THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. V f ,J W CHARLES A. LUCAS, Attorney, and. Coaa-selor-at-Law. Room SOT Chamber ot Com anercc Practice In all Federal and State Coutu. Portland, Oregon. J. Rocder. N, Marquart SEVENTH A OLI8AK EXCHANGE. Choice Winn, Llquon and Cigars. Sellwood Beer. Phono ciajr,49. -lis M. 7th St.,-Portland T HZ OAK CAFE. P. T. PICK1, Prop. Choice Lino of Wines, Llqnom and Clgan. urrgnn rnnne noou en. Cor. Fourth and Oak 8ts. Portland, Or. mHE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office l Ecxentcenth and Front Street. Portland, Oregon. T HE EXCHANGE. Georgo Bobeckl; FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. WKIK1IAUIVS BEER. 101 Third Street North. I ALL AT 831 FIRST ST, For Fresh Bread, Cakes nnd Pies Dally. A Fresh Line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. N EW YORK HAT CO. " MANUFACTURING HATTERS. Hals Dyed. Cleaned, Mocked and Trimmed. Latest Style Hats In Mock and Made to Order. Union Hatters. Phone Clay 72fl. Hi Filth Street, PORTLAND, OREQON A LBINA FERRY EXCHANGE John Erer.4011, Proprietor. ' Dealer In Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 18 Alfilna arcnue, corner Rlrer street Albtna, Oregon. PORTLAND ROLLING MILL3 '. Manufacturer! ot BAR IRON AND BTBEL. N. K. AYER, Manager. Twenty-Second and Nlcolal Streets, F OR BARGAINS CALL ON II. 8. GOLDMAN. Dealer lit New and PecomMIand Clothing, Acuta' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Moots. Hlio.s. Blankets, Trunks, Vlloi. Tools. Etc. Cast-Off Clothing bought and exchanged. M) North Third til., bet. lals and Everett, Portland. Or Telephone Drown 423, i JONTE CARLO 8ALOON. ' Finest Wine", Liquors and Cigars, Etc. Latest Jtrands. HA.aODLOM CARLSON, Proprietor. Cor, Eighth ami Ollsan Streets. Prlyato Room etitrMice on Eighth Street. 11 AYK8;i SHORT ' ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. NoY Studio Fevcnth and Washington 8(reets, Or Dresser's Now grocery. in AOLE BAKERY. 'Phone Clay SU ' II. A. Brammer, Proprietor. DREAD, CAKES. PIES, CONFECTIONERY. ' - : Ornamontsl and Fnncy Cakes to'order. Cor. Twelfth and Qllsan Streeti i-tRlFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. BTOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON TOE BYNES 8ALOON. Northeast corner of Gllsan and Seventh Sts. A Choice Collection of Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars. i RLINGTON CREAMERY. ' IL'.CiKING. Prop. "S . -J. - .' 4 . . . .. , ' Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Etco 267 Burnslde St, TOUTLAND, Or. c. P. JONES. IT CIOAR8, TOIIAqCOS, GAUDIES, FKUIT8,NUT8, ETC. 1S3 Sixth Street, ' Between Gllsan and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon JJENRY KLECKENSTEIN & CO. WHOLESALE WINES AND UQUORS. Importers and Jobbers. 206-208 Second St., Doth Telephones Main 115. Portland, Or. rOSEPH BORDE. Fine Wines and Liquors. TEFFERSON GARDENS. Finest Picnic Ground in the City. mnK BAVARIA SALOON " A. B. BURGER, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Weinhard' Beer, phone Oregon Blask 1915 B. E. Corner Second and Oak Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. D AY-A HENDERSON All Kind ot , ..FORNITUltK..-. Practical Embalmera and Undertaker. Order ty telegraph Oiled promptly Phone Black 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th Si. EUGENI CITY, OBEGOK. ! fOHIf KBLX.T , General durance Agent, Plre and Marine. Scottish Union A National Ins. Co., Kdlnbnrg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 6iyi Third it., Columbian Bldg. p R. MILLER. Oregon 'Phone Clay 702. ' PHOTOGRAPHER. OTH Washington fit. Portland, Oregon, T HE TRANSCONTINENTAL HOUSE. ' J. J. Engelhardt, Proprietor. 773 .Barter Street. Portlnad, Oreg on, mtlE TOTEM. First class In every respect. Headquarter for Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey and Schlltx Milwaukee Beer. Family eutranco on West Park St. 880 Morrison street. Phone, Hood 717, A, CLOSE, Manager,'' P. F. HAUL. , Cor. Commercial and Stanton Sts., Portland Ore. Wines, Liquors and Flue Cigars. Oregon Phono Pink 413. V. M. PRESTON. GROCERIES. Frco delivery to all parts of the City. 260 Lnrratce St., corner Haalo. Portland, Or. 'Phono Scott 871. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and CIpus. Fre.o Lunch. Cor. Russell and Urendle Sts., Portland, Or. O. DAVIDSON. New and Second Hand Clothing, Boots and Fhocs, Trunks, Valises, Jewolry and TooIs bouglt, rold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for all kinds ol vnlttnblo goods, at 87 N. Third St. and 41 Third St., Portland, Oregon. 'Phottes Clay Ms, Green 477. Tailoring. Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice. 1 MERICAN BAKERY. Gus Mankerts, Prop. All Kinds of Bread, Cakes nndU'lfS. Home in ado Bread a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 600 Williams Ave. Portland, Ore. mHE TOTEM. Flrst-clau In every respect. Headquarters for Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey and Schlltx Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on West Park 8t. A. CLOSE, .Manager. CALL AT 171 North Sixth Street, For the Latest Uramla ot Cigars and alt kinds of fruits when In.neaaon. C. M. PENNELL, Prop. Call at 211 Third Street for Fine Candies. Fresh Fruits every day. The very Latest Brands of Clsam. M. A. CLOW, Prop. A. E. SIEQElw. Denier in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter Cheese, Eggs, Etc Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St Biff Money Can be mado in Portland real estate. The city is trowing taster than most people think, and property values are steadily ad vancing, what will bo tlio result of the Great l.owis and Clark Centennial? Consult us it you want (o make profitable invest xnents, large or small. BUY NOW I WE INSURE TITLES. Tltlm Gumrmntmm & Trust Co. M ausaf 7 Ohmntkmr mf Oammmram PORTLAND, OtCeOM. PoHianti Club and Cafe... 130 Fifth Street OUR SPKCIALTIRgi II Monogram and III .tyrus Noble WhUkies. . A Report for Gentlemen. 'Phone OregonMaln 003; Columbia 407 SB.36 PESoTrH 1,QD0 HOME Leu than Wo per day. NO INTEREST. OREGON MUTUAL HOME SOCIETY 51S-SH Commercial Block. Phone South 1091. PORTLAND, ORE HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine insurance. Rooms 36 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. -PORTLAND, OR. LSg0: LATEST IN CLOTHES. CHIRT WAISTS ARE VERY FANCI FULLY MADE UP. Kmbroldered nnd Stenciled Fronts Elbow Sleeves In Great Vogue TJe of Braid aud Ribbon In Trimming Other Ideas from Ootliatn, New York correspondence: HEX the term fan cy shirt wnlst vau new, tho garmcntd that came unilur. this classification were satisfactorily ornnto, but since then they have in creased steadily In boauty. Now they are as handdome nnd .elaborate as they well can be. One now type that Is especially attractive hbs beautiful em broidered and stenciled fronts, with elbow sleeves. Another fine sort has yoku ni)d collar made In one of narrow Valenci ennes lace Hewed together, tho body of the wnlst being tucked and trimmed vari ously. Tucking Is seen on most of these waists, and nothing Is too. odd or fanciful In its nrrnngement. The range Is from Inch tucks to the flneit pin tuck, and nil manner of geometrical dcslgm rre planned from them. Hlilrrlng and smock ing "are used freely also, nnd look well on ADROIT USB OF BRAID AND RIBBON. soft materials. Lace, of coume, takes tho lead ns n trimming, but any of the fancy brnlds, cording, narrow ribbons or pnasomcntcrlo may be employed. Very, pretty luueed nre thu wnlsts of handker chief linen In white nnd in batiste colon, also those of very line white China silk. The former nre beautifully embroidered In white silk orMlneu threads, and many are nppllqued with tiny lace or embroid ered medallions. White embroidered in black is especially pretty. White em broidered in dellcato tints Is seen now ami then, but all white U liked better, A noticeable feature of dress trimming Is the use of satin nnd velvet baby rib bons. Theso appear in nil decorative ways that Ingenuity can devise, and on both wash and wool materials. Black, white, crimson, baby blue nnd several shades of green nre the colors clionun. They edge mnny of the ruffles that are so stylish a finish. They also outline Inco or embroidered mednlllqus and edge folds of cloth, silk or velvet. Wider ribbon U used but generally as n banding, pr gath ered. Inch wide velvet ribbon Ik liked for edging bias' rullles or Spanish fiouuees, or for heading the latter, A stylish ribbon trimmed gown of "white organdie figured In delicate green and red was put by the artist nt the rlvht In rTjffijjyS AS LACE AND PASSEMENTERIES ARE EMPLOYED. the next picture. The ribbon was crim son velvet, the belt matching. White satin ribbon In varying widths afford a very stylish trimming for all kinds of white wash and transparent material. It is especially pretty in baby width. A still narrower ribbon, almost the width of soutache. 1 used as braiding. It come in nl colors, but black and white are especially favored. This does not oust braids, which still bare indorsement. The gown beside the one just described was jBrnlded fine black silk brntd on ap ple green canvas over white silk. Very pretty designs are made from fancy braids in all widths and colors. Black nnd white together or separately, a pret ty red and green are favored colors, although any shade may be chosen. These braids arc silk or very fine mohair. Lltlch nnd pongee gowns are nicely trimmed with braid. New passementeries nnd embroidered bonds nre line and expensive at pres ent, but so effective that a very little often will su til ee. Oriental, Persian and Turkish effects arc numerous, and solid colors arc fashionable. Characteristic employment of these new passementeries appears In the two right hand gowns of the third accompanying picture. In the first the trimming was delicate green, the 'goods dark blue broadcloth. In the second were dotted black and white silk serpentine pnssementerie nnd black peau dc sole. Jet and spangled band trim ming is being revived, and Is Bhown on black dotted mulls, grenadines und Swisses. It looks very fine when a bright lining Is shown beneath the mntcrlal. Black jet Is used on soft wool mate rials, especially veilings, ctamlnes nnd grenndlncs. Another. stylish trick of trim ming employs bands, of silk moussclinc In applique designs beautifully embroid ered in vnrlous colors. These come In nil widths. Mull bands embroidered In this wny are also favored by fashlonn blcs. Then silk cord supplies Its list of accepted embellishments. Fnncy Mlk cord ornnmeuts nre used as bodice and skirt trimming, the cord in nil shades nnd wclfehts. Fine cord almost as thtn as thread Is used for outlining nppllquc lace hnhils nnd medallions. Sometimes tho medallion Is mado of this thread cro cheted nnd outlined with very fino Inco bands. Black Is usually chosen for this fine cord. The newest dust cloaks show cord ornaments ns trimming. Tho ten dency of nil these new decorations is to lessen tho amount of lace trimming, but plenty remains. Medallions alone are a prince's rantom, Bauds se'eu not quite as numerous, and slnglo'hands are wider. Note the romnlnlng gown of the artist's contribution In the matter of width of lace. White chiffon veiling n'nd heavy ecru lace were the details, tho dominat ing feature, of course, being tho tucking.. Soft, seml'transparcnt woollen stuffs show off laces to very fine advantage. Fustiion Note. BlouseJackcts are ns good as ever. Large collars of silk muslin or lace are worn on every sort of gown. To bo presented with a brooch in the form of wishbone In diamonds such us is now displayed would convince any woman ot Its reliability ns an emblem of good luck. . Speaking of realism, hats and bonbon boxes have not been mnuopolUlhg all the fruit this year. Grapes have .been one of the most popular forms of embroidery upon wash bowiis anil upon petticoats, and cherries are now to be seen. As a rule th grapes are embroidered In white, hut the cherries are red and nearly as natural ns those to be seen on hats and umbrella handle. Tbey are In red em broidery or form a part of a pattern of embroidery, for the cherries themselves are covered with solid pieces of red cot ton, raised uimn the materia iu which they appear, so that they show nearly half the drcumfereuce of a natural cherry. Private rooms. Bambrinus Garden Saloon. , Andrew Swanson, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and Washington Bts. Portland Ori Madam Allen (Late ol Now York City.) CORSET MAKER &33) Washington St., Good Work. Low Prices. PORTLAND, ORE Oregon Phone Union 21'. GRAND AVE., MARKET. Jo Iiadura, Proprietor. Bief, Pork, Mutton, Vial and Poultry. I will keep only tho lest and choicer meat. Give me a trial and I will convince you. 2 Grand Ave., N. TonTiiAND, Onn. Coal - Coal - Coal "Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dcalors In all kinds ol COAL, COKE. CHARCOAL Try the famous , ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Roth Phones. Oltlco; 5I North Kllth St. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care iu'ly Compounded. Telephones Columbia 710, Oregon Bed 1804 Proscription - Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLANO - - OREQON When in Medford BTOP AT The New Nash Hotel F1R8T CLA8S IN EVERY PARTICULAR. W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor. Hurst Candy Parlors Ice Crearn and Confectionery Fine Box Goods A Specialty. IMiono Hood 203. 200 Morrison St., bet. Fourth nnd Fifth roltTXAND, OREGON. (EmtmhllBhmm' 1BB2.) F.B. DALLAM & GO. Wholesale Dealer In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Piper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran iteware, Eto. 232, Una, 3ZB Front t Sun Frtnolmao, Oil. , mnd 11 Front Mtrmmt, Pertlmna, Ormsen, Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15 conta each, or ?l.76 pur dozen. . Ue Uicho Lamps with proper voltago and make your light tho cheapest and bebt. Portland Gmnmrml Elmctrlc Co. Seventh mnil Alder Sts. 15c. 15c. Telephone Red 931, Star Brewery Company ,. Brewers and Dottier ot . V i". Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash,, East Third and Burnslde Sts., Part land, Oregon. , , Herbert A. Hale, Landscape Photographer Mt. Hood and Columbia River Views. 132) Third Btrcct, corner of Third and A14 ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. MJi North ThJnt 8. Boots and Shoes Made to Ordtr UEPAIRINO NEATLY DONE. Work Called tor and Delivered. All Work Guaranteed. H. O. RILEY, Manager. EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stabk C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rfg At All Hours. Transient stock given tho very best ot eat. Rate always reasonable and satisfaction tar antccd, 1, Phone Main Si, Cor. Ross and OitSU. K0SEBUKG, OREGON, Hatters and Furnishers Sol. Agent, for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Streot. PORTLAND, ORE. ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Orogon. Front and Morrison Streets. HATKSi . European Plan, 50c to $ ,J0 Ptr Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dae 0CAR ANDKIIBQN, Manager. i.C, l'KNIr.OA6T. Chief Clerk. , COST $1,000,000. Tho Portland! H, O. MOWER, Mmnmami-. American Plan, $3 Per Day anil Upward. HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon. BARRH0TEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style. Nw house, newly I nrnlshed, two blocs Si Union depot .All lb modern ImjiroTsmsnts, firr.prool, hot and cold water, centrally le cated. Bates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Mls2J, Batlulo. Cor. Sixth and Gllsan, Portia, lAND SOAP AND CrjgX PORTLAND, OREGON. y V