w n -v - - ,r ," , ,p THE XEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tv w.t,y TOPICS OF , 77 TMfES. A womnn does not begin to com mand until she litis promised to obey. I guess nil no will be a rcnl pnnatna. It Is to coBt nbout $40,000,000. Undo Bain. Measure a tnnti by bis evcry-dny con duct rntlicr tbnn by bis extraordinary exertions. ' Hands up. How many of you know what tbey are lighting about down in Venezuela? Men arc continually going up against schemes that look like more money and less work. Tho man who Isn't being fooled by anybody else generally puts In a good ueal of time deceiving himself. The now King of Saxony Is 70 years old. There seems to be one placo left whoro the boyB aren't getting all tho good Jobs. From tho eagerness with which BcrB and llrltlsh are falling on each other's necks, It Is evident that each Is grateful for tho help given to let tho ether go. Itockefeller's recent Investment of a large sum of money In n blcyclu fac tory may be taken iih an Indication that he begH leave to differ and lu will lug to back It up. An exchange says that a person's chuucoB of being struck by lightning are very slender. Tho use of the prep osition "lifter" lu placo of "of" Is sug gested as an improvement In that state inent. An eastern physician says that mem tiers of his profession can bo bribed and that "they will do a lot for money." Hero Ih a mail who knows ho has his price and does not wish to be Bullish bout It. Tho Sultan saya Turkey has bookB enough, for which reason ho will not permit tho publication of nny more in that country. It will now no neces nary for tho Turkish poetB to become captains of Industry. Emperor William says that when a Gerinuu can look Into tho eyes' of tho empress ho ought to havo Inspiration enough to last him u lifetime. How nice it must be for her If the emperor talks llko that when company Is not present. Vhenover the courts of this country hall administer Justice' with the same promptness, certainty, fearlessness and with as little regard for persons as Is thu case In the courts of Kugliiud, after which ours wero patterned, lynching will ceoso In thu United States, but until then it will bo n standing- re proach to tho people and their machin ery of Justice. A Wllintmrlon. Del., hello Is "tho most talked-about woman of that city,"' liecausu she rodo astride at tho homo ahow. Woman Indeed remains lu uur burlc bondage so long as she caunut do a sensible thing without being render vd conspicuous. Health, safety ami good form all demand the abolishment of tho awkward and anthiuatcd side saddle. If rltllug Is to lucreaso with .tho release of the horso from carriage service, women everywhere ought to revolt against the barbaric prejmllee which deprive them of tho best en Joymeut and best beuetlts of this no blest of exercises. It Is not shade alone that makes It cooler under a treo In summer. The coolness of the tree Itself helps, for Its tenipeuituro Is uYoiit 45 degiees Kali reuhelt, at all times, as that of the hu man body Is a fraction more than 08 degrees. So n clump of trees cools the air as a pleco of co Vools tho water In a pitcher. That Is why the Legisla ture has authorized the park authori ties of Now York City to plant trees lu the tenement districts. If the air can bo made cooler mid purer by the trees fewer children will die of heat aliments. As -1,000 more children die In Now York during Juue, July, August and September than lu any other sim ilar period In the year, the Importance of adopting every known menus to save' life Is undisputed. K-ery towu occasionally puts on a play for tho edlllcatlou of jhe public -which U not announced ou the bill boards. A village In Now York renders tho following performuuee lu which thu llaptlst preacher and a Jctilou young man play leading roles: The play opens at tho church picnic, Tho min ister, an unmarried man, Is tho vogue. Moreover, ho Is susceptible. Captured and cornered by tho church organist, lie discourses all the day long of love's young dream. And now tho villain up pours. 'Hie organist's steady couipauj allows up, Ho behaves rudely ami his wrulh Is as, the wrath of Achilles. Tho next net Is brief but tragic. It Is on the following Sunday, Tho Jealous lover lays for the preacher aud wallops the ecclesiastic sorely, Then comes the curtain raiser lu tho police court with the villain In tho dock, Tho populace, rent Into opposing factious according to creed, till and overtlow tho right and left wings of tho stage. Hero the tele graph Instrument stopped. Hut u m easy to guess the seiuel, Questioned by the' Judge, tho prisoner glares nt tho minister bud tho organist aud lowering bis voice to tho iloor, huskily exclaims: "Not gulltyl" Pursued by tho luex- orable,4aw he goes to the calaboose rather than pay his Hue while the min ister and the organist marry, and live happily ever after,. The only default of the entire entertainment Is to,' bo found In the failure of tho preacher, to Hall the Jealous young son of Bella) -who attacked hlin. Sir Wilfrid Lnurler Just prior to his recent departure- to Europe spoke of the Alaskan boundary question as a se rious danger to llrltlsli rind American relations and a "menace of open con flict." It need not become a menace, however, unless the Urltlsh government seeks to make It such. It Is Great 111 It nln, not tho United States, which In this Instance Is seeking to niter boundary lines. Briefly stnted, the Urltlsh con tention is that the boundary of south eastern Alaska, Instead of following a line ten marine leagues (thirty-four and one-half statute miles) from the const line proper, leaps from headland to headland nt a distance of ten leagues from the outlining capes and promon tories. Such a lino would bring tho Urltlsh boundary much nenrer the Pa cific and would give Great Britain con trol of important estuaries and fiords leading to the sea. This claim, which was never advanced until 1808, Is not supported cither by the orlglunl trea ties, by the maps and charts of cartog raphers or by any argument recogniza ble to nea.ion. Tho United Stntes pos sessions In this territory are precisely what tho Hussion possessions were prior to their purchase and the mean ing of the orlglunl treaty negotiated between Itussla and Great Hiitnln lu 1825 Is unmistakable. It must be pat ent to tho Stnte Department that there can bo no yielding of American rights ou this point. The boundary question, it Is sit Id, Is about to bo brought up again for final negotiations. Whatever may bo required to secure a common survey of the boundary and n friendly demarcation of tho lino with scientific nccuracy should bo done; but from tho essential point at issuo there can bo no recession. Tho evidence in mninort of tho American claim Is overwhelming. Tho great vnluo of Bait a an nntl septic and tho fact that unturo appears to have mado It an essentlnl Ingredient In the food of nearly nil animals have tnado tho medical profession very hos pitable toward now theories or discov eries regarding its therapeutic quali ties. The doctors lu fnct are never un prepared for tho announcement of Bomo extraordinary cure effected by tho use of this widely distributed com pound. Thnt pneumonia can be cured by pumping an 8 per cent sodium .chloride solution at temperature rang ing from 10 to 1H0 degrees Fahrenheit Into tho lungs, however, naturally tax es the credulity of most -physicians. This achievement was announced by Dr. W. Byron Conkley, of Chicago, lu a paper raid by hlni before tho Amer ican Medical Association at Uio recent convention nt Saratoga. That such a saline solution would bo death to all bacteria and would nlso have an anti septic effect uiKiii diseased tissue will bo readily conceded. It Is a question of getting the solution Into the lungs lu such a way that tho patient could stand the treatment. Dr. Conklp claims to have Bolved this problem by the uso of nu Instrument Invented by himself, which Introduces tho solution Into the lungs through punctures mndo by a lino gold needle. After the salt solution destroys the bacteria and cools to tho temperature of tho body It Is claimed that It Is absorbed In tho blood and does not clog up the lungs. In doing this It protects the red corpuscles against destruction by the poisons of pnifiimonln. Physicians are naturally skeptical regarding the effectiveness of this treatment, for the reason thnt In tho attempts that have been mado to wiihIi out the lungs with salt solution the patients hnvu been unable to stand It. Tho demonstrations before the as sociation at Saratoga, however, nro claimed to have shown the poakley method to be a success. If future tests hhould more firmly ctMnhl'sh the effect iveness and practicability of his treat ment Dr. Coaklcy will have seorod a great advance lu medical science and will hnve conferred n great boon upon humanity. HOW THE SWORD-SWALLOWCR SWALLOWS HIS SWORD. Tho sword -walkiwer really does swallow hU sword, which rvats IuhIiIo tiii tin sliowr In tho cut. l.ouj; prtic tlvo I'liiihloH hi in to do hU teat In xnfo y. Sonu'tliiH's n ruhbor tip U slliiped on tho Kwonl'u point before swtilluw Intr. AccoinpunyliiK cut la from tho Sclctitltlc American, and ahow. tho po tt Hon of n swallowed sword. New tlruiui. "Sny," wlUM tho lumlwnre drummer to the proprietor of the mil way restau rant, "there In soinethlnj; wtvuj; with thin Bnudwlch." 'Oh, 1 guess yes," said tho traveler, "Why, the blamed thing la so soft I vitn actually litv ,i utao. vut ot It without bn'iikliii; my teeth." No man ever realties how uiucU trash ho owns uutll ho woven, ' T LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MbLLQUIST, Prop. BEST BRANDS OF WIKE3r , ND LIQUOK8 IMPORTED AND DOMEH1IU C1GAR8...J Corner Perot Btreet and Jeflerion Avenue, la mitAMoe, on. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREQON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Krabaluer Lady Aulttant. rKNDLETCm OREGON B. Y. Jodd, Piatt. F K. Jure, Btc'y and Treat. Tiicrom K. Fill, Manager Incorporated, ISM Capital Stock, 110,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturer! o( FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Casslmeres, Flannels Pendleton, Orom 01 T UK CELEBRATED COLUMBIA JHIEWKY AUGUST IlUCIILER, frop. This well-known brewery It now turning out the beit liter and Portereait ol the CaiCHde. The laltit appliance! lor the mamtfniture ol rood healthful Deer havo been Introduced, and only tho Uril-clm article will be placed ou th market. Eait Second Street THE DALLES, OP. Dalles Laundry Co. fIRST-OLASS WORK at Bliorl Notice Gentlemen's Work a Spesialty Local Fhons 341 Long Dlet-iie 96S THE DALLES, OREQON Z. F. MOODY THE DALIES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Oflliei and Warehouiei at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our ipeelaltr, Grain bought and told. Columbia Thm Brewery AUaUST OUCHLER, Propr. 0( the product ot thli well-known brewery, the United Ulatei Health Iteporli lor June as. ltuO, layi: "A more mporlor brew never entered the labratoryot tho Onltt-U hiatrt Health Ue- forta. It U abiolutely devoid o( the tMghtet raceot adulteration, but on the other hand li compoied ot the belt o( malt and cholceit ot hop. In tonloiiualltln are ot thehlghrit.and It can uied with the greateit benefit and atlilactlon by old and young. In uie can cpu. clentlouily U prerltd by the phyilclam, with the rartalnty that belter, purer or mora wholtiome beverage could uot poulbly be tound." Kmmt Mmmmtut t., THC BALLCS, mm. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables:. Have Re-established their busi ness In PORTLAND, At 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Flxtutes, BlU Hard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. Q. REDDICK, Manager. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tlw Bist In tytfTMt Litirattti 12 Compute Novcta Y-aruy MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S-.60fCRYCAR; SSots.acoiiv NO CONTINUED STORIES IVKRV NUMMCR COMPLKTK IR ITSC.r CALL AT THE COULTER GROCERY STORE FOR FIRST CLASS OOODS, Carry Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Telephone White 907. ' EAST SIDE. mllE H.T. HUDSON ARMS CO. , Wholeiate and Retail btnlcrx In Gun, Flih Ing Tackle1, Batoball, Theatrical and Gymna- llim Onntl. A. fl. Rnnlfllne'nt Athlflfln flntvli. hleii(1muti;r.for rjf floods, illatul Loaded enp in io oruer u eveiy uctcxiption. fine uun repairing a icclaltj 110 Third tit, I'ORTLAND, OREGON "QUELLE" "S. E. Corner Sixth and Stark Sta. Fritz Sechtem. 'Baron" Schlenk Most Elegantly Appointed Refectory in tho Northwest. Crawhh a Specialty. Foreign and Domestic Delicacies. Grill Room in Connection. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice Nottingham & Co. (Kitabllihcd 1632.) , JODIIERS IN Lime, Cement, Plaster, Land Plaster, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Flour and Feed. BOLE AGENTS FOR Big Bend and Moss Rose Flour 'noth Phono Ml, Central Dock, Foot of. Washington St. Portland, Oregon. A. Goodnough 'J. O. Stearin GOODNOUGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington llulldlnc, Portland, Or City, Suburban and Country Property, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and Coal Landi. Choice Water Frontage, lultablo for manufacturing purpoiei. Valuablo builuei property for tale. O. II. Selple. U. B. Sglple. OWEN H. SEIPLE & GO. Dealen In STAPLE .ND FANCY GROCERIES THONE SOUTH 1000. 3S3 Morrison St. PORTLAND, OREGON Timber Lands and Homesteads Located; Katlmateiot Timber by Competent Estimator!, EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO Dealers in Rent Kstnto. Itonts Col lectcd; IUislnees Chaucea and Loans Negotiated. C. L. Cse. A. R. Spreadborough. Oregon Phoue Union 1150. . MalnOIIlce: tM ait Morrlion Bt, POItTLAND, ORR TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Jsoop.M. 7;oo a.m. 11:30 p. m. S:2o P. M. North Coait Limited ..... Twin City Expret..n Kaniai City - St. Loult BjrUl.......M. 8:A,M, 11:1(1 p, M. Pujet Bouud Umlted... lii A. M. . e;5 P. M. Take the Pugot S,ound Limited For Olyuipia, South Bond aud Gruy's Harbor points. .All trains daily. Our trains daily to Tacorua aud tkattlo. Throo throuj-h to the East, A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant "General Passenger Agent 255 Morrison St., cor. Third, PORTLAND, OREGON nPl OREGON SHO JJJ LINE and Union Pacific m PiTi.T rertland. Or. Aaatvi Chleairo Eult Lake, Penrer, 4:30p.M. fnrtland Ft. Wonh.Omaha, Frecial Kaniai City, St. f:iOn,m. LotiU.Cblcaifaand .. la tail. Huntington. Ai'antlo Walla Walla Lewli- : 10 a.m. f. .EzprfM ion, Spokane, Mlii- .. , .. :00p:m. tieapolli.Rt, I'anl, 'via Iniliith. llll-an- nuntlncton. keo,C!ilcgoJiait Ftr-anl Fait Lake, penrer, TlCOa. m. Tat Mall Ft. Worth, Omaha, I00n. m. Kaniai City, St. Tia LouU.Cdluagoaud Cpokan Eait. 72 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No change of cars. , Lo-eitKaei, QuIckeitTira., OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE "HO rOUTIiAND. tttip.m.. All latlln. dam tubjici to change For Pan Franclieo tall t err daja 4l00.l Pallf Ex.Hiiinlajr , tioup.m. Cihtmbla Rlttr itiimtu. r 4 on p.m. Kz. Huuday I'ib.ui m. To Aitorlaand Way -auainii. :Ca.m. i.buu.Uar Willamette Hirer. Ortion City, New. birr. Salem, Inde- fiendence Way audlnga. aiMp.m. Ki. bunday ":00 a.m. Tnti., Thur, aud Bak Wllliwitle ana Yam. kill Mien. J Orrfton City, Day. ion, Way Laud' luga. ' iiwp.m. Won., Wed. andfrl. l:4Sa.mi Tun., Thnr. ndSaL Wltltmitt liter. Portland to Corral. Hi A Way Laud. lBg 4! 10 p.m. Won.. Wed, a&d F(L Tor lew ratei and other Information writ ta A. L. CRAIG, . . v s aeneral Paaaemer Agent, Portlaad, c4 EAST AND SOUTH , VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Shasta Route Tralni lcare Weit Sclo lor Portland and way itatlom at 10:45 a. m. Leave for Albany at 3:05 p.m. Leavei Portland 8:C0 a. m., 7 p. m, ". Albany 12:30 p. m., 10:."Wp. m. Arrirea Aihland 1J:S.I a. in., 11:30 a. ra. Facrainento 6 p. m., 4:35 a. in. San Kranclco7:45 p. m., 8:15 a. m. Ogden .1:45 a. m., 11 :Vi a. m. Dener9a.m., Oa. m. Kaniai City Tiii a. m., 9:39 a. m, CIiIcmko 7:45 a. m., V:w a. m. Loi Augeleii UA) p.m., 7 a. m. KI Pafotlp. in., Op, m. Fort V6rili 0:so n. m., 0:30 p. m. City of Mexico 9 M a. m., 9:45 a. m. llouiton 4 a. m., 4 a.m. Now OrU'iiui 0:'i5 p. in., 0:15 a. m. Waiblngton 0:42 a. m., 0;4i a. m. New York 12:43 p. m., 12;43 p. in. Pullman and Tourlit can on both train i. Chair can t-acramvnto to Ucilen and ElPaio, ami tourlit curt to Chicago, Bt. Louli, Netr Or. learn and WaihliiKton. t'onncptlnir at n Franclieo vrlth leveral lliitH lor llonnliilu, Japan, China, Phlllpplnei, Ctntral and feouth America. R. B. MH.LER, O. P. A., . Portland, Oregon. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trlpi except 8unday, ' TIMS OAKD. Leare Portland...- -r.UHM..Mn.t...M,7()0A. M Learea Aitorla 7:00 I M Through Portland connection with Steamer. .iMtvviiM I4vu ,. ,u wm urtiy ,i.RVU milB WhIU Collar Line tlcketa Interchangeable with 0, U. ii K. Co. and V. T. Co. ticket!. The Dalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMAw aad METLAKO" Dally tripe except Bunday, , "TAHOMA. Learn Portland. Hon., Ve Frl....... 7:00 a. M Leave Ihe Pallet, Tuea.,1 bur. Bat, 7:1)0 A. 14 Sta-. ,METLAKO." Leave Portland-Tue,, Thu., 8au...7 :00 A. itt Leavei The Dalle Mon., Viva., FrL,.,.7:uO A, M. Landing and office: Foot Alder Street. Both phone Main 541. lortland, Oregon. t AGENTS, JOHK M. FILLOON.... Tb. Dallei, Or A. J. TA Yl.OIL........... ..... Aitorla. Or J. J.LUCKEY ......... Hood River. Or nvi-vfnv a, ,, ivv... n uito raiiuon, tvain J. r. WYA1T ...-..,......., Vancouver. Waih R. II. UILIIUKTII t)Je HMg JOHN M. TIITTON... ..Stevenion, Waih II KN It V OLM S rKD ,. .Canon. WMh WM, UUTU5R...... r...Butler, Waih E.W, CRICHTON, - Portland, Oregon 1KHKE FUlNISime GO. ' - . (Iaconorated.) 'Maaufaetarer of Woven Wire Mattresses. rarpet. Portlen.'Kuft. Lace Curiatm. ' Bhadei. Furniture, Wall Paper, Picture Store at Albany and Salem. Or. Fattory at Albany, Ore. Matc Tt-iplt, Albany, Oasaoa, TIT RATI. AND WATER. A STORIA & COLUMBIA Two Siraii Passenger Ms. Doll, WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWLKN Portland. Astoria ? Seaside Lcare Union l)cKt Portland For ilaj-Kern, Rain ier, ClntaKAtilo Wtrtpnrt, Clllton, Aitorla, Worrvii' toll, Flnrel, (lour. Aitorla A Pehore Kxprcu Dally. Aitorla Ezpreia Dally. Arrlvci . Union DoiiOt Portland 8:00 a.m. 11 HO a. CtMp. hi. f2:30 p.m. 9:40 p.m. 'Dallr except Saturday. (Saturday only. Ticket office, 2Ji Morrlion'itreet, and Union depot, Portland. J. C. MAYO, Oen, Pan. Agent, Aitorla, Or, SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. S&AVER, Will leave Portland, foot ot Waihlnuton St., 8unday,Tuciday and 'Ihuridny oronlne nt J n'clocU, for cauvlci lilnnd, Kt. Ilcli'tu, Canlet, Deer lilnnd, Marllm, Kalamn, Neer City, Hauler, Jit. Collin. Mayccr, Utella,- Oak. Point. Frccninni, Mauzanlllo.Clntikanle and all way lauding. '.'BEST OF EVERYTHING'' , In a word thWtctWof tho paa. cnger icrrlc via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE ' Klght Train Dally between Bt. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Lntoat 'llinwn Hlrepera, , 1'errlvaa Ulnliir Cnra, Library amn Oberri.lon Can, Vrea Kecllnlng ChalriCare. THK TWENTIETH CENTUKY TltAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Rum Every Day of the Year. The Finest Train In the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TC- CHICAGO IIY DAYLIGHT. The Badcer State Kxprcu, the (I neat Day Tr nln Running Iletu een Ut Paul aud Chtcngo Ti the Miort Line. Coitueciluui Irom the Weit made Ta. The Northern Pacific, ' Great Northern and Canadian Pacific Railways Thli li aim tie beit line between Omaha, 8t raul and.Mlrinrarollt. All Agentt tell TlckeU Via "Th Northwcit ern Line." V. H. MEAD, General Agent. H. L. SISLGR, T. A. 248 Alder Street, Portland, Or,, , ..OO EAiT. VIA- fe Shortest and. Quickest Line TO ST. PAUL.QULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, ONUBU0 AMI ALL POINTS KAST. Through rlc4 nnd' Tourlai Sleeper. DllllngMiiil llunTet SmuhliiK Library Cr DAILY TRAINS! FAST TIME: 8ERVICE AND BCKNKHY UNyjUALKII. T'rkettto polnti Eait via the Ohiat North- utNimwav.on ale at Columbia Uouthern and O. K. 4 K. Depot Ticket Office, or GaiiT roTHix Ticket omca tii Third St., PortUud, Or. For Katei, Folder and full Information re larding Kaiteru ulpcalt on or addreu A. B. C. DENNISTOK, City Pau. and Ticket Agent, Portland, Or,' L. M. PAIIRI6H. FRANK K. WATKIN8, Notary Public, Notary Public. 0. K. WATKIK& ( mm, WATKINS .1 CO. , REAL ESTATE Insurance, House andJLoaiit Ajfcnis. j 4 IHUta XI r . (Kt(r,( Irtfl j O YKARt' KXPKRICNCK Anvona indln( a ktrh (totally aiwrtaln enr onlnin- frZ wtveauon ta Drobablr nttmhi. rnk- UoDiiUietlrconauantUl. llaadboakoaFauaU UBl f m tliA I FataaM Uk !C5 fr5?J!nM-. iral Attlu, without elarttTl-Use' l AMmmmmmjT' w ' , m IimIiMim -,.r EaUiFr an. sckmifk hum. A haadao-olf HlBtrate4 weekly. ' rJuwaet eftv aulatloa ot any xUattacr tonraa. Tarwa. W a fySorBonta,I. 8oM byaM newade-lara. iHte5MJt v t M t ,