our own people their prowess for accumulation questioned and their thrifty habits and steadfastness of purpose, often brought into con tempt or rldlculo by the vory people that Bhould stimulate and .encourage these sterling attributes and chaiac Urlstlcs; the followlgnarrayofflgures present a more formidable argument than mere words that in this "neck of wood," wo are getting there grand ly. Fifteen years ago when I landed iii this burg their were less than a half dozen taxpayers, today their is nearly a hundred, and this too in the face of the fuct that the tendency In all tin.' Western cities of any consequence, rh far as rcsidenco is concerned, among our people, Is of a migratory character, a kind- of tomporary two or three months affair and then they are oft to other fields and climes, There has been perhaps in the past 10 years three to live thousand color ed people who have been here for u short time, looked over the situation and moved on; this class of people arc merely out to see the country, and many of them are looking for a "good time town." Wo cannot well br placed in that category, us the good peoplo here are moro concerned in properly raising their families, ac quiring a competency and as a wholo are more God-fearing than any other community of its size in the United 'States. Howover, ob the "riff raff and rabblo" have disappeared there bus camo a steady stream of new comers who havo done much to build up the community, tho churches, lodces and Bocicty In general, and wo point with pride to our record. Let the tax rolls of Spokane County speak and toll the story, comparisons win not be mnde, thoy might prove lnvld Ioub and , create some friction, so the real property, or land held by tho coloicd peoplo of our city has only been given. Among those- paying tuxes In Spokano county nrc: Kate Lyons, threo lots In West Grovo nd dltlon; Mrs. Lucy Houston, house and four blocks, In Carpenter and Davio's addition; Mrs. Hollo Surroy, one aero tract west of tho city; Sarah Dick inson, 12 lots Carpenters and Davles' addition; D. R. Curie, 2 lots In Car penters and Davlcs' addition; Mrs. G. Johnson 2 lots in West Grovo ad dition; Mrs. P. Dluo, 2 lots In West Grovo addition; Phil. Vaughncr, 2 lots In Ledgerwood Park; J. R. Full er, 1 lot In Ledgerwood Park; Robt. Moss, 1 lot in Ledgorwood Park nnd 1 lot in Bell Park; Mrs. Holon Holmes, 12 lots In Alta Vista addi tion nnd 2 lots in Chautauqua Park; Mrs. Edmonla Holmes, 1 lot East End addition; John Stafford, 2 lots East Side Syndicate addition; LoveJlc Stafford, 1 lot Chautnuqua Park; Wondel Stafford, 1 lot Chautauqua Tark, Helen Stafford, 1 lot Chautau iua Park; Mrs. C. J. Flowers, 4 lots 2 Minnehaha Park, and 2 Chaulauquu Park, J. P. Dall, 2 lots West Twlck orham addition; J. P. Drown, 2, lots West Twlckerham addition; Ann Cra ven, 5 lots, 1 In Dellvue, 2 In Minne haha and 2 In East End; Mrs. Mary J. Conjoy, G lots, 2 In Minnehaha and 3 in Lancaster addition; L. O. Johnson, 2 lots in East End addition; Annu Durrani, 1 lot East End addition; Mrs. J. Dorsey, 1 lot East End addition; J. D. Parker, house and lot la Nettleton's Second ndditlon; Lucy llreckourldKO. 2 lots In East Side Syndicate addition and 2 lots North . i Ross Park; Ben Turner, 2 lots North East addition to Ross Park; Arthur Foster, 3 lots In town of Hlllynrd; Mrs. E. H. Holmes, property In Kauf man's South Park, West Twlcker ham, East End, Broadview, Hill yard, East Sldo Syndlcato, Lancas ter's West Twlckerham, Wobstors, Moslera, Whiting's ndditlon, etc., etc.: Richard Turner. 2 houses nnd lots. 2 in Heath'8, 1 in S. E. addition to Robb Park, 1 in Whiting's addition; Charley Jones, houso and 2 lots In West Grovo addition; Charley Ryan, 1 lot in Whiting's addition; Wm.Rynn, 1 lot In Wolvorton & Corlnns" addi tion; William McDonald, 1 lot Kauf man's 2d addition; Mrs. A. M. Hap rls, 2 lots In Ledgorwood Park; Sam Thomas, house and 2 lots in West Giove; Sara Harris, 2 lots In East Side Syndicate; Rev. Beckham, 4 lots in Caunondnlo addition; Fred Wll son, 2 lots In Knight's addition unit iCO acres ot choice meadow land In Steven's county: R. B. Scott, house and 2 tots In Uunnon's uudltlou; John Ryan, associate editor of 8eattle Re publican, houso and i lot in cannon n addition: Scott Hill. 8Q ncrea under cultivation of flno farm land In Spok ano county: P. B. Barrow. Br., nouse and 1 lot and 160 acres of very val uable farm land In Steven's county; l B. Barrow, Jr., I lot In Kaufman's ad dition; P. D. Carter, 6 lots In Cook'b audition, etc.; Mrs, Lizzie Simmons, 2 lots In Broadview addition, Walter Lnwson, house and 4 lots, 1 In Kauf man's addition and 3 In East End ad dition; Smith Bios., 4 lotB In East Side Syndicate; Mrs. Annie Patton, house and 2 lota In East Side Syndi cate, James Whlttley, house and 2 lots In East Sldo Syndicate and 1 lot in Mosler's Homo addition; Charles Payne, house and lot Mosler's Homo addition; Johnnie Bjreckenrldge houso and lot Mpsler's Home addi tion; Mrs. Willis Robinson, house and 5 lots West Grove addition; Joo Burnett. 2 lots la Bennett's addition, Henry Newman, 3 lots In West Grove addition. The total value of person i.f and real property owned by the colored citizens of Spokano county will approximate over $100,000.00 (one hundred thousand dollars). Mrs, E. H. Holmes has opened up a first-class roaming houso at 0708 Washington street at an expense ol J GOO. Persons passing through tho (!ty and looking' for nice quarters will do well to give Mrs. Holmes' place a call. It Is situated between tho O. R. & N. passenger station and tho G, N, Ry. passenger station. In quire or the Janitor at either pkco lor the proper address.. Hon. R. B. SCott, recently appoint ed Deputy Chinese Inspector, cotmra his friends by legions In this count w and they are nil predicting great sue cess for him In the administration and discharge of his duties. Air. Scott's appointment presents the best evidence In the world that hutlo and grit are the requirements of the situation these days, and that a man to succeed must bring pressure to bonr and pull tho strings from the lop. working downward Instead of woik lng upward as wbb once thought ho es sential. Scott "smothered" one or two congressmen, "run over" the He publlcnn United States Senator, so to speak, from this State, got Mrs. John A. Logan's indorsement, agitated hu matter with President Roosevelt hut! landed safe and sound in a ?7.50 per day job and can afford now to live the "life of a millionaire." Hurrah fui Scott! The Anthony's Musicnl and "Conn Song Shou'ters" passed through hcn.' this week enroute to the Coast. TII- report a successful season. Tim Anderson, ono of tho Jollk"t lads in the world, is down from British Columbia, accompanied by his wlfp Since Tim's advent things have been humming around tho club. Ho suys hello to tho "Portland push." Moso Patrick Is In town from Bri tish Columbia. Julius Mahley ban been hero since tho first of the month. Geo. Baker Is passing through oui town enrouto to Denver, where hi '. poets to bo Joined by Mrs. Baker, w Im will return west Inter In the sonsnti. George Is holding forth at Hooulnm. Washington, and claims that little enmp "won't behave," as everything It prosperous. The report thnt Messrs. Hughe and WIUIamB, of Portlnnd, Oicgon. were to nsRiimo the management ol the Colored Club 1b officially con fi lin ed by Manager Banks. Tho new managers are expected to take chin go of the business nt once. John Itvi-r. of tho Seattle Republican Is hero . visiting his family, daughter, Ethel, he they expect their homo from St. 1ou(n shortly. Editor Grlfun and wife de parted for Seattle, and Victoria, H. (.. Tuesday night last. Several of tlioir friends woro down to tho Great Nor thern station to see. them off. They were delighted with Spokane nml om only regret is that they did not stay' longer In our city. Tho political situ ntlon In Spokane county Is rnnidl being simplified from a Republic standpoint. Many elements of doubt nnd complications thnt onleip-i Into the early stneo of the can !?. have been removed and contcnilln" factions in. the ranks of tho Republi can party hnvo striven without mi cess to harmonlzo tholr dlfforetuer. smooth out tho rough 'places nnd In adjusting matters of grave Importunes that threatened tho very existence ol tho pnrty In Spokano county Tho great bono of contention nnd over whelming Issue has been John !.. Wilson, for many years-a .member of Congress from this State, and United States Sonntor Wilson has been tho Issue before tho people In seat-on unit out ot season for 10 yenrs or ntor-. "Wllsonlsm" has been tho dally -i. Instead of "Givo us this day our Daily Broad." Tho prayor of tho iivm-tigo Republican is to "Give us a polities! club to beat down nnd destroy Wll ron'B political machine." Tho piphj and public hnvo joined in dcnoimHr-.-tion, fierce and savage, of the doughty llttlo politician, but evory time ht emerges supremo nnd thoroughly nun" easily mnstor of the situation. T onslaught against Wilson and his Brother Henry this month In tho county convention nnd primaries win fierce; epithets, threats, denuncliulon. Impeachments nnd slurs were hmjnd at the little warrior, but never u word jnKo ieo, nouso(h0 8njd, vhcn it was all over but East addition to, tho shouting." It was found that Wll . - son controlled the situation and whs almost a 100 to 1 shot. Ho nonilnut cd every .mnn from Stato Senator to Constnble. had strong resolutions en dorsing himself for tho United Stums Sennto passed, controlled the delo gatlon nnmod to the State Convention, nnd tho opposition may well s;v with the mnn In tho nnnm thnt thov did not 1. 'know It vnn iloio. "hill It wnr h clor I-'" '- -" - " -.--- r- lous victory." Wllpon tried to pl'icue his opponents by. throwing out a sep In tho way of n nlnnk Instructl"!.' iho legislative candidates to support the Railroad Commission plank of- Gov. McBrlde nnd pledging them to suo port n freight rate bill reducing mies etc." Nobody accepts tho conven tion's work or Its platform ser lously and tho people "Just Inucli" In discussing It. It Is now predicted th't It will bo beaten badly. The rundl. dates named are all hangers on, or for the most part unknown. untried quantities without either the cunilrt. once or the ability to enllni i he- people's support or sympathy, Thj j cret ofSenatorWHson'ssuecesslH will known to many of his adherent hut the public Federally hnve beii nt a loss to know how he always win out. Wilson has never been known to spend a cent more than actual -t.u palgn expenses or hlB assessment In his life, and this perhaps will aggre pate $500 every two years or so. This estimate may bo consldnreil resslve rather than under estimated, I have never known him to give one cent for a charltnblo purpose iliuln? his political or private career arid the sura total of the little fellow's patron, age and Interest In tho Colored people ha been ono janltnrshlp In the post office In Spokano' which pay tho munificent salary of C0 per month. Many of the Colored bin's h tho past havo gunportod hlra'nnd hi.' plans devoutly, tut In recent years the Sonritnr nnd his party has lost ground and prestige, nnd today out ot 350 to f.OO Colored. ReDuhllinns Ips than one per cent (an Inflnit'-slniHllv small numbpr) of the Colored viit.-r-sunport the Republican ticket. , I nic est In tho success of tKp piftv Iiim fo diminished amongst them tlut 2"! itifl" cannot he mustered o 't to f mpptlnr. Durlmr the 1900 amtny,n every Known W nnd poniimi or- vice n"d rfo'lco was resorted tix to get un a Colored voters insm-hlug club, It provVd sufh a dismal Mini" thrt tho hoys u-ho hnve foiiKht ih party' battles for years Benieil lt a feeble echo, or appariatton or paxt days when tho. club was stront am j'teret groat. Many not acqiinlniM with the situation locally may not understand why the Colored voters have grown so stolidly Indifferent nnd Why so .much antipathy exists to ward the Republican party In Spokane county among the Colored voters; the cause Is not far to seek. Rotten treatment, lylng promises. Political ostracism and nctual persecution at the hands of their supposed friends; IS years of subserviency and devotion to the Republican party In Spokane county. With what results, ' three men have been given positions in the county assessor's ofllce for a total of nine months, net total In salary $270. The party has been successful In every campaign but two In 20 years. For yenrs, though Colored people paid big taxes here, we could gt no Jury representation, no poli tical recognition In any chape, and It was not until some of tho Independent spirited Jumped In nnd mnde things possible that we secured any crumbs or morsels of political food, Tho Democratic party has givon us a door keeper of the State Sennte, presi dential elector, n nomination on the Jeglslotlve ticket, a policeman, deputy In tho county treasurer's ofneo for two full terms, janitor nt city hnll. two wagons mnnncd by Colored men lu the city public service. More thnu 2'J men on the juries, nnd has contri buted to our church. Success has helped and inspired the race In every manner possible nnd the boyH nro In nn appreciative mood. In the paBt two years hundreds of tho boyB have been arrested, abused, put on brond nnd uater diet through the Instigation and hntred of an evrepubllcnn chief of police, and this haB in a .measure clinched the opposition on the part of the Colored voters and made it more positive. When Mayor Byrno wnB elected he promised to break thnt sort of thing up, and being n Demo crat ho has kept his word. Spoknno 13 nB free to day, from police perse cution ns nny city In tho Innd. Hur rah I fop Mayor Byrne. Tho boys are going to lino up this fall and go down tho lino with tho wholo Demo cratic ticket. Next week I hope to be ablo to present some pertinent rea sons for tholr consideration why they should "stand pat," steadfast nnd Im movable. E. H. HOLMES. CARD OF THANKS. We, tho pastor and trustees of tho A. M. E. Zion church, corner Thirteenth and Mnin streets, take this method of thanking the iiontlenien nnd boys who participated in the exercises on "Men's Day" last Sunday in the afternoon and evening Also the lml ion and friends who contributed thoir money to swell the collections. Tho program wiih of tho higher literary typo and every one performed his part well. Thnnk! J. W. WRIGHT, Pastor. W. H. HOLDS, M. II. OARR, M. WEST, .1. M. MITCHELL, Trustees. C. A. HITTER, Secrleary. An Inaiilt to Her IntclllKctirr. Ill her own home In Crntcrvlllc Mm. Marshall was n wotnnii of dignity nnd ipnne In the affairs of her dully life, but when she took one of her rare trips to the city, she was ho keenly on the lookout fur Impositions that she tfometliupft acted Impultdvcly, "I took down one saucy young mnn to-day." slip ntiifounced proudly to her husband oil her return from one of these trying holidays. "I was glnneliig Into the window of n hardware store where there were some ulce table knives, nnd I suppoKe I uiny have stood there some lime; hut I wasn't blocking the way or troubling any body In the least. "All of a Midden a young whipper snapper of a elpik stepped out Into the window platform, and right against the glass, close to where I was stand ing, he put a great curd , with the words 'Iron Sinks" on It." "Well, what " begun Mr. Marshall, but his wife waved bins Into silence. "I'd Mood enough already from car cnuductors and so on." she said, linn' ly, "and I'd uo Idea of-'" letting that pass. So J stepped Into the store nud wiMit right up to the young man. nnd I rfuld, 'Did yo-i think It wits a good Joke to nIiovu that card right Jntu my fue unci eyes? Or did you suppose I need ed to be told that lion hIiiUkV "I spoke very sarcastic nud dry, nud he begun to color up; so 1 saw my ad vantage, mid I said. 'You'd better have another can I printed with "Feathers Flout" or some such thing on It, and when .vol i Hit- another respi.-lalilc wo man from the country old enough to he your mother you can shove thin out Unto her face mid eyes. I'd keep u number of Hiokc raids on hand, If 1 were you!' And then I matched out before he had a chance to word!" Youth's Companion. xy it ivoes or liinemrn in Airiesv. A teletrrnph Hue Is belnj; built ocrosi South Africa and occasionally bits of Information regarding the iinJertaUliu llnd their way to civilization. THe.-c reports show that the hnrdshlpH suf fered by lluemeii nud the dltllcultles they nre compelled to overcome are something tremendous. The Hue bus now beeu carried up to the fcotitheni shore of Lake Tanganyka. During the lust '.'00 miles the road was Impassable for vehicles nud all the supplies nnd material had to he transported by car-,-lers. Oue section of the lino passes through a swamp lu which vegetation grows to such a height during tho wet .Mi(iii ns to top the wire and cause troublesome leakage. The natives can not be In I need to go In during the sea son and cut down the wecuU owing to the swnriiM of crocodiles. On another section the elephants havo caused sev eral Interruptions by breaking ntf the pole, lu souio of the forests through which the Hue pasci-.s trees are met niciHtirlng over 100 feet lu circumfer ence. Koine of the ravluen are Imp. is sable even to the linemen during the rainy season owing to the paths being under wafer and the rauk growth of reuelatlon. Tho xass meeting called for Wednes day evenint: nt the A. M. E. .ion church wnf lnrgley attended by both Indies and gentlemen. Rev. J. Wright acted ns chairman. Tho aims nnd ob jects of tho society were stated to be the uniting together of the colored citizens of tiiis city in order to open avonnes whereby wo might furnish em ployment for n number of our people by nnd through tho means of n co-operative Investment company A largo nur. - her made- ppecchep, cliowing thomeolves to be in harmony with the eutortirlw. Tho books wero then opened ami an uppottunity given those desiring" to tupcrlbbo fcr the stock, which lias a par Value of f 10, non-a.fcossnblo Tho society, which is known ns tho Enter prise .Investment Co., has already mi (ii red n lot and contemplates in tho near future erecting n building contain ing handsome lodge rooms mid an ns cuinhly hall, alto a project is on foot to t-tart a laundry nnd grocdry store. It is un undertaking worthy of the sup port of each and evcy Afro-Amreicnn in our city. J. C. Lopm is president and W. L. II. Plummen secretary. The Yaklmn Market, H. A. Brascn, manager, fresh nnd cured meat and poultry, 140 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 988. Leading Business Firms of Spokane, Wash. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Mnnllfactlircru nt Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevator, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Bi-ckcts and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings, Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pres. and Manager. Tel. Main 176. Spokane, Wash z o u w a a. "StfAasz" c Q. E o U a D. i 5 Z t knit i nut J i mjiiiTAj MIM r: o 1 fs S-J gc wm is a . ? rm ii iii'HMiriPL ti . iiin i iil.'ij f- r s (A rmiiiiiiiifi m s 8 t I tyj i o mm "g MBS F fJJ V) LL D Z Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining-. Hnu-lllnp nml Paw Mill Machinery nml Miille. iiglntu, llollorw, HolnU, Criidi-en-, lloiso Wl.Ims. pulleys. Hhntllng. IJtc, Klc. Heavy IMnclnnltl.Ing nml Itepolr Work h H--ilnlly. Wrllu iih lor cstlpmtt-s. Til, MhIii :i. CikIiii l.lelsir's, MoreliiK A .Vcnl. Ollke and Work, Montgomery St. and S. P. & N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal sterCu"nd Laundry A Hit-dally nt Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRE!) TF.L. fi7(l. Near cor. Division and North River Av. Diamond Ice ami Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. II. MIl'IH rTIIXKMUUIOII.S' C. II. IlltOW.V I'ren. and Vgt, Vice I'rvi. A. IIKMIAM U.K. YCAOPl Treiurt:r. ' H-crt-tury. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE ?nd PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. pu'nin your checks and exchange With our llM-'un'-'C man who Is nt Ieiot on arrival all trains. Orange coh r cap. PliMio Main fil7, Special rates to Commercial Travelers vvn m Bri'U, M1K4 pi 3l klHU. t I fiuiH o .eg- fergs ' WWm El itH THE NEW AOE. KMrMIk'IkmI lfOd. A. P. Urimti, MnnnKcr. Oillce.'JtJSinrlc Street, CoiicorJ liutldltisr, Portland, Oregon. ACIKNTS. A. Illtter.r. I'ortlRiiil, Oregon W. J. Win-Ulan , Holi'liii, Montntiik To ltiMirt iTnlillrntlnti. nil Im-nl new nitisl ri-Hi'li un nut Inter limn TliutMlny inurnltiK of encli Meek. Hiili!M'rlitlni rtci, one year, )iiynlle In ad vance, $i 10. CITV NEWS Mrs. D. Newman returned Sunday from a brief visit to Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. D. O. Lang has been indisposed this week, f-tiu is rapidly improving. MIps L. Fogg, of guest of Mr. anil Mrs. Montnvilla. Chicago, is tho It. a. Terry, of Mrs. Minnie Ross Ih very ill at hor residence. The physician has grave doubtH of her recovery. The attendance at tho meetings of tho I'nul IjiNsrence Dunbar literary society is very encouraging. Mrs. I'oler I.eo left this week to visit relatives in California. She expects to be absent about ono month. Mr. Mote Freeman left laitTueedr.y for tho Iwnch', having accepted a posi tion at Gcnrhart hotel as porter. Mrs. Jennie Givvns. of Oakland, Cal., arrived in this city last Tuesday. Slip is stopping with Mrs. Lizzie Water ford. Mrs. Henry Taylor left on Thursday for a visit to California. She ill ho tho guest of Mre. Kd Johnson, of Ouk lund. Miss Pearl Johnson, of Tncoma, ex pects to visit Portland at an early day. She will bo the guest of Miss Dertha Woods. We hear rumors of FOcral changos to he made in tho personnel ol the Afro American ollice holders in the employ of Multnomah county. Mrs. Dora Newman and Mrs. K. Gray, ineuiltcra of tho choir of the A, M. K. Zion church, have been granted a vacation until September 1. Mr. Hughes, lately of Pan Francisco, is in tliu city, stopping nt No. JI.'IS Couch street. Ho has accepted a po sition at Mr. Joe Foster's tentorial par lors. Mrs Midln Tiihimnn nfCeilttlf. fiienr. Mrs. Idolln JohiBon. of brattle, faor; ably known in this city, expect to move hero to reside in tho noar future, llsr husband was suddenly called to the bedside of his mother, who is dancer- ously ill nt her homo in San Diego, On the 27th In?t. tho Star Social cluli entortaliied a few friends at the rcsidenco of Miss Grace Ross, 40 &v North Seventh street. An extremely pleasant evening was spout Mid hearti ly enjoyed by those probent. On Sunday Mr W. L. II. Plummor received tho end news of tho death of his father in Sanford, Fla, He was 70 years of age and was a member in good standing of theG. U. O. of O. F., with which order lie had been connected for over 40 years. There is a plan in oiieration in Now York under tho filler vision of Jlishop H. W. Derrick, of the llethel A. M. K. church, to erect a homo for the aged and worn out ministers. Such an in stitution is much needed, and it should meet with the hearty approval of ovtry philanthropist In tho laud, The Now Ago is glad to note the fact that Rev. W. T. Riggers, pastor of llethel A. M. E. church of Portland, Oregon, is tho originator of the plan. Kmiiplo Kimiii . l.lcctrle MKhts. THE ST. HELENS HOTEL. J. I IIKAUI.UY. Never Closed. CHUHALIS, Itedn mid Meals First-njaf-. C0FFMAN, D0BS0N & GO., BANKERS. CHEHALIS, WASHINGTON. Founded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington Sunday services nt iluthol A. M. K. church: Preaching, 11 A. M. by Rev. Riggers; class meeting, noon; Sunday echool, 1 P. M.; sacramental services, 8:30 P. M., conducted by tho pnstor. The junior choir will furnish music at the morning services and tho senior choir at tho evening. Miss Mary Moore will preside at the organ.' All are invited to attend. On Friday, July 25, Mr. Sylvester Meredith gave a private picnic at Cedar Grovo. Tho day wub sjH'iit feasting, swinging, speaking, singing and racing. Among thofe present wero Mlsetff Martha Leo, Grace and Kdna Duncan, MoHsrs. Allen and Ralph Duncan, Mrf. Ritter, Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Leo and Mr, Meredith. Very reluctantly thoy all returned homo Into in tho evening.' Sunday appointments nt tho A. M. K. Zion church, corner Thirteenth ami Mnin streets: Preaching, 11 A. M., themu, "Itiaol in F.gypt Praising God;" class meeting, noon; Sabbath school, 1 P. M.; Christian Endeavor, 7:30 P.M.; preaching, 8:30 P. M., theme, 'Thnt Day." Tho choir will sing coino now songs nnd anthems, and Mr. W. II. Carter will sing "Flee as n Jllrjl to tho Mountain." Strangers ami all welcome Oil the evening of July 20 Mrs. Emilia Lee was tho recipient of a pleas antksurprlse farewell party given by hor brother, Mr. A. Water lord, at his resi dence on Glisan and Tenth streets. Music ami pong interspersed with an occasional "breakdown" by Mr. A. Watorford, caused the evoning to patw rapidly away. Tho host reguleu alt present with a bountiful repast. Among those present woro: Mesdamon M. Miller, M. Allen, Mr. and Mm. Poter Leu, Mr. 'Joseph Patterson, of St. Paul, C. W. Syks and A. Waterford, Tho'iinnouncenieiit of "Men's Day" served to fill tho A. M. . Zion church Inst Sunday evoning. Ovui two-thirds of the congregation wore women, uml whilst the opinion was freely expressed that the. program did not coino up to tho one presented on "Women's Dy," it was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. Mr. J. O. I-ogan acted aa master of ceremonies, Mr. Goo. Mitch ell piesidod at tho organ and W. II. Carter led the singing. Tho cornet solo by Mr. Geo. N. White was excel lent, ns woro the. papers reud by II. Sproull and J. N. l'ullilovo and the recitation by W. h. lirady. A colleo- ! tion of t'.'O was taken (or tho bcnoilt of tho Church. TRY MCI U1CND FLOUR. UniUUitlonably tho host grudo oT family Hour on tho market today la tlu) l"'01'" t tllO lllg Hoild Milling c f r)ftV0I)01.t WbhIi Brolia mmio from thlft 01ir ,H ,,ron()nct.( hy 0. cures, churn ami cookH ironorallv to 'be unsurpassed. This well-known brand of goods ban an Increasing snlo In Portland and Oregon. Tho wholoBito agents nro C. W, Nottingham & Cn foot of WuBft Ington street, Pmtlnnd, Oregon. Ask your denier for lllg IJoud nnd ho con vinced of Its superiority. Doth 'phones 381. Ford & Laws, successors to .1, T, Wllson.nuctloneors, household furnl tiixt and bankrupt stocks bought ami sold. Olllco and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia, 'phono SOn; Oregon 'phone South 261. Vnn Kirk & Wilson, lf.0 Front street. 'Portland, Oergon; general commission. harness, farm machinery, groceries, Hour, feed. Columbia 'phono 194; Or egon 'phone Grant GOG, In connection with D. D. Melkle. J. K, Rogers. Icn cream parlor uml confectionery. All kinds of cigars, tobacco and fruits. Agency Union Laundry Co. Columbia phone, 400. 307 First street, Portland Oregon. Call nt Earn-on Aj Wntkius, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confection1', soda water, etc, 03 Sixth utieet, Portland, Oregon, llnll., All While llclo American WASHINGTON. Plan. X ' Special Rates by Week cr Month. .'sr- ii 1 yl