The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 02, 1902, Image 4

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S. K
The New Age
A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager;
OBoe, Stark St., Concurd Hid-.
Portland. Oregon.
Entered at tho ostofllce nt 1'ortland, Oregon,
awoand class matter.
On Tear, Vnyhlf In Advnnco ...,..2.00
Established ISM. Printed nt 245 Btarlc Bt.
Third Jloor.
Again tho cry of Negro domination
In North Carollnn. It Ib rnlscd by
Senator Simmons on tho evo of the
opening of tho stattf sampalgn. Mark
joti, the Negro 1b ns completely
"out of It" In tho stato as an amend
c;(3 constitution aimed expressly nt
lilm can provide. A cat in hades
without clnws would not bo more
helplcsB thtn tho Negro In North
Carolina la, politically considered.
Ho hns no vote. Ho holds, of courno,
no office. .Jfo Is a marked man, nnd
marked for the outside. There is
nothing for him to do but keep his
plnco nnd hold hla peaco,,and his con
duct since his disfranchisement has
upon tho whole been exemplary.
Now Is tho time, according to tho
promised held out by the Democratic
lcndorfl of the old north Btnto, for dis
cussion of political Isbucb In that com
monwealth on their merits. "liar
the Negro from tho ballot box," they
Raid, "nnd the whites will divide ns In
northern nnd western states, and n
rood, healthy public sentiment will
bo created. Tho Negro at tho polls
vlth tnvproyentB this. Ho Ib objec
tlonnblu In ovory wny. Ho Ib both
Ignorant, nnd corrupt, and lends him
well renillly to tin1 purposes of bad
leadorHhlp. Wo are an much Interest
ed jib 6thor people In progrcHB and
public policies, but until wo enn get
rid of tho Negro aa a voter every
thing elso must remain In abeyance."
ThlB cry Hwopt tho ,Btnte, and tho
bnllot wiib taken from tho Negro.
Hut what do wo hear now? Discus
Hlon of public pollcleB ns they affect
tho Interests of North Carolina? Far
from Itl Tho Negro Is represented
nn being a great peril without as
with tho ballot. Ab It wan necessary
In tho stnto's Interests for tho white
to unite to shut the gnto of the poll
ing booth against the Negro, It Ib nfl
necessary now for them to remain
united to keoptho gnto shut. 'FlrFf
wna tho chnrgo that Negro domina
tion oxlBted. Now coniCR tho chnrre
.that a return of Negro domination Ib
It Ib easily to be Been that by this
method tho mnrhluo politicians of the
south hope to keep her forever
polld." As long as the Negro holdB
nut to wnrn, tho party bosses mny re
turn. It Is a sly old gnmo and hns
been worked for yenrB to tho south'"
porlous confusion nnd disadvantage.
It has made lior a more nppanngo poli
tically of Tammany Ilnll, and subor
dinated tho genius of hor brightest
men In our national nffalrs to tho cap
rices nnd dictation of the ring poli
ticians of Now York nnd Indiana. In
presidential campaigns Hlchnrd Crok
it hits counted for more thnn the
vholo list of Morgans, and Cockrells
nnd Daniels.
Ono of tho many pontons who re
ceived the degree of master of nrts
from Columbia unlverlslty a few days
ngo was Moses Leonard Frailer, n
Negro. Tho Now York Sun Investi
gated tho ciibo and tho tttory lu worth
Frailer wiib born a slave In New
Orleans 41! yours ago. While in
tschool there ho determined to earn
enough money to go through college.
So ho boenmo a barber and learned
chiropody. Ills skill finally enabled
him to secure pupils nnd in tho
iourBo of 20 yenra ho had enough
money on hand to carry him through
college and to support hla mother, In
lHftfl ho took tho tletreo of bnchelor of
philosophy fro pi Moipit Union col
lege, Ohio. Then he went to tho New
York Law school. 'Ho soon opened n
school In derinntnlogy nnd chiropody
In thu city, In which he lectured and
for which he hired other Instructor,
Tho Institution paid and throe years
ngo ho was graduated from the Inw
school nnd admitted to the New York
bar. Ho began to practice law while
managing hla own school and doing n
little real estate business on tho side.
At tho same time ho took up tho
ft tidy of criminal law as a specialty
n'ld It was In this subject that ho se
cured bin master's degree from Co
lumbia. I to oxpoeta to go to Haldol
Ixjru, where ho hopes to tako i doc
(urate In constitutional law,
Mr, Kruzln'g success demonstrate
oico more that thi color of n man'?
fMu need not bo n determining fac
tor In hla caioer, ?'o man with poo!
pntlvo ability and porsevoranro neo.i
lull hocnus hla , couinhuluu . la ,not
light. Fruiter Is doubtless a hum of
exceptional ability, Hut a measure
of his success may bo nttalneii by
very many others of his race. Such
Instances as thlB must encourage
men who feel 'that they are working
tinder tho heavy handicap of color
In n letter regretting his Inability
to attend a meeting of colored veter
ans In Wsnhlngton, Admiral Schley
rays the following high tribute to Ne
Jro sailors: "During my long scrvlre
of war, five and forty years under the
flag, I have never served In a single
ship or squadron when the Nesro
sailor was not found, or where he did
not serve loynlly, faithfully, and dili
gently. In the great naval battle of
July 3, 1898, off Santiago, there were
numbers of Negro sailors who con
tributed In no stnnll degree to the suc
cess of that day. I think that history
will give much credit and commenda
tion to the Negro sailor for hla loyal
participation In tho great naval bat
tles of our country, and I think this
Ib duo tho race."
These aro bravo words from n
bravo man and deserve to be cut out
and placed in tho scrap book for
handy reference. W. V. Advocate.
Thoro Is no longer any question
but what the Negro press Is a most
potent factor In America In our lntpr
est. It Is strange, however, to henr
so many decrying therm Stop It.
give thorn your undivided support
nnd then demand they be up-to-date,
nnd If not, stop taking thorn. Ex.
Mr.JoncaCliEckitiuteit the Imporluiiute
Contractor for Convict l.ultor.
When Thomas U. .loucs, whom Pres
ident Hooscvelt baa appointed district
Judge lu Allnbama, was tiovcrnur of
the Htute, the bad practice prevailed
of farming out convicts In In hOr camps.
Under the law they were let out by
contract to the highest bidder, mid
were liable to neglect and maltreat
ment. The Governor bad to administer
the laws as be found them, but to this
law, says a writer In Harper's Week
ly, he was stoutly opposed.
One day a negro was sentenced to
ten years' Imprisonment. The Inw re
quired the (lovcriior'u signature to a
paper before the tuiiti could be seat to
the convict enmp. The Governor did
not act as promptly ns those who con
tracted for thu labor of the convict
thought desirable, so they sent a rep
resentative to him t find out what tho
matter was.
"I have delayed acting lu this man's
case," said the Governor, "because I
have heard that meaalea. In a very ma
lignant form, have broken out In your
camp, and that ninny of tho convicts
are dying. la It trueV"
"Yes." said the agent lightly; "but
what difference does that make? Bend
him along. He limy not catch tho
measles, anyway, and If he does, and
dies, why, It's only one nigger the less."
"That la nil I wanted to know," re
plied Governor Jones. "I send no more
persons, black or white, to your eump
till the disease la under control."
Tho agent reddened.
"See here, Governor," he mapped
ut, angrily, "you don't own 'the State
of Alabama! Wo huve still some courts
open, ir you reruso to send tlint muu
to camp, we shall go Into court and get
out a mandamus, and then you will
have to do it."
It was now tho Governor's turn to
flush. IIo wheeled upon hla visitor
with n gesturo toward the door.
"You go Into tho nearest court and
try your best to force me to do what I
do not believe la right!" he thundered.
"Try It It will touch you a lesson. Tho
same laws which give un power to sign
that paper give me authority to pitrdoh
n convict. Now I nerve you with rulr
warning that the Instant I see your
einlssnry enter that door with your
mandamus lu his hand. I sign u par
don for the convict! Nn-v vol"
An Author's lilen of IMcntjr.
Tho good of money la to get things you
want. This Is tho creed of Harry Still
well Edwards, the Georglu novelist.
Mr. Edwanla decided t9 write u story
lu competition for a $10,000 prlio offer
ed by a newspaper for the best Amerl
cuti atory of mystery. Mr. EdwnrdB
was u writer of Southern verse, aud of
dialect stories of that picturesque peo
ple of the South known as Georgia
Crackers. He surprised hla friends by
saying that hla wife had furnished it
splendid plot for the tale of mystery
that he was to offer.
The couple went to work enthusiasti
cally on the story, entitled It "Sous and
Fathcra." nnd It won tho tlrst prize.
To thu question, What will you do
with tho money? the Edwardsea said
not a word. Weeks passed and the
curiosity of the townspeople was still
on edge. Then, one day, an express
wngon delivered twenty crated bicycles
before the Edwarda plazzl.
"Every single relative of mine," said
Mr. Edwnrds, "baa wanted a bicycle,
and not one of them would have a poor
wheel. There nro twenty of us, all
told, In the two families, nnd so when
I got check for $10,000 I Just sent
$:2.000 to the hot bicycle tlrin In the
country, tind got twenty $1U0 bicycles.
And what's money for If It Uu't to get
what you want?" Philadelphia -Peat.
If you call a woman "a poor little
thing," It baa the i-nuie effect as send
ing her a dozen rous, mid comes
Instead of helping come Institutions
to build up, the people should. assist
them to go up. . - . "
There are people who will never ad
mire you unless yvu fool them.
Where a city! contracts with n water
company to pay for water a sum equal
to all taxes levied on certain parts of
the company's plant, the agreement
Is not Invalid as an exemption fro'.n
tnxatlon; the contract contemplating
the payment of tnxea. 60 IS. W. Hep.
(Wis.) OSS.
A contract for public supplies, let
upou a bid tendered pursuant to an
advertisement limiting the right to bid
to persona employing, or who will In
the future employ, union labor only,
Is held lu State ex rel. Uobert Mitchell
Furniture Co. vs. Toole (Mont., C5 L.
It. A (HI), to be Invalid.
' Directors of tin Insolvent corporation
arc held, lu American Exchange Na
tional Hank vs. Ward (C. C. App. Sth
C., r5 L. It. A. ,'.'(, not to be pre
cluded from executing n chattel mort
gage upon the corpdratc assets to se
cure their own Just deniunds, If they
act In absolute good faith.
A Btatutc dc'lnlng contempts, and
providing a punishment therefor, and
also providing that lu all cases of In
direct contempt the party so charged
shall upon demand have a change of
Judge or venue nnd a Jury trial, Ls held,
In Smith vk. Speed (Okln.), 05 I.. It. A.
402, to bo Invalid, as an Interference
by the Legislature with the Inherent
rights of courts to punish for con
tempt. A statute making carriers liable for
Injuries to passengers except where
the Injury Is caused by the criminal
negligence of the persou Injured, or by
the violation of an expressed rule oi
regulation of tho company actually
brought to the notice of the Injured
passenger, Is held, In Chicago, It. I. &
I Co. vs. Zernecke (Neb.), 05 L. It. A.
010, to bo within the police power of
the State.
When stock of a corporation Is trans
ferred to and deposited with Its presi
dent, to be disposed of by him for the
prosecution of the Interest of the com
pany and raising necessary money to
carry on Its business, he has an abso
lute right to dispose of It at hla dNcro
tlou for the company's benefit, and If
ho applies It In good faltb ho dis
charges bis duty to the depositors and
the corporation. 00 N Y. Bupp. "to!.
Where n water company sued n city
for hydrant rentals, and tho city set
up a counterclaim for Inadequate ser
vices at Urea, evidence of Inadequate
lire pressure at fires occurring more
than six years prior to tho present
ment of tho claim to the city, and also
after the controversy h.d get Into
1 court, could not be sustained, ns show
I lug a habit, or custom, or course of
'conduct; It appearing from the defend
ant's bill of particulars that during n
I portion of the six years prior to the
filing of tho claim tho protection fur
nished by the water worka was sutll-
dent. 85 N. W. Hep. (Wis.) 085.
Tho Ancient Fellows.
O for the ancient boy who stood upon the
deck that dny,
"While o'er lilm fast, through snll and
shroud the wreathing fires made
O for the ancient girl who graced the
stnge before our sight
And told us well why Curfew should
nut be rung tlint night!
O for the simple Marys tweet, who led,
so long ago,
That Immemorial lamb to school, who
loved those Marys so!
Rut times hnre changed, old comrade!
The children of oar tears
Hare censed to he the little girls and
boys of vanished years.
Aud Mary's little lamb at school no gen
tle smiles can win
The teacher calls the watchmna, nnd tho
watchman runs him lu.
And the boy upon the burning deck It
nut a sight to churm;
He tponks lu Greek, and gives no cause
to sprlug the fire ularm!
Atlanta Constitution.
Attentions or n IIiiHlmnil.
Humor tinea not abound lu the vig
orous atmosphere of the Twopenny
Tube between 7 and 8 p. in, Therefore
the passengers Jammed up near a fat
Irate woman one evening last week
greatly enjoyed the following: "Thom
as'this very loudly while Joggling a
mild little mtsiinmi as tney both sway
ed, clutching the leather loops over
head "get u seat forme, I tell yer."
Conciliatory whispers came from the
mild man, who glanced timidly nt the
passengers hla wife was pushing
Then: "Nonsense; yer could find me
a sent easy enough If yer wanted to."
More agonized whispers from tha
husband and more loud demands from
the wife. There was great local relief
when an irreproachably dressed young
man politely gave up his seat. Aa the
woman dropped heavily Into It she
beamed on htm with,, "Any one can tee
you're not my 'usband, sir." Manches
ter Guardian.
A Gentle Kciulmlcr.
It was 11:110.
"Yes," she said, although the remark
t-eeiiu'd a little abrupt, "I always sleep
well." Then she paused and plaintive
ly nilded lu a hopeless murmur, "when
I get a chance."
Whereupon tho youth, who had been
overstaying himself, took his bat nnd
softly stole away. Cleveland i'lulu
MmlaucMr'n Auailcinv.
Mnibtirusctir I bvlleved to be civil-
Iretl enough by the r-'rctivu to have nil
cudciny of I.ettet' nnd Sciences of
tt own. It remains mtoon members
it present, tblrteeu Uuropoatu and
three Iloyas.
small boy's Ideal hero Is auother
Pav who runs away from bchceL
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for (he County of Multnomah.
Albert Seekatz, plaintiff, vs. Walter
Vivian, defendnnt.
Dy vlrtuo of an execution duly is
sued out of. and under tho seal of tho
above entitled court, In tho above en
titled cause, upon a Judgment ren
dered nnd entered In the Justice's
Court, East Portland District of tho
State of Oregon, for Multnomah coun
ty, on the 9th day of May, 1902; In fa
vor of Albert Seekatz, plaintiff and
ngainBt Walter Vivian, defendant, for
tho sum of $30.00, with Interest there
on nt tho rate of S per cent ror an
num, from the 7th day of Octobor,
1900. nnd the further sum of J10.00,
with interest thereon at tho rate of
6 per cent per annum, from tho Dth
dny of May, 1902, and accrued costs
and tho coats of and upon this writ, I
did on the 23d day of May. 1902. duly
levy upon the following described real
property, to-wltJ
Lot four (4) In block two (2). in
Pleasant Homo Addition to East Port
land (now n part of tho city of Port
land), Multnomah county, Stato of
Now, therefore, by vlrtuo of said ex
ecution. I will on Tuesday, the 1st day
July, 1902, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. nt the front door of tho County
Court House, in the city of Portlnnd,
said county and Stnte, sell nt public
auction, subject to redemption, to the
hkhest blddor, for United Stntos gold
coin, cash in hand, oil the right, tltlo
and Interest of the within nnmed de
fendant, In nnd to tho above described
real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, interest, costs
nnd nil accruing costs.
Dated Portland, Oregon, May 28th,
Sheriff of Multnomah County, Or.
In the circuit court of the stato of
Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah.
P. P-atrho, administrator of tho part
nership estnto of Bascho & Company, J
which consisted oi P. Ilnsche and
James P. Fuull, who were doing busi
ness under tho firm name of P. Gntcho
& Co., plaintiff, vs. N. S. Wright,
George Wulker, David Ogilvy, Sidney
u-n.:.. n tr,,.u..i.o.. ...i i,... u',..i.iii
ISy virtue of an execution duly issued
out of niul under tho seal of tho nbovo
entitled court, in tho nbovo entitled
catiso, to ma duly diroctcd nnd tinted
tho 17th day of April, 1002, upon a
lodgment rendorod and entered in en id
court on tho lOUi dny of March, 1804,
In favor of P. liasche, administrator of
llio partnership estate of Unscho &
Company, which consisted of P. Barcha
and Jiinos P. Fault, who were doing
business under the Arm namo of P.
Bardie A Co., plaintiff, and against G.
Kutzschan, Sidney Walkor, George
Wulker and David Ogilvy, dofcndantsi
lor the turn of f 1,457.45 with Interest
thereon a't tho rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the 10th dny of March,
1804, and the further sum of $75 with
interest thereon at the rate oi per
cent per annum from tho 10th day of
March, 1804, and tho further sum of
174.45 costs and disbursements, and
the colts of and upon this writ, I did
on the 22d dny of April, 1002, duly
levy upon tho following deacribod real
properly, to-wit:
Commencing at a stake standing in
tho eonth lino of Clay Street 52 feet
west on tald touth lino of Clay street
from the canter line of 13th Street ex
tended; thence wett on raid south lino
of Clay street, 25 feet; thence south
parallel with said 13th Street extended,
100 feet; thenro eaut and parallel with
uid Clay Street 25 feet; thonco north
tnd paraloll with said 13th Street ex
teudod, 100 feet to tho place of be
(inning, In the City of Portland, Coun
ty of Multnomah and Stato of Oregon.
Bald 13th street being the old nnine of
aid streot; it now being known as 10th
Now, therefore, by virtue of in id exo
ration, I will on Tuonlay the 10th day
at Juno, 1902, at tha hour often o'clock
A. M. at tho front door of the county
-ourt houto, in the City of Portland,
laid county and Btnto, pell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to tho
highett bidder, for U, S. gold coin,
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them had on the
date of the judgment hereto (the 10th
day of March, 1894) or since had, in
and to the above described real prop
irty or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, Interest, cotta and all accru
Ing costs.
Dated Portland, Oregon, May 8th,
Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon.
l're.Uient, Secretary.
J. II, CAItn, Manager.
Frank Schmitt & Co.
Manufacturers of
Fir, .Silver Pir.e .and CeJrr Doors
and Fln'shing Material.
I'tone Ea.t t
Kart Taylor and
h'ait Eighth Streets.
Portland, Oregon
New York Grocery
Ol'S. II HlNNENKAMr, I'roprletor.
Cor. Eleventh acd Morrison Sts.,
Portland, Oregon
In tho circuit court of tho ftate ol
Oregon for the county of Multnomah.
Charles E. Wise, plaintiff vs. Eliza
both Wise, defendnnt.
By vlrtuo of an execution duly issued
out of nnd under the seal of tho nbovo
entitled court, in .the nbovo entitled
cause, to me duly directed nnd dated
tho 13th day of May, 1902, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in tho
Justico court, East Portlnnd district, of
the state of Oregon, for tho county of
Multnomah, on the 10th day of March,
18U5, in favor of Charles E. Wlee,
plaintiff, and ugainst Elizabeth Who,
defondnnt, for tho sum o. (111.52 with
interest thereon nt tho rato of 8 per
cent tier annum from tho 10th (lav of
....!. lo-.r. ...., .1 . ...., !
juwuii, iou, uiiu uiu luriiiur eiiiii uj
$0.(10 costs and disbursements and ac
crued costs, and nlso tho costs of and
upon this writ, I did on tho 14th dny
of May, 1002, duly levy upon tho fol
lowing described real property, situate,
lying and boing within Multnomah
county, state of Oregon, towit: Lot 11
in block 4; lot 17 in block 5; lots 13
and 14 in block 14, Columbia Heights;
alto lot 7 in block 3, Piedmont park.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution. I will, on Tuesday , tho 17th
day of Juno, 1002, at tho hour of 10
o'clock A. M., at tho front door of tho
county court Iioubo, in tho city of Port
land, said county and state, sell at
public auction, snbject to redemption,
to tho highest bidder, for U. S. gold
coin, cash in hand, all tho right, title
and interest of tho within named de
fendant, in nnd to the nbovo described
rtul property or any part thereto, to
satisfy said execution, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Duted Portlund, Oregon, May 14, 1002,
Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned hns been duly appointed
by Hon, W. M. Cnko, jndgo of tho
county court of Multnomah county,
etnto of Oregon, administrator of tho
estate of Samuel W. Slado, deceased.
All persons having claims arainst Enid
estnto aro hereby required to present
tho Miino, properly verified, as by law
required, within six months from datu
hereof to Chas. A. Lucas, Attorney,
room 521), Chnmber of Commerce.
Date this 28th day of Juno, 1002.
Administrator of tho estate of Samuel
W. Sludo.
For a good social time call and tea
Fluo Vte, Liquors and Cigars.
Tclcpht no Clay M. 4M Ollnait Ht., Portland. Or
pnoi'i-8ou men. max maykii.
P.r.rtlt and Landscape Artist.
Teacher In Prawlnn and I'slntliif.
Studio and Art (Irllerv, 318 Alder fit.,
Tliuuday. '
Tolojifcono Itcd S8S7. Portland, Oregon
. lluiktojicr.
Where can lo found flneafvf Uquori, Wlnei
and Clgarp.
Oregon Phone Clay tS7.
Corner Flxth and Klanderi. Portland, Or
rniiK rorcLAit.
JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor.
Tilcphonci: Oregon Rcdwtj Columbia .
l?J ririt Street.
Portland, Oregon.
Columbia J.'M.
JOE NASH, l'rtprletor.
Wholdilo ileilnr In r.nh f.i. -....
Meats, i-oultry. Ktnh and (iame. 1ei.'Coftce.
lelery, truttf, Telephone Oak si.
43$ N. 81xth Bt., near Couch
Dealer In Grccerles, Fruits, Confectionery and
Corner of Ninth and Cllian Streets
Dunnlrig & Campion.
Funeral Directors Embalmers
Uurnilde St., bet. Third and Fourth,
Oregon Thone Main 4. Columbia l'hone 4S0
Night calls ring night bell.
1 Q
ftpi - fis
Js.ITL'oIb Hi
nfa ; sfttfUEv
TsW Inimlel
K. A. OAT.
Excelsior Planing Mill
Mouldings, Brackets, Turning,
Stair Building and General.
House Work.
Phono White 501.
E. Seventh nnd E. Morrison Sts.
Ann Arbor Home
M. SIIIELUS, rroniiotor.
Sixteenth and Glisan Sts., Portland, Or
George Miller.
Ilirnm Fugitt.
Wagner Cafe
l'hone Main 870
148 Sixth St., Portland.
Comfortable C,utrtcrs for- Commercial
and Btsiness Men.
S. JUL. MAYEIl, I'rcs't nnd Bcc'jr.
Fleckenstein Mayer Co.
Eitabllahcd 1ST0. Incorporated 1871.
Importers and Jobbers
Maryland Club Rye and
Kentucky Taylor Bourbon.
27-W Martin Ft..
2M.213 Oak Ht.
Gents' Work a Specialty.
Phones: Oregon 429, Colunbla'410.
See Our Prices Before Buying.
Fend for free catalogue.
Extract from Ktt. Har. MaVcra 1'. A. Mar.37, 1K:
"Vanklrk & WIIkoii aro nuntliiiriirlre In their
Icniaioguu mat no reiau ueaier carvi to mee w
That's what the King says of us, Oct out
. rnci.
VANKIRK & WILSON, 150 Front .St
Real Estate
Six-Room Modern Houses
in Wood mere.
Fine ncreapo on electric car line suit
able for plntiint,'.
Choice bts on enxy tern a.
Hornet built to suit at d sold on easy
203 Falling Building, 3d and Wash
ington Sts.
Vice 1'reit.
8. B, COI1B
Standard Box Factory
Gates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack
ages, Packing Cases of all kinds.
Cor. VUr and E. Vajhtogton SU.,
TeltphoM Et 4. PORTLAND, OR